Hasn't slept well for 9 months. A child (9 months) does not sleep well at night: how to help the baby fall asleep? Regime violations

A nine-month-old baby is a real explorer. He already knows how to crawl, some babies even make their first attempts at mastering walking skills. The baby plays educational games with interest, watches cartoons and actively gets acquainted with the world around him. At this age, children begin to perceive more and more consciously, their temperament is formed. A poor night's sleep can overshadow the developmental progress of the little one. This disorder negatively affects the well-being of children and parents, because the whole family is deprived of a good rest. Consider what causes this phenomenon, and how to deal with it.

Sleep rate for children 9 months

As babies get older, they need less and less time to sleep. Instead, they begin to acquire new skills, develop them, and get to know the world around them. If everything is in order with the health of the child, then in total he should sleep 13-16 hours. Night sleep takes approximately 9-11 hours, and daytime passes in 2-3 stages of 40 minutes each, if the little one prefers to sleep 2 times, then the rest should last at least 2 hours.

Often mothers think that children sleep according to established data, but this is far from the case. The numbers above are not a rule, but a guideline. Each baby is individual and has its own biological rhythm. Night sobs, twitches in sleep and groans are also the norm, as children transition from one phase of sleep to another. Mom just needs to gently stroke the baby and talk quietly to him, and the dream will return again.

However, there are situations when night tantrums and vigils are repeated almost every day. In this case, you need to find out why a 9-month-old baby does not sleep well at night.

Causes of the disorder

Parents exhausted by the insomnia of babies often begin to panic, because it seems to them that something is wrong with the child. Disturbances in the activity of the nervous system can indeed adversely affect a child's sleep, but in most cases the reasons are more banal. Consider in more detail what prevents children from sleeping at night:

The disorder of the emotional background of the mother always entails insomnia in babies.

  1. Health problems. At 9 months, babies can still be bothered by digestive problems and teething. Also, children of this age often develop infectious and inflammatory diseases. This can cause insomnia, whims, tears and loss of appetite.

Actions of parents

In most cases, parents can cope with their baby's insomnia on their own. To do this, it is only worth reviewing the daily routine of the crumbs and eliminating all the negative factors that can disrupt his sleep.

Consider how to return the child and the rest of the family to a normal night's rest:

In conclusion

Babies of nine months of age can sleep poorly for various reasons. Most often, the violation is associated with the sudden maturation of the child, an excess of emotions in him. However, there are other factors that can negatively affect the baby's nighttime rest.

Parents should provide the conditions that are most comfortable for the sleep of the little one, so that he fully develops and is happy.

Insomnia in infancy up to a year is a common occurrence in children. The kid wakes up every hour, requires attention, tiring parents at night.

Mothers are worried about this - not only because they have to be near the cradle around the clock, but also because of the concern for the health of the child himself. Can this phenomenon be called sleep disorders? Should the baby sleep at night or regular awakenings are normal for him?

Restless sleep in infants is an integral part of the childhood of almost every baby.

Why doesn't my 9 month old baby sleep?

If your child has not been sleeping well for 9 months, this does not mean that he has begun to have some health problems. The fact is that the physiology of sleep in children is different from that of adults. Our sleep at night is divided into alternating phases of non-REM and REM sleep. Due to the fact that our daily activity is increased, the body needs more time to debug and regulate body processes, which is carried out during the slow phase. A child wakes up every hour because the amount of non-REM sleep he needs is less than that of an adult, and REM sleep lasts for short periods.

During slow-wave sleep, the body is completely relaxed, and the brain ceases to perceive signals from the outside world, so a person wakes up at night with difficulty. The fast phase is characterized by vivid dreams and increased brain activity at night, which is why any noise can wake the baby up so easily. It is very important not to disturb the baby when he is sleeping, as it can be difficult for him to fall asleep later.

Why shouldn't you worry?

Children are sensitive to the state of their parents. Increased anxiety and anxiety are reflected in his further mental development. In addition, excessive parental worries can affect the quality of a baby's sleep. He is not yet accustomed to sleep, he does not know how to control his feelings, breathing, he cannot start counting sheep, as adults sometimes do in order to fall asleep faster, so insomnia is a frequent guest in the lives of children. If at the same time he also wakes up at night in the dark, alone, then this causes him negative emotions. When parents experience excessive anxiety, it only exacerbates the infant's anxiety. However, if a mother who is caring and confident in the well-being of the baby is always there, the child will endure this period easier.

It is important that the mother is nearby and calms the crying child in time.

So, the causes of insomnia in children of 9 months of age are as follows:

  • Babies have different sleep phases, so they can wake up every hour. If the baby often wakes up, the main thing is to be nearby to calm him down.
  • Little people have recently entered this life and do not yet know how to control the process of falling asleep.
  • Children often take a nap during the day, so if it seems to the mother that her baby falls asleep only for one hour a day, then she should take a closer look at him - in fact, this happens much more often.
  • Children are very active, so at night, due to overwork, they often suffer from insomnia. Night crying signals fatigue associated with the inability to sleep.
  • Unfavorable conditions: noise, uncomfortable bed, light interferes.
  • Physiological causes: pain, systemic disorders, temperature.

Only the last two reasons require additional intervention on the part of parents, in addition to the usual care of the child. Poor sleep hygiene takes a toll on his health as it disrupts the delicate physiology of infant sleep. If the causes lie in infectious diseases, then this can be completely life-threatening. If you notice a fever in your baby, contact your pediatrician immediately.

What can I do to improve my baby's sleep?

First, practice good sleep hygiene. The kid should go to bed at the same hour, this will develop a day and night regimen for him, teach him to fall asleep on time. Secondly, protect his crib from all irritants - noise, light, unpleasant odors and other inconveniences. Third, exclude the possibility of an infectious disease.

We found that waking up every hour is normal for babies. When does it take place? Children begin to sleep much better by the age of one and a half years. The psyche becomes more formed, and the instincts begin to yield to the conscious comprehension of the world. In addition, breastfeeding is stopped, which sometimes occurs just an hour before bedtime and activates the digestive system. Until then, there are the following methods to help a nine-month-old baby fall asleep at night:

  • Swaddling. This method is controversial in the medical community. According to one point of view, the child has a large number of chaotic movements. The baby does not control his body the way adults do, so swaddling allows him to temporarily forget about the need to move, allows him to take a break from movement, activity.

Swaddling helps some babies sleep well

  • motion sickness. Intrauterine conditions are such that the child is constantly motion sick. This state is familiar to him, it helps him fall asleep in the future, as it relieves anxiety. If the baby wakes up just an hour after bedtime, motion sickness can sometimes quickly return him to sleep.

The method of rocking a child has its supporters and opponents.

  • Embrace. And again - in the womb of the mother, the baby is surrounded by a warm and cramped space, which he associates with security, safety. Hugging a child before going to bed, we give him warmth and tightness, soothe him before falling asleep.

Hugs are an indispensable attribute of communication between parents and children.

  • Co-sleeping. Up to six months of sleeping with a baby is a way to have a positive impact on your health and your baby. The baby is comfortable next to the mother at night, he feels part of her. If he wakes up every hour, she can console him right away. Subsequently, however, you will have to accustom him to a separate bed, this is a necessary stage of growing up.

Co-sleeping is a peaceful sleep for both the baby and the mother.

  • Lullabies. Smooth, slow melodies help the child relieve anxiety, and the mother's voice is dear to him, which will also have a positive effect on the psychological background. Sing to your child as this is a proven way to calm him down.

Lullabies help your baby fall asleep faster


A child needs love, care from parents, he needs constant attention, especially in the first 9 months of life.

A nine-month-old baby is a real explorer. He already knows how to crawl, some babies even make their first attempts at mastering walking skills. The baby plays educational games with interest, watches cartoons and actively gets acquainted with the world around him. At this age, children begin to perceive more and more consciously, their temperament is formed. A poor night's sleep can overshadow the developmental progress of the little one. This disorder negatively affects the well-being of children and parents, because the whole family is deprived of a good rest. Consider what causes this phenomenon, and how to deal with it.

Sleep rate for children 9 months

As babies get older, they need less and less time to sleep. Instead, they begin to acquire new skills, develop them, and get to know the world around them. If everything is in order with the health of the child, then in total he should sleep 13-16 hours. Night sleep takes approximately 9-11 hours, and daytime passes in 2-3 stages of 40 minutes each, if the little one prefers to sleep 2 times, then the rest should last at least 2 hours.

Often mothers think that children sleep according to established data, but this is far from the case. The numbers above are not a rule, but a guideline. Each baby is individual and has its own biological rhythm. Night sobs, twitches in sleep and groans are also the norm, as children transition from one phase of sleep to another. Mom just needs to gently stroke the baby and talk quietly to him, and the dream will return again.

However, there are situations when night tantrums and vigils are repeated almost every day. In this case, you need to find out why a 9-month-old baby does not sleep well at night.

Causes of the disorder

Parents exhausted by the insomnia of babies often begin to panic, because it seems to them that something is wrong with the child. Disturbances in the activity of the nervous system can indeed adversely affect a child's sleep, but in most cases the reasons are more banal. Consider in more detail what prevents children from sleeping at night:

The disorder of the emotional background of the mother always entails insomnia in babies.

  1. Health problems. At 9 months, babies can still be bothered by digestive problems and teething. Also, children of this age often develop infectious and inflammatory diseases. This can cause insomnia, whims, tears and loss of appetite.

Actions of parents

In most cases, parents can cope with their baby's insomnia on their own. To do this, it is only worth reviewing the daily routine of the crumbs and eliminating all the negative factors that can disrupt his sleep.

Consider how to return the child and the rest of the family to a normal night's rest:

In conclusion

Babies of nine months of age can sleep poorly for various reasons. Most often, the violation is associated with the sudden maturation of the child, an excess of emotions in him. However, there are other factors that can negatively affect the baby's nighttime rest.

Parents should provide the conditions that are most comfortable for the sleep of the little one, so that he fully develops and is happy.

The sweet dream of a beloved crumb brings rest not only to the children's body. Mom rests with him, and in the end everyone wakes up in a great mood. What could be better? It happens, and quite often, that babies do not sleep for the period prescribed by general norms. Why does this happen and how much should a child sleep at 8-9 months?

It happens that the child's sleep pattern is far from generally accepted norms, and this tires the parents and the baby himself.

Sleep rate for children 8-9 months

The average sleep duration per day for children 8-9 months old is 14-15 hours. 10 hours are allotted for night sleep, the remaining 4-5 hours are broken up in the daytime. There is a table showing the desired daily routine. The most comfortable and age-appropriate will be the following sleep pattern:

  • 22.00–6.00 - night rest;
  • 8.30–10.00 - first break;
  • 14.30–16.30 - second break;
  • 20.00–22.00 - a couple of hours after "leaving" for a night's sleep, the baby is woken up for the last feeding.

Daytime sleep is divided into 2 periods. Between rest time wakefulness is 2.5-3 hours. This is theory, but how does it work in practice? We list the possible options for sleep mode, which are also quite acceptable:

  • 2-time daytime sleep - the average duration of each 1.5-2 hours. This mode speaks of the excellent development of the baby, that his emotional and psychological development is in line with the norms. Wake time can be about 3.5 hours. When this happens, the preliminary part of the night's sleep can be removed and only the main part left from 22:00. This routine is also more convenient for parents, because sometimes the baby, waking up to eat at 22:00, no longer wants to go to bed again.
  • 3-time daytime sleep - divided into two short rests of 40 minutes each (at 9:00 and at 19:00) and one full rest in the lunch area. It will be longer from 2 to 3 hours. The duration depends on whether the mother walks with a stroller in the park or not. Sleeping three times a day indicates the child’s rapid fatigue, when it is still difficult for him to “walk” for a long time. This mode is also a normal indicator of development. Once mom and baby are used to this routine, they can stick with it for as long as they need to.

The optimal daytime sleep regimen can be calculated individually, based on the individual physiology of the child and his daily activity. The most important thing is that the baby should gain strength and fully recover during the rest period.

The quality of daytime sleep directly depends on the intensity of the walk and its duration.

Deviations from the norm

  • Analyze the possible causes of the excitement of the crumbs and try to eliminate them. For example, a child is invigorated by loud music or older children are lured into active games, etc.
  • Adjust the climate in the room. Often children do not sleep well because of the heat. More comfortable conditions for sleep - fresh and cool air in the bedroom.
  • Stick to a daily routine. The strict observance of the established rules should not be affected by weekends or holidays. Just once moving away from the regime, you risk undermining the entire existing system.
  • Help the baby to comply with the regimen (we recommend reading:). Seeing that the baby is naughty before going to bed, delay laying down a little. You can captivate the child with reading or babysit him in your arms, while speaking in a calm voice. The baby should go to sleep at strictly fixed hours.

If the child absolutely does not want to go to bed, you can try a different approach, but do not shift the time of sleep

How to help a child sleep?

Children 8-9 months old are extremely active, and this leads to the fact that it is extremely difficult to put a fidget to bed. It is difficult for a child to rebuild his nervous system - even while in the crib, he still craves games and actions. It is not easy for parents to calm down a rampant peanut.

What are the ways to lay down a little naughty? It is important to properly distribute games throughout the day. In the evening, be sure to exclude all noisy and active games. When dad comes home from work, he wants to babysit and tickle his baby, but active games will be inappropriate in this case too. The child at this time should immerse himself in a peaceful and calm environment that would set him in a sleepy mood. It is useful and very effective to include some rituals that would be observed daily. The baby will immediately understand that the time for sleep will come soon and it will be much easier to put him down. As rituals, you can choose bathing, putting on pajamas, reading a fairy tale, stroking massage, etc.

It will be easier to lay the fidget if you include swaying in your arms or in the crib in the process. Sometimes a child is naughty only with mom, then it would be useful to attach dad or other family members to laying down. Most likely, the whims will come to naught and the baby will fall asleep peacefully in 5 minutes.

In the absence of results, we connect the stroller to the actions. You can rock the baby in it, and then shift it to the crib. Toddlers who are accustomed to sleeping in a stroller during the day instantly fall asleep in it in the evening.

Sleep disorders

There is another problem specific to the age we are studying. An 8 month old baby may not sleep well through the night. He sleeps restlessly, often wakes up and cries. Sleepless nights leave an imprint on the nervous state of parents, who, in addition to their fatigue, are still extremely worried about the baby.

Sleep disorders manifest themselves as follows:

  • The child falls asleep badly at night, the laying time increases. Waking up at night, and this happens several times, the baby cannot fall asleep on his own and starts crying, calling his mother. Mom is forced to come up again and again, soothe and rock the baby. After waiting for a seemingly sound sleep, mother calms down, but in vain - after a while the situation repeats itself.
  • There are fewer deep sleep phases. Parents need to take a closer look at the evening rituals, most likely they are violated - for example, the baby loves to fall asleep, sucking the breast, or he is used to falling asleep from motion sickness in his arms, he is used to falling asleep with his mother.

If the child cannot fall asleep without parents, you need to be prepared for violations of the phases and duration of sleep

Reasons for waking up at night

It is unnecessary to suspect any diseases in this case. A healthy 9-month-old baby who wakes up every hour is the norm. This situation depends on a number of reasons:

  1. Teeth are cutting. At this age, teeth are actively climbing in children. One tooth can torment the baby, or several at once. Of course, children are very hard and not easy going through this period. There is more saliva, the kids are looking for any items to scratch their gums. Chewing food becomes painful. Often, these symptoms are accompanied by fever and changes in stool. All of the above, of course, affects the quality of sleep. Noticing frequent waking up in the baby, you can suspect active teething.
  2. Breast-feeding. Babies who eat mother's milk are more restless than formula-fed babies. The baby needs to feel and find out that the mother is nearby, because their connection during lactation is extremely close. As soon as the baby feels his mother's warmth, drinks some milk, he immediately falls asleep sweetly again.
  3. Diseases. The child may be tormented by symptoms of various diseases. These include otitis, colic, colds and others. Continuous loud crying in the middle of the night indicates the presence of pain. The problem can only be solved with the participation of a pediatrician.
  4. external stimuli. The child may be uncomfortable in clothes - for example, the seams rub the skin or wrinkles interfere. The little one also does not sleep well in a hot or too cold room. It is important to monitor the external conditions of sleep, then the baby will sleep long and hard.
  5. Incorrectly organized daily routine (we recommend reading:). A child can sleep during the day and not finish walking, and at night he wants to catch up.
  6. Excitement and vivid emotions during the day, as well as the presence of active and noisy games before bedtime.

Such a reason goes away on its own, provided that rest is observed in the following days. Violations that continue for a long time and bother you need to be corrected. The pediatrician should suggest the right decision.

Dr. Komarovsky advises to adhere to the following rules so that laying down the baby takes a minimum of time:

  • The room should be well ventilated, which means it is saturated with oxygen. If possible, it is better to sleep with the window ajar. The maximum possible temperature in the room is 24 degrees. The humidity level should be around 50-70%. A baby who is used to opening up in a dream does not need to be covered on his own. It would be more rational to put on pajamas before going to bed.
  • Quiet games before bed are the key to calm bedtime. Read good stories. A baby at 8 months is already able to listen to 2-3 fairy tales at a time.
  • Get a relaxing massage before bed.
  • It is better to bathe the little one in a large bath, so he can spend all the remaining energy, and then fall asleep soundly.
  • Buy a baby orthopedic mattress for sweet and pleasant dreams.
  • Sing lullabies your baby loves.
  • Wear disposable diapers at night.
  • Before going to bed, it is good and useful to take a little walk in the fresh air.

Parents themselves will see and appreciate the benefits of following the rules for organizing sleep that Komarovsky offers. Help the baby to train important and necessary skills.

The dark time of the day is necessary so that adults and children replenish their strength during sleep. But if a 9-month-old baby often wakes up at night, the mother accumulates fatigue, and it becomes more difficult for her to cope with her duties. It is necessary to try to find a way out of this situation in order to normalize the baby's sleep.

The fact that a child of 9 months does not sleep well at night does not always mean that he screams heart-rendingly for hours at night. The situation can be radically opposite - the baby is calm, and simply does not want to sleep, but wants to play and spend time with his mother and it is almost impossible to put him down for several hours.

For some children, shallow sleep is the norm and can last up to three to five years, but this is rather an exception to the rule. Such a child, both at 9 and at 18 months, tosses and turns all night and often wakes up. There are several ways that mom can recommend to use to improve the quality of baby's sleep.

For those with night vigils and tantrums, it is important to understand the reason why a 9-month-old baby often wakes up at night. After all, sometimes it happens that by eliminating a seemingly insignificant problem, we suddenly get the desired result without much effort.

Overstimulation of the nervous system

The main factor that most often affects the quality of sleep is too much activity of the child in the evening. It is absurd to think that the more energy the baby spends, the more tired he will be and sleep better.

The family needs to radically reconsider their lifestyle, cancel noisy parties with guests, and instead give preference to evening walks. Even if the child does not watch TV, his presence in the room still irritates vision and hearing, straining the nervous system, which subsequently results in a bad dream.

It is customary to bathe the baby in a warm bath before going to bed, but it is not recommended for especially excitable children to do this, and it would be better to transfer the bathing time to the morning hours. Time before going to bed is better to devote to quiet games, viewing children's books and walking.

hungry kid

For bottle-fed babies, a hearty dinner will be relevant. After all, if the child is hungry or thirsty, then there can be no talk of any sound sleep. But you can not feed the baby at night, because this is a big burden on the digestive system. It is better to arrange a satisfying last for him, and at night, if absolutely necessary, you can only give him some water to drink.

If a 9-month-old baby suckles at the breast all night, then this is also not very good. At night, he does this not to satiate, but to calm down, using his mother instead of a pacifier. In such a situation, after five minutes of suckling, carefully remove the nipple from the baby's mouth.

Messed up the time

Some mothers wonder why a 9-month-old baby does not sleep well at night and wakes up every hour, while he sleeps well during the day. The problem lies in the fact that in the daytime the child has too much time for sleep.

During the day, the baby has time to relax, and in the evening he begins to frolic, and even if his mother manages to put him to bed, sleep is short. For such babies, it is recommended to reduce the time of daytime sleep, and after a while his schedule will return to normal.

In order for the child to sleep soundly all night long, fresh air is required in a room with a temperature of no more than 22 ° C, tightly closed curtains, the absence of extraneous noise and a beloved mother nearby.

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