When should discharge occur after childbirth. Which discharge after childbirth is considered the norm, which pathology. The rest of the time

A woman needs to monitor the nature of the discharge after childbirth in order to suspect the pathological process in time and avoid consequences.

The discharge after childbirth is called lochia. At first they represent profuse menstruation. Lochia stops after about one to two months (4 to 8 weeks). Everything is purely individual. During the postpartum period, lochia repeatedly change color and texture. Very often, mucus appears in them a week after birth.

Mucous, like snot, discharge in women within the normal range after childbirth indicates:

  1. The fact that the uterus was reduced and fully recovered. The wound surfaces have healed;
  2. About the phase of the cycle. At the time of ovulation, the discharge of mucus is characteristic.

It is best to take care of choosing the most suitable contraception in advance, after consulting with a gynecologist. Do not assume that the absence of menstruation is a guaranteed method of protection. Doctors do not consider breastfeeding a method of contraception at all.

Physiological etiology

The so-called "white" lochia begins 7-10 days after birth. They are transparent or white, stretching. Also, many women compare them with snot. There should not be any unpleasant smell and especially high temperature in the norm!

The main cause of mucous secretions is fluid that passes through the blood vessels and lymph nodes:

  • Uterine cells are able to secrete transudate;
  • During ovulation, mucus leaves the cervical canal;
  • The cervix has the ability to secrete.

It is noted that cells are especially active in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, at the time of ovulation and a few days before it. This happens under the influence of hormones. This provides better lubrication and the environment in the vagina becomes less aggressive for sperm. The mucus that clogged the cervical canal and cervix in the first half of the cycle begins to move away and is released. All these are the necessary conditions provided by nature for fertilization.

It is possible that the mucus that appeared in the secretions can both remain in them and disappear when the postpartum period ends. The processes occurring in the body of each woman are individual.

It also revealed the dependence of the nature of the discharge on whether the woman is breastfeeding the newborn baby. Breastfeeding (without complementary foods) inhibits the processes in the brain responsible for the regulation of the menstrual cycle. Therefore, it is difficult to predict whether the mucous discharge will stop, whether menstruation will begin.

Pathological causes

Gynecologists say that with inflammatory changes, the cervix is ​​\u200b\u200bable to produce mucus. Then the mucous secretions are compared with the protein of a raw egg, they contain whitish streaks.

They can also be white in color. This character indicates erosion of the cervix or inflammation of its canal.

How to determine: ovulation or inflammation in the uterine cavity? Nevertheless, some women note an increased body temperature in the range of 37-37.5 degrees. This may indicate ovulation. In this case, pain in the lower abdomen is also possible at the time of the release of the egg. In this case, menstrual bleeding should begin in a couple of weeks.

No matter how much you want to do without seeking help from a doctor, this can not be avoided. Waiting for the onset of menstruation at elevated body temperature is dangerous.

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When should you see a doctor?

Usually, mucous secretions (they are quite thick and stretchy, transparent or slightly light milky in color) are considered to be a variant of the norm, because in a woman they can take on a different character depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle.

If you ignore this symptom and do not seek the advice of a specialist in time, you can miss the beginning of the development of any pathology:

  • erosion of the cervix;
  • Sexually transmitted infections;
  • Oncology of the cervix;
  • Inflammation of the appendages (fallopian tubes, ovaries);
  • Infertility or difficulty conceiving.

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All complications can be avoided if you seek help in time. A visit to the gynecologist should not be postponed. If erosion of the cervix develops or sexual infections appear, then it is necessary to be examined as early as possible. Only in case of timely detection of the disease, effective treatment is possible.

In the postpartum period, it is very important to observe the rules of personal hygiene. The open wound surface of the uterus, and in some cases the sutures on the cervix or perineum, is an excellent breeding ground for the vital activity of various microorganisms, it is humid and warm there. Inflammatory processes in the uterus or vagina develop very quickly. That is why it is so important for women to keep the external genitalia clean.

The inevitable lochia after childbirth is wound discharge from the uterus. After pregnancy, the female body is restored, and the injured walls of the uterus heal. As a result, the body begins to recover and becomes the same size as before pregnancy. Its upper surface heals, and the area of ​​attachment of the vaginal wall to the placenta is tightened. Thus, the cause of lochia that appeared after childbirth is:

  • restoration of the uterine cavity;
  • cleansing of the membranes.

The uterus shrinks and throws out unnecessary tissues that have become toxic. The discharge is similar to menstrual flow, but is made up of other substances. These are scraps of the lining of the uterine cavity, ichorus, the remains of the placenta, mucus from the cervical canal, and blood.

Lochia consult hygiene products
menstrual cycle Resumption
Development Complex degree of consequences

Immediately after delivery, the entire surface of the uterus is covered with a large wound. Therefore, blood clots and blood can be released. You should not worry, because in this way the body is cleansed and restored on its own.

If the lochia differs from those that should be normal, this indicates postpartum complications. Yes, the first few days after giving birth, a woman is in the hospital, so doctors track the duration of lochia. But then she is discharged home, so she will have to monitor the nature of the discharge on her own.

Normally, postpartum lochia is observed for 6-8 weeks. Permissible deviations - 5-9 weeks. Otherwise, you need to consult a doctor. You can see photos of lochia to know how they look after childbirth.

Duration of uterine recovery

We found out how long lochia takes on average after a past birth, but they come in several varieties. It also depends on their duration.

They appear during the healing process of the inner surface of the uterus.

The active phase lasts about three weeks. During this time, several types of secretions are observed.

  1. Red. It takes about 3-4 days after the baby is born. They cause discomfort to a woman, because they are very plentiful. The color of the discharge is bright scarlet, since a large number of erythrocytes - red blood cells - are present in the remnants of non-viable tissues. Brown blood clots may also be released. Allocations should end on day 4. At the same time, a woman changes one pad per hour. If you have to change more often, you need to call a doctor. After childbirth, the gynecologist usually advises the woman on how long the lochia takes, so the expectant mother is not difficult to navigate.
  2. Serous. They last from 4 to 10 days and are not as plentiful as red ones. The color of the secretions is pinkish-brown or brown, since a large number of leukocytes are present in the excreted substances. Usually, red clots no longer appear, but only sanious-serous discharge is observed.
  3. White. They do not cause discomfort to the woman and last for 20 days. Normal discharge should be without bloody clots, pungent odor. They are yellowish or whitish in color, almost transparent, smearing character.

If after childbirth you know how long lochia will come out, then you will immediately understand when you need to contact a specialist for help. The volume of secretions begins to decrease over time, and already at 3 weeks they do not cause discomfort, therefore they are almost imperceptible and very small in volume. Usually, by the 6th week, vitreous mucus with bloody patches is released from the cervix, at which the body finishes its restoration. In this case, the duration of the discharge does not depend on whether your first pregnancy or the second.

In case of complications, you should consult a doctor

When to see a doctor

If you know exactly when the release of lochia should end after childbirth, it will be easier to track possible violations. You need to make an appointment with a doctor in the following cases.

  1. Allocations last too long or their number has become quite large. Such bleeding is possible due to the fact that parts of the placenta remain in the uterus, so it cannot contract normally. In this case, the woman will have to remove the remnants of the placenta in the hospital. The procedure is painless due to intravenous anesthesia.
  2. The bleeding has stopped, although you know exactly how many days after the last birth the lochia should go. Stopping discharge indicates a possible accumulation of lochia in the uterine cavity. If they are not removed, there is a risk of developing endometritis.

Endometritis develops if, after childbirth, lochia are excreted with pus, and have an unpleasant, pungent odor. A woman notices a deterioration in well-being:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • the temperature rises.

In this case, you need to urgently call a specialist or call an ambulance. Sometimes a curdled discharge appears from the vagina. This may indicate the appearance of candidiasis. If it is not healed, there is a risk of developing a severe infection.

It does not matter how long lochia has been going on after the first or second birth. If there is heavy bleeding, you should immediately call an ambulance. In this case, the woman is hospitalized.

Only an attentive attitude to your health, monitoring the secretions and timely response to their changes will help to avoid serious complications. It is better to play it safe and once again consult a doctor than to subsequently be treated for unpleasant sores.

Do not ignore the rules of hygiene, which are especially important for the successful completion of the postpartum period.

If there is a relapse

Sometimes it also happens that after giving birth, lochia first ended, and then started again. If after 2 months there is a scarlet discharge from the vagina, the cause may be:

  • restoration of the menstrual cycle;
  • rupture of seams after strong emotional or physical exertion.

When you know how long lochia can go after the last birth, but suddenly they return after 2-3 months, you need to look at their character. Sometimes the remnants of the placenta or endometrium come out in this way. If the discharge is dark in color with clots, but without pus and a sharp putrid odor, everything should end without complications.

In addition, when the discharge passes and then comes again, there is a risk of developing an inflammatory process in the uterus. Only a doctor can help you here. He will conduct an examination and find out the cause of the incident. You may be having a new menstrual cycle. But in the worst case, medical intervention is required.

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After giving birth, newly-made mothers discover discharge from the genital organs within a few weeks. They are usually bloody, brownish, or watery. The appearance of blood on the linen can be frightening, cause fears about the presence of uterine bleeding after childbirth. Should a mother worry if she notices unusual vaginal discharge after the baby is born? Consider under what circumstances such a phenomenon is recognized by doctors as the norm, and how long the discharge takes after childbirth.

Causes of discharge in women after childbirth

Bleeding after childbirth is called "lochia". Allocations after the birth of a baby occur not only in women in labor who have given birth naturally, but also in those who have undergone a caesarean section.

Why does postpartum discharge appear? To answer this question, it is necessary to understand what happens to the uterus after the baby is born.

Despite the fact that the child is already in the hands of the midwife, the process, which is called postpartum, continues for the woman. The afterbirth comes out of the uterus.

The placenta consists of several layers, the first is formed from the endometrium of the uterus and is called the basal decidua. It is permeated with blood vessels and includes depressions filled with maternal blood. Due to the fact that the arteries and capillaries of the mother and fetus enter the placenta, diffusion between the two blood streams takes place, and the child receives the nutrients he needs.

When the placenta breaks away from the wall of the uterus and comes out, the surface of the organ resembles an open wound. Blood flows from the gaping vessels, especially intensively in the first minutes after childbirth.

After a while, the organ begins to shrink, decreasing and reaching its original size. This phenomenon is called involution. By contracting, the muscles compress the vessels, helping to stop postpartum hemorrhage, heal wounds and stop lochia. How quickly the uterus shrinks back to its original size depends on individual factors.

Color and other characteristics of normal discharge

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What should be the normal discharge immediately after childbirth? The hue should gradually change from blood red to whitish and transparent:

  1. Immediately after childbirth, bloody discharge (see also:). This is due to the fact that the blood vessels damaged during the separation of the placenta did not have time to tighten, and almost pure blood is released from the woman's vagina after childbirth, so if it bleeds, this is normal. It is necessary to stock up in advance with pads intended for heavy periods or for urological patients. Doctors forbid the use of tampons and menstrual cups.
  2. Within a week after the baby is born, postpartum scarlet lochia turns brown or brown. Blood clots may be mixed with the discharge even after 5-6 days after pregnancy.
  3. At the end of the week, the discharge after childbirth becomes yellowish. The liquid resembles an ichor, oozing from small wounds during healing. This color of lochia is due to the content of lymphocytes and leukocytes in them, which contribute to the restoration of torn vessels inside the uterus.
  4. Gradually, the discharge acquires a mucous consistency or becomes transparent. This is a sign that the regeneration of the inner lining of the uterus was successful, and the lochia after childbirth was replaced by vaginal discharge.

Initially, postpartum hemorrhage smells like blood. Over time, the smell of metal is replaced by dampness or charm - this is the smell of coagulated or stagnant blood, there is nothing to worry about.

How long can discharge normally last?

Doctors divide the postpartum period into the following stages:

  • early - the first 2-3 hours after childbirth;
  • late - lasts up to 8 weeks.

At the beginning of the postpartum period, the mother who gave birth is still in the delivery room. During this period, the most active bleeding is observed. How much blood does a woman lose? Approximately 400 ml. The midwife carefully monitors the woman in labor in order to timely notice abnormal bleeding after childbirth, which is a symptom of hypotension, injuries, ruptures.

How long do lochia go after childbirth? The duration depends on the reduction in the size of the uterus, which, by contracting, helps to tighten the wounds. The uterus decreases by about 1 cm per day. On the baby's birthday, the bottom of the organ is palpated at the level of the middle of the abdomen, after 3-4 days it is located in the middle between the navel and the vagina. By day 9-10, the uterus is at a height of 1-2 cm from the vagina. If in the last days of pregnancy the organ weighs about 1 kg, then by the end of the postpartum period it returns to its original weight of 70 g.

How much is the blood? Lochia is most intensively allocated in the first 3 days. Their volume is approximately 300 ml, and the woman often has to change the pad.

On the 9th-10th day, when the uterus has almost returned to its original state, the discharge becomes scarce and does not cause much discomfort. After giving birth, lochia may completely stop after a month.

How long does lochia last after childbirth as a result of surgery? After a caesarean section, lochia, as a rule, takes longer than during natural childbirth (more details in the article:). Any surgical intervention is stressful for the human body, and rehabilitation after it is more difficult. How long should it take after giving birth for all this to stop? About 8 weeks. In the first month after childbirth, lochia is usually more abundant.

Does the duration of discharge depend on the type of feeding?

How long does this symptom last after the appearance of a newborn if the mother is breastfeeding? When breastfeeding, the discharge passes faster than if the woman who gave birth feeds the baby with mixtures.

Milk appears in the mammary glands of a woman under the influence of oxytocin. It is produced due to the sucking movements of the baby - the brain receives a signal, and the pituitary gland begins to produce a hormone that causes the contraction of myoepithelial cells and pushes milk to the nipple.

Oxytocin has a similar effect on the uterus. Under the influence of this hormone, the uterine muscles contract more strongly, which means that involution, and with it healing, occur faster. If a mother wants to quickly undergo rehabilitation after childbirth, she should feed her newborn with milk. How long should lochia go while breastfeeding, and how quickly do they end? This is an individual process, but some women notice a cessation already at the end of the month.

Pathological discharge and associated symptoms

What to do if, a month after the birth, the blood started again, or the lochia does not stop even after 3 months? This indicates the presence of abnormalities in the involution of the uterus. How to determine that rehabilitation after childbirth takes place with violations? First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the nature of the secretions, their color and smell.

How to determine the presence of the disease by the color of lochia is shown in the table:

ColorOther symptomsPossible diseases
Red, bloody, or brown 1-2 months after baby is bornPulling, aching sensations in the lower abdomen.Endometriosis is the growth of the endometrium outside the uterus. Myoma is a benign tumor of the myometrium. Polyps - outgrowths on the leg, which can penetrate the vagina through the cervical canal, sometimes degenerate into cancerous tumors. However, the cause may be the onset of menstruation, in women who refuse to breastfeed, the menstrual cycle may begin immediately after childbirth.
Light red or pinkSharp pains in the lower abdomen.Injuries during childbirth, suture divergence, cervical ectopia, polyps.
Bright yellowItching, bad smell, fever.Endometritis is an inflammatory process in the uterine endometrium.
GreenItching, burning, unpleasant odor, frothy discharge.Infection of the uterus, vagina, or fallopian tubes. Bacterial vaginosis - due to hormonal fluctuations, the pH of the vagina changes, which causes inhibition of beneficial bacteria and the growth of pathogenic microflora. Gonorrhea and chlamydia are sexually transmitted diseases.
WhiteItching, burning, sour smell, flaky consistency.Thrush is an infection caused by Candida. They are constantly present in the vagina and begin to multiply with fluctuations in hormones or reduced immunity.

Regardless of the stage at which they appeared, purulent discharge is a reason to immediately make an appointment with a gynecologist. Most often they are accompanied by lethargy, headache, fatigue, fever. Pus can be a symptom of salpingo-oophoritis. This is an inflammation of the appendages, which develops due to the ingress of staphylococci, streptococci, gonococci into the fallopian tubes and ovaries. What pathological discharge looks like can be seen in the photo.

Mucous discharge is normal, especially at 3-4 weeks. They indicate pathology if they go too plentifully or appear at a time when there should still be bleeding.

What to do if lochia suddenly ended ahead of schedule? This indicates the presence of lochiometers. With this ailment, lochia cannot leave the uterus for the following reasons:

  • blockage of the cervical canal;
  • inflection of the uterus;
  • weak contraction of the organ.

Any deviation from normal values ​​in color, smell, consistency is a reason to consult a doctor. Do not neglect the warning signs, they can be symptoms of dangerous diseases.

Features of hygiene in the postpartum period

The doctor who led the pregnancy and delivered the baby while the woman in labor is still in the hospital will tell you about hygiene rules during the rehabilitation period after childbirth. A few recommendations on how to properly monitor the cleanliness of the vulva and perineum to avoid infection:

  1. During lochia, you must use pads. Tampons and menstrual cups contribute to the reproduction of pathogenic microflora and stagnation of secretions. In pharmacies, you can buy postpartum pads, but if the discharge is plentiful, you can use diapers with an absorbent layer. With meager lochia, the usual remedies for menstruation are suitable.
  2. You need to wash at least twice a day. You don't need to use soap too often. You need to shower in the shower, not in the bath. You can’t lie in hot water for a long time, this can negatively affect the restoration of the integrity of blood vessels and cause heavy bleeding. During washing, you need to make movements from front to back, from the vagina to the anus. If you do the opposite, intestinal microflora can enter the vagina, which will cause inflammation.
  3. If a woman has had stitches, they need to be treated regularly. For this, antiseptic preparations are suitable - a solution of potassium permanganate or Furacilin.

If you follow the rules of hygiene, observe the nature of the discharge, then the risk of infection can be minimized. Any disease is easier to treat in the initial stages than in a neglected state.

Every woman looks forward to the birth of her baby. In each case, the process of childbirth is different: the natural passage of the fetus through the birth canal (with or without ruptures) or the child can be born with the help of doctors performing a caesarean section. But regardless of the course and result of the process, the representatives of the weaker sex have discharge after color, smell - the article will tell about everything. You will learn about the signs of pathologies that occur in women after the birth of a child.

What is postpartum discharge?

The final stage of the birth process is the separation of the placenta or baby's place. This happens almost immediately after removing the baby and cutting the umbilical cord. The place from which the placenta separated remains a wound surface, which, accordingly, begins to bleed.

Postpartum discharge is called lochia. They have a slightly different nature of origin than ordinary menstruation. The duration of lochia also differs from menstruation. During the period of stay in the maternity hospital, specialists examine women daily. Attention is drawn to the color and consistency of the discharge, as well as the presence or absence of an unpleasant odor.

Immediately after childbirth

What discharge should be after childbirth in the first hours? Immediately after the removal of the placenta, the woman begins an active contraction of the uterus. To enhance the effect, obstetricians put the baby to the chest. Sucking movements and stimulation of the nipples contribute to the contraction of the organ.

After giving birth, the woman is in the maternity ward for several hours. A heating pad with ice and a press are placed on her stomach. This is necessary to prevent severe bleeding. The volume of outgoing blood should not exceed 500 milliliters. Allocations during this period of time have a pronounced bloody character with an admixture of mucus and clots. This is how the remnants of the placenta and membranes that have not been removed come out.

The smell of secretions in the first hours

What should be the discharge after childbirth by smell? In the first hours, a woman may feel a stench. In many ways, this is facilitated by the influence of the hormonal background, because after the removal of the baby, the active production of oxytocin and prolactin begins. Therefore, the newly-made mommy becomes more sensitive.

You don't have to worry about these sorts of things. Until you are transferred to the postpartum ward, the doctors keep a close watch on you. If something goes wrong, the doctors will definitely take action. But in most cases, the discharge is normal, and the woman is in her room 2-3 hours after natural childbirth without complications.

First few days

Many women ask themselves: after pregnancy, what should they be like? During the first few days after the birth of the child, there is an intensive discharge of lochia. During this period, the birth canal of a woman is open, so regular hygiene procedures must be carried out to avoid infection. If the infection has occurred, then the woman will definitely notice it. What discharge after childbirth is abnormal, you can find out further.

Lochia in the first 5-7 days have a rich red or burgundy hue. They are quite thick and there is an admixture of mucus. Some women find pieces or clots. This is also the norm. During the first week of putting the baby to the breast, the mother may feel a slight pain in the lower abdomen. These sensations are vaguely reminiscent of contractions. Thus, the contraction of the uterus occurs - this is the norm.

After Discharge: First Days at Home

What color should be the discharge after childbirth in a week? Immediately upon arrival home, a woman may notice a change in the nature of the discharge. One week has passed since the birth. The bleeding wound, which was in place of the placenta, gradually heals. The uterus returns to normal size, but still extends beyond the small pelvis.

In the second week, lochia becomes smaller. They gradually lighten, and there is no longer that intense red color. There is also a gradual thinning of the mucus. If in the maternity hospital a newly-made mother had to change the pad every 2 hours, now a disposable hygiene product is enough for 4-5 hours. Subject to personal hygiene, there is no unpleasant odor in the discharge.

By the end of the month

Many are interested: by the end of the fourth week, what should be the discharge? go on for quite some time. It would seem that a whole month has already passed, and the discharge does not end. This is fine. Worse, if the lochia stopped after two weeks or even earlier.

During this period, a woman can use thin sanitary pads. The volume of allocations continues to decrease. They brighten, approaching the sucrose color. The uterus has almost completely returned to normal size. The woman does not feel pronounced contractions and pain. Allocations by the end of the first month have no smell. The birth canal is completely closed, but, as before, regular personal hygiene must be observed.

End of period

And what allocation should be? It is rather difficult to answer this question directly and unambiguously. Much depends on the woman herself: her individual characteristics, the course of childbirth, physical and emotional state.

Lochia usually lasts for 6-8 weeks. But normally, they can be completed within 4-5 weeks after the birth of the child. In the last 7-10 days, the discharge becomes brown or yellowish and has a slimy consistency. They do not have any smell with the timely change of hygiene products. Already after a few days, lochia completely takes on the form of transparent mucus, which turns into normal, natural secretions corresponding to the day of the menstrual cycle.

Caesarean section: features of postpartum discharge

What discharge should be after childbirth, carried out by caesarean section? Doctors say that the way the baby appears does not affect the character of lochia. But after a cesarean section, the volume of blood can be increased, as the vessels of the uterus are injured. That is why after such an operation a woman with a baby is discharged only for 7-10 days.

After a caesarean section, a newly-made mother needs to carefully monitor her well-being and discharge. This group of women is more likely to develop complications and pathologies. If you're worried about the color or texture of lochia, or about how big it is, talk to your doctor during your daily checkup.

Pathological process

What should be the discharge after childbirth, you already know, but it will not be superfluous to find out everything about the pathological processes of this period.

  • If there is a premature cessation of lochia, then this indicates the presence of interference. Perhaps there is a large clot in the uterus that blocks the exit of mucus. An inflection of the uterus may also occur, as a result of which blood accumulates in the region of its bottom. In the presence of a septum, adhesions or neoplasms, such cases are more common.
  • mucous secretion may indicate uterine perforation or poor blood clotting. This phenomenon can be life-threatening, therefore, it requires timely intervention. Any damage and rupture of the birth canal should be repaired immediately.
  • The appearance of curdled clots and a sour smell indicates thrush. This phenomenon is often encountered by women who have recently given birth. Candidiasis is not particularly dangerous, but brings a lot of discomfort. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out appropriate therapy.
  • Inflammatory processes often occur in parturient women. What discharge should be after childbirth in such a situation? Mucus becomes cloudy. At the final stages, purulent inclusions can be detected. Also, the woman notes the presence of an unpleasant odor, itching or pain.

All pathological processes should be immediately eliminated. Some require medical treatment, while others require surgery. If you are concerned about unusual discharge: very scarce or, on the contrary, abundant, having an unpleasant odor and color, consult a gynecologist. It is necessary to call a doctor immediately in case of weakness, fainting, fever, pressure drop.

Drawing conclusions

Every woman has discharge after childbirth. How many go, types, norm and pathology are described for you in the article. Doctors recommend using special sterile pads for women in labor in the early days. Throughout the entire period of the presence of lochia, it is forbidden to use tampons, since these hygiene products can cause infection. Observe hygiene conditions after childbirth, monitor your well-being and the amount of discharge.

After the end of the lochia, the discharge becomes habitual. Subsequent menstruation can begin both a month later and after the cessation of lactation. Be sure to check what discharge should be after childbirth with your gynecologist even before the baby appears. Good luck and easy delivery!

Pregnancy is a wonderful period in the life of every woman. And ends with the birth of a newborn baby, which requires a lot of attention. However, a woman should not forget about herself, because the recovery period can present many unexpected “surprises”. After delivery, the female body begins to recover and, unfortunately, this process does not always occur safely, as vaginal discharge can suggest. Particular attention should be paid to this, since a change in their nature is the first signal of the occurrence of postpartum complications that require an immediate visit to the doctor.

Why does bleeding occur after childbirth?

Bloody discharge that appears in women at the end of delivery is called lochia. Their occurrence is due to the fact that after the birth of a child, the placenta separates from the uterus, as a result of which a huge number of vessels that connected the organ with the child's place are damaged. Against this background, the uterus begins to actively contract in order to completely remove placental particles, dead epithelium and other traces of intrauterine life of the fetus.

It is for this reason that during the first few days, women often notice various clots and inclusions in their postpartum discharge, which is absolutely normal. However, in certain cases, the purification process is delayed, and some complications arise, they cannot be ignored.

What should be the allocation?

The appearance of heavy periods after childbirth is normal. In their composition, they may contain blood clots and mucus, which also does not apply to deviations. Depending on how the delivery took place (natural or artificial), the blood released from the vagina has a bright scarlet or rich red hue.

As a rule, the first few days, the blood is released in the amount of 250 - 300 ml per day, which requires frequent replacement of sanitary napkins (more often than 1 time in 3 hours). Then the amount of secretions decreases, and they acquire a uniform consistency, as during normal menstruation.

At the same time, the process of cleansing the uterus is often accompanied by mild cramping pains in the abdomen, which is caused by the occurrence of uterine cramps. And the general clinical picture is supplemented by an increase in temperature to 37.4 degrees, but such a phenomenon after natural childbirth should not be observed for more than 2 days, and with artificial delivery - 4 days (cesarean section is traumatic for the female body, and therefore, after it is carried out, the fever persists much longer).

After some time, spasms in the uterus stop, and the volume of bleeding decreases significantly. They are replaced by brown secretions, which signal the successful course of recovery processes in the organs of the reproductive system. In this case, the brown daub may be liquid at first, and then become thick.

But! There are certain frameworks that indicate the normal course of the postpartum period:

  • The discharge should not smell like rotten or rotten.
  • After 3-5 days, the pain in the abdomen completely disappears (an exception is artificial childbirth, in which a suture is applied to the uterus and abdomen).
  • Elevated temperature should not be observed for more than 2 - 4 days.
  • The last mucous clot leaves the vagina on the 5th - 6th day, no later.

If the woman's condition meets all these parameters, she is discharged from the hospital, and she goes home. But vaginal discharge does not end there. And given that complications can develop even a month after delivery, every woman should know exactly how much the discharge is, when it ends, and what characteristics should be paid the most attention to.

How many go?

It is difficult to accurately answer the question of how much abundant blood is observed after childbirth, because it all depends on:

  • The rate of recovery of the body.
  • Method of delivery.

After artificial birth

During a caesarean section, the integrity of the uterus is violated - it is dissected and then sewn together, as a result of which a wound appears on it, due to which the uterus begins to bleed heavily. The duration of heavy bleeding in this case is from 2 to 3 weeks. Then the volume of released blood decreases, but brown discharge, indicating successful healing of the uterus, occurs only 8-9 weeks after the operation.

After natural childbirth

During natural delivery, the mucous membranes of the uterus are also damaged, but not as much as during a caesarean section. Therefore, the discharge is observed for about 6 - 7 weeks.

At the same time, blood can come out abundantly only for the first 6 to 10 days, then its amount decreases. At about 5-6 weeks, the woman begins to smear with brown, and then white discharge (leucorrhoea) appears, which indicates the end of the recovery period.

When should you see a doctor?

In gynecology and obstetrics, postpartum complications are not uncommon. Moreover, in this case it does not matter at all how the woman gave birth - on her own or with the help of surgeons. The only thing is that in the latter case there are high risks of rupture of the internal suture, which often causes the opening of uterine bleeding.

However, the secretion of blood can also increase in a woman who has given birth naturally. In this case, bleeding occurs for the following reasons:

  • Inflammation of the uterus.
  • Incomplete cleansing of the organ cavity from placental elements.
  • Infections.
  • Weight lifting.

Important! Uterine bleeding is very dangerous and requires emergency medical care, which involves intravenous administration of a hemostatic drug. If you do not stop it in a timely manner, it can be fatal. With extensive blood loss in the body, the level of hemoglobin responsible for transporting oxygen to the cells decreases. As a result of its deficiency, the cells begin to starve, which provokes their death. And this can lead to various deviations in the work of internal organs, including the brain.

Early cessation of copious bleeding is also a reason to go to the doctor. This may be due to several reasons:

  • Cervical stenosis.
  • Polyp formation.
  • The appearance of a plug in the cervical canal (blood clot).

All these conditions cause the passage of the cervix to narrow significantly and blood cannot flow normally through it, which provokes the occurrence of congestion in the uterus, which is fraught with the development of severe inflammation and purulent processes.

And this, too, can lead to serious consequences. Therefore, if a woman notices a meager discharge of a bloody nature or a brown daub ahead of time, this should alert her and force her to go to the doctor. In most cases, all these pathologies are treated surgically.

An equally dangerous condition is the occurrence of discharge with an unpleasant odor, which may be yellowish or green. Their occurrence indicates the development of a bacterial infection, which must also be urgently treated.

Therapy for a bacterial infection involves taking antibiotics. And during this period, it is highly recommended not to continue breastfeeding, since all the active components of the drugs penetrate into the milk and can provoke various serious conditions in the child.

Signs of the development of a bacterial infection are not only discharge that smells bad, but also:

  • Temperature rise.
  • Pain in the abdomen.
  • Weakness.

In addition, if a woman begins to strongly pull the lower abdomen during the recovery period, while blood clots and pus are noted in the discharge, this may signal an incomplete cleansing of the uterus from placental particles and umbilical cord elements (the organ begins to fester). Such a pathology, as a rule, is detected even in the maternity hospital, and in order to get rid of it, curettage of the uterine cavity (obstetric abrasion) is performed, after which the woman in labor must remain under the supervision of doctors for several days.

If a woman should already stop spotting, but instead she notices a slight discharge of blood from the vagina, then she will also need to be examined by a gynecologist. The reasons for this phenomenon are:

  • Erosion formed on the cervical canal.
  • Hematoma in the uterine cavity.
  • Myoma.

With the development of these pathological conditions, women may also experience symptoms such as:

  • Aching pain in the abdomen.
  • Periodic increase and decrease in the volume of blood released from the vagina.
  • Weakness.

It is imperative to treat these diseases. Hematoma and uterine fibroids are removed only by surgery, and erosion - by cauterization. The danger of these conditions is that the hematoma can burst at any time and provoke internal hemorrhage, and fibroids and erosion cause cancer. These conditions pose a serious threat to a woman's life. And if past births were successful, then subsequent ones may be accompanied by severe complications.

The appearance of smelly watery or foamy secretions also indicates the development of pathological conditions. Only in this case we are talking about STDs. The main reason for their development is infection of the uterine cavity and vagina. In this case, the culprits may be the doctors themselves, who used poorly sterilized instruments during childbirth, and the woman who prematurely began to lead an intimate life. Infection that occurs due to the negligence of doctors manifests itself already two to three days after delivery, and through the fault of the mother - after several weeks and even a month.

The main signs of the development of STDs are:

  • Itching and burning in the intimate area.
  • The appearance of a light pink or clear foamy discharge that exhausts an unpleasant odor.
  • Psychological disorders (due to constant discomfort in the intimate area, a woman’s sleep is disturbed, she becomes irritable and quick-tempered).

No less dangerous is the appearance of dark brown (almost black) or burgundy discharge, indicating the development of cancer in the uterine cavity or in the cervical canal. After childbirth, its occurrence may be due to the presence of erosion, polyps and fibroids in a woman before pregnancy.

Important! With the development of this disease, the patient may periodically feel sick, she has a sharp decrease in body weight, there is no appetite at all, the stomach begins to hurt badly, urine is stained dark and the appearance deteriorates. Remember, cancer can lead to the death of a woman in a matter of months, and therefore, when its primary signs appear, you should immediately go to the doctor!

If the duration of postpartum bleeding exceeds the established limits, then this is also a bad signal. And in this case, hormonal disorders that lead to disruption of the menstrual cycle and ovulation, or pathologies of the reproductive organs that have arisen after delivery (for example, cervicitis, endometritis, etc.) can play a role.

There are many reasons why women can bleed profusely after childbirth or stop abruptly earlier than expected. And often in their role are serious pathologies, the non-treatment of which leads to various irreversible consequences. And in order to prevent their occurrence, a woman needs to carry out prevention, which includes:

  • No intense workload.
  • Refusal of sexual activity until full recovery.
  • Gynecological examinations every 2 weeks.
  • Balanced diet.

If a woman follows these simple rules, she has every chance of avoiding serious postpartum complications. Well, if they nevertheless arose, it is by no means possible to delay their treatment, as this will lead to sad consequences.

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