Cardboard dog house. Doggy house with your own hands. Choosing the best place

The fact that dogs live in city apartments has long been a rarity and does not surprise anyone. A few decades ago, people who had dogs living in an apartment were looked at as inadequate. At present, this phenomenon is considered normal. Pets are kept in apartments from small to very large sizes. A dog is chosen, based on the personal preferences of the owners and on the size of the living space, it is unlikely that it would be reasonable to buy a large breed dog in a one-room apartment.

Everyone who has pets has ever heard of dog houses. Simply put, these houses are a home version of outdoor dog kennels, such kennels are found in villages and cottage settlements. There is a difference between booths and dog houses, it also lies in size, and in material from which they are made. Dog houses are often made from materials such as brick or wood, but houses are made from various types of fabric.

What are dog houses?

People who have large apartments install large dog houses, which have not only furniture, but also air conditioning. In such houses there are often gardens and lawns, and sometimes you can even watch a pool. Of course, such options are possible only in large apartments, where pets are allocated whole room.

In ordinary average apartments, a dog bed is the best solution. Beds are made in the form of booths, minks or cradles, they are very warm and soft. For a toy breed dog, a bed with a roof and walls is ideal. Such a house will give protection and care to small pets, they really need it. The shelter is able to meet the needs of both the pet and its owner. The house must be reliable and convenient.

Requirements to be met by dog ​​houses

If the owner decides to buy or make a dog house with his own hands, he must know a number of requirements regarding the product. The dog house must be appropriate for its breed and size. The dog will not feel comfortable in a small and cramped house. You also need to take into account poses in which the pet prefers to sleep.

If the pet likes to sleep in a ball, then triangular and the oval shape of the house is ideal and will save space, because it can be placed in the corner of the room. The rectangular house is suitable for dogs sleeping on their backs, on their sides and whose paws stretch out in their sleep.

An important factor is also how shaggy the animal is. This is very important, because if the dog is shaggy, then in the summer it will be hot in the house, which is completely closed to the dog. The way out of this situation is to buy or make a house with your own hands, in which the roof will be removable. In summer, the dog will live in a bed with only sides, and in winter in a full-fledged house with a roof.

The materials from which the base for the house will be made can be different:

  • Plywood.
  • Plastic.

The base, no matter what material it is made of, should always be sheathed with soft material - this will allow the dog to create conditions for a comfortable stay.

What to consider when creating a dog house

To create comfortable conditions in which the dog will feel good, and so that the house can be easily cleaned when making or choosing it, you need to take into account several nuances. Houses with removable covers are the most comfortable, since the covers can be wash if necessary. It is better to choose the material for covers from natural materials in order to exclude allergies in the animal. A summer house can be made from linen or cotton, but a winter house is best made from wool.

Small dogs can hardly tolerate drafts and cold. This must be taken into account when creating or choosing a house. It is better to install the house at a certain height from the floor. This can be done using a stand or small legs built into the house.

Bedding plays a very important role in the future housing, often the owners buy or make their own mattresses. The mattress must have removable cover, foam rubber is suitable for the filler. There are also special dog mattresses stuffed with buckwheat shells. The advantage of this filler is that fleas do not grow in it.

How to make a house with your own hands

There are many different houses for dogs in stores, however, creating a home with your own hands and putting your love and tenderness into it is much more pleasant. The easiest way to create a house from a suitcase. It is recommended to make legs so that the suitcase house is stable. For this purpose, old legs from the cabinet or new ones bought specifically for the future home are suitable. The next step is to sew in a pillow, which you can buy or make yourself. The pillow will serve as a kind of mattress for the dog. A pillow made of synthetic winterizer, which has a rough finishing fabric, is perfect.

Naturally, you can create with your own hands the same houses that are sold in stores. When it comes to choosing a material for building a house, there are a number of nuances to consider. The bases for the future dwelling can be made of different materials. Polyurethane foam is the best option. This material perfectly repeats and remembers the contours of the dog's body. The material is suitable for both puppies and adult dogs. Thick bedding should be sheathed with a dense fabric. If the house is made for a puppy, it is worth remembering how quickly dogs grow, it is recommended to create a house for growth.

The frame of the structure must be made reliable and stable, especially if there are children in the house who like to use the dog house as a playground or chair. If you make the frame weak, then the child can break it and injure the dog.

Do-it-yourself technology for creating a dog house

So, the stages of creating a dog house with your own hands:

  1. From the dog is necessary take measurements. Thus, the length, width and height of the structure are determined. Do not forget that in the case of a puppy, the house must be made for growth.
  2. Styrofoam is suitable for bedding, however, it must be sheathed, the fabric must be dense to protect the bedding from teeth.
  3. Before sheathing polyurethane foam, which will be used as a base, it is necessary to wrap it with oilcloth. As you know, it perfectly protects against moisture, this will extend the life of the base.
  4. Removable covers are easy create with your own hands. To do this, Velcro is attached to old pillowcases or some other fabric.
  5. It is necessary to finish the walls, roof and floor with fabric. The structure must be put together.
  6. The entrance to a new dwelling can be beaten by hanging a curtain. In order for the pet to get used to its new home faster, many put it inside favorite toys or treats.

Many people like a house that looks like a tent. Not only suitable for dogs tent houses but also for cats. An example of creating a semi-open bed with your own hands.

It is necessary to give preference to materials made of dense fabric, for example, microfiber or tapestry. The pattern must be applied to graph paper and cut out symmetrically in a mirror. If the dog is small, then the bottom will be half a meter in diameter enough.

Back seams and undercuts must be sewn by hand. In the "roof" of foam rubber, you need to put a bottom pattern, after which you need to connect and sew all the details. It is necessary to cut out two parts from a tapestry and a plain fabric: for external and internal upholstery, they need to be made mirror-symmetrical. It is necessary to leave a gap of one or two centimeters, after which you need to scribble undercuts. Seams are made one centimeter from the edges.

The cover must be put on the foam frame and carefully straighten all the details. The seam should be located on the outside of the roof. Fabric parts must be combined with foam elements to avoid distortions, and fixed by hand. On the bottom of the foam rubber, you need to impose a round tapestry piece and stitch.

At the very end, the undercut will turn out to be convex, this can be corrected: it level. The bottom that is inside is not recommended to be sewn. It's better to just fill it well between the rest of the parts. This will make caring for your dog a lot easier. If the foam rubber is too thick, then in the course of work you need to adjust the pattern, increasing the allowances, however, the foam rubber should not be allowed to be visible, because dogs love to gnaw it very much. This design will be ideal for short-haired and small dogs. If necessary, you can insulate it with synthetic winterizer or faux fur.

A lounger is necessary for any domestic four-legged, like horseshoes. The reason is the same: the floor or pavement is harder than the earth or a living tree, after all, they are not required to have the greatest wear resistance. A do-it-yourself dog bed can be made in an evening or even in 15-20 minutes, and will cost much less than a purchased one. For dog beds, this is more significant than for cats - the price of any product, among other things, depends on its size. Structurally, beds for dogs and cats are similar, but dogs are on average larger than cats. And finally, by making your own bed for your dog, you can accurately take into account the habits and habits of your friend.

What you need to know

A bed for a dog is arranged in the same way as for a cat. But in order to properly make a dog bed, you need to keep in mind that:

  • The dog was domesticated by man much earlier than the cat. If domestic cats freely interbreed with wild forest cats and give viable fertile offspring, then nothing is heard about dog-wolf hybrids. Therefore, genetic links with grandparents (ancestral memory) in dogs are much weaker than in cats.
  • Dogs are exclusively terrestrial animals. A poodle or a lap dog can jump on a closet, but they cannot climb a tree.
  • Dog claws do not retract. They are thicker, stronger, less curved than felines and therefore almost never get tangled or stuck.
  • The skin glands of dogs, by nature active pack hunters-beaters, are more developed than those of cats - ambush predators. If a wild cat needs to hide and wait in order to feed, then a wolf or a wild dog must clearly mark its path so that the leader can properly organize the hunting of the pack.
  • A pack of predators of the canine family in nature is a terrible force: neither a bear, nor a tiger, nor a wild buffalo or elephant can cope with it. Dogs do not need to disguise themselves on vacation. On the contrary, the members of the pack must smell each other. All dog lovers felt the smell of dog, but who ever heard that it smelled like cat meat? Therefore, dogs are not as neat as cats: they do not wash themselves and their toilet skills are less developed.

At home, these differences do not affect so much and a cat bed will generally suit a dog of the same size. The main difference is the padding. A synthetic winterizer or holofiber is unambiguously unsuitable: they firmly hold the grease in themselves and fall off from it. Furniture foam grades from 35 to 45 are more suitable. But the best option is coconut fiber. Under the dog, it is almost eternal, and the padded bed does not need to be washed: it is enough to rinse it vigorously in hot water or rinse it under a strong hot shower; the coconut stuffing dries quickly, almost simultaneously with the fabric. You can often buy coconut fiber much cheaper than a new one in a car service. Thanks to the same qualities, coconut is used to make the top stuffing of car seats.

Note: upholstery fabric for a dog bed is the same as for a cat bed, except for fleece, flock, microfiber, etc. fluffy, retaining lard and other secretions. Jeans, linen, any synthetics will do - thanks to the same skin glands, dogs are not very sensitive to static electricity, less than us. Experienced villains know that putting down a guard dog with a stun gun is unrealistic.

The second is the origin of the dog breed. We will touch on some of the nuances of this kind further, but for now we will not wind up a mustache: dogs of indoor decorative breeds have almost completely lost the memory of their ancestors and, resting, sometimes fall apart in the most shameless way, see fig. on right. Therefore, a bed for a miniature lap dog should be about the same size as for a medium-sized mongrel.

How to make a large bed for a small dog, see the video below:

Video: cushion bed for a small dog

With big ones and more problems

With a bed for a large dog, the situation is more complicated, but not by much, you just need to know what's what. And most importantly, what's what - a dog's dream. It will not sleep well, will not feel the full care of the owner and will not be able to respond with the same dog affection.

Each dog has its own preferred sleeping position, see fig. And depending on the breed and personal, individual.

But just like humans, a dog's favorite sleeping position can change with age and circumstances. It is advisable to arrange a sleeping place for the dog so that the dog sleeps sweetly on it once and for all from a puppy to senile decrepitude. There is a way, this is a transformer couch, see below.

The second snag is the weight of the dog. More precisely, the mass of her body, which may be more human. If you've ever slept on the floor, have you ever woken up stretching sweetly? And why? Because people toss and turn in their sleep. Dogs, too. And the hard floor, as it were, gives every movement of the sleeping person back into his body.

Simply put, a more or less large dog needs a kind of bed for normal sleep, a little "playing" under the lying one. Therefore, branded dog beds are often made on a rigid frame (item 1 in the figure) with an elastic bottom raised above the floor.

For a puppy, it is possible to replace this with a wooden cat bed (pos. 2), only the mattress stuffing is needed differently, see above. For an adult dog, it is advisable to make a simple bed (pos. 3) with lamellas from planks or strips of plywood 6-12 mm thick. Dogs do not understand human aesthetics, and ergonomics are easier for them, so a dog bed can be a very simple wooden frame with slats and a mattress, pos. four.

Note: The couch-bed is also good because the place for the dog can be located anywhere in the house - it doesn’t blow the dog from below, but warms its own wool well from above.

From the point of view of a dog, a rookery on lamellas is generally royal luxury, but not absolutely obligatory. And a person could have a good night's sleep on a wide bench in an old peasant hut, if there would be at least some kind of damper between the mattress with the body and the floor, a kind of spring of at least 2 plates. Therefore, a bed for a large dog can be made in different ways, see for example. video clip:

Video: bed for large dogs

Bed for all occasions

The presentation of any cognitive material is usually carried out from simple to complex. And we will start with a soft transformer bed: it is even easier to sew it than the simple sewn ones described below.

The pattern and appearance of the transforming bed for a Spanish-designed dog are shown in fig. Dimensions are given without machining allowance, see below.

The advantages of this bed are as follows:

  1. Dimensions can be proportionally changed according to the size of the dog;
  2. With all sides raised, this bed is suitable for puppies and small playful lap dogs;
  3. By folding down the front and, possibly, one of the side boards, the transforming bed can be adapted to any favorite sleeping position for a dog of any size, except for a giant one;
  4. On a wooden bed for a large dog, a transforming bed is laid in the same way as a regular bed;
  5. When folded, the transforming bed can be taken with you in your luggage if the dog accompanies you on a trip.

Sewn classic

According to the same scheme, you can make a bed for a dog of a slightly different type. With folding sides with ties or zippers, it will also be transformable, and sewn tightly - permanent home. Of course, in this case, it can also be put on the frame for a large dog.

Patterns of simple soft beds for medium-sized dogs are given in fig. On the left - "for growth", with an entrance for a puppy; on the right - for an adult dog. Dimensions are for solid foam padding; textile parts should be given a processing allowance of 2-3 cm.

Sewing method is normal with an eversion:

  • On the sides of the parts mating in the product, opposite the fold lines, the allowance is doubled;
  • Modules (pillow, sidewalls) are stitched from the inside, while openings for stuffing are left;
  • The mating sides of the modules are stitched with a double seam, so that a 2-3 cm wide wing free from stuffing is formed;
  • Stitched modules turn inside out on the face through armholes;
  • The wings of the sidewalls and pillows are folded to the inside (where the dog will be) and sewn with a facial seam;
  • Stuffing is placed in stitched modules through the armholes;
  • The armholes are sutured with a front seam;
  • The sidewalls are sewn together according to clause 5.

This is also not the only possible way of tailoring. You can also sew a soft dog bed as shown in the plot.

Video: soft dog bed

Round beds

Indoor decorative dogs like round beds more, this is their other feature besides the tendency to lay out for show. In addition, the round soft couch is more convenient to fit in luggage. You can make a round bed for a small dog in a hurry from an old sweater, see at the end. And it would be better to sew a permanent, decorative no less than an inhabitant according to a universal pattern.

A pattern of a round bed for a dog is given on the left in the figure, and on the right are options for products made using it. The base size in any case is the bottom diameter. It lies in the range of 25-60 cm, depending on the breed and its particular representative. The base size is determined simply: wait until yours settles down better and fades. Measure it along the bottom from the ends of the front paws to the sacrum, and add 5-10 cm.

Very simple

For a simple couch (top right in the figure), 3 different parts are cut: 2 for the bottom (with a processing allowance, see above), and a board along the contour of the white circle in fig. They give 2 allowances on board: out and into the cutout under the bottom. Bottom details from different fabrics: the bottom, which will lie on the floor or somewhere else, from burlap, jeans, etc. The top is made of decorative fabric. The bottom is sewn with a pillow, the side with a donut, and then all together with the wing fold inward, see above. The stuffing of such a couch should not be dense and solid, otherwise you will not sew and lay it beautifully. The best option is old knitted things or coconut fiber cut into shreds, see above.

On cord or elastic

For such a design (on the right in the center in the figure), 2 parts of the same size from different fabrics are needed (see above). Both are cut out on a white circle in fig. First, the bottom is stitched along the contour, with an armhole for laying the stuffing. The bottom is stuffed into a pillow - the radii are stitched. Then, a filler is placed in the sectors of the sidewall (in this case, one-piece foam rubber is also possible, as well as in the bottom), and the sidewalls are sewn up along the contour of the gray circle. A cord or elastic is inserted, the edges of the contour are tucked inward along the white circle and the edge is sharpened with a front seam.

With a low side and a bow

For this version (for very small dogs, at the bottom right in the figure), 2 different parts are needed from soft, well-stretching fabric: one along the contour of the white circle (white rim - allowance), the other - along the green circle + the same allowance. Filler - fibrous or crumbly; side padding is loose. The sewing order is the same as before. case, but after flashing the bottom and filling the side, the outer wing of the sidewall is folded inward, a braid (tape) is put into the sleeve and a double seam is made; outer - 0.5-1 cm from the bend. You can also sew in one seam, but then the assembly will go messy when tightening the braid.

Beds with a house

A dog house is not like a dog house. Just a house - it is for playing or serious business, for example, for a puppy bitch with a brood. A dog bed with a house is needed in other very specific cases.

A dog of northern origin, sledding or shepherding, needs a solid home kennel, on the left in fig. Her closest ancestors (possibly parents) lived in horrendous conditions: they were fed from hand to mouth, they had to spend the night in the snow at -40 and below. Their owners were beaten by mortal combat for the slightest offense; the sick or exhausted were thrown to the mercy of fate, in the tundra very evil and short-lived. The owners themselves could eat. Amundsen's expedition to Antarctica only reached the South Pole and returned back in full force and in good health because along the way they abandoned the sleighs that were freed from the luggage, and the sled dogs that were freed from them ... ate! This caused the strongest indignation in the world at that time, but the Norwegian polar explorers were only surprised: how so? What's wrong with that? Those are dogs! They are not only draft power, but also food!

Note: Northern peoples do not eat hunting dogs. To train a hunting dog is a long hard work that requires a lot of experience, and a hunting dog is too valuable.

These horrors are firmly ingrained in the northern canine gene pool. That is why Huskies and Russian Reindeer Laikas respond so warmly to care and do not forgive evil. And if the owner endowed a reliable shelter worth considerable work, then he will not leave, he will not eat, and you need to respond to him with complete reciprocity. Dog logic is simple and extremely rational.

The puppy also needs a couch with a house-shelter (in the center in the picture) or a couch-cradle, see below. For similar reasons: he is still small. Did not like it - they can throw it out or give it to someone bad. And they made the house - everything, got accustomed! You can sleep peacefully.

The miniature adult lap dog has taken root quite well and knows that she is loved. But she is too small, they can step on the sleeping one by chance. Therefore, she also needs a house above the bed, but not soft, embroidered, like a puppy, but more durable (on the right in the figure), so that in which case she has time to wake up and jump out. The sensitivity in a dream and the reaction of all dogs are quite wild, it's the instinct of self-preservation that works.

Cradle house

A bed with a house for a puppy or a miniature dog can be completely sewn soft. These creatures are too small and light to excite and feel the "return" of the floor on their movement and even pampering.

Patterns and a scheme for sewing a cradle for a dog are given in the figure:

Due to the fact that it is all zippered, this couch can be taken with you to the country house and on long trips. Sizes are designed to be suitable not only for young animals and small things, but also for an adult dog of medium size.

How to make another version of the dog house with a cradle, see the video below:

Video: dog house cradle

house as a house

The best material that allows you to make a beautiful dog house simply, quickly, very inexpensively and without any complicated work, incl. sewing - ordinary packaging cardboard. It will acquire the necessary strength and rigidity if it is impregnated from 2 sides with a water-polymer emulsion or PVA diluted 3-4 times with pure water, and dried. In addition, dogs do not gnaw cardboard impregnated with polyvinyl acetate.

The drawings of the scan and the appearance of the cardboard house-bed for the dog are shown in the figure:

The roof along the ridge is glued with strips of fabric and PVA; front and rear folding with zippers. The underside of the floor is pasted over with burlap, and all other surfaces are first with foam rubber or padding polyester 4-6 mm thick, and then with a cloth. Pasting is carried out from the outside to the inside: the outer surfaces are first pasted over with filler, and then with textiles with a collar (only folds are glued to the cardboard). After that, the house is pasted over with a filler inside, not reaching the edges of 1.5-2 cm, and along it with a cloth end-to-end, without turning outwards. Inside, in order to maintain hygiene, a pillow stuffed with coconut fiber is placed. That's all.

For more information on how to make a bed with a dog house, see the video below.

Video: we sew a house for a dog

Easiest - last

Suppose you are going somewhere for a few days, and it turned out that there was no one to leave the dog for. Run to the pet store for a travel bed or call, order delivery? It will be easier and faster to do it yourself: from an old sweater and other worthless wearable things.

Unlike the same bed for a cat, a bed for a dog made of a sweater does not require any material preparation, trimming or cutting. Sew the sleeves together, sew the hem. Through the gate we push inside something soft in the middle. We sew on the chest. We stuff the “sausage” along the board, sew the sleeves to the hem and sides. We sew up the collar - and you're done, see fig. on right.

Such a couch will come in handy at home for later: put it next to you on the sofa or in the next chair, etc. Moreover, the dog, you see, will not want to part with it: it is painfully soft, warm and comfortable. Then it will be necessary, on occasion, to replace the stuffing with coconut: hygiene after all.

Keeping a dog in a city apartment has long been no surprise to anyone, although relatively recently people around this phenomenon were treated with incomprehension. The apartments keep dogs of both miniature and very large breeds. Choose a dog, guided by personal preferences and the size of the apartment. Few people will buy a large dog for a small apartment. Surely all dog owners have heard about houses for them.

- this is a kind of alternative to the yard doghouse, which can be seen on the territory of a cottage or a village yard. The difference between them lies in the size and material of manufacture. When building a yard booth, wood or brick is usually used, and a house in an apartment is made from all kinds of fabrics.

Varieties of houses

In a standard apartment, the most acceptable option is a couch. Beds come in the form of booths, as well as minks and cradles. They are quite warm and soft.. For small breeds of dogs, a house equipped with a roof and walls is perfect. Such a couch will create a feeling of security and comfort for a small pet, it is necessary for him. In addition, your pet's resting place should be durable and comfortable.

Manufacturing requirements

When making a dog house with your own hands, it is important to take into account several necessary requirements for this product. First of all, in terms of size, it should fit the size of the dog and its breed. In a cramped house, the pet will not be comfortable. Also, take a look at what positions your new family member likes to relax in, and take them into account when creating a house. If the dog likes to sleep on its side or back, stretched out to its full length, then it needs a rectangular-shaped house, and a design in the form of an oval or triangle is better suited for a lover of curling up.

The necessary conditions

To ensure the most comfortable conditions dog, and so that the house can be easily moved during the cleaning of the apartment, the following is important:

It should be noted that when creating individual elements in the process of creating a house, artificial leather is perfect. It does not absorb dirt and it washes well.

Dwarf breeds of dogs do not tolerate low temperatures and drafts, so it is advisable to install the structure at some elevation . For this you can use stand or small legs provided in the manufacture of the house. The mattress should have a removable cover, and foam rubber is quite suitable as a filler. On sale there are good mattresses filled with buckwheat husks. Its advantage is that insects do not start in it.

How to make a house yourself

There is a huge selection of dog houses for sale, but many happy pet owners are pleased to invest all the love and tenderness in creating a home for their pet. The easiest way to make a house with your own hands is to use an unnecessary suitcase. To ensure good stability, it is advisable to equip it with legs from an old cabinet, or specially purchased. Then you need to make a mattress and place it at the bottom of the suitcase. It can be purchased at the store or do it yourself. Excellent mattress filler maybe a synthetic winterizer, for a cover - a strong, coarse fabric.

You can make a house with your own hands, taking the one that you saw in the store as a sample. When choosing a material for creating a house, you need to remember some subtleties. For the manufacture of the base, polyurethane foam is perfect. It follows the contours of the dog's body well and can be used for a home intended for both an adult animal and a puppy. It is necessary to sheathe the litter with a coarse, durable cloth.

When creating a house for a puppy, keep in mind that dogs grow quite quickly, so it is better to make a house for growth. Particular attention should be paid to the reliability and strength of the frame structure. If there are children in the apartment, they can, while playing, damage the dog house and injure the animal. It is desirable to install a house in a secluded place, away from drafts. The exit from the "dwelling" should be free and not interfere with the dog.

Manufacturing technology

For the manufacture of quality dog house you need to prepare everything you need:

  • mat;
  • pillowcases;
  • polyurethane;
  • Velcro;
  • sewing accessories.

Take your dog's measurements using a tailor's measuring tape. The height of the house should be such that the dog can stand inside at full height and turn around freely.

Frame around the perimeter the house is upholstered with foam, the dimensions of which are selected taking into account the measurements taken by you from the dog. The foam plates are covered with fabric so that your pet's teeth do not get to it. Old pillowcases or sheets will work for this, but the best option is microfiber.

It would be useful to lay an oilcloth or other waterproof film on the floor, this will save the floor from wet troubles. Velcro should be sewn to the fabric along the edge of the plates at a distance of 10–15 cm. They are necessary in order to assemble the entire structure together. By connecting the mats with Velcro, we get a finished dog house with three walls and a ceiling.

Try to keep the number of decorative elements to a minimum. Their excess will create inconvenience in the process of internal cleaning of the house. Besides, dog can bite, or even swallow some element, considering it superfluous.

The entrance to the house can be closed with a curtain made of light Velcro fabric or left open.

If you are the owner of a large dog, or for some reason simply do not want to make a soft house design, then you can make it out of wood. This process is somewhat more complicated. In addition to wood or plywood, you will need fasteners and fittings.

By the way, a wooden structure can perform several functions. In addition to a comfortable home for your dog, it can be used to transport the animal, or to close it for a while. A tastefully made house can become an interesting element of the interior.

To make a house for a large breed dog, you can use, for example, an unnecessary table for the base. In this case, you just have to install wooden walls in the gaps between the legs and the home for your dog is ready.

The presence of the bottom in such a design completely optional. Instead, you can use a mattress or just an old bedspread. In case of possible use of the house as a cage, it is necessary to provide a place inside the structure for a bowl of food and water. For a puppy, it is advisable to put an oilcloth on the floor in order to facilitate the cleaning process.

The outer surface of the structure can be lined with such decorative material as your imagination tells you.

Having made a house for a dog with your own hands, you can save a lot of money, since such houses are quite expensive in the store. Before you start building, you need to take into account the preferences of your dog and his temperament. It happens that having paid a lot of money for an accessory, the owner is faced with the reluctance of the dog to use it. Of course, it will be a shame if your pet does not like the purchase.

For dogs of small and medium breeds, the most affordable option would be a house in the form of a slipper. It consists of a roof on one side and an open heel on the other. At low temperature the dog can lie under the roof, and in the heat lie on the couch.

For the manufacture of a dog house, use only materials that do not cause allergies in dogs. Otherwise, the use of the design can create a lot of problems for you and your pet.

The house is ready. The main thing left is acceptance by the customer. Put something tasty in the house or your favorite toy and call the puppy. He must like his new home.

Tiny dogs of the decorative Chihuahua breed have a need for their own personal space, a secluded corner.

The kid can look for peace in the master's chair or in any other place.

However, if you provide your pet with a house, or even better make an aviary, then he will be immensely grateful to you.

You can buy a house and an aviary, but their cost is not affordable for everyone. Then there is a great way out of such a situation, since you can do everything with your own hands.

If there is enough space, it is advisable to equip an aviary with a house.

So, the ideal content for a dog is to have not just a house for living, but a whole aviary, even for a tiny chihuahua.

Not all dog owners have the opportunity to allocate space for an aviary, but even those who can do this, not everyone knows how to properly equip it.

The fact is that the houses can be of various designs: open, closed, just sunbeds and it is still not known which option your baby will like.

Therefore, of course, it is better to do it yourself than to spend money only to understand that your dog does not want to live in this house.

Slipper type option

Perhaps the most simple and practical option for doing it yourself. Slipper like a slipper. Its closed part will serve as a roof, and its open part as a couch.

It will be easier for you to understand if the baby likes to sleep under a roof or if he prefers open space if you want to make a different home for the dog.

The flip-flop house is a versatile option for different seasons, as there is room for shelter from the cold and a more open area for warmer days.

Your pet, in any weather, will not look for a better place to relax than his personal house.

For its manufacture, use high-quality natural material so that it is pleasant to the touch and the color is better not easily soiled. To keep the floor warm, use foam rubber and a piece of cardboard for the density of the day.

Components of a pattern:

  • large side - roof;
  • a small side - edging the open part.

It will take no more than an hour to sew these parts, but your pet will receive coziness, warmth and comfort.

Option - suitcase

If you have an old suitcase, you can use it to build a doggy house with your own hands. Attach legs on four sides.

Take either from an old cabinet, or buy specifically in the furniture fittings department. So you can give the home stability, although it is permissible to do without legs.

Inside, put a suitable size pillow, if any, but you can also sew it yourself.

At the same time, use a synthetic winterizer as a filler, take a tighter fabric for a pillowcase, the color is the most suitable.

Option - booth

A good way to carve and sew a house like a booth with your own hands. Select the material for finishing in accordance with the features of the interior of your room.

Having made a stronger handle on top of the booth, you can carry it from place to place if necessary.

portable cage

To make a house with your own hands, you can adapt a carrying cage for this. You need a strong pretty fabric, a ribbon, Velcro tape or buttons for fastening.

Rectangles equal to the upper and side parts are sewn separately, parts of the inner and outer upholstery of each component must be sewn along the lower and side edges, the remaining section is turned inside out and patched.

Fix the fabric on the plane of the ceiling surface. Attach three adjacent walls to it with Velcro tape, the rest will be the entrance to the cage, leave it free. Place a suitable pillow or foam rubber on the floor.

There are plenty of different options for a house, when deciding to make a home for a pet, the following nuances should be taken into account.

The best material for the floor is not foam or foam rubber, but polyurethane foam. The material tends to follow the contours of the dog's body, it will be comfortable for both puppies and older dogs.

The bedding on the floor should be thick and tightly clothed with the floor in a fabric cover, as it will happily chew on the foam plastic, mistaking it for its prey.

Be sure to put an oilcloth before covering the polyurethane foam with a pillowcase.

Make the dimensions of the house for the dog “for growth”, so that the rapidly growing pet would not be cramped.

If there are small children in the family, then the house must be a durable model, since the kids can play nearby, sit down like a chair and inadvertently harm the animal.

Position the house so that the animal has no obstacles to enter it..

Before cutting out a house, take measurements from the dog in order to know what dimensions the house should have.

The pet should be able to not only curl up there, but also stand up to its full height, even turn around on its axis.

The entrance can be open or closed, it is possible with a curtain.

For the first entry, put a toy or treat in the house - such a simple trick will help your pet to master the new home.

Photo gallery

Do you have a desire, and your hands are itching to start making a home for your pet, but you cannot stop at one of the many options? Take a look at our photo selection, maybe you will find what you are looking for.

Every loving owner wants only the best for his pet. Along with issues of health, education and care, the idea arises of how to organize a cozy home booth in a vacation apartment for your pet.

On the shelves of pet stores, various beds and even dog houses are striking. Not every loving owner can afford the prices for such devices. Do not despair, you can organize a cozy place for your furry friend yourself.

Let's find out how to build a house in an apartment for dogs with your own hands?


The variety of houses for four-legged friends on the Internet is fascinating. Colorful and bright creations inspire the creation of a masterpiece. Don't be afraid to improvise and combine different house models.
Before work, clearly consider what materials should be used specifically for your dog. Consider the nature of the animal.

cardboard houses they look very impressive, are easy to invent and do not require special expenses. Such houses are suitable for dogs of small and medium breeds. The only drawback of such a shelter is fragility. Do not rule out the possibility that your pet will want to chew on your efforts.

Foam "huts"- a universal thing: such a house can be washed, folded and taken with you to nature / to visit, so that the tailed comrade feels more comfortable, easy to move around the apartment. However, some owners note the loss of shape after washing and the lack of a rigid frame as shortcomings of this product.

REFERENCE! Most dogs are diggers. When sewing a soft house, decorate the inside with durable fabrics.

Wooden booths the most durable and reliable designs that have been serving for hundreds of years for the comfort of dogs. For an apartment, this option is more than acceptable. The inconvenience of such "furniture" lies in its bulkiness and heaviness: it will be difficult to move around the living space.

The best option- try to cooperate with various materials when working, complement the houses with pillows, sunbeds with canopies, which will increase the level of comfort for your pet. It is not necessary to strictly adhere to the schemes. Try to experiment on your own with the shapes of the house, upholstery. To invent something unique, you do not need to run to the store for materials. Take a closer look at the old things: cabinets, cribs, old TVs. And such things can breathe new life, while providing a cozy nest for your dog.

The size

The first thing you should pay attention to is the breed of your dog.

ATTENTION! If you have a puppy living in your home, make inquiries about this breed. What approximate parameters will a dog have at an older age.

The house should be of such size that the dog could freely go inside, turn around, sit up to his full height (without bending his head) and lie stretched out. The following parameters must be taken into account:

  • Height at the withers.
  • The distance from the withers to the tip of the front paws.
  • Chest width.
  • Length from nose to tail.

For an approximate calculation, be guided by the approximate table for some breeds of dogs.

Measurement - an important part when creating a future house or sunbed. By neglecting this procedure, you increase the chance of creating an uncomfortable product.

Based on the size of the breed, it is easier to determine what the future house will be like:

  • From cardboard.
  • Fabric (from foam rubber).
  • From wood or plywood.

By creating a “cozy nest” for a pet with your own hands, you get a huge scope for a flight of fancy:

  • You can design the model yourself.
  • Use fabrics at your discretion (according to density, pattern, etc.).
  • Bring decor to your taste.

Remember, all diagrams are provided for illustrative purposes only. The dimensions indicated on the drawings may not be suitable for your pet.

For small breeds do it yourself

For small dogs of small breeds (Chihuahua, Dachshund, Maltese, Pomeranian and other breeds), you can use cardboard boxes, fabrics and foam rubber.

From cardboard or plywood

Original and exclusive

Houses based on the technology of geodesic domes have become widely known on the Internet. Such houses are made of slats and fabric or cardboard. Such houses are used both for children and for pets, including dogs.

The advantage of such home booths is that they are suitable for small dogs and are easy to do with your own hands. In addition, you can involve the child in their implementation!

So, instructions on how to make a booth in an apartment out of cardboard with your own hands:

Step 1. Building patterns and cutting parts. For this you will need:

  • Cardboard.
  • Scissors / construction (clerical) knife.
  • Ruler.
  • Pencil pen

Let's conditionally designate a triangle with red faces "Triangle A", with blue - "Triangle B". You will also need squares for the bottom of your design or rectangles. You can choose the sizes of the triangles yourself based on the proportions: use small triangles for a smoother dome shape and large ones for a rougher one, the side of a square or rectangle is slightly less than the height of the entrance.

From the edge of triangles and squares, 2-5 cm of stock is counted, which will later serve as a place for fastening parts.

Step 2 Triangles are fixed with hot glue or Moment glue along the released strips. Work should start from top to bottom. Form a pentagon from five triangles, then attach the remaining parts to each triangle using the diagram. For a beautiful entrance, you can remove one of the triangles of the last tier. The bottom is glued from squares, leaving room for entry.

Step 3 Start decorating. The hideout can be painted with spray paint.

REFERENCE! Such work can be supplemented with a plywood wooden floor, a wooden name plate above the entrance, or some other decorative elements. The house is painted with paint or fitted, a blanket or a bed is placed inside.


There is also an easy way to make a do-it-yourself booth for a room dog. To do this, you need a box of such dimensions that it would be comfortable for your pet to turn around inside and sit at full height.

How to make out of the box:

The top of the box is cut and glued as follows:

Use additional sheets of cardboard to create a roof. Cut out the doorway completely.

The final part is the design (painting, it is possible to add curtains for the entrance, etc.). We bring to your attention one of the options for such a house:

The work is made of cardboard covered with fabric on both sides and decorated with bows, ruffles and a decorative teddy bear. Making a cardboard booth is quite simple. This option does not “hit” your pocket and allows you to fully express yourself when creating.

soft foam

The most beautiful and warm options for houses for small dogs are fabric foam beds. Experienced needlewomen make patterns for houses of the most diverse and amazing shapes.

To create such a house you will need:

  • Textile. The best choice would be linen, chintz, velor, fleece, denim faux fur. Synthetic fabrics in contact with wool will become electrified and shock the dog. A pet will not live in such a house.
  • Foam rubber, synthetic winterizer, satin or fluff.
  • Scissors.
  • Sewing machine(you can do it manually, while the quality of work will be much lower).

How to make a foam house:

You can use another pattern as well.

In the diagram, unshaded parts indicate the primary building, from which the roof and bottom will be formed during the work.

How to sew:

According to the principle of the “house” pattern, the details are cut out and sheathed on both sides with material. In the place where the roof and wall are sewn, the seams can be hidden under lace, ribbon or braid. The finished job looks like this.

Both versions are in the same photo. The pink house is made according to the first scheme. A slight difference lies in the rounded front and rear walls, the rounded roof due to a different sewing method.


Needlewomen also did not bypass the manufacture of beds: they make beds from fabric, from tires, mixed compositions (fabric + wood). The most economical and easiest way to create a lounger is to alter an old sweater or jacket: imagine, you don’t even need a pattern for a lounger!

For work you will need:

  • Sweater or textile jacket.
  • Pencil/felt pen.
  • Filler, synthetic winterizer or foam rubber.
  • Scissors.
  • Needle and thread / sewing machine.

Lay the sweater out on a work surface. The neck is sewn up, a line is made from one sleeve to another at the chest level of the jacket. Fill the future side with foam rubber through the sleeve and put one sleeve into the other.

The sleeves are then sewn together. At the current stage, you can adjust the shape of the side: make it rectangular (stitch the corners) or rounded. The bottom is stuffed soft and also sewn together, for a rounded shape, the bottom is turned up and hemmed in the shape of the side. The final touch is to sew the sleeves to the base.

Bed-pillow with ties

They look like designer ones, they will be very suitable for decorative dogs:

Step 1. Building a pattern.

To do this, based on the parameters of the dog, draw a rectangle - the base. From the base, make allowances of 1-1.5 cm on all sides for lifting. From each edge, draw more rectangles of the desired height with allowances of 2.5-3 cm upwards. Thus, you will get a pattern that vaguely resembles a cross. From the side that will be the front, cut the opening.

Step 2 Cut out 2 pieces from the fabric according to the pattern.

Step 3. Sew the details along the upper sides of the sides. Unscrew the product through the side holes.

Step 4 Fill the sunbed with padding polyester and carefully sew from one side through the center to the opposite. Thus, stitching all the edges in the center, you will get a pillow.

Step 5 Add ribbon or lace ties. Add decorative elements (buttons, bows, embroidery, etc.). You can add a sunbed with a canopy or pillows.

Pets for large and medium breeds

from wood

For dogs of large breeds, it is more reliable to create a large wooden house even in an apartment.

The first option is to create from wood (bars). For this you need:

  • Wooden blocks or boards.
  • Roulette.
  • Jigsaw or saw.
  • Nails/screws for fastening.
  • Hammer / screwdriver.
  • Paint for decoration.
  • Bulgarian for grinding.

How to build:

A simplified option for creating a wooden house is to work with plywood. The principle of operation is similar to the first option, the only difference is in the sheathing (a sheet of plywood is nailed instead of boards).

A photo

Examples of beautiful and original houses in the photo: recycling old furniture and household appliances for a bed, wicker beds, beds, bunk beds.

house feeder Very stylish!
Real retro: the smallest dog house for an apartment
Two-storey cottage
The perfect soft home for your little dog! Cool idea: a super lounger made from a wine barrel!
Plastic egg house for small breeds such as Yorkies and Spitz

Hut for dogs: a real wigwam!


Useful videos "We sew a shelter for dogs with our own hands":

  1. From the box
  2. Soft
  3. Bed


Arranging a bed for a shaggy friend is a pleasant process for both of you. By showing yourself, you show how important your pet is. Any house: cardboard, soft or wooden will provide your four-legged friend with a comfort zone. Even the simplest sweater lounger can make your tail happy.
In order for your creation to serve for a long time and be as comfortable as possible, use the following tips:

  • Don't neglect measurements. Knowing the dimensions of your animal, you create a comfortable and spacious enough home
  • Be sure to check the drawings. The chance of getting confused in the work is reduced to a minimum.
  • Choose materials based on the size of the dog, its character and temperament. When choosing materials for soft products, think about what fabrics to use: consider the degree of shaggyness of the dog (a pet with long hair will be hot in a house made of warm and fleecy fabrics, wool tends to clog into a fleecy fabric which complicates the cleaning of the house).
  • Soft houses are designed for dogs weighing no more than 20 kg.
  • For fabric houses, it is better to use foam rubber or synthetic winterizer, for beds - synthetic winterizer or filler.
  • Wooden booths must be sanded to protect the animal from splinters.

We hope that the information provided above was useful to you. Share your handicraft experience and photo reports in the comments. Tell us if your faithful assistant participated in the creation of the house, whether he was happy at the end of the work. We look forward to your stories, photos and tips from experienced craftsmen.

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