The secret of the name Vitaly and its meaning. Secrets of the name Vitaly: strong and sincere

The secret of the name

Vitaly- life (Latin).
Too soft for a man name, not very common.
name zodiac: Aquarius.
Planet: Mercury.
Name color: violet.
Talisman Stone: sapphire.
auspicious plant: poplar, violet.
name patron: tiger.
Happy day: Saturday.
happy season: winter.
Main features: prudence, vulnerability.


Vitaly the Roman, martyr, February 7 (January 25). Together with his mother and six brothers, he suffered for Christ in Rome in 164.
Vitaly of Kerkirs, martyr, May 11 (April 28).
Vitaly of Alexandria, reverend. May 5 (April 22). Vitaly, a monk, lived in the 7th century, pleased God with his concern for the conversion of great sinners to a righteous life. He endured a lot of ridicule and reproaches. He bequeathed not to "condemn your neighbor, no matter how sinful he may seem to us; not to condemn before the judgment of God."


On February 7, on the martyr Vitaly, they observe the state of the weather during the day: what is the day from morning to noon, such will be the first half of the next winter, and from noon to evening - portends the other half of winter.


In childhood, affectionate, obedient, diligent, shy boy. Feels more confident with younger children.

Adult Vitaly is prudent, reasonable, somewhat cunning. He has a flexible mind, he gains experience very quickly, but works according to his mood. He has a penchant for the exact sciences, he can be an engineer, designer, teacher of mathematics or physics.

Vitaly is witty, sometimes caustically ironic, dissatisfied with the people around him, aggressive, but this is a mask behind which a vulnerable person is hiding. He has few friends, but they are loyal. Vitaly is outwardly generous, but internally stingy and tries to get rid of this trait of his, realizing its unattractiveness. He has enough will to change any trait of his character. Fate is favorable to him, he can have everything he really wants.

Vitaly is successful with women, he has Don Juanism in his character, but he does not consider it necessary to have any moral obligations towards his girlfriends. He does not have so many of them, he is picky, he chooses a beautiful stately woman. For him, her manners are important, whether she is well dressed, what perfume she uses. Vitaly is married most often once, with age he prefers home comfort, a calm family atmosphere. He cherishes the love of his wife, is jealous, attached to children.

middle name: Vitalievich, Vitalievna.


Vitaly Valentinovich Bianchi (1894-1959) - Russian writer. Born in St. Petersburg in the family of a biologist. He inherited a reverent attitude in nature from his father, an ornithologist who worked at the Zoological Museum of the Academy of Sciences. “Father called me every bird and little animal, every grass by name and patronymic,” recalled Vitaly Bianchi. He himself repeatedly took part in long expeditions to the Urals and Altai.

Since 1922, he began to write stories from the life of animals "for children and for adults who have kept a child in their souls." During his life he wrote more than three hundred stories of fairy tales, novels and articles. Fascinating books by Bianchi, revealing the natural world and helping to comprehend its secrets, are still well-deservedly popular with readers of all ages to this day. They have been translated into many languages.

Bianchi writes lightly and colorfully, appealing directly to the reader's imagination. Animals, birds, insects and even plants seem to acquire a soul in his works. Sometimes they act on their own, but more often they are in a complex relationship with people. In a fascinating and cheerful way, V. Bianchi presented the most detailed, sometimes purely scientific information on zoology and biology, interesting personal observations made over many years of research into nature. These stories also have pedagogical merits, when the most complex concepts are easily assimilated, they create the prerequisites for a passion for science. Some fairy tales take on the effectiveness of a symbol, for example, "Lyulya" (1934) - the story of a bird that sacrifices itself. In one of Bianchi's stories - "Odinets" (1927) - it is told about an old moose who lives in silent friendship with a capercaillie on a swampy island, and about a student who wants to kill him, but, living among nature, reaches moral maturity that does not allow him to take the life of an animal that finds itself in a difficult situation.

A special place among Bianchi's writings is occupied by the "Forest Newspaper for Every Year" (1923-1958), the impetus for the emergence of which was given at one time by S. Marshak. This kind of encyclopedia of the life of the forest and its inhabitants consists of short stories and concise notes about nature, fascinatingly telling about the flora and fauna of forests and steppes, mountains and seas in the changing seasons. For the first two years, Gazeta was constantly published in the children's magazine Sparrow (since 1924, New Robinson), from 1928 to 1986 it was reprinted (with additions) 13 times. During the Great Patriotic War, Vitaly Bianchi lived in evacuation in the Kama region. Despite all the hardships of life at that time, the writer received a powerful creative charge from everyday communication with nature. Directly during these years, he wrote about half a dozen stories, among them - "Order in the snow" (1942), "Black grouse in the holes" (1942), "Mouse" (1943) and many others. Subsequently, he repeatedly turned to the impressions of rural life, believed that his work would not have been possible without the "Altai" in his youth and the "Kama" in his mature years. The works of Vitaly Bianchi have become classics and are recognized as the best textbooks of nature, because they were written by a kind person who lives with "a passion that strains his soul."

When naming a newborn Vitaly, the meaning of the name is often not taken into account. Especially many boys, so named, were born in the nineties of the last century. What caused the surge in popularity of this ancient Roman name is a mystery.

About meaning

The name comes from the Roman Vitalis. The literal meaning is "full of life". However, the meaning of the name is influenced not only by its meaning, but also by history. The Roman nobility used this word as a common part of speech. That is, as, for example, the Slavic word "yar" was the name and designation of a high steep cliff, usually on river banks.

There is a legend according to which the descendants of the Etruscans were the first to use the word vitalis as a name, giving it a certain mystical meaning. Whether this is true or not, whether the secret of the name Vitaliy is connected with one of the most mystified, ancient and mysterious peoples of Europe, or whether they were credited with its use by slaves and other classes oppressed in Rome, is not exactly known. The word itself is much older than the Roman Empire, and could well have been present in the Etruscan language.

Of course, in ancient Rome they did not call aristocrats that way. Moreover, the secret of the name Vitaly, namely its origin and popularity, lie in the poor, forced, oppressed sections of society. This is how slaves often named their children. The meaning was invested like this - a child, named, in fact, by the usual colloquial word vitalis, will receive a filling with vitality, which will make it easy to endure all the hardships of fate and get the best out of life.

Are there patron saints?

The name gained particular popularity during the formation of Christianity. Religion, which gave hope and strength to life to the poorest inhabitants of both Rome itself and the entire empire, was perfectly combined with the name Vitalis.

In Orthodoxy, the male name Vitaly has four patrons. Accordingly, the name day of a person so named is found in the calendar four times:

  • February 7, patron - martyr Vitaly the Roman;
  • May 5, patron saint Vitaly of Alexandria;
  • May 11, patron - martyr Vitaly of Kerkyra;
  • August 5, the patron saint - Hieromartyr Vitaly.

Name days should be celebrated on the date indicated in the Saints as soon as possible after the birth of a person.

There is only one Catholic patron named Vitaly - the holy martyr Vitaly of Milan (Milan). Name days are celebrated on April 28.

What accompanies the name in astrology?

From the position of astrology, it is necessary to name a boy born under the influence of the constellation Aquarius - Vitaliy. The meaning of the name maximally reflects the essence of the influence that the constellation Aquarius has on a person.

The ruling planet for Vitaliy is Mercury. This explains the craving of men with that name for women born under the auspices of Gemini, as well as the success of Vitaliy:

  • in administrative work;
  • in the pursuit of any art;
  • acting as a producer or managing business departments;
  • in trade and financial enterprises.

However, Mercury did not give Vitaly the opportunity to be lazy. Everything that the owners of this name achieve, goes to them as a reward for hard and meticulous work.

Sapphire patronizes everyone who bears the name Vitaly. The meaning of the name is surprisingly combined with its plant symbols - poplar and violet. Indeed, the will to live in these plants is incredibly high. The vitality and fertility of poplar even often becomes a problem in city squares.

The animal embodying the character of the name Vitaly is the tiger. That is, people so named are majestic, not prone to fussiness, but capable of a lightning-fast throw. Like a tiger, a person with that name is able to survive on his own in absolutely any conditions. For example, a tiger, in the absence of antelope or roe deer, will not migrate anywhere in search of food, he will start catching fish.

A person named Vitaly will do the same - he will find a non-standard solution to any life problem, without depriving himself of his usual comfort.

What are the characteristics of such a person?

The main characteristic of the name Vitaly is love of life. These people are able to find something good and useful for themselves and loved ones in any situation, even when the combination of circumstances does not imply anything positive. People with this name are able to change the whole world around them for themselves, but they do not see it too widely. That is, men so named prefer not to leave the territory they have studied, not to leave the comfort zone, just like the tiger, their symbol animal, does.

However, the characterization of the name Vitaly does not consist only of an enumeration of positive qualities. Many of the traits inherent in those bearing this name can turn out to be hypertrophied and develop into rather negative qualities.

Most often, Vitali suffers from his own:

  • suspiciousness;
  • suspiciousness;
  • pettiness;
  • obstinacy;
  • greed.

These qualities, which can ruin the life of both the bearer of the name and his relatives, are nothing but hypertrophied:

  • observation;
  • a tendency to analyze people's behavior;
  • pedantry;
  • the ability to achieve desired goals;
  • frugality, frugality and housekeeping.

However, the "fate" of the name Vitaly is adaptation and survival. People, so named, are able to change any of their character traits as soon as they notice the harm from it.

What's in love?

The man, who was named Vitaly, justifies the meaning of the name in love. He is pedantic and attentive, inflamed with passion, such a person is able to study the object of desire for a long time at a distance.

Everything is important for Vitaliy, every little thing. Men with this name pay special attention to:

  • the manner of dressing, the presence in the image of the integrity of style and the color palette preferred by the lady;
  • following classic correspondences, such as “shoes-bag-accessories”, “nails-lipstick”;
  • the ability to use cosmetics and fragrances, depending on the time of day;
  • hair hygiene and hairstyle;
  • addition proportionality;
  • behavior at the table.

These men look at the woman as the whole picture, but at the same time appreciate every detail.

How to please Vitaly?

In order to attract such a man, it is enough to remember how the name Vitaly is translated. A life-lover will never be attracted by a languid beauty with undereyes reciting sonnets about death. Of course, you can draw attention to yourself using such an image, but you can’t keep it.

The first thing to think about is the style of clothing. It is not necessary to turn into a prim Englishwoman, styles are different. You need to choose the one in which the man himself dresses, outside of work, of course. And having already decided on the style, choose a hairstyle and other details of the image.

You need to use accessories and stick to the color scheme that accompanies the name. The symbolic colors of all the Vitalis are red, blue and purple, as well as their shades.

These men will easily forgive a woman for the absence of teeth in her mouth, they will simply write down a note in their organizer about the need to find an inexpensive and reliable prosthetist for their beloved. But they will never build relationships with a woman who munches at the table, who does not observe the main points of etiquette and does not have a natural inner core, the so-called "breed".

If a lady does not understand why different fragrances should be used in the morning and evening, then she will not be able to win the heart of a man named Vitaliy, even if all horoscopes speak of complete compatibility.

About Compatibility

The compatibility of the names Vitaly and Antonina will be perfect. They are related in origin and complement each other in meaning, like two sides of the same coin.

No less successful will be the relationship of a man with bearers of names:

  • Catherine;
  • Tamara;
  • Zinaida;
  • Clara;
  • Victoria;
  • Lydia
  • Veronica;
  • Maria;
  • Nellie;
  • Bella;
  • Hope;
  • Svetlana;
  • Pauline;
  • Galina.

As for relationships with women named Victoria and Veronica, they will not be easy. The bearers of such names are prone to power and suppression of the personality of a man. However, given the main features of the Vitalievs, they will derive the maximum benefit from these qualities of their companions, for example, they will arrange women for senior positions in their own company or with someone they know.

Who will be very difficult?

Relations between men named Vitaly do not add up with women bearing such names:

  • Tatiana;
  • Angelica;
  • Anastasia;
  • Karina;
  • Mayan;
  • Margarita.

Not a single Vitaly will be just next to a woman with the psychological type "mother". These men rather prefer the "daughter" type, they like to "play the creation of Galatea."

About fate

The fate of men named by this name depends only on themselves. Nothing is impossible for Vitaliy. However, the biggest problem of those who are so called is the narrowness of their horizons and interests.

Having settled down within the framework of any life track, they continue to move only inside it. For example, if a man with that name ends up in a language university by chance, then all his life he will do what he started. In the case of the example under consideration - translations or those related to a foreign language. Even if he has neither a natural inclination nor interest in this occupation. That is, a man with this name will be completely calm, without any discomfort or any mental suffering, to build a career in an unloved profession all his life, working hard. And paradoxically, pedantic work will give results.

But at the same time, Vitaly will not forget his favorite business, for which there is talent and inclination. He will devote his free time to him and will also succeed.

Vitaliy are the real masters of their own destiny. They are extremely attentive, distinguished by ease in adapting to environmental conditions, an indestructible craving for life and thoroughness in everything they do.

What is forgotten?

During the Roman Empire, there was another name - Vitaly. That is, initially Vitaly was not “lonely”, like most Latin names, he had a couple, just like Evgeny, Anton, Viktor and many others.

However, the name Vitaly fell into disuse centuries ago, which did not affect the male form in any way. Many believe that the female version of the name Vitaly simply transformed into speech. The name Vitalina is given as an example. But although they have a common root, similar sounding is different names. Vitalia remained in the past, like, for example, the male name Julius.

However, if you want to name a girl like that, it is quite possible to do so. Orthodox Vitalia will celebrate her name day with men, since there are no such holy intercessors within this branch of Christianity.

The meaning of the name is very good. The girl is waiting for a worthy and interesting fate, well-being in the chosen sphere of life. About how rare names affect their carriers, including the influence of the name Vitaly on women, Boris Khigir, a well-known researcher of this issue, wrote in his book “Names and Fates”.

What does a person with that name need to overcome?

Vitaly, though ambitious, but not too much. These people live according to the proverb about cranes in the sky and tits in their hands. Vitaly will not strive to earn more money than he needs.

However, if more money is needed, for example, for a trip somewhere with a child or just for a wedding, then Vitaly easily finds a way to earn it. Such a trait is inherent in men with this name in every absolutely vital sphere, but only in the matter of earnings. But in this example, the peculiarity of people, so named, is most noticeable.

They should be constantly pushed, showing new goals. Only then will the Vitalis take a breath and move forward towards something bigger. Without pushes, these people will not change the familiar and reliable for anything, and their ambition will find an outlet in a hobby or in fantasies.

The Latin male name Vitaly can only be found in Slavic countries. The meaning of the name Vitaly reveals this person as a calm and quite self-confident nature. Everything is balanced in this man. Talya is not subject to emotional outbursts and rarely gets involved in conflicts.

The meaning of the name Vitaly for a boy gives him such qualities as gentleness of character, obedience and diligence. Talya is very attached to his mother. Moreover, this is also observed in adulthood. If Viti has more brothers or sisters, then they get along well with each other throughout their lives.

The meaning of the name Vitaly for a child makes him a dreamer and romantic. But Vitya tries not to show this side of his nature to anyone. Especially zealously, he keeps all his dreams and fantasies inside himself precisely in adolescence.

The full interpretation of the name reveals Viti's personality from different angles. This man is not always soft and conflict-free. A certain harshness and rudeness may appear in behavior if Talya feels the need to assert herself.


Such men are quite amorous, which means that they are able to experience deep feelings and strong passion. In relationships with women, Vitya prefers to feel a certain freedom and independence. Inclined to build relationships on the principle of father-daughter.

Talya doesn't like it when his partner dominates. These men take leadership functions in relationships into their own hands. It is this inner strength that attracts a variety of women to him like a magnet.

Failed relationships are not able to break Tal. On the contrary, they only spur on new conquests. Of great importance in a woman for Tali is her slender figure and well-groomed body. In addition, such men always pay attention to the clothes of their beloved and her perfume.

Due to increased squeamishness, he rarely changes sexual partners. Throughout the novel, he tries to maintain relations at the same soul-exciting level. In bed, he always thinks about the pleasure of a woman. Her emotional state for Viti is of great importance.

A family

A relationship with a spouse is in many ways similar to a relationship with a mistress. He will marry that representative of the fair sex, who will become, first of all, a devoted friend. This fact means that Tal should trust his wife almost the same as his mother.

Faithful family man. Marriage is of great importance to Vitya. Feelings of his wife tend to cherish. The marriage will be happy with Antonina, Ekaterina, Tamara, Maria and Nadezhda. You should not build a marital relationship with Margarita, Anastasia, Zoya and Victoria.

Business and career

Talya is a hardworking worker, which means she can be successful in almost any field. Moreover, his dedication in the workplace does not depend on the type of activity. Achieving high professional success can only be prevented by a lack of assertiveness and a frequent inability to concentrate.

Of considerable importance are the efforts that Talya makes to achieve the goal. If he goes to the dream hard and work regularly, then the career will be successful.

origin of the name Vitaly

The secret of the name allows you to learn more about the personality of its bearer. History confirms the connection of this dialect with the holy martyr who lived in 164 on the territory of Rome, whose name was Vitaliy. This man, his six brothers, and his mother suffered for Jesus Christ.

The origin of the name Vitaly is Latin. The etymology is "life". This is how the word "vitalis" is translated from Latin. The origin of this term is beyond doubt.

Characteristics of the name Vitaly

The pros and cons of character are very diverse. Tal's temperament is sanguine. Possesses an excitable psyche. Often becomes gloomy, at the same time, for no apparent reason. Volitional qualities are rather weak.

Diligence helps Vita to study well and comprehend various rather complex sciences. But, in studies, the desire of Tali himself is of great importance. Only by showing a firm unbending will, he will be able to become a highly qualified specialist and receive a decent education.

In an unusual environment, he masters quickly enough, which is very important in life. Mental abilities are quite high. You could even say that Tali has a flexible mind. Can be very stubborn, depending on surrounding circumstances. Not deprived of such a character trait as cunning. Cunning uses to achieve their goals.

The characteristic of the name Vitaly allows us to speak of this man as a real favorite of fortune. It is luck that helps Tala to rise to an unprecedented height. Victor successfully uses his luck in various areas of life.

Especially seriously Vitaly needs to monitor the health of his kidneys, as well as other organs of the excretory system. Of great importance is a well-balanced diet, and regular medical examinations. Only by paying close attention to her body, Talya will be able to avoid serious health problems.

Viti's friends can always rely on him. This person is happy to help close and dear people, and, regardless of the time of day. Tale likes to spend time in cheerful companies. In a circle of friends, he maintains his independence. He defends his interests with dignity. Self-righteousness is of great importance to him.

Mystery of the name

  • Sapphire stone.
  • Name days on February 7, as well as on May 5 and 11.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign named Aquarius and Cancer.

Famous people

  • Vitali Klitschko is a professional heavyweight boxer, Ukrainian politician, people's deputy of Ukraine of the seventh convocation, and also a PhD in the field of physical education and sports. The leader of the Ukrainian political party called "BLOW".
  • Vitaly Solomin is a theater and film actor, laureate of the Moscow Prize, a respected People's Artist of the RSFSR, a member of the Union of Theater Workers, as well as the Union of Cinematographers of Russia. He starred in films called "Pan or Lost" (2003), "Winter Cherry 3" (1993) and many others.
  • Vitaly Fetisov - director. Directed the films I Believe in Rainbows (1986) and Seven Days of Hope (1989).

Different languages

The translation of the name Vitaly from Latin is “life”. How the adverb is translated, as well as how it is written in various languages, is given below:

  • In Chinese - Wéitǎlì (Weitali)
  • In Japanese - Ikiru
  • In French - Vitali and Witalie
  • In English - Vitaly
  • In Ukrainian - Vitaliy

Name Forms

  • Full name - Vitaly.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Vitalya, Vitalik, Vita, Vityunya, Vityusha, Vityana, Tal, Vitya, Vitakha, Vitasya, Vityukha, Vitasha and Vitulya.
  • Declension of the name - Vitaliy - Vitaliy - Vitaliy.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Vitaly.

The owner of the name Vitaly, of course, can be proud of a very beautiful and euphonious name.

The name is an integral part of the personality of every person, so it is important for us to know what this or that name means, the history of its origin, as well as the fate of people who previously had it.

The name Vitaliy is borrowed from the Latin language and goes back to the Roman cognomen (personal or generic nickname) Vitalis, in translation - "vital, full of life." Also in ancient Rome there was a related cognomen Vitalianus, literally meaning "Vitaliev belonging to Vitalius".

In the church calendar, this name entered the era of early Christianity. In the 2nd century in Rome, the martyr Vitaly, together with his mother and six brothers, suffered for their faith in Christ. His name day is celebrated on February 7 (January 25, old style). According to popular beliefs, the day of Winter Vitaly portends the nature of the winter of next year: what the weather was on that day, it will be like that all winter next year.

In the 7th century, the Monk Vitaly of Alexandria lived, pleasing God with his concern for the conversion of sinners to a righteous life. He commanded us “not to condemn our neighbor, no matter how sinful he may seem to us; do not condemn before the judgment of God. The church honors his memory day on May 5 (April 22).

This name, which is included in both the Orthodox and Catholic calendars, has become widespread in many European countries, taking the forms Vital and Vio in French, Vitale in Italian, Vidal in Spanish, Vitalis in German and Polish. In the Catholic tradition, St. Vitalius of Milan is considered the patron of the city of Thibodeaux (Louisiana, USA), and St. Vitalian of Capuan is considered the patron of the Italian city of Catanzaro.

This name came to Russia among other Christian names, most likely in the XII-XIV centuries, but initially only clergymen, monks and other persons close to the church were baptized with it. Until the 19th century, this name existed only in the church environment. In the history of the Russian Orthodox Church, Vitaly Grechulevich, master of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy, spiritual writer, founder and editor of the magazine "The Wanderer" is known; Vitaly Stepanovich Serebrenikov, professor of psychology at the St. Petersburg Theological Academy and others.

However, over time, many names began to be used "in the world", which until then were considered almost exclusively ecclesiastical, for example, Gennady, Leonid, Eugene. Among them was the name Vitaly. So, in the nineteenth century, this is already a completely stable name, although it is widespread mainly among the nobility and urban intelligentsia. It was worn, for example, by Vitaly Nikolaevich Troitsky, adjutant general, participant in the Crimean campaign; as well as the famous historian Vitaly Yakovlevich Shulgin, who taught historical and philological courses at Kiev University. In the 20th century, the name Vitaly began to be used in all social strata, but it was not popular. Most often, Russians called boys by this name in the 60s of the XX century.

Today, this ancient noble name is very popular, and parents willingly name their sons with it.

Sources: Kryukov M.V., Systems of personal names among the peoples of the world. Leontiev N.N., What is in my name for you? Kublitskaya I.V., Names and surnames. Origin and meaning. Superanskaya A.V., Name - through centuries and countries. Superanskaya A.V. Dictionary of Russian personal names. Brockhaus and Efron. Encyclopedic Dictionary.

Career, business and money

A man named Vitaly gives the impression of a strong and successful personality. Thanks to diligence and luck, it is easy for him to work, no matter what he does, success accompanies this person in any field. He moves up the career ladder, but sometimes lack of assertiveness and gentleness interfere with this. Many owners of this name occupy leadership positions, subordinates respect and love them. In business, he does not seek to reach the top at any cost, he is satisfied with the average level of income.

The Vitaly man is endowed with a sharp and inquisitive mind, prefers to work with technology or engage in science. He often chooses the profession of an engineer, programmer or teacher, but people of creative professions are often found.

Marriage and family

Vitaly chooses his wife in such a way that she becomes both his friend and mother. He is a good-natured, open person and must completely trust his wife.

A man marries a beautiful and well-groomed woman who knows her worth. Keeps with her in public dry and even, although his temperament can be envied. She cherishes marriage and remains faithful, she is very attentive to the issue of her male solvency.

Vitaly was created for family life. He is an economic and loving husband, a caring father, trying to become a friend for his children. The marriage of the name Vitaly with Anfisa, Vasilina, Evgenia, Kaleria, Larisa, Marietta, Rosalia, Elvira is favorable. Complicated relationships of the name are likely with Bella, Isolde, Carolina, Mavra, Stephanie, Elsa.

Sex and love

Young Vitaly is very amorous, dissolves in love without a trace. He treats his beloved with great respect, sincerely devoted to her. Vitaly is able to experience a strong attraction to a sexual partner, his emotions are just as vivid and deep. But he values ​​\u200b\u200bhis freedom and independence, cannot stand the leading role of a girl in sex. He prefers a woman-daughter.

He attaches great importance to the appearance of his girlfriend, he admires the slender figure and well-groomed body. For a young man, the partner’s wardrobe and the smell of her perfume matter. He cannot be called restrained in feelings, but he rarely changes women. Failures in this area are easily experienced, will not grieve for a long time. Easily enters into new relationships, but disgust protects him from frequent changes of partners.


As a child, the boy is not prone to frequent colds, parents do not have to constantly treat him. But as an adult, he often suffers from infectious diseases. His weak point is the kidneys and excretory system, although nothing serious threatens him.

This is a physically and spiritually balanced person with normal health. The masculine charm and strength emanating from him attract the opposite sex.

Interests and hobbies

The owner of this name loves good company, plentiful and tasty treats, drinks. He is fond of music, playing chess, photography, often becomes a collector. He loves animals, sometimes gets a thoroughbred dog. Almost always his hobby is taking care of his favorite car.

The owner of this name has a keen sense of aesthetics, which can awaken his interest in art or beautiful objects that he will find a place in his comfortable cozy nest.

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