Methods for the treatment of closed comedones. How to get rid of comedones - quickly and effectively

The appearance of comedones (blackheads and whiteheads) is a sign of a malfunction in the body, or a signal of improper facial care. There are a number of rules that will help get rid of them.

Not every woman can boast of perfectly healthy skin: subcutaneous pimples, blackheads and other types of rashes regularly spoil the mood. That is why women have a question: how to get rid of comedones? Fortunately, there are many options for skin treatment, starting with grandmother's recipes and ending with cosmetic procedures.

Why do skin problems occur?

Comedones on the face are a clot of sebum that has clogged a pore. This problem is not only typical for teenagers: people of all ages, with different skin types, are prone to rashes.

Types of comedones

Dermatologists distinguish several types of comedones:

  • open comedones
    This type of rash is better known as blackheads. Their color is explained quite simply: when air interacts with the substance in the pores, the latter is oxidized, which leads to a dark color.
  • Closed comedones
    The rash, consisting of cystic formations, sebum, bacteria and horny scales, outwardly looks like closed white pimples. They increase as the sebaceous glands reproduce sebum.


If you want to know how to get rid of comedones on the face, you must first understand the true cause of their occurrence. Dermatologists identify several main factors:

  • Poor quality / unprofessional performance of cosmetic procedures.
  • Genetics (heredity).
  • Failure of the hormonal fund (in particular, high testosterone).
  • Taking medicines.
  • Ecology of your region + high humidity.
  • Neglect of hygiene rules.

Experts also point out that stressful situation and emotional overload can negatively affect the condition of the skin and be one of the causes of acne.

Treatment in the cosmetologist's office

There are quite a few ways to treat comedones, but the most radical and noticeable effect rightfully belongs to the cosmetic procedures that most beauty salons and private offices offer. The specialist will be able to offer you several methods that will relieve skin problems. But it is important to understand that one should fight not only with visible manifestations, but also with the cause of the disease. That is why it is much better to start therapy with a visit to a dermatologist: only a doctor will be able to take the necessary tests and explain how to get rid of subcutaneous comedones specifically in your case.

Types of cleaning in the cabin

Many girls mistakenly assume that facial cleansing is not a difficult procedure, and therefore try to do it at home. But it is important to understand that in this case there is a high probability of aggravating the situation.

Salon cleanings are of several types:

  • Mechanical
    In this case, the cosmetologist treats all problem areas and removes pimples and blackheads pointwise.
  • Hardware
    Face cleaning is carried out in the beautician's office, using special equipment. There are several options for how to get rid of subcutaneous comedones on the face using this technique.
  • brushing
    The procedure is also known as "brush peeling". In this case, the cosmetologist cleans off the upper layer of the epithelium using a device with brush attachments. This allows you to get rid of dead cells and improve blood circulation. Such cleaning is suitable only in cases where the situation is “not running”.
  • ultrasonic cleaning
    To achieve a positive effect, the specialist uses the beneficial properties of ultrasound. This procedure gives a milder result than mechanical cleaning, and therefore is suitable both as a preventive measure and to combat black dots. But the removal of open-type comedones is beyond the power of ultrasound.
  • vacuum cleaning
    This technique is ideal for owners of fading, as well as oily skin with various rashes (black dots, acne). In this case, the beautician uses a vacuum tube to clean the pre-opened pores. The procedure is painless (which is typical for manual cleaning) and leaves no traces after (redness, typical for mechanical cleaning).
  • Galvanization
    This technique is also known as deincrustation. The procedure promotes deep cleansing of the face. Using a special apparatus, the cosmetologist acts on the skin with a low-frequency current. This procedure helps to get rid of comedones both on the forehead and on other parts of the face.

Peeling with fruit acids

Many visitors to beauty parlors prefer to deal with skin imperfections with fruit peeling. This procedure removes dead skin layers. To do this, experts use lactic, tartaric, glycolic, malic or citric acid (the use of each acid is a separate type of peeling). One session of fruit peeling is not enough to achieve a noticeable result. To really remove comedones on the forehead, nose and chin, you need to take a course (from 7 to 11 sessions).

In addition, the procedure has a number of contraindications:

  • Fresh tan.
  • Damage to the integument of the skin (at the treatment sites).
  • Allergy to components.
  • Warm season (or walks on sunny days will have to be temporarily abandoned).

If the technique is contraindicated for you, the cosmetologist will offer you other, but no less effective peeling options: almond, salicylic, pyruvic, retinoic.

Darsonvalization against comedones

Darsonval is a universal device that helps fight hair loss, varicose veins and many other problems. The device is especially widely used in the field of cosmetology: the device helps to reduce scars and treats any rashes on the skin.

Features of the procedure and its effectiveness

The device refuses the healing effect, and therefore many cosmetologists use it after mechanical cleaning: this makes it possible to remove redness and irritation. Darsonval promotes tissue renewal by improving blood circulation.

Women who are interested in how to remove comedones choose darsonvalization. This is easy to explain: regular hardware procedures will significantly reduce the secretion of sebum, which is often the root cause of rashes. The technique allows the skin to literally “breathe”.

Using the Machine at Home: Safety Precautions

Darsonval is sold in many online stores and in honey departments. technology at affordable prices. But before you buy it, be sure to consult a doctor and, if possible, go through several procedures with a beautician. If you see a positive reaction, feel free to purchase darsonval for home use.

Required number of procedures

To quickly get rid of comedones, girls prefer to do cleansing with a beautician. But if you are interested in the long-term result and treatment, choose darsonval. To achieve a noticeable healing effect, perform the procedures daily or every other day. One session of darsonvalization of the facial skin should last from 5 to 10 minutes. The course of such treatment is 10-20 sessions.

Home remedies for comedones

Cosmetics are quite expensive, and therefore many girls are trying to learn how to get rid of comedones at home. Such cosmetics are not only affordable, but also more beneficial for the skin in general.

homemade masks

In the fight against open comedones, tobish black dots, a mask based on egg white is very effective.

For cooking, you need one raw protein tablespoon of sugar. The components must be mixed so that the sugar is completely dissolved. Half of the product is applied to the skin and wait for complete drying. Further, without washing off the composition, apply the second part of the mask. It must be applied in a special way, patting the palms and fingertips. This method of application is mandatory: a sticky mass appears between the fingers and the skin, pulling the sebum out. When your hands stop sticking, rinse with cool water and apply cream to your face.

Scrub from “improvised” products

Black dots are easy to hide with makeup, and therefore closed comedones cause much more discomfort. Dermatologists know how to get rid of comedones that regularly appear on the face. They recommend combining the treatment prescribed by the doctor and store / home scrubs.

A homemade scrub can be prepared from ordinary improvised means, and you don’t have to spend money on buying expensive cosmetics. A good result is a mixture of coffee pomace and sour cream in a 1: 1 ratio. This scrub gently and gently cleanses the pores of the skin and is easily washed off. You can carry out this procedure several times a week: it is suitable even if your skin is tender and sensitive.

An excellent result is obtained by a scrubbing mask for comedones from sea salt (2 tbsp), olive oil (1 tbsp) and liquid honey (1 tbsp). After mixing all the ingredients, the mixture is applied to the skin in a circular, rubbing motion. After 3-4 minutes, the face is washed with warm water.

Prevention of comedones

In the vast majority of cases, illiterate facial care becomes the cause of all kinds of rashes: for many girls, all procedures are limited to washing, which is fundamentally wrong.

Skin care rules

If white comedones appear on the face, you can get rid of them not only with masks and medicines, but also with competent care.

To keep your skin healthy, follow these simple rules:

  • Never squeeze pimples (you can get an infection).
  • Wash your face twice a day using a gel or foam. You do not need to rub your face: the movements should be smooth and massaging.
  • If you have oily or combination skin, choose drying products. Sebum is the best friend of breakouts.
  • Try to limit your exposure to the sun and tanning beds. Sunburn does not help solve the problem, but only masks it.
  • Masks and scrubs from comedones will give results only with their systematic use.

What foods can provoke the appearance of comedones

Dermatologists have long proven the relationship between skin health and diet. Among the products that negatively affect the quality of the skin, coffee occupies the first place. Owners of problem skin are also advised to stop using fast food, starchy foods, sweets, and alcohol.

It is important for women to remember that the problem of rashes is easier to prevent than to cure. That is why, if you want to look good, watch your health: follow the daily routine and give preference to healthy food.

Video: how to get rid of comedones

Any rash spoils not only the mood, but also in some way life. In today's video cast, we will be able to learn about the most popular ways to get rid of them.

75% of adolescents and 25% of adults of both sexes are familiar with comedones on the face. Clogged pores do not pose a direct threat to human health, but worsen the appearance and cause psychological discomfort.

You can get rid of a cosmetic defect both in a beauty salon and at home.

Comedones are the first stage of acne. They are small cysts around the hair follicle filled with dead skin cells, fatty secretions and other impurities. Comedones can occur anywhere on the body, but are more commonly found on the face.

There are 2 types of comedones:

  1. Open - black dots.

They appear due to the oxidation of the contents of the pores upon contact with air. The melanin contained in the skin also gives the neoplasm a dark color.

  1. Closed - white subcutaneous acne.

Formed due to the penetration of bacteria into the pore. The constant secretion of sebum leads to an increase in the size of acne (up to 5 mm). Acne often becomes inflamed and painful.

Most often, comedones occur in adolescents after the onset of puberty due to a sharp increase in the amount of sebum. In adulthood, acne and blackheads bother men and women with oily skin and large pores. In the fair sex, the problem may worsen with the onset of pregnancy or menopause.

Why small and large comedones occur: causes of appearance

Comedones are formed as a result of clogging of pores by skin secretions. The phenomenon is caused by external factors and processes occurring in the human body:

  • Improper facial hygiene.

The appearance of blackheads and blackheads can be caused by the use of cleansers and care products that are not selected according to the type of skin, neglecting to remove makeup at night.

  • Ecology.

Particles of dust and chemicals settle on the skin, clogging the pores.

  • Climatic conditions.

Increased fat secretion occurs at elevated temperatures, so comedones often occur in the summer or during prolonged stay in stuffy rooms.

  • Hormonal background.

A change in the ratio of hormones affects the work of the sebaceous glands and the condition of the skin. In some, it becomes dry, but more often the amount of discharge increases.

  • Nutritional habits and bad habits.

Drinking alcohol, fatty, sugary foods, smoked foods, spicy foods and regular smoking worsens the skin condition.

  • Diseases of the digestive system lead to a violation of the absorption of trace elements and vitamins from food, slagging the body.
  • The action of drugs.

Skin changes can occur due to the use of antibiotics and oral contraceptives.

  • Stress.

An increase in the level of adrenaline during emotional stress activates the sebaceous glands and causes hormonal disruptions.

Features of the functioning of the whole organism (including the sebaceous glands) are transmitted at the genetic level.

Methods of treatment of closed and open type

There are several ways to get rid of comedones:

  • with the help of a professional beautician;
  • using medications;
  • at home.

Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Black dots are the initial stage of the problem, if their number is small, you can try to solve the problem at home. If a large number of closed comedones appear on the face, it is better to contact a professional.

Professional facial cleansing: we treat comedones at the beautician

The best option for removing comedones of any kind is to contact a beautician.

The most effective and fastest way to solve the problem is to clean the skin.

In modern beauty salons, it is produced in several ways:

  • mechanical cleaning.

The client's pores are opened with a steam bath or hot towels and the contents of each pore are squeezed out. The process is painful, after which the skin turns red.

  • Ultrasonic cleaning.

Painless procedure, suitable for sensitive skin. The cosmetologist acts on the face with a special device that removes dead cells, tightens pores and makes the skin supple.

  • Vacuum cleaning.

After opening the pores, the specialist brings a device to the skin that draws out the contents of the comedones. The procedure is painless, the effect is visible immediately.

  • Chemical peeling.

Special formulations are applied to the client's skin to help remove impurities and even out the surface of the skin. After the procedure, not only existing acne disappears, but also traces of old ones.

  • Laser cleaning.

The most effective procedure against comedones of all types. The laser beam splits the contents of the pore quickly and painlessly. The effect lasts for a long time with proper care.

  • Vaporization.

Blackheads and blackheads are removed with cool water directed onto the skin under pressure. The procedure activates blood circulation and metabolic processes in the epidermis.

After the procedure, the specialist will select the necessary means for subsequent care.

Salon procedures are very effective, but have some disadvantages. First, it's cost. Secondly, after external exposure to the skin irritates it, swelling and redness may persist for several days.

Mechanical cleaning at home

Hateful blackheads and blackheads that spoil the appearance can be removed at home. This process is unpleasant and very painful, although the procedure itself is technically simple.

All that is required of you is courage, patience and observance of sterility.

Cleaning algorithm:

  1. Before the procedure, you should wash yourself with a special gel and remove the remnants of cosmetics with a tonic.
  2. For cleaning, you need to open the pores as much as possible. This can be done with a warm compress or over steam. You can add essential oil or a decoction of chamomile to the water. It is recommended to warm the skin for 5-10 minutes.
  3. The skin of the face and hands is treated with a disinfectant liquid. It can be alcohol, calendula tincture, salicylic acid.
  4. Napkins are wound around the index fingers, they are changed after each extrusion.
  5. The clogged pore is squeezed from both sides, after the contents are released, the treated area is disinfected.

The content of comedones should come out without much effort. If the pimple is not squeezed out, it is not touched and left to ripen.

After the procedure is completed, the skin of the face is wiped with alcohol, and then washed with cool water or an ice cube to narrow the pores. After drying, apply a moisturizer.

During the day after mechanical cleaning, it is not recommended to use cosmetics.

Medications for problem skin

Comedones can also be treated with medications. There are preparations for internal and external use, designed to treat acne. A dermatologist will be able to choose the right remedy after assessing the condition of the skin.

For the treatment of the initial stage of blackhead acne, preparations for external use are suitable; in the fight against whiteheads, it is better to use both types of medicines.

For the treatment of comedones use:

  • Ichthyol, retinoic and zinc ointment.

Apply pointwise to comedones. The product penetrates the skin and dissolves even internal acne.

  • Lactic and salicylic acid.

The preparations are combined with boiled water 1: 1, the discs are moistened with a solution and applied to black dots or wipe the face after cleansing.

  • Antibiotics.

Tetracycline in tablets and in the form of an ointment is prescribed for inflammation of whiteheads. For external exposure, tetracycline ointment or creams with erythromycin (Zinerit, Baziron) are used. Apply pointwise to problem areas.

  • Hormonal contraceptives (Regulon, Diana).

They are prescribed for women to normalize hormonal balance.

The use of drugs can cause side effects, so you should consult a specialist before use.

Cosmetics: gel, cream, lotion

Get rid of comedones and prevent further clogging of pores with proper cleansing and care. Cosmetics manufacturers produce series for problem skin:

  • The cleansing gel gently removes impurities from deep words without irritating the skin. Use in the evening after removing make-up and in the morning.
  • The lotion or tonic will complete the cleansing routine and remove any remaining impurities and prepare the skin for the application of the cream. The product is applied to the disk and gently wipe the face.
  • Cream is an active component of skin care. It is applied before bedtime and in the morning and lasts for several hours. The product should be light, after application it should not leave a greasy film.

The composition of cosmetic products for the care of problem skin usually includes salicylic acid, herbal extracts (chamomile, calendula), essential oils. Alcohol and sulfates in such a series should not be contained, they irritate the skin.

To increase the effectiveness of care products, you can add a few drops of essential oils: eucalyptus, tea tree, rosemary. With inflammation of whiteheads, oils can be applied pointwise no more than twice a day.

Folk remedies: how to get rid of black dots at home

You can fight comedones with the help of folk remedies. They are easy to prepare and completely natural.

The only disadvantage of this method of treatment is that it may take several weeks to achieve a visible effect.

One of the most effective remedies for comedones is face masks.

They act in several directions at once:

  • dissolution of the contents of the pores,
  • skin whitening, inflammation elimination,
  • healing of injuries.

There are a lot of masks for problem skin, here are the most popular:

  • Soda. Mix equal amounts of baking soda, finely ground salt and warm water.
  • Oatmeal. Mix oats (3 teaspoons) crushed on a coffee grinder with 5 grams of soda and water to a state of sour cream.
  • Lemon. Whipped egg white is mixed with a tablespoon of aloe juice and lemon.
  • An egg mask is considered universal, it is suitable for all skin types.

All products are applied to a cleansed face and left to dry, and then washed off. The components included in their composition absorb the released fat, dry inflammation and whiten open comedones.

Film masks deserve special attention. The simplest is prepared as follows: a tablespoon of gelatin is poured into 100 grams of water. After swelling, heat in the microwave or on the stove and apply several layers on the steamed skin. After drying, the mask is removed along with the sebaceous plugs.

Washing products:

  1. To remove makeup and evening pollution, this recipe is suitable: steam a tablespoon of oatmeal and rice flour with a glass of boiling water, after cooling, add a few drops of tea tree oil.
  2. Deep cleansing. To prepare this foam, you will need 150 ml of warm water, 50 ml of fatty kefir, 2 tablespoons of dry mustard and 1 teaspoon of soda.

In the fight against black dots, self-made scrubs are very effective. They remove dead cells and absorb impurities. For this procedure, you can use:

  • coffee grounds;
  • crushed oatmeal;
  • table salt.

The selected component is mixed with a cleanser and gently massaged into the face. Please note that scrubs should not be used for inflammation of the skin.

Lotions made from citrus juice and water can improve skin condition: 30 grams of ripe grapefruit or lemon juice is diluted with 200 grams of boiled water and wiped over the face after evening and morning cleansing. The prepared lotion is stored in the refrigerator.

General recommendations and useful tips: what to avoid so that comedones do not appear

To eliminate comedones from the face, cosmetic procedures and drug exposure are not enough. All efforts will be useless if you do not change your lifestyle and eating habits.

To prevent the appearance of new comedones, you should follow some rules:

  • do not be nervous and try to get enough sleep;
  • drink more pure water;
  • completely abandon all bad habits;
  • eliminate all acute and chronic diseases;
  • normalize nutrition: the amount of fatty, smoked, fried foods should be reduced. To replenish vitamins, eat seasonal vegetables and fruits;
  • cleanse the body of toxins;
  • choose cosmetics according to skin type and age;
  • accustom yourself to the daily use of cleansers (tonic and facial wash);
  • Remove impurities with a scrub 1-2 times a week.

In this video, Elena Malysheva talks about food that helps in the fight against comedones.

Treatment of open and closed comedones should be carried out comprehensively. The main direction of therapy is getting rid of the root cause of acne formation. Without this, any salon and home procedures will not give a lasting effect.

Comedones, or the so-called black dots, most often appear at a young age, but can appear throughout life. This cosmetic defect can cause a lot of inconvenience and cause the development of complexes. In this article, you will learn how to get rid of comedones quickly and easily.

How to get rid of comedones

How to get rid of subcutaneous comedones

Slightly protruding bumps are formed on the face as a result of blockage of the sebaceous gland. There are closed (white, almost invisible) and open (classic black dots) comedones. The first option is more insidious, getting rid of such acne is quite difficult. They can not be pressed, as this can lead to infection of the wound with microbes and the formation of a focus of inflammation.

Closed comedones are the result of insufficient cleansing of the skin and frequent use of tonal cosmetics.

To eliminate this defect, wash your face several times a day using a special remedy that can be bought at a pharmacy. It is also recommended to exfoliate at least once a week. A natural cosmetic clay mask reduces the appearance of acne.

How to get rid of comedones forever

Closed subcutaneous bumps on the face are not as noticeable as open blackheads. You can cure them once and for all in a beauty salon. Modern beauty parlors offer many special procedures that are highly effective. Choose the one that suits you best:

    manual cleaning. First, the master will thoroughly steam your skin, cleanse it, and only then proceed to gently extrude black dots. Closed comedones are first pierced with a sterile needle. Within a few days after such a procedure, the inflammation will disappear and the skin will again become clean and smooth;

    cleansing the skin with a vacuum device - the procedure is less painful. The beautician will quickly and thoroughly cleanse the skin, but you will not feel much discomfort;

    fruit peeling. It is performed using a special agent containing acid. Comedones partially disappear and become almost invisible, the work of the sebaceous glands is significantly reduced. As a result, your face looks fresher and more rested;

Closed comedones are a common problem. They appear on the face and can even spread to the back. The cause of their occurrence can be stress, diseases of the internal organs, but most often teenagers suffer from them when their body experiences a hormonal surge, as well as women during pregnancy, menopause and in case of malfunctions in the menstrual cycle.

Sebum accumulates under the skin and turns into a small nodule. Often they are small and almost invisible, but sometimes they are quite large and also cause pain. Being under the skin, they do not have the opportunity to finally mature and come out; and if an infection penetrates into such a comedone, then there is a high probability of developing serious inflammation. How to get rid of them? Let's figure it out.

Open and closed comedones - what's the difference?

Skin rashes, called comedones, are divided into two types - open and closed comedones. The first are formed when the contents of the mouth of the follicle appear on the surface of the skin. This species is considered the most noticeable, as it visually represents black dots. Such formations are easy to remove even at home.

Getting rid of closed comedones is not so easy. An attempt at conventional mechanical removal can only result in them turning into red, inflamed pimples with a white top. This type of comedones is popularly called "millet" because they look like millet grains. In dermatology, the term milia is used to define them.

What causes the appearance of closed comedones on the skin of the face? The main reason is the accumulation in the sebaceous glands of a secret secreted in excess. The inability to release secretions into the pores and contributes to the formation of small whitish nodules under a thin layer of skin (subcutaneous acne).

Among the many causes of closed-type rashes, the main factors in their appearance are improper skin care (especially oily or dry), as well as the use of cosmetics that cause closed comedones.

Causes of closed comedones

The main reason for the appearance of closed comedones are various hormonal disorders, but doctors note a number of other factors:

  1. Excessive activity of the sebaceous glands.
  2. Improper skin care or complete neglect of personal hygiene, resulting in clogged skin pores.
  3. In some cases, certain medications may be the cause.
  4. Genetic predisposition, as a result of which comedones can appear even in those who monitor the condition of the skin.
  5. In men, an excessive amount of testosterone in the body also leads to the appearance of comedones.
  6. In exceptional cases, the appearance of comedones can be influenced by environmental pollution. As a result, clogging of the skin pores with particles of dust, dirt and various compounds, which leads to the appearance of closed comedones.

As a result of hormonal disorders, comedones often appear in pregnant women, even if all hygiene requirements are met. Endocrine diseases and problems with the gastrointestinal tract also increase the likelihood of such acne.

What do closed comedones look like?

Closed comedones are small, flesh-colored or white bumps that protrude slightly above the surface of the skin. From the outside, they can be completely invisible and can only be felt by touch, if you run your hand over the skin. They are felt as a slight roughness or unevenness.

Medical treatment

It is necessary to treat closed comedones comprehensively. First you need to identify the cause of their appearance and cure, and then deal with cosmetic skin defects.

Preparations for the treatment of acne and comedones are aimed at reducing the activity of the sebaceous glands, eliminating comedones and skin defects from their occurrence. Medicines can be both internal and external use.

The most used drugs for comedones:

  1. Zerkalin (ointment) is a remedy related to antibiotics. Production - Croatia. Able to treat acne and other similar formations on the skin. Effectively fights comedones.
  2. Roaccutane (in capsules) is a drug aimed at suppressing acne and comedones. Made in Switzerland. Contains beeswax, soybean oil. The drug should be started with small doses with a gradual increase.
  3. Zincteral (tablets) - catalyzes metabolic processes. Producer Poland.
  4. A series of cosmetics - Hollyland. It produces drugs in the form of ointments, lotions, masks for the treatment of problem skin. Made in Israel.

Any drug may have side effects or incompatibility with other drugs. Before using drugs, you should consult with your doctor about the appropriateness of their use.

Skin cleansing

First of all, at home, it is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the skin of the face with a special cosmetic product using a sponge or sponge. Hygiene care begins with the fact that the composition for washing is applied to wet skin, and then rubbed without pressure until bubbles appear and removed with a wet sponge. This helps to cleanse the epidermis of particles of fat, layers of dead cells and dirt.

Every week you need to peel with fruit acids or use a scrub to cleanse the skin of dead cells. Masks with bodyaga or clay also help to expand the pores and renew the epidermis. However, when using peeling or scrub, they can only be done once a week. If masks are the only method in the fight against closed comedones, then in a day or two.

At home, vegetable masks made from carrots, cucumbers, zucchini and apples will help to cope with closed comedones. Finely grind the vegetables, you can use a grater or a blender, and if they do not contain acids, then lemon juice is added. The composition is supplemented with vegetable oil, most often olive oil. But in the advice of cosmetologists and reviews of many women, you can read that this oil can clog pores. In this case, you need to use a cosmetic vegetable oil suitable for your skin.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine will help to deal with such a problem. Herbal decoctions, various masks made from natural ingredients have a positive effect on the skin, no worse than expensive pharmaceutical products.

Effective remedies for closed comedones:

  1. Chamomile. Take 2 tablespoons of dried chamomile, pour a little boiling water over it. Wait 30 minutes, strain, apply the gruel on your face, hold for 15 minutes, do such manipulations every day. After a week, you will notice that the comedones have decreased in size, and over time, the millet will completely disappear.
  2. Protein treatment. Take one fresh chicken egg, separate the protein from the yolk, beat it with 1 tablespoon of sugar, divide the mixture into 2 equal parts. Apply the first half to the face, wait until it dries completely, then do the same with the second half of the mass. Rinse off the mask with cool water, do not forget to lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream after the procedure. Such manipulations remove impurities, cleanse pores, and contribute to the opening of millet;
  3. Vitamin mask. Grate carrots, zucchini, cucumber (in equal amounts), add 1 tbsp to the mixture. spoon of olive oil, mix thoroughly. Put the resulting slurry on your face in a thin layer, wait 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water;
  4. Salt. Take a glass of boiled water, dilute a finely grated piece of antibacterial soap in it, add 1 tablespoon of fine salt. Moisten a cotton pad in the solution, use it to rub into problem areas on the skin for no more than three minutes, do not overdo it, this method should be used very carefully so as not to damage the skin;
  5. Citrus tonic. Dilute 1 tablespoon of lemon or grapefruit juice with 1 cup of boiled water. Moisten a cotton pad with this product and wipe the places of accumulation of millet. Use this remedy in the morning and evening.

Do not expect lightning-fast action from these recipes, for a high-quality result, 2-3 weeks should pass. Do not be alarmed if millet on the nose lasts longer than on all other zones, this is a natural process.

Treatment with a laser

This procedure not only has no consequences in the form of scars or scars, but is absolutely painless.

There are three types of such laser peeling:

  1. pulsed laser. During processing, bacteria die, and the secretion of the sebaceous glands also decreases. As a result of this decrease in the intensity of secretion, less sebum is produced, which is a breeding ground for bacteria. As a result, old comedones dissolve, and the likelihood of new comedones formation decreases.
  2. Processing with a blue laser (frequency 405-420 nm). This procedure destroys bacteria that are deep in the skin and promotes the resorption of comedones.
  3. diode laser. Unlike the previous type, this procedure contributes to the complete cessation of sebum secretion. It is quite effective in the treatment of acne, when comedones are formed in large quantities over the entire surface of the face.

This effective method allows you to achieve visible results after the first procedure, and thanks to the ability to adjust the depth of penetration, the specialist can work with problem areas without affecting the surrounding tissues.

Why is the medicine not helping?

This impatient question is asked to dermatologists and cosmetologists by many patients after several weeks of treatment with the recommended drug. Doctors usually explain that there are several reasons why a drug is ineffective:

  • the medicine was taken constantly and in the indicated dosage;
  • the use corresponded to the instructions attached to the drug;
  • if it was used only in the place where acne appeared;
  • when using the medicine, all hygiene rules were observed.

If the comedones on the nose or in another part of the face have not disappeared a week after starting the drug, this is quite natural. At the first stage, the medicine prevents the occurrence of new acne. The old ones disappear on their own, but this takes time, at least a month. It is advisable to change drugs only if an allergic reaction occurs.

How effective this or that medicine can be evaluated no earlier than two months later. You can not take two drugs at the same time, as it is difficult to understand which of them brings real benefits. And we can talk about the ineffectiveness of treatment only after two months, when it becomes clear that there is no improvement, new foci of acne appear. In this case, you need to contact your doctor again.

This must be remembered constantly and throughout the course of treatment with medicines, cosmetics or folk remedies, adhere to the following simple recommendations.

  1. Daily use facial cleansers (milk, tonic, lotion), weekly - scrubs or gommage.
  2. Self-extrusion of comedones is strictly prohibited, which in 95% of cases leads to their inflammation, which has to be treated with antibiotics.
  3. Choosing the right line of cosmetics for skin care.
  4. Do not leave makeup on your face overnight.
  5. Limit the amount of fatty, fried, spicy, pickled, salty, sweet, flour foods in your diet.
  6. Stop taking long-term medications.
  7. It is useless to fight comedones if you smoke a lot or abuse alcohol. It's time to say goodbye to bad habits with problem skin.
  8. Try to be less affected by stressful situations.
  9. Treat existing stomach diseases.
  10. Move to an area with a more favorable environmental situation.

All these measures are not only an effective fight against comedones, but also the prevention of this cosmetic defect. Not only will it change your life, but it is necessary if you want to look stunning.

Comedones are one of the varieties of acne (acne), in which a mixture of dead cells and microorganisms forms under the skin.

Despite the fact that outwardly comedones can often remain invisible, they can cause pain. And given that such formations can reach five millimeters in diameter and spread throughout the body, it is undesirable to ignore such a problem.

Unlike open comedones in the form of black dots, closed pimples are white in color and can appear at any age. But most often, such acne is typical for people aged 12-24 years.

Causes of closed comedones

The main reason for the appearance of closed comedones are various hormonal disorders, but doctors note a number of other factors:

  1. Improper skin care or complete neglect of personal hygiene, resulting in clogged skin pores.
  2. Excessive activity of the sebaceous glands.
  3. Genetic predisposition, as a result of which comedones can appear even in those who monitor the condition of the skin.
  4. In some cases, certain medications may be the cause.
  5. In exceptional cases, the appearance of comedones can be influenced by environmental pollution. As a result - clogging of the skin pores with particles of dust, dirt and various compounds, which leads to the appearance of closed comedones.
  6. In men, an excessive amount of testosterone in the body also leads to the appearance of comedones.

As a result of hormonal disorders, comedones often appear in pregnant women, even if all hygiene requirements are met. Endocrine diseases and problems with the gastrointestinal tract also increase the likelihood of such acne.


Closed comedones outwardly can be almost invisible, in addition - for several months and even years, these formations may not cause any pain or discomfort.

But often the following symptoms can indicate the beginning of the formation of comedones:

  • discoloration of the skin of the face (skin acquires a painful gray or greenish tint);
  • peeling;
  • coarsening of the skin;
  • visually noticeable expansion of pores;
  • in women, cosmetics begin to stick poorly (due to an increase in the fat content in the skin).

In advanced cases, closed comedones begin to become inflamed, redness is observed.

In such cases, it is not recommended to self-medicate, and even more so, to squeeze out acne, since as a result of such procedures noticeable scars are formed, and it is also possible that a secondary infection enters the comedone.

Methods of drug treatment

If there are several relatively small closed comedones that do not bother or cause discomfort, you can get by with just hygiene measures. It is enough to wash your face twice a day with soap and use lotions that do not contain alcohol to wipe.

But sometimes treatment requires application special means. They should be taken only after consultation with specialists, since these drugs, for all their effectiveness, can have a number of side effects.


This is the best option that allows you to eliminate comedones without the use of external agents.

The main disadvantage of antibiotics is their detrimental effect on immunity because oral antibiotics disrupt the body's immune system. In most cases, two of these drugs are used to treat closed comedones:

A fairly effective antibiotic, but it has a number of contraindications, including pregnancy, hypersensitivity to tetracycline drugs and severe violations of the liver and kidneys.

The cost of the drug varies in the range 340-350 rubles.


The cost of the drug about 100 rubles but it may not be effective in severe cases.

Special creams or lotions

Unlike oral antibiotics, comedone creams do not cause damage to the body, but the course of treatment in this case may last longer. The basis of such creams and gels is benzene peroxide,.

Among the most popular creams, Zinerit can be distinguished, which effectively fights all types of acne, but with prolonged use, the effectiveness of the drug decreases, as the bacteria that form comedones begin to “get used” to the active components of the cream.

The cost of such a tool is about 500 rubles.

Many dermatologists recommend the use of Skinoren cream-gel, which can be used both for spot application (if there are not very many comedones) or for application to the entire surface of the skin. The main side effect of the drug is slight burning sensation.

The average cost is 600 rubles.

Cream Adapalene

A more expensive remedy is Adapalen cream. This drug can be used in combination with other creams and lotions, while it effectively fights even severe forms of acne.

Price 760 rubles.

Among lotions, experts distinguish Holy Land lotion (cost - from 1400 rubles depending on region).

This remedy is considered natural, since extracts of arnica and witch hazel are used as its basis.

The lotion is suitable for sensitive skin and not only quickly dissolves old closed comedones, but also prevents the appearance of new ones.

But firstly, such a tool does not give quick results: it must be used for at least a week twice a day. Secondly, if preventive measures are not followed after the course of treatment, there is always the possibility of the reappearance of comedones.


Among the ointments, the most common are:


A relatively mild remedy that eliminates acne and normalizes the sebaceous glands. The only serious side effect is associated with individual intolerance.

Price 250 rubles.

In addition to the treatment of comedones, the ointment prevents the appearance of new formations on the skin and, in general, makes the skin less oily. The product must be used carefully and in consultation with the doctor.

Price 700 rubles.

Allows you to quickly get rid of comedones (on average, the course of treatment is 2-3 days). Before use, you must make sure that there is no individual intolerance to the components of the product.

Price up to 120 rubles.

The most inexpensive remedy among similar drugs, which, moreover, has practically no side effects. But it is advisable to use such an ointment for the separate elimination of a small amount of comedones.

Price 50 rubles.

Cosmetic procedures

In some cases, the use of medications alone does not eliminate comedones, and more effective radical methods are required. These are cosmetic procedures that have their advantages, but are not without drawbacks. Such procedures are assigned individually.

mechanical way

Technically, this is the easiest way to help remove dead skin cells, dirt, plugs and comedones.

The most popular type of these procedures is microcrystalline dermabrasion(microdermabrasion).

In this case, the upper layer of the skin is polished using a special vacuum suction apparatus, which has nozzles coated with diamond dust. In practice, this method can be called peeling, since in this case the top layer is removed (and comedones along with it), after which this layer of skin is completely renewed.

Depending on the number of comedones and their size, the microdermabrasion procedure can be one-time, or it can take place in several stages. The procedure is not very painful, but for people with thin skin it can cause discomfort, therefore, in some cases, local anesthesia is done before peeling.

The procedure is the cauterization of comedones with an electric current, and such a procedure is carried out only in beauty salons where special equipment is used.

In the process of electrocoagulation, a thin film is formed on the areas exposed to the current, which peels off after about a week.

If the comedones are large enough and sit deep, subtle light scars may remain on the face after the procedure.

Treatment with a laser

This effective method allows you to achieve visible results after the first procedure, and thanks to the ability to adjust the depth of penetration, the specialist can work with problem areas without affecting the surrounding tissues.

This procedure not only has no consequences in the form of scars or scars, but is absolutely painless.

There are three types of such laser peeling:

  • Blue laser treatment (frequency 405-420 nm). This procedure destroys bacteria that are deep in the skin and promotes the resorption of comedones.
  • pulsed laser. During processing, bacteria die, and the secretion of the sebaceous glands also decreases. As a result of this decrease in the intensity of secretion, less sebum is produced, which is a breeding ground for bacteria. As a result, old comedones dissolve, and the likelihood of new comedones formation decreases.
  • diode laser. Unlike the previous type, this procedure contributes to the complete cessation of sebum secretion. It is quite effective in the treatment of acne, when comedones are formed in large quantities over the entire surface of the face.


There are no special diets that help get rid of comedones.

What's more, claims that avoiding sugary and fatty foods help prevent acne are misleading.

The main thing is to use the following products as the basis of nutrition in such a period:

  • walnuts;
  • not salted mushrooms;
  • barley;
  • oatmeal;
  • buckwheat;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • boiled eggs;
  • steamed fish;
  • onion and garlic;
  • any legumes;
  • green tea;
  • chicory.

Folk remedies and recipes

Traditional medicine is not the best way to deal with comedones, since the problem, at best, can remain at the same level. Sometimes, however, these remedies can only make the situation worse.

But doctors often themselves recommend some traditional medicine, so if you wish can complement the course of treatment such procedures, it is necessary to at least consult with a specialist who will tell you exactly whether this or that method will cause harm.

Really harmless (but not always effective) are scrubs.

One of them can be prepared as follows: ground beans, ground oatmeal and coffee grounds are mixed in equal proportions (a teaspoon each). Half a teaspoon of fine salt is added to this composition. The thoroughly mixed composition is gently applied to the skin, but not rubbed. After a few minutes, the composition is washed off with warm water.

Or lemon juice, then everything is thoroughly mixed and applied to the face for about half an hour.


As in the case of any other dermatological diseases, the main thing in the prevention of comedones is keeping skin clean. You need to wash your face twice a day, and at the same time use soap or special cleansing gels (ordinary soap can lead to dry skin). Twice a week it is recommended in specialized salons or at home to exfoliate keratinized skin with scrubs.

Problematic skin requires special care. So, when it is useful to use special antibacterial lotions based on natural ingredients (juniper, pine needles, chamomile, green tea). You can additionally use menthol and eucalyptus oils, as well as (but in small quantities), clove and cedar. These products reduce skin porosity, reduce inflammation and stimulate blood circulation.

It is also recommended to stick to a healthy balanced nutrition and monitor health in general, since the general condition of the body is almost always reflected on the face, and comedones can occur as external signs of some hidden disease.

Much depends on the selection of the right cosmetics. In some cases, due to the individual characteristics of the skin, certain types of cosmetics can cause acne.

Keeping your face clean and hygienic is the best way to prevent comedones. It is also necessary to monitor the condition of the skin: on a well-groomed clean face, the appearance of such an acne rash is practically excluded.

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