How to stop bleeding. Hemostatic agents for uterine bleeding

Wounds, scratches, injuries - all these troubles are accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the skin and the release of blood from damaged vessels.

Bleeding is a threat to human life and health. Even a bleeding finger can become a potential threat to its owner. Therefore, to know and be able to apply the knowledge of stopping bleeding in practice is to protect, first of all, yourself and your family members, and in severe cases, save them.

Bleeding: a little about anatomy and physiology

The main reason for the development of bleeding is trauma, a violation of the integrity of the vascular network that feeds certain organs. Damage occurs when tissues break, as a sign or as a result of a serious illness - spontaneous abortion, due to a violation of the blood coagulation process.


Nature has laid in the body of every living being a mechanism of protection against blood loss. The hemostasis system is responsible for the totality of the processes of stopping bleeding.

When blood vessels are damaged, a special substance, thrombin, begins to be produced, which starts the process of fibrin production. As a result, fibrin filaments gather into a ball, forming a clot - a blood clot. The task of this formation is to block the damaged vessel and stop bleeding.

With extensive injuries, the body cannot produce the necessary components to stop blood loss on its own. Without additional outside help, everything can end sadly.

Signs and types of bleeding

There are several classifications of bleeding. Depending on the type of pathological process, the method of first aid also varies.

According to the manifestations are distinguished:

  • external bleeding - blood is poured out of the skin;
  • internal - outflow occurs in the internal cavities of the body. It is dangerous that for a long time it may not give external signs of pathology.

According to the type of damaged vessel, there are:

  • venous;
  • capillary;
  • arterial;
  • mixed bleeding.

When large main vessels are damaged, arterial bleeding . In this process, the color of the poured out blood is bright scarlet, as it is saturated with oxygen. It pours out in bursts at high speed. It is impossible to stop it on your own.

Venous bleeding have a lower flow rate. The blood is dark red, cherry. Impossible to stop on your own.

capillary bleeding develops when small vessels are damaged throughout the area of ​​the wound surface. Not intense . It is possible to stop this type of bleeding without resorting to specialized medical care..

Internal blood loss is determined by the increasing general symptoms and the presence of trauma in history. The patient has a sharp weakness, pallor of the skin, cyanosis, weakness of the pulse, thirst, drowsiness. or heavy breathing indicates hemorrhage in the lungs. Violation of nervous regulation, paralysis of one or more muscle groups, confusion of consciousness - this is a sign of a hemorrhage in the cranium - a rupture of an aneurysm or.

If internal bleeding is suspected, urgent hospitalization of the patient in the intensive care unit is required.

First aid for bleeding

In case of extensive injuries, non-intensive but prolonged bleeding, signs of a stroke, the victim should be urgently taken to a medical facility or emergency services should be called. With extensive capillary effusion, it is also recommended to contact a medical institution.

How to stop external bleeding

First aid procedures depend on the type of bleeding.

If small vessels are damaged, the affected area is treated with an antiseptic - for example, hydrogen peroxide - and closed with gauze. Secure the swab with a plaster or apply a sterile bandage. In this case, you need to ensure that the bandage does not pinch the vessels.

If there are signs of arterial bleeding, then the damaged vessel should be clamped above the wound surface. The bleeding must stop. Call emergency services. If possible, apply a tourniquet. It can be either a specialized medical device, or any improvised item - a belt, a scarf, a belt from a dress or a bag belt. The main thing is to pinch the damaged vessel.

Previously, a gauze napkin is applied to the damaged limb. Be sure to attach a note to the tourniquet with the exact time of applying the bandage.

The tourniquet should not remain on the injured limb for more than 2 hours in warm weather and more than 1.5 hours in winter . If medical assistance is late, then after this interval the bandage should be loosened for 5 minutes, and then the limb should be clamped again. In this time interval, the damaged vessel is pinched with fingers or a fist, that is, in any case, new bleeding should not be allowed to develop.

With venous hemorrhage, the blood flows slowly, continuously and without shocks. A pressure bandage is applied to the wound and the victim is urgently hospitalized in a medical facility.

Exception to the rule

There are a number of external bleeding that cannot be stopped with pressure bandages.

What to do in this case?

Outpouring of blood from the mouth, throat, hemoptysis.

This is a sign of the development of hemorrhage in the system of the lungs and bronchi, the stomach. The victim should be seated and cold should be applied to the stomach area.. Do not talk to the patient.

If you suspect stomach bleeding - complete rest, lay the victim on his side so that blood does not enter the trachea. Cold on the stomach.

Help with uterine bleeding

In severe cases, the intensity may increase.

First aid:

Help with

Despite the apparent absence of a threat to human life, this type of hemorrhage can cause extensive blood loss with developing weakness and iron deficiency.

First aid:

  • the victim should be in a state of reclining or sitting;
  • insert a swab soaked in an antiseptic into the nostrils;
  • ice on the nose.


You should not tilt your head back. In this case, the discharge will begin to ooze through the larynx, and the patient will swallow it. External manifestations of bleeding will stop, but the formation of a fibrin clot will slow down.

After stopping the pathological process, the victim needs rest. During this period, hot food or drink is prohibited, but warm food is indicated. You should also wait with spicy seasonings.


With recurring episodes of nasal hemorrhages, you need to contact an otolaryngologist and examine the system of the nose and maxillary sinuses.

Hemorrhage in the eye system

The use of a pressure bandage is prohibited. Apply a gauze bandage to the affected organ and deliver to the eye department of the hospital.

What to do with internal hemorrhages of any etiology

It is impossible to stop such blood loss on your own.. If there is a suspicion of damage to the internal great vessels, a stroke, emergency hospitalization is indicated.

A patient with internal bleeding is indicated for urgent intervention to revise the internal cavities of the body and stop the hemorrhage. Patients with a stroke are hospitalized in the appropriate department. Treatment for this diagnosis is conservative.

Which doctor to contact for bleeding

The choice of a specialist depends on the location of the site of violation of the integrity of the vessel.

What is uterine bleeding?

Uterine bleeding is the discharge of blood from the uterus. Most often, it is a serious symptom of diseases of the female body. Any uterine bleeding should be diagnosed in time, and the woman should receive medical assistance. Ignoring such a symptom leads to serious consequences, even death. It is important to know that normal uterine bleeding includes only menstruation, the duration of which is up to 5 days, with stable interruptions, 28 days long. All other bleeding is a pathology and requires medical supervision.

Menstruation (menstruation) is the only physiologically normal type of uterine bleeding. Usually its duration is from three to five days, and the interval between menstruation (menstrual cycle) normally lasts from 21 to 35 days. Most often, the first couple of days of menstruation are not abundant, the next two are intensified and, at the end, again become scarce; blood loss these days should be no more than 80 ml. Otherwise, iron deficiency anemia develops.

In healthy women, menstruation is painless. In case of pain, weakness and dizziness, a woman should consult a doctor.

The onset of menstruation usually occurs at 11-15 years of age and lasts until the end of the reproductive period (menopause). During pregnancy and breastfeeding, menstruation is absent, but this phenomenon is temporary.

It is important to remember that the early onset of spotting in girls (before 10 years of age), as well as in women after menopause (45–55 years of age), is an alarming sign of serious illness.

Sometimes spotting in the middle of the cycle (on the 10-15th day after the end of menstruation) can become a variant of the norm. Their cause is hormonal fluctuations after ovulation: the walls of the uterine vessels become excessively permeable, so vaginal discharge may have blood impurities. Such discharge should not last more than two days. Sometimes the cause of spotting becomes an inflammatory process, so a woman should definitely consult a gynecologist.

A variant of the norm is also implantation bleeding, which occurs as a result of the introduction of the embryo into the uterine wall. This process occurs a week after conception.

Why are uterine bleeding dangerous?

Uterine bleeding has the ability to increase rapidly, not stop for a long time and difficult to stop.

Therefore, depending on what type of bleeding a woman has, it can be dangerous with such consequences as:

    With moderate but regular blood loss, anemia of varying severity can develop. It begins if the volume of released blood is 80 ml. Although in such conditions there is no direct threat to the life of a woman, however, this process cannot be left without attention.

    A large loss of blood may be due to simultaneous heavy bleeding, which is difficult to stop. Most often, surgery is required, with the replacement of lost blood and removal of the uterus.

    The risk of progression of the underlying disease. In this case, we are talking about small blood loss, to which the woman does not pay attention and does not go for medical help. At the same time, blood loss, even in a small amount, can eventually lead either to profuse bleeding, or to the fact that the disease that caused it will go into a neglected form.

    The danger of bleeding in pregnant women or in women in the postpartum period is that it can end in a state of shock. The intensity and severity of this condition is due to the fact that the uterus is not able to fully contract and stop blood loss on its own.

There are many reasons that can cause uterine bleeding. In order to systematize them, it should be understood that the resulting blood loss can be a malfunction in organ systems, as well as disorders in the genital area.

Extragenital causes of uterine bleeding, that is, those caused by disorders in the work of non-genital organs include:

    Some diseases of an infectious nature are: sepsis, typhoid fever, influenza, measles.

    Diseases of the hematopoietic system, these are: hemophilia, hemorrhagic vasculitis, low levels of vitamin C and K, etc.

    Cirrhosis of the liver.

    Prolapse of the urethra.

    Disorders in the activity of the cardiovascular system, for example, hypertension, atherosclerosis, etc.

    Decreased functionality of the thyroid gland.

The causes of uterine bleeding are genital, in turn, may be associated with the bearing of a child by a woman.

During pregnancy, the following causes of bleeding from the uterus are distinguished:

    Ectopic pregnancy.

    Pathology of the fetal egg.

    The presence of a scar on the uterus.

    Placenta previa, its low location or early detachment.

    Various processes of destruction of uterine tissues.

    Rupture of the uterus during labor.

    Injury to the birth canal (vagina or vulva).

    Infringement or delay of the departed placenta.


    trophoblastic disease.

    Myoma of the uterus.



Genital bleeding can occur in a woman who is not carrying a child. Causes for them include:

    Dyscirculatory bleeding, which, in turn, can be climateric, reproductive and juvenile.

    Tumors of the ovaries or uterus, both benign and malignant, such as fibromyomas.

    Adenomyosis, characterized by the introduction of the uterine mucosa into its wall.

    Rupture of a cyst or rupture of the ovary itself.

    Any injury to the uterus.

    Diseases of an inflammatory nature, these include cervicitis, vaginitis, endometritis, erosion, endocervicosis.

    Damage to the external genitalia.

    Taking oral contraceptives.

    Sexual abuse.

Uterine bleeding with menopause

It is a mistake to assume that a woman does not have discharge during menopause. However, even during the premenopausal period, she needs to pay attention to their nature and quantity. Sometimes menstruation may be absent for several months, and sometimes go regularly. This is due to the fact that ovulation has a different frequency, and fluctuations in hormone levels also occur. Such changes are considered normal and should not cause concern for a woman.

The following should alert her and become a reason for contacting a doctor:

    Heavy bleeding that hygiene products cannot cope with.

    Discharges accompanied by clots.

    Bleeding between periods.

    The duration of bleeding is more than three days than usual.

You can not leave such uterine bleeding during menopause, because they may indicate a hormonal imbalance, polyps or uterine fibroids, endocrine disorders, ovarian tumors and other serious diseases.

Uterine bleeding due to hormonal failure

Uterine bleeding can occur in a woman with a hormonal failure that has occurred in the body. This problem is relevant for the fairer sex at any age. This happens when there is a violation of the amount of hormones or when their ratio changes.

Hormonal failure can be caused by a number of reasons:

    Violations occur due to the fact that the brain incorrectly regulates their production, for example, in pathologies of the pituitary gland.

    Sometimes bleeding opens due to the pathology of the gonads. This can occur due to inflammatory processes in the ovaries, with tumors, cysts.

    Chronic fatigue syndrome, especially enhanced by starvation and exhaustion of the body, can also cause bleeding.

    Pronounced hormonal disorders occur during puberty girls, during pregnancy and after childbirth, after abortion.

    Sometimes hereditary predisposition and taking certain hormonal pills can affect.

    Prolonged bleeding can develop against the background of a medical abortion, which has recently gained momentum in popularity.

For the treatment of bleeding caused by hormonal disruptions, an individual approach is required. It will depend on the cause that caused bloody discharge from the uterus.

Uterine bleeding after cesarean

After a caesarean section, a woman should be under medical supervision. Most often, bleeding lasts a little longer than after natural childbirth. This is due to the fact that a scar is formed on the uterus, which makes it difficult to contract. Normally, bleeding stops completely after a couple of months. If it continues, then the woman needs to report this problem to the doctor.

The cause of pathological bleeding after surgery is most often hemostasis. Therefore, to eliminate this problem, doctors must carefully but carefully scrape the walls of the uterus. If bleeding cannot be stopped, extirpation is required.

If the bleeding is hypotonic, then it is not always possible to stop it, since it occurs after the uterus begins to contract. Profuse blood loss can lead to hypotonic shock. Replenishment of blood supplies by transfusion and manual examination of the uterus are necessary in order to detect possible remains of the placenta, determine the contractile function of the uterus and establish the existing gap.

The critical measure that doctors take to save a woman's life is the removal of the uterus. This method is used if bleeding after caesarean section by other means (electrical stimulation of the uterus, ligation of blood vessels, administration of uterotonics) cannot be stopped.

Types of pathological uterine bleeding

Gynecologists divide uterine bleeding into many types. But there are those that are most common:

    Juvenile bleeding. They are characteristic of the onset of puberty in girls. They can be triggered by a number of factors, such as frequent illnesses, increased physical activity, poor nutrition, etc. Depending on the amount of blood lost, such bleeding can lead to anemia of varying severity.

    Profuse uterine bleeding should be discussed if it is not accompanied by pain. In this case, the volume of fluid lost may vary. There are many reasons, it can be an abortion, and vaginal infections, and taking hormone-containing drugs, etc.

    Acyclic bleeding is characterized by the fact that it appears in the intervals between menstrual cycles. It can be caused by fibroids, cysts, endometriosis and other pathologies. If acyclic bleeding is observed regularly, then a doctor's consultation is necessary. Although this type is not always a symptom of any pathology.

    Anovulatory bleeding is typical for women who have entered the menopause and for adolescents undergoing puberty. It is caused by the fact that the maturation of the follicles and the production of progesterone are disturbed, in the absence of ovulation. This species is dangerous because, without treatment, it can provoke the development of malignant tumors.

    Dysfunctional uterine bleeding occurs when the ovaries fail. A distinctive feature is that it occurs after menstruation has been absent for a long time, and blood loss with it is plentiful.

    Hypotonic bleeding occurs due to low myometrial tone, after an abortion, etc., most often appears after childbirth.

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding refers to those that are associated with a violation of the production of sex hormones produced by the endocrine glands. They can appear at almost any age, both during puberty and during menopause, and in the reproductive period of a woman's life. This pathology is widespread.

This type of bleeding is expressed by the fact that the period of menstruation is lengthened, and the amount of fluid lost increases. Without treatment, it always leads to the development of anemia. The main feature is the prolonged absence of menstruation, sometimes up to six months, and then the occurrence of bleeding, which has a different strength.

Dysfunctional bleeding can be ovulatory (concerns women of reproductive age) and anovulatory (more common in adolescents and premenopausal women). Cycle disorders in this case are expressed in abundant and irregular periods, with long (more than 35 days) and short-term (less than 21 days) intervals, in the absence of menstruation for more than six months.

The tactics of treatment depends on the age of the patient and on the presence of concomitant pathology. It can be either medical or surgical. However, in adolescence, surgery is resorted to only in emergency cases. Conservative therapy consists in taking hormones. If left untreated, dysfunctional uterine bleeding can lead to infertility, miscarriage, chronic anemia, endometrial cancer, shock, and even death.

Atonic uterine bleeding

Atonic bleeding is characterized by the fact that it is formed when the uterus becomes unable to contract. The lack of contractility in obstetric practice is called the uterus of Kuveler. A characteristic feature of atonic bleeding is zero tone and a similar reaction to the introduction of uterotonics.

When it is not possible to stop the bleeding with the help of specialized drugs, a thick suture is applied to the posterior lip of the cervix, clamps are additionally applied to clamp the uterine artery.

If these methods were ineffective, and blood loss could not be stopped, then they are considered as preparation for an operation to remove the uterus. Mass loss of blood is considered to be from 1200 ml. Before completely removing the uterus, attempts are made to ligate the vessels using the Tsitsishvili method, electrical stimulation (this method is becoming less popular, and doctors are gradually abandoning it), acupuncture. It is important to constantly replenish the reserves of lost blood.

This type is characterized by the fact that the tone of the myometrium decreases. Such bleeding occurs when the fetal egg is retained in the uterine cavity, during the separation of the placenta, after its release. The reason lies in the hypotension of the uterus after childbirth, when contractions occur rarely and are spontaneous. The critical degree of such a state is referred to as atony, when contractions are completely absent.

The main tasks facing physicians are:

    Stop bleeding as soon as possible.

    Replenishment of the BCC deficit.

    Avoiding blood loss of more than 1200 ml.

    Tracking blood pressure and preventing it from falling to a critical level.

Treatment is aimed at ensuring that the motor function of the uterus is restored as soon as possible. If there are remnants of the fetal egg, then it must be removed either by hand or with a curette. When hypotonic bleeding occurs after childbirth, it is necessary to squeeze out the placenta as soon as possible, if it does not work, then it is removed manually. Most often, it is the removal of the placenta that helps restore the motor function of the uterus. If necessary, her gentle massage on the fist is carried out.

As drugs, the introduction of pituitrin or oxytocin is indicated. Effective in some cases is the imposition of a bubble on the abdomen containing ice or irritation of the uterus with ether. For this purpose, a moistened swab is inserted into the posterior fornix of the vagina. If hypotension does not respond to this therapy, then measures are taken that are characteristic of uterine atony.

Acyclic uterine bleeding

Acyclic uterine bleeding is called metrorrhagia. It is not associated with the menstrual cycle, which is normal, it is characterized by the complete absence of any periodicity.

This condition can occur suddenly and be associated with the pregnancy of a woman, with an incomplete abortion, with placenta previa, with the development of an ectopic pregnancy, retention of part of the placenta, etc.

Acyclic bleeding, if a woman does not bear a child, can be observed in pathologies such as uterine fibroids, benign tumors. If the tumor is malignant, then metrorrhagia is observed at the stage of its decay.

It is not possible to describe the degree of intensity of blood loss, since the discharge can be spotting, profuse, with and without admixtures of blood clots.

It is important to pay close attention to acyclic bleeding for women who are in menopause, both at its initial stage and several years later, after the cessation of constant menstruation. In no case should they be perceived as renewed ovulation. Metrorrhagia in this period requires careful study, as they are often signs of a malignant process, such as sarcoma.

Breakthrough uterine bleeding

Breakthrough uterine bleeding develops against the background of hormonal disorders. They are characterized by an imbalance between estrogen and progesterone. Sometimes this type of bleeding occurs when a woman takes oral contraceptives. In this case, breakthrough bleeding is an adaptation reaction to the drug. If, after taking the prescribed remedy, bleeding occurs that does not correspond to the menstrual cycle, then it is necessary to consult a doctor about adjusting the dose or replacing the remedy.

Breakthrough bleeding can also be observed when the uterine wall is damaged by a spiral. This cannot be ignored, the spiral must be removed immediately.

Most often, blood loss from breakthrough bleeding is minor, however, a visit to the doctor should not be postponed.

Anovulatory uterine bleeding

These bleedings occur during the break between menstruation, their causes are varied, including they can be a manifestation of any disease. Most often, anovulatory bleeding is long in time, lasts more than 10 days, is acyclic. Women suffer such blood loss either during the extinction of reproductive function, or during its formation.

This bleeding is also called single-phase, during its opening the corpus luteum is not formed, the development of the follicle occurs with disturbances, and there is no ovulation.

This bleeding can be hyperestrogenic, when the follicle matures but does not rupture, and hypoestrogenic, when several follicles mature but do not fully mature.

Rarely, anovular uterine bleeding occurs during the reproductive period of a woman's life. Similar phenomena are associated with violations of the hypophozotropic zone, after suffering stress, poisoning, infections.

Among adolescents, according to statistics, this type of bleeding is quite common. Such violations account for up to 12% of all gynecological diseases. In this case, the decisive factor may be irrational nutrition, mental trauma, physiological overload.

Discirculatory uterine bleeding

The occurrence of discirculatory uterine bleeding is caused by impaired ovarian function. Sometimes external factors such as past viral infections, stress, etc. serve as an impetus. Blood loss is not great, it is observed after menstruation has been absent for a long time.

Often, women observe the presence of clots in uterine bleeding. Most often, doctors explain their appearance by the fact that the uterus during fetal development has undergone certain anomalies. Therefore, the blood stagnates in its cavity, forming clots.

Most often, menstruation causes more pronounced discomfort in such women, especially when it occurs with an increased hormonal background. Sometimes it is such a congenital anomaly that can cause increased bleeding and the presence of numerous clots in the discharge.

In addition to the fact that anomalies are congenital in nature, they can be acquired during life. Such phenomena are associated with the professional characteristics of a woman and with the abuse of bad habits. Often, during menstruation with blood clots, women experience severe cutting pains. In order to exclude the presence of a pathological process, it is important to seek advice from a gynecologist.

Sometimes changes in the hormonal background can also lead to the formation of clots. To clarify the cause, you need to pass a series of tests, including thyroid hormones and adrenal hormones, and examine the level of progesterone and estrogen.

The presence of clots, severe pain in the lower abdomen, heavy blood loss during menstruation, acyclic mini-bleeding - all this most often indicates endometriosis. Such a diagnosis is established after a thorough diagnosis and requires appropriate treatment.

Sometimes the cause can be poor blood clotting and some complications that have arisen after childbirth.

Uterine bleeding during pregnancy

The most common causes of uterine bleeding during pregnancy are miscarriage, uterine disease, ectopic pregnancy, and damage to the placenta.

A miscarriage is accompanied by severe cramping pains in the lower abdomen, bleeding is intense, the color of the blood is from bright scarlet to dark. With an ectopic pregnancy, bleeding is accompanied by a deterioration in the general condition, malaise, nausea, vomiting, sweating and fainting. Blood is dark in color and usually comes out in clots.

Damage to the blood vessels of the cervix during pregnancy can occur during sexual intercourse or a gynecological examination. This bleeding is usually not heavy or prolonged.

If the placenta is damaged or previa, uterine bleeding may occur in the second or third trimester. The bleeding is usually very heavy. It poses a serious threat to the life and health of the expectant mother and her child.

It should be remembered that uterine bleeding in pregnant women is very dangerous, so a woman must definitely call a medical team that will provide her with urgent assistance.

First aid for uterine bleeding is to call an ambulance as soon as possible. This is especially true in the case when a woman is carrying a child, her blood loss is plentiful, her condition worsens sharply. In this case, every minute counts. If it is not possible to call a team of doctors, then it is necessary to take the woman to the hospital on her own.

Any uterine bleeding is a serious threat to life and health, so the reaction must be appropriate.

Categorically, with dysfunctional bleeding, it is forbidden to apply a hot or warm heating pad to the stomach, douche with any compositions, take a bath, use drugs that promote uterine contraction.

Independently, at home until the ambulance arrives, a woman can be helped as follows:

    The woman must be put to bed, preferably on her back, and her legs placed on some kind of elevation. To do this, you can put a pillow or a roller from a blanket. Thus, it will be possible to preserve the consciousness of the patient, especially if the blood loss is impressive.

    Something cold should be applied to the stomach. If there was no heating pad at hand, then the ice can be wrapped in a regular cloth. You can replace the ice with an ordinary bottle filled with cold water. Cold exposure time - up to 15 minutes, then a break of 5 minutes. This will achieve vasoconstriction, and therefore somewhat reduce bleeding.

    The woman needs to drink. Since it is not possible to put a dropper at home, you need to offer the patient plenty of fluids. Plain water and sweet tea will do. This will contribute to the loss of fluid along with the blood, glucose will provide nutrition to the nerve cells of the brain.

Taking medications should be treated with extreme caution, especially if a woman is carrying a child. Before taking them, you should always consult with your doctor, but sometimes it happens that there is no such possibility. Therefore, it is necessary to know the names of hemostatic agents and their minimum dosage. These include Vikasol (taken 3 times a day, at a dosage of 0.015 g), ascorbic acid (maximum daily dose of 1 g), Dicyon (taken 4 times a day, at a dosage of 0.25), calcium gluconate (1 tablet up to 4 times per day). Before use, it is important to remember that all drugs have side effects.

How to stop uterine bleeding?

When the ambulance arrives at the scene, its actions will be as follows:

    A bubble containing ice is applied to the woman's stomach.

    If the bleeding is heavy, then the woman should be taken to the car on a stretcher.

    Hospitalization of the patient with transfer directly to a specialist.

    The introduction of a solution of magnesium sulfate, with the threat or the beginning of a miscarriage. Or if a spontaneous abortion occurs, the woman is given intravenous calcium chloride and ascorbic acid diluted in glucose. An injection of Etamzilat can be made.

Doctors in the hospital use hormonal drugs to stop bleeding, in the event that a woman has not yet given birth, she does not have a suspicion of a tumor. Hormonal drugs include Jeannine Regulon, etc. On the first day they give an increased dose (up to 6 tablets), in the following days one tablet less, bringing up to 1 piece. Sometimes gestogens are used, but it can be used only in the absence of severe anemia.

Hemostatic agents can also be used, for example, Dicinon, Vikasol, Askorutin, Aminocaproic acid.

Sometimes surgery is used, such as curettage of the uterus (an effective method to stop blood loss), cryodestruction (a method without contraindications), laser removal of the endometrium (used in those women who do not plan to have more children).

Treatment of uterine bleeding largely depends on its causes and the age of the patient.

Adolescents are most often prescribed drugs that reduce the uterus, drugs that stop blood and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. It is also recommended to take vitamins, herbal medicine, less often - hormonal drugs that regulate the menstrual cycle. Women of reproductive age are prescribed hormonal drugs, sometimes surgical operations are performed (for fibroids, endometriosis of the uterus, etc.) After menopause, uterine bleeding most often indicates oncological pathologies of the uterus and ovaries, so treatment requires predominantly surgical intervention, including appendages.

In treatment, it is most important to diagnose the causes of bleeding in time, so sick women should seek medical help without delay.

Causes and symptoms of uterine bleeding

With uterine bleeding, there is an outflow of blood from the uterus. Compared with monthly bleeding, uterine bleeding is characterized by a longer duration and volume of bleeding.

Bleeding occurs due to various diseases of the uterus and appendages. These include fibroids and tumor formations, both benign and malignant. Another cause of bleeding may be the complexity of the course of childbirth and pregnancy. Bleeding may occur without visible disturbances in the functioning of internal organs. In such cases, the reason lies in violations of the secretion of hormones that affect the functioning of the genital organs.

Liver damage can also cause uterine bleeding. Also, this can occur due to diseases accompanied by a violation of blood clotting.

Symptoms of uterine bleeding are as follows:

  • A sharp increase in the volume of blood released during bleeding.
  • Increase in bleeding time. Uterine bleeding lasts longer than a week.
  • The regularity of menstrual flow is disturbed.
  • After intercourse, bleeding may begin.
  • Bleeding during menopause.

As a result of the loss of large volumes of blood, anemia develops in patients. Often against its background there is weakness, shortness of breath, dizziness and blanching of the skin.

Uterine bleeding of various etiologies

Uterine bleeding is divided into dysfunctional and juvenile. The first category of bleeding occurs due to a failure in the production of sex hormones. It can be caused by such factors:

  • Pathology of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Disorders of the circulatory system.
  • Impact of stress and nervous disorders.
  • Changes in the general hormonal background due to abortion.
  • Traumatic injuries of the genitourinary system.
  • General intoxication of the body

Juvenile bleeding most often occurs in girls under the age of 18 who suffer from gynecological abnormalities. This happens due to infectious diseases, as well as mental trauma and nervous overload.

Uterine bleeding with clots, how to stop?

To stop uterine bleeding with clots, it is important to follow some simple recommendations:

  1. Since cold plays an important role in bleeding, it is required to place ice or a cold compress on the lower abdomen.
  2. When bleeding, you should not make sudden movements, as this harms the process of stopping it. A woman should lie on her back motionless with her legs raised and bent at the knees.
  3. You need to drink a lot of fluids. If it is not possible to install a dropper at home, it is recommended to give the lady water or sweetened tea to drink.

Drugs, especially hemostatic drugs, must be taken carefully. Their reception should be coordinated with the doctor.

Uterine bleeding with menopause, how to stop?

To stop uterine bleeding during menopause, you should:

  1. Urgently seek help from a doctor. In some cases, it is mandatory to call an ambulance.
  2. Position the woman horizontally. To reduce pressure on the uterus, a woman can be placed on her side with her legs bent.
  3. Place an ice pack or cold compress on the area of ​​the most intense pain.
  4. If the pain is severe, you will need to take pain medication. An indispensable condition for its use is the absence of an allergic reaction in the patient to it.

Often, a gynecologist or attending physician with uterine bleeding prescribes drugs with a high content of vitamin K. Drugs that stimulate the contractile activity of the uterus are also shown.

How to stop uterine bleeding with fibroids

Stopping uterine bleeding in fibroids is performed regardless of at what stage of the monthly cycle bleeding occurs. For this, homeostatic therapy is performed, which is divided into two varieties:

  1. Therapy of the operational type. It is used to reduce the size of the tumor or completely eliminate it. At the same time, the blood flow in the arteries that feed the formation node is blocked, as a result of which its regression begins. In this case, the decomposition of fibroids is possible, the products of its decay will be excreted through the blood. Some increase in body temperature of the patient is possible.
  2. Conservative type therapy involves the use of drugs that are extracted from the constituent components of human blood. There are hormonal and non-hormonal types of drug homeostasis.

There are cases when surgery is indicated to eliminate the consequences of unsuccessful conservative treatment. This is necessary to reduce blood loss.

How to stop uterine bleeding with endometrial hyperplasia

Stopping uterine bleeding with endometrial hyperplasia involves the use of oral contraceptives, which include gestagens and estrogens. These include Janine, Yarina, Marvelon, Logest. Use the drugs should be in the amount of five pieces on the first day of admission. The dose of application is reduced every day by one tablet. After that, one tablet should be taken for three weeks, counting from the day when five tablets were drunk.

If there is a loss of a large amount of blood, bleeding is stopped by curettage of the uterine cavity. The process is controlled by a gastroenterologist.

It is very difficult to stop the bleeding of the uterus without leaving home. Only a short-term relief of the woman's condition is possible.

First of all, you need to call an ambulance. Before her arrival, the woman should take a horizontal position. Legs need to be slightly raised. A cold compress should be placed on the woman's lower abdomen. Do not use a heating pad or other means of warming.

How to stop uterine bleeding with folk remedies

Nettle has proven itself as a non-standard means for stopping the bleeding of the uterus. It can be used both in the preparation of decoctions and in the form of compresses. Water pepper, yarrow, shepherd's purse also have a good hemostatic effect. Since the characteristics of each female body are individual, before prescribing a certain remedy to stop uterine bleeding, it is required to consult a doctor.

How to stop uterine bleeding: drugs

Very often, when there is a need to stop uterine bleeding at home, a woman begins to look for hemostatic drugs. Most often, Vikasol is used for this, both in tablets and in the form of injections. Its use requires mandatory compliance with the instructions for use. In addition, the use of Oxytocin, Oxytocin-Richter, Dicinon will give good results. The latter drug slows down bleeding, for which the maturation of platelets is artificially accelerated and their total number in the bloodstream increases.

How to quickly stop uterine bleeding

If necessary, quickly stop the bleeding of the uterus, it is necessary to proceed from its nature, as well as the age of the patient and the individual characteristics of the body. You should first conduct a medical examination of the patient to correctly determine the causes of bleeding. Intravenous conjugated estrogens are supposed to be administered, oral progestins and oral contraceptives should also be prescribed for use. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the possible existence of prohibitions to this type of treatment.

If the woman's condition cannot be called stable, surgical intervention is required. When conducting it, one should take into account the presence of additional painful conditions in the victim. After elimination of bleeding in a short time, it is recommended to proceed to long-term treatment, which involves a set of preventive measures.

Some medicinal herbs have a powerful hemostatic effect and their use is indicated if it is necessary to quickly stop uterine bleeding. They should only be used in consultation with your doctor. The uncontrolled use of traditional medicines can only worsen the overall situation.

Or a disorder in the hormonal sphere, as well as diseases that require the immediate intervention of an oncologist. The listed pathology can become a prerequisite for spontaneous abortions, which are far from the last among the causes of bleeding from the genital tract. How to stop uterine bleeding, which can sometimes be quite significant or even profuse?

What to do with uterine bleeding and how to stop it?

Some women do not even know about the state of their sexual apparatus if the disease proceeds in a latent form without any special clinical manifestations, and the woman herself avoids visits to the gynecologist, not considering it necessary to be examined once again. This is especially true for individuals who have entered the period of premenopause.

The discharge of blood can then stop, then resume, do not differ in abundance, therefore the future patient herself tries to take measures, resorting to folk remedies or pills, the names of which she learned from various sources.

This is absolutely wrong, since only a professional is sure to know how to stop uterine bleeding, which, by the way, is a serious danger and can even be fatal.

In addition, to stop bleeding (and for diagnostic purposes, too), they often use a procedure such as curettage, and it’s definitely not possible to do it on your own. And it’s not always possible to avoid it, because in cases of hyperplasia, you can take hemostatic agents as much as you like, and the endometrium will continue to grow and give permanent bleeding, which is fraught with the development of anemia due to the loss of red blood cells and hemoglobin in them.

Obviously, if the question is what to do with uterine bleeding, then the best way out would be to visit a antenatal clinic or call an "ambulance" if the discharge of blood is profuse.

When you need urgent help

Bleeding that occurs in obstetric practice, which occurs during (often pathological) childbirth, immediately after them, or during a sudden termination of pregnancy, is always a serious complication and requires emergency measures and a competent approach. The hemostasis system, trying to compensate for the loss of blood and stop its release, begins to react and turn on defense mechanisms. However, if unprepared for a sudden turn of events, blood clotting can take a wrong turn and get out of control. The notorious DIC in such cases can develop in 5 minutes and create a life-threatening situation, which can be difficult to correct even in a hospital setting.

Emergency care for uterine bleeding, especially if it occurred at home, and is characterized by significant blood loss, consists in the participation of relatives who are obliged to:

  • immediately call an ambulance and sensibly explain to the station dispatcher the nature and possible causes of blood outpouring;
  • put cold on the lower abdomen (everything that is in the freezer of the refrigerator can act as this).

The task of the called brigade

Further urgent measures are assigned to physicians, depend on the condition of the patient and the clinical picture of the disease and are reduced to the following manipulations:

  • frozen offal is replaced with an ice pack;
  • transportation to the car is carried out on foot, if possible, or on a stretcher (in case of significant bleeding and deterioration of the general condition, which could be caused by blood loss or infection);
  • very urgent hospitalization with a siren and preliminary informing the hospital staff on duty, since such cases are not registered in the emergency room, but immediately fall into the hands of a specialist;
  • in an ambulance, a woman is injected with a solution of magnesium sulphate if there is a threatened or already begun miscarriage (magnesium sulfate reduces the muscle tone of the uterus), during an abortion "on the go" calcium chloride and ascorbic acid at 40% glucose are injected into the vein as hemostatic agents. Also you can use dicynone (etamsylate) in the form of injections to stop this kind of uterine bleeding. Uterine-reducing drugs with incomplete emptying, as a rule, are not prescribed (the release of blood from the vessels of the myometrium increases), they (1 ml of oxytocin per muscle) are used for uterine bleeding, only when it is certain that the fetal egg has completely left its receptacle;
  • in case of profuse bleeding (cervical pregnancy, traumatic damage to the uterus), the patient is delivered both to the car and to the nearest (!) hospital only on a stretcher, bypassing the emergency room, which is notified in advance to the duty shift of anesthesiologists and gynecologists, because they urgently need to prepare for the operation, while the patient is still on the road. At the prehospital stage, constant access to the patient's vein is provided for jet injection of any blood substitutes (rheopolyglucin, polyglucin, 0.9% NaCl solution) in order to increase the BCC (circulating blood volume);
  • in case of dysfunctional uterine blood loss, the woman is transported to the car, depending on the condition, pre-hospital care with abundant blood flow is provided by the introduction of drugs that reduce the muscles of the uterus, usually a 1% solution (5 units) of oxytocin;
  • there is a separate approach to bleeding associated with oncological diseases, since such patients should not be close (even on the same floor!) to an obstetric hospital, therefore they can be accepted by the gynecological department of a multidisciplinary hospital only if there is a guarantee of isolation from puerperas and newborns. In addition, if bloody (or bloody-purulent) discharge is insignificant, then the patient can be left at home, transferring an active visit to the doctor at the clinic at the place of residence, and, if necessary, to come for a second call. True, in such situations, the patient is provided with anesthesia, and sedative and cardiac drugs are also administered.

About the medications used

There may not be so many drugs that can stop uterine bleeding, but for a long time the following groups of drugs have remained the most common.

Drugs involved in blood clotting

These include vikasol. Being a synthetic analogue of vitamin K, it promotes the launch of inactive factor II (prothrombin), from which thrombin is formed during bleeding. However, given the property of the drug to directly take part in blood coagulation, it is not prescribed with a tendency to increased thrombosis due to the high content of vitamin K, as evidenced by an increased prothrombin index. Vikasol tablets from uterine bleeding are prescribed not so often, except in cases of hormonal dysfunction or with heavy periods in adolescents and young girls. They are not so popular because they are intended for long-term use and often do not give the desired effect with a significant release of blood from the uterine cavity.

Hemostatic drugs

This group includes the well-known dicynone, which has a different (international) name - etamsylate. Dicinon is available in the form of solutions (for injection into the muscle and into the vein, depending on the situation) and tablets. All its forms have a hemostatic effect, and the difference is only in the time of onset of the drug. Of course, dicynone in injections (especially intravenously) will quickly enter the bloodstream and begin its task, therefore, with severe bleeding, it is advisable to get its therapeutic effect as quickly as possible.

Etamzilat promotes:

  • the formation of platelets;
  • adhesion and aggregation of platelets;
  • accelerates the formation of a white (primary) thrombus;
  • protects the vascular wall (endothelium).

This hemostatic does not lead to hypercoagulability and increased thrombus formation. But still, with thrombosis and thromboembolism, it is not prescribed. In addition, like all drugs, dicynone can also have side effects (hypotension, dysfunction of the stomach and intestines, dizziness, headache).

Another widely used hemostatic agent is tranexam, which has antifibrinolytic activity in uterine bleeding (fibrinolysis is the dissolution of clots, if it occurs prematurely, the thrombus becomes defective and cannot close the damaged endothelium).

In addition to the above-mentioned medicinal substances, other drugs are also used to stop bleeding from the uterine cavity, which, although they themselves do not belong to direct coagulants, are very helpful in stopping the blood. They correct hormonal balance, compensate for blood loss, participate in the nutrition of cells and tissues. These are hormones, blood substitutes, iron-containing products and vitamins.

As a rule, drugs are not used separately, but together, where each of them has its own specific mission.

Herbs and other folk remedies

There were times when no one knew or heard about synthetic hemostatic drugs. And the discharge of blood from the uterine cavity has always been, so there was a need to find a cure for such a scourge.

Of course, first of all, a person turned to nature, to its flora, because many representatives of the flora have the ability to stop blood, and heal inflammation, and deal with the consequences. Although in our time one should not particularly hope that it is possible to stop any uterine bleeding with folk remedies alone, however, it is not forbidden to use them as auxiliary substances. But to achieve positive results, again, it is better to consult with your doctor.

Herbs, which contain components that stop uterine bleeding, grow in temperate latitudes and often like a weed.

Stinging nettle, which, with uterine (and others too) bleeding, is recognized as the leader among plants with similar properties, grows under every fence. Getting rid of it, just in case, it is advisable to take and dry a certain number of leaves so that an unforeseen situation does not take you by surprise.

If necessary, a tablespoon of leaves is placed in a saucepan, poured with a “raspberry” glass of boiling water and put on fire for another 10 minutes. The resulting medicine is filtered through gauze or a strainer and consumed up to 5 times a day for a tablespoon.

Although, on the other hand, a ready-made collection of this burning plant is sold in every pharmacy. By the way, nettles can be consumed fresh. Salad from it, seasoned with sesame oil, remarkably raises the level of platelets. Fresh nettle juice, diluted with milk in a ratio of 1:1, is also used to increase the number of platelets that provide primary hemostasis.

Yarrow grass and shepherd's purse can be easily obtained both in the field, and in the meadow, and on your own personal plot. Infusions are prepared from them, which are used to stop blood loss. For the same purpose, cucumber lashes are used, usually raked and thrown away after harvesting, water pepper grass, galangal, knotweed, and many other plants. Traditional medicine offers a variety of recipes. For example, a decoction of oranges in the peel or only their skins, a mixture of egg white with citric acid, an infusion of dried viburnum or rowan berries. Just something and do not list. The main thing, at the same time, is not to neglect the recommendations of official medicine, to find out the cause of the disease and not to start it.

As for the advice of herbalists, most likely they are used more often than medications. Very young girls are embarrassed to go to the gynecologist, and women of Balzac age, referring to the lack of time and not considering this a problem, think that a slight bleeding can be stopped on their own. The treatment regimen is quite simple: vikasol, etamzilat ... So they do intramuscular injections for 3 weeks, in order to eventually go for diagnostic curettage. Isn't it better to do it right away, without waiting for anemia?

The problem of uterine bleeding is often faced by many women of reproductive age. The normal menstrual cycle lasts for 5-7 days, while the total amount of blood loss is up to 80 ml of blood. In the event that various diseases develop in the organs of the genitourinary system, a woman may begin to bleed. A large loss of blood is often observed both in the postpartum and in the menopause.

Modern medicine is seriously engaged in the study of this pathology. Specialists from around the world conduct research on uterine bleeding. Based on the results obtained, drugs are being developed, the pharmacological properties of which help to cope with this problem.

Currently, modern medical institutions are successfully fighting uterine bleeding. The main condition for a successful recovery is hospitalization. In the process of treatment, each patient is individually selected medication, which is administered intravenously or orally. In advanced cases, doctors perform a surgical stop of bleeding, by diagnostic curettage. If none of these methods helped to eliminate the existing problem, doctors insist on removing the uterus.

List of hemostatic agents:

Dicynon for uterine bleeding

With uterine bleeding, synthetic drugs are often prescribed that have a beneficial effect on the uterine mucosa. Such a drug is dicynone.

Its pharmacological properties include the following:

    the ability to activate the process of formation of thromboplastin protein;

    normalization of blood clotting

    prevents the formation of blood clots.

Dicynon is available in several forms: in tablets, in injections. This drug has proven effective in bleeding, the localization of which are small vessels. After taking dicynone (only the attending physician should prescribe the dosage), the woman will be able to feel the effect after a few hours. Multiple testing of this drug showed that the highest result is achieved when taking tablets, rather than intramuscular injections.

To stop uterine bleeding, specialists use the following scheme: two ampoules of dicynone are injected intravenously (intramuscularly), after which this drug is prescribed every six hours in tablet form. In order to prevent bleeding, the patient should take this drug orally, starting from the 5th day of the menstrual cycle.

Tranexam for uterine bleeding

The first aid for uterine bleeding is considered to be tranexam, as it is very quickly able to cope with this problem. This drug has a direct effect on the blood coagulation process and directly affects plasminogen (inactive). Tranexam is now available in pharmacies, both as tablets and as injections (intramuscularly).

If there is a moderate loss of blood, then tablets will be enough. When determining the dosage, the doctor must take into account the weight of the patient and the severity of the disease. Tranexam is often prescribed to prevent uterine bleeding, especially when preparing patients for surgical procedures.

Vikasol is a synthetic medical product that can replace vitamin K, which is important for women's health and is actively involved in the production of prothrombin. In the absence or insufficient amount of this vitamin, women develop.

After taking vikasol, patients experience relief only after 12-18 hours, which is why it is not used in emergency care. Despite this, many doctors often prescribe this drug in the complex therapy of uterine bleeding, as well as for preventive purposes. Vikasol is prescribed to pregnant women after the onset of the first contractions to prevent the development of bleeding, which can develop during the onset of the active phase of labor.

Etamsylate for uterine bleeding

With menstrual bleeding, doctors often prescribe medications that can significantly reduce the amount of menstruation.

A great effect is achieved when taking etamsylate, which has extensive pharmacological properties:

    has the ability to stop bleeding;

    activates the processes responsible for blood clotting and the rate of platelet aggregation;

    increases the elasticity and stability of capillaries, etc.

Against the background of taking etamsylate, patients do not experience internal discomfort, since this drug has a smooth effect on the female body. In the process of conducting numerous studies, it was found that etamsylate does not cause a sharp blood clotting, so that blood clots do not form. It is prescribed for any type of bleeding, in particular uterine. Very often, etamzilat is included in the treatment program, as well as otolaryngological, dental and ophthalmological diseases.

Oxytocin for uterine bleeding

With the development of uterine bleeding, the first action of a specialist is to prescribe a drug to a woman who is able to quickly provide the necessary assistance. Oxytocin, which has a selective effect on the uterus, is able to stop blood loss.

After taking oxytocin in the female body, there is an increased excitability of muscle fibers, against which strong contractions begin. This drug can be administered both in tablet form and in the form of intravenous injections.

Askorutin for uterine bleeding

Ascorutin, which has been actively used in gynecology for many years, is able to provide real help to women suffering from heavy periods, often developing into uterine bleeding.

The composition of this drug contains the following main components: vitamin P (rutin) and ascorbic acid. Its direct effect on the female body is to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, prevent fragility and capillary permeability.

With prolonged use of ascorutin (the duration is determined by the attending physician), tissue regeneration occurs, and the protective functions of the female body are activated, capable of withstanding any negative impact.

Vikasol for uterine bleeding

An effective synthetic drug that can replace and saturate the female body with vitamin K is vikasol. This drug activates the production of prothrombin, which has a direct effect on blood clotting. Despite the fact that in the treatment of uterine bleeding Vikasol proved to be effective, its appointment should be very careful.

Like any other hemostatic drug, vikasol has contraindications, which include: thromboembolism and increased blood clotting. That is why self-administration of this drug is prohibited. All appointments should be given only by the attending physician.

Etamzilat (injections) for uterine bleeding

Etamzilat is a medical drug with hemostatic properties. Against the background of taking this drug, patients experience strengthening of blood vessels, an increase in platelet cells in the bone marrow, etc. After the appointment of etamsylate in women, the fragility of blood vessels is significantly reduced, and the level of ascorbic acid in the blood plasma stabilizes.

When taking this drug, the effect is observed after 10-15 minutes. Having had a beneficial effect on the patient's body, etamsylate begins to break down very quickly and be excreted during urination.

Aminocaproic acid for uterine bleeding

Aminocaproic acid is a synthetic drug often used to stop uterine bleeding. Its appointment should take place only in a hospital, where doctors have the opportunity to regularly monitor the quality of the blood of patients through a laboratory test - a coagulogram.

Aminocaproic acid is able to improve the functionality of the liver, as well as inhibit the formation of antibodies.

How to stop uterine bleeding at home?

Many women who suffer from regular uterine bleeding prefer to deal with this problem at home. For these purposes, you can use various traditional medicine recipes that have a directed effect. Experienced experts recommend the use of herbs, fees, tinctures and other folk remedies in the complex therapy of uterine bleeding, as a supplement or prevention.

What herb stops uterine bleeding?

With various gynecological diseases, in particular with heavy uterine bleeding, a hog uterus can be used. This plant has unique pharmacological properties and is recommended in the treatment of serious gynecological diseases. Against the background of taking the boron uterus in women, the hormonal background begins to normalize, fertility is restored, and uterine bleeding stops. Before you start taking a tincture or decoction of this medicinal plant on your own, a woman should contact a phytotherapeutist or her doctor to determine the duration of treatment and dosage. In the case when a woman is undergoing hormonal therapy, the use of a boron uterus is not advisable, since it contains large amounts of estrogen.

The boron uterus is contraindicated in women who have reduced blood clotting, obstruction of the fallopian tubes, as well as during pregnancy and. Experts do not recommend using this medicinal plant in any form when taking oral contraceptives. If the boron uterus is used incorrectly, women may experience various side effects, in particular the development of breakthrough bleeding, against which an inflammatory process usually develops.

Other herbs for uterine bleeding

In the treatment of uterine bleeding, other herbs and fees can be used:

    Nettle. This medicinal plant is actively used in both traditional and alternative medicine. It contains special components that can stop the blood. Antihemorrhagic vitamin stimulates the formation of prothrombin, esculen, vitamin C and K. It is indicated for uterine bleeding in the form of a decoction, which should be drunk up to 5 times a day, 2 tablespoons.

    Water pepper. For centuries, this medicinal plant has been used to stop bleeding. This is due to its unique tannic properties, due to which the process of blood clotting is significantly accelerated. At the same time, it has a bactericidal effect on the female body, reduces the fragility of capillaries and makes the walls of blood vessels more elastic.

    Yarrow. This medicinal plant is often used for uterine bleeding, as it can activate clotting processes, while preventing the formation. It is recommended to take as a tincture, which can be purchased ready-made, or prepared independently. The duration of taking tincture from this medicinal plant depends on the intensity of bleeding.

Education: Diploma "Obstetrics and Gynecology" received at the Russian State Medical University of the Federal Agency for Health and Social Development (2010). In 2013, she completed her postgraduate studies at the NMU. N. I. Pirogov.

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