How to relieve pain during menstruation. How not to take pills, but get rid of abdominal pain during menstruation. Diagnosis of painful menstruation

Many women during menstruation experience spastic pain in the lower abdomen, which can be either almost imperceptible, not causing noticeable discomfort, or very strong, unbearable.

It may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, migraine, dizziness, diarrhea, slight fever.

Types of algomenorrhea. How to treat

It is necessary to distinguish between methods of treatment, since algomenorrhea is primary, when from the very beginning menstruation has always been extremely painful and secondary - severe pain torments women over 30 years old.

Secondary algomenorrhea occurs due to infections, hormonal disorders, surgical operations, etc. Pain during menstruation may not decrease throughout the entire period of critical days. In this case, the root cause must be treated. Primary algomenorrhea often disappears after the first birth.

In any case, with dysmenorrhea, experts advise checking health, because this condition can be a symptom of various serious diseases.

How to relieve menstrual pain for a healthy woman

Discomfort appears both immediately before the onset of menstruation, and in the first hours of menstruation. Painful sensations last from several hours to 2-3 days.

A few tips on "how to reduce pain during menstruation"

Preventive measures

Intense pain on critical days (algomenorrhea, dysmenorrhea) interferes with full-fledged work, communication and rest, disrupts the usual rhythm of life, so it is necessary to take measures to reduce pain:

How to reduce pain during menstruation without drugs


Doctors prescribe drugs of various mechanisms of action to reduce pain during menstruation.

  • Sedative drugs. If on critical days a woman becomes irritable, tearful, hysterical, a depressive state appears, motherwort, valerian, sleeping pills should be taken (strictly as prescribed by a doctor).
  • Antispasmodics. The safest and most effective are No-shpa or its analogue Drotaverine, Papaverine. These drugs can be taken even during pregnancy.
  • Painkillers. Excellent help Ibuprofen, Ketanov, Pentalgin.
  • In the case of primary algomenorrhea, the gynecologist can prescribe hormonal contraceptives or drugs containing progestins.

Herbal teas to reduce pain during menstruation

  • Melissa- an indispensable tool for a woman's health, as it normalizes the menstrual cycle, relieves irritability and insomnia, helps to get pregnant;
  • Raspberry- relieves pain on critical days, regulates the cycle. Raspberry leaves - 3 tsp pour boiling water (250 ml), leave for 15 minutes, drink in portions of 50 ml throughout the day;
  • Chamomile- calms the nervous system and strengthens the immune system. Chamomile essential oil has a pronounced analgesic effect;
  • Elecampane root- normalizes the level of hormones, relieves painful manifestations in dysmenorrhea, is used to treat infertility (stimulates the function of the ovaries and uterus). 1 tsp pour boiling water (250 ml), leave for 1 hour, drink 1 tbsp. 3 doses per day;
  • Horsetail- used as an anti-inflammatory, wound healing, diuretic, tonic, with intense and painful menstruation. 1 tbsp brew with boiling water (300 ml), insist for an hour, drink 50 ml / hour, increasing the interval when the pain subsides.

Exercises on the floor (on the mat)

By adjusting your lifestyle and choosing the right technique, you can almost completely get rid of menstrual pain.

Useful videos on how to reduce pain during menstruation

Here are some tips to help relieve period pain:

How to reduce pain during menstruation:

Women should be enrolled in the ranks of masochists. They regularly put their own body to the test: they pluck their eyebrows, remove excess hair on their legs with epilators or wax, and make “beauty injections”. But even these uncomfortable sensations cannot be compared with the pain during menstruation, which makes you want to climb a wall or pretend to be dead until the critical days are over.

emergency measures

The main cause of hellish torment is spasms. Warmth will relieve suffering for a short time.

  1. Put on woolen socks and thick pants with a loose elastic band so that it does not pinch the lower abdomen.
  2. Put a heating pad or a bottle of warm water on the problem area. The device will stimulate vasodilation. Hold for a maximum of 20 minutes so as not to provoke bleeding.
  3. Wrap yourself in a blanket or blanket, as if in a cocoon, tucking your knees to your chin.
  4. Instead of a heating pad, you can put a dry towel on the lower abdomen, which will warm and alleviate painful symptoms.

Sometimes menstrual pain occurs due to dehydration, or inflammatory processes in the appendages. In such cases, you should make a large cup of tea with chamomile or mint. Herbs are soothing and relieve inflammation. A spoonful of honey won't hurt.

Some women benefit from light physical activity:

  • squats;
  • forward bends;
  • yoga;
  • walks in the park.

It is harmful to lie on the couch or in bed for days. Due to the horizontal position, blood stagnates in the pelvic organs, and discomfort may intensify. The first steps and turns will have to be done with teeth clenched in pain, but gradually the discomfort will become weaker.

Special exercises

  1. Move to the floor and lie on your back. Press straight arms to the body, and bend the legs at the knees. Slowly raise and lower the stomach without lifting the buttocks from a flat surface. The duration of the exercise is 2 minutes, but can be reduced if the pain only intensifies.
  2. Take the position "on all fours". Lower your head and try to reach your chest with your chin. The lower back can be slightly arched, but not much. Stay in this position for at least 2 minutes.
  3. Lying on your back, move up to the wall, and rest against it with your heels. The legs should be bent at the knees, but not at a right angle. Stay in the “birch” position for 5-10 minutes until the discomfort disappears or decreases.

Medical assistance
Is your period accompanied by irritability, depressive thoughts, or uncontrollable nervousness? The tablet "Valerian", "Relanium", "Glicised" or "Trioxazine" will save.

If the only problem is pain, you should take "No-shpu", "Papaverine", "Butadion" or "Nise". You can not exceed the dosage, and get carried away with pills. They negatively affect the functioning of the nervous system and digestive organs.

A few words about hormones
For girls suffering from painful menstruation and cycle disorders, a gynecologist can prescribe oral contraceptives. They perform the function of contraceptives, and normalize the level of hormones in the body. Drugs are prescribed only after ultrasound and blood tests.

Important: Do not take hormonal pills on your own, even if they relieve pain. Uncontrolled intake of such medications is fraught with serious disorders, including infertility and oncology.

You should donate blood for biochemistry to determine the level of vitamins and minerals in the body. If there is not enough calcium or magnesium, B6 or tocopherol, the doctor may prescribe special complexes. They will restore the vitamin and mineral balance, and relieve painful periods.

Self massage
Palms should be warm. You should arm yourself with massage oil, in which you can add 5-10 drops of essential: juniper, fennel, grape seed or sage. Take a comfortable position on your back, and apply a little of the mixture on your stomach. Rub the oils with light strokes. The palms should move clockwise.

Physical activity and no stress

Women with painful menstruation are recommended to actively engage in yoga or body flex in the first half of the cycle. Due to physical activity, blood circulation in the uterus and appendages improves, and the whole body remains in good shape. For some, Kegel exercises, which are designed to train the muscles of the vagina, help. They will be useful in hormonal disorders and inflammatory processes, strengthen blood vessels in the uterus, preventing varicose veins in the pelvic organs.

Before the onset of menstruation, you should go to the gym less often, and reduce the amount of sex. Give preference to yoga or meditation.

nerves and pain
Regular stress negatively affects a woman's well-being, and can cause discomfort on critical days. It is advised to master several techniques for getting rid of irritability and tension in order to protect the nervous system and your own health.

  1. Write down negative emotions on a clean sheet, and burn them, imagining that fire destroys irritation and gives peace.
  2. Stock up on special coloring pages designed to combat stress.
  3. Do not get hung up on work, and be sure to arrange a day off. Go to visit or cinema, walk in the park.

For a healthy lifestyle

Nicotine is the enemy of the female body. Resins, getting into the body, clog the vessels, preventing normal blood circulation. Hence - spasms, hellish pain, and poor health. Girls should give up cigarettes, or limit themselves to 1-2 pieces per day during menstruation.

Alcohol dehydrates the body, so you should not get carried away with drinks with a degree, even wine. An explosive mixture of alcohol and nicotine. It may seem to some that vodka or cognac relieves pain, because they “freeze” the nerve endings for a while. But when the effect of alcohol wears off, the discomfort will return, and it is likely that with a vengeance.

About proper nutrition

Food affects a woman's health and well-being. A list of foods that should not be consumed during menstruation was compiled:

  • sausage, red meat;
  • fried foods;
  • fat of animal origin;
  • margarine and butter;
  • mayonnaise;
  • bakery products;
  • marinades;
  • salty fish;
  • fresh fruit, but you can baked apples;
  • soda and drinks containing caffeine;
  • raw vegetable salads;
  • eggs in any form.

Instead of food that has fallen under the ban, the diet should be enriched with healthy foods:

  • nuts of any variety that reduce pain;
  • dietary meat, such as chicken breast or turkey;
  • low-fat steam or boiled fish;
  • cereals, but you can not add sugar to them, or a lot of salt;
  • stewed or boiled vegetables, stews and other dishes;
  • fermented milk products that relieve discomfort in the abdomen and enrich the body with calcium.

Important: Beef liver and buckwheat porridge should be present in the diet. These dishes contain iron, which is not enough for the body during menstruation.

Some girls are used to eating irritation and pain with chocolate. It is advised to switch to herbal teas with honey, or opt for a milk or white variety that is lower in caffeine. Oriental women drink pineapple juice on critical days to alleviate unpleasant symptoms.

Folk ways to solve the problem

  1. In 300 ml of boiling water, insist 20 g of horsetail. Strained decoction is taken every hour, 50 ml, until the pain subsides.
  2. The leaves of wild strawberries also help. You will need a tablespoon of raw materials and a glass of cold water. The components must stand for 8 hours so that the beneficial substances from the greens pass into the water. At a time, use 100 ml of the resulting drink, repeat after 24 hours.
  3. An alternative is raspberry leaves. 60 g of raw materials brew 250 ml of boiling water. Infuse for 15-20 minutes, drink slowly, in small sips.
  4. 15 g of valerian root and peppermint plus 30 g of chamomile. Mix, and brew a tablespoon of raw materials with a glass of boiling water. Wait 30 minutes, strain, and drink 50–60 ml of the drink three times a day.
  5. Helps with pain elecampane root. You will need a teaspoon of the component in a glass of boiling water. The decoction should be infused for at least an hour. Three times a day, a tablespoon.
  6. For half an hour, simmer 60 g of viburnum bark in a glass of water over low heat. Strained and chilled drink drink 3 times a day. A tablespoon is enough before you sit down for lunch or breakfast.
  7. It is recommended to try oregano: a teaspoon of herbs for a cup of hot water. Leave for 20 minutes. Add a spoonful of honey and drink.

Traditional ways

Women who have given birth and are not planning to have children may be offered a hormonal spiral. It does not interfere with lovemaking, protects against unwanted pregnancy, and reduces the pain of menstruation.

Childless girls who are just planning a family should pay attention to electrophoresis or hirudotherapy. In the first case, weak current discharges affect the solar plexus area. The procedure is almost painless, because the doctor treats the skin with novocaine, which freezes the nerve endings. It will take approximately 6-8 treatments.

In the second case, medical leeches are used. They improve blood circulation in the pelvis, treat some diseases of the ovaries and uterus. You can try acupuncture, or acupressure.

All methods should be discussed with a doctor, and seek help from certified specialists who perform manipulations in sterile rooms. An alternative is the Kuznetsov applicator, which is applied to the lower back for 10-15 minutes.

If it was not possible to get rid of menstrual pain with folk or medication, the spiral or oral contraceptives turned out to be powerless, it is worth examining in detail with a gynecologist, endocrinologist and other specialists. The cause of discomfort that is accompanied by tachycardia, dizziness, and even loss of consciousness may be endometriosis, adhesions, or a malignant tumor.

Video: exercises to reduce pain during the menstrual cycle


It is known that about 70% of women experience menstrual discomfort, cycle disorders, and feel unwell. Unpleasant sensations may occur in the head, uterus or back. To get rid of the syndrome, you need to know what to do to treat the pathological condition.

Pain during menstruation

Forcing women to change their normal, habitual way of life of pain during menstruation. Often people do not know how to get rid of them, to calm them down. The syndrome can occur in different parts of the body. Reasons for its development may include:

  • female reproductive system;
  • lower back.

Stomach pain during menstruation

There are several reasons why the lower abdomen hurts during menstruation:

    Hormonal changes. An increase in the concentration of prostaglandins provokes uterine contractions. Moreover, the more of these elements in the hormonal set, the more intensively the organ moves, the lower abdomen hurts a lot.

  • Unusual position of the uterus. This organ can be tilted back, putting pressure on the nerve endings. If a teenager, girl or woman has such a uterine position, she will experience discomfort.
  • Uterine contractions. The period of menstruation is characterized by a change in the endometrium. The dead cells must leave the body. To do this, they are pushed out by means of contractions of smooth muscles. The process can cause pain.

Lower back pain during menstruation

The main reasons explaining why the lower back hurts during menstruation are:

    Pressure on the roots of the nerves due to the curvature of the uterus back.

  • Infections of a venereal nature, which are accompanied by inflammatory processes.
  • An increase in pressure on the spine and lumbar muscles associated with a failure in the ratio of water and salt, accompanied by an increase in body weight.
  • Adhesions that have arisen in the uterine cavity after past diseases, which prevent the timely removal of secretions.
  • The process of cleansing from obsolete mucous membranes, which consists in strong contractions of the organ, irritation of nerve endings.

Headache during menstruation

Sometimes girls suffer from a headache during menstruation or during PMS. By their nature, unpleasant sensations are strong, pulsating. This symptom is explained by the narrowing and sharp expansion of the vessels of the brain. The head on critical days can be very painful for several reasons:

    A change in the composition of hormones can also have an impact on the processes occurring in the vessels, so a large number of women feel acute discomfort in the lower abdomen.

  • A failure in the water-salt balance can lead to slight swelling of the brain tissue.

How to relieve period pain

Today, pharmaceutical companies offering affordable means can help girls who are thinking about how to relieve pain during menstruation:


  • candles;
  • thermal patches.

Pills for pain during menstruation

Pills can help with menstruation when the head, lower back or stomach is very sore. Medicine provides 3 groups of drugs to get rid of pain:

Antispasmodics. Medicines will help to cope with uterine spasms, reduce pain. The following drugs can be attributed to popular means of the category:

Anti-inflammatory drugs. Medicines are a reliable method for relieving period pain. They need to be used during the premenstrual period. Due to their effect, the pills can prevent the problem, but they should not be used for stomach ulcers. On the pharmacy shelves you can find such drugs:

  • ibuprofen;
  • Diclofenac (pills or suppositories);
  • Paracetamol;
  • Ketonal.

Patch for pain during menstruation

The use of a patch for pain during menstruation is based on the application of heat. Traditional medicine uses a heating pad for this, but a strip of fabric glued to a part of the body is more convenient. How to get rid of severe pain during menstruation? The use of warming procedures sometimes works more effectively than tablets, so the answer to the question of whether it is possible to warm the stomach is positive. There are several companies that produce new products in the form of thermal patches specifically for critical days:

  • Cure Tape;
  • extraplast;
  • Thermacare.

Candles for pain during menstruation

For the fair sex, who do not want to take pills, suppositories for pain during menstruation are suitable. The drugs act locally, anesthetizing and stopping inflammation. They are easily introduced due to the creamy structure. Among the popular tools are the following:

    Paracetamol- have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Candles must be used several times a day, observing a four-hour interval between procedures so as not to harm the body.

  • Cefekon D- has the same active substance, relieves inflammation, menstrual pain syndrome. It will help relieve menstrual headaches and pain in the reproductive system.

How to relieve pain during menstruation without pills

If a woman is allergic to medications, the question of what to do and how to relieve pain during menstruation without pills is especially important for her. With painful periods, alternative medicines can help:

    Acupuncture- Oriental method, how to get rid of abdominal pain during menstruation. It can only be used with the help of a competent specialist.

  • Infusions, decoctions of herbs you can take and prepare yourself.
  • warming up- an effective option, how to get rid of pain during menstruation.

Folk remedies for pain during menstruation

To help eliminate discomfort without harming the body, folk remedies for pain during menstruation can:

    Pour 0.2 liters of boiling water 1 tsp. elecampane root. Cover the container with a lid, leave for about 60 minutes. Drinking a decoction is required three times a day for 30 g. When the discomfort begins to pass, reduce the frequency of admission.

More than half of the world's women experience pain of varying severity during menstruation. It can be both light pulling sensations in the lower abdomen, and severe cramping pains, which are extremely difficult to endure. In most cases, discomfort is a variant of the norm, and it is not necessary to deal with them. If only they are concerned, then pills for pain during menstruation, which can be found in any pharmacy, can become a salvation.

But if, in addition to pain, there is diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, and even fainting, a doctor's consultation is necessary. A severe degree of dysmenorrhea can indicate serious disorders in the body.

If there are no other reasons for concern and the main complaint of a woman is pain during menstruation, then you should not worry. Such pain may occur due to active uterine contractions.

The menstrual cycle takes place in such a way that approximately once a month the uterus, intensively contracting, begins to reject the inner layer of the epithelium. Contractions are caused by a large release of active substances - prostaglandins. The result is pain of varying severity.

Pain during menstruation may increase in the presence of the following circumstances:

  • malnutrition;
  • insufficient physical activity;
  • recent childbirth or;
  • hereditary factor;
  • the presence of an intrauterine contraceptive;
  • stress, shocks or increased emotionality.

Many women immediately ask themselves: what to drink if the stomach hurts during menstruation? But knowing its causes, you can not bring it to medication.

Eating fatty, fried and spicy foods is not recommended during and before menstruation. The more the outflow of water from the body is delayed, the more likely it is that the pain will intensify.

The same can be said about physical activity. Moderate activity allows you to digest food faster, prevents stagnation of water and improves blood circulation.

If a woman has had an abortion, childbirth or surgery in the last six months, then pain during menstruation may be a natural consequence. This phenomenon is normal and is the result of physical interference.

These pains usually go away within a few months. Also, the pain may intensify due to a contraceptive installed in the uterus or another.

Dysmenorrhea - normal or a reason to see a doctor?

The degree of pain depends not only on the number and strength of contractions, but also on the level of the pain threshold - some women tolerate pain more easily than others.

But if the discomfort is too strong, you need to pay attention to the presence of other alarming symptoms, since dysmenorrhea can accompany such serious disorders as:

  • spontaneous abortion ();
  • low calcium levels;
  • lowering the level of progesterone;
  • ovarian cyst;
  • bending of the uterus;
  • various inflammations of the genital organs.

Primary dysmenorrhea appears in young girls immediately after the onset of menstruation or within 3-4 years. Most often, emotional girls experience severe pain. There are two types of dysmenorrhea: adrenergic and parasympathetic. They differ in associated symptoms.

Adrenergic type It is expressed in an increase in the level of dopamine and adrenaline, as a result of which the hormonal background of a person changes. This is manifested by tachycardia, constipation, headaches, vasospasm.

With parasympathetic type of dysmenorrhea, on the contrary, diarrhea, edema appears, the heartbeat decreases, excess weight appears. Both types do not pose a danger to the body and are the norm, especially often manifested in girls with asthenic physique.

You need to sound the alarm in the following cases:

  • pills for stomach pain do not help;
  • severe bleeding, with many clots;
  • unbearable pain, nausea, vomiting and other unpleasant symptoms.

You need to see a doctor urgently. Sometimes the cause may be a miscarriage that has begun, which can be easily confused with menstruation. Since, ignoring its symptoms and untimely seeking help can cost not only health, but also life.

How to prevent menstrual pain?

Unfortunately, the realities of modern life are such that, regardless of the nature of the pain during menstruation, it is impossible to fall out of the schedule of daily activities. Therefore, many women find many ways not only to get rid of the onset of abdominal pain, but also to prevent it.

Approximately 3-4 days before the expected date of the onset of menstruation, you should refuse coffee, fried, fatty, dishes with a lot of spices, as well as sweets.

It is undesirable to consume dairy products. Raw or boiled vegetables, fruits and berries will be useful. You should eat boiled lean meat. By the way, the liver, which is rich in iron, is necessary for the body that is losing blood. Be sure to eat cereals, especially buckwheat.

The best drinks that you can drink with monthly pain to eliminate them are herbal teas - with lemon balm, mint or chamomile. They can also be used before menstruation. Additionally, you can use multivitamins, preparations with magnesium and calcium.

Physical activity has a beneficial effect on blood flow and uterine contractions. Experts say that female athletes are much less likely to experience discomfort during menstruation. It's all about physical activity.

Unprepared girls, of course, do not need to set Olympic records. For those who are far from sports, an active walk in the park, walking, cycling or rollerblading is perfect. Women who attend fitness clubs can and should continue training, slightly reducing their activity.

On the eve of menstruation, you need to protect yourself from stress and shocks as much as possible.

Medicines for pain during menstruation

The first solution that comes to mind is to take painkillers. But not every woman knows exactly which pills will help with pain during menstruation. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) have the fastest effect.

They relieve menstrual pain in 15-20 minutes and can even prevent severe pain if you start taking them 1-2 days before your period starts.

The principle of action of NSAIDs is to block the production of prostaglandins that cause too strong uterine contractions. After taking the pill, contractions become less pronounced, and the pain subsides, while the work of rejecting the epithelium does not stop.

From pain during menstruation, NSAID tablets containing active ingredients such as:

  • ibuprofen;
  • Indomethacin;
  • diclofenac sodium;
  • Ketoprofen;
  • Piroxicam.

Aspirin also belongs to anti-inflammatory drugs, but its analgesic effect is much lower compared to other drugs in this group. In addition, aspirin preparations have a blood-thinning effect and may increase bleeding.

It is necessary to strictly adhere to the recommendations specified in the instructions, since exceeding the maximum dose can lead to serious side effects. No matter how severe the pain during menstruation, you can not drink more than two tablets of NSAIDs at a time. During the day, such a drug is allowed to take no more than 4 times.

Various antispasmodics, such as Drotaverine (the well-known No-Shpa), Papaverine and others, or analgesics (Analgin, Baralgin), have proven themselves well. Such tablets must be taken in a course and strictly adhere to the recommendations on the package.

It is also necessary to keep in mind that such drugs have an extensive list of contraindications. It is best to consult a gynecologist or therapist before using them.

The name of the pills for pain during menstruation can be different, so you need to pay attention to their active ingredient. This is especially true in cases where side effects or an allergy to a particular drug were noticed earlier.

It is necessary to drink medicines exclusively with plain water at room temperature. It is strictly forbidden to take the tablets with milk or hot tea. The temperature of tea and the composition of milk enter into undesirable reactions with the tablet. As a result, it will not have the desired effect, but it can be extremely harmful to the liver or pancreas.

Often, gynecologists answer questions from women about which pills to drink for pain during menstruation simply - contraceptives. By prescribing them, the doctor expects not only to protect the girl from unwanted pregnancy, but also to normalize the hormonal background of her body.

In the absence of strong hormonal surges, the pain during menstruation will become much less pronounced. To achieve this effect, contraceptives should be drunk for a long time, and only a doctor can choose them for the needs of a particular organism.

How to relieve pain without medication?

If the pain is taken by surprise, you can perform several breathing exercises. To do this, you need to take a comfortable position, sitting or reclining, and take a deep slow breath in through your nose, and then exhale through your mouth.

Another option for this exercise is with weights on the stomach (a medium-sized book will do, in no case do you need to use very heavy objects!). It is enough to perform 5-6 repetitions to relieve pain.

From sharply emerging pain, heat helps well. For example, a heating pad or a plastic bottle of warm water placed on the stomach for 15 minutes. To eliminate the pain that has already occurred during menstruation, you can drink something that will increase blood circulation, such as hot black tea or non-alcoholic mulled wine.

Herbal infusions also have a beneficial effect. Most often, during menstruation, they drink an infusion of raspberry leaves, oregano herbs and fees from chamomile and lemon balm.

An effective remedy for pain is massage. With menstrual pain, the following types of it will help:

  • light stroking of the abdomen clockwise;
  • back massage;
  • acupressure.

Acupressure massage consists in massaging a point on the inside of the lower leg, 4–5 cm above the ankle. Short presses on it will relieve abdominal pain.

In most cases, menstrual pain is explained quite simply. If pregnancy does not occur, the endometrium (the lining of the uterus) is shed from the walls of the uterus, while prostaglandins are released, which contributes to a better release of the remnants of the uterine lining to the outside. If a lot of prostaglandins are formed, the muscles contract more actively, which causes menstrual pain.

Specialists for painful periods have their own name - dysmenorrhea (formerly called algomenorrhea). In addition, doctors divide it into primary and secondary.

  • Primary dysmenorrhea is characteristic of young girls and women (aged approximately 14 to 25 years) and is characterized by contractile activity of the uterus. In addition to the characteristic pain in the lower abdomen, symptoms of primary dysmenorrhea can include nausea, headaches, and upset stools. They usually appear a day before and a couple of days after the onset of menstruation. Dysmenorrhea is successfully treated and if painful periods are bothering you, it is better to see a doctor who will prescribe treatment.
  • Secondary dysmenorrhea is usually associated with organic changes in the pelvic organs (for example, endometriosis, chronic inflammatory processes with the formation of adhesions). In this case, only your attending gynecologist will be able to choose the right treatment.

Causes of menstrual pain that are not related to diseases of the female reproductive system include:

  • intrauterine device
  • lack of physical activity
  • deficiency of magnesium and calcium in the body
  • malnutrition
  • stress and lack of sleep
  • low pain threshold

How to get rid of menstrual pain

If the pain before or during menstruation passes quickly and does not cause you much inconvenience, you practically do not pay attention to the onset of menstruation and lead a normal life, then it is enough to take care of yourself by avoiding excessive physical exertion these days. But if the first day of your period turns into a real nightmare for you, you should take action.

How to relieve period pain


The easiest and most popular way is to take a pill that relieves pain and spasms. Just be sure to consult your doctor about which drug is right for you. But don't make it a habit to take painkillers. If you cannot live without pills every month and take them several times a day, this is a wake-up call, which means that you need to see a doctor immediately.

Oral contraceptives

Birth control pills contain hormones that inhibit ovulation. No ovulation - no painful periods. Among other things, they will save you from the manifestations of PMS (premenstrual syndrome). But keep in mind that you need to select such pills individually and only your gynecologist can do this based on the results of examinations and tests.

Physical exercise

Some women mistakenly believe that sports are contraindicated during menstruation, although in reality the opposite is true. Sports activities provide good blood circulation in the muscles and make them more elastic. The uterus consists of several types of muscles, so regular exercise and good constant stretching make it much easier to endure the pain during menstruation caused by uterine contractions.

So if you do not have special prescriptions from doctors, try doing light exercises:

  • Stand up straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart and do 15-20 regular squats. Keep your weight on your heels and keep your back straight.
  • Sit in a Turkish position and begin to slowly bring and spread your knees. Repeat 15-20 times.
  • Get on all fours, arch your back like a cat, and then return to the starting position. Repeat 15-20 times.

But it is better to refuse serious power loads in the first days of menstruation.


Swimming is worth highlighting. It is the safest and least traumatic sport that relieves pain. It helps to relax muscles and relieve tension. Just do not forget to use a tampon while swimming, and immediately after the pool - change it. Tampax tampons are perfect for this. Their plastic Compak applicator fits easily in your hand, so you can quickly and discreetly go and change your tampon.

Taking vitamins

Vitamin B6 and magnesium are friends and main helpers of a woman suffering from menstrual pain. Taking these vitamins and minerals will help reduce discomfort. In addition, today for women there are many vitamin complexes that can facilitate the course of menstruation. But it is best to choose them together with a doctor.


Take a warm, comfortable shower or place a warm (!) heating pad on your lower abdomen to help ease the pain. And if there is no special heating pad, you can pour warm water into an ordinary plastic bottle. This method is best for relieving menstrual pain before going to bed, as it is best to immediately lie down in a warm bed after a shower.

Herbal teas, decoctions and infusions

Tea with chamomile or mint also helps to relax the abdominal muscles and reduce menstrual pain. Herbal infusions are also well suited - nettle, horsetail, wild strawberries and calendula.

Fetal position

Lie down, or better yet, sleep a little in the fetal position. To do this, lie on the floor and pull your legs up to your stomach. This position will help you relax and reduce pain.

Balanced diet

On the eve and during menstruation, doctors recommend reducing the consumption of coffee, strong tea, as well as fried and spicy. But calcium-rich foods should be eaten more actively. Include more cottage cheese, milk porridge, fish, cheese and bananas in your diet. By the way, bananas, among other things, will also help improve your mood, which will definitely not hurt in the first days of menstruation.

Massage of the abdomen and lower back

  • Lumbar massage can help relieve spasms and soothe pain. Ideally, it should be made to you by a loved one. But if at the right time such a person is not around, you can make it yourself. Place a tennis ball in two bags or socks and lie on them with your lower back (the balls should be on both sides of the spine at the level of the lower ribs). Gently roll on the balls, massaging the muscles.
  • Massaging the abdomen will help relieve tension in the abdominal area. To do this, massage your stomach with a warm hand in a circular motion in a clockwise direction.

Prevention of pain during menstruation

So that menstrual pain does not cause you inconvenience:

  • Lead an active lifestyle and play sports. According to statistics, athletes are much less likely to complain of pain during menstruation. Moreover, the sport can be anything - from yoga, Pilates and swimming to martial arts and dancing.
  • Be outdoors more and get enough sleep.
  • Include foods rich in calcium (cottage cheese, cheese, seafood) and magnesium (buckwheat, parsley, spinach, dark chocolate) in your diet.
  • Try to eat less spicy and fried foods and avoid coffee and strong tea.
  • Give up bad habits.
  • Do not overcool, avoid stressful situations. Visit the gynecologist every six months, even if nothing bothers you. Any disease is much easier to prevent than to treat. Not to mention the fact that many processes in the female body can occur asymptomatically for a long time.

In what cases should you immediately consult a doctor:

  • The pain is so severe that I have to take sick leave and not get out of bed all day.
  • The pain continues for more than two days.
  • Menstrual pains began to torment you recently, although earlier periods were painless.
  • Periods have become more abundant than usual or last much longer.
  • You are taking oral contraceptives, and severe pain still bothers you.
  • Painkillers don't help you.

In all these cases, you should not self-medicate or heroically endure discomfort. It is better to go to the gynecologist as soon as possible in order to establish and eliminate the cause of these symptoms and return to your usual way of life as soon as possible.

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