What types of inflammation of the skin on the face exist and how to get rid of them. Streptoderma on the face: types and methods of disposal

Skin lesions on the face are perceived especially acutely, since these problems are difficult to hide. The use of camouflage tonal creams often only exacerbates the situation. If standard treatments do not help, then you may have a streptococcal infection!

Most often, infection with streptococci is the result of lesions of the upper layers of the epidermis with injuries, scratches, allergic rashes and sunburn. When it becomes possible to penetrate through the protective stratum corneum, the microorganism quickly reaches the middle layer of the skin and there begins active reproduction and vital activity.

As a result, toxins enter the surrounding tissues, healthy cells suffer from the fact that they are captured by a growing colony of dangerous bacteria. All this leads to the appearance of characteristic symptoms in both children and adults.

Learning to recognize the "enemy"

So, we will immediately warn you that it is possible to cure streptoderma on the face only with the help of antibacterial agents, to which this type of bacterial flora has a high sensitivity. Therefore, the most effective therapy involves conducting preliminary laboratory tests - this is the only way you can recognize the true "enemy".

It is necessary to consult a doctor for a series of tests, since a streptococcus lesion can be disguised as a fungal infection, and a number of other dangerous diseases. Meanwhile, the treatment of a fungus or seborrhea is fundamentally different from the treatment of a bacterial infection.

It is also necessary to differentiate pathology from a banal vitamin deficiency, which can similarly manifest itself in the form of redness and peeling of the epidermis on the face.

Typical symptoms of a streptococcal infection on the face:

  • the appearance of a red spot with a swollen, poorly defined edge;
  • slight peeling from the center, spreading to the edges;
  • itching and a slight burning sensation;
  • accession of the papular form in the form of pustules and vesicles with a yellowish liquid;
  • symptoms of general intoxication may gradually increase - headache, weakness, muscle sensations.

A distinctive feature - the symptoms appear after any injury to the skin of the face. The average incubation period is no more than 10 days. The use of a non-sterile instrument in beauty salons during peeling and skin cleansing can act as an injury.

What and how to treat?

If you have difficulty visiting a dermatologist, then try to independently identify streptoderma on your face from the photo that we offer you. If there is even the slightest difficulty in diagnosis, do not start treatment.

In the event that you are sure that your skin on the face is affected by streptococci, then you should adhere to the following treatment methods:

  • use salicylic or boric alcohol for hygienic rubbing of the skin 2 times a day;
  • after 10 minutes, a thin layer of ointment containing erythromycin, tetracycline or penicillin is applied;
  • vitamin therapy is necessary - vitamins of group B are injected subcutaneously, aevit is taken orally;
  • gauze moistened with a warm solution of furacilin is applied daily in the form of a compress to the skin of the face.

If all these measures do not help to get rid of the symptoms within 7 days, then you should consult a doctor to prescribe corrective treatment and conduct a laboratory study of the causative agent of the disease. Remember how and how to treat an infection, only the doctor decides!

For the period of treatment, exclude from your diet all sweets and foods with a lot of carbohydrates and sugars. It is also worth completely abandoning any cosmetics. After the end of treatment, replace all creams, lotions and maxi with new copies to exclude the possibility of re-infection. It is also worth replacing all items that are used for skin care.

Facial skin is most susceptible to external factors. The face constantly suffers from heat or frost, and disturbances in the functioning of the internal systems of the body are reflected precisely on the skin. Manifestations can be completely different, ranging from the usual peeling and ending with extensive irritations, rashes, blisters and papules. In order to understand the cause of the manifestations of facial skin disease, it is better to undergo a thorough diagnosis in specialized institutions.

In medicine, a lot of skin manifestations of various diseases are determined. Each skin disease of the face is characterized by certain changes in the epidermis, but often they can be grouped, which often leads to an erroneous diagnosis.

Symptoms can also be very similar, so self-medication does not always give a positive result, on the contrary, it often leads to a worsening of the condition. Therefore, it is worth remembering the main differences in symptoms.

The disease manifests itself on the skin of the face in the form of capillary stars or nets, which are formed as a result of the expansion of the walls of blood vessels. Also, the disease is called telangiectosis, which is more often used in dermatology. The capillaries of a healthy person can expand and contract as needed, for example, under the influence of high or low temperature. The vessels of a sick person can expand even beyond the prescribed level, but due to the loss of elasticity they do not take their original position, which causes the formation of a capillary network on the skin.

Couperosis can affect small areas of the skin, in which case the disease is more of a cosmetic problem. With a more extensive lesion of the epidermis, it is worth considering a general examination of the body, since the disease can become a symptom of a more serious disorder, for example, liver damage.

Skin changes can be eliminated with a laser, leaving no marks or wounds

Reasons for the appearance:

  • The disease may be hereditary.
  • Exposure to ultraviolet rays of the sun, solarium.
  • Sudden temperature changes.
  • Long stay in the cold.
  • Excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Smoking.
  • Carrying out cosmetic procedures of deep impact, for example, hardware peeling.
  • Tissue injury.
  • As a symptom of a more serious illness.


The disease of the skin of the face is manifested in the defeat of the epidermis with acne and ulcers. It occurs with inflammation of the sebaceous glands, as a rule, acne has a chronic form and there is always a risk of recurrence. People with oily facial skin are considered more susceptible. The disease occurs in 80% of people in different periods, adolescents and young people under 25 are most susceptible. Acne has three degrees of manifestation: mild - up to 10 formations, medium - 10-40, high - more than 40.

Teenagers with acne suffer from depression

Causes of the manifestation of the disease:

  • Age-related hormonal changes.
  • Heredity.
  • Hormonal surges during menstruation.
  • Hormone therapy.


The disease manifests itself in the form of a reddish rash that affects the skin of the face in the process of circulatory disorders, which is characterized by the release of blood outside the vessels. Rosacea usually affects the face and eyes. There are several clinical forms, with each individual symptoms in the form of papules, cyanotic nodes, pustules, and edema can be added to the usual manifestations, so it is difficult to make a diagnosis on your own.

Factors that can provoke the development of the disease:

  • Deep cosmetic procedures.
  • Temperature changes.
  • Exposure to sunlight.
  • Solarium visit.
  • Freezing.
  • Disruption of the digestive tract.
  • The defeat of the body by a tick of a certain type of Demodex.
  • Infectious diseases of the epidermis.
  • Vascular-neurotic changes.
  • The use of corticosteroids.


The human papillomavirus can manifest itself both on the body and on the skin of the face in the form of warts, warts, papillomas. It is worth noting that 95% of the population are carriers of the virus, but most often it is in a dormant state, many are not even aware of its presence. But during periods of hormonal changes, stressful situations, weakened immunity, papillomavirus can develop into an active form and appear as formations on the skin. In most cases, the virus does not pose significant harm other than external discomfort. Only in rare cases can the disease develop cancer cells, and then one cannot do without surgery and laboratory studies of education for malignancy.

Important: In no case should papillomas be torn off: this can provoke blood poisoning and aggravate the situation.

HPV most affects women of all ages

Reasons for the appearance of formations:

  • Direct contact.
  • Contact through household items.
  • Unprotected sexual contact.
  • The disease is rarely transmitted during childbirth from mother to child.

A disease of the skin of the face manifests itself in the form of the formation of infectious pustules around the hair polyp. The disease is provoked by a viral bacterium of streptococcus or staphylococcus, not infrequently in their combination. It is not difficult to determine such a disease by external signs, very often abscesses burst, and purulent ulcers form in their place. Impetigo is treatable, so with proper diagnosis, it takes no more than 10 days, in rare cases, a septic infection may develop.

The defeat occurs by penetration of the stick through cuts or other damage to the epidermis.

After entering a favorable environment, the virus actively multiplies and provokes impetigo.

Causes of occurrence:

  • The defeat of the epidermis by Staphylococcus aureus.
  • Skin exposure to hemolytic streptococcus virus.

Important: Impetigo cannot be treated at home, self-medication can lead to extensive damage to the epidermis by a viral bacillus, which is fraught with consequences and a protracted course of the disease.


The disease often disguises itself as a common mole, so you should be attentive to their external changes. Melanoma is a cancer, a malignant formation on the skin, so self-treatment will be fatal. Diagnosing skin cancer at an early stage is very difficult, as a rule, patients begin to feel discomfort when the chances of recovery are catastrophically small. It is very important to observe suspicious moles on the body on your own, if they begin to bleed, itch, grow, change color, acquire jagged edges, then you should immediately seek advice from an oncologist and conduct a biopsy.

Causes of melanoma:

  • hereditary predisposition.
  • Negative effects of ultraviolet radiation.
  • Mole injury.

Important: Only a specialist with special education and permission can remove a mole, as a rule, this is done by a surgeon, oncologist or dermatologist. You should not trust the removal of moles to cosmetologists who will not be able to send cells for special studies to refute or confirm the presence of cancer cells.

Also, this disease is called "Hyporpigmentation" of the skin. The disease is provoked by an insufficient amount of melanin or its complete absence, the spots are pale pink or white. According to the external signs of age spots, it is impossible to name the exact cause of their manifestation. Sometimes pigmentation occurs when the digestive system malfunctions, after restoring normal functionality, the spots may disappear. It is almost impossible for discolored areas of the skin to return to their previous color, it is easier to discolor healthy ones. Pigmented skin should be protected from direct sunlight. There are no changes in sensations. Spots can appear at any age, but are more common in younger people.

Diseases that provoke pigmentation:

  • tuberous sclerosis.
  • Albinism.
  • genetic predisposition.
  • Various types of lichen.

Vitiligo does not cause pain


Pigmentation of a separate area of ​​​​the skin is very often manifested on the face. The spots are brown and grow, gradually small spots become one large. Most often they go away on their own and only sometimes remain for the rest of their lives.


  • Chloasma is most likely to occur in women during pregnancy, as a rule, spots appear around the mouth and nipples.
  • Due to dysfunction of the ovaries.
  • With helminthic invasion.

Allergic dermatitis

Damage to the body by various allergens provokes the appearance of rashes of a different nature on the face and body. With insufficient treatment and prolonged contact with the allergen, a common allergy develops into dermatitis, its treatment can take a very long time. Dermatitis becomes a companion for life, there is no treatment, you can only eliminate the factors that contribute to its manifestation and relapse.

Methods of intoxication:

  • contact allergy.
  • food allergy.
  • Drug allergy.
  • Allergy to external natural factors.

There are many other diseases that can affect the skin of the face. First of all, it is worth remembering that the treatment of external manifestations of the disease, as a rule, only muffles the symptoms for a while, most often it returns with renewed vigor. Many external drugs are made on the basis of hormones and can aggravate the situation. Hormonal drugs are prescribed by doctors only in cases where other means do not have a charitable effect. Unknowingly, self-medication consists of less suitable pharmacological preparations, so the treatment does not bring the desired result and becomes protracted.

Radiant, full of health, well-moisturized and well-groomed - these are the characteristics of the skin of the face, which is in perfect condition. Unfortunately, there are often cases when you can’t say anything about it. And the reason for this is various diseases of the skin of the face, of which there are a large number of varieties in nature.

They can bring not only physical suffering, but often worsen the mental and emotional state of the patient. And this is not surprising, since they are the cause of a violation of the aesthetic appearance of the face. At the same time, these pathologies signal the existence of internal disorders in the body. Therefore, it is important to correctly assess the problem and begin its treatment.

  • Treatment of these pathologies
  • Types and signs of pathological changes

    Skin diseases on the face are more often a reaction to various changes in the body. This may be a hormonal surge or prolonged use of antibiotics, or excessive passion for sauna or tanning.

    To date, there are about 700 pathological species that have almost the same symptoms. And only the exact determination of the cause of the disease is the first step towards its elimination. In order to correctly assess the rash that has appeared, to take the right treatment measures, it is useful to know its main symptoms and signs.

    Pyoderma or pustular infections

    These pathological changes are a consequence of the rapid activity of the microflora. They arise as a result of the activation of microorganisms such as streptococci, staphylococci, pyococci, and others.

    They lead to the development of a large number of diseases, among which the following should be highlighted:

    Being very common infections, up to 40% of the total number of dermatological pathologies occurs due to frequent overheating or hypothermia. Improper care also provokes these diseases. The first symptoms may appear in frequent stressful situations.

    The risk group includes women and men who in their history have some kidney disease, overweight and disorders of the hematopoietic process. The occurrence of these diseases is detected in people with problems in the central nervous system, as well as with diabetes. From the state of the immune system, the characteristics of the epidermis, how a person works and rests, the condition of his facial skin largely depends.

    Diseases caused by fungal infections

    Diseases of the skin of the face are very often the result of the activation of fungal infections. Many microscopic pathogenic fungi live in the layers of the epidermis. When certain conditions arise, they can be activated, which leads to a huge number of pathologies, often quite dangerous.

    Among them, the following should be highlighted:

    • Pityriasis versicolor, which looks like a scaly brown spot, it can also be yellow. Able to spread throughout the body;
    • Erythrism, which is spots that can be of different shapes and colors, but with a clear border. If the pathology is not treated, it becomes a chronic disease;

    • Seals that have a bluish-burgundy color, the so-called actinomycosis. Pathology does not cause pain, has the shape of a ball and forms fistulas. As a result, necrosis may develop, ulcers may occur, other organs may suffer;
    • Dermatomycosis, which is characterized by diaper rash, flaky skin and painful blisters. As a result - the occurrence of allergies, a decrease in the level of immunity.

    In addition to the troubles resulting from these infections, facial skin diseases caused by fungal microflora are also transient. There are many opportunities to get infected - through the use of things, swimming in the pool, taking a sauna, since places with high temperature and humidity are the most acceptable for any fungus. These diseases affect people who have varicose veins, weak immunity, skin lesions.

    Viral infections and their manifestations

    Viral infections are allergic reactions that occur in the body to the pathogens of measles or chickenpox. They are contagious and very easily transmitted.

    These include:

    These infectious diseases of the skin of the face can occur in women at different ages.

    They are a side effect, developing on the basis of existing chronic diseases. The most unpleasant is the ability of the virus to take root in the body, once in which it remains there almost forever.


    Causes of skin diseases

    Important! Diseases of the skin of the face that are not associated with infections and viruses can be triggered by chronic diseases, genetic characteristics or external factors.


    This disease can be recognized by specific capillary nets or asterisks. It occurs due to the expansion of the vascular walls and the loss of their elasticity, due to which blood stagnation occurs. A skin disease can manifest itself with only one “point” or a whole network that has spread along the wings of the nose, cheeks, and the area around the eyes. Often, couperosis signals a predisposition to diseases of the cardiovascular system or liver diseases.

    Common causes of appearance:

    • trauma;
    • exposure to UV rays;
    • heredity;
    • drinking and smoking;
    • prolonged exposure to low temperatures;
    • peeling and other cosmetic procedures;
    • the presence of chronic diseases.


    Symptoms: the presence of acne, abscesses, internal acne. Cause of manifestation: inflammation of the sebaceous glands. There are three severity levels of acne: high - more than 40 rashes, medium - from 10 to 40, mild - up to 20 formations.

    Causes of the disease:

    • hormonal changes (age, menstrual and others);
    • heredity;
    • side effect of hormone therapy.

    Acne usually occurs in teenagers, but it can also appear in adults. At risk are people with oily skin or hormonal abnormalities.


    An allergic reaction can appear in the form of itching, peeling, swelling, redness and rashes. The reaction can be observed when exposed to external and internal factors: food intake, use of cosmetics, the presence of pollen, contact with tissues. Rashes can be observed throughout the body, and affect only the face.


    This is a malignant tumor that can develop from a nevus. The main signs: soreness, change in contour or color, induration, enlargement of the nevus. Adults are more likely to suffer from melanoma.


    Manifestation: keratinization, thickening, peeling of the skin area. The process proceeds without inflammation, but brings pain during development, as the skin can crack, itching, and ulcerations appear.


    Lack of pigmentation in areas of the skin, which causes white or pink spots to appear on the body and face. The spots may enlarge, forming large lesions tending to a round shape. The causes of occurrence have not been established.


    The opposite of vitiligo: excessive pigmentation. The area is dark, usually brown, and gradually enlarges. spots can merge into one rounded lesion. It can be caused by pregnancy or diseases: disorders of the ovaries, liver or pituitary gland.

    Perioral dermatitis

    The disease mostly affects women. Papulo-pustules and small papules, no larger than 2 mm, are localized in the periorbital and / or periorally. It often manifests itself after taking corticosteroid drugs prescribed for other skin diseases. Important: with this disease, a narrow, unaffected skin area around the contour of the lips is observed.


    As a rule, lesions affect only the skin of the face, an adult patient with a genetic predisposition is at risk. It has a polyetiological nature and a staged course. Manifestation: hyperemia of the face, pustules, edematous papules, telangiectasia. Important: hyperplasia of the connective tissue and sebaceous glands is characteristic, and not an increased secretion of the sebaceous glands (unlike acne). As a rule, skin disease manifests itself in patients aged 35-40, reaching a peak at 40-50 years. The disease is provoked by changes in the tone of the superficial vessels of the skin caused by endogenous and exogenous factors.


    Small nodular sarcoidosis

    Appearance: nodular elements with dense consistency with sharp boundaries. They can have a color from pink to brown-yellow. Telangiectasias form on the surface of part of the papules. In place of resolved elements, small atrophic scars are formed. Diascopy reveals the phenomenon of "dustiness" and small yellowish spots. Resolved elements show a tendency to scarring.

    Important! Fungal and infectious diseases of the skin of the face are provoked by pathogenic organisms. Infections on the face can infect deep tissues or enter the bloodstream, causing sepsis.

    Seborrheic dermatitis

    In this case, the rash mainly affects the nasolabial folds, scalp, chin and behind the ear folds. More often manifested in patients with seborrhea - another skin ailment. Sometimes the lesion affects the body: the skin along the spine, between the shoulder blades, or on the chest. The observed foci of erythema have clear boundaries, yellowish scales and small follicular nodules. A patient with the disease may feel a slight itch.

    Streptococcal lesion

    Mostly found in women and children, the lesion affects the smooth skin and has no connection with the follicular apparatus. Manifestation: flektens or impetigo, quickly opening and forming serous-purulent crusts. It is most often seen in the corners of the mouth and eyes.

    Important! Pustular diseases of the skin of the face most often occur due to the influence of streptococci, fungal infections, staphylococci and other infections. Factors contributing to the development of the disease: high blood sugar, microtrauma, hypovitaminosis. There are superficial and deep forms. Furuncles with one purulent-necrotic core and carbuncles are a manifestation of a deep form.


    It is more often found in adult men. When hair is removed in the affected area, a purulent muff around the hair root is clearly visible. Most often, pustular lesions are superficial. With folliculitis, the pustule is located at the mouth of the hair follicle. A similar deviation - sycosis - is localized in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyebrows, beards, and other bristly hair, with it a rather large pustule forms.

    Acne vulgaris

    Purulent inflammation of the hair follicle and directly the sebaceous gland. Often caused with a staph infection. Usually rashes are observed on the face, chest, back. The course of the disease of the face: the appearance of black dots - comedones, then the appearance of a painful red nodule, after - the formation of a purulent pustule.

    With infections, necrotic acne is possible, in which necrosis progresses in the depth of the element. In this case, after healing, a scar is formed. The spread of the process increases the risk of abscesses and acne conglobata.

    Important! Viral skin diseases occur in 3-4% of adult patients and up to 10% of children.

    Herpes simplex

    Scientists estimate that this form of herpes occurs in 90% of the population. The virus enters the body through injured skin, mucous membranes, possibly through sexual contact. Herpes may not manifest itself for years, but become more active during stress, other diseases, and hypothermia. In this case, a bubble reaction occurs on a small skin area, usually on the face.


    In fact, it is a severe form of herpes. It is more often diagnosed in older people with low immunity or who have had an illness or significant stress. The rash is not painful, but left untreated can cause CNS damage.

    HPV - Human papillomavirus

    Causes the appearance of genital warts and warts on the mucous membranes and skin. More than 200 varieties of the virus are known, of which 50% are the main cause of warts. The reason for the defeat of the virus: low immunity and skin microtrauma. When infected, the virus may not appear for a long time, but become more active when the body weakens. There is a definite link between HPV infection and some forms of cancer, including cervical cancer.

    Important! Usually, each disease has pronounced symptoms, but not infrequently, skin changes can be grouped, which complicates the diagnostic process. To find out the reasons for the appearance of deviations, it is necessary to undergo an examination and be extremely frank with a dermatologist, without hiding habits or diseases. Self-medication or the use of drugs without an accurate diagnosis can aggravate the situation.


    Pustular infections

    Diseases are not dangerous to others. The pustular infections are acne. Symptoms can vary from small rashes to large redness. Acne sometimes leaves scars on the skin. In rare cases, the disease spreads to the brain and blood vessels. Acne develops due to improper functioning of the sebaceous glands and their inflammation. Most often, rashes can be found on the face of adolescents at the stage of puberty. In their case, the restructuring of the body leads to the appearance of acne. When hormonal surges subside, the disease goes away.

    Folliculitis manifests itself in the form of small dense purple nodules, which are surrounded by a lighter rim. The disease is fraught with pneumonia, meningitis.

    Impetigo- at the initial stage, bubbles appear on the skin, over time they burst and in their place the dermis becomes covered with a yellow crust. If the infection is not cured, eczema, psoriasis, and an abscess may develop.

    Furunculosis manifests itself in the form of painful formations on the skin with pus inside. Puffiness may appear on the face. The disease is fraught with serious consequences for the body, can be fatal.

    fungal diseases

    Skin diseases of this type are quickly transmitted from the patient to the healthy, therefore they are dangerous for others.

    Dermatomycosis causes peeling of the skin, diaper rash, vesicles. The disease negatively affects the immune system, can cause allergies.

    Pityriasis versicolor spreads over most of the skin. It appears as scaly patches of yellow and brown.

    At ringworm plaques with pus and peeling appear on the skin. May develop into a chronic phase. If lichen is not cured in time, edema and scabs with an unpleasant odor may appear.

    erythrasma- a fungal disease in which colored spots of a clear shape appear on the skin. It can also go into a chronic phase.

    Actinomycosis- bluish-purple seals with the formation of a fistula. The seal has a spherical shape. If the pathology is not cured, tissue necrosis and deep ulcers will develop. Sometimes affects the internal organs.

    Viral infections

    Easily transmitted infections. Handshake contact can become a route of infection.

    Herpes manifests itself in the form of small bubbles that cause itching.

    Papillomas- growths on the skin of different shapes, colors, sizes. Papillomas include warts, condylomas. A complication may be growth throughout the body, an unpleasant odor. To remove papillomas, cryotherapy, laser treatment, scalpel excision, and electric current are used.

    Genital warts similar to warts, only they have a “leg”. The presence of genital warts is complicated by the addition of infections, in some cases they develop into oncology.

    Shingles is a rash in the form of pink spots, covered with bubbles. Rashes cause pain. If left untreated, lichen can lead to damage to the nervous system.

    molluscum contagiosum- dense translucent rashes on the skin, in the center of which there is a depression. A complication of the disease is an inflammatory process in the body.

    Causes of diseases

    Diseases of the skin of the face occur when the body is unable to remove harmful substances on its own. Certain organs are responsible for detoxification. If they fail to perform this function, toxins begin to be excreted through the dermis.

    All skin problems are the result of any disturbances in the body. Any infection that enters the body causes an inflammatory process in it. It is accompanied by the release of toxins that disrupt the functioning of internal organs. Toxins are a powerful allergen, they are neutralized by certain organs. If they cease to cope with detoxification, the removal of toxins is carried out through the skin.

    There is also such a thing as "internal allergens". They include worms. These foreign structures contribute to the appearance of allergies. Fungal cultures can also cause skin problems. For example, if a woman has candidiasis, a rash on the dermis is a symptom of this disease.

    Dermatological diseases often provoke intestinal dysbacteriosis. In violation of digestion, nutrients are not absorbed in full. Against this background, the body experiences a lack of nutrients. As a result, hair, skin and nails look unsatisfactory.

    Another cause of skin diseases - stress. They undermine our immune system, because of which we are attacked by infections, toxins, there is a load on the “filter organs”.

    Pustular infections most often affect those who have kidney failure, CNS pathologies, obesity and diabetes mellitus, and hematopoietic functions are impaired.

    Fungal diseases can be "caught" in public places. Most often this happens in the sauna, swimming pool. Animals are also carriers. Using the things of the patient is also fraught with infection.

    At risk are people with varicose veins, excessive sweating of the legs, reduced immunity, violation of the integrity of the skin.

    Viral infection often attacks people with reduced immunity. The virus, once in the body, remains in it forever. But he may never show up. And if symptoms appear, treatment is to eliminate them.


    Facial skin diseases are one of the most psychologically unpleasant diseases that contribute to the development of complexes in a person and interfere with normal communication. That is why the main reason for visiting a doctor is not pain, but aesthetic disorders. However, these diseases also need special treatment, like any other diseases, but in order to carry out the correct treatment, it is first necessary to correctly recognize the disease that has affected the skin.

    Vascular diseases of the face

    One of the most common diseases of this type is rosacea. With rosacea, spider veins of different sizes appear on the patient's face, which can grow over time. The cause of these stars may be the weakening of the walls of the capillaries, which leads to stagnation of blood, which in turn also provokes a decrease in the level of elasticity. With this disease, the patient is advised to avoid taking hot baths and visiting saunas, excessive consumption of coffee, alcohol and spicy foods. In other words, it is necessary to eliminate all factors that one way or another can provoke vasodilation. In addition, facial skin diseases require a special selection of cosmetics, for example, with rosacea it is better to use products that contain linoleic acid, vitamin C, A and B5. In turn, it is better to completely refuse products with honey, alcohol and fruit acids.

    Viral diseases - symptoms of a general infection of the body

    Some viral diseases of the skin of the face are quite common, among which are papillomas caused by the human papillomavirus. This virus in a latent state can be present in the body for many years, but it is activated only when the level of immunity protection decreases. Papillomas are warts and defects on the skin of the face, and these manifestations often develop against the background of pregnancy, seasonal vitamin deficiency or stress. Since sometimes the appearance of papillomas is an oncological symptom, if the slightest neoplasm occurs, it is necessary to consult a doctor for advice and for further examination.

    Hormonal imbalance - should it be corrected?

    In addition, facial skin diseases can be associated with hormonal disorders and pathologies of the nervous system. One such disease is seborrhea, which can occur as early as adolescence and persist throughout life. With seborrhea, the skin and hair become oilier, blackheads and blackheads appear.

    It is from them that scars often remain, which are later difficult to eliminate, so it is necessary to consult a specialist at the first symptoms. Various fungal diseases of the skin of the face can be signs of a chronic decrease in immunity, although in most cases they become secondary manifestations of the infection, and the skin on the hands and nails first suffers.

    Allergy - a reason to consult and be examined

    Also, the cause of the appearance of various skin lesions can be an allergy, which is the body's response to a specific irritant. An allergic reaction manifests itself in the form of red spots and rashes, swelling, acne, and an increase in body temperature can be observed. Most often, allergies are innate, although sometimes they can be acquired during life. Facial skin diseases require particularly careful treatment, because any deviation from the doctor's recommendations can ultimately only lead to an aggravation of the situation and the occurrence of a more severe lesion.

    Fungal infections should be treated by a qualified dermatologist.

    Fungal diseases of the skin of the face occur in the vast majority of cases with a significant decrease in the activity of the body's immune system. In addition, not a single skin mycosis begins with an isolated lesion of the face - there are always primary foci of inflammation of the skin of a different localization. That is why, if there is a suspicion of a fungal infection of the skin of the face, it is imperative to contact a qualified dermatologist to accurately establish the diagnosis and prescribe a comprehensive treatment for the identified disease.


    General information about skin diseases on the face

    Most often, people, faced with the problem of skin diseases on the face, use a variety of cosmetics, and this is not always correct. As with any other skin disease, a dermatologist should treat problems on the face. It is he who will prescribe adequate treatment, and if necessary, send you for a consultation with a beautician. Let us consider in detail the most common pathologies.

    Photo 1. Atopic dermatitis


    The largest group of skin diseases on the face (photo 1, 2) is dermatitis of various etiologies. Facial dermatitis can be divided into several groups:

    • Seborrheic dermatitis. Caused by yeast-like fungi. Manifested by a rash, itching, peeling in the cheekbones, chin, area above the upper lip. The lesions are usually symmetrical. There are oily and dry seborrheic dermatitis.
    • Allergic dermatitis. Caused by various allergens. Manifested by a rash, irritation after contact with an irritant. The principle of treatment of such dermatitis is based on the elimination of the allergen from the patient's environment and the use of antihistamines in the acute period.
    • Atopic dermatitis. The reason is again an allergen. The difference from acute allergic dermatitis is the chronicity of the process (often, allergic dermatitis of the face begins in early childhood). Requires competent, complex treatment, elimination of provoking factors.

    Photo 2. Seborrheic dermatitis

    We did not describe in detail the use of medications in order not to provoke you to use them without a doctor's prescription. All drugs that treat facial dermatitis have a number of contraindications and are selected strictly individually.


    Couperosis is commonly called a skin disease on the face (photo 3), which is manifested by persistent reddening of the face in the cheeks, forehead, cheekbones, chin, caused by weakness of the capillary walls. Redness on the face consists of the so-called "spider veins", which are not affected by cosmetics. Successful treatment of rosacea is carried out with the help of a laser and electrocoagulation in the conditions of cosmetology clinics. Patients with rosacea are not recommended to use skin scrubs, visit baths, saunas, abuse coffee and spicy foods. You should stop smoking.

    Photo 3. Couperose


    Under the incomprehensible word acne (photo 4), ordinary acne is hidden, which appear on the face most often in adolescents and have a root cause of a malfunction in the hormonal system of the body. Also, the cause of acne can be diseases of the stomach and intestines. The use of cosmetics is usually not enough to treat acne - treatment by a dermatologist is required. The most important thing that teenagers should know is that acne should never be pressed, because this can lead to infection and the spread of acne. Often, antimicrobial drugs are prescribed for the treatment of acne, which, in combination with daily hygiene procedures, give a good effect.

    Photo 4. Acne

    We told you about the most common skin diseases on the face. Photos of dermatitis, rosacea, acne clearly show how aesthetically pleasing people with similar pathologies look. Therefore, at the first symptoms of the disease, visit a dermatologist for a consultation so as not to start the disease.

    Video information on the topic


    What are the types of skin diseases

    It should be borne in mind that any manifestations on the skin of the face occur on the basis of a response to negative environmental factors or inside the body. If we talk about acne, it is known that this is the result of rebellious hormones; some sensitive patients develop rosacea with prolonged use of antibiotics.

    Couperose is the lot of lovers of beaches, saunas or solariums. This affects the long-term exposure of the skin to too hot or polluted water, as well as direct sunlight. We cannot in this article give a classification of all types of skin diseases - there are a huge number of them, although in many ways the symptomatic manifestations are similar.

    The attending physician conducts a thorough examination of the patient to clarify the diagnosis, since it is necessary to differentiate a banal allergy in the form of a rash, acne, swelling and redness from such facial skin diseases as rosacea, which requires complex treatment, and the problem of allergies is solved by eliminating contact with the allergen irritant.

    Acne (blackheads and pimples)

    Acne begins its development as a result of violations of the functions of the sebaceous glands or their inflammation, which occur for a number of reasons. In the early stages of the disease, black dots and small solitary acne appear on the skin of the face, which subsequently transform into focal inflammation with pain syndrome. Swellings develop, filled with purulent discharge.

    Acne is more common among teenagers during puberty. In many cases, when the hormonal balance is established, they disappear on their own, but there are also patients who need long-term conservative therapy.


    The disease manifests itself in the form of persistent hyperemic areas on the skin of the face, a pink or small red rash against the background of dilated vessels. The eyes are often affected. It is necessary to differentiate rosacea from acne, but a bright pink color speaks in favor of rosacea.


    Small meshes or spider veins form on the skin of the face. The cause of the development of rosacea is the weakened walls of small vessels - capillaries. Stagnation of blood contributes to the deterioration of the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and the appearance of the above-mentioned red spider veins. A reliable prevention of the further development of rosacea on the face is a complete refusal to take hot baths, visit saunas and steam rooms, the use of alcoholic beverages, spicy foods and coffee.

    Reliable remedies for rosacea are cosmetic preparations containing linolenic and ascorbic acids, vitamins A and B₅. It is not recommended to use cosmetics based on honey, fruit acids and alcohol.


    On the skin of the face, neoplasms protruding above the surface in the form of warts are visible. The source of infection is the papilloma virus. For your information: this virus can be found in the body of any person. But under certain conditions, the virus is activated and the process of formation of pathological growths begins. Such conditions are reduced immunity, skin injuries, lack of vitamins in the body, prolonged stress, and even pregnancy.

    Since benign papillomas can develop into malignant neoplasms, the patient must undergo a thorough examination in the hospital. An important preventive measure in this matter is to strengthen the immune system, maintain an active healthy lifestyle without alcohol and any excesses.

    Although papillomas are painless, they cause a lot of inconvenience and discomfort to the patient, as they are often injured by clothing. Conservative complex therapy of papillomas includes clarification and elimination of the causes that provoke the development of warts, removal of papillomas by excision, using a laser, electric current or cryotherapy.


    It manifests itself in the form of red pustules on the skin with pain. The causative agents of infection are pathogenic staphylococci and streptococci, a combination of these bacteria is possible. Tuberculous pustules gradually turn into vesicles filled with purulent contents.

    In the future, scabs form like honey crusts. Children get sick more often, impetigo can be a complication of other pathologies. Can get sick with impetigo and men who become infected while shaving in barbershops.


    The disease is a malignant neoplasm that has been transformed from a birthmark. The primary sign of melanoma is an increase in the size of the mole by more than 6 mm in diameter. A change in the color of a mole with jagged edges is also characteristic.


    The disease proceeds without inflammatory manifestations on the skin. Due to the delay in exfoliation, areas with excessive keratinization of the skin are formed. Horny places thicken and grow, causing discomfort and pain in the form of itching, ulceration, bleeding cracks and erosions.


    The disease consists in the appearance of milky white or pink spots on the skin of the face and on the body due to a deficiency of the melanin pigment. It is possible to increase the spots in size and acquire rounded outlines. Gradually, the spots merge and transform into large focal lesions.

    Until now, the cause and mechanism of vitiligo occurrence have not been sufficiently studied, there is an assumption that it is associated with a violation of skin pigmentation.


    Skin disease is expressed by excessive pigmentation of a separate area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin on the face. At the same time, the production of pigment increases and brown spots are formed that have clear outlines. After a while, small spots merge into larger outlines. The patient does not show any complaints, the skin does not hurt and does not peel off.

    The cause of the development of chloasma is a violation of the function of the pituitary gland and liver. Most often, the pathology occurs during pregnancy.

    Seborrheic dermatitis

    Seborrhea in its structure is associated with a change in the composition of sebum. On areas of the skin with a large number of sebaceous glands (skin of the head, face, armpits), inflammatory areas appear in the form of papulo-squamous rashes with clear boundaries. The resulting rashes are covered with exfoliated skin cells - a layer of oily scales.

    Spots tend to gradually grow and merge into larger lesions. The main cause of the development of seborrheic dermatitis is recognized as a violation of the endocrine and nervous systems. With untimely treatment of dermatitis, complications are possible in the form of furunculosis, thickening of the skin of the face, and painful acne. With this ailment, acne leaves irreversible scars.

    You can, of course, continue a huge list of skin problems on the face, but I think I will limit myself to what has been written. Most importantly, you must learn that if any symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a dermatologist. Keep in mind that using cosmetics to mask manifestations on the skin of the face or on other parts of the body will not solve the problem - you need to eliminate the root cause that led to the disease.

    And the causes of skin diseases of the face are as follows:

    - lack of facial skin care, improper and irrational use of cosmetics;

    - factors associated with hereditary burden;

    - weakening of the body's defenses, frequent infection with viral infections;

    - unhealthy lifestyle, poor nutrition;

    - diseases of the kidneys, circulatory and digestive systems;

    - disturbances in the work of the central nervous system;

    - disruption of the endocrine system of the body;

    - frequent stress, lack of energy or chronic fatigue.

    The diseases listed above contribute to the occurrence of skin diseases. Depending on their detection, the attending physician prescribes a comprehensive treatment.

    Treatment of diseases of the skin of the face

    Before starting treatment, you should consult a dermatologist, undergo the recommended examination in order to identify the underlying cause. Quality treatment depends on the diagnosis. Your doctor may prescribe antifungal and anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of tablets and ointments, as well as antibiotics.

    As an addition to the main treatment, folk remedies are recommended in the form of anti-inflammatory and soothing face masks at home, which alleviate the condition and improve the appearance of the face. In many cases, it is required to find complete peace without stress and overload, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and nutrition. It is imperative to give up such bad habits as smoking and alcoholism.

    A correct diagnosis ensures effective treatment and speeds up recovery. Do not delay, friends, with treatment!

    Stay healthy and God bless you!


    Diseases of the skin of the face most often develop unexpectedly and give us a lot of discomfort, for the most part of a psychological nature, because the face is the calling card of any person. Many facial skin diseases are perceived as an aesthetic flaw, so they are not given importance, while in fact a skin problem may be hidden deep in the body and require specialized treatment.

    Types of diseases of the skin of the face.
    In general, any manifestations on the skin of the face are a reaction to any factors. For example, acne is the result of raging hormones, rosacea can develop against the background of prolonged antibiotic therapy, and if you are a fan of beaches, solariums and saunas, then a disease such as rosacea will definitely make itself felt.

    It is very difficult to classify skin ailments, because there are a huge number of them, and the symptomatic manifestation can be similar for many. Therefore, in order to distinguish a common allergic reaction (acne, redness, swelling, rash), for example, from rosacea on the skin, you need to know about the most common skin diseases and their manifestations. If allergies can be cured by the banal elimination of contact with the allergen, then rosacea requires specialized treatment.

    Acne (pimples, blackheads).
    Acne develops as a result of a malfunction in the functioning of the sebaceous glands and their inflammation (which can be caused by a lot of reasons). At an early stage of development, it manifests itself in the form of black dots and small single acne on the face, which gradually turn into the appearance of inflamed focal rashes with painful manifestations. Swellings appear, filled with pus inside. Basically, this disease affects adolescents during puberty. By a certain point, when hormonal surges pass, in most cases it disappears on its own, but there are quite often cases when serious treatment is required.

    Rosacea is expressed in the appearance of a small red or pink rash on the skin of the face, seals, persistent redness of the skin in the central part of the face, vasodilation, and often eye damage. It is necessary to distinguish ordinary acne from rosacea. Of course, it is impossible to confuse because of the bright pink color.

    Couperosis is expressed in the formation of small vascular asterisks or nets on the skin of the face. The main culprit for its development is the weak walls of the capillaries. Against this background, stagnation of blood is observed, provoking a loss of elasticity and, as a result, the appearance of red vascular asterisks. To prevent aggravation of the disease, to reduce the risk of vasodilation, it is necessary to give up going to the sauna, taking hot baths, eating spicy foods, coffee and, of course, alcohol. Also, for the skin, it is recommended to use cosmetics, which include linolenic acid, ascorbic acid, vitamins B5 and A, and to abandon cosmetics with fruit acids, alcohol, honey.

    Papillomas are characterized by the appearance of protruding neoplasms (warts) on the skin, as a result of the activity of the papillomavirus. This virus is in the body of every person. Due to a decrease in immunity, injury to a certain skin area, lack of vitamins, constant stress, and even pregnancy, the papilloma virus is activated and provokes the appearance of growths. Such warts can sometimes be malignant in nature, hence the consultation of a specialist is mandatory. To prevent the occurrence of this disease of the skin of the face, it is recommended to strengthen your immune defenses, lead a healthy lifestyle. Papillomas cause a lot of inconvenience, often injured by clothing, which adds to the discomfort. The treatment of this skin disease is complex and includes the identification and elimination of the immediate cause that provoked the appearance of warts, as well as the removal of papillomas with a laser, using cryotherapy, electric current or by excision.

    The disease is pustular, infectious in nature. It is provoked by the activity of streptococci and staphylococci, sometimes their combination is found. The disease manifests itself in the formation of red bumpy rashes on the skin of the face with painful manifestations. Gradually, the tubercles are replaced by emerging vesicles with purulent contents. Then scabs like honey crusts form. Most often affects children, can also become a complication of other diseases. Among adults, mainly men are affected, becoming infected by shaving.

    Melanoma is a tumor that develops from a birthmark. As a rule, it is malignant. The main sign of melanoma is an increase in the size of the mole more than 6 mm in diameter, while the mole has jagged edges and changes color.

    Keratosis is a non-inflammatory skin disease associated with excessive keratinization of the skin due to delayed exfoliation. The disease manifests itself in thickening, keratinization of the skin, later, as the lesions grow, it causes discomfort and pain (itching, bleeding cracks, erosion and ulceration).

    The disease consists in the appearance of pink or milky-white spots on the skin of the face and body as a result of melanin pigment deficiency. Spots can grow in size, acquire rounded outlines. Gradually, the spots merge and form large focal lesions. The disease is caused by a violation of pigmentation. The causes and mechanisms of the development of the disease are not fully understood.

    The disease is an excessive pigmentation of a limited area of ​​the skin. Due to the increase in pigment production, brown spots with clear outlines appear. Gradually, small spots merge into larger formations. The spots do not bother their owner, they do not hurt and do not peel off. In their appearance, malfunctions in the liver, ovaries, and pituitary gland play a huge role. Most often appears during pregnancy.

    Seborrheic dermatitis.
    The development of seborrhea is associated with a violation of the composition of sebum, expressed in the appearance on the skin of the face (scalp, armpits, that is, in areas of the skin where sebaceous glands are concentrated in a large number) red papulo-squamous rashes of an inflammatory nature with clear boundaries. All rashes are covered with a layer of greasy scales (exfoliated skin cells). Spots tend to grow and merge over time. The main cause of development is considered to be malfunctions of the nervous system and hormonal disorders. A neglected disease is fraught with the appearance of painful acne, boils and thickening of the skin of the face. Often, acne with this disease leaves behind scars that cannot be eliminated.

    This list can be continued - eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, etc. If any suspicious symptoms of diseases appear, you should immediately contact a specialist doctor. Masking unpleasant manifestations with the help of decorative cosmetics will not help, it is necessary to eliminate the root cause.

    Causes of diseases of the skin of the face:

    All of these factors can contribute to the development of skin diseases. Treatment depends on the identification of the provoking factor.

    Treatment of diseases of the skin of the face.
    The first thing to do is to consult a doctor and undergo a prescribed examination to identify the cause of the development of the disease. An accurate diagnosis will determine the further treatment of the disease. Treatment can be medical in nature (antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and antifungal drugs (ointments, tablets)), supplemented with folk remedies (home soothing and anti-inflammatory masks) that alleviate the condition. In some cases, it is important to provide yourself with complete peace, protect the body from stress, eat a balanced diet, lead a healthy lifestyle, and give up bad habits.

    The effectiveness of treatment depends on the accuracy of the diagnosis. The most important thing is not to delay treatment.


    Radiant, full of health, well-moisturized and well-groomed - these are the characteristics of the skin of the face, which is in perfect condition. Unfortunately, there are often cases when you can’t say anything about it. And the reason for this is various diseases of the skin of the face, of which there are a large number of varieties in nature.

    They can bring not only physical suffering, but often worsen the mental and emotional state of the patient. And this is not surprising, since they are the cause of a violation of the aesthetic appearance of the face. At the same time, these pathologies signal the existence of internal disorders in the body. Therefore, it is important to correctly assess the problem and begin its treatment.

    Types and signs of pathological changes

    Skin diseases on the face are more often a reaction to various changes in the body. This may be a hormonal surge or prolonged use of antibiotics, or excessive passion for sauna or tanning.

    To date, there are about 700 pathological species that have almost the same symptoms. And only the exact determination of the cause of the disease is the first step towards its elimination. In order to correctly assess the rash that has appeared, to take the right treatment measures, it is useful to know its main symptoms and signs.

    Pyoderma or pustular infections

    These pathological changes are a consequence of the rapid activity of the microflora. They arise as a result of the activation of microorganisms such as streptococci, staphylococci, pyococci, and others.

    They lead to the development of a large number of diseases, among which the following should be highlighted:

    Being very common infections, up to 40% of the total number of dermatological pathologies occurs due to frequent overheating or hypothermia. Improper care also provokes these diseases. The first symptoms may appear in frequent stressful situations.

    The risk group includes women and men who in their history have some kidney disease, overweight and disorders of the hematopoietic process. The occurrence of these diseases is detected in people with problems in the central nervous system, as well as with diabetes. From the state of the immune system, the characteristics of the epidermis, how a person works and rests, the condition of his facial skin largely depends.

    Diseases caused by fungal infections

    Diseases of the skin of the face are very often the result of the activation of fungal infections. Many microscopic pathogenic fungi live in the layers of the epidermis. When certain conditions arise, they can be activated, which leads to a huge number of pathologies, often quite dangerous.

    Among them, the following should be highlighted:

    • Pityriasis versicolor, which looks like a scaly brown spot, it can also be yellow. Able to spread throughout the body;
    • Erythrism, which is spots that can be of different shapes and colors, but with a clear border. If the pathology is not treated, it becomes a chronic disease;
    • Seals that have a bluish-burgundy color, the so-called actinomycosis. Pathology does not cause pain, has the shape of a ball and forms fistulas. As a result, necrosis may develop, ulcers may occur, other organs may suffer;
    • Dermatomycosis, which is characterized by diaper rash, flaky skin and painful blisters. As a result - the occurrence of allergies, a decrease in the level of immunity.

    In addition to the troubles resulting from these infections, facial skin diseases caused by fungal microflora are also transient. There are many opportunities to get infected - through the use of things, swimming in the pool, taking a sauna, since places with high temperature and humidity are the most acceptable for any fungus. These diseases affect people who have varicose veins, weak immunity, skin lesions.

    Viral infections and their manifestations

    Viral infections are allergic reactions that occur in the body to the pathogens of measles or chickenpox. They are contagious and very easily transmitted.

    These include:

    These infectious diseases of the skin of the face can occur in women at different ages.

    They are a side effect, developing on the basis of existing chronic diseases. The most unpleasant is the ability of the virus to take root in the body, once in which it remains there almost forever.

    Treatment of these pathologies

    In the event of any changes on the skin of the face, do not hesitate and wait for it to pass by itself. Dermatological diseases do not go away on their own. This is where expert help is needed.

    Treatment begins with establishing an accurate diagnosis and the causes of the problem. Most often, therapy has a combined effect. This includes antifungal drug therapy and antibiotics. You also need to reconsider your habits, lifestyle. Sometimes you need to change your skin care products.

    In some cases, folk remedies that alleviate the main symptoms are a good help. But be sure to visit a dermatologist. By following his recommendations, you can quickly and effectively overcome the disease.

    Any flaw on the face greatly upsets us, because this is what first of all catches the eye. Of course, the aesthetic component is incredibly important, especially for women. But sometimes the problems don't stop there.

    A skin disease may not be just a temporary flaw in appearance, but a symptom of a serious internal disorder or skin infection. In this case, simple cosmetic procedures may not be enough, and it is necessary to resort to specialized treatment. Let's try to figure out why skin diseases appear, what they are and how to recognize them.

    Why do skin diseases occur on the face?

    Treatment of any disease is preceded by identifying the causes of its occurrence.

    Among the factors provoking facial skin diseases, cosmetologists distinguish the following:

    Lifestyle and nutrition undoubtedly play one of the key roles for the health of the body as a whole. However, a number of facial diseases can be of an infectious nature. In this case, simple changes in diet or quitting smoking and drinking will not change the situation for the better. Also, the face very often suffers from allergic conditions. However, allergies are easily recognized by a whole list of additional symptoms.

    What skin diseases can be on the face?

    Facial skin is a mirror of almost any internal problems of the body. In addition, any manifestations of the environment can affect its state. So, if acne is associated with hormonal changes, then age spots and rosacea are not uncommon for lovers of tanning and solariums.

    The classification of skin ailments is very problematic, because with an incredible number of their varieties, many of them have quite similar symptoms. Not every doctor will be able to instantly distinguish allergic rashes, for example, from acne or infection. And if an allergy can be cured by protecting the patient from contact with an irritant, then the situation is more complicated with papilloma or rosacea.

    The most common skin infections and diseases are listed below:

    Of course, the list of diseases that appear on the skin of the face does not end there. Any suspicious rashes, neoplasms, redness and peeling should be a signal to visit a qualified dermatologist. As soon as the diagnosis is established, and the causes of the disease are clarified, the doctor prescribes treatment. Often it is a certain set of medicines taken in a complex. These can be antibiotics, antifungal tablets and creams, anti-inflammatory ointments.

    Also during the treatment, home remedies can be used in the form of masks and applications that have a calming and anti-inflammatory effect.

    An important condition for the treatment of skin diseases is a balanced diet, avoiding alcohol and smoking, as well as eliminating stress.

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