Drug for the treatment of generalized herpes. Proven remedies for rashes in an intimate place. The most commonly prescribed antiviral agents

Herpes tablets are a group of antiherpetic drugs used to treat herpesvirus infection of various localizations. Consider the most effective drugs, indications for their use, possible side effects and other features.

To date, the pharmaceutical market has many tablet preparations that effectively treat herpes. Although no medicine eliminates Herpes simplex by 100%. This is due to the fact that the pathogen is hiding in the nerve cells of the human body. Antiherpetic drugs reduce the duration of the disease, relieve painful symptoms (itching and burning at the rash) and general signs of this disease, that is, headache, general weakness and temperature.

They are used not only for treatment, but also to prevent relapse. Particularly effective are drugs with immunomodulators. Medicines increase the body's resistance to the virus and have antiherpetic functions.

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Herpes treatment with pills

It is impossible to completely get rid of herpes in the body, so taking pills is a way to prevent relapses and exacerbations, that is, to protect the body from impaired functioning that occurs due to the presence of the virus. Treatment of herpesvirus infection has two directions: taking antiviral drugs and antiviral therapy with immunotherapy.

Tablets for herpes are considered a means of local therapy. Tablet preparations, like ointments, eliminate only part of the painful symptoms and accelerate the healing process. Treatment is considered the most effective, in which drugs with different mechanisms of action on the virus are used. If the tablets are taken at the first signs of the disease, when the characteristic rash has not yet occurred, then this helps to prevent the disease. With frequent relapses, patients are prescribed prophylactic pills for several months.

  • Treatment is carried out with both antiviral and means to restore the immune system. Immunomodulators together with antiviral agents work much more efficiently and quickly eliminate Herpes simplex.
  • After entering the stomach, they dissolve and release the active substance. After this, the active components are absorbed into the general bloodstream and are carried to all organs and tissues.
  • The antiherpetic drug penetrates the cells in which the virus lives and blocks its replication. The pathogens are destroyed by the drug and cells of the immune system. The virus no longer replicates and infects surrounding cells.
  • These drugs must be taken with extreme caution, as they belong to a very serious group of pharmacological drugs that have many contraindications and side effects. Therefore, you can take them only with the permission of a doctor, with strict observance of the instructions.

Herpes pills on the lips

These are medicines that are effective in the treatment and prevention of infectious diseases provoked by Herpes simplex. Herpes on the lips is more common than on other parts of the body. There are four stages in the development of the disease. At the first stage, there is a slight burning sensation and itching in the lips, after a couple of hours the symptoms become more painful. In the second stage, a small bubble and swelling appear on the lip. At the next stage, the bubble turns into a wound that progresses and infects other parts of the lips. At the last stage, the wound becomes covered with a crust and disappears completely after a few days.

Herpes on the lips can occur due to contact with an infected person, with colds, due to stress, menstruation, trauma, pregnancy, hypothermia and other provoking factors. If you do not use pills and ointments, then herpes itself disappears in 10-12 days, but this time will pass in constant discomfort. At the same time, after complete healing, small scars may remain on the lips. To prevent this from happening, use pills for herpes.

This dosage form on the lips helps to quickly eliminate the first signs and prevent relapses. Two types of drugs are used: antiviral agents and agents with an immunotherapeutic effect.

  1. Antiviral drugs
  • Zovirax - effective in the first stage of the disease, can be used for prevention. The composition includes the active substance acyclovir.
  • Acyclovir - helps to treat an infection of different localization, is a concentrated drug.
  • Famvir is one of the most effective anti-herpes drugs. If taken in the first stage, it will prevent the subsequent development of Herpes.
  • Valtrex - used for herpes on the lips and genitals. It is used as a therapeutic and as a prophylactic agent.
  1. Immunomodulators
  • Anaferon - is used in the complex therapy of the virus, can also be used for prevention.
  • Isoprinosine - when taking it, there is no need to take antiviral tablets. The composition of the drug includes an active ingredient - inosinepranobex, which eliminates painful symptoms at any stage.
  • Galavit - relieves swelling and inflammation caused by the virus. It is recommended to use at the first symptoms.

In addition to the above medicines, there are other methods to help eliminate inflammation on the lip. We are talking about the methods of traditional medicine. The easiest way to get rid of Herpes simplex is to sprinkle a pinch of salt on your lip. The procedure is recommended to be carried out throughout the day until the symptoms disappear completely. Another option for therapy without pills is to soak a teaspoon in hot water or tea, wait a couple of minutes for the spoon to warm up, and apply it to the affected area. The procedure must be repeated during the day 5-6 times.

Pills for genital herpes

Used for rashes, both on the mucous membranes and on the skin. Genital or genital herpes is a dangerous and common disease that can be easily caught. The causative agent of the lesion is Herpes simplex. It affects both men and women, regardless of age. There are rashes in the anus, perineum, mucous membranes, external genitalia.

Its danger is that the pathogen weakens the protective properties of the immune system, causes damage to internal organs and the brain. A person can be a carrier for a long time and not know about it. Doctors distinguish between primary and recurrent genital herpes. Recovery and the risk of transition to a chronic form completely depend on the effectiveness of the treatment of the first form.

Consider the main symptoms, the appearance of which you need to see a doctor and start taking pills.

  • The virus goes through an incubation period that can last from three days to a month. After that, reddish rashes appear on the skin that itch. In addition to rashes, the patient develops a headache, fever, general ailments
  • After a couple of hours, the rash turns into blisters filled with infected fluid. After 3-4 days, the vesicles burst and ulcers form in their places, which cause acute pain. In addition, the patient suffers from itching and burning in the affected genital area.

In men, genital herpes appears on the inner and outer sheets of the foreskin, coronal sulcus and scrotum. In some cases, rashes appear in the anus and on the body of the penis. In women, Herpes vesicles are localized on the small and large labia, in the perineum and mucous membrane of the vagina, on the cervix. Acyclovir is used to treat the first symptoms.

Treatment begins with diagnosis and testing. Having learned what form of genital herpes you have, the doctor draws up a plan of therapeutic measures. To date, there is no drug that completely destroys the pathogen in the body. But modern means allow you to keep it under control and eliminate painful symptoms. As a rule, patients are prescribed: Acyclovir, Famvir, Flacoside, Valtrex, Epigen-Intim, Alpizarin and others. These are the most common and most effective drugs from the antiviral group. They suppress both internal and external signs of genital herpes. You can also use topical products: ointments, gels, creams.

After a course of therapy, prevention is mandatory. Patients should observe personal hygiene, avoid casual sexual contact and strengthen the protective properties of the body's immune system. Also, it is recommended to make anti-herpes vaccination, which will prevent relapses.

Herpes pills on the body

These are drugs for the treatment and prevention of painful skin lesions. Herpetic eruptions on the body are called herpes zoster, which appear when the varicella-zoster virus (Herpes simplex type 3) is activated, affecting the nerve nodes and roots of the spinal cord. Characteristic rashes appear on the body. As a rule, elderly patients or people with a weakened immune system suffer from Herpes zoster.

The disease is much more difficult to carry than on the lips, genitals or face. With herpes on the body, not only the skin is affected, but also the nerve endings. The patient suffers from high fever and severe pain at the site of the rash. The complex of therapeutic measures, the disease should be complex, since this form has not only severe symptoms, but also dangerous consequences.

  • The main stage of treatment is the intake of antiherpes drugs, both orally and intravenously. Patients are prescribed: Acyclovir, Zovirax, Virolex, Valtrex. Injectable: Alpizarin, Tetrahydroxyglucopyranosylxanthene.
  • Therapy should also include the treatment of affected areas of the skin with special ointments and creams: Bonafton, Panavir, Depanthenol, Alpizarin, Viru Merz Serol.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use glucocorticosteroids and hormonal drugs for the treatment of Herpes on the body. Therefore, check with your doctor about the drugs prescribed by him and carefully read the instructions for the drug.
  • For pain relief, drugs with acetaminophen or lidocaine are used, as well as antipyretics: Naproxen, Ibuprofen, Paracetamol and others.
  • Another important step in the treatment of herpes on the body is the strengthening of the immune system. For this, immunomodulators are used: Cycloferon, Polyoxidonium and others. In addition, it is necessary to carry out vitamin therapy, vitamins of groups B, E, C and A.

Do not forget that timely complex treatment is the key to a speedy recovery. After a course of therapy, pain may remain on the body, which persist for 2-3 months. This is due to sensory disturbance due to Herpes simplex and neuralgia. In the chronic form of the disease, pain persists for a longer time.

herpes zoster pills

They are used in complex forms of pathology that affects large volumes of the skin. The choice of medication depends on the degree of exacerbation of herpes infection, the presence of concomitant diseases and other body lesions. To date, there are many different drugs that are used to treat Herpes zoster, its exacerbations and complications. These drugs include: antiviral, antibiotics, vitamins and immunostimulants, painkillers, local antiseptics. Acyclovir is especially effective. Effective in the treatment of all forms of herpetic lesions of various localization.

In addition to Acyclovir, herpes zoster is treated with: Valaciclovir, Famvir, Erazaban, Panovir, Zovirax and others. Medicines prevent the spread of the virus from diseased cells to healthy ones. Treatment with pills is much more effective than the use of ointments, gels and creams. But ointments help protect healthy skin from concomitant diseases.

Obligatory is also analgesic therapy, which is combined with antiviral. Since Herpes zoster causes severe pain. For treatment, antidepressants, anticonvulsants are used and symptomatic therapy is carried out.

herpes pills on the nose

They help to get rid of herpetic infection that affects the mucous membranes and skin of the nose. The disease causes swelling and hyperemia of the skin. Most often, Herpes appears on the nose and lips, accompanied by high fever and general ailments. The peculiarity of the virus is that it penetrates the genomic apparatus of the cell and completely rebuilds its work. The disease then spreads and attacks healthy cells one by one.

The first symptoms of infection with herpesvirus infection occur 5-7 days after infection. Bubble rashes appear on the nose, the skin turns red, swelling appears. Without proper therapy, the bubbles burst and form multiple erosions, which merge into a common wound after a couple of days. After 1-2 days, the wound heals and heals, usually does not leave scars and scars.

Treatment should be carried out comprehensively, under the supervision of an immunologist or infectious disease specialist. It consists of the use of antiviral and antihistamine drugs. For a speedy recovery, immunomodulators and adaptogens are used, which accelerate the healing of affected nasal tissues.

  • Groprinosine, Inosine Pranobex, Isoprinosine - combine antiviral and immunomodulatory properties. As a rule, patients are prescribed 2 pcs 4 times a day, the duration of therapy is selected individually for each patient.
  • Virolex, Gerpevir, Zovirax, Acyclovir - active substances penetrate into infected cells and prevent their replication. It is recommended to take 200 mg, 3-4 times a day for 7-10 days.
  • Valaciclovir, Valtrex are new generation drugs with high efficiency and fast therapeutic action. Patients are prescribed 500 mg, 1-2 times a day, the duration of the course is up to 10 days.
  • Famvir, Famciclovir - retain therapeutic properties for 12 hours after application, which allows you to effectively destroy the viral infection. It is recommended to use 250 mg, 1-2 times a day, for 5-10 days.

Please note that all the above drugs have contraindications for use and side effects. Therefore, you can take pills for herpes on the lip only after consulting your doctor. Since it is impossible to completely get rid of a herpes virus infection, and the constant use of pills is dangerous for the normal functioning of the body, there are preventive methods to prevent the development of the disease.

  • If you already have cold sores on your nose, keep the skin around the sores clean. In no case do not touch the bubbles and do not try to tear them off. This will slow down their healing and increase the risk of pathogenic infection.
  • If you use an ointment to speed up healing, then apply it with a disposable cotton swab or a special spatula that must be washed after each use.
  • Do not use cosmetics to mask Herpes. This will lead to the fact that herpetic eruptions will appear in neighboring areas with healthy skin. If the rash causes severe itching, ignore it and do not scratch the wound.

Herpes on the nose is accompanied by frequent relapses, which, with the right set of therapeutic measures, appear less and less. Please note that if Herpes simplex occurs more than three times a year, this indicates a pronounced decrease in the protective properties of the immune system or a serious illness. To do this, it is necessary to regularly carry out the prevention of viral infectious pathologies and strengthen the immune system.

Indications for use

Indications for use are based on the symptoms of the lesion and the course of the disease. Herpes virus infection is transmitted by airborne droplets, bodily contact, blood transfusions or organ transplants. Herpes can enter the child's body from the mother, which indicates intrauterine infection. Outwardly, the lesion looks like a blistering rash on the skin and mucous membranes. Rashes are accompanied by itching and burning, which allows you to diagnose the disease and make the right course.

For treatment, acyclovir-containing drugs, immunotherapy, which suppress Herpes simplex, are used. The main indications for use: elimination of the first signs of bubble rashes, elimination of the inflammatory process, cleansing of the skin. Medicines must be taken at the first symptoms, in some cases, vaccination is used to prevent herpes. When significant foci of inflammation appear, patients are prescribed antiseptics and drying ointment preparations.

Release form

The form of release of drugs is selected by the attending physician and depends on the stage of development of the disease, the location of the rash, the age of the patient and other characteristics of the body. For prevention and therapy, tablet forms of drugs are used that effectively affect the virus.

With the localization of herpes on the genitals, mucous membranes or extensive lesions of the skin, ointments and solutions are used for external application. In some cases, vaccination is used. The patient is injected with Herpes in order for the body to develop immunity.


Pharmacodynamics is the processes that occur with the drug after it enters the body. Consider pharmacodynamics using the example of Valtrex. It contains the active substance valaciclovir, which is an effective antiviral agent. Once in the body, valaciclovir is converted into acyclovir and valine, which are specific inhibitors of herpes viruses. This helps the body fight infection at the cellular level.

Resistance to Herpes simplex is associated with a deficiency of viral thymidine kinase. In some cases, reduced sensitivity appears due to strains of Herpes with a broken structure. The drug effectively relieves pain if the drug is used for herpes zoster or genital herpes. When used for prophylactic purposes, Valtrex reduces the number of possible relapses and protects the body from other viral infections.


These are the processes of absorption, absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of the drug. Consider these processes using the example of Valtrex. After oral administration, valaciclovir is effectively absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Bioavailability is 54%, and the maximum concentration is observed 2 hours after application.

When distributed, Valtrex binds to plasma proteins by 15%, which is a rather low figure. The drug is excreted by the kidneys, in the form of urine and metabolites. If it is taken by patients with renal insufficiency, then the half-life is about 14 hours. With herpesvirus infection in patients with HIV infection, the pharmacokinetic characteristics do not change. The dosage of Valtrex is selected by the attending physician, individually for each patient.

Use during pregnancy

The use of herpes tablets during pregnancy is possible only with the permission of the attending physician. Herpes during gestation occurs due to hormonal changes in the mother's body and the influence of adverse external factors. The disease can affect the lips, nose, body, and even the genitals. At the same time, the most dangerous is Herpes of the genital form, which complicates the course of pregnancy and disrupts the normal development of the fetus. Without proper treatment, genital herpes leads to miscarriage and other pathologies in the child. The disease occurs in 30% of pregnant women and in 3% of cases leads to pathological consequences.

  • Use antiherpetic tablets, as well as ointments and creams. Acyclovir is effective, which can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor, as it can adversely affect the development of the fetus. Foscarnet or Penciclovir may be used.
  • To speed up the healing process, it is recommended to use natural remedies that do not have a pathological effect on the development of the fetus. For these purposes, sea buckthorn and rosehip oil is used. Excellent immunostimulants are B vitamins, echinacea, eleutherococcus and ginseng. The course of therapy should last at least 3 weeks. Moreover, if Herpes appears in women in the prenatal period, then doctors perform a caesarean section to prevent infection of the fetus during passage through the birth canal.

Herpes can cause miscarriage. In this case, the development of the fetus stops in the first trimester. The main cause of the pathology is the presence of Herpes simplex in a woman. In some cases, it causes infection in newborns. Infection occurs in the last months of pregnancy, infection occurs through the placenta, through the birth canal and through contact of the newborn with contaminated instruments or through mother's milk. For the treatment of herpesvirus infection in newborns, antiviral drugs are used, which can save the life of 50% of infected infants.

Contraindications for use

Contraindications for use are based on the composition of the medicinal product. The main contraindication is the individual intolerance of active and additional components. Many drugs are forbidden to use during pregnancy and lactation, as well as for herpesvirus infection in pediatric patients.

With extreme caution, it is prescribed for patients with renal insufficiency, with severe and clinical forms of HIV infection. If the drug is taken simultaneously with nephrotoxic drugs, then a doctor's consultation is required to prevent the occurrence of side effects.

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Side effects

Side effects occur when the drug is used by patients with contraindications or if the recommended dosage is not observed. Many drugs are well tolerated and do not cause side effects. But allergic skin reactions, headache, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, general weakness and increased fatigue may appear.

In rare cases, they cause an increase in the content of bilirubin, urea and creatinine in the blood serum, which leads to an increase in the activity of liver enzymes. If intravenous solutions are used for treatment, then when it enters the subcutaneous fatty tissue, severe burning and itching appear. When using ointments, after application to the skin, local allergic reactions are possible, which disappear after the drug is discontinued.

Names of herpes pills

The names are represented by a wide group of antiherpetic drugs that allow you to quickly and effectively eliminate a viral disease. Modern drugs are chemicals that treat Herpes, but have contraindications, side effects and other features of use, so they cannot be used without medical prescription.

  • Acyclovir

The most effective remedy for herpes infection of any form and any localization. Released in the form of tablets and ointments. The active substance of the drug works at the cellular level and blocks the replication of Herpes simplex. It is recommended to drink 4-5 times a day for 5-7 days.

  • Valaciclovir

According to its principle of action, it is similar to Acyclovir. Helps with herpes zoster, herpes on the lip, on the nose and the genital form of various forms. Take it only as directed by a doctor, one piece for 3-5 days.

  • Herpferon

Combined remedy, which consists of the active ingredients of acyclovir and interferon. Used for exacerbation of the disease, the duration of therapy should not exceed 7-10 days.

  • Famciclovir

The drug of the latest generation. After ingestion, it suppresses HSV-1 and HSV-2. Effective against herpesvirus infection of any form and localization.

  • Foscarnet

Suppresses viral cells and prevents their reproduction. The composition of the product includes phosphorus, which makes Foscarnet toxic, which can only be used with a medical prescription.

In addition to the above drugs, use: Metisazon, Brivudine, Ribamidil. Means have a different mechanism of action, but have an antiviral effect. As a rule, they are prescribed only if the patient has developed resistance to more effective drugs.


Acyclovir has a selective effect on Herpes. Acyclovir is prescribed for infections of the skin and mucous membranes affected by Herpes simplex of the first and second types, as well as primary, secondary and genital. Effective in preventing recurrence of the virus in patients with a normal immune system and immunodeficiency. Effective in therapy in patients with HIV infections, AIDS, after bone marrow transplantation. Aciclovir helps with chickenpox and Herpes zoster.

  • The dosage is selected individually for each patient and depends on the form of the disease and the characteristics of the patient's body. It should be taken after meals with plenty of water.
  • It is contraindicated to use with individual intolerance to acyclovir and excipients. The tool is not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation. Use with extreme caution in renal failure, neurological disorders and dehydration.
  • It is well tolerated, so no cases of overdose have been reported to date. Acyclovir can cause side effects that manifest as: gastrointestinal disorders, headache, general weakness, drowsiness, allergic reactions. Released only by prescription.

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Valtrex is effective against herpes zoster, genital, primary, recurrent and labial herpes. It is used for recurrence of infections of the skin and mucous membranes that are caused by a virus.

  • The dosage is selected individually for each patient. So, in the treatment of herpes zoster, patients are advised to take 2 pieces of 500 mg, 3 times a day for 7 days. Valtrex is contraindicated for use in case of hypersensitivity to active and excipients.
  • Side effects are manifested by all organs and systems. As a rule, Valtrex causes severe headaches, nausea, vomiting, anaphylaxis, dizziness. During pregnancy, it can only be used when the benefit to the mother is much more important than the potential risk to the fetus.
  • With an overdose of Valtrex, patients experience hallucinations, loss of consciousness, nausea, and vomiting. If these symptoms appear, you should seek medical help.


Famvir is active against herpetic viruses, varicella zoster virus, cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr viruses. Acts at the cellular level, inhibiting the replication of viral DNA. Very rarely addictive, therefore active against various forms of herpes infection.

  • The main indications for the use of the drug: Herpes zoster, chicken pox, primary infection with Herpes simplex, therapy and prevention of any viral herpes infections.
  • Side effects of Famvir cause headaches, nausea, vomiting, in rare cases, jaundice, hallucinations, allergic rashes and drowsiness. It is contraindicated to use in case of hypersensitivity to its components, during pregnancy and lactation, viral diseases in pediatric patients. In case of overdose, Famvir causes nausea and acute liver failure.

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Dosage and administration

The method of administration and doses are selected individually for each patient. Before prescribing a particular drug, the doctor diagnoses a herpes infection and prescribes tests. Consider the method of administration and dose using the example of Acyclovir.

Aciclovir is taken orally to treat infections of the skin and mucous membranes caused by Herpes. Effective in the prevention of certain diseases in patients with impaired immune systems. If infections are caused by Herpes simplex, patients are advised to take 1 piece 4-5 times a day. For preventive purposes, take 1 pc 3-4 times a day. With Herpes zoster, patients are prescribed Acyclovir with a dosage of 800 mg, 4-5 times a day, the duration of the course is from 5-7 days.

Prevention of herpes pills

Prevention of herpes with pills is especially relevant during the onset of cold weather. Since it is during this period that you can catch Herpes or a cold, which provokes the appearance of a herpes virus infection. For prevention, it is recommended to take the same drugs that are used for medicinal purposes, only with a lower dosage. This will support the protective properties of the immune system and stop the further development of the infection.

To prevent the onset of the disease, anti-herpes ointments help: Acic, Gerpevir, Acyclovir and others. It is only necessary to use them when the first symptoms of the disease appear. Various medicinal lotions and solutions, such as Fukortsin, also help in prevention. The appearance of Herpes is an occasion to pay attention to the state of health. In addition to taking medication, you need to eat right, give up bad habits and adhere to personal hygiene.

There are a number of rules that must be followed in order not to become infected with Herpes simplex and not to infect your loved ones, consider them:

  • If you have a cold sore, wash your hands after each contact with the affected skin area. Use only personal hygiene items and keep them separate from others.
  • With genital herpes, it is necessary to completely abandon sexual intercourse. After using the toilet, do not forget to disinfect the toilet seat, as the virus remains on plastic for up to 4 hours.
  • If you have had genital herpes before, but today there are no external signs of the disease, then you must use condoms during sexual intercourse. This is necessary in order to protect the partner from infection.
  • To relieve symptoms, do not touch the blisters and sores on the skin. Keep your hands and nails clean and don't wear tight clothing, as poor air circulation can take longer for skin wounds to heal.

There are myths about herpes infections that arise because people don't know how to prevent the virus and protect themselves. Let's look at the main misconceptions about herpes.

  1. You cannot catch herpes - in fact, the opposite is true. Herpetic infection is transmitted by airborne droplets, through sexual contact and contact with an infected person.
  2. Many believe that Herpes is a kind of manifestation of a cold. But in fact, it is an independent disease that appears with stress, hypothermia, exacerbation of chronic pathologies and a decrease in immunity. Another erroneous assumption - its appearance indicates that the cold has passed. This is not true - this indicates that the immune system has lost ground and the virus is attacking the body.
  3. The disappearance of external signs of the disease means that the disease has passed. This is not so, after the disappearance of the rashes, the virus remains in the body, but in a dormant state. You can become infected with it not only in the presence of rashes, but also when the infection gets on microtraumas and mucous membranes.
  4. A condom completely protects against genital herpes - a contraceptive reduces the risk, but does not give a 100% guarantee of recovery. Infection can occur through uncovered areas of the skin or through defects and deformation of the condom.
  5. The ideal treatment is cauterization of wounds with iodine or alcohol. Remember, cauterization does not affect the activity of the virus, but can lead to trauma to the skin and mucous membranes. It is better to take a herpes pill or apply an antiseptic ointment or an antiherpetic agent to the affected areas.
  6. Some patients mistakenly believe that Herpes is a completely harmless disease that affects only the skin or mucous membranes. This is not so, it ranks second in terms of mortality among viral infections, the first is ARVI. The herpetic virus is embedded in the genome of nerve cells, because of this, a rash occurs on the nerve endings and causes severe pain.

Since there are nerve endings throughout the body, herpes can appear on any organ or part of the body. Due to a decrease in the protective properties of the immune system, it can appear on the oral mucosa, cornea, conjunctiva of the eye, internal genital organs, lymph nodes, kidneys, and liver. When the brain is damaged, the disease leads to the death of the patient or disability.


Acyclovir is used to prevent relapse. Very often, a herpesvirus infection appears in the presence of provoking factors - stress, menstruation, hypothermia. In order to protect against relapses of the virus, it is recommended to take Acyclovir. This will help reduce the incidence of the disease and strengthen the protective properties of the immune system. For prevention, it is recommended to take 3-4 pieces during the day, and the duration of admission should not exceed five days.

Herpes pills are represented by a wide group of antiviral drugs and agents to increase the protective properties of the immune system. The timely use of these drugs allows you to prevent the development and stop the viral infection in a timely manner. They are used to prevent herpes infection and reduce the frequency of its recurrence. Take the pills only when prescribed by a doctor, as many of them can cause serious side effects. And remember, a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and basic hygiene is the best way to protect against Herpes.

  • With extreme caution, Valtrex is prescribed in a high dosage simultaneously with drugs that have a similar principle of action. With simultaneous use with immunosuppressive drugs used after organ transplantation, the level of the active substance Valtrex in the blood plasma increases. Valtrex and other drugs that affect kidney function are also used with caution.
  • Storage conditions

    Storage conditions correspond to the storage rules for other antiherpes drugs. They must be stored in a dry place, protected from sunlight and children. The storage temperature must not exceed 30°C.

    If the storage conditions are not observed, the medicine loses its medicinal properties. Please note that any medicines, and even more so tablets, must be stored only in their original packaging. If, due to improper storage, the tablets have changed their color, crumbled or acquired an unpleasant odor, they must be disposed of.

    The present value is an average and depends on the volume of the active substance, on the manufacturer and the pharmacy chain in which the drug is sold. Many of the above medicines are available only on prescription.

    The best pills for herpes

    These are drugs that are highly effective and have a high therapeutic effect. Optimal therapeutic therapy for herpesvirus infection consists of a complex of drugs with both antiviral and immunostimulating effects. Effective drugs should act immediately after application, providing analgesic, antispasmodic and antiviral effects. The best antiviral agents are considered - Acyclovir, Famciclovir and Valaciclovir. Of the immunostimulants, it is recommended to take Timalin, Cycloferon and Echinacea.

    • Assign only after examination and establishment of the form of herpetic infection. A professional doctor knows that drugs have different mechanisms of antiviral action, have certain contraindications and side effects.
    • If the disease is started to be treated at the first stage, then this helps to prevent the further development of the disease and its relapses. It is also important to fully adhere to the treatment course and not skip medications.
    • In order to prevent recurrence of the disease, antiviral drugs and agents are used to strengthen the protective properties of the immune system.

    It's important to know!

    Herpes simplex (synonym: herpes simplex vesicular) is a chronic relapsing disease, manifested by vesicular rashes on the skin and mucous membranes. Along with skin changes, various organs and systems of the body can be involved in the pathological process.

    It is known that it is impossible to completely kill the herpes virus in the human body, but recent developments have made it possible to obtain good anti-herpes medications that can not only relieve symptoms, but also reduce the frequency of recurrence of the pathology. The best, effective remedy for herpes is a new drug that can suppress the vital activity of the pathogen at any stage of manifestation, increase the efficiency of local immunity. At the same time, side effects and contraindications should be minimal.

    Today, pharmacology produces a large number of drugs for the fastest and safest therapy for the herpes virus.


    New remedies for herpes can effectively eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of an illness of any severity, as well as prevent the progression and recurrence of the disease. To maximize the effect, it is recommended to use a complex of therapeutic measures with the appointment of antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs.

    Constantly recurring incidents of different localization signal a strong decrease in immunity, which requires correct and timely intervention. Otherwise, serious complications cannot be avoided.

    Preparations for herpes allow you to:

    • in a short time to stop the development of the disease, relieve acute symptoms;
    • increase the efficiency of the immune system to give strength to the body to independently suppress the virus;
    • reduce or completely eliminate the risks of possible relapses;
    • reduce the duration of the exacerbation phase;
    • prevent the spread of the pathogen;
    • lengthen the improvement stage as much as possible.

    Action on the virus

    Each modern drug demonstrates an integrated approach to the fight against herpes infection. They work at the level of the pathogen's DNA, destroying the protective membrane of its cells. As a result, there is a suppression of the function of division and the ability to reproduce. The loss of protective properties causes the virus to go into a latent form and not manifest itself for a long time. Due to the immunomodulatory properties, such drugs can increase the natural immunity of the human body by stimulating the production of its own antibodies to herpes, which will make it possible to turn on protection in a timely manner as the pathogen becomes more active under certain conditions.

    Strong modern herpes medications are available as broad spectrum oral tablets and injection solutions, ointments, sprays and creams for the topical treatment of localized rashes. Each new anti-herpes remedy is endowed with certain features and advantages.

    Examples of the best remedies for herpes

    There are 2 main groups of medicines against herpes of the latest generation - antiviral and immunomodulators, examples of which are given below.


    The action of immunomodulators is aimed at increasing the natural protective function of the human body in the fight against herpes of any form. An indication for prescribing drugs in this group is the presence of symptoms of immune deficiency, for example, frequent relapses of colds with herpetic eruptions of different localization. The most popular are immunomodulators with an antioxidant effect.


    Inexpensive interferon antiviral medication, which is available in the form of rectal suppositories and gel. Contains:

    "Viferon" blocks the reproduction of pathogenic flora that affects the skin.

    • the main ingredient is an artificially derived analogue of human 2b-alpha interferon;
    • vitamins E, C;
    • excipients - ascorbic acid, tocopherol.

    The action of the drug is based on the suppression of the synthesis of pathogenic protein and the activation of the production of its own interferon. This is achieved by producing microphages that destroy herpetic DNA.


    • the ability to resist the ability of the virus to adapt to the action of interferon;
    • effective reduction in the frequency of relapses;
    • relief of symptoms and course of the disease;
    • reduction in the scale of the rash;
    • strengthening the immune defense of the whole organism;
    • lack of side effects and allergies;
    • stabilization of the functions of leukocytes and lymphocytes in the blood;
    • acceleration of wound healing.

    An inexpensive modern remedy is produced in different concentrations of the main substance, which makes it possible to use it during pregnancy and in children.


    "Polyoxidonium" restores the protective functions of the body and disinfects areas of the skin affected by the virus.

    A good remedy for herpes, which is endowed with properties:

    • increase and restore the immune status;
    • have a detoxifying effect, cleansing the body of harmful decay products formed during the progression of the infection;
    • increase the body's resistance to the pathogen in the prophylactic use.

    Best qualities:

    1. the effectiveness of the new drug does not depend on the severity of the pathology;
    2. does not have a mutagenic effect;
    3. does not cause allergies;
    4. does not accumulate in the body, removes toxins;
    5. there are no side effects.

    Dosage forms - powder, tablets, suppositories. The dosage is selected according to the following parameters:

    • patient weight;
    • diagnosis;
    • severity and severity of the disease.

    Prohibited for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Be wary assigned to children up to six months.


    "Cycloferon" has an immunomodulating effect.

    The main ingredient is acridoneacetic acid, endowed with the ability to stimulate the production of its own interferons with antiviral, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory properties. The drug easily eliminates severe forms of herpes. Available in several dosage forms, in the form of tablets, injection solutions, ointments for the local treatment of rashes.


    1. does not contain foreign proteins
      2. does not cause side effects.
    • individual intolerance;
    • pregnancy, lactation (ointment is allowed);
    • decompensated cirrhosis;
    • pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system.


    "Amiksin" is an immunomodulatory drug that eliminates the herpes virus.

    The antiviral immunomodulator starts the synthesis of its interferon. Does not contain artificial immune cells. The active ingredient is tilorone. It is admitted in the form of tablets in an enteric coating. The drug acts in the intestine, stimulating epithelial cells to produce interferon, T-lymphocytes, hepatocytes, granulocytes, neutrophils. Indicated against labial and genital herpes, cytomegalovirus.


    • no side effects;
    • compatibility with antibiotics;
    • the possibility of application for unexplained causes of pathology;
    • no need to restore microflora after treatment.

    "Amiksin" more often appoints adults (tablets with a concentration of 125 mg), but it is possible to use in children from 7 years old (concentration - 60 mg). Children's drug can be used as a prophylaxis. This newest drug is contraindicated during pregnancy, limited during lactation.

    Other newer drugs

    The following newest medications are no less effective for the treatment of recurrent forms of herpes: Reaferon, Neovir, Kagocel, Ridostin. Immunomodulators for stimulation of cellular and humoral immunity, synthesis of cytokines and activation of redox processes - Alpizarin, Galavit, Imunofan, Imunomax, Likopid.

    The pharmaceutical market offers a wide range of herpes pills. None of them are able to remove the virus from the body completely. However, they reduce the duration of the disease, relieve pathological symptoms, and prolong the period of remission.

    Whether or not to prescribe anti-herpes pills to the patient, only the attending physician decides. With infrequent relapses of the disease (up to 2 times a year) and mild manifestations, it is advisable to use local therapy, i.e. drugs for external use. They are applied directly to the affected areas of the body and mucous membranes.

    Tablets against herpes are prescribed for severe and immunodeficiency states of the body, which manifests itself in frequent relapses. It is also possible to use drugs in the form of tablets when the rashes are localized in hard-to-reach places (for example, internal organs).

    Local antiviral medicines (ointments, gels, creams) act only on the surface of the skin. Herpes pills are taken orally, and penetrate into the systemic circulation, spreading the antiviral component throughout the body, therefore, they have a more pronounced clinical effect. Accordingly, there are more contraindications and side effects in tablets.

    The best therapeutic effect is observed with the use of complex therapy, i.e., the use of anti-herpes drugs of different dosage forms, and with different mechanisms of action.

    Types of drugs

    Treatment is carried out not only with the help of special antiviral drugs. Widely used immunomodulating and immunostimulating drugs for herpes. This allows you to enhance the effect of antiviral drugs and quickly achieve a positive effect. There are the following groups of drugs against herpes:

    1. Special antiherpetic agents. Their mechanism of action is directed directly against the spread of infection in the body. This group includes drugs based on acyclovir (Virolex, Zovirax), valaciclovir (Vairova, Valtrex), famciclovir (Famvir).
    2. Interferon synthesis inducers, i.e. drugs that promote the production of its own interferon in the body. This group includes Amiksin, Arbidol, Cycloferon.
    3. Interferon preparations: only Reaferon is available in tablets. Medicines belonging to the second and third groups have a similar principle of action. They activate the immune system, which helps to quickly suppress the herpes infection.
    4. Immunomodulators of other types: Gepon, Galavit, Polyoxidonium, Isoprinosine, Groprinosin, Levamisole. They increase the body's immune forces, have an antiviral effect, and help eliminate painful symptoms.

    In general, the basis of herpes therapy is the drugs of the first group - antiviral. Medicines of other groups are used only as additional means.


    They are an integral component of therapy against herpes. Current medications work for all types of infections, but many of them are only used in adults. The most common:

    1. Acyclovir. Other trade names: Zovirax, Virolex, Biociclovir. Herpes tablets are used on the body, mucous membranes of the lips, nose, genitals in men and women. Today, Acyclovir is one of the safest, most effective, non-toxic drugs, so it can be prescribed to children. By attacking cells that are exclusively affected by the virus, it is introduced into their DNA structure and prevents division.
    2. Valaciclovir (Virdel, Valtrex, Vairova). If you don’t know which herpes medicine to choose, pay attention to the new generation drug. Unlike acyclovir, it is characterized by a stronger and longer action, has a slightly different mechanism of action. Valaciclovir not only inhibits the activity of the virus, but also prevents its transmission to other people. The drug for the treatment of herpes is more often prescribed to men and women with rashes on the genitals. Valaciclovir is used only in children over 12 years of age and in adult patients.
    3. Famciclovir. One of the newest drugs with a high degree of effectiveness. The drug is prescribed only for adults, since if the dose is not observed, it can adversely affect the state of healthy cells in the body. Famciclovir is recommended for patients with a severe course of the disease, for example, they prescribe a drug for herpes on the body.

    When choosing which remedy for herpes is the best, it should be borne in mind that only a dermatologist can prescribe any drug. Tablets used without the recommendation of a specialist can disrupt the functioning of internal organs.

    Immunostimulants and immunomodulators

    In addition to directly antiviral drugs, drugs containing interferon or stimulating its production in the human body are prescribed. They suppress the spread of infection and increase immunity, helping to quickly eliminate rashes and other symptoms:

    • Reaferon. A drug made on the basis of interferon alfa-2b. It has a complex antiviral and immunomodulatory effect. Recommended for men and women with herpes zoster, vesicles on the genitals.
    • Cycloferon. Stimulates the body's own synthesis of interferon. It is prescribed for children over 4 years old and adults with a persistent course of the disease. Its use is especially effective in the early stages of the virus.

    Herpes tablets are also used, which simultaneously have an antiviral and immunostimulating effect. A prominent representative is the drug Kagocel, which refers to inducers of the body's own interferon synthesis. It is not prescribed to men, since the active substance of the drug was originally created to inhibit the process of sperm formation. Its use can cause temporary infertility.

    Pharmacists produce a sufficient number of drugs that stimulate the immune system. Their action is aimed at forcing the body to defend itself against the action of the virus. Many drugs are the latest developments and have unproven effectiveness. Treatment of herpes can be carried out with the strongest immunostimulants:

    • Galavit. Applied with severe damage to the body by the virus. Tablets have antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal action. Quite quickly suppress the manifestations of the disease: headache, myalgia, fever. Thanks to its antioxidant action, it accelerates the healing of ulcers.
    • Amiksin. It inhibits the spread of the virus and strengthens the immune forces of the body. In the process of pill therapy, the number of vesicles on the body decreases, the duration of relapses, their frequency, and the severity of manifestations decrease.

    Treatment of different forms of herpes

    Rashes on the body of an adult or child are most often caused by herpes viruses of the following types:

    1. HSV-1. Manifested by bubbles on the face, lips, nasal mucosa. Less commonly, bubbles pop up on the skin around the eyes, in the mouth. It affects women and men with the same frequency, mainly in childhood.
    2. HSV-2. It is characterized by the appearance of a rash on the genitals in men and women. In women, vesicles are localized outside the vagina, on its mucous membrane, large and small labia, in severe cases, the cervix is ​​\u200b\u200baffected. In men, rashes appear on the foreskin in the region of the coronal band, sometimes throughout the penis. Bubbles can be located on the buttocks, lower back, thighs.
    3. HHV-3 type. The rash may appear all over the body.

    The herpes pills presented today are prescribed individually, depending on the type of infection, the severity of the symptoms, and the general health of the patient.

    Herpes on the lips

    Occurs quite often. It is possible to avoid the formation of rather painful, unpleasant rashes by conducting competent antiviral therapy. Doctors usually prescribe acyclovir-based tablets. With constant relapses, stronger agents are recommended, for example, Valtrex.

    As part of complex treatment, immunomodulators are shown: Anaferon, Isoprinosine, Galavit. They quickly suppress the manifestations of the disease. It is recommended to take at the first signs of the disease.

    Genital herpes

    Genital herpes can affect not only an adult man or woman, but also a child. Before prescribing treatment, the patient should be diagnosed to identify the type of herpes. After that, Acyclovir, Famvir, Valtrex, Eligen-Intim can be prescribed against herpes. Today they are considered the most effective medicines against rashes on the genitals, they suppress the external and internal manifestations of the disease.

    If the pills do not help reduce the frequency of genital herpes episodes, it is recommended to carry out anti-herpetic vaccination.

    Herpes on the body

    Herpes zoster caused by HSV-3 predominantly affects older men and women or those with immunodeficiencies. This type of infection is characterized by severe symptoms and general poor health of the patient.

    In most cases, in addition to tablets against herpes on the body (Acyclovir, Virolex, Valtrex), I prescribe injectable dosage forms of antiviral drugs to patients. Painkillers and antipyretics are also prescribed.

    Modern complex treatment of herpes is the key to a quick recovery. Therapy with tablets does not exclude the use of other dosage forms on the recommendation of the attending physician.

    Herpes pills are used when the disease occurs with complications or is of a generalized nature. These medicines effectively suppress the actions of the virus. Their active component is quickly released, penetrating into the nervous system. Thus, herpes preparations prevent the further spread of the virus and accelerate the recovery of the patient. The dosage of drugs in tablets is determined by the doctor. In order to avoid side effects from their action, it is recommended to follow the prescribed rules for taking. Otherwise, drugs for herpes in adults cause disturbances in the functioning of the digestive tract and liver.

    Herpes is a chronic disease. It cannot be completely cured. Therefore, drugs for herpes are selected in such a way as to achieve several goals at once:

    • suppress the activity of herperovirus;
    • restore the immune system;
    • eliminate the symptoms of the disease, including skin manifestations.

    Also, drugs in tablet form are used to prevent the recurrence of herpes. In the latter case, the attending physician prescribes a remedy in a lower dosage.

    The intake of all antiherpetic drugs is necessarily combined with medications, the action of which is aimed at restoring immunity. In addition, it is necessary to use drugs for the treatment of herpes at the first manifestations of the pathology. This approach allows you to quickly deal with this problem, avoiding the development of complications. Antiviral treatment in the initial stages of herpes prevents the spread of infection to healthy cells. As a result, the rash is localized in a strictly defined area and quickly disappears.

    All drugs that are available in tablets should not be taken longer than the prescribed period and above the prescribed dosage. The course of treatment averages 1-2 weeks. If necessary, the duration of therapy with tablets can be increased.

    "Acyclovir" - proven over the years antiviral pills

    These effective herpes pills have a narrowly targeted effect on the virus. "Acyclovir" does not affect the internal organs, tissues and cells. It is prescribed for various forms of pathology. "Acyclovir" for herpes in tablets is the cheapest and most affordable drug that can quickly eliminate rashes on the body and genitals. The substance in them, penetrating into the human body, is integrated into the DNA structure of the virus and prevents its replication.

    In addition to the indicated action of "Acyclovir", the drug allows you to achieve the following results:

    • prevent the development of rashes on the body;
    • strengthen immunity;
    • accelerate the healing of wounds on the skin and mucous membranes;
    • reduce the likelihood of complications (including damage to internal organs);
    • relieve pain.

    The manufacturers of Acyclovir recommend treating the symptoms that have arisen for a period determined by the attending physician. Despite the fact that this drug is considered one of the best pills, over time the virus develops resistance (resistance) to it. Therefore, the subsequent intake of antiviral drugs will not have the proper effect on the body.

    "Acyclovir" at a dosage of 800-1000 mg per day is prescribed for herpes simplex, with Zoster infection 2000 mg per day. To prevent the disease, you need to take the drug 3 tablets a day for one week.

    "Acyclovir" in tablets is contraindicated:

    • persons with individual intolerance;
    • pregnant women and women during lactation.

    Instead of "Acyclovir" appoint "Valtrex". It is recommended:

    • with all types of herperovirus;
    • with a relapse of the disease;
    • for the prevention of herpetic eruptions.

    "Valtrex" tablets in the treatment of diseases, unlike "Acyclovir", less aggressively affects the body. However, both drugs achieve similar results. Valtrex contains valaciclovir. After penetration, the component is transformed into acyclovir. Therefore, the effect of the action of this drug is similar to the results that Acyclovir tablets can achieve.

    Valtrex causes many side effects. The drug is allowed to be used for one day if an immunodeficiency state is detected.

    Zovirax is a reliable and modern antiherpetic drug

    Zovirax is often used to treat the herpes virus. It is available as:

    • ointments;
    • injection solutions;
    • tablets;
    • capsules;
    • rectal suppositories.

    The latter, by prescribing to children, have the best effect on the child's body, suppressing the herperovirus. All of the above drugs against herpes are based on the substance acyclovir. Zovirax is recommended for the treatment of:

    • herpes simplex;
    • shingles;
    • recurrent form of the disease;
    • complicated pathology.

    Medicines such as "Zovirax" are prescribed to patients with immunodeficiency for the prevention of pathology. These effective drugs are taken for one week. For the treatment of herpes of the first or second types, Zovirax is prescribed only in the form of ointments. During the day, the drug must be applied to the problem area up to 5 times.

    "Famvir" - a drug based on Famciclovir, developed recently

    Famvir is a new generation antiherpetic agent. The medicine package contains 7-40 tablets in various daily dosages:

    • 150 mg;
    • 250 mg;
    • 500 mg.

    "Famvir" is prescribed when modern drugs based on acyclovir do not give the desired result. Also, this new remedy is recommended during pregnancy and lactation. In addition, "Famvir" effectively suppresses the activity of herperovirus in patients with immunodeficiency.

    Regardless of the type of herpes, the drug quickly eliminates the external manifestations of the disease. Famvir is based on famciclovir, a substance that is converted in the human body to penciclovir. From the action of this component, healthy cells are not damaged.

    With the help of "Famvir" you can get rid of the symptoms of pathology. The tool provides a long-term antiviral effect, reducing the likelihood of relapse by 80%. The newest substances included in the drug accelerate the healing of wounds on the surface of the skin and mucous membranes.

    Among the shortcomings of Famvir, its high price should be highlighted. The cost of the drug varies between 1-4 thousand rubles. In addition, the medicine has such contraindications: idiosyncrasy, age under 18 years.

    Tablets or ointments: which is better and more convenient?

    The choice between antiviral tablets and ointments, which is better, should be made by the doctor. Preparations produced for local treatment provide a relatively quick result. Such anti-herpes drugs eliminate the symptoms of the disease and allow you to achieve a lasting effect for a long time.

    Ointments are usually prescribed for exacerbations of pathology. They accelerate the healing process of open wounds and prevent the attachment of a secondary infection. Ointments are more often used in the treatment of diseases in pregnant women and children.

    Any effective medicine penetrates into the blood. The active components of the drug through the bloodstream penetrate into the internal organs, and in pregnant women - through the placenta into the child's body. As a result, medicinal substances have a negative effect on the development of the fetus or the condition of the liver and kidneys. Therefore, the effectiveness of such treatment often does not justify the consequences that it causes.

    To avoid complications, herpes therapy is mainly carried out through antiviral ointments. Their components have a local effect on the problem area. The use of these drugs provides stable remission with minimal damage to internal organs.

    It is difficult to decide which medicines are more convenient in the treatment of pathology. All means suppress the activity of the herperovirus. But some of them act directly on the DNA of the virus, while other drugs stop mainly the symptoms.

    There are many drugs used in the treatment of herpes virus infection. The selection of medicines should be done by a doctor. So, with the manifestations of the virus on the lips, one medicine can cope, and the other will not create the desired effect. In addition, the doctor takes into account the individual characteristics of the patient's body.

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