Types of snacks. Proper snacks for weight loss: a list of products, rules and features. Healthy meal options

Speaking about proper nutrition, we mean not just eating healthy foods, but also eating in small portions, every 2-3 hours. Accordingly, the daily diet will consist not only of breakfast, lunch, dinner, but also accommodate small snacks between them. Our task is to make these snacks useful for our body. A proper snack should not be done on the run, it should be regarded as a full meal.

Eating a lot and in large portions is harmful to the body. When a person eats 3 times a day and at the same time overeats heavily, the metabolism can slow down. Food that enters the body very slowly and is poorly absorbed. A person thinks that he enriches his body with vitamins, but in the end it only harms him.
It is much easier for the body to process food that comes into the body gradually. For example, it is advisable to eat about six times a day, but in small portions.
With six meals a day, the volume of food decreases, the stomach does not stretch.
Here is a simple example. The man came home from work hungry. In the morning I didn’t eat anything and didn’t have time to have lunch. He eats a large portion of food, and the body stores a certain amount of fat in reserve. And then the person is perplexed and indignant where the sides on his waist come from, the sagging belly, because I only eat once a day.

With a healthy diet and snacks, there will be no painful feeling of hunger, especially since there will always be a light snack at hand.
A person can plan his own diet. To be both useful and tasty.

When is the best time to eat?

You have to eat properly. This is done when you are already hungry, or between breakfast and lunch. For people who may forget to eat, you can use small reminder stickers, or just set an alarm on your cell phone.
For a snack, it is not necessary to allocate too much time, it will be enough for you to devote 5-10 minutes to it. Even if you have a lot of work, you need to be distracted and thus it will turn out that you will rest and replenish your body with useful substances and vitamins.

Approximate power scheme:

  • 6:00-9:00-breakfast
  • 11:00 - snack (second breakfast)
  • 13:00-15:00-lunch
  • 16:00-17:00 - snack (afternoon snack)
  • 18:00-19:00 dinner
  • 21:00 - snack (second dinner)

What foods can be eaten for a healthy snack?

Nutritionists say that for a snack, foods rich in proteins and carbohydrates should be used. They are not very high in calories, and will give you a lot of energy for the whole working day.

These products are:

  • cottage cheese, yogurt;
  • citrus;
  • nuts, dried fruits, berries;
  • eggs;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits.

But the most important thing is to watch the portion, and in no case overeat.

First snack or second breakfast or lunch

If in the morning, in a hurry getting ready for work, you did not have time to have breakfast and your breakfast consisted only of a cup of coffee, then during your snack you should definitely eat something substantial. The ideal option in this case would be the use of oatmeal, cheesecakes or scrambled eggs. But if the breakfast was hearty, then you can have a snack with some kind of fruit, fresh or in the form of dried fruits. They are good for snacking. For people working in an office, or in a crowded place, these products will be very appropriate, because they do not interfere with others with unnecessary odors.

A good option for a snack is boiled corn. She is useful and nutritious. During heat treatment, corn does not lose all its beneficial properties. People love to snack on a couple of apples. It is better not to do this, because apples cause the secretion of gastric juice, and you may feel hungry. If you have enough free time, you can prepare snacks for yourself in advance. Apple baked with cottage cheese, with the addition of honey; cottage cheese balls with dried fruits and nuts; milkshakes with berries and cottage cheese and much more. Let your imagination fly and you will be surprised to see how many tasty and healthy snacks she will give you.

Second snack or afternoon snack

The second snack is very important for people adhering to proper nutrition. It is especially important for those who have a habit of having dinner late or often staying late at work. It is thanks to this snack that you will not be overtaken by the feeling of hunger by surprise. It will allow you to stretch the feeling of satiety until dinner and will not let you overeat. For an afternoon snack, protein and carbohydrate foods with a high fiber content are well suited. Fans of fermented milk products can please themselves with kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt or low-fat cottage cheese. Vegetable salad with cheese and olive oil, vinaigrette with a minimum content of potatoes, will serve as a source of fiber for your body.

Evening snack

Evening snack is the last meal before bed. Adhering to the principles of proper nutrition for an evening snack, it is advisable to use predominantly protein foods. You need to have a snack no later than three hours before bedtime. Going to bed preferably with an empty stomach. For an evening snack, a glass of low-calorie kefir or unsweetened yogurt is perfect. You can snack on boiled egg whites or make an omelette out of them by mixing a couple of egg whites with 40 grams of milk. Fans of dairy products can afford a glass of warm milk as a snack. If in your refrigerator there is only milk with a high percentage of fat content, you can dilute it with warm boiled water, in a ratio of 1 to 1.

Snacks for people with limited time.

Many people who do not have enough time to eat quietly do it on the run. They run into a fast food restaurant on the way to work, throwing another burger into themselves, and after a while they are surprised that the feeling of hunger overtook them again. Products in such establishments are not only far from the principles of proper nutrition, but also extremely harmful. If you don't have time for a normal snack, you can eat a banana, a handful of nuts, or drink drinking yogurt.

Wrong snack

The 21st century is the age of information technology. A time when people have less and less free time. The time when food materializes on your table in minutes. All you need is a smartphone with internet access. But unfortunately this food can hardly be called healthy. And the wrong snacks are harmful to our health. They give us a short-term feeling of satiety and after a while our body demands to satisfy its needs again. All those who monitor their health and their figure should avoid eating foods such as

  • fast food
  • soda
  • cakes, pastries, sweets and cookies
  • sausages
  • noodles, potatoes and instant soups
  • crackers, chips, salted nuts and salted fish

The right snack can not only preserve health, but also the figure and nerves of a person. Adhering to a certain diet and not forgetting about the right snacks, you will feel like a person full of energy day after day. Extra pounds will go away, and health will be much stronger. Therefore, you need to eat right and at the same time have fun.

If a person decides to switch to, then two snacks must be added to the main meals. They should not be small, but it is good to satisfy hunger. There are different options for PP snacks, moreover, it can be either a simple dish or some kind of separate product.

PP - delicious and simple snacks

To get started, let's look at some of the foods that nutritionists recommend using as a snack:

  1. A good option to satisfy hunger are dried fruits, with the exception of prunes. You need to eat no more than five things.
  2. To quickly satisfy your hunger anywhere, it is recommended to carry some nuts with you: almonds, hazelnuts or walnuts.
  3. Perfect snacks in the afternoon PP - vegetables and fruits, with the exception of bananas and grapes. It is best to choose a pair of identical fruits, such as apples or cucumbers.
  4. Between main meals, fermented milk products will help satisfy hunger, but they should be low in calories.

Now consider simple dishes that are prepared in a short period of time and from the available ingredients:

  1. Smoothies. Drinks can be prepared from vegetables, berries, fruits and herbs. There are a huge number of recipes for every taste. Some honey can be used as a sweetener.
  2. sandwiches. This is a great option for organizing a PP snack at work. Many people think that sandwiches are bad for the figure, but they can be made from healthy foods. For the base, use bread or. Take pieces of boiled chicken, low-fat cheese, vegetables and lettuce.
  3. Lavash roll. Great snack option to take with you. Lavash can be smeared with low-fat cream cheese or sour cream. For stuffing, use lean meats, vegetables, lettuce, etc.

Anyone who has ever been on a diet knows that during this period you almost always want to eat. Especially in the first days from the start of weight loss. It is for this reason that most losing weight breaks down and after a few days they begin to eat everything.

To prevent this from happening, the portal recommends its readers to arrange small, but very healthy snacks between main meals. They can be used in almost any diet, of course, only if your diet is not too saturated.

It is especially good to make such snacks if you just decided to cut portions, your diet is low in calories or it is one of the mono-diets. Try to have at least 5-6 meals in your daily diet, then the weight will go away faster, the stomach will not be overloaded, the food will begin to be digested faster and easier, which will speed up the metabolism. Below we present top ten snack options, of which any two can be used per day. If you choose five or six of these snacks, you can create a separate, independent diet that can be used as fasting days.


First snack:

Delicate cocktail. Take 150g of low-fat kefir or natural yogurt (such as Activia 0% fat) Add a handful of any seasonal berries or fruits(50g) Blend with a blender and cool slightly or add a couple of ice cubes. A delicious healthy dessert is ready. The calorie content is only about 65-70 kcal, and the energy from such a drink will allow you to easily hold out until the next meal.


Second snack

Baked apple or pear. At the apple, you need to cut the upper part, put 3 raisins in the recess, half a teaspoon of honey, sprinkle with a pinch of cinnamon and bake in the oven. You can cook such an apple in 10 minutes, and its calorie content will be about 50 kcal. The pear is also prepared. Only it is better to cut it in half lengthwise. Bake until soft.


Snack third

grain loaf with a thin piece of cheese. If you do not have bread, you can use a thin slice of regular, rye bread is best. Top with finely chopped herbs. Approximately 70 calories.


Fourth snack

Fruit icecream. Mash any fruit or 100g of berries into a puree. You can take peach, apricots, strawberries, apples, plums, pears, etc. If the fruit is too acidic, you can add a little honey. Place the resulting mass in a tall glass or cup. Insert a wooden stick in the middle and send everything to the freezer. When the ice cream hardens, all you have to do is place the glass in hot water for a few seconds and remove it by the stick. Calorie content is about 50 kcal.


Snack fifth

A handful of dried fruits. It can be dried fruit without adding sugar. For example, apples, pear slices, cherries, dogwood, kiwi, pomelo, grapefruit, orange, etc. Avoid only high-calorie dried fruits such as dates, raisins, bananas, apricots, prunes, or use them in small quantities. Calorie content of 50g of non-caloric dried fruits will be about 20-30kcal.


Snack six

One fresh fruit. This snack is good when you have no time to cook, for example, at work. Eat an apple, an orange, a couple of tangerines, a pear and you will feel a surge of strength and energy. You can also use vegetables, such as cucumber, tomato, radish, cabbage, etc. Calories 40-50 kcal


Snack seventh

A couple of slices of cold lean meat. It can be boiled chicken, veal, lean pork. This snack is good when you feel overwhelming hunger and are ready to break off the diet and pounce on everything you see. Calorie content is about 80 kcal.


Eighth snack

Hot tea with a spoonful of honey and a slice of lemon. A sweet drink will give you energy and strength, satisfy your hunger for a while and allow you not to quit the diet at the very beginning. Hot tea and coffee without sugar can be drunk several times during the day. Calorie content 28 kcal.

To lose weight or maintain weight after a diet, you must constantly adhere to the daily routine. It is difficult, especially when there is work that requires attention, family. Snacking on proper nutrition is an important part of the diet, which helps regulate hunger, reduces stress, and calms.

Proper nutrition after a diet includes all the substances necessary for the body, including carbohydrates. The concept of a snack is taken lightly by many - to throw any food into your mouth quickly.

Proper snacks for weight loss

Three meals a day, after a diet, does not contribute to maintaining the desired weight. It involves large amounts of food for saturation, which is bad for the figure and health. Small portions are better absorbed by the body, digested faster, but an hour after eating a person is hungry again. There is only one way out - to add a few more small meals - snacks.

The principle of eating 5-6 times in small portions has the following advantages:

  • no hunger - no stress;
  • a person does not overeat - food does not linger in the stomach;
  • blood sugar is maintained at the same level, which helps to avoid diseases of the digestive tract, cardiovascular diseases;
  • fat metabolism is controlled by the right foods.

Meal plan including snacks:

  1. Breakfast.
  2. Snack.
  3. Dinner.
  4. Snack.
  5. Dinner.
  6. Snack.

You can have a snack in the evening, but you should use foods that contain few calories. You can not resist the desire to eat an extra piece of meat, especially lovers of meat dishes. This negatively affects the attitude to the diet, leads to breakdowns. Nutritionists do not advise eating heavy meals at night, but it is better to eat boiled meat than to be nervous about kefir.

Lose weight or improve health

It should immediately be clarified what is the purpose of proper nutrition, what it is aimed at. There are two options:

  1. Lose weight.
  2. Improve health.

If you look, then dietary restrictions are not always aimed at. With the help of diets, certain diseases are treated - the gallbladder, pancreas, intestines, stomach. The issue of calories is not acute, but you should eat less often and use lightweight foods. Such diets are more aimed at reducing the toxic load from the body, facilitating the work of organs.

Includes - products of plant origin in any form. Sugar is not recommended, except for that found in fruits and vegetables. Such diets are not recommended for permanent use, as they deprive the body of energy. Can be used temporarily to remove toxins from the blood, to feel light. The best foods are raw vegetables and fruits. Not everyone can constantly eat plants. Sooner or later, the body will require "normal" food.

Attention! For daily meals and snacks, you need to choose foods that give pleasure, make you forget the feeling of hunger. The less the body will feel the influence of the diet, the longer it will last.

Fractional nutrition

Fractional nutrition helps to smoothly reduce weight without focusing on diet. Difficulties that arise at the beginning of the process can be overcome in one week:

  • it is not easy to stop eating a lot, because the habit has remained;
  • it's hard to find a time to eat.

Changing the regimen is always inconvenient, but when it comes to health and figure, you have to try.

Fractional nutrition is more considered therapeutic or unloading. Small portions do not burden the digestive system, because it is able to secrete a certain amount of enzymes and digestive juices. What is not digested is deposited in the form of extra pounds.

This explains why people who eat once a day don't look good on the outside. They skip the morning meal because there is no time. No time to have lunch. There remains dinner, for which they eat everything that is in the refrigerator. The body cannot cope with such a load. In addition, the feeling of hunger has a negative impact on the psyche. The thinking is created that you need to store fat, because tomorrow will be the same, that is, a whole day of constant hunger.

Fractional nutrition makes the brain relax: everything is fine, food is always at hand, there is no need to collect fat for a rainy day. A variety of snacks contribute to the satisfaction of taste buds, which is important for gourmets.

What you need to know about snacking

What foods are bad as snacks:

  • chips, crackers;
  • instant broths;
  • five-minute noodles, soups;
  • sausage, smoked meats;
  • salted nuts, dried fish;
  • hamburgers;
  • carbonated drinks.

Office workers suffer from some food addictions - cookies, cakes for lunch. You will have to give up such a habit, although it will not be easy to do in a company. Here you need to firmly stand on your positions, not to succumb to persuasion to have a bite to eat muffin.

What can you eat without fear of being overweight:

  1. Protein products. Eggs, cottage cheese. Greens are the best side dish. There are many recipes where protein is combined with green salads, parsley, dill, spinach. Such a snack will not add extra weight to the hips and waist. Rather, the opposite is true, because the digestion of protein requires additional energy that the body will take from its fat reserves.
  2. Oatmeal. Part of an English breakfast. No wonder the British used oatmeal every day - it is non-caloric, nutritious, contains many useful trace elements and vitamins. These are complex carbohydrates that will relieve hunger for a long time.
  3. Fresh vegetables, fruits. Preferably sweet ones, because sour ones make gastric juice stand out more intensively, they can provoke a real attack of hunger. You can cook different vegetables and put them with you to work - carrots, kohlrabi cabbage, broccoli, beets.
  4. Nuts, dried fruits. Can be consumed if breakfast was light or not at all. One minus of nuts is the increased calorie content. Sedentary work implies reduced calorie intake - no more than 1800 / day.
  5. Dairy products - kefir, yogurt. At the same time, they help to cope with intestinal problems.

Now in detail about the options for snacking with proper nutrition.

Sour-milk drinks should not be fatty when it comes to a figure in the formation stage. It is better to use regular yogurt, but add a sweetener. This will soothe the taste buds. Oat bran can be used as an additive to yogurt. More useful than this product for health and - it is difficult to find. Flaxseeds are also helpful. People sitting on a monotonous diet need useful substances, for example, polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega 3, 6, 9. In addition to fish, these substances are found in abundance in flaxseed. A teaspoon per glass of yogurt will be enough for a snack. You need to let them brew a little in the drink - they will become softer.

Dried fruits are a useful thing, but should not be confused with candied fruits, in which the content of refined sugar is many times exceeded. A day you can only afford a couple of pieces. Exotic dried fruits - dates, figs - can be eaten if there is an urgent need for sweets. In women, it happens before menstruation. The natural sugar found in dates won't hurt your diet, but will calm your nerves.

Not everyone can handle fresh vegetables in large doses. The intestines can react with dysbacteriosis, flatulence, swelling. Therefore, they should be boiled or stewed in a slow cooker. You can even boil one potato. This vegetable cannot be ignored because it is rich in natural starch and potassium, which is good for the heart. If you eat all this without bread, there will be no problems with weight. Boiled vegetables are a good option for a nighttime snack. There are a lot of jokes about women's diets that stopped at night. Therefore, in order to sleep peacefully, you must definitely eat something tasty.

Fruit acids can also disrupt bowel function. If problems start, you can make cottage cheese casseroles with fruits and berries. If there is not enough sugar to taste, use a liquid sweetener to prepare the mixture. It is important that diet food is enjoyable.

Meat, fish, cheese - the main food of a strong half of the population. They also sometimes suffer from excess weight and try. A man gnawing a carrot in the office will be appreciated by everyone with humor. You will have to listen to a lot of ridicule and "good" advice. But no one will notice a man who eats a piece of meat and a salad, because this is considered normal. As a snack once a day, you can eat meat or fish dishes. It is better if it is a second breakfast or afternoon snack. By evening, the meat will have time to digest. You can organize something easier - kefir, fermented baked milk, homemade yogurt or yogurt.


Breakfast is the most important part of the meal. Morning meals set the mood for the whole day, so breakfast can be made dense - carbohydrates, fiber. If you eat bread, then be sure to whole grain, without yeast. In this regard, there is nothing better than yeast-free pita bread. Oriental cuisine can give an example of proper nutrition.

Depending on the density of the first breakfast, you can choose products for the second snack, which usually happens after 3-4 hours. If the first meal is missed, the second breakfast can be arranged earlier so as not to feel hungry and not to increase the amount of food. Banana - a source of carbohydrate, calcium and silicon - copes with hunger in a couple of hours - just before the next meal.

Snacks on the run

You can eat on the move. To do this, there are drinks - yogurts, which will eliminate the feeling of hunger. Unsalted nuts in small portions - 100-200 g. These products can be consumed in transport. Good snacks include pumpkin seeds, bran crackers, or a sugar-boosting bun. A sandwich with a whole grain bun, boiled meat and greens is already a hearty breakfast.

In the process of work, it is important not to forget that water is the main need of the body. Its quantity, with proper nutrition, must be strictly controlled. Non-carbonated pure water can sometimes replace a snack, because the need for water will be higher than the need to eat. All well-known nutritionists advise starting a meal with drinking water: 1 - 2 glasses. This will prepare the digestive system for the production of gastric juice, help to avoid gastritis.

Eating rarely is harmful to the body, contributes to the accumulation of body fat. You need to accustom yourself to frequent meals. To do this, you need to control snacking. Reminders set on your phone or computer can help you organize your diet.

The right snack is planned an additional meal between the main ones. Yes, exactly as planned. The first rule of snacking is that snacking should not be spontaneous, otherwise you can eat something harmful. Whether you're off to work, shopping, the gym, or out for a walk, be sure to pack a delicious snack with you. Or do not take it if you are sure that you can buy everything on the spot. For example, it can be fruit, nuts, apple chips, natural drinking yogurt without additives. If the route is not yet thought out, and you do not know if there will be grocery stores nearby, be sure to grab a light snack from home.

Snacks: time and place

Snacking is important and necessary, otherwise you run the risk of overeating for dinner, and the last meal should be as low-calorie as possible. Or another option: you will randomly bite all day, being forever hungry. You need to have a snack 2-3 hours after the main meal.

You can refresh yourself at work, on a park bench, in a shopping center, in your car or even in a minibus. Eat a handful of nuts - we do not see anything reprehensible. Hence rule number 2 - we try to eat by the hour and do not hesitate to anyone. You can’t bring your own except to an expensive restaurant - in all other cases, eat a healthy snack that you grabbed from home - convenient, appropriate and just right!

What can you have for a snack?

If you don’t want to get better, you need to snack not only according to the plan, but also with the right foods. If these are sweets, juice from a package, shawarma and chak-chak, it is unlikely that it will be possible to save the figure. And even if you don’t swim, unhealthy eating will definitely affect the quality of the body. Do you think there are no thin and flabby ones with cellulite?! Yes, as much as you like! Therefore, rule number 3 - only healthy snacks!

The best option is protein food, fruit, a piece of diet baking (in the afternoon - protein snack + vegetable, it is better to refrain from fruits and desserts).

Snacks on proper nutrition:

  • a protein shake or protein bar, a handful of dried or roasted nuts (strictly without salt, breading and glaze);
  • 2 boiled chicken eggs and fresh vegetable salad;
  • a slice of whole grain bread or cracker, a slice of low-fat cheese or lean ham, a cucumber;
  • oatmeal with low-fat cheese or peanut butter;
  • homemade PP cheesecakes with low-calorie jam, berries or half a fruit;
  • yeast-free bread, tomato, avocado slices, boiled egg;
  • cottage cheese with fat content up to 5%, a handful of nuts, a spoonful of honey in cottage cheese;
  • low-fat kefir and fruit;
  • a handful of berries, 1 or 2 small fruits.

Take a snack on the road, having previously cut and laid out all the houses in food containers. It is better to peel the eggs in advance, put vegetables and fruits in the bag only washed. Make sandwiches, dilute a protein shake in a shaker and don't forget a bottle of drinking water!

The best snack recipes from SimpleSlim:

  • slice of zucchini cake (recipe)
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