Ataxia herbal treatment. Ataxia Cerebellar ataxia: symptoms and treatment

1. How does the "normal" cerebellum work? 2. What is cerebellar ataxia? 3. Symptoms of cerebellar disorders 4. Atactic gait 5. Intentional tremor 6. Nystagmus 7. Adiadochokinesis 8. Mismatch or hypermetry 9. Scanned speech 10. Diffuse muscle hypotension 11. Causes of the disease 12. Hereditary forms 13. About treatment

Coordination of movements is a natural and necessary quality of any living creature that has mobility, or the ability to arbitrarily change its position in space. This function must be performed by special nerve cells.

In the case of worms that move on a plane, it is not necessary to allocate a special organ for this. But already in primitive amphibians and fish, a separate structure appears, which is called the cerebellum. In mammals, this organ, due to the variety of movements, is being improved, but it has received the greatest development in birds, since the bird perfectly owns all degrees of freedom.

A person has a specific movement, which is associated with the use of hands as tools. As a result, coordination of movements turned out to be unthinkable without mastering the fine motor skills of the hands and fingers. In addition, the only way to move a person is upright walking. Therefore, the coordination of the position of the human body in space is unthinkable without constant balance.

It is these functions that distinguish the human cerebellum from a seemingly similar organ in other higher primates, and in a child it must still mature and learn proper regulation. But, like any individual organ or structure, the cerebellum can be affected by various diseases. As a result, the functions described above are violated, and a condition called cerebellar ataxia develops.

How does a "normal" cerebellum work?

Before approaching the description of diseases of the cerebellum, it is necessary to briefly talk about how the cerebellum is arranged and how it functions.

The cerebellum is located at the bottom of the brain, under the occipital lobes of the cerebral hemispheres..

It consists of a small middle section, a worm, and hemispheres. The worm is an ancient department, and its function is to provide balance and statics, and the hemispheres have developed along with the cerebral cortex, and provide complex motor acts, for example, the process of typing this article on a computer keyboard.

The cerebellum is closely connected with all the tendons and muscles of the body. They contain special receptors that “tell” the cerebellum what state the muscles are in. This feeling is called proprioception. For example, each of us knows, without looking, in what position and where his leg or hand is, even in the dark and at rest. This sensation reaches the cerebellum via the spinocerebellar tracts ascending in the spinal cord.

In addition, the cerebellum is connected to the system of semicircular canals, or the vestibular apparatus, as well as to the conductors of the articular-muscular sense.

It is this path that works brilliantly when, having slipped, a person “dances” on ice. Without having time to figure out what is happening, and without having time to be frightened, a person restores balance. This triggered a "relay" that switched information from the vestibular apparatus about changes in body position immediately, through the cerebellar vermis to the basal ganglia, and then to the muscles. Since this happened "on the machine", without the participation of the cerebral cortex, the process of restoring balance occurs unconsciously.

The cerebellum is closely connected to the cerebral cortex, regulating the conscious movements of the limbs. This regulation takes place in the cerebellar hemispheres

What is cerebellar ataxia?

Translated from Greek, taxis is movement, taxis. And the prefix "a" means negation. Broadly speaking, ataxia is a disorder of voluntary movements. But after all, this violation can occur, for example, with a stroke. Therefore, an adjective is added to the definition. As a result, the term "cerebellar ataxia" refers to a set of symptoms that indicate a lack of coordination of movements, the cause of which is a violation of the function of the cerebellum.

It is important to know that in addition to ataxia, the cerebellar syndrome is accompanied by asynergy, that is, a violation of the friendliness of the movements performed relative to each other.

Some believe that cerebellar ataxia is a disease that affects adults and children. In fact, this is not a disease, but a syndrome that can have various causes, and occur with tumors, injuries, multiple sclerosis and other diseases. How does this lesion of the cerebellum manifest itself? This disorder manifests itself in the form of static ataxia and dynamic ataxia. What it is?

Static ataxia is a violation of coordination of movements at rest, and dynamic ataxia is a violation of them in movement.. But doctors, when examining a patient who suffers from cerebellar ataxia, do not distinguish such forms. Much more important are the symptoms that indicate the location of the lesion.

Symptoms of cerebellar disorders

The function of this organ is as follows:

  • maintaining muscle tone with the help of reflexes;
  • maintaining balance;
  • coordination of movements;
  • their coherence, that is, synergy.
  • Therefore, all the symptoms of damage to the cerebellum to one degree or another are a disorder of the above functions. We list and explain the most important of them.

    Atactic gait

    This symptom appears during movement, and is almost not observed at rest. Its meaning lies in the appearance and amplification of the amplitude of oscillations of the distal limbs upon reaching the goal. If you ask a sick person to touch his own nose with his index finger, then the closer the finger is to the nose, the more he will begin to tremble and describe various circles. Intention is possible not only in the arms, but also in the legs. This is revealed during the heel-knee test, when the patient is offered to hit the knee of the other, extended leg with the heel of one leg.

    Nystagmus is an intentional tremor that occurs in the muscles of the eyeballs. If the patient is asked to look away, then there is a uniform, rhythmic twitching of the eyeballs. Nystagmus is horizontal, less often - vertical or rotatory (rotational).

    This phenomenon can be verified as follows. Ask the seated patient to place their hands on their knees, palms up. Then you need to quickly turn them over with your palms down, and up again. The result should be a series of "shaking off" movements, synchronous in both hands. With a positive test, the patient goes astray, and synchrony is broken.

    Missing, or hypermetry

    This symptom manifests itself if you ask the patient to quickly hit with the index finger an object (for example, a neurologist's hammer), the position of which is constantly changing. The second option is to hit a static, motionless target, but first with your eyes open and then with your eyes closed.

    Symptoms of speech disorders are nothing more than an intentional tremor of the vocal apparatus. As a result, speech acquires an explosive, explosive character, loses its softness and smoothness.

    Diffuse muscle hypotension

    Since the cerebellum regulates muscle tone, the cause of its diffuse decrease may be signs of ataxia. In this case, the muscles become flabby, sluggish. The joints become "wobbly" because the muscles do not limit the range of motion, habitual and chronic subluxations may appear.

    In addition to these symptoms, which are easy to check, cerebellar disorders can be manifested by changes in handwriting, and other signs.

    It should be said that the cerebellum is not always to blame for the development of ataxia, and the doctor's task is to figure out at what level the lesion occurred. Here are the most characteristic causes of the development of both the cerebellar form and ataxia outside the cerebellum:

    • Damage to the posterior funiculus of the spinal cord. This causes a sensitive ataxia. Sensitive ataxia is so named because the patient has impaired joint and muscle sensation in the legs and is unable to walk normally in the dark until he can see his own legs. This condition is characteristic of funicular myelosis, which develops in a disease associated with a lack of vitamin B12.
    • Extracerebellar ataxia can develop with diseases of the labyrinth. Thus, vestibular disorders and Meniere's disease can cause dizziness, falling, although the cerebellum is not involved in the pathological process;
    • Appearance of neuroma of the vestibulocochlear nerve. This benign tumor may present with unilateral cerebellar symptoms.
    • Actually cerebellar causes of ataxia in adults and children can occur with brain injuries, vascular diseases, and also due to a tumor of the cerebellum. But these isolated lesions are rare. More often, ataxia is accompanied by other symptoms, such as hemiparesis, dysfunction of the pelvic organs. This is what happens with multiple sclerosis. If the demyelination process is successfully treated, then the symptoms of cerebellar damage regress.

      hereditary forms

      However, there is a whole group of hereditary diseases in which the motor coordination system is predominantly affected. Such diseases include:

    • Friedreich's spinal ataxia;
    • hereditary cerebellar ataxia of Pierre Marie.
    • Cerebellar ataxia of Pierre Marie was previously considered a single disease, but now several variants of the course are distinguished in it. What are the signs of this disease? This ataxia begins late, at the age of 3 or 4, and not at all in a child, as many people think. Despite the late onset, the symptoms of cerebellar ataxia are accompanied by a speech disorder like dysarthria, an increase in tendon reflexes. Symptoms are accompanied by spasticity of skeletal muscles.

      Usually, the disease begins with a violation of gait, and then nystagmus begins, coordination in the hands is disturbed, deep reflexes are revived, and an increase in muscle tone develops. Poor prognosis occurs with atrophy of the optic nerves.

      This disease is characterized by a decrease in memory, intelligence, as well as impaired control of emotions and volitional sphere. The course is steadily progressive, the prognosis is poor.

      Treatment of cerebellar ataxia, as a secondary syndrome, almost always depends on success in the treatment of the underlying disease. In the event that the disease progresses, for example, as hereditary ataxia, then in the later stages of the development of the disease, the prognosis is unfavorable.

      If, for example, due to a brain contusion in the back of the head, pronounced disturbances in coordination of movements occur, then the treatment of cerebellar ataxia can be successful if there is no hemorrhage in the cerebellum and there is no cell necrosis.

      A very important component of treatment is vestibular gymnastics, which must be performed regularly. The cerebellum, like other tissues, is able to "learn" and restore new associative connections. This means that it is necessary to train coordination of movements not only with damage to the cerebellum, but also with strokes, diseases of the inner ear, and other lesions.

      Folk remedies for cerebellar ataxia do not exist, since traditional medicine had no idea about the cerebellum. The maximum that can be found here is a remedy for dizziness, nausea and vomiting, that is, purely symptomatic remedies.

      Therefore, if you have problems with gait, tremors, fine motor skills, then you should not postpone a visit to a neurologist: the disease is easier to prevent than to treat.

      Cerebellar atrophy - This is a pronounced, rapidly progressive pathology that develops when metabolic processes fail, often associated with structural anatomical abnormalities.

      Causes of cerebellar atrophy

      The cerebellum itself is an anatomical formation (older than even the midbrain), consisting of two hemispheres, in the connecting groove between which is the cerebellar vermis.

      The causes of cerebellar atrophy are very different and include a fairly extensive list of diseases that can affect the cerebellum and its associated connections. Based on this, it is quite difficult to classify the causes that led to this disease, but it is worth highlighting at least some:

    • Sequelae of meningitis.
    • Cerebral cysts located in the area of ​​the posterior cranial fossa.
    • Tumors of the same localization.
    • Hyperthermia. Sufficiently prolonged thermal stress for the body (heat stroke, high temperature).
    • result of atherosclerosis.
    • Consequences of a stroke.
    • Almost all pathological manifestations associated with processes occurring in the posterior cranial region.
    • Metabolic disorders.
    • With intrauterine damage to the cerebral hemispheres. The same reason can be an impetus for the development of cerebellar atrophy in a child in infancy.
    • Alcohol.
    • Reaction to certain drugs.
    • Symptoms of cerebellar atrophy

      The symptomatology of this disease, as well as its causes, is quite extensive and is directly related to the diseases or pathology that caused it.

      The most common symptoms of cerebellar atrophy are:

    • Vertigo.
    • Sharp headaches.
    • Nausea turning into vomiting.
    • Drowsiness.
    • Hearing impairment.
    • Slight or significant violations of the process of walking, (unsteadiness in walking).
    • Hyporeflexia.
    • Increased intracranial pressure.
    • Ataxia. Disorder of coordination of voluntary movements. This symptom is observed both temporarily and permanently.
    • Ophthalmoplegia. Paralysis of one or more cranial nerves that innervate the muscles of the eye. May appear temporarily.
    • Areflexia. Pathology of one or more reflexes, which is associated with a violation of the integrity of the reflex arc of the nervous system.
    • Enuresis is urinary incontinence.
    • Dysarthria. Disorder of articulate speech (difficulty or distortion of spoken words).
    • Tremor. Involuntary rhythmic movements of individual parts or the whole body.
    • Nystagmus. Involuntary rhythmic oscillatory eye movements.
    • Atrophy of the cerebellar vermis

      The cerebellar worm is responsible in the human body for the balance of the center of gravity of the body. For healthy functioning, the cerebellar vermis receives an information signal that goes along the spinocerebellar pathways from various parts of the body, vestibular nuclei and other parts of the human body, which are complexly involved in the correction and maintenance of the motor apparatus in spatial coordinates. That is, just atrophy of the cerebellar vermis leads to the fact that normal physiological and neurological connections collapse, the patient has problems with balance and stability, both when walking and at rest. By controlling the tone of the reciprocal muscle groups (mainly the muscles of the trunk and neck), the cerebellar vermis weakens its functions during its atrophy, which leads to movement disorders, constant tremors and other unpleasant symptoms.

      A healthy person tenses the muscles of the legs when standing. With the threat of a fall, for example, to the left side, the left leg moves in the direction of the intended direction of the fall. At the same time, the right leg comes off the surface as if in a jump. With atrophy of the cerebellar vermis, the connection in the coordination of these actions is disrupted, which leads to instability and the patient may fall even from a small push.

      Diffuse atrophy of the brain and cerebellum

      The brain with all its structural components is the same organ of the human body as everything else. Over time, a person ages, and his brain ages along with him. Violated and, to a greater or lesser extent, brain activity, its functionality atrophies: the ability to plan and control their actions. This often leads an elderly person to a distorted idea of ​​the norms of behavior. The main cause of atrophy of the cerebellum and the entire brain is the genetic component, and external factors are only a provocative and aggravating category. The difference in clinical manifestations is associated only with the predominant lesion of one or another part of the brain. The main general manifestation of the course of the disease is that the destructive process gradually progresses, up to the complete loss of personal qualities.

      Diffuse atrophy of the brain and cerebellum can progress due to numerous pathological processes of various etiologies. At the initial stage of development, diffuse atrophy, in its symptoms, is quite similar to late cortical atrophy of the cerebellum, but over time, other symptoms more specific to this particular pathology join the basic symptoms.

      The impetus for the development of diffuse atrophy of the brain and cerebellum can be both a traumatic brain injury and a chronic form of alcoholism.

      This dysfunction of the brain was first described in 1956, based on monitoring behavior, and after death, directly on the study of the very brain of American soldiers, who had been subjected to post-traumatic vegetative pressure for quite a long time.

      To date, physicians differentiate three types of brain cell death.

    • Genetic type is a natural, genetically programmed, process of death of neurons. A person ages, the brain gradually dies.
    • Necrosis - the death of brain cells occurs due to external factors: bruises, craniocerebral injuries, hemorrhages, ischemic manifestations.
    • cell suicide. Under the influence of certain factors, the cell nucleus is destroyed. Such a pathology can be congenital or acquired under the influence of a combination of factors.
    • The so-called "cerebellar gait" in many ways resembles the movement of a drunk. Due to impaired coordination of movement, people with atrophy of the cerebellum, and the brain as a whole, move uncertainly, they sway from side to side. This instability is especially manifested when it is necessary to make a turn. If diffuse atrophy has already passed into a more severe, acute stage, the patient loses the ability not only to walk, stand, but also sit.

      Atrophy of the cerebellar cortex

      In the medical literature, another form of this pathology is quite clearly described - late atrophy of the cerebellar cortex. The primary source of the brain cell-destroying process is the death of Purkinje cells. Clinical studies show that in this case there is demyelination of the fibers (selective damage to the myelin layers located in the amniotic zone of the endings of both the peripheral and central nervous systems) of the dentate nuclei of the cells that make up the cerebellum. The granular layer of cells usually suffers little. It undergoes a change in the case of an already acute, severe stage of the disease.

      Cell degeneration begins from the upper zone of the worm, gradually expanding to the entire surface of the worm and further to the cerebral hemispheres. The last zones that undergo pathological changes, with the neglect of the disease and the acute form of its manifestation, are olives. During this period, the processes of retrograde (reverse) rebirth begin to flow in them.

      An unequivocal etiology of such damage has not been identified to date. Doctors suggest, based on their observations, that the cause of atrophy of the cerebellar cortex can be various kinds of intoxication, the development of cancerous tumors, as well as progressive paralysis.

      But, as sad as it sounds, in most cases it is not possible to determine the etiology of the process. It is only possible to state changes in certain areas of the cerebellar cortex.

      An essential characteristic of atrophy of the cerebellar cortex is that, as a rule, it begins in patients already at an age, and is characterized by a slow course of pathology. Visual signs of the course of the disease begin to appear in the instability of gait, problems when standing without support and support. Gradually, the pathology captures the motor functions of the hands. It becomes difficult for the patient to write, use cutlery, and so on. Pathological disorders, as a rule, develop symmetrically. A tremor of the head, limbs and the entire body appears, the speech apparatus begins to suffer, and muscle tone decreases.

      Complications and consequences

      The consequences of cerebellar atrophy are devastating for a sick person, since in the process of the rapid development of the disease, irreversible pathological processes occur. If the patient's body is not supported even at the initial stage of the disease, the end result can be a complete degradation of a person as a person - this is socially and a complete inability to adequately act - physiologically.

      From a certain stage of the disease, the process of cerebellar atrophy cannot be reversed, but it is possible to freeze the symptoms, as it were, preventing them from progressing further.

      A patient with cerebellar atrophy begins to feel uncomfortable:

    • There is uncertainty in movements, the syndrome of "drunk" gait.
    • It is difficult for the patient to walk, stand without support or support from loved ones.
    • Problems with speech begin: slurred language, incorrect construction of phrases, inability to intelligibly express one's thoughts.
    • Gradually, manifestations of the degradation of social behavior are progressing.
    • The tremor of the limbs, head and entire body of the patient begins to be visualized. It becomes difficult for him to do seemingly elementary things.
    • Diagnosis of cerebellar atrophy

      To establish the correct diagnosis, a patient with the above symptoms must consult a neurologist, and only he is able to unambiguously make a diagnosis.

      Diagnosis of cerebellar atrophy includes:

    • A neuroimaging method that involves a visual examination by a doctor of a patient, checking his nerve endings for reactions to external stimuli.
    • Revealing the patient's history.
    • Genetic predisposition to this category of diseases. That is, whether there were cases of relatives with similar diseases in the patient's family.
    • Assistance in the diagnosis of cerebellar atrophy is provided by computed tomography.
    • A neurologist may refer a newborn for an ultrasound examination.
    • MRI is quite high and with a high probability reveals this pathology of the cerebellum and brain stem, and shows other changes that fall into the study area.

    Recently, such a phenomenon as the genetic nature of the development of the disease, or in other words, the patient's inability to influence the development of the disease at the initial stage, has become increasingly apparent. Ataxia also belongs to such diseases, but what is ataxia and what types of this disease are found, we will consider in this article.

    Ataxia is characterized by impaired motor skills of human movement and is a neuromuscular type of disease. The diagnosis of ataxia is made by a neurologist, since this ailment refers to diseases of the nervous system. In the course of its development, the patient is affected by the central nervous system, there may be some stiffness in movements, straining when walking and the dependence of movements on visual contact, impaired coordination of movement.

    At the same time, the muscles do not lose their strength, or lose it slightly.

    The causes of the development of this disease are associated primarily with the genetic nature. In addition, there is reason to believe that the formation of such a disease is influenced by a deficiency in the body of vitamin B12.

    In addition, the reasons are:

    • inflammatory processes in the body ();
    • drug use;
    • conversion disorders;
    • alcohol abuse;
    • the presence of an infection in the body or against the background of an infectious disease;
    • the presence of tumor processes;
    • disruptions in the endocrine system.

    Many experts believe that a violation of this kind does not arise as an independent type of disease, but as a result of a previous or existing disease. That is, ataxia is one of the symptoms of some more serious and dangerous disease, which the patient is not yet aware of.

    Classification of ataxia and its symptoms

    Symptoms of ataxia have a serious difference depending on the type of disease. Since with the defeat of a particular organ, individual manifestations are observed. This disease has the following subspecies:

    1. Cerebellar.
    2. Vestibular.
    3. Cortical.

    Definition of ataxia by gait

    In addition to the above subspecies of the disease, there are several more of its varieties, which one way or another can be attributed to one of the main types, but have some features that allow them to be distinguished into a separate group, including:

    • cerebellar ataxia of Pierre-Marie;
    • Friedreich's familial ataxia (Friedreich's hereditary ataxia);
    • telangiectasia ().

    There are several other subspecies that will not be discussed in detail within this article, including:

    Optical - a disease resulting from damage to the posterior parietal cortex of the brain. It is characterized by the inability of a person to touch any object at a distance of visibility due to inconsistency in hand movements.

    Intrapsychic ataxia - part of schizophrenia, is a violation of the psyche of the individual.

    Despite the rich classification of this disease, it has common symptoms, and the first symptoms include:

    • violation of coordination of movement;
    • nausea;
    • vomit;
    • involuntary muscle twitches;
    • handwriting change;
    • slow speech;
    • blurred vision;
    • changes in mental state;
    • the presence of hallucinations (auditory, visual);
    • memory impairment;
    • mime disorder.

    Often the symptoms of this disease are similar to those that occur with neurosis, as a result of which many confuse the first signs of the disease. In any case, if you suspect any deviations in the behavior of a potential patient, you should not delay, but you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

    Sensitive ataxia is the most common ailment and develops as a result of damage to the posterior columns of the spinal cord, namely the pathways located there.

    There are several types (severities) of the disease:

    • damage to the upper limbs with loss of coordination of movement;
    • damage to the lower extremities with loss of coordination and sensitivity in this area of ​​the body;
    • defeat of one of the limbs, with loss of coordination and sensitivity of it;
    • damage to all limbs;
    • loss of coordination of movement of the whole body (the case when the brain cannot determine how it is located relative to the earth's surface, as well as how arms and legs are located relative to each other).

    In the case of the development of this type of disease, a person may feel imbalances, since it is often the lower limbs that are affected. Walking becomes visually dependent (lack of visual contact with the area where the foot will be placed makes movement extremely difficult). It may seem to the patient that walking resembles moving on thick cardboard or cotton wool. The leg is placed on the floor with a characteristic pressure on the foot.

    Damaged spinal cord

    In addition, the patient is unable to maintain balance in a position with arms and legs spread apart.

    When testing the patient according to the Romberg method, the result is negative.

    Romberg's test is a way to determine the coordination of movement, which is expressed in observing the patient when he is in a position that the doctor indicates. Romberg's usual pose - Legs to the sides, arms forward, fingers spread out. Difficult pose - The legs are on the same line, with the heel of one foot touching the toe of the other, arms extended forward, fingers spread out. The average time to stay in this position with eyes closed is from 30 to 50 seconds without loss of coordination.

    The more severe the disease, the worse the ability to walk. In the most difficult stages, this possibility may be completely lost.


    Cerebellar ataxia (sometimes called trunk ataxia) belongs to the second major subtype of this disease. The main difference between the disease and the sensitive type is that with damage to the cerebellum, the symptoms spread to all limbs and the body as a whole, while with a sensitive type of disease, only one limb can be affected.

    The main symptoms of this disease are as follows:

    • change in gait, inability to stand upright;
    • imbalance;
    • tremor of the limbs;
    • strained pronunciation of words with their noticeable separation;
    • eye twitching.

    The reasons for the development of this disease are:

    • drug poisoning (abuse or excessively long use of the same drug);
    • cerebellar stroke (this phenomenon is dangerous not only with the risk of ataxia, but also with the danger of a fatal outcome);
    • infectious diseases (encephalitis, chickenpox, etc.);
    • cerebral palsy;
    • traumatic brain injury.

    The patient and the people around him will definitely notice that something is wrong with the patient. For example, the patient's gait will resemble a pendulum. He will move on straight legs, swaying from side to side. When standing still with legs wide apart, if one of the legs is pushed sharply, the patient will fall and not even notice it.

    During turns when walking, the patient may even fall.

    Gradually, the patient ceases to understand in what sequence it is necessary to rearrange the legs and move the arms while walking. A kind of mask freezes on the face, because of which the patient looks like a drinking person. Speech slows down, handwriting deteriorates, strabismus may develop, and visual acuity may deteriorate. Gradually develop mental disorders and depression.

    In children, this disease can develop after 3 years, but the main age falls precisely on the interval from one to three.

    Cerebellar ataxia of Pierre-Marie

    This disease is one of the subtypes of cerebellar ataxia and belongs to hereditary diseases.
    The probability of illness in relatives of the patient in the first line is quite high. The disease is progressive and it is difficult to diagnose it in the early stages of development.

    The first manifestations of the disease are visualized by others at the age of 35–40 years. The symptoms are the same as with normal cerebellar ataxia.

    The main difference is the cause of development - cerebellar hypoplasia.


    This type of disease is a direct continuation of the underlying disease. That is, vestibular ataxia does not occur on its own, but only as an accompanying symptom.

    The main manifestations of this disease are as follows:

    • violation of coordination of movement and rest (standing or sitting);
    • nausea;
    • vomit;
    • nystagmus;

    Nystagmus - involuntary eye movement (twitching)

    • sleep disturbance (dizziness may disturb the patient in the supine position);
    • dizziness;
    • autonomic disorders (pallor or redness, tachycardia, pulse instability).

    The main causes of the development of the vestibular type of the disease are as follows:

    • damage to hair cells, as a result of inflammatory processes in the inner ear (otitis media, trauma, aerootitis, tumor, ear cholesteatoma)

    Hair cells - auditory receptors

    Cholesteatoma - a tumor neoplasm containing capsule-shaped growths

    • damage to the vestibular nerve (tumor, infectious disease, toxic poisoning)
    • damage to the vestibular nuclei in the medulla oblongata (tumor, encephalitis, arachnoiditis, multiple sclerosis, atherosclerosis)
    • traumatic brain injury

    The main difference between a vestibular disease and the rest is the dependence of symptoms on turning the head or torso. Usually, these actions cause the patient maximum inconvenience, for this reason he tries to perform them smoothly and without sudden movements, in addition, with his eyes closed, he feels the incoordination of movement more strongly.

    Since hair cells are usually affected on one side of the body, the patient will also be "mowed" on this side.


    Cortical or frontal ataxia is one of the varieties of the disease, which is similar in many symptoms to cerebellar ataxia, but also has its own characteristics.

    Some scientific facts about the disease

    The main symptoms of the progression of this disease, in addition to the general ones, are as follows:

    • development of a grasping reflex;
    • change in the psyche;
    • impaired sense of smell;
    • falling backwards when walking;
    • instability.

    A patient with a cortical type of illness moves along one line with a constant deviation of the body back.

    The cause of the development of the disease is the defeat of the frontal lobe of the brain as a result of:

    • tumors;
    • abscesses;
    • circulatory disorders;
    • stroke.

    Friedreich's ataxia

    Friedreich's ataxia is a hereditary disease that has almost all the symptoms characteristic of ataxia. The main difference between this disease and the rest is the way it is transmitted - heredity.

    Friedreich's ataxia can be both cerebellar and sensitive types. The disease develops from 10 to 20 years, there is a possibility of a later manifestation, but in rare cases.

    The main symptoms are as follows:

    • wobbly gait;
    • stumbling and falling while walking;
    • uncertainty when moving;
    • hand tremor;
    • handwriting change;
    • hearing loss;
    • worsening and slowing down of speech;
    • loss of ability to serve oneself;
    • development of dementia;
    • disorders of the nervous system (arrhythmia, the formation of "Friedreich's foot", disorders in the endocrine system).

    This is what Friedreich's foot looks like

    The causes of the disease are mutations that lead to the accumulation of toxic substances and heavy metals in the body. This, in turn, leads to damage to neurons, pancreatic and heart cells, as well as eye muscles, etc. All these processes, one way or another, lead to the development of Friedreich's ataxia.

    Dynamic nature of cerebellar ataxia

    In modern neurology, two types of ataxia are distinguished according to the nature of its manifestation - dynamic and static

    As a rule, most often you can find such a thing as dynamic cerebellar ataxia, which manifests itself, as it became clear when the cerebellum is damaged.

    Its main difference from static is that all violations, one way or another, are associated with the movement of the patient.

    It is believed that the dynamic type of the disease is the most severe form of the disease, since the patient is not able to move independently.

    Static nature of cerebellar ataxia

    As for the static type of this disease, or as it is sometimes called static locomotor disease. In this case, the severity of the disease is lower than with dynamic. The basis of the symptoms are manifestations of imbalance when the patient's body is at rest (standing, sitting and even lying down).

    Diagnosis of ataxia

    In order to correctly diagnose and differentiate different types of the disease, complex diagnostics is used, which includes several stages.

    So, at the very first stage, the doctor needs to determine what type of disease, according to the type of course, the disease belongs to. For this, a special neurological classification is used:

    1. Acute.
    2. Subacute.
    3. Progressive.
    4. episodic.

    Depending on the underlying disease and the nature of the manifestation of symptoms, conclusions can be drawn about a particular type of ailment. There may be several options, so the doctor never relies only on the results of any one study.

    After the type of flow is established, the doctor begins to deal directly with the type of disease, from the above classification. As a rule, complex neurological tests are used for this:

    • Romberg's position;
    • finger tests;
    • knee tests;
    • lowering hands test;
    • backlash symptom;
    • pay attention to the presence of Burdzinsky's syndrome.

    In addition to studying the patient's history and conducting various tests, instrumental studies are prescribed. Including:

    • magnetic resonance imaging;
    • general and clinical analysis of blood;
    • CT scan;
    • ultrasound of the brain;
    • cerebrospinal fluid analysis.

    Depending on the severity of the diagnosis, additional tests may be ordered.

    Treatment and prognosis of ataxia

    For the treatment of such a disease, the absence of delay is important, as it progresses and can flow into a more severe form.
    Since the main cause of the disease is a concomitant disease, ataxia is treated symptomatically, and the main therapy is already directed to the disease that caused this symptom.

    In most cases, to say that the disease is curable is not worth it, perhaps only to reduce the symptoms and make life easier for a person. However, this does not mean that it is impossible to completely get rid of it. How to cure an unpleasant ailment forever?

    First of all, by a complete cure for the underlying disease. However, if the development of the disease is running, the chances of permanently getting rid of ataxia are small.

    • massotherapy;
    • therapeutic physical culture (LFK);
    • the use of a vitamin complex (vitamin E, coenzine Q10);
    • the use of riboflavin and succinic acid.

    The prognosis is highly dependent on the severity of the disease. In severe forms, it is possible to limit the patient's employment, in the case of a favorable outcome, the probability of surviving patients to a ripe old age is high. With a mild form and the exclusion of the re-development of infectious diseases, it is possible to get rid of the disease completely.

    The treatment of this disease with folk remedies, and even without the supervision of a specialist, is an extremely unreasonable decision, and our editors are strongly against such decisions.

    exercise therapy

    An important role in the treatment of the disease is played by exercises for ataxia, which can be divided into several blocks:

    1. Restorative (turns, swings with limbs).
    2. Developing accuracy (the main condition is to hit the indicated plane with your hand or foot, gradually the complexity of the tasks increases, loads are added).
    3. Developing consistency in the joints (consists in setting tasks for lifting or moving various objects, and the joints should be involved in this work, it is gradually possible to use loads during these exercises).
    4. To stimulate ballistics (throws, pushes or imitation of such activities, each time the distance of the throw increases).
    5. To improve balance (exercises to improve balance with additional movements, standing, sitting and walking, you can gradually introduce the use of bars for these purposes).
    6. Training eye muscles (Fixing with the eyes of a certain point, which is followed during head tilts or turns, as well as in motion).
    7. To develop a muscular-articular feeling (guessing an object by sensations with closed eyes).

    There is an opinion that it is possible to use such a device as a balancer for children, however, only a doctor can prescribe it, in no case self-medicate, as you can injure the baby.


    Prevention is understood as a set of measures that exclude the further spread of the disease and the exclusion of its occurrence in healthy people.

    • exclusion of consanguineous marriages;
    • exclusion of pregnancy in families with ataxia;
    • timely treatment of infectious diseases;
    • preventing the accumulation of toxic and heavy metals in the body;
    • maintaining a healthy lifestyle;
    • compliance with sleep, nutrition;
    • timely referral to a specialist for help.

    So, ataxia is a serious concomitant disease that requires mandatory medical intervention. The longer the patient delays contacting a specialist, the less likely he is to fully recover from such an illness, moreover, the underlying disease can completely kill him. Take care of yourself, do not self-medicate and be treated by the right doctors!

    Some diseases develop on their own, while others are formed in addition to some other diseases as a complication or an obligatory phenomenon. Most often, such secondary ailments require special treatment - the elimination of symptoms and the correction of the main cause of their occurrence. Just such a disease is ataxia, we will discuss it, the main symptoms and causes of treatment.

    What is ataxia in humans?

    Ataxia in its essence is a serious violation of the coordination of movements, which is in no way interconnected with muscle weakness. Such a pathological phenomenon may concern the coordination of the limbs, and in some cases almost the entire body. In addition, the disease can disrupt the coordination of gait and cause problems with breathing and speech.

    How does ataxia manifest itself, what are its symptoms?

    There are several types of ataxia, which may differ in their manifestations. So the most common hereditary type of such an ailment is considered to be Friedreich's ataxia. The first manifestations of such a disease become noticeable in adolescence or adolescence. They include noticeable awkwardness and some uncertainty during walking, there is also weakness and atrophy of the muscles of the legs, the occurrence of discoordination in the hands.

    Often such patients experience dysarthria, which is a violation of pronunciation due to a deficiency in the innervation of the speech apparatus. Over time, this ataxia leads to the development of diabetes mellitus, obesity, hypogonadism, cardiomyopathy, optic nerve atrophy and cataracts, scoliosis, hollow foot, etc.

    With a vestibular variety of ataxia, the patient suffers from dizziness, which is often accompanied by nausea and vomiting, he is worried about nystagmus, and in some cases hearing loss. Symptoms increase if the patient turns his eyes or his torso or head takes a certain position. A characteristic sign of vestibular ataxia is staggering while walking with a deviation in a certain direction.

    A sensitive type of ataxia leads to a violation of walking in the dark, the patient has difficulty maintaining balance, taking the Romberg position or simply closing his eyes. A patient with such an ailment walks with extreme caution, raising his leg high and lowering it to the surface of the floor with the entire sole.

    Cortical actaxia leads to a change in gait, which becomes, as it were, "drunk". In the event that severe damage to the cerebral cortex occurs, the patient may suffer from paralysis, lose the ability to stand or walk. Also, the symptoms of this type of pathology include the appearance of olfactory and auditory hallucinations, mental changes, memory impairment and visual impairment.

    Why does ataxia occur, what are the reasons for this?

    There are many factors that can cause ataxia. Among these pathological conditions are various brain ailments (tumors, injuries, malformations, acute circulatory disorders, hydrocephalus, and demyelinating ailments). Also, ataxia can be triggered by diseases of the vestibular apparatus - labyrinthitis, vestibular neuronitis, neuroma of the vestibular nerve.

    In certain cases, the disease starts as a result of poisoning with sleeping pills or potent drugs, for example, benzodiazepines, barbiturates, etc. Experts say that it can also be caused by a serious deficiency of vitamin B12. In some cases, the disease has a hereditary origin.

    How is ataxia corrected, what is it?

    Therapy of ataxia is to correct the causes of its development. So, if the disease was provoked by disturbances in the activity of the brain or cerebellum, the doctor can perform an operative procedure - the elimination of tumor formation, hemorrhage or abscess. Measures can also be taken to reduce pressure in the region of the posterior cranial fossa, sometimes a decision is made to create an outflow from the CSF.

    In certain cases, ataxia therapy involves the normalization of blood pressure, as well as taking drugs that optimize cerebral blood flow and metabolic processes. These drugs include angioprotectors, as well as nootropic drugs. Such measures help to cope with cerebral circulation disorders.

    If infectious lesions of the brain or inner ear have been diagnosed, antibiotic therapy is carried out. With demyelinating ailments, the patient has to take hormonal medications (steroids), and the plasmapheresis procedure is also indicated.
    To eliminate poisoning, they resort to the introduction of solutions and various vitamins, especially B vitamins, ascorbic acid and provitamin A.

    Deficiency of cyanocobalamin requires its timely administration.

    Friedreich's ataxia can be corrected by the use of drugs that can support mitochondrial function, such drugs include tocopherol, coenzyme Q10, riboflavin, and succinic acid.


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