Spiral from pregnancy when put. Pros and cons of the intrauterine device. Spiral from pregnancy: complications

In order not to get pregnant, many young modern women install an intrauterine device from pregnancy, made of metal (copper and silver are most often used) or durable plastic, which is an excellent contraceptive.

The working principle of this method is as follows:

  • The gynecologist during the next appointment attaches the spiral to the uterine cavity.
  • Then the female body begins to perceive it as a foreign body, and an immunological reaction occurs, as a result of which a more acidic environment is formed in the uterus than it was before, and the level of leukocytes rises.
  • An increased content of leukocytes in the blood does not allow spermatozoa to survive inside such a female body, and they die.
  • And if somehow fertilization did occur, then the acidic environment that has formed in the uterus since the establishment of the medical device makes it unsuitable for the implantation of a fertilized egg, and it ceases to exist.

Sometimes there is a rejection of the spiral after it has been installed, but this happens quite rarely and depends more on the individual capabilities of the female body. And since this contraceptive is long-term and is designed for several years, after the expiration of this period, the device is replaced with a new one.

All manipulations, whether it is the first installation or a second replacement, are carried out exclusively by a medical professional using special tools, and also only after the necessary tests have been taken, and the presence of any inflammatory process has been excluded.

Benefits of a pregnancy spiral

The spiral, like any other methods of protection against possible conception, has a number of important advantages, including:

  1. The contraceptive effect begins immediately after the device is attached to the uterine cavity.
  2. Both very young girls and mature women can use this method, there are no age restrictions here (does not apply to minors).
  3. High effectiveness of contraceptive properties.
  4. If suddenly a woman wishes to become pregnant, then the device can be removed at any time, and this will not affect the further conception and bearing of the child.
  5. It is not necessary to notify the partner about the presence of an intrauterine device; it does not affect the quality of sexual intercourse in any way.
  6. There is no need to perform additional manipulations, such as when using condoms or taking birth control pills, the effect of the medical T-shaped device is maintained from installation to removal.
  7. There is absolutely no effect for a woman on the quality of sexual intercourse, sensitivity does not disappear anywhere.
  8. The effectiveness of other drugs does not decrease, as is often the case with oral contraceptives.
  9. Low cost, especially considering that the spiral from pregnancy is set not for a year or even two, but at least three.

All these advantages allowed the intrauterine device to be among the most popular methods of protection against unwanted conception. And so far, the number of women who prefer to use this method is only increasing.

Cons of a spiral from pregnancy

As you can see, the medical coil has a lot of advantages, but it also has some disadvantages. And among them:

  1. Possible bleeding with improper attachment to the uterine cavity.
  2. Injury to the cervix during installation.
  3. Decrease in the effectiveness of contraceptive properties, due to the inexperience of the gynecologist or the physiological structure of the internal organs of a woman.
  4. An improperly fitted device can be a source of unpleasant aching pain that will not go away until the foreign body is removed.
  5. The spiral can further damage the endometrium, so increased menstrual flow is not excluded.
  6. This contraceptive may fall out of the uterine cavity (this is especially common in the first year of use).
  7. The possible development of a strong inflammatory effect, which will be an overly increased reaction of the female body to a foreign body.
  8. In some cases, it is possible to change the duration of the menstrual cycle or even its violation.
  9. There is some risk that a fertilized egg can still survive outside the uterus, and then an ectopic pregnancy cannot be avoided.


In addition, the intrauterine device has a number of contraindications, which must also be considered before its use. For example, it cannot be used:

  • with inflammation of the organs of the reproductive system;
  • in the presence of malignant tumors;
  • with special sensitivity to the constituent components of the device;
  • with infrequent sexual intercourse with one partner or, conversely, with promiscuity with different partners.

In any case, first weigh all the pros and cons of this contraceptive method, decide whether you want to have a baby in the next six months. And only then contact a gynecologist with a request to put you an intrauterine device.

The intrauterine device (you can see the abbreviation of the IUD) is a popular contraceptive that is considered one of the best ways to prevent unwanted pregnancies. The vaginal coil is a tiny, matchbox-sized device that will help you plan your life.

Pros and cons of this method of contraception

If a woman has decided, she must know the pros and cons of her installation and wearing. The main plus in the installation of the IUD is that it protects against unwanted pregnancy much more effectively than many other contraceptives. Its constant presence inside the body of a woman eliminates the danger that you can forget to protect yourself. The spiral is absolutely imperceptible during sexual contact. In addition, this tool is relatively cheap, given that it is enough for a period of 3 to 10 years.

The IUD does not have any hormonal effect on the female body. The use of some birth control pills has a number of contraindications, such as breastfeeding and smoking. The IUD has no such contraindications. However, there are also IUDs that contain hormones. They prevent not only pregnancy, but also many inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, control bleeding during menstruation, and prevent ectopic pregnancy.

It is impossible to put an IUD on your own at home. This opens up a small number of cons. This type of contraception is allowed only for women who have given birth. The IUD from pregnancy will by no means be able to protect against genital infections, since it only works as a contraceptive. The spiral is a foreign body inside the female body, so it can cause discomfort and side effects.

Navy action

How does a contraceptive work? The principle of its operation is as follows. The IUD has a detrimental effect on male germ cells, depriving them of their reproductive function. The mechanism of action of the intrauterine device also extends to the uterine mucosa, depriving it of its ability to create conditions for the appearance of an embryo.

The duration of the contraceptive is from 3 to 5 years. When the warranty period passes, the spiral in the uterus wears out and loses its properties. She needs to take it out.

Which Navy to choose?

Today, the contraceptive coil is a small device. It is made from synthetic material or non-ferrous metals. IUDs no larger than 4 centimeters. In shape, it is most often similar to the shape of the uterus, that is, a T-shape.

IUDs are both without the addition of hormones, and hormone-containing. The spiral is selected individually, depending on the characteristics of the body. There is no universal IUD that is better suited to any woman. However, each of them has its own advantageous characteristics. The most popular types of spirals are:

  1. T Cu 380 A. The material from which the Navy is made is copper. It has a rather long period of validity - up to 10 years. The mechanism of action of such a spiral is that it releases copper, which in turn suppresses spermatozoa and affects female reproductive ability.
  2. Multiload Cu 375. It has a shape that allows it to sit firmly in the uterus. This IUD is considered the most reliable choice for active ladies or women with structural features of the genital organs, when there is a risk of the usual spiral falling out.
  3. Naval Forces of the combined composition. These are Nova - T (Nova-T) and T de Plata 380 NOVAPLUS. They are made of plastic and silver or plastic and copper. These varieties do not contain hormones.
  4. VIP Spiral T de Oro 375 Gold. It contains a piece of gold.
  5. Mirena is a hormonal coil. It contains a special container that releases the pregnancy hormone levonorgestrel. Such an IUD can last up to 5 years.

The question of choosing a contraceptive spiral is best left to a specialist. He knows better which IUD to recommend for your particular case. Do not think that the more expensive the IUD, the more effective it is - the action of the spirals is almost equally good. When choosing a spiral, tell your doctor about the characteristics of your body. With long and heavy periods, it may be better to use a uterine spiral with hormones. However, we must not forget about other individual properties of the organism.

What side effects may appear

Surely many women are interested in the question: is the spiral harmful? After installing the spiral, a number of side effects may occur. Some women experience complications, but this happens only in 5 cases out of 100. The vast majority of women are satisfied with the installation of the IUD, because it is a very effective and convenient method of contraception.

Once the IUD is in place, in extremely rare cases, adverse reactions such as uterine perforation or endometritis can occur.

Some time after the installation of the spiral, the following side effects may occur:

  • during menstruation, pain in the lower abdomen increases;
  • menstruation becomes more abundant than before;
  • red spotting may occur during the menstrual period.

Such reactions concern only IUDs that do not contain hormones. During the use of a hormone-containing IUD, changes in the female body are possible, such as:

  • delay in menstruation for several months;
  • bleeding between periods.

Contraindications to the use of the spiral

A spiral from pregnancy is not put on everyone and not always. Not every woman will be allowed to put it on. Sometimes the contraceptive spiral has contraindications. It is undesirable or impossible to put the IUD:

  • women with infectious or inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, as well as cervical erosion;
  • patients with oncological diseases of the reproductive organs;
  • women who have malformations of the uterus;
  • young ladies or nulliparous women;
  • women who randomly change sexual partners.

There may be exceptions for each specific case, but the decision to install an IUD can only be made by a gynecologist.

In order to prevent unwanted pregnancy and further abortion, the spiral will help prevent its occurrence for a long time. Abortion harms the female body, so sometimes doctors themselves can offer this option. If, nevertheless, an abortion has happened, and in order to prevent an unwanted pregnancy, you should ask your doctor about the possibility immediately after the procedure or after some time.

woman after childbirth. The female body after childbirth must recover. He is ready for a new fertilization in a few months, but it will be difficult for him to immediately transfer another pregnancy. To do this, young mothers, especially nursing ones, are advised to either take progestin pills, which does not always have a positive effect on the health of the body, or put a spiral. IUD without hormones is one of the best ways to prevent unwanted pregnancy for nursing mothers.

Preparatory stage and installation of the spiral

Before installing the spiral, it is necessary to consult with the doctor on all issues related to the choice of the spiral, possible side effects, its duration, and other nuances that are of interest. Before the procedure, there should be no sexual intercourse, at least 24 hours. It is also impossible to use chemical means for intimate hygiene in any form, do douching and other procedures for the care of women's health. A couple of days before the installation of the spiral, it is also forbidden to use topical medications such as vaginal suppositories and tablets, aerosols, ointments, creams, etc.

If the woman is not pregnant and healthy, the doctor decides to install the spiral.

The IUD is placed on an outpatient basis. Usually, the coil is inserted a few days before the onset of menstruation, since it is at this time that the cervix is ​​​​best able to insert the coil.

Immediately after examining the mirror, the doctor will fix the cervix with a special device and introduce a spiral. Sometimes the installation of a spiral can be accompanied by discomfort and pain, as before menstruation. The pain will pass very soon.

In order to prevent any possible infection, the gynecologist prescribes antibiotics.

In order to make sure that the spiral is securely fixed in the right place, there are routine inspections. The first of them is prescribed 1 month after the introduction of the spiral. The next one is in six months, and then inspections take place once a year.

Rules of behavior for a woman after installing a spiral (valid for 5 days):

  • sexual intercourse is prohibited;
  • you can not douching;
  • you can wash only in the shower, and not in a hot bath;
  • do not play hard sports or lift weights;
  • you can not drink drugs that contain acetylsalicylic acid.
  • see a doctor in an emergency.

Important: it is undesirable to use tampons during menstruation (if a woman has an IUD installed), it is better to use pads.

If, after installing the spiral, the state of health has changed: the temperature has risen, the stomach hurts, discharge with an unpleasant odor has begun - you should immediately contact the doctor for help.

The issue of contraception is relevant for every woman of childbearing age. Today, there are many effective ways to avoid unwanted pregnancy, among which intrauterine contraceptives are especially popular. When they put a spiral, before or after menstruation - many girls turn to doctors with such a question.

Intrauterine contraceptives have been used since the mid-20s of the last century. Then they were a ring made of an alloy of brass and bronze, to which a small amount of copper was added. In 1960, a safer product made of elastic material appeared.

Modern spirals have a different shape, some of them contain hormonal preparations. The contraceptive effect is achieved by releasing a small amount of them into the cavity of the reproductive organ. In addition, the spiral has a mechanical effect on the inner lining of the uterus, preventing the attachment of the egg after fertilization.

The spiral significantly impedes the advancement of male reproductive cells and weakens them, which prevents pregnancy.

During this time, the cervix is ​​ajar so that the procedure for introducing a contraceptive is the least traumatic and easy to implement. The onset of menstruation is one of the signs that a woman is pregnant, so it is at this time that it is preferable to install a spiral.

Before installing an intrauterine device, an examination should be scheduled to exclude the presence of infections and pathologies associated with the reproductive organs. The standard list of diagnostic procedures looks like this:

  • smears of the cervix and vagina;
  • tests for syphilis, hepatitis and HIV;
  • general urinalysis;
  • tests that detect sexual infections;
  • ultrasound examination of the uterus.

Ultrasound is prescribed not only to make sure that a woman does not have changes that prevent the use of an intrauterine contraceptive. Its purpose is also to make sure that at the time of the installation of the spiral, the woman is not pregnant. To do this, you will have to do a test that determines the level of hCG.

The installation procedure is carried out exclusively in the gynecological office under sterile conditions. The woman sits in a chair with her legs on the holders. Before inserting the spiral, the doctor treats the cervix and vagina with a disinfectant. Additionally, local anesthesia is performed. Usually, a special gel is used for anesthesia, sometimes injections.

Only after that, the doctor, using special tools, slightly opens the cervix, measures the depth, and then introduces the contraceptive into the uterine cavity. The so-called "antennae" up to 2 cm long, the doctor brings out into the vagina. This is done so that the spiral can be removed. During hygiene procedures, a woman should check from time to time whether these “antennae” are in place.

The installation procedure is almost painless. Only sometimes women feel pain that quickly passes. Some ladies experience bouts of dizziness and fainting. But this is an extremely rare phenomenon that passes after a few minutes.

With a spiral in a few days you can have sex. In the first month, until the immune system adapts to the presence of a foreign body, it is better for a woman to refrain from visiting a bathhouse or pool. Strenuous physical activity should also be avoided.

Contraindications to the installation of the IUD

The intrauterine device is a convenient and relatively inexpensive method of contraception. But, like many medications, it has contraindications, in which it is impossible to use it to prevent unwanted pregnancy. The main ones are listed below:

  • cervical dysplasia;
  • malignant and benign neoplasms in the reproductive organs;
  • previous ectopic pregnancy carried by a woman;
  • severe trauma to the cervix during childbirth;
  • blood diseases.

For girls who have never given birth before, doctors usually do not recommend a spiral. They are individually selected other contraceptives.

Spiral after childbirth or abortion

After the appearance of the baby, women try to withstand some "pause" before planning a new pregnancy. And this is understandable - the body needs to get stronger after pregnancy and childbirth, and the family needs to get used to the new rules and routine.

It is believed that in the first months, while there are no periods, and a young mother is breastfeeding, she cannot become pregnant. However, this is not so, and very often a woman finds out that a little man has settled in her womb again, when all the signs of the onset of pregnancy become apparent.

That is why for women who have recently given birth, it is very important to use proper protection. And the best choice during this period is Mirena or another spiral.

You can install it when the uterus becomes normal in size. This occurs approximately 6-12 weeks after the birth of the child, although the placement of the coil immediately after natural childbirth is also practiced. In the event that delivery occurred by caesarean section, the intrauterine device can be installed after 6 months.

According to many practitioners, with whom US researchers also agree, positive results are obtained by inserting a spiral into the uterus immediately after an abortion, regardless of whether it was caused by natural causes (miscarriage) or surgically performed.

If the contraceptive is inserted into the uterus 15-20 minutes after the operation, this minimizes the possibility of an unwanted pregnancy. In addition, there is no need to use anesthetics again and dilate the cervix.

Advantages and disadvantages of the intrauterine device

The spiral is considered a reliable method of protection: its effectiveness reaches 95%. Many women note as a positive factor that with the same spiral you can live up to 5 years, and in some cases even longer. This saves time and money that would have to be spent on purchasing other contraceptives. In addition, intrauterine devices have other advantages:

  • you do not need to strictly follow the schedule of admission, unlike birth control pills;
  • allowed for use by women who are breastfeeding;
  • after extraction from the uterus, you can quickly become pregnant.

Hormone-containing spirals, for example, Mirena, not only prevent pregnancy, but also have an anti-inflammatory effect on the reproductive organs, and prevent endometriosis. In addition, after the installation of the Mirena spiral, menstruation becomes practically painless and less long.

With all the positive aspects, the use of a spiral can sometimes have negative consequences. First of all, this is a restriction that applies to nulliparous girls. It is due to the fact that they have a small uterine cavity, and also too narrow. Because of this, the procedure for placing a contraceptive is more complicated and painful. In rare cases, it ends with perforation of the wall of the reproductive organ.

The spiral is suitable for women who have a permanent sexual partner, as the risk of infectious diseases increases, especially in the first month after the installation of a contraceptive. A foreign body inside the uterus contributes to the rapid spread of infection. With untimely treatment, infertility becomes a consequence of inflammation.

The use of the IUD is associated with regular visits to the gynecologist. First, in order to install it, and then preferably every six months. In addition, a woman has to independently control the antennae, the ends of which are in the vagina. This is necessary to make sure that the spiral does not fall out. To remove the contraceptive, you will again have to go to the doctor.

Can I remove the IUD myself

Some women are interested in whether it is possible to remove the spiral without menstruation or on their own? Experts categorically do not recommend conducting experiments at home. To do this, you need to contact a gynecologist. The extraction procedure should be carried out when menstruation has come (in the first days) under sterile conditions.

With self-removal of the spiral, there is a high risk of damaging the genital mucosa and infecting.

Removal of the IUD by a gynecologist is a virtually painless procedure if there are no inflammatory processes. Before her, the doctor conducts an examination. If the spiral is intact, then it takes it out by pulling on the antennae. If there are no threads in the vagina or the contraceptive has collapsed, microsurgical intervention is used - hysteroscopy.

After removing the spiral from the uterus, the doctor takes a smear from it, which it sends to the laboratory for cytological examination. This procedure is followed in most cases, but it is not required.

Types of Navy

If there are no contraindications, then, after consulting with your doctor, almost every woman can pick up a spiral. Among the devices on the market today are those that are shaped like an umbrella or spiral, an egg and a ring. The materials from which they are made are also different.

Taking into account the peculiarities of the location and structure of the uterus, the doctor will recommend a certain type of spiral to the woman. The first generation S-shaped contraceptives made of polyethylene are practically no longer used. This is due to their low efficiency and frequent cases of arbitrary prolapse from the uterus.

Relatively inexpensive modern copper-based IUDs are very effective. They oxidize the environment in the uterus, so the spermatozoa, getting into it, become less active. Since copper is released quickly, the replacement of such a spiral occurs every 3-5 years.

There are not only copper spirals, but also those that contain silver, platinum and gold. Drug intrauterine systems containing levonorgesterol or progesterone in the leg are especially effective. Every day, a small dose of the hormone is secreted into the uterus.

The most popular among such spirals are Mirena, Levonova and others. They improve the condition of the endometrium and fallopian tubes, have a positive effect if the periods are too heavy and painful. The disadvantages include the appearance of intermenstrual discharge. It is possible to install a Mirena spiral or another containing a hormone for up to 5 years.

The choice of contraceptive should be carried out together with the doctor. He, focusing on whether menstruation is regular, assessing the condition of the genitals, will determine which type of spiral will be optimal.


Is it worth it or not to put a spiral? This question is asked by many women who choose a method of protection against unwanted pregnancy. The intrauterine device is a device (usually made of plastic with gold, copper or silver) that serves as a fertilization blocker and (if fusion does occur) a barrier to the penetration of the egg into the uterine cavity or its attachment to the walls of the uterus.

What types of intrauterine device are offered today , what is better to choose, and what can the installation threaten?

Types of intrauterine devices today

Of all the known contraceptives, the spiral today is one of the three most effective and popular. Types of spirals - more than 50.

Conventionally, they are divided into 4 generations of this device:

  • from inert materials

Already irrelevant in our time option. The main disadvantage is the risk of the device falling out of the uterus and the extremely low degree of protection.

  • Spirals with copper in the composition

This component "fights" with spermatozoa that have entered the uterine cavity. Copper creates an acidic environment, and due to inflammation of the uterine walls, an increase in the level of leukocytes occurs. Installation period - 2-3 years.

  • Spirals with silver

Installation period - up to 5 years. Very high level of protection.

  • Spirals with hormones

The leg of the device is in the shape of a “T”, and it contains hormones. Action: an n-th amount of hormones is released daily into the uterine cavity, as a result of which the process of release / maturation of the egg is suppressed. And due to the increase in the viscosity of mucus from the cervical canal, the movement of spermatozoa slows down or stops. Installation period - 5-7 years.

Forms of the intrauterine device (IUD) - an umbrella, a spiral directly, a loop or a ring, the letter T. The latter is the most popular.

The most popular types of Navy today

  • Navy Mirena

Features: T-shape with the hormone levonorgestrel in the stem. The drug is "thrown" into the uterus in the mode of 24 mcg / day. The most expensive and effective spiral. Price - 7000-10000 rubles. Installation period - 5 years. The IUD contributes to the treatment of endometriosis or uterine fibroids (plus), but also leads to the formation of follicular ovarian cysts.

  • Navy Multiload

Features: oval shape with protrusion spikes to reduce the risk of falling out. Made of plastic with copper wire. Cost - 2000-3000 rubles. It prevents fertilization (spermatozoa die due to the inflammatory reaction caused by copper) and implantation of the embryo (when it appears) in the uterus. It is considered an abortive method of contraception (as, indeed, any other IUD). Use is permitted for women who have given birth. Of the side effects: increased duration and pain of menstruation, pain in the lower abdomen, etc. The contraceptive effect can be reduced when taking antidepressants.

  • Navy Nova T Cu

Features: shape - "T", material - plastic with copper (+ silver tip, barium sulfate, PE and iron oxide), installation period - up to 5 years, average price - about 2000 rubles. For easy removal of the spiral, there is a thread with 2 tails on the tip. The action of the IUD: neutralization of the ability of sperm to fertilize the egg. Cons: does not exclude the occurrence of an ectopic pregnancy, there are cases of perforation of the uterus during the installation of the spiral, causes heavy and painful periods.

  • Navy T-Copper Cu 380 A

Features: shape - "T", installation period - up to 6 years, material - flexible polyethylene with copper, barium sulfate, non-hormonal device, German manufacturer. Action: suppression of sperm activity, prevention of fertilization. Recommended for women who have given birth. Special instructions: it is possible to heat the fragments of the spiral (and, accordingly, their negative impact on the surrounding tissues) during thermal procedures.

  • Navy T de Oro 375 Gold

Features: in the composition - gold 99/000, Spanish manufacturer, price - about 10,000 rubles, installation period - up to 5 years. Action: protection against pregnancy, reduction of the risk of uterine inflammation. The form of the IUD is a horseshoe, T or U. Of the most common side effects is an increase in the intensity and duration of menstruation.

All the pros and cons of intrauterine devices

Among the advantages of the IUD are the following:

  • A long period of action - up to 5-6 years, during which you can (as the manufacturers say) not worry about other methods of contraception and accidental pregnancy.
  • The therapeutic effect of some types of IUDs (bactericidal effect of silver ions, hormonal components).
  • Savings on contraceptives. Buying an IUD for 5 years is cheaper than constantly spending money on other contraceptives.
  • The absence of such side effects as after taking hormonal pills - obesity, depression, frequent headaches, etc.
  • Ability to continue breastfeeding. The spiral will not affect the composition of milk, unlike tablets.
  • Restoration of the ability to conceive from 1 month after removal of the IUD.

Arguments against using a coil - disadvantages of the IUD

  • No one gives a 100% guarantee for protection against pregnancy (maximum 98%). As for ectopic pregnancy, the spiral increases its risk by 4 times.
  • No IUD guarantees the absence of side effects. At best, soreness and an increase in the duration of menstruation, abdominal pain, discharge (bloody) in the middle of the cycle, etc. At worst, rejection of the spiral or severe health consequences.
  • Risk of spontaneous removal of the IUD from the uterus. Usually after lifting weights. This is usually accompanied by cramping abdominal pain and fever (if there is an infection).
  • The IUD is prohibited if there is at least one item from the list of contraindications.
  • When using the IUD, regular monitoring of its presence is required. More precisely, its threads, the absence of which indicates a shift in the spiral, its loss or rejection.
  • One of the most significant disadvantages is the risk of prematurity in the future due to the depletion of the endometrium in the uterus.
  • Pregnancy that occurs during the use of the IUD, experts advise to interrupt. Preservation of the fetus depends on the location in the uterus of the spiral itself. It is worth noting that when pregnancy occurs, the IUD is removed in any case, and the risk of miscarriage sharply increases.
  • The IUD does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases and the penetration of infections of various kinds into the body. Moreover, it contributes to their development, because the body of the uterus remains slightly open when using the IUD.
  • When inserting an IUD, there is a risk (0.1% of cases) that the doctor will pierce the uterus.
  • The mechanism of action of the spiral is abortive. That is, it is equivalent to an abortion.
  • Any pathology of the pelvic organs.
  • Diseases of the pelvic organs and the genital area.
  • Tumors of the cervix or the uterus itself, fibroids, polyps.
  • Pregnancy and suspicion of it.
  • Cervical erosion.
  • Infection of the internal / external genital organs at any stage.
  • Defects / underdevelopment of the uterus.
  • Tumors of the genital organs (already confirmed or suspected of their presence).
  • Uterine bleeding of unknown origin.
  • Allergy to copper (for IUDs with copper in the composition).
  • Adolescence.

Relative contraindications:

  • Ectopic pregnancy or suspicion of it.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Poor blood clotting.
  • Endometriosis (whether past or present).
  • No history of pregnancies. That is, for nulliparous women, the IUD is not prohibited, but it is categorically not recommended.
  • Menstrual disorders.
  • Little mother.
  • Venereal diseases.
  • Scars on the uterus.
  • The risk of "catching" a sexually transmitted disease. That is, several partners, a partner with diseases, promiscuity, etc.
  • Long-term treatment with anticoagulants or anti-inflammatory drugs, which continues at the time of the installation of the spiral.
  • Not uncommon - such a case as the ingrowth of the spiral into the uterus. Sometimes women simply forget about it, and as a result, they have to cut out the spiral along with the uterus.

Doctors' opinions about the IUD - what experts say

After installing the IUD

  • Not a 100% method of contraception, the benefits of which outweigh the side effects and the risk of serious consequences. Definitely not recommended for young nulliparous girls. The risk of infection and ectopic increases substantially. Of the advantages of the spiral: you can safely go in for sports and have sex, obesity does not threaten, "antennae" do not interfere even with a partner, and in some cases there is even a therapeutic effect. True, sometimes it is crossed out by the consequences.
  • There have been many studies and observations regarding the IUD. Still, there are more positive points. Of course, no one is immune from the consequences, everyone is individual, but to a greater extent, spirals today are fairly safe means. Another question is that they do not protect against infections and diseases, and at the risk of developing oncology, it is strictly forbidden to use them. It is also worth mentioning the use of drugs in combination with the use of hormonal coils. For example, ordinary aspirin significantly reduces (by 2 times!) The main effect of the spiral (contraception). Therefore, when treating and taking medications, it makes sense to use additional contraceptives (condoms, for example).
  • Say what you like, but regardless of the elasticity of the IUD, it is a foreign body. And accordingly, the body will always react to the introduction of a foreign body, according to its characteristics. In one, the pain of menstruation increases, the second has abdominal pain, the third has problems with bowel movements, etc. If the side effects are severe, or they do not go away after 3-4 months, then it is better to refuse the spiral.
  • The use of the IUD is definitely contraindicated for nulliparous women. Especially in the age of chlamydia. The spiral can easily provoke an inflammatory process, regardless of the presence of silver and gold ions. The decision to use the IUD should be made strictly individually! Together with the doctor and taking into account ALL the nuances of health. A spiral is a remedy for a woman who has given birth, who has only one stable and healthy partner, good health in the female part and the absence of such a feature of the body as an allergy to metals and foreign bodies.
  • In fact, making a decision about the IUD - to be or not to be - must be done carefully. It is clear that this is convenient - once set, and for several years you do not care about anything. But there are 1 - consequences, 2 - a wide list of contraindications, 3 - a lot of side effects, 4 - problems with bearing a fetus after using a spiral, etc. And one more thing: if the work is related to lifting weights, you should absolutely not contact the IUD. It's good if the spiral turns out to be the perfect solution (it's better than an abortion anyway!), but you still need to carefully weigh all the possible problems and pluses.

Possible consequences of intrauterine devices

According to statistics, most of the abandonment of the Navy in our country is for religious reasons. After all, the IUD is actually an abortive method, because most often there is an expulsion of a fertilized egg on the outskirts of the uterine wall. Others refuse the coil because of fear (“an unpleasant and slightly painful installation procedure), because of the side effects and because of the possible consequences.

Is it really worth fearing the consequences? What can the use of the IUD lead to?

First of all, it is worth noting that complications of a different nature when using the IUD are associated with an illiterate approach to decision-making, both by the doctor himself and by the woman: due to underestimation of risks, due to negligence when using the IUD (non-compliance with recommendations), due to low qualification of the doctor who installs the spiral, etc.

So, the most common complications and consequences when using the IUD:

  • Infection/inflammation of the pelvic organs (PID) - up to 65% of cases.
  • Rejection by the uterus of the spiral (expulsion) - up to 16% of cases.
  • Spiral growth.
  • Very heavy bleeding.
  • Pronounced pain syndrome.
  • Miscarriage (when pregnancy occurs and the coil is removed).
  • Ectopic pregnancy.
  • Depletion of the endometrium and, as a result, a decrease in the ability to bear a fetus.

Possible complications from using IUDs containing copper:

  • Long and heavy menstruation - more than 8 days and 2 times stronger. In most cases, they can be the norm, but they can also be the result of an ectopic pregnancy, an interrupted normal pregnancy, or uterine perforation, so do not be lazy to go to the doctor once again.
  • Cramping pains in the lower abdomen. Similarly (see paragraph above) - it is better to play it safe and check with a doctor.

Possible complications resulting from the use of IUDs containing hormones:

  • The most common complication is amenorrhea. That is, the absence of menstruation. If the culprit of amenorrhea is not an ectopic pregnancy, but the IUD, then the reason is reversible atrophy of the uterine epithelium.
  • A disrupted menstrual cycle, the appearance of spotting in the middle of the cycle, etc. If such symptoms are observed for more than 3 months, a gynecological pathology should be excluded.
  • Symptoms of the action of gestagens. That is, acne, migraines, soreness of the mammary glands, "radiculitis" pain, vomiting, decreased libido, depression, etc. If symptoms persist for 3 months, progestogen intolerance can be suspected.

Possible consequences of violation of IUD installation technique.

  • perforation of the uterus. Most often observed in nulliparous girls. In the most difficult case, the uterus has to be removed.
  • Rupture of the cervix.
  • Bleeding.
  • Vasovagal reaction

Possible complications after removal of the IUD.

  • Inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.
  • Purulent process in the appendages.
  • Ectopic pregnancies.
  • Syndrome of chronic pelvic pain.
  • Infertility.

Now it is not difficult to find an effective contraceptive. A married couple has the right to choose a method on their own, taking into account all the pros and cons. It is very important to visit a doctor and consult on this issue. After all, the health of a woman who wants to become a mother in the future or already has children depends on this in the first place. One of the most popular methods is the intrauterine device. Consider further the pros and cons of the intrauterine device.

How the Navy works

The purpose of the IUD is to protect against unplanned pregnancy. The name says that it is introduced into the uterine cavity, and it was obtained because of the previous appearance of the product, as it looked like a spiral. Currently, the IUD is a T-shaped stick made of flexible, inert plastic. This material is completely safe for women's health.

Spirals are of two types:

  1. The upper part of the spiral is in the form of a thin copper wire.
  2. The spiral contains a container with hormones that enter the uterus throughout the entire period of operation.

It has both the first and second types of pluses and minuses. The photo above shows what this type of contraception currently looks like.

How the spiral works:

Who can install a spiral:

  • A woman who has given birth and is over 35 years old.
  • Women with children after an abortion without complications.
  • No pathologies of the cervix.
  • If protected by oral contraceptives is not recommended.
  • Women who have a low level of infectious genital infections.

Contraindications to the IUD

Before using this method of contraception, it is necessary to take into account all the pros and cons of the intrauterine device.

And also make sure that there are no following contraindications:

  • Haven't had a birth yet.
  • Constant change of sexual partner.
  • Cancers of the pelvic organs.
  • The presence of injuries and stitches on the cervix.
  • Ectopic pregnancy.
  • Blood diseases. Anemia.
  • Infertility.
  • vaginal infections.
  • The presence of inflammatory processes in the reproductive system.

How to prepare for the installation of the spiral

First of all, you need to choose a suitable spiral and undergo an examination, which includes:

Next, the doctor must probe the uterine cavity, determine the distance between the uterine angles. And only after a thorough examination and the absence of contraindications, an intrauterine device is installed. The pros and cons of BMC should already be covered by you.

Features of the first days with a spiral

It is worth noting that only a doctor can install and remove the intrauterine device. For several days after the installation of the spiral, the following side effects may appear:

  • Lower abdominal pain.
  • Sucrose secretions.

You should also avoid increased physical activity. It is necessary to adhere to proper nutrition, more rest, lie down.

The manifestation of side effects can be observed within six months and eventually disappear altogether.

It is necessary to undergo regular medical examination after the installation of the IUD. After installation in a month, then after 3 months, then once every six months.

What are the advantages of the Navy

If you have chosen a contraceptive method such as an intrauterine device, you need to know all the pros and cons.

Let's focus on the positives:

  • It does not require special care. After installation, after the rehabilitation period, it is practically not felt.
  • The efficiency is 95-98%.
  • Can be installed for several years.
  • The menstrual cycle for many women becomes shorter, and the menstruation itself is almost painless.
  • It has a positive therapeutic effect in uterine myoma and other gynecological pathologies.
  • Can be used while breastfeeding.
  • Does not affect the reproductive function in the body.
  • Efficiency is maintained regardless of the intake of any medications.
  • Economical and convenient. You do not need to follow the schedule of admission and spend money on the regular purchase of contraceptives.

What are the disadvantages of the Navy

There are also negative aspects of using the IUD:

  • High risk of ectopic pregnancy.
  • There is no protection against venereal diseases.
  • The risk of inflammatory diseases increases.
  • Not to be used by nulliparous women.
  • Painful periods for the first six months.
  • Large blood loss is possible.

We examined the pros and cons of such a contraceptive as an intrauterine device. The consequences of BMC will be discussed further.

What are the possible complications of using an IUD?

The qualifications and experience of the doctor are of great importance, since the correct installation or removal by an inexperienced specialist can cause the removal of the uterus. Knowing the pros and cons of the intrauterine device, you need to know what complications are possible when using it.

Possible complications when using the IUD:

  • Perforation of the walls of the uterus.
  • Rupture of the cervix.
  • Bleeding after insertion.
  • The spiral can grow into the uterus.
  • Antennae can irritate the walls of the cervix.
  • The spiral can shift or fall out if it is not properly selected and installed.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen.

It is urgent to visit a specialist if:

  • There were severe pains in the lower abdomen.
  • There is a suspicion of pregnancy.
  • Bleeding continues for a long period of time.
  • There are signs of infection: fever, unusual vaginal discharge.
  • During sexual intercourse, there is pain or bleeding.
  • The threads of the Navy have become longer or shorter.

We looked at what an intrauterine device is, the pros and cons of this method of protection, as well as possible complications. Let's take a look at patient reviews.

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