Classification of styles in clothing. Clothing styles: everything you need to know. Modern styles in men's and women's clothing

Ø Modern(from French moderne - modern) - a style that opposes itself to classicism and is distinguished by its desire for integrity, conciseness of forms, emphasizing structural elements and the use of new materials, designs, and unusual decorative effects. This style originated in European art of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Ø Constructivism(lat. constructio - construction) - a style, the main setting of which was the convergence of art with the practice of industrial life along the line of form. The characteristic features of this style are the geometrization of contours, the functionally justified design and use of industrial landscapes and objects of labor as drawings. This style originated at the beginning of the 20th century. as opposed to classicism.

Ø Geographic style- the ability of goods to reflect a certain permanent community of means and methods of artistic expression, formed under the influence of the cultural environment of individual regions of the globe.

Geographically, it is customary to distinguish:

Ø European style characterized by appearance indicators, largely corresponding to the functional purpose and anthropometric characteristics of the European consumer. With the exception of individual manifestations of fashion, this style is characterized by laconic forms, their subordination to the content of the product, the absence of sharp color contrasts and lush details of external design. This style was formed under the influence of classicism and modernity in the countries of Western Europe.

Ø East style is determined by the presence of bright colors with a contrasting color scheme, many details of the external design ( for example, on clothes - embroidery, buttons, jewelry). It contains many borrowings from the national styles of Eastern countries. This style is most often found in goods imported from Asian countries ( for example, clothes, shoes, jewelry).

Ø Latin American style quite close to the oriental style, especially in terms of colors, but more restrained in the details of the exterior design. This style arose under the influence of Indian and Spanish cultures. It has a limited distribution - mainly in Latin American countries and goods imported from them.

Ø North American style close to the European style, although it differs from it in greater simplicity of form and design. At the same time, this style provides great freedom in the appearance and design of products.

Ø National styles- the ability of goods to reflect, through their external design, the tastes and preferences of consumers in a particular country. Characteristic features of national styles can be a certain color scheme, drawings, design features of products or their individual elements. In goods, the national style may be dominant ( for example, Russian nesting dolls, products from Khokhloma, Gzhel) or as separate elements (for example, embroidery on clothes in the Russian style).

Ø social styles- the ability of goods through the appearance, design and materials used, raw materials, as well as certain design details to reflect the consumer's involvement in a particular social group of people, and (or) organization, and (or) lifestyle.

In fact, social styles are the lifestyles of people in society and they can be divided into:

Ø Individual style reflects the tastes and preferences of a particular consumer, designed to provide a particular lifestyle.

There are such individual styles as business, sports, evening. In addition, all demographic styles (youth, teen, child) are also individual.

Individual style is formed by a specific consumer and largely determines his needs.

Ø collective style is formed in certain social groups of people under the influence of public opinion, corporate (company) culture and is specially created to ensure the image of organizations or individuals involved in the team.

Ekaterina Malyarova

What is a clothing style and why is it important to find your own?

To begin with, let's try to define what a style of clothing is.

So, the style of clothing is a certain set of features by which many things, sets and clothes, as such, can be divided into certain categories or types.

Style depends on various factors, such as age, social and financial status, nationality and mentality, lifestyle and work, musical preferences, religious beliefs, physique and much more.

And yet why is it so important to decide which style is close to you? First of all, this is necessary so that you feel harmonious, so that your outer "I" reflects your inner. Well, as a nice bonus, having found your style, you will not get lost in the endless rows of clothes in stores and will easily begin to make the necessary purchases, knowing exactly what you need.

There are a huge number of stylistic trends in the world, below we will consider the main ones: classic style, casual, sports style, glamour, boho, ethnic, grunge, romantic style, preppy, minimalism, eclecticism, new look, lingerie style, pajama style, retro style and military style.

business style

Business or classic style is characterized by restraint and conciseness, high quality and a certain basicity. Clothing of this style is especially good for teachers and office workers, scientific conferences and meetings.

The classic style does not accept the introduction of fleeting trends, such as a choker, crop top, ruffles, etc., as well as bright colors and defiant prints. Black, gray, beige, dark blue - this is the range of this stylistic direction. Simple cut and simplicity of details, stability and moderate modesty.

Perhaps the classical style is a kind of foundation and base, it was like that 50 years ago, now it will remain so, decades later. This style is timeless and fashionable.

Casual (Casual)

Casual (casual) is perhaps one of the most popular stylistic trends among most fashionistas from around the world. No wonder that in translation it sounds like “everyday”.

What he really is? Firstly, it is always comfort and convenience, pleasant fabrics that do not constrain styles, a certain softness and flexibility. The key elements among clothing are: jeans, shirts, t-shirts, sweaters, jumpers and sweatshirts, sneakers, plain comfortable shoes, ballet flats, etc. This style is sometimes also called American: this is how Hollywood stars, who are often photographed by paparazzi, walk on weekdays.

As for the color scheme, it is much more diverse than in the above-mentioned classic style, but bright neon colors are just as out of place, unlike noble blue, grass green, mustard yellow, etc.

Casual is characterized by: simple shapes, a calm relaxing range (gray, blue, black), jeans, cardigans, white t-shirts and turtlenecks, boots, laconic shoes and sneakers. Casual is characterized by: simple shapes, a calm relaxing range (gray, blue, black), jeans, cardigans, white t-shirts and turtlenecks, boots, laconic shoes and sneakers. Casual is characterized by: simple shapes, a calm relaxing range (gray, blue, black), jeans, cardigans, white t-shirts and turtlenecks, boots, laconic shoes and sneakers.

Sporty style

Sports style - as easy as shelling pears, you might think, they say that they go to the gym and fitness. No, no, and no again) Sports style includes sports elements, but not clothes for sports. Sweatshirts, T-shirts, T-shirts, baggy pants, walking shoes, sneakers, caps and backpacks are the basis of this stylistic direction.

The sports style is convenient and comfortable, this clothing does not constrain movements and does not fit the figure, it is created for active people who love movement and adventure.

Rather bright colors would be quite appropriate in it, but in moderation, for example, inserts on a sweatshirt, or stripes on sneakers. Jewelry, in turn, should be chosen minimalistic and small in size, although, if possible, it is better to completely abandon them, preferring the same sports watch - both an accessory and a benefit so as not to be late).

Sports style includes: sweatshirts, sweatshirts, knitted pants, voluminous simple bags, sneakers and sneakers. Sports style includes: sweatshirts, sweatshirts, knitted pants, voluminous simple bags, sneakers and sneakers. Sports style includes: sweatshirts, sweatshirts, knitted pants, voluminous simple bags, sneakers and sneakers. Sports style includes: sweatshirts, sweatshirts, knitted pants, voluminous simple bags, sneakers and sneakers.


Unfortunately, in modern realities, when pronouncing the word “glamour”, many people have in their heads the image of a provincial girl with bright makeup, in a shiny dress, neckline and shoes with crazy heels. This notion of glamor style is false.

Real glamor is chic, it's brilliance, but always moderate and self-aware. Glamor is expensive fabrics, silk, precious stones, fur. Glamor is hair to hair, gloss and grooming 24/7.

Glamor loves feathers, fur, sequins, expensive fabrics, fitted dresses and impeccable styling. Glamor loves feathers, fur, sequins, expensive fabrics, fitted dresses and impeccable styling. Glamor loves feathers, fur, sequins, expensive fabrics, fitted dresses and impeccable styling. Glamor loves feathers, fur, sequins, expensive fabrics, fitted dresses and impeccable styling.


The bohemian clothing style, which was loved by actresses, artists, poetesses of the 20th century, became the ancestor of the boho style. Bohemian style means wide, loose silhouettes, long dresses and skirts.

Boho is the style of music festivals, the style of freedom-loving and creative people. This stylistic direction is characterized by: soft natural fabrics, lace, prints, tassels on clothes, bandages and hats on the head, large sunglasses, sandals or boots somewhat in a cowboy style, jewelry on long chains, belts with metal inserts and fringe. Boho does not tolerate deliberate sexuality, precise lines, rigor and excessive accuracy, on the contrary, this style likes some disheveledness.

Loose-fitting dresses with lace and flounced sleeves, prints, fringes and tassels, sandals and cowboy boots are all part of the boho style. Loose-fitting dresses with lace and flounced sleeves, prints, fringes and tassels, sandals and cowboy boots are all part of the boho style. Loose-fitting dresses with lace and flounced sleeves, prints, fringes and tassels, sandals and cowboy boots are all part of the boho style.

Ethno style

Ethno is vaguely reminiscent of boho, but still completely different. It is characterized by natural fabrics, spacious styles and prints, which are a symbol of a particular culture. For example, it can be: embroidered shirt, kimono, jacket or bag with an Aztec print, etc.

Jewelry in this style will be especially memorable, they are always bright, rather large, original and eye-catching.

Vests, jackets, blouses and shirts with all sorts of national patterns and ornaments are an integral part of the ethno style. Vests, jackets, blouses and shirts with all sorts of national patterns and ornaments are an integral part of the ethno style. Vests, jackets, blouses and shirts with all sorts of national patterns and ornaments are an integral part of the ethno style. Vests, jackets, blouses and shirts with all sorts of national patterns and ornaments are an integral part of the ethno style.


Translated from English, "grunge (grunge)" sounds like "unkempt". For the most part, this is the style of teenagers and their youthful maximalism, the exact opposite of luxury and glamour, the style of tearaways and hooligans.

The main characteristics of this stylistic direction are: ripped jeans, checkered shirts with rolled up sleeves, T-shirts, often wrinkled, sneakers or rough boots, a slight mess on the head. This style will be appreciated by lovers of convenience and owners of a rebellious spirit, those who want to take a break from everyday tinsel and just enjoy life without worrying about protruding threads or a hairstyle spoiled by the wind.

Ripped jeans, band-print T-shirts, man-shouldered jackets, and rough boots are avid grunge trappings. Ripped jeans, band-print T-shirts, man-shouldered jackets, and rough boots are avid grunge trappings. Ripped jeans, band-print T-shirts, man-shouldered jackets, and rough boots are avid grunge trappings.

romantic style

Romantic style is the style of young and sweet girls who, even after growing up, believe in a fairy tale a little. These are delicate dresses, floral prints, lace, frills and flounces, pastel shades, small bags and straw hats. These are feminine silhouettes, but without passion and deep necklines, this is modesty and coquetry.

The romantic style is characterized by delicate pastel shades (blue, peach, dusty pink), dresses with puffy skirts, lace and floral prints. The romantic style is characterized by delicate pastel shades (blue, peach, dusty pink), dresses with puffy skirts, lace and floral prints. The romantic style is characterized by delicate pastel shades (blue, peach, dusty pink), dresses with puffy skirts, lace and floral prints. The romantic style is characterized by delicate pastel shades (blue, peach, dusty pink), dresses with puffy skirts, lace and floral prints.


Preppy is the style of an eternal student, because it is not for nothing that the very name of the stylistic direction comes from “pre-college”, which translates as “preparatory educational institution”. The main characteristics of preppy are: calm deep colors, checkered and striped prints, tweed and cashmere fabrics, A-line skirts, moderate pleated shirts, laconic cuts, jackets, vests, brogues, loafers, satchel or messenger bag.

Laconic shirts, red accessories, for example, belts, plaid jackets and skirts are all preppy. Laconic shirts, red accessories, for example, belts, plaid jackets and skirts are all preppy. Laconic shirts, red accessories, for example, belts, plaid jackets and skirts are all preppy. Laconic shirts, red accessories, for example, belts, plaid jackets and skirts are all preppy.


Minimalism is a style of self-confident people and lovers of simplicity. It is characterized by calm colors, such as black, white, gray, beige, the absence of decorative elements, whether it be ruffles or embroidery. To create a really stylish and good image in this direction, you need to pay great attention to the quality of clothing, it must be on top.

It is also worth considering that since minimalism does not tolerate brightness and an explosion of colors, then all attention will be riveted directly to yourself, and not to clothes, so you must always have a neat hairstyle and makeup.

Minimalism does not tolerate explosions of colors and prints, it loves calm tones, laconic models, uncomplicated cut and almost no accessories and jewelry. Minimalism does not tolerate explosions of colors and prints, it loves calm tones, laconic models, uncomplicated cut and almost no accessories and jewelry. Minimalism does not tolerate explosions of colors and prints, it loves calm tones, laconic models, uncomplicated cut and almost no accessories and jewelry. Minimalism does not tolerate explosions of colors and prints, it loves calm tones, laconic models, uncomplicated cut and almost no accessories and jewelry.


You have probably seen photos from street style at least once during the fashion week, and so most often you can meet representatives of the eclectic style on them.

What he really is? Eclecticism is a combination of the incongruous, these are sports trousers and high-heeled shoes, this is a down jacket and shorts, this is a T-shirt and a turtleneck. It would seem that going out into the street in such an absurd outfit, you would immediately want to fall into the ground. Therefore, true lovers of eclecticism are always brave people who do not pay attention to the opinions and views of others. If you like to draw attention to your person and create excitement around her, then take a closer look at this direction.

New bow

New look is one of the most feminine and luxurious styles, for which we must thank the fashion house Dior. A new look is always grace and a certain aristocracy, these are fluffy skirts and a pronounced waist, these are gold clip-on earrings or earrings and strings of pearls, these are gloves and wide-brimmed hats, pumps and neat styling.

Skater skirts, high waistline, defined shoulders, pumps and impeccable make-up - this is New Look. Skater skirts, high waistline, defined shoulders, pumps and impeccable make-up - this is New Look. Skater skirts, high waistline, defined shoulders, pumps and impeccable make-up - this is New Look. Skater skirts, high waistline, defined shoulders, pumps and impeccable make-up - this is New Look.

Linen style

Lingerie style is relatively young, however, has won the sympathy of many fashionistas from around the world. Based on the name, you can guess that the clothes of this direction are very similar to underwear - silk, lace, pastel embroidery, thin straps, deep neckline.

Definitely this style is for courageous and self-confident girls, as well as very athletic and fit, as it still implies the presence of a chiseled figure so that the image looks harmonious, and not comical.

Tops and dresses made of silk and lace, thin sliding fabrics and deep necklines - all this is inherent in the lingerie style. Tops and dresses made of silk and lace, thin sliding fabrics and deep necklines - all this is inherent in the lingerie style.

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Style classification

Clothing styles

The style is based on images of European settlers who appeared in the American West in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. As a rule, these were residents of villages or urban outskirts in the past. Many of them were Irish or from other parts of Old England. Fashion designers working in this direction fantasize about the urban dweller in the countryside and vice versa, intertwining different cultures and eras. The colors used are mostly muted, pastel - all shades of brown, gray, beige, ocher. Fans of country style introduce into their wardrobe only those novelties of the season that are in tune with their state of mind.

Wardrobe options for a woman dressed in country style are: a suit with a wide-cut jacket, leather buttons, a trouser skirt, coarse knitwear. For models, she chooses thick fabrics such as plaid, checks, tweed. Wears thick stockings and shoes with flat, thick soles.

folk style

This is a modern style of clothing using elements of the national costume. Costumes in this style are sewn from natural fabrics in natural colors. Embroidery, hemstitching, lace, ruffles, lacing, weaving are used for finishing products ... Sometimes there are appliqués and patchwork techniques. The most common pattern is geometric, which goes well with the structure of the fabric. It is interspersed with colored beads, beads, etc.

Emphasis on the waist is possible, for example, a wide belt with lacing. Wide long skirts or dresses, blouses with sleeves heavily gathered at the armhole are common. The neckline is often with a high fastener or round with a cord pulled into the drawstring along the neck. As additions, large scarves with tassels, small colorful pouches are used. On the feet - white cotton stockings or crocheted knee-highs, shoes with wooden soles, simple shoes with low heels or without it at all, but with a strap.

rustic style

This is a micro style of folk style or country style. Clothes are sewn in a rustic or folk style, quite simple. For example, a thick woolen skirt, over it a spacious, loose-fitting flannel shirt, and on top of a sweater with an accentuated coarse knit, thick woolen stockings. Fabrics in rustic style have a rough surface, weaves of threads are visible.

lumberjack style

Clothing in the spirit of American lumberjacks, pioneers of the Wild West: a denim shirt with checkered fabric trim - on a checkered yoke, with cuffs on the sleeves, flaps on the pockets, collar, also trimmed with checkered fabric. The men's jacket is long, with a blind fastener, usually made of coarse checkered woolen material.

Work clothes

Clothing used for recreation, gardening. Forms and details adopted in special working clothes are used. So, for example, overalls, which came into fashion from the machine, retain many of their details even in a business or street version.

This style began to take shape in England in the twenties of the XX century. The artist Karel Gonzik in his book "Creating a Lifestyle" wrote: "they found a style of clothing that was adapted to the way they live and work. These people wear hats that fit tightly on their heads and are not blown away by the wind, shoes with double soles , as waterproof as possible, and a short raincoat that does not hinder movement and does not interfere with running.But this raincoat can easily be excluded from their wardrobe, if only because they do not have the opportunity to purchase it at all, while others consider it an unnecessary hindrance in work. Therefore, for the most part, workers wear a jacket, under which they put on a sweater in winter. Since the sleeves and collar of the shirt get dirty quickly, they prefer shirts with short sleeves, and replace the collar with a scarf that is tied around the neck. And although this suit purchased piecemeal from a junk dealer, despite numerous patches, these members of the fourth estate can not be denied a kind of true elegance. carelessness, which is lacking in the philistines, who are always afraid, so as not to violate the impeccability of their costume.

Eco style

The style is characterized by the colors of the earth and simple stone, sand and clay, tree trunk and leaves. The drawings on the fabrics repeat the silhouettes of herbs, flowers, branches... The fabric used is soft, natural, without a pronounced pattern.

Safari is the style of the English colonizers. Its most characteristic details are light colors of clothing, rather narrow silhouettes, many patch pockets, belts, epaulettes, a set-in sleeve. A special detail is a light hat with small rounded brim. The style of the shirt is usually a cross between a blouse and a blazer, the sleeve is semi-long. Comfortable Bermuda shorts, knee-length socks. Large shoulder bag. Flat shoes made of linen or leather.

Clothing in the style of the pioneers of the Wild West: lightly worn with leather patches, usually with long fringes. The woman's hair is pulled back from her face; at the top of the back of the head are tied with a natural-colored suede ribbon. The heroine is dressed in a checkered blouse with a stitched yoke and collar corners made of silver metal. She wears a brown suede vest on top, possibly fringed. Of the decorations - a small diagonally folded neckerchief, a belt with silver decorations or in the form of a corsage. Prefers indigo jeans or a long, wide flounced skirt. Boots are obligatory on the legs - either long with bells, or short without a back with a leather belt around the top and a bow on the side.

Fashionable clothing in the 70s of the XX century in the spirit of the pastoralists of the prairies of Hispano-Indian origin: a variety of ponchos, wide-brimmed hats with a shallow crown, a casually tied neckerchief, leather boots, baggy trousers (as in the Argentine national costume). Suede, leather jackets, vests, trousers are finished with rivets, appliqué, leather fringe.

Indian style

These are clothes for summer, holidays, the beach, usually made of white cotton fabric. It reflects the features of the Indian costume in a slightly modified form.

Paramilitary style

Extremely popular in recent years. From the clothes of the military, the color of the fabric is borrowed - protective, khaki, brown, gray. In other words, clothing made in a paramilitary style carries all the shades of earth and grass. The styles almost repeat the military uniform. Trench coats with a high fastener are popular. Coat in the spirit of an overcoat. Blouse in thick weave, tied at the top with a belt. Such a shirt is worn, as in the war years, with a skirt. Massive heavy shoes, long tarpaulin-type boots. Of the details, patch pockets, suede and leather knee pads and patches, wide belts and purses are used.

Sporty style

Clothing is quite bright, dynamic in nature with a minimum of trimmings. Even at the beginning of the century, many men wore golf pants. This style is characterized by a free silhouette, many pockets, zippers. Fabrics such as elastic and mixed knitwear are used. Men and women dressed in a sporty style wear T-shirts, polo shirts, sleeveless jackets, shorts, bermuda shorts, tracksuit, cycling pants, leggings, jeans, etc. The suit is complemented by cotton or woolen socks, white, possibly with a stripe along the edge, with diagonal pattern sneakers, low-heeled open shoes with tassels and stitching, thick lace-up shoes. Representatives of this style like to carry large bags, shoulder bags, backpacks.

club style

Sports style. Typical, classic combinations of models are used in a set, with emblems and gold buttons.

This style is the complete opposite of folklore and romantic styles. All sets are usually sewn from modest finely patterned wool or dense cotton fabric. Strict, almost sporty details are used. Additions are also very restrained, emphatically business-like. Characteristic items of urban style are a turtleneck jumper, a blouse-shirt, a roomy bag, durable, solid shoes or boots, a small beret for women and a classic hat for men.

Walking style

A microstyle that combines clothes not just for relaxation, but for walking. Models that do not constrain movements are businesslike. Jackets are voluminous, protecting from wind and rain. Trousers and culottes are worn with thick knitted stockings. On the feet are comfortable shoes with low or medium heels. The cloak is worn with a man's hat. Shirts are checkered or with a small floral pattern, spacious, flannel, they are most often worn without a tie - with a vest or even with a jacket. The sets are complemented by scarves, soft knitted hats. The main technique is layering.

romantic style

The style creates a sublime, sophisticated look. Therefore, the lady is dressed elegantly, clothes and a headdress with exquisite details (jabot, lace collars and cuffs, ruffles, veils). When finishing, geometric ornaments are not used, products are not sewn from woolen, velveteen or flannel fabrics. The lady is dressed in silk and velvet, decorated with ornate floral patterns. Skirts or dresses are usually long and wide. Handbag small refined over the shoulder, shoes are often without heels.

Retro style

Clothing in this style uses motifs, modeling details from past generations, but does not copy them.

The NEP style is a copy of the style of clothing common in Russia in the 1920s (then there was the NEP). Women dressed in fildepers stockings, smoked cigarettes in mouthpieces, wore knee-length dresses with a low waistline or shirt cut, cut their hair short, wore tight-fitting hats. The men dressed up in black and white plaid suits. Canes, hats and gloves were in use at any time of the year.

In 1922, Victor Marguerite's story "Le Garçon" (the boy) was published, the title of which determined a new trend in fashion.

Style of the 30s. The image of a woman becomes more feminine. She stops at thin crescent-shaped eyebrows, accentuating her mouth. Hairstyle of semi-long hair, sleek, with waves curled outward. But there is another one - on stilettos with a roller of curls raised above the forehead. Dresses are flattering, mid-calf length or slightly longer. The sleeves are raised with the help of hangers, the waist narrows, the skirts expand.

The coat is asymmetrical in cut, in the form of a pipe with a large fur collar with a long pile. Silk stockings with an arrow and pumps with high heels or wedges with high cork soles, or shoes with straps on wooden soles are in fashion.

Style of the 50s. Women are modesty itself. Hair is collected in a "ponytail" or made in the form of small banana hairstyles with hairpins, with milled strands. Dresses and coats H - and A-shaped silhouette length to mid-calf. Perlon stockings appeared. Relevant narrow pointed shoes with low heels.

Style of the 60s. The first hippies appear to challenge society. T-shirts with various texts and drawings are popular. The fashion for miniskirts is born (in 1966, Mary Quant appears in this shocking outfit at Buckingham Palace to receive the Order of the British Empire for services to British exports). The image of a woman of the 60s was symbolized by Twiggy - a reed fashion model with a pair of eyelashes glued to her eyes at the same time. The woman is spectacularly made up: eyes with an accentuated eyelid crease and artificial eyelashes, black eyeliner is used. But the lipstick is light, the shadows are too, there are no blushes. Popular bouffant with hairpins, high hairpieces, wigs, asymmetrical half-length or short haircut with an emphasis on the cape located at the back of the head. Black and white geometric patterns are used in clothing, silver suits are popular. Fashionable length - mini, midi and maxi. They wear flared trousers, wide belts, loosely lying on the hips. Platform shoes appeared, white boots are especially relevant, and hippies have suede boots.

This is a bright woman. Her makeup is catchy, contrasting. Nails must be very long with decorations. Clothing of original silhouettes with a large neckline. She feels good in transparent fabrics with a leopard pattern. The waist is emphasized by a wide tight belt. He wears jewelry in abundance, rhinestones, feather boas. She has a small purse under her arm. On the legs are usually stockings of an unconventional pattern, shoes either with very high heels or with small heels with a glass.


Thanks to new materials, it is possible to create products that allow to achieve the effect of nudity. When the elastic material Lycra appeared, another revolution took place in fashion. At first, Lycra clothing, bright and cheerful, was intended for athletes. But then they began to add lycra to cotton, linen, wool, silk. This allowed even everyday clothes to be made super-tight.

This style is characterized by loose clothing in the spirit of the heroes of the first years of aeronautics. Products are sewn from coarse fabrics with numerous sports details. The fabrics look worn.

ballet style

Festive style, in which the dress has a narrow, fitted bodice held on the shoulders by straps; skirt, like a ballet tutu, fluffy.

New look style

The new look, or new look, appeared in 1947, when Christian Dior showed his first collection, stylized antique: long puffy skirts, sleeves gathered at the shoulder and tapering to the wrist. He proposed a new version of the crinoline, a thin waist and a fitted bodice. He stylized clothes under the letters H, X, U, A, etc. Dior said: “We left behind the era of the war of uniforms, labor service for women with broad boxer shoulders. I painted women resembling flowers, gently bulging shoulders , a rounded chest line, liana-like slender waists and wide, diverging downwards, like cups of a flower, skirts.

Linen style

One of the varieties of retro style. Elegant dresses, blouses, sundresses are sewn from thin light fabric (silk, cotton), decorated with satin stitch embroidery, hemstitch, cutwork, lace, fine stitching. This is how lingerie was traditionally decorated, hence the name of such a finish.

Classic style

This style is represented, for example, by the English suit, the Gabrielle Chanel suit and the little black dress. Now jeans have become a classic. In the manufacture of clothes in this style, fabrics with a classic pattern are used: stripes, cages, "chicken foot". The cut is distinguished by simplicity and rigor of execution.

Structural style

Specific design of clothing, which emphasizes the design, shape. The style was determined after the First World War. The design of the clothes is emphasized by special decorative techniques. This was typical, for example, of the Russian folk costume; Nadezhda Lamanova and Alexandra Exter worked in this direction. In the 1950s and 1960s, French designers André Courrèges and Pierre Cardin showed their collections in a constructive style.

space style

Main features: comfortable, familiar clothes, but the fabrics are shiny, and the folds are emphasized with inserts of a material of a different color. Space style appeared in fashion in connection with the flights of Soviet cosmonauts. Shiny fabrics, clear sculptural forms of clothing are the characteristic features of this style. Relevant are silver and golden voluminous luniki jackets, warm boots made of waterproof materials with a rather thick, massive, flat sole.


Style proposed by Jean Paul Gaultier. You can connect anything and everything. The colors are the brightest. All sorts of lines, volumes and eccentric things, on the verge of kitsch, are acceptable.

Storey style

Storey clothes, or layering - this term has come into use since 1972, when it became fashionable to wear clothes in several layers. At the same time, the old principle - long over short - was replaced by another - short over long. And all the "floors" turned out to be in plain sight: over a loose shirt - a vest, on it is an even shorter jacket or jacket, etc. Kenzo works in the style of layering. He creates a fashion based on the play of colors, different widths and lengths of the components.

pajama style

In this style, the most common items of women's wardrobe: trousers, blouses, jackets, etc., only very spacious, shapeless, perhaps that is why they are considered comfortable. When finishing, large patch pockets are used, quite a lot of buttons - large, flat.


This is the name of one of the styles of youth clothing, a kind of continuation of pop art of the 60s. Summer T-shirts, denim suits are decorated with embroidery or pictures imitating children's drawings, all kinds of texts and inscriptions.

Youth clothes for dance evenings and discos of extravagant forms are made of bright, shiny fabrics, with eye-catching trim.

A style popular in the 1920s and 1930s. It is characterized by such details as glass beads, sequins and feathers on headdresses. Knee length chiffon dress with long fringe. Modern fashion designers have repeatedly returned to this style and are returning.

diffuse style

A mixture of styles, such as an elegant linen-style dress paired with a fringed leather vest in a western style. Or a business jacket over a romantic dress. Another option: sports trousers with a folk style blouse.

Thanks to the discovery of new pure color pigments, the understanding of primary colors has expanded. Previously, there were three of them: red, yellow and blue, and now there are five: red, yellow, blue, green and purple.

The three intermediate, or complementary, colors, which were considered the result of mixing the primary ones, turned out to be the following: orange, green and purple. Now there are five of them: yellow-orange, green-yellow, blue-green, violet-blue and red-violet.

In total, ten colors are obtained: five primary and five intermediate. Among them, you need to choose those that suit a particular person the most.

A little about the terms adopted in relation to color.

Hue is a distinct difference in color (red, green).

Lightness is the proximity of a given color to white. For example: blue is lighter than blue, pink is lighter than red.

Saturation is the degree of density of a color. For example: color blue, cyan, light blue, dark blue.

From many fashion websites and TV screens, fashionistas are trumpeted about ultra-fashionable trends and novelties in this area. It is worth considering fashion as a capricious young lady from the very foundations.

Few of the fair sex are guided by their own sense of style when choosing clothes. And sometimes this question can even lead to a dead end. So what is the style of clothing and how to live hand in hand with it, we invite you to look in this article.

Almost every girl most often adheres to her own style of dress, with the exception of meetings or trips that require a dress code. Fashion changes very often, despite the variety of types, styles and fashion trends, you need to choose for yourself the fundamental things and accessories that shape your style and wardrobe.

How to choose the right style of clothing will help you information about the varieties in general.

Oddly enough, there are only three main directions in the style of clothing, namely: classic, romance, sports. The remaining varieties are offshoots from the main directions.

Classification in clothing styles.

Classics in clothes. The classic style of clothing is often called conservative. The main characteristic of this style is moderation. There are no trendy details and bright accessories. Colours: pastel and muted shades. The conservative style is characterized by volumes and proportions of medium length, straight cut and high-quality materials. This style combines elegance and simplicity like no other.

Romantic style. The aforementioned style is inherent in artistic natures and romantic personalities. Characterized by floral print, wide-brimmed hats; soft and pastel colors. Perfect for both men and women. For the female in this type of clothing, ruffles, frills, lace, trains, elongated dresses of a flowing style are appropriate. For the male half, all kinds of vests will fit and fit well into the image of a romantic nature; shirts with flared sleeves; handkerchiefs, carelessly tied around the neck.

Sports style. As always relevant and practical. Perfect for an active lifestyle and sports. Allows you to feel comfortable and spend time usefully. Kat is suitable for everyday wear. This bright and fashionable style is gaining momentum among young people every day. Thanks to variations with accessories, you can easily build not only a practical and comfortable, but also a fashionable look.

Now let's go through the derivatives of each direction.

Clothing and business. It's about the business image. It is extremely similar to the classic conservative. The main coincidence of styles is restraint and elegance. The main difference is that in a business style, fashionable details are acceptable, and even welcome. It is welcome when clothes do not affect the work process, they look stylish and restrained.

Extravagant style is the exact opposite of business and conservative style. Extravagant clothing is characterized by unusual cuts and bright colors, asymmetrical lines and flashy accents; non-standard and defiant type of accessories.

casual. Such clothing as a style is created from a combination of details of three main directions. The main rule of Casual is comfortable and practical. The main thing is that the clothes are comfortable and stylish.

It may include sports-themed items, but you won’t go in for sports in such an outfit. Sportswear is here to complete the look.

Jockey clothes - Derby. This style is named after a racing fan named Derby. It was this English lord who laid the foundations for the style of such clothing. To understand what this style is, just look at the form of jockeys.

The end of the 60s was distinguished by the formation of a clothing style called Safari. Clothing in the Safari style still holds its position among fans of this theme. Safari as a style of clothing is ideal for traveling. Features patch pockets. Colors: pastel and sand tones. A striking example of such things is a light-colored hat with fields.

Military style. Such clothes resemble military costumes. The accents of such things are most often patch pockets, imitation of shoulder straps, lace-up tops in clothes and shoes.

The erotic style of clothing is characterized by open, tight-fitting clothes. Most often used to attract the attention of the opposite half of humanity. This sexy style is popular with both men and women.

Ethnic clothing was put on the catwalk by the famous couturier J. S. Laurent in the late 90s. Ethnic style - a combination of cultures of different peoples. Simply put, national features in the outfit clearly characterize this topic.

Minimalism does not mean poor or mean. Minimalism as a style means everything in moderation. By choosing this style for yourself, you will demonstrate a sense of style and self-confidence.

So choosing an image for yourself, it is worth remembering that there are only three main styles, and there can be many variations. It all depends on your taste and mood.

According to the criterion of participation of employees in management, the following styles are distinguished.

Dictatorial style: employees are forced to follow strict one-man orders under the threat of sanctions;

Autocratic style: the manager has an extensive apparatus at his disposal;

Benevolent (supportive) style: the authority of the manager is based on his personal positive qualities, in which employees are confident.

Democratic (cooperative, solidary, collegial or complicit) style as a typical form includes various options:

Communication style: employees can express their opinions, but must ultimately follow orders;

Consultative style: the manager makes a decision only on the basis of Detailed information and after its joint discussion, the employees implement the decisions in the development of which they participated, they were consulted;

Collaborative management style: the manager sets the problem and limits, the employees themselves decide on further actions, the manager reserves the right to veto;

Autonomous style: employees decide for themselves, they are not limited by the framework, control and responsibility remain with the manager.

Management can be carried out in various forms. Violence, coercion, order correspond to the authoritarian style. It is associated with the hierarchical division of the control system and the pyramidal forms of its construction. Such an objective prerequisite for the authoritarian style does not exclude a change in its strength depending on the position of the leader's personality and his role as the leader of the organization. In this case, there are different types of styles.

Management through influence and reliance on employees determines the democratic style. When employees are left to their own devices, management is marked by a liberal style. Forms of management have not developed specifically for use in industry or other industries. They arose as a result of social situations that developed at different times.

When classifying styles according to the criterion of managerial functions, only the predominance of one of the management functions is taken into account, situational and other factors remain unaccounted for. With this classification, the concept of style is closely related to the concept of management.

Management through innovation. This leadership style emphasizes an orientation towards innovation as the main vector of managerial decisions (innovation management).

Management through motivation. Managers proceed from the fact that not only material incentives have a positive effect on the employee's work efficiency, but also the need for self-expression.

Management through coordination. At the heart of this style is the reduction of conflict by coordinating personal areas of activity. The manager trusts employees to make decisions related to the tasks they perform. The intervention of the manager occurs only in exceptional situations, for example, if an employee deviates from the fixed acceptable limits.

Management through task transfer. With this style, the delegation of authority and business responsibility associated with tasks is in the foreground, the motivation of employees increases, and the manager's workload decreases.

Management through a systematic approach. This style emphasizes the cybernetic control cycle, rational discipline and systematization of the control process.

In management practice, a one-factor method of analyzing styles is used according to the priority severity of one management function.

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