Maternal capital for the adaptation of children with disabilities. Use of maternity capital for the treatment of a child. Maternity capital for the treatment of a disabled child

Since 2016, the owners of maternity capital have been able to spend funds for another purpose, namely, the process of introducing a disabled child to the conditions of life in society. State support for this area is guaranteed by a change dated November 28, 2015, introduced into Law No. 348-FZ, which approves mother capital as a means of state support for families with children.

Matkapital can pay for the needs of any child in the family, regardless of whose birth or adoption gave parents a certificate. For the fastest adaptation in the society of a child with disabilities, the certificate can be used immediately after receipt, without waiting until the child reaches the age of three.

The process of spending funds is prescribed in. In you can find a list of what the state of the Russian Federation can compensate for at the expense of mother capital.

Basic terms

To begin with, we will reveal the terms of social adaptation and integration themselves.

Social adaptation - the adaptation of the individual to the conditions of life of the surrounding society. It is much more difficult for a child with disabilities to become a full-fledged part of society than an ordinary baby, because he has to overcome various difficulties in almost all areas of life: household, educational, work, etc. Such a child needs help for social adaptation, both technical (means of transportation), as well as psychological.

Such adaptation leads to the social integration of the child, when the surrounding people accept him as a full-fledged member of society.

Funds from the mother's capital can become a significant support for the socialization of a child recognized as disabled.

What can be purchased with Maternity Capital?

An Individual Rehabilitation and Habilitation Program (IPRA) is issued to a disabled child for a year or two, in some cases until the age of majority. It includes both free and paid services. The latter can be paid with a certificate for matkapital.

What can a parent get at the expense of mother's capital for his sick child?

  • Technical tools (runways replacing stairs, motorized wheelchairs, motorized beds, blood test instruments).
  • Means that help the child in movement (various types of lifts).
  • Equipment for personal development (braille displays for the visually impaired, stands for reading books and working at a computer, reading and typing machines).
  • Sports goods for the development of motor activity (treadmills with speech output, bicycles for children with cerebral palsy, exercise equipment that activates movements, etc.).
  • Means for facilitating sanitary and hygienic procedures (specialized bathtubs, seats for shower cabins, specialized pieces of furniture).
  • Communication tools with speech output, special keyboards, headphones, electronic organizers, chronometers.
  • Assistance of a secretary-reader.
  • Means that help maintain and develop memory.

The process of receiving state support funds

With the help of mother capital, you can return only the amount that has already been spent on receiving services and goods aimed at the socialization of a disabled child.

How to return money?

  1. In the clinic where the child is attached, it is necessary to take a referral to the ITU (medical and social examination).
  2. Having received a referral, you can go to the institution of medical and social expertise, where the child’s disability and its causes will be established, the necessary types of assistance will be prescribed, and the child’s IPR will be developed.
  3. It is important to keep all receipts and checks when buying specialized goods for disabled children or receiving paid socialization services. At the time of purchase of the goods or receipt of the service, the IPRA must be valid, otherwise the state will not reimburse the costs incurred.
  4. After making a purchase, you need to contact the local department of social protection, leaving a statement about the need to confirm the availability of goods. Within five days, a social security worker should come to check whether you really purchased a certain item, and also issue a certificate of its availability. This act is written in two copies, one of which the employee takes with him, the second remains with the applicant.
  5. Next, you need to contact the local FIU department with a statement about the need to receive compensation for the costs of the purchased service or product.
  6. Within a month, the application must be considered, and if a positive decision is made, the Pension Fund of Russia transfers money to the applicant's account within two months.

Documents for the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

To spend funds for the adaptation of a disabled child in society, you must contact the Pension Fund or MFC branch, having the following papers with you:

  • IPRA, containing the individual data of the child and a list of those measures that will help him become an active part of society (except for those that are provided free of charge);
  • the passport;
  • documents that can confirm the purchase of goods or the receipt of a service (receipt, service agreement, warranty or operational documentation for the purchased item);
  • an act of checking the availability of the purchased goods (the data on the owner of the certificate for mother capital must also be indicated in the act);
  • bank details of the applicant (for transferring compensation to the card).

It is also possible to apply through a representative who, in addition to all of the above, will need his passport and a power of attorney confirming his authority.

Is it possible to pay for the treatment of a child with mother capital?

Federal maternity capital funds cannot be directed to the treatment of a child, that is, it is impossible to pay for the medical care provided to him, to return money from medicines purchased for him or other goods that are assigned to him free of charge.

A complete list of services provided free of charge to children with disabilities is regulated. What does this list include?

  • Activities for the rehabilitation of the child, including medications.
  • Recovery therapy.
  • Treatment in a sanatorium.
  • Surgery to replace or repair the affected organ.
  • Services for simultaneous speech transmission for the deaf with the help of fingers and hands (sign language interpretation).
  • Technical means (voice-forming devices, crutches, wheelchairs, orthoses, orthopedic shoes, glasses for vision correction, handrails, prostheses, diapers, guide dogs, hearing aids, special clothing, devices for listening to audio books, etc.).
  • Services for updating and repairing technical equipment.

All of the above cannot be paid with maternity capital just because the state is obliged to provide every child recognized as disabled with this equipment and services free of charge. However, this often does not happen, and at the federal and regional levels, the issue of new changes in the law on the designated purpose of maternity (family) capital is raised again and again.

Regional capital for the treatment of a child

There are a number of subjects of the Russian Federation where the government has introduced payments of regional materiel capital (RMK), which can be received at the birth of a third child and subsequent children. Each region sets its own RMC amounts and rules for their disposal. Some regions provide the opportunity to pay for the treatment of a child with RCC funds.

  • In the Republic of Sakha, a certificate for RMK can pay for high-tech medical care, medical rehabilitation of a child, as well as treatment in Russian sanatoriums.
  • In the Oryol region, parents can pay for the treatment of a disabled child with the regional capital.
  • In the Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the Voronezh Region, it is also possible to pay for medical care through a certificate of regional mother capital.

The authorities of some regions provide the opportunity to pay for the purchase of technical means of rehabilitation with the regional capital capital (Krasnoyarsk Territory, Leningrad Region, Perm Territory), others - payment for the sanatorium treatment of a child (Krasnoyarsk Territory, Tomsk Region, St. Petersburg, Buryatia, Perm Territory, Tula Region) . In Komi, once a year, a large family can receive 25,000 rubles (from RCC funds) for a trip to a sanatorium.

The government of each region independently determines the size of the RMK, as well as all the nuances of obtaining it. In some areas, to obtain a certificate, it is necessary to have a permanent registration in this subject for at least a year, in others, the family must be recognized as poor. All these nuances need to be learned separately in the bodies of social protection of the population.


Unfortunately, so far the state of Russia does not provide the holder of a certificate for mother capital with the opportunity to send him for the treatment of a child, unless this treatment is included in the paid services provided for a small disabled person under the IPR. However, with the help of a certificate, you can help a child with a disability to get used to society more quickly.

Some regions of the country still give their citizens the opportunity to receive local capital (although this right applies to large families and subject to a number of conditions), which can pay for medical services or health resorts for children.

One of the purposes for which family capital can be spent is treatment.

However, the concept of "treatment" is very loose and you need to clearly know what exactly is allowed here.

It is one thing to pay for services to get a disabled baby on its feet, and quite another if a mother wants to improve her health with the help of a subsidy.

What is possible and what is not?..

Letter of the law

Can maternity capital be used for treatment?

Yes, this is one of those goals that Federal Law No. 256-FZ provides.

Since 2009, such conversations have been going on, but the final innovation, approving the fourth permissible purpose for spending family capital, was approved only in 2015, by Federal Law No. 348-FZ.

Before that, it could only be directed to the funded part of the parent's pension, or.

But if the concept of "housing issue" includes a whole range of options - this is the first installment of a new one, and the repayment of an existing one, and the expansion, and, and simply or - then the concept of "treatment" is much narrower.

The only acceptable option is services and goods for the rehabilitation and adaptation of a disabled child. Moreover, the mentioned goods and services should be included in the list of categories provided for by the individual program for the rehabilitation and adaptation of a disabled child (IPRA). And it's all.

What is included in the list of rehabilitation measures for persons with disabilities, provided for by Federal Law No. 181-FZ (On the Social Protection of the Disabled), can no longer be paid from the family “case”. This must be taken into account when planning how to help the baby find a place in a full life.

But that's not all "but".

The principle of payment here will be somewhat different than, for example, in a mortgage. - an apartment is selected there, an agreement is drawn up, submitted to the Pension Fund for consideration, and it makes payment.

It won't be the same here... the request for disposal must be sent after the goods and services have been paid for, and the Pension Fund makes some kind of compensation. In other words, if your family has suffered such a difficult fate as the birth or adoption of a child with disabilities, then you will first have to open your wallet.

Only later, when the checks are on hand, can we sort out what the state can compensate for this, and what will be taken for granted for a loving and caring family. And invite employees of social protection agencies to confirm and draw up an appropriate document.

That is, such an opportunity is not designed to improve the health of the mother and father- adults are obliged to resolve issues on their own, including financial ones, including those related to health.

For more information on what you can spend maternity capital on, see the video below:

Learn more about how to use the mat. capital for the needs of the family, read.

Maternal capital for the treatment of the mother

Impossible. At the moment, the State Duma is considering a bill on this issue. But no changes were made to Federal Law No. 256-FZ in this regard.

As before, you can pay, or rather, compensate for a number of services for the rehabilitation of a small person with disabilities.

We treat mom's teeth

The law does not provide for the use of maternity capital for the treatment of mother's teeth, although such an initiative has been voiced more than once.

Probably, in the future this addition will be introduced into the legislation, but so far there is no such rule (read more about the latest version of the rules on maternity capital).

Child rehabilitation

In addition, the use of maternity capital for the treatment of a child is also not provided for by law - unless we are talking about a specifically agreed range of services and goods for the rehabilitation of children with disabilities.

Important: You don't have to wait until the third birthday of your son or daughter.

For example, if a baby is seriously ill and he needs an expensive operation, mom and dad will not be able to have family capital for this. You will have to decide the issue yourself - use your own savings, for example, or take a loan from a bank.

Important: the package of mandatory documents when submitting an application also includes an act of verification by social authorities. protection, confirming that the services and goods from the list approved by the Government were actually paid for.

What are these goods and services?

Back in 2015, the government increased the number of areas for using maternity capital. Previously, it was allowed to invest in:

  • acquisition (construction) of apartments and houses;
  • children's education;
  • pension savings.

Since 2016, it has been allowed to use state aid funds for the treatment of a child with limited physical abilities. This rule was approved by law No. 438-FZ of November 28, 2015. He amends the main normative act (No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006). Consider how to put into practice in 2020 a new rule for the use of mother capital.

Download for viewing and printing:

The essence of innovation

The Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) published data according to which the number of families - holders of the certificate, which contain children with disabilities, in 2016 was 13.5 thousand. All these citizens need real support from the state. The socialization of children with disabilities is not an easy, and most importantly, financially costly task.

In this regard, the legislator decided to redirect part of the state aid to families with children for the following needs:

  • rehabilitation measures for children with fixed disabilities;
  • on their socialization (assistance in integration into the social environment).

The declared directions are practically implemented in the following ways:

  1. Acquisition of goods prescribed in an individual rehabilitation or adaptation program (IPRA).
  2. Compensation for the costs of IPRA services.
Attention: the exact list of special equipment and services is approved by a government act.

Limiting conditions for the implementation of the amendment to the law

Conditions for investing mother's capital in the rehabilitation and habilitation of children with disabilities:

  1. Activities are described in the IPRA.
  2. Money is allowed to be used for any child with disabilities brought up in a family.
  3. It is forbidden to direct state aid money to funds and medical care provided free of charge.
  4. Adopted children are among the children to whom maternity capital can be directed.
  5. The transfer of money from the budget is carried out exclusively in the form of compensation for already incurred costs after checking their intended use.
Important: it is necessary to confirm the investment of money in rehabilitation measures with an inspection report (drawn up by social service authorities).

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Legal Framework

Specific areas for the use of mother capital for the treatment of a child are set out in regulations:

  1. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 380 dated April 30, 2016 "Rules for the allocation of maternity capital funds to disabled children."
  2. Order No. 831-r dated April 30, 2016, containing a list of goods and services for the social adaptation and integration of children with disabilities.
Attention: services and technical means that are not specified in one of the above documents cannot be paid with budget money. Download for viewing and printing:

What is rehabilitation and social adaptation

To deal with where it is allowed to spend funds on a certificate, it is necessary to define concepts.

  1. Under the rehabilitation of people with limited physical abilities, they understand activities that help restore impaired functions. Ideally, a program is selected that contributes to a person's normal perception of his life and society.
  2. Habilitation includes activities that help shape lost or missing opportunities. For example, behavior in everyday life, educational skills, playing and working abilities.
Attention: the social adaptation of a child with disabilities contributes to the restoration or development of his ties with society, including at the household level.

It should be added that this process is complex and time-consuming. To achieve these goals, not only special means are needed, but also constant, systematic efforts of parents and doctors.

What is IPRA

The adaptation or rehabilitation program is compiled exclusively by specialists. That is, it needs to be done. To do this, you should contact the federal body of medical and social expertise (ITU) (the pediatrician will tell you).

This state body is guided by the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated July 31, 2015 No. 528n. The document contains the rules for compiling the IPRA. In particular, such a program can be developed on

  • one year;
  • two years;
  • until the age of majority of a child with disabilities.

In addition, it includes two types of events (indicated by separate lists):

  • free;
  • paid.
Important: spending public money will be allowed only for the second type of events (for paid ones). Download for viewing and printing:

What is included in the IPRA

The program is compiled individually based on the physical examination of the disabled person and the available documentation about his health. It includes the following information:

  1. Opportunities available to the child:
    • to movement;
    • to orientation;
    • to games and learning;
    • to control their own behavior;
  2. Required rehabilitation and habilitation measures:
  3. Medical nature, prosthetics, for example;
    • psychological and pedagogical direction;
    • social (household, introduction into the environment, socio-cultural and others);
    • physical education;
  4. Planned results of the program;
  5. What funds are needed from the budget:
    • federal;
    • local;
  6. Other types of support to overcome social restrictions.
Recommendation: parents planning to involve mother capital in the implementation of the IPR should carefully consider the list of paid (not for budgetary funds) services and necessary goods.

Directions for the use of funds

The list does not include facilities and services provided free of charge. They are described in the government order of December 30, 2005 No. 2347-r. They will not be allowed to direct matkapital to them.

According to government decree No. 831 dated February 30, 2016, the list of funds and services compensated for money under the certificate includes:

  1. Mobility aids, including:
    • ramps and lifts with rail fastening;
    • beds, specialized chairs equipped with a motor.
  2. High-tech devices that promote social skills, such as braille displays.
  3. Equipment that helps the development of the physical body, including for sports activities (exercise equipment, wheelchairs, jogging tracks, etc.).
  4. Sanitary and hygienic equipment of a specialized type and functionality (tables, dishes, chairs).
  5. Devices that allow you to better perceive reality, that is, to communicate with the environment (dictaphones, clockwork, magnifiers, telephones).
  6. Services of a reader-secretary.
Important: they will only be allowed to send mother's capital if the goods or services from the government list are included in the child's IPR. Download for viewing and printing:

The procedure for using budget money for rehabilitation and habilitation in 2020

The law stipulates that expenses are compensated by state money. Thus, parents raising a child with disabilities will first have to invest their savings in the activities planned in the IPRA. Only after the goods are purchased will the Pension Fund pay for them.

Important: compensation is carried out only after the submission of a package of documents, including proof of costs.

The step-by-step algorithm of actions can be described as follows:

  1. Obtaining IPRA in ITU bodies.
  2. The study of the document and the implementation of its activities.
  3. Purchasing at your own expense only devices specified in the program.
  4. Collection of all payment documents.
  5. Appeal to the local branch of the FIU with a package of papers (there is a list below).
  6. Filling in the order on spending the funds of the mother capital (on a special form).
  7. Waiting for the decision of the FIU (at least a month).
  8. Receipt of money in case of approval of the application (two months from the date of application).
Attention: state aid money can be spent in whole or in parts. In the latter case, you will have to submit several applications to the FIU.

List of documents

The application to the FIU must be accompanied by identification papers and proving the targeted spending. These include:

  • a copy of the passport of the person - the recipient of the capital;
  • certificate (duplicate, if issued);
  • a copy of the IPRA, pages indicating the necessary paid rehabilitation facilities;
  • confirmation of costs in the form of:
    • checks;
    • invoices;
    • contracts;
    • warranty cards for goods and more;
  • an act drawn up by the social service, upon checking the availability of the transferred funds, indicating:
    • personal data of the certificate holder;
    • descriptions and names of means of rehabilitation;
    • confirmation of the fact of its compliance with the IPRA and the current regulatory legal acts (employees know how to draw up this document);
  • a certificate from a banking institution with account details for transferring money;
  • a notarized power of attorney and a passport of the representative (if one is involved in the application).
Important: you can dispose of maternity capital for the treatment of a child immediately after issuing a certificate, without waiting for the child's three years.

Regional support programs for children with disabilities

Some subjects of the federation have legislated their own programs to stimulate the birth rate, similar to the national one. In them, the conditions for the use of a regional matcapial are set at the discretion of the local government.
In particular, a number of regions have allowed spending assistance to families with children on the social rehabilitation of disabled people.

  1. It is allowed to compensate for the receipt of paid medical services with money according to a regional certificate in the Republic of Kalmykia, Yakutia (Sakha), Tyva and Khakassia, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, Ulyanovsk and some other regions.
  2. In Yakutia, it is allowed to use budgetary funds to pay for high-tech care for children with disabilities, just like in the Nenets Okrug.
  3. Oryol authorities allow transfer of mother's capital for the treatment of disabled children.
  4. The government of the Republic of Komi approved among the permitted purposes of investing mother capital - the annual receipt of cash in the amount of 25 thousand rubles. for recreational activities.
  5. The Nizhny Novgorod authorities allowed the use of regional family capital for summer holidays and recreation in a non-cash form.
  6. The Krasnoyarsk and Perm governments have added to the list of permitted uses of the certificate by acquiring rehabilitation equipment. The same was done in the Leningrad region.
Important: this is not a complete list of local solutions. More specifically, you can find out about them on the relevant official Internet portals or in the administration at the place of residence.

Other areas of application of regional mother capital

There has long been a dispute in society about expanding the permitted areas for investing federal certificate funds. However, the last major changes to this issue were made in 2015 (for the rehabilitation of disabled children).

And in the regions, the authorities go towards the citizens. Here are some examples:

  1. The Nenets government allows you to invest a local certificate in the construction of a garage.
  2. It is allowed to buy a car at the expense of local assistance for residents - certificate holders in:
    • the republics of Sakha (Yakutia) and Buryatia;
    • Kaliningrad, Leningrad, Murmansk, Saratov, Orel and other regions;
    • the city of St. Petersburg;
    • Kamchatka and Krasnoyarsk Territories.

It is allowed to spend local capital on durable items (furniture, for example) for parents in the Tver, Murmansk, Kaliningrad regions, the Republic of Buryatia, and the Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

Important: legislation regarding the use of state and regional assistance to families with children is constantly being improved. The current directions of local programs should be found out in the relevant government agencies.

Since the beginning of the program, the opportunities for using maternity capital have gradually expanded. Now MSC funds can also be spent on disabled children, or rather on the purchase of goods and services for their social adaptation and integration into society. But the joy of innovation for certificate holders with children with special needs was quickly replaced by disappointment.

Reasons for disappointment were as follows:

Towards the positives innovations include:

  • the possibility of using maternity capital in relation to any disabled child in the family regardless of the order of birth;
  • allocate MSC funds in this direction possible at any time- without waiting until the child is three years old, whose birth gave the right to a certificate.

What can maternity capital for disabled children be spent on?

Assistance provided by the government to families with disabled children free of charge within the framework of Law No. 181-FZ of November 24, 1995 "On Social Protection of the Disabled", strictly regulated federal list providing:

  • rehabilitation measures;
  • technical means of rehabilitation (TSR);
  • services.

As for the maternity capital for children with limitations of any abilities on the basis of an issued certificate by the ITU, its use in this area is provided for by Art. 11.1 of Law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006 "On additional measures of state support for families with children". This article was introduced into the law in 2015, and it is formally valid from January 1, 2016.

The amendments made to the law on materiel capital suggest the presence of two more very important documents, adopted by the Government of the Russian Federation much later, only in May 2016 :

For a particular child, a habilitation (IPRA) is also established, taking into account his specific characteristics. Such a program is issued by the medical and social examination (ITU) at the time of examination. Thus, maternity capital can be spent for rehabilitation activities for disabled children:

  • included in the individual rehabilitation program by decision of the ITU commission;
  • not included in the free federal list.


On the paid medical goods services(treatment and medicines, medical rehabilitation) to spend maternity capital not allowed!

What disabled children are entitled to free of charge according to the federal list

Activities intended for the rehabilitation of disabled children are guaranteed by the state and are provided free of charge according to the federal list. This process is organized in the form of sanatorium-resort and rehabilitation treatment, prosthetics, provision of medicines and technical equipment. Use maternity capital for these goods and services it is forbidden!

The free federal list was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2347-r dated December 30, 2005, consists of 26 items and includes:

  • Rehabilitation activities- reconstructive and restorative treatment, including drugs, prosthetics and orthotics.
  • Special means of rehabilitation:
    • for care (canes, supports, wheelchairs, handrails);
    • for hygiene (devices for dressing, grabbing objects, anti-decubitus mattresses, absorbent underwear);
    • for orientation (assistance of guide dogs, including a set of equipment);
    • prosthetic products (prostheses proper, orthopedic shoes, hearing aids, special underwear);
    • for education (special devices for reading the visually impaired, etc.);
    • for communication (TVs with teletext for the hearing impaired, devices that form a voice).
  • Rehabilitation services:
    • for the repair of TSR;
    • maintenance of guide dogs;
    • sign language and tiflo sign language translation.


Special rehabilitation facilities and services provided for by the federal list are financed by the state. TSR are transferred to a disabled child free of charge and are not subject to subsequent sale or donation.

If a technical device from the free list was purchased independently by the child's parents, then they have the right to reimbursement of expenses incurred within the limits of the value of the funds provided for by the document. To do this, they need to contact the social security authorities at the place of residence.

In addition to the list of benefits established by federal law, financial assistance can be provided at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments, which should be further clarified with the social protection authorities.

List of goods and services for social adaptation and integration into society

This document includes several sections of rehabilitation measures of various types:

  • medical;
  • professional;
  • psychological and pedagogical;
  • social;
  • physical culture and health;
  • to provide technical means and rehabilitation services provided at the expense of the federal budget;
  • on the use of materiel for the purchase of goods and services for social adaptation.

In case of making changes or additions to the IPRA, it is necessary to issue new direction for medical and social expertise (MSE) and draw up a new individual rehabilitation program, which can be difficult for disabled children, especially with severe malformations.


The period of validity of the individual rehabilitation program must be valid on the day of purchase of goods and services. When using maternity capital, it is mandatory to fill out the relevant section of the IPRA indicating a specific product or service.

Compensation of expenses for the purchase of goods and services from maternity capital

In case of reimbursement of expenses for the purchase of goods and services from maternity capital, the certificate holder must apply to several authorities:

  • to the Social Security authorities(USZN) with an application for an inspection report on the availability of the purchased goods, provided for by the list approved by the Government and the IPR;
  • to the Pension Fund of Russia(PFR) to apply for the disposal of maternity capital funds.
During five days the authorized body draws up an inspection report, after which the certificate holder can apply to the FIU together with for compensation for the costs incurred.

Transfer of funds to the owner of the certificate is carried out to the bank account specified in the application during two months from the date of the written request. The maternity capital must fully cover the costs of the purchased goods intended for a disabled child, on the basis of the submitted payment documents (in an amount not exceeding the actual costs incurred).


With the adoption of new amendments to the law on maternity capital, more questions than answers remain. Intentions to expand the use of MSCs in such an important area as the treatment and rehabilitation of disabled children turned out to be severely limited by all sorts of delays on the part of the state.

The adopted law on the use of maternity capital funds for goods and services for disabled children has not yet found a response from the Russians due to the lengthy preparatory process in an issue that does not tolerate delay. As of autumn 2016 in the FIU

Parents of disabled children solve the problem of how to provide children with a normal lifestyle, give them the opportunity to communicate with other children, and learn. To provide the child with everything necessary, funds are needed. Services of doctors, special means of rehabilitation, medicines, all this costs a lot of money.

Financial support can be obtained from the state. Since 2016 years, parents can spend maternity capital in the interests of a child with a disability.

First, parents must spend their money on the rehabilitation of the child, then the state compensates for the costs.

What does social rehabilitation mean?

This is help that will enable the child to feel like a full-fledged member of society. It includes the restoration of health and adaptation to the life of a person whose capabilities are limited.

We are talking about the purchase of goods that make it possible to serve oneself at home, to study, to engage in professional activities.

4 tasks that social rehabilitation solves:

  • adaptation to the life of a child with disabilities;
  • creation of conditions for self-service;
  • health recovery;
  • creation of conditions for study and professional activities.

Social rehabilitation gives the child the opportunity to adapt to a normal life after returning from a medical institution.

Designing a rehabilitation program for a child with a disability

A rehabilitation program for a child with a disability is drawn up in a medical institution. The program lists basic information about the child and his state of health and indicates what is needed to make the child's life more comfortable. It lists what medical devices and medicines the child needs for a normal life.

5 reasons to apply for an individual rehabilitation program:

  1. To get an education.
  2. Receive unemployment benefits.
  3. Get a referral for training from the employment service.
  4. Get funds to help you get back to life.
  5. Apply for a job.

How to use maternity capital for the rehabilitation of a child

Previously, maternity capital funds could not be used for the rehabilitation of a disabled child. Since the beginning of 2016 the situation has changed for the better. Parents can use maternity capital to create comfortable conditions for a child with disabilities.

The new rule was established by subparagraph 4 of paragraph 3 of the Law "On additional measures of social support for those who have children."

Parents have the right to receive compensation, regardless of whether their child is their own or adopted.

Algorithm on how to direct maternity capital for the rehabilitation of a child with a disability:

  • Visit a medical institution and take a referral from the attending physician for a medical and social examination;
  • Contact the organization of medical and social expertise;
  • Contact the specialists of the department of social protection;
  • Contact the Pension Fund office.

Passing a medical and social examination

The purpose of applying to the ITU: to include in the child's individual rehabilitation program information that the child needs medicines and rehabilitation means to adapt to society.

Parents need to prepare a child's birth certificate, an outpatient card, a certificate confirming disability. The set of documents also includes an individual program for the rehabilitation of the child, extracts from medical organizations, referral for medical and social examination.

Contacting the social security agency

Social Security Specialist for 5 days from the moment of application, he comes to the house and draws up an act. The act confirms that the parents really bought the medicine or medical device for the needs of the child.

We submit documents to the FIU

11 types of documents to be submitted to the pension fund:

  • statement of the owner of the parent certificate;
  • SNILS (how to get SNILS);
  • the passport;
  • power of attorney, if another person acts on behalf of the applicant;
  • an individual rehabilitation program that is valid on the day when the parents bought goods and services for the child;
  • receipts, checks confirming the purchase of medicines;
  • contract confirming the purchase;
  • cash or sales receipt;
  • invoices;
  • an act of verification signed by the parents and a social protection specialist;
  • bank account details.

Documents can be handed over to a specialist of the Pension Fund branch or contacted with them at the multifunctional center of public services.

What goods can you spend maternity capital on?

The answer to this question is given by the Government by Decree No. 831-r of April 30, 2016. It lists goods for the purchase of which parents can spend maternity capital:

  • lenses that correct vision;
  • computer technology;
  • tools to help adapt to work;
  • means for moving a disabled person who is forced to be in a wheelchair;
  • phones for communication.

The number of goods and services that are purchased for the rehabilitation of a disabled child can be any. There is only one limitation - the amount of maternity capital. If necessary, changes can be made to the rehabilitation program.

Please note that the rehabilitation program is valid on the day you buy goods for the child. Keep all receipts and receipts for the purchase of medicines and rehabilitation products.

You will have to wait from the moment of submission of documents to receipt of payment 2 months, then the money will go to the bank account. At the same time, wait until the child turns 3 years you don’t have to: maternity capital funds can be spent on a child earlier than this period.

If your family needs money, you need to apply to the FIU for a one-time payment. The family can receive and spend on any needs 25 000 rubles from the certificate.

What you can not spend the funds of the certificate

The law establishes a restriction on the use of a mother's certificate. Funds cannot be spent on rehabilitation funds, which are paid from the federal budget.

3 restrictions on the use of capital:

  • Paid treatment;
  • Vouchers for sanatorium treatment;
  • Services for the repair of rehabilitation facilities.

A complete list of goods and services for which maternity capital funds cannot be used was approved by the Government (Decree No. 2347-r adopted on December 30, 2015).

We believe that in any case, it is necessary to use the opportunity provided by the state and collect documents confirming the right to receive payments.

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