Eyes began to see poorly up close what to do. I can't see well up close - what should I do? What is the name of vision when you can't see well up close. "Vitamins for the eyes"

We welcome you to our website. There are a lot of people who have a violation of the visual apparatus. In this article, we will try to explain what myopia and farsightedness are in simple terms. Nearsightedness and farsightedness are opposite concepts. To understand what kind of pathology a person has, you need to understand the difference between these diseases.

Diagnosis is quite simple, does not require any special knowledge, but it is still necessary to see a doctor if you suspect a violation of visual function. In the ophthalmologist's office there is a Sivtsev table, where letters are shown line by line - large on top, decreasing towards the bottom lines. People with myopia have trouble seeing the lower lines, those with farsightedness - the upper ones.
Let's take a closer look at both of these diseases.


Nearsightedness (the medical term is myopia) is a vision problem in which a person sees an image indistinctly far away, but sees well near. The reason lies in the fact that focusing occurs not on the retina, but in front of it. When a person with such a pathology looks into the distance, he sees blurry and blurred. It is recommended to wear diffusing corrective lenses with a minus value.

Myopia can be:

  • weak degree - up to three diopters;
  • medium degree - from three to six diopters;
  • high degree - over six diopters.

The disease can progress, and this happens gradually, school-age children are most susceptible, because. they have a very strong daily strain on the eyes and, perhaps, an incorrect posture at the desk.


Farsightedness (the medical term is hypermetropia) - with this disease of the organs of vision, a person sees an image indistinctly near, but well in the distance. This happens due to the fact that focusing occurs not on the retina, but behind it. With such a diagnosis, it is recommended to correct vision with the help of converging lenses with a plus value. Glasses or lenses are used primarily for reading or working with fine details.

Hypermetropia can be:

  • weak degree - up to two diopters;
  • medium degree - from two to five diopters;
  • high degree - more than five diopters.

With a weak degree, a person can feel severe fatigue, periodic headaches and dizziness, while he sees quite well both near and far. With a medium and high degree, focusing on objects near is already noticeably deteriorating, even if they are not nearby.

Reasons for the appearance

Myopia can appear for several reasons:

  1. Overstrain of the visual organs, if a person strains his eyes for a long time from day to day. Incorrect lighting while working at a monitor or an incorrect posture when working at a computer also affects eye fatigue. Often such a disease in people whose profession is associated with constant work at a computer or work with small details, for example, jewelers.
  2. Heredity. If the parents have myopia, then there is a chance that the child will have the same disease.
  3. Vision correction was done out of time. With the primary signs of myopia with eye strain, the necessary measures were not taken, and it began to progress.
  4. Injury to the eye (lens or cornea).

Farsightedness can be due to:

  1. Age. With age, the structure of the eye changes, the muscles weaken, the characteristics of the lens of the eye change.
  2. Shortened eyeball.
  3. Heredity. If the parents have farsightedness, it is possible that the child will have it too.
  4. Eye injury.

Vision correction and treatment

To correct vision, it is recommended to purchase glasses or contact lenses in a timely manner. Because both disorders are caused by an irregular shape of the eye, then improvements with the help of medications can be achieved not for a long time. After the end of taking the drugs, the positive effect will end. It is also possible to improve vision surgically with laser vision correction surgery.

For prevention

You can avoid visual impairment if you follow some measures:

  • It is necessary to choose a corrective means for vision in accordance with the diagnosis.
  • When reading and working at a computer, you need to work with good lighting, and it is desirable that the light source is on the left.
  • Avoid reading from e-books, tablets, phones, and books with small print.
  • It is advisable not to forget about taking vitamins and trace elements for vision.
  • Visit an optometrist at least once a year for a consultation and examination.
  • Do

Gymnastics for the eyes

  1. Close your eyes tightly for a couple of seconds.
  2. It takes about a minute to blink quickly.
  3. Look up, down, right, left - 2 times.
  4. Roll your eyes back and forth.
  5. Close your eyes for three seconds.
  6. Open your eyes and go about your business.

If you work at a computer, then for safety reasons it is necessary to take a break from the monitor for five minutes at the end of each hour.

And finally, I would like to note that a person can have both of these pathologies of vision, an ophthalmologist will be able to accurately determine during the examination. Hypermetropia may appear with age and be added to the myopia that was previously.

We tried to explain the differences between farsightedness and nearsightedness, we hope this information was useful to you. Subscribe to our updates and share the information you like with your friends and acquaintances on social networks.

There are several causes of poor vision at close distances - a malfunction of the refractive system. Some of them can be classified as conditionally physiological, in which it is almost impossible to avoid this pathology. But there are also pathological causes of farsightedness (presbyopia), and in these cases it is necessary to pay attention to the provoking factors. In the latter cases, they speak of acquired farsightedness.

Physiological causes of farsightedness

Physiological reasons include the following problems:

  1. Heredity. If one parent suffered from this myopic disease, then the child is more likely to encounter it during his life. If both parents suffered from farsightedness, then the likelihood of violations further increases.
  2. Age of the patient (over 40-45 years). These age data are conditional, for each individual they may differ. One important thing is that with age, the processes of metabolism and recovery slow down. This, in turn, leads to the fact that the corneal tissues lose their elasticity. There are also irreversible processes in the tissues of the lens - it becomes denser and also becomes inelastic. This leads to a decrease in the ability to focus, and the patient begins to see poorly at close range. In this case, we speak of age-related farsightedness.
  3. Congenital violation of the anatomy (curvature) of the eyeball. If it is compressed at birth, the image is focused behind the retina. In this case, farsightedness is diagnosed in childhood.
  4. Congenital disorder of the lens structure. This may include too small size, incorrect location (offset) or no lens at all.
  5. Pathological structure of the cornea of ​​the eye. With an insufficiently convex shape of the corneas of the eye, its refractive power decreases. As a result, a person suffers from the inability to examine closely located objects in detail.

There are also a number of medical conditions that increase a person's chance of developing presbyopia. The most popular among them is albinism. It is known that almost all albinos (including animals and birds) suffer from various visual impairments. Due to the lack of melanin pigment, a person may experience problems such as farsightedness, strabismus, nystagmus, impaired binocularity. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to avoid or somehow improve the condition of patients with such genetic disorders. With Franceschetti's syndrome, abnormal development of the tissues of the facial skeleton, paresis of local muscles, including those responsible for the ability to normal focus of the organs of vision, is observed.

Pathological causes

Acquired farsightedness appears as a result of damage to the refractive system due to the influence of external factors. This can happen as a result of various reasons:

  1. Eye injury. Forceful impact on the area of ​​the lens can disrupt its shape, as well as impair the functioning of the muscles and nerves passing here.
  2. Surgery on the lens or cornea of ​​the eye. Despite good experience in ophthalmic operations, there is always a risk of consequences and complications.
  3. Neoplasm in the eye area. In this case, the tumor compresses the tissues of the eye. The lens changes its shape, and the natural focus of the eye is disturbed.
  4. Cataract. With clouding of the lens, the likelihood of developing various ophthalmic pathologies, including farsightedness, increases.
  5. Diabetic retinopathy. In diabetes, there is a pathological formation of new blood vessels in the tissues of the eye. They are extremely fragile, brittle and unable to maintain the functioning of the eye at the proper level.
  6. Wrong process of correcting myopic disorders. The rapid progression of the disease is facilitated by the lack of proper treatment, which includes the constant wearing of glasses or contact lenses. This also includes incorrect selection of lenses, as a result of which, instead of a therapeutic effect, a person feels a deterioration in visual acuity.

Finally, a provocateur of farsightedness is a lack of nutritional components in the diet, in particular vitamin A. A large concentration of this component is in the retina. The lack of this light-sensitive pigment leads to rapid aging of tissues and a decrease in the functionality of this zone.

Degrees of farsightedness

It is customary to distinguish three degrees of severity of this ophthalmic disease:

  1. Weak. There are violations up to +2 diopters. These patients hardly complain of any discomfort associated with the eyes. Symptoms include increased eye fatigue when reading, working with documents, or in front of a monitor screen. In such patients, a little earlier than in others, there is a need to wear glasses.
  2. Average. Violation of visual acuity is in the range from +2.25 to +4 diopters. The symptomatology is increased here. So, the patient complains that he can hardly see objects that are closer than his outstretched hand. Among the symptoms are cramps and frequent pain in the eyes, very fast fatigue when working with documents.
  3. High. This includes all patients with a degree of visual acuity greater than +4.25 diopters. Complex symptoms include not only a significant deterioration in visual acuity, but also a constant burning sensation, redness of the eyes, and headaches. Often such patients complain of intolerance to bright lighting.

If only one eye has such disorders, then without appropriate correction (glasses or contact lenses), there is a very high probability of developing strabismus, since the patient will intuitively examine objects with a “healthier” eye (with a lesser degree of impairment).


If there is any change in visual acuity, you should consult a doctor. The specialist must conduct a complete diagnosis in order not only to make a diagnosis, but also to identify concomitant diseases, as well as the root cause of this condition. What should include a comprehensive diagnosis for farsightedness:

  • determination of visual acuity;
  • measurement of intraocular tone;
  • measurement of refraction (refractive power);
  • Ultrasound examination of the tissues of the eye;
  • study of visual fields;
  • determination of the refractive power and shape of the cornea;
  • study of the condition of the optic nerve and retina.

It will not be superfluous to take a general chemical blood test, including sugar, which will reveal hidden systemic diseases without any external signs.

Treatment Methods

The sooner the patient begins to treat this disease, the greater the chance of a successful recovery without consequences. In addition to the main two areas of treatment for farsightedness (wearing glasses or contact lenses and surgery), there are other ways to improve the condition of the eye tissues. So, drug therapy for farsightedness is practically not used today, however, drops can be prescribed to the patient to alleviate the condition and relieve symptoms. There are also physiotherapeutic methods for the treatment of farsightedness: laser and magnetic therapy, electrophoresis, etc.

And of course, if the patient has related pathologies or other diseases that caused farsightedness, then it is imperative to contact the appropriate specialist for their therapy.

Eye exercises

With the help of special exercises, you can significantly improve metabolic processes in the tissues of the eye. It is especially indicated for persons with a mild degree of presbyopia. Such gymnastics must be performed several times a day, and when working with documents - every 40-50 minutes. Here are just a few exercises:

  1. Look straight ahead. Now slowly turn your head to the left, move your gaze after it. Repeat for the right side.
  2. Focus on the most distant point (for example, in a window) and look at it for 30 seconds. Now stretch out your hand, raise your finger and look at its tip for another 30 seconds.
  3. Look at an object in the distance, and then look at the nose.

Also, the doctor may advise exercises to restore blood circulation in the cervical spine. This area is extremely important for the normal functioning of the organs above.

Conservative therapy

It traditionally involves wearing glasses or contact lenses. Actually, this is not even a treatment, but a correction of existing disorders. The correction is temporary, that is, only while the patient wears glasses or lenses. Without wearing these means of optical correction, the disease will progress.

Surgical treatment

The operational method today is the most progressive. Modern medicine offers several types of operations to eliminate farsightedness. The most popular is laser vision correction by correcting the shape of the lens. Such laser intervention allows to eliminate violations up to +4 diopters. Today there is another way to give the necessary shape to the lens - thermokeratoplasty. This operation uses the thermal effect of low energy radio waves.

At higher degrees of farsightedness, the patient may be offered the implantation of phakic lenses. In fact, now the lens necessary for viewing close objects is always with the patient. It is also possible to completely replace the lens, especially if a person becomes hard to see, including due to problems with the transparency of the lens (there is a chance of developing cataracts).

Complications and prognosis

Operative methods always entail the possibility of complications. It is small, but every patient is still warned about it before the operation. For example, the patient may develop astigmatism or double vision, as well as reduced visual acuity in spite of the goals. Often the causes of complications lie not in the unprofessionalism of surgeons, but in violation of recommendations during the rehabilitation period. So, for several months, patients are prohibited from physical activity (lifting weights), stress, overheating, and violation of these requirements can nullify all the work of surgeons. Also, some patients may remain silent about existing systemic diseases (tuberculosis, syphilis), which can exacerbate the surgical injury and adversely affect the recovery process.

Wearing glasses is considered a safer therapy for farsightedness, however, there are some subtleties here. So, it is necessary to regularly check the existing visual acuity, because this indicator may change. This means that you cannot wear the same glasses prescribed by a doctor several years ago! This is a violation of the correction of farsightedness, which can cause a sharp progression of the disease.

Even surgical treatment cannot guarantee the patient perfect vision for years to come. The fact is that the processes of formation of presbyopia still progress over the years, and it is almost impossible to stop this process. However, this does not mean the uselessness of surgery. Thanks to the operation, the patient will retain good vision at medium distances for several more years, and will also be able to work with documents or in front of a computer without glasses. The quality of life of such a patient will definitely change for the better.

Farsightedness is a pathology that almost all people face sooner or later. The task of each person is to try to delay this period and enjoy excellent visual acuity longer without outside interference.

Hello, friends!

Here's how it turns out - my mother had excellent eyesight all her life. But in recent years, due to age, she began to suffer from farsightedness.

I wonder what will happen to my vision in old age? Searching for an answer led me to this article. Yes, we appreciate it. Farsightedness was the reason for the invention of glasses ... did not know. What is a "lazy" eye ... Oh, oh, with farsightedness, you can not serve in the army!

If a person while reading moves the book away from the eyes or wears "plus" glasses, then he suffers from farsightedness.

Farsightedness is a visual impairment in which the ability to see close objects (distance 20-30 cm) sharply deteriorates.

In ancient times, it was this defect of vision that served as the impetus for the invention of glasses. It all started in the 15th century with the advent of printing. People who previously had no idea that they could not see well up close realized that it was hard for them to read: the letters blurred. To help the farsighted, special reading glasses were created. Lenses for the nearsighted were invented only a century later.

Most often, farsightedness occurs in young children and in people over 40 years old.

Causes of farsightedness

Farsightedness caused by a short longitudinal axis of the eye is usually inherited from parents to children.
After 40-45 years, due to age-related changes in the body, the refractive power of the lens begins to deteriorate in many people, and then “senile farsightedness” sets in.

What is happening?

In order for the eye to see normally, the image of objects must be focused on the retina. With farsightedness, this point of the ideal image moves away, as if behind the retina. As a result, a person sees the picture in a slightly blurred form.

Rays coming from distant objects are parallel, from close ones - divergent. Far-sighted eyes cope poorly with the latter. Thus, a person sees the worst near and much better - afar.

There are two reasons why light rays are focused too far in farsightedness: a shortened eyeball or insufficient refractive power of the optical system of the eye. A combination of these defects in one person is also possible.

The main manifestations of farsightedness:

  • poor near vision;
  • increased eye fatigue when reading;
  • headaches, burning eyes.

Farsightedness, if ignored, is fraught with such unpleasant complications as:

  • strabismus;
  • frequent inflammatory eye diseases (conjunctivitis);
  • amblyopia ("lazy" eye) - outwardly the eye is healthy, but it does not see well and it cannot be corrected either by glasses or contact lenses.

The progression of farsightedness can lead to impaired outflow of intraocular fluid and, as a result, the development of glaucoma.

Diagnosis and treatment

If your eyes have become worse to see - seek help from an ophthalmologist. To begin with, he will check your visual acuity according to the table, then he will examine the fundus of the eye using a special mirror or ultrasound. After that, the doctor will be able to choose the right lenses for you.

To date, there are three ways to correct farsightedness: glasses, contact lenses and surgical correction. Glasses or contact lenses ("plus") are selected individually depending on visual acuity and concomitant diseases.

Children with farsightedness are encouraged to start using corrective lenses as early as possible. Usually the doctor prescribes glasses for them to wear permanently. With age, in many farsighted children, the eyeball lengthens, and vision, accordingly, is restored.

Adults only need lenses or glasses for reading and working. Only with a high degree of farsightedness, two pairs of glasses are prescribed: one for “near”, others for “far”. After the selection of glasses, it is necessary to constantly be observed by an optometrist in order to replace the lenses with stronger or weaker ones if necessary. Laser correction of farsightedness is used when the patient has already reached the age of 18.

Prevention of complications of farsightedness consists in its early detection and the appointment of timely and correct treatment.

source http://medportal.ru/enc/ophthalmology/myopia/2/

Degrees of farsightedness

Ophthalmologists distinguish three degrees of hypermetropia:

  • weak - up to + 2.0 D;
  • medium - up to + 5.0 D;
  • high - over + 5.00 D.

At small degrees of farsightedness usually high vision is maintained both far and near, but there may be complaints of fatigue, headache, dizziness.

At moderate degree of hypermetropia- distance vision is good, but close vision is difficult.

At high farsightedness- poor vision both far and near, since all the possibilities of the eye to focus on the retina an image of even distant objects have been exhausted.

Farsightedness, including age-related, can only be detected through a thorough diagnostic examination (during medical expansion of the pupil, the lens relaxes and the true refraction of the eye appears).

source http://excimerclinic.ru/long-sight/

Farsightedness of more than 8 diopters exempts from military service

In Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 25, 2003 N 123 "On approval of the Regulations on military medical examination" in the so-called "schedule of diseases" there is article No. 34 "Violations of refraction and accommodation".

In article No. 34 it is written that the farsightedness of any eye in one of the meridians of more than 8.0 diopters falls under the fitness category B - limited fit for military service, that is, exempted from service in peacetime.

The following conditions can serve as causes of farsightedness.

Reduced size of the eyeball along the anterior-posterior axis. This situation is typical for most babies. That is why optometrists recommend hanging rattles and toys at a distance of 30 cm from the eyes, otherwise the baby simply cannot see them. As the eyeball grows and develops, the problem of farsightedness disappears by itself.

With age, many people become farsighted. The reason lies in a decrease in the ability of the lens to change curvature. This process begins at the age of about 25, but only by the age of 45-50 leads to a decrease in vision, in which reading at a normal distance (25-30 cm from the eyes) becomes difficult. As a rule, by the age of 65, the eye almost completely loses its ability to accommodate.

The main sign of farsightedness is poor near vision with satisfactory and even very good distance vision.

As a rule, such people put on glasses to read a book, but they can easily see the number of a bus that has appeared in the distance. Only with a severe degree of hypermetropia does the patient begin to distinguish poorly between both close and distant objects.

In addition, with prolonged work of the eyes near (computer, reading books, writing), people suffering from farsightedness complain of pain in the eyes, fatigue, tearing, burning and tingling in the eyes. Headaches, discomfort when looking at the light, or even intolerance to bright lighting can also join. Moreover, the higher the degree of farsightedness, the stronger the unpleasant reaction to light.

As a rule, with farsightedness of a weak degree, the eye, with the help of accommodation, independently copes with its task and allows a person to see normally.

But already with hypermetropia of medium and high degrees, vision correction is required both for distance and for close distances.
I would like to note that vision correction for farsightedness should be carried out without fail. Not only to normalize vision, but also to prevent the development of complications. Such as blepharitis, strabismus, conjunctivitis, amblyopia (decreased vision in the worse seeing eye).

As for treatment, at present, unfortunately, there are no methods of conservative treatment of hypermetropia. It can be corrected with glasses and contact lenses. But it is completely possible to cure only with the help of surgical intervention.

Surgical treatment is aimed at enhancing the optical power of the eye. As a result, light rays are focused on the retina instead of behind it.

At the moment, the most popular operations for farsightedness are the replacement of a transparent lens, thermokeratoplasty, thermokeratocoagulation and implantation of a positive lens.

source http://www.vidal.ru/patsientam/entsiklopediya/Oftalmologiya/dalnozorkost.html

Hello, friends!

Here's how it turns out - my mother had excellent eyesight all her life. But in recent years, due to age, she began to suffer from farsightedness.

I wonder what will happen to my vision in old age? Searching for an answer led me to this article. Yes, we appreciate it. Farsightedness was the reason for the invention of glasses ... did not know. What is a "lazy" eye ... Oh, oh, with farsightedness, you can not serve in the army!

If a person while reading moves the book away from the eyes or wears "plus" glasses, then he suffers from farsightedness.

Farsightedness is a visual impairment in which the ability to see close objects (distance 20-30 cm) sharply deteriorates.

In ancient times, it was this defect of vision that served as the impetus for the invention of glasses. It all started in the 15th century with the advent of printing. People who previously had no idea that they could not see well up close realized that it was hard for them to read: the letters blurred. To help the farsighted, special reading glasses were created. Lenses for the nearsighted were invented only a century later.

Most often, farsightedness occurs in young children and in people over 40 years old.

Causes of farsightedness

Farsightedness caused by a short longitudinal axis of the eye is usually inherited from parents to children.
After 40-45 years, due to age-related changes in the body, the refractive power of the lens begins to deteriorate in many people, and then “senile farsightedness” sets in.

What is happening?

In order for the eye to see normally, the image of objects must be focused on the retina. With farsightedness, this point of the ideal image moves away, as if behind the retina. As a result, a person sees the picture in a slightly blurred form.

Rays coming from distant objects are parallel, from close ones - divergent. Far-sighted eyes cope poorly with the latter. Thus, a person sees the worst near and much better - afar.

There are two reasons why light rays are focused too far in farsightedness: a shortened eyeball or insufficient refractive power of the optical system of the eye. A combination of these defects in one person is also possible.

The main manifestations of farsightedness:

poor near vision; increased eye fatigue when reading; headaches, burning eyes.

Farsightedness, if ignored, is fraught with such unpleasant complications as:

strabismus; frequent inflammatory eye diseases (conjunctivitis); amblyopia ("lazy" eye) - outwardly the eye is healthy, but it does not see well and it cannot be corrected either by glasses or contact lenses.

The progression of farsightedness can lead to impaired outflow of intraocular fluid and, as a result, the development of glaucoma.

Diagnosis and treatment

If your eyes have become worse to see - seek help from an ophthalmologist. To begin with, he will check your visual acuity according to the table, then he will examine the fundus of the eye using a special mirror or ultrasound. After that, the doctor will be able to choose the right lenses for you.

To date, there are three ways to correct farsightedness: glasses, contact lenses and surgical correction. Glasses or contact lenses ("plus") are selected individually depending on visual acuity and concomitant diseases.

Children with farsightedness are encouraged to start using corrective lenses as early as possible. Usually the doctor prescribes glasses for them to wear permanently. With age, in many farsighted children, the eyeball lengthens, and vision, accordingly, is restored.

Adults only need lenses or glasses for reading and working. Only with a high degree of farsightedness, two pairs of glasses are prescribed: one for “near”, others for “far”. After the selection of glasses, it is necessary to constantly be observed by an optometrist in order to replace the lenses with stronger or weaker ones if necessary. Laser correction of farsightedness is used when the patient has already reached the age of 18.

Prevention of complications of farsightedness consists in its early detection and the appointment of timely and correct treatment.

source http://medportal.ru/enc/ophthalmology/myopia/2/

Degrees of farsightedness

Ophthalmologists distinguish three degrees of hypermetropia:

weak - up to + 2.0 D; medium - up to + 5.0 D; high - over + 5.00 D.

At small degrees of farsightedness usually high vision is maintained both far and near, but there may be complaints of fatigue, headache, dizziness.

At moderate degree of hypermetropia- distance vision is good, but close vision is difficult.

At high farsightedness- poor vision both far and near, since all the possibilities of the eye to focus on the retina an image of even distant objects have been exhausted.

Farsightedness, including age-related, can only be detected through a thorough diagnostic examination (during medical expansion of the pupil, the lens relaxes and the true refraction of the eye appears).

source http://excimerclinic.ru/long-sight/

Farsightedness of more than 8 diopters exempts from military service

In Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 25, 2003 N 123 "On approval of the Regulations on military medical examination" in the so-called "schedule of diseases" there is article No. 34 "Violations of refraction and accommodation".

In article No. 34 it is written that the farsightedness of any eye in one of the meridians of more than 8.0 diopters falls under the fitness category B - limited fit for military service, that is, exempted from service in peacetime.

The following conditions can serve as causes of farsightedness.

Reduced size of the eyeball along the anterior-posterior axis. This situation is typical for most babies. That is why optometrists recommend hanging rattles and toys at a distance of 30 cm from the eyes, otherwise the baby simply cannot see them. As the eyeball grows and develops, the problem of farsightedness disappears by itself.

With age, many people become farsighted. The reason lies in a decrease in the ability of the lens to change curvature. This process begins at the age of about 25, but only by the age of 45-50 leads to a decrease in vision, in which reading at a normal distance (25-30 cm from the eyes) becomes difficult. As a rule, by the age of 65, the eye almost completely loses its ability to accommodate.

The main sign of farsightedness is poor near vision with satisfactory and even very good distance vision.

As a rule, such people put on glasses to read a book, but they can easily see the number of a bus that has appeared in the distance. Only with a severe degree of hypermetropia does the patient begin to distinguish poorly between both close and distant objects.

In addition, with prolonged work of the eyes near (computer, reading books, writing), people suffering from farsightedness complain of pain in the eyes, fatigue, tearing, burning and tingling in the eyes. Headaches, discomfort when looking at the light, or even intolerance to bright lighting can also join. Moreover, the higher the degree of farsightedness, the stronger the unpleasant reaction to light.

As a rule, with farsightedness of a weak degree, the eye, with the help of accommodation, independently copes with its task and allows a person to see normally.

But already with hypermetropia of medium and high degrees, vision correction is required both for distance and for close distances.
I would like to note that vision correction for farsightedness should be carried out without fail. Not only to normalize vision, but also to prevent the development of complications. Such as blepharitis, strabismus, conjunctivitis, amblyopia (decreased vision in the worse seeing eye).

As for treatment, at present, unfortunately, there are no methods of conservative treatment of hypermetropia. It can be corrected with glasses and contact lenses. But it is completely possible to cure only with the help of surgical intervention.

Surgical treatment is aimed at enhancing the optical power of the eye. As a result, light rays are focused on the retina instead of behind it.

At the moment, the most popular operations for farsightedness are the replacement of a transparent lens, thermokeratoplasty, thermokeratocoagulation and implantation of a positive lens.

source http://www.vidal.ru/patsientam/entsiklopediya/Oftalmologiya/dalnozorkost.html

A fairly common visual impairment is a condition where it is difficult to see nearby objects. This can make it difficult to read a book, newspaper, abstract, or view an image on the monitor of your computer, phone, or tablet.

Letters and pictures blur near, which makes the viewed object move further away from the eyes. Reasonable questions arise: “why do I see poorly up close?”, “what if I see far, but not close” in this article we will describe the reasons for such a violation.

Farsightedness is the most common cause of impaired visibility of near objects. Pathology is caused by incorrect focusing of the light beam in the eyeball. This leads to the fact that distant objects are viewed well, and close ones become blurry. The closer the observed object, the worse it is visible.

Types of farsightedness:

Age-related farsightedness . This disease appears with age in the process of aging of the eye muscles. There is also a thickening of the lens of the eye, which changes the normal focus. As a result, the “near” vision of a person is deteriorating. Often, such changes are noted by the age of 45, but can be corrected - a person puts on glasses or special lenses. Temporary farsightedness in newborns . At birth, a person has an increased level of farsightedness, but this is considered the norm. In the process of growing up, an increase in the eyeball occurs, which contributes to the normalization of vision. Congenital farsightedness . With such an ailment, vision is not restored with age. This is caused by the initially small size of the eyeballs or insufficient optical power. Correction is possible only by medical intervention.

Sometimes farsightedness can be hidden. In such a situation, visual impairment occurs imperceptibly to a person, but has a number of symptoms. These signs include headaches and a feeling of discomfort in the eye area, which may be the cause of a weak degree of farsightedness. With a strong degree of the disease, there is a violation of vision near and at a distance.

Poor vision with lenses or glasses

You may also experience poor near vision when using glasses or lenses. This is normal if you are using vision correction products for the first time. Eyes gradually get used to new glasses or lenses. During this period, close objects may have a blurry appearance. Gradually increasing the amount of time you use the glasses will eliminate the discomfort.

If you notice a deterioration in near vision, you should immediately visit an ophthalmologist. An experienced doctor will make the correct diagnosis and select the right glasses for you individually. Also, laser vision correction, which is quite painless in our time, can help you.

People over the age of 40 and young children most often complain of poor near vision. Pathology occurs due to the inability of the lens to focus the image and transmit it to the retina, the picture is blurry and fuzzy. To combat the disease, glasses or lenses are used, and in order to minimize the likelihood of developing farsightedness, special exercises are prescribed that can strengthen the muscle fibers of the eye.

Causes of farsightedness

The most common factor that provokes a decrease in near vision is physiological changes in the retina. It contains a photosensitive pigment, which makes it possible to transmit an image with the lens. In the process of aging, it is destroyed, which leads to a decrease in visual acuity.

The main causes of pathology:

  • disruption of the muscles, namely their weakening;
  • deterioration of blood circulation in the eyeball;
  • overstrain of the muscle fibers of the eye;
  • lack of tear fluid.

The sooner corrective lenses are fitted, the higher the chance of regaining your vision.

It is possible that with the appearance of such a symptom, the patient began to progress macular degeneration.

If the eyes began to see worse up close, this may indicate the presence of such diseases in the body:

  • retinal detachment;
  • macular degeneration;
  • rupture of the vitreous body;
  • diabetic retinopathy.


A disease such as hypermetropia is characterized by a simultaneous deterioration in near vision and an improvement in distance. Pathology provokes fatigue, due to the constant tension of the muscles of the eye, as a result, frequent headaches. Additionally, the general functions of the eyeball are reduced, the so-called "lazy eye" syndrome. After prolonged overvoltage, burning and itching occurs. If, in the presence of such symptoms, you do not consult an ophthalmologist, the intensity of unpleasant sensations will increase, and visual acuity will decrease.


It is necessary to visit an ophthalmologist who will perform the following manipulations:

  • check your eyesight using a table;
  • examines the fundus of the eye with a special mirror or ultrasound;
  • determine the appropriate lenses.

What to do?

Preparations and optics

With the help of broccoli and Brussels sprouts, you can enrich your body with lutein.

With age, the production of lutein and zeaxanthin in the body is disrupted, which leads to a decrease in near vision. To make up for their deficiency, it is necessary to eat foods that contain a large amount of these substances, such as curly or Brussels sprouts, spinach, broccoli. It is recommended to increase the intake of vitamin C, E, zinc and selenium. The doctor prescribes the multivinamine complex "Okuwait Lutein Forte" or "Lutein Complex", which can artificially compensate for the lack of components. After the fundus is diagnosed by an ophthalmologist, the doctor determines the necessary diopters for the lenses so that they can remove discomfort. It is not recommended to select it yourself, as it can cause irreparable harm to health.


When conservative methods are not effective, doctors perform such surgical interventions:

  • laser correction.
  • Thermokeratoplasty. With the help of thermal radio waves, the shape of the cornea and its refractive properties are changed.
  • Lensectomy. Instead of a biological lens, an artificial implant is placed.
  • Keratoplasty. Removal of the affected cornea.
  • Lens implantation, in which the organ is not removed, but the optics are placed in front of the lens.
  • Radial keratotomy. Changing the refractive power of the cornea using notches.
  • Thermokeratocoagulation. Spot correction of the fundus with a heated needle.
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