Colorless henna mask for hair at home. Colorless henna hair mask How often to make a henna mask

Henna hair masks

Today I want to continue the topic of hair health and dwell on masks containing henna.
Let me tell you straight away what we are talking about. colorless henna, which will not affect hair color, but will very positively affect their health!

Where to buy colorless henna?
You can ask for colorless henna in pharmacies and cosmetics stores. She often happens there on a par with colored henna. Well, do not lose sight of the various shops of oriental and esoteric orientation.
What does colorless henna look like?
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What effect does a henna hair mask have?
With regular use, henna hair masks, firstly, will reduce hair loss, secondly, will save you from dandruff, and thirdly, will strengthen your hair and restore its structure. Henna has a beneficial effect on the scalp: eliminates flaking and itching, improves blood circulation, awakens dormant hair follicles.
How often can you make henna hair masks?
It all depends on your hair type. Owners of dry hair should not do such masks more often than once every 10 days (henna can dry hair). Those who have oily or prone to oily hair - once or twice a week (depending on the degree of fat content). For normal hair - once a week. And, of course, you need to remember that you cannot achieve magical effects at once.

So here are some recipes:

1) 2 tablespoons henna + 100 ml of warm kefir (let the mixture stand for 15 minutes) + apply to hair for 40 minutes = general strengthening + splendor and shine of hair

2) 2 tablespoons henna + 1 tsp tobacco + 5-7 cloves (crush or grind) + hot water, let the mixture brew for 1 hour + 2 tbsp. olive oil + 2 tbsp kefir + 0.5 tbsp vitamins A and E + apply to hair for 1 hour = general strengthening effect on hair
3) 2-3 tablespoons of henna + 100 ml. hot whey + let it brew for 20 minutes + 1 tsp. honey + apply to hair for 40 minutes = nourishes, makes hair smoother and more manageable
4) 1/2 cup dried nettle + 3 tbsp henna + hot water (let the mixture brew for 20 minutes) + apply to hair for 40 minutes = nutrition and strengthening (especially good for oily hair)
5) 2 tablespoons henna + 2 tsp mustard powder + hot water (soak the mixture for 15-20 minutes) + apply to hair for 10 minutes = reduces hair loss

For the following masks, henna must first be poured with hot water (not boiling) for 15-20 minutes.

6) 2 tablespoons henna + 2 tablespoons of warmed burdock oil + let the mixture cool + 0.5 tsp. vitamin A + 0.5 tsp vitamin E + apply to hair for 40-60 minutes = improves the general condition of the hair, prevents hair loss
7) 2 tbsp henna + avocado pulp + 1 tbsp castor oil = moisturizes dry and damaged hair well
8) 2 tablespoons henna + 2 tbsp. lemon juice + 2 tbsp blue clay + 1 tbsp burdock oil + apply to hair for 40 minutes - 1 hour = perfectly strengthens oily hair
9) 1 tbsp henna + 2 tbsp lemon juice + 2 tbsp castor oil + 1 tsp. aloe juice + 3 drops of eucalyptus essential oil + apply to hair for 30 minutes = effective against dandruff and hair loss
10) 1 tbsp henna + 2 tbsp sea buckthorn oil + 2 tbsp whey + 1 tsp garlic juice + 3 drops of orange essential oil + apply to hair for 30 minutes = strengthens hair, eliminates dandruff

Mikhailova Ilona

Henna, widely used in oriental cosmetology, has firmly established itself in our lives. This miracle powder fights a host of problems that plague our hair, and provides unsurpassed results that no salon procedure will give. Henna hair masks are real “magicians” that can miraculously transform our hair. The main thing is the competent use of folk recipes.

Few people know that there are two types of natural dye - colored and colorless. Both one and the second are made from the tropical lawson plant, only the coloring henna is from the leaves, and the colorless henna is from the stem. Lavsonia is enriched with many vitamins, amino acids and essential oils that are useful and necessary for healthy and beautiful hair. Therefore, the powder produced from this plant has a number of positive properties:

  • restorative - included in the composition of zeaxanthin, emodin and carotene strengthen the hair follicles, preventing the hair shafts from falling out, and smooth the scales;
  • firming - penetrating deep into the roots of the routine maximally saturates and strengthens them from the inside;
  • anti-inflammatory - the vegetable powder contains chrysophanol, which is considered the best (!) Means for the treatment of various kinds of inflammation;
  • moisturizing - components such as fisalen and betaine destroy dandruff and relieve dryness of the scalp.

Thanks to these components, henna is widely used in home masks, the purpose of which is to restore curls (primarily oily), prevent them from falling out, and make strands elastic, silky and shiny.

We breed henna for hair

Before preparing a mask for your henna curls, it should be diluted with liquid. It would seem that the process could not be easier. But this is at first glance, in fact, you need to know some of the nuances.

  • Take the quantity based on the length and density of your “mane”: for a short haircut you will need one sachet of powder (standard - 80 g), for medium curls (up to the shoulders) - two sachets, and for long curls - at least three packs
  • To dilute henna, take a glass / ceramic container, pour the powder into it, pour in hot (80 ° C) boiled water in a thin stream (for 1 part of henna - 2 parts of the liquid), while stirring constantly. At the exit, you should get an absolutely homogeneous, without any lumps, thick slurry.
  • Tropical plant powder can also be diluted with herbal decoctions or whey, which will make hair shiny and smooth.
  • Do you want to give your curls a warm chestnut shade? Mix lawsonia powder with natural ground coffee (about one tablespoon). If you want your hair to acquire a bright fiery color, use beetroot juice heated to 70 ° C to dilute henna, and to give your hair a rich redhead, brew a miracle powder with chamomile infusion, adding also turmeric and paprika to this mixture (one tsp each). l.) or crushed calendula.
  • To make the henna mask give an intense and lasting color, mix diluted powder with citric acid / juice and table vinegar (half tsp)
  • Before adding other components to the brewed powder, it should brew a little
  • To make a mask based on an extract from a tropical plant have a more pleasant aroma, use green tea and a couple of drops of your favorite aroma oil to brew

Rules for the use of henna masks

Given the strong coloring properties, homemade hair cosmetics with this component should be prepared and applied in compliance with a number of rules:

  1. Henna masks are not recommended for fair-haired beauties - under the influence of vegetable powder, blondes are at great risk of turning into such "aliens" with greenish (yellowish at best) curls.
  2. Eliminate the presence of an individual intolerance to Lavsonia powder by applying a vegetable gruel on the wrist / behind the ear and observing the reaction.
  3. This product should only be purchased from specialized outlets.
  4. A mask with henna is applied to clean, moistened hair: first rub into the roots, and then comb the strands with a rare comb. "Greenhouse effect" (insulation of the head with a film and a hat) is required.
  5. Use warm water to rinse off.
  6. The duration of the session is from 20 to 60 minutes. (depending on the expected result and the color of your hair), the frequency is once every 14 days. For two months.
  7. After applying masks with henna for 3 days, do not dye your hair, because. high probability of uneven distribution of paint.

Henna Mixture Recipes

Important! For a treatment mask, use a colorless (white) powder, and for additional coloring, use a regular (Iranian) powder.

Dry Hair Blends

  • With oils and avocado

Add a small amount of avocado pulp and castor oil + burdock oil (one tsp each) to the brewed lawsonia powder. Session duration - 1 hour.
This mask perfectly moisturizes dry scalp, eliminates dandruff and relieves hair from the state of electrification.

  • With lemon juice, cottage cheese and egg

Dilute the paint (30 g) with lemon juice (two tablespoons), add beaten egg yolks (two) and chopped fatty cottage cheese (two tablespoons) to the mixture. The duration of the mask is 40 minutes.
This product has excellent moisturizing and nourishing properties.

Oily hair products

  • With lemon and blue clay

Separately dilute vegetable powder (one sachet) and blue clay (four tablespoons). Mix these two mixtures with lemon juice (from one citrus). The duration of the action is half an hour.
This tool will save your hair from an unpleasant greasy sheen and rapid contamination.

  • with egg

Mix the beaten egg white and diluted Lavsonia powder (two tbsp). The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes.
Such a mask will miraculously save your strands from delamination, normalize sebaceous secretion and saturate the curls with the necessary nutrition.

Hair growth masks

  • With kefir and bay oil

Mix the diluted vegetable powder with kefir (a quarter cup) bay oil (American laurel) (five drops). The duration of the procedure is 40 minutes.
This mask perfectly strengthens the roots, and activates the growth of hair shafts.

  • With aloe juice and avocado

Mix colorless powder (a couple of tablespoons), aloe juice (one tablespoon) and ripe avocado (one tablespoon fruit pulp). The duration of the mask is 20 minutes.
This composition allows you to strengthen the hair follicles and stimulate hair growth, as well as add splendor to the hairstyle.

Anti-hair loss mixture with honey, egg and olive and burdock oil

Brew the paint (150 g), add beaten egg yolks (two), honey (one tsp) and olive + burdock oil (two tablespoons each), beat everything well. The mask is applied for half an hour.

Anti-dandruff mask with lemon juice, eucalyptus and castor oil

Thoroughly mix brewed henna (a couple of tablespoons) with lemon fresh (two tsp), castor oil (one tablespoon) and eucalyptus oil (a few drops). Apply to hair for 30 minutes.

Mix for splendor of hair with kefir

Dilute lavsonia powder (two tablespoons) in warm kefir (half a glass) and insist in heat for about a quarter of an hour. The duration of the mask is 40 minutes.

Dry henna shampoo

This is an excellent therapeutic and prophylactic remedy against hair loss and for the active growth of hair, which is very easy to prepare at home.

Take the following ingredients: colorless powder (two tsp), shavings of baby soap (50 g), green tea / herbal decoction (50 g), burdock oil (one tsp), keratin and silk protein (five drops each ). Melt soap chips + tea / decoction in a water bath, mix with other ingredients. Mix the whole mixture very gently, avoiding the formation of bubbles, and pour into molds (pre-treat them with alcohol). When the shampoo has cooled, release it from the molds and place in a dry place to dry and infuse. Your homemade henna shampoo is ready.

In today's life, filled with all sorts of negative phenomena, maintaining healthy and luxurious hair is very important. Henna-based hair masks are universal because they are able to "revive" even the weakest and most damaged hair, filling it with vital energy. Therefore, you should not waste your time and money on salon procedures - you can fulfill the dream of a chic cascade of shining curls yourself.

Henna is commonly referred to as a natural plant dye. It is prepared from the lower leaves of a plant with the romantic name Lavsonia. When applied to hair, henna gives them a red tint, so natural henna for masks is not recommended for blondes.

Fair-haired girls and those who do not want to change their natural shade should purchase colorless henna for care. This tool retains all the beneficial properties of ordinary henna, but does not color.

It can be said that henna hair mask is a tool that will suit almost everyone, it is suitable for any color and type of hair.

Any type of henna can significantly improve the appearance of the hair, due to its composition. This substance contains:

  • Rutin. This is a vitamin that penetrates the cells of the hair follicle, providing strengthening of the roots.
  • Carotene. This element has a positive effect on the structure of the hair, making it smoother and shiny.
  • Emodin. This substance effectively strengthens, prevents loss.
  • Chrysophanol. A natural antibiotic that fights fungi, bacteria, helps in the treatment of various diseases of the scalp.

If used correctly, henna-based hair masks can significantly improve the health and appearance of the hair.

When to apply?

Henna can be used for preventive care and for treatment. Regular use of these funds allows you to:

  • strengthen the roots, preventing loss;
  • restore hair shafts along the entire length;
  • avoid split ends;
  • help in the treatment of diseases of the scalp.

There are few contraindications to the use of colorless henna, the only thing you need to make sure is that there is no individual intolerance to the substances that make up the mask.

As for the use of colored henna, it is not recommended to use it with a light shade of hair, as well as with a large amount of gray hair. In this case, the result of staining may be a bright orange tint.

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Procedure Rules

It is not difficult to use henna at home, however, it will not be superfluous to get acquainted with the basic rules.

  • To make a henna mask, the powder from the package is poured into a glass or faience cup and poured with hot water, but not boiling water (the recommended water temperature is about 80 degrees).
  • Liquids should be taken about three times more than powder. However, you can pour "by eye", the main thing is to ensure that you get a creamy mass.
  • Apply the prepared composition to the entire head. That is, first divide the strands into partings and rub the mixture into the roots, then distribute it over the strands with a comb. If colored henna is used, it is very important to use gloves and do not try to rub the composition into the roots, since the composition dyes not only the hair, but also the skin.

  • Warming- an important condition for the effectiveness of the procedure, therefore, immediately after applying the composition, it is necessary to wrap the hair with a film, and put on something warm on top - a hat, a “turban” from a scarf or towel.
  • Carrying out the procedure for the first time, it is worth limiting yourself to a thirty-minute exposure. Subsequently, it will be possible to extend the duration of the mask up to 2 hours.
  • The formulations containing henna are washed off quite simply, you must first simply rinse the strands in a large volume of water (in a basin), and then, if necessary, use shampoo.
  • The frequency of procedures is determined by the goals set. If this is prevention, then it is enough to carry them out three times a month; for treatment, you can do procedures every three days.
  • The full course is 16-20 procedures. At the end of the course, it is better to take a break by switching to masks of a different type.


It is necessary to choose recipes for hair masks with henna depending on your goals. If you plan to achieve a bright shade, then you should choose colored henna.

Toning compositions

If the main goal is to obtain a certain shade, then colored henna should be used.. In order not to be disappointed in the result, you must follow the following rules:

  • Do not attempt to color damaged, bleached or chemically colored hair. Before applying the mask, it is recommended to cut your hair to remove split ends.
  • Prepare a mask by diluting henna powder with hot water. If it is planned to get not a bright red, but a different shade, then an additional substance, basma, is introduced into the coloring mask. If you mix these dyes in equal parts, you get a chestnut color. The more henna in the mixture, the lighter the shade will turn out and vice versa.
  • If the hair is dry, then henna can be diluted not with water, but with kefir. Basma is bred only with water.
  • Before applying the mask, you need to apply a greasy cream along the hairline, you can additionally make a bandage from gauze folded into three or four layers. This will help protect the skin from streaks of the coloring composition.
  • Apply the composition to freshly washed and slightly damp strands.
  • You need to keep the tinting composition from 1 to 8 hours, it depends on the desired brightness of the shade.
  • You can wash off the composition without using shampoo.

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If there is a lot of gray hair

To tint gray hair, a mixture is prepared from equal amounts of henna, ground coffee beans and basma. Pour the mixture with hot water, let stand. Apply to wet strands, hold for two hours, rinse without using shampoo.

Care compositions

If the main purpose of the procedure is care and treatment, and if a henna mask is being prepared for fair hair, then you need to use a colorless variety of henna.

To strengthen

Henna is great for hair loss. To prepare a therapeutic mixture, you will need two types of oils, an egg, honey. Cooking order:

  • we prepare henna, as usual, using 150 grams of powder;
  • beat two yolks, adding 25 ml of olive and almond oil, as well as a teaspoon of honey;
  • mix the prepared mixture and henna, beat.

To combat greasiness

Composition for oily hair should have a drying effect. Such a hair mask with white henna is being prepared with the addition of white or blue clay powder. We mix the components in equal amounts (we take 4 tablespoons of both), pour water until a creamy mass is obtained. Pour in the juice obtained from half a lemon. This composition should not be kept on the hair for more than half an hour.

To restore overdried strands

A nourishing hair mask with colorless henna is prepared with the addition of avocado and burdock oil. First, we prepare henna by pouring 150 grams of powder with water. While it is infused, we clean the avocado, removing the stone, and beat the pulp of the fruit with a blender in mashed potatoes. Mix puree with henna and two tablespoons of oil, beat.

Colorless henna is a powdered extract of a medicinal plant. Henna is used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes, but does not have coloring properties.

Cosmetics from colorless henna will help improve hair, giving it strength and shine. Masks from this product are easy to prepare and apply at home. With regular use, the result will be visible in a month.

The benefits of colorless henna for hair

Powder from colorless henna It is produced from a plant called Cassia. Do not confuse colorless henna with regular henna, as they come from different types of shrubs. So, in turn, the product for hair coloring is made from Lavsonia.

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Henna is an extract from the dry stems of the plant. Before using the powder, it must be diluted in a small amount of water.

Cassia extract is rich in beneficial properties for hair, some of which are considered unique in nature.

The chemical composition of henna contains:

  • Fisalen and emodin. Substances that have a soothing and antibacterial effect on the skin;
  • Crisofanol. A component that kills microfungi or inflammation;
  • Rutin. The lack of this substance in the body leads to weakening, hair loss;
  • Betaine. A substance that deeply moisturizes and nourishes the hair strands;
  • Carotene, which is an antioxidant for hair. This is a pigment substance that returns a natural shade to mature hair.

Henna is a universal remedy that provides gentle hair care without irritating the dermis. Masks from this product are suitable for any member of the family. It is especially recommended to use the powder for normal and oily hair types, as henna is able to normalize the secretion of sebum and cleanse the skin.

Henna products dry out the roots, so owners of dry hair should combine the product with moisturizing ingredients.

Application methods

Colorless henna is widely used to eliminate problems with the skin, face or hair. You can rinse your hair with henna or make nourishing masks out of them. It is recommended to combine the extract with other medicinal plants.

Any recipe for masks can be replayed in accordance with the individual need of the hair. So, dry hair is recommended to add products that moisturize the strands as much as possible - essential oils, honey or dairy products.

Henna can be diluted not only in water, but also in a ready-made decoction of herbs. Especially useful will be infusions of chamomile, calendula, burdock, dandelion, etc.

Due to the cleansing and exfoliating properties of henna, the product can be used as a natural shampoo. The powder is sold in small packets in a pharmacy or the cosmetic department of a supermarket.

Application rules

Colorless henna masks easy to prepare and use. But, in order for the remedy to become as effective as possible for the hair, you need to follow the indicated recommendations in the recipe.

Also, do not forget about the general regulations, which must be observed when applying and making any henna mask:

  • The procedure can be carried out with both clean and dirty hair. However, if you suffer from severe dry hair, then it is better to apply the mixture on dirty curls, as part of the mask will absorb the accumulated oil and will not dry the roots much;
  • For the preparation of masks, you must use only fresh products. An open pack of henna should not be stored for more than a few days. Henna should be yellowish or greenish. If there are red or white inclusions in the powder, then the product has begun to deteriorate;
  • Before using the mask, it is worth checking the mixture for an allergic reaction. To do this, it is worth applying a small amount of the mixture to the wrist or bend of the elbow. If redness, itching or other unpleasant sensations do not appear after 15-20 minutes, the mask is suitable for use;
  • The duration of the procedure at the first application should be no more than 15-20 minutes. If the skin is not accustomed to such care, you should not give a strong load to the hair with the active components of the mixture. This recommendation is especially relevant for those with sensitive skin;
  • It is recommended to apply the mask on damp but not wet hair. The cleansing procedure should be carried out in warm water. Too high a temperature destroys the hair structure;
  • To create a greenhouse effect, during the procedure, you can wrap your head in polyethylene and a bath towel.
  • Hair cleansing after the procedure can be carried out without the use of shampoo. Henna has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can replace this remedy.

It is also worth taking care of hair care, in addition to masks. The condition of the hair especially worsens with regular chemical and thermal exposure.

Aggressive dye substances destroy the protective layer of the strands, washing out the natural pigment from it. After dyeing, weakened hair loses the ability to fully absorb the vitamins received, making them defenseless against external factors.

It is necessary to use a balm after dyed hair, as well as apply conditioner after each hair cleansing.

Before using a hair dryer (curling irons, etc.), it is recommended to treat the hair with a heat protectant. There is a wide range of sprays, mousses or creams on the market that will protect your hair from harmful thermal effects.

Recipes for hair masks with colorless henna

Colorless henna has healing properties, which, when used correctly, give a healing effect in different directions. Hair masks, which include colorless henna, have the following impact:

  • Strengthen and restore hair after regular lightening and coloring;
  • Activate hair growth, help to cope with hair loss;
  • Give hair shine, volume and silkiness;
  • Curls will become more obedient when combing and styling;
  • Tinted gray hair.

Folk recipes for colorless henna masks are available for every pocket, as they require a minimum amount of ingredients.


Strengthen weakened hair will help colorless henna in combination with dairy products, for example, milk, kefir or yogurt. It will be useful both to make masks from products, and to eat them.

Vitamins B and E in the composition of the products perfectly moisturize and nourish the hair. And a large amount of calcium will make up for the lack in the body. Sour-milk products will also give a beautiful, healthy look to the nails and skin.

Honey is an indispensable product in the kitchen that charges the body with vitamins during their shortage. It contains vitamins C and B, as well as a large amount of minerals (calcium, copper, zinc, iron, etc.). These substances strengthen the hair structure, making it stronger and more voluminous.

To make a mask would need:

  • 50 g of henna powder;
  • 100 ml whey;
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. liquid honey.

Dilute the required amount of colorless henna in warm whey or kefir. The resulting mixture is infused for 10-15 minutes, after which a couple of tablespoons of honey should be added.

Apply the finished mask with massaging movements on the hair roots and distribute along the entire length of the natural comb. The procedure lasts 20-30 min t, then the composition is washed off with warm water. This mask can be used 1-2 times a week.

For hair growth

Collecting herbs will help speed up hair growth. You need to choose herbs that contain essential oils, trace elements, tannins, carotene, saponin and acids.

To prepare the mask, you need to prepare decoction of:

  • Birch leaves, nettle and coltsfoot;
  • Burdock root;
  • Chamomile flowers.

It is necessary to take one spoonful of each plant and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. The mixture can be boiled for 2-3 minutes. Then cover with a lid and let it brew for 15-20 minutes.

Mix henna with the finished liquid, cool. The procedure lasts 25-30 minutes, after which you need to wash off the mask with warm water without shampoo.

Also suitable for decoction: nettle, thyme, string, celandine, sage, calendula, etc. You can add a little cinnamon or a few drops of mandarin or tea tree essential oil to the mask. These components will strengthen the roots and accelerate hair growth after 3-4 applications.

For shine and silkiness

In order for the hair to become shiny and silky, it is enough to add beneficial ingredients to the colorless henna. essential oils. It is worth giving preference to oils: ylang-ylang, rosemary, sage, tea tree, orange, geranium, rosewood, sandalwood, etc.

To prepare a gloss mask, you need to dilute a bag of henna in water (according to the instructions) and add a few drops of the selected product to the finished mixture. After that, apply the finished mask to wet hair and distribute along the entire length. The procedure lasts 40-50 minutes then the mask is washed off with warm water.

From falling out

Helps stop hair loss olive and castor oil. Olive oil contains vitamins A, E, D and K, which nourish and strengthen the hair follicles. Oleic and linoleic acids actively moisturize the strands, making them healthier and more beautiful.

Castor oil is a mixture of glycerides that activate and accelerate the growth of strands. The product can be changed not only for hair, but for eyelashes and eyebrows.

To prepare an anti-fall mask necessary:

  • 50 ml. castor oil;
  • 50 ml. olive oil;
  • 2-3 drops of rosemary essential oil;

To prepare the mixture, you need to dilute henna in hot water. Add the necessary oils to the cooled liquid and leave for 10 minutes. Apply the mask on the head with massaging movements and distribute along the length with a comb. Keep the composition for 50-60 minutes, then rinse with shampoo. The course is held for 1-1.5 months, 1-2 times a week.

From dandruff

Most often, dandruff appears from violations in the secretion of sebum, as well as changes in the microflora of the head. In order to permanently get rid of the fungus, you can use the beneficial properties of cloves and cognac.

To prepare the mask, you will need the following Ingredients:

  • 1 st. l. ground cloves;
  • 1 tsp olive oil;
  • 50 ml brandy;
  • 1 pack of colorless henna;

Henna should be mixed with cloves, olive oil and cognac. Rub the composition into the scalp, making a light massage. During the procedure, it is recommended to wrap your hair in polyethylene and a towel. Keep the mask on your head for 25-30 minutes and rinse with warm water. The procedures are carried out once a week for 2 months.

For split ends

In order to get rid of split ends and brittle strands, you need to provide the tips with maximum nutrition and hydration. Colorless henna is a great helper in the fight against delamination.

Due to the rich chemical composition, flax-seed widely used in cosmetology. It contains phenolic compounds, omega-3 acids and fiber, which will provide proper care and relieve problems with hair.

To prepare the recipe you need to pour 1 tbsp. l. flaxseed with a glass of boiling water. Seeds insist 30-40 minutes and heated to 60-70 °. Add henna to the hot liquid and stir until smooth. Apply the cooled mask to the hair, wash off after an hour. The procedure is carried out 1-2 times a week, 1.5-2 months.

If necessary, henna can add 1-2 tbsp. l. homemade mayonnaise or honey. As a result, you get strong healthy hair without damaged ends.

To tone gray hair

In order to hide annoying gray hair, you need to add to the mask colorants. It is not at all necessary to use artificial dyes, natural products will do an excellent job with this function.

Choose pigment you need depending on the desired color:

  • A reddish shade of hair can be obtained using beetroot juice. To prepare the mask, you need to pour one packet of colorless henna into hot beetroot juice and leave for 10-15 minutes. The procedure should be carried out for 1 hour, then rinse with warm water;
  • For a chocolate shade, you need strong ground coffee. Add henna to hot coffee and leave to brew for 10 minutes. Then apply the mask along the length of the hair for 30-40 minutes and rinse with warm water;
  • Onion peel will help to get a reddish tint. For cooking, you need to cook the husk for 30 minutes. Add henna to the resulting liquid. Keep the mask on your head for 50-60 minutes;
  • A decoction of chamomile will help your hair acquire a golden color. Keep this mask on your head for 1.5-2 hours. To prepare, you need to mix a decoction of chamomile with henna and leave the mixture to infuse for 15-20 minutes.

After using the masks, you can use a hair balm.


With the right choice of products, compliance with the shelf life and procedure time, colorless henna will be useful for any type of hair.

As such, there are no contraindications. However, each organism is unique, so before using any mask, it is worth checking the composition for individual intolerance and allergies.

If during the procedure you feel discomfort, then the composition should be washed off.

Colorless henna masks for blondes should be used with caution. The powder does not have the same pigment as Lavsonia root henna. However, fair-haired young ladies may have an undesirable greenish or yellowish tint.

Surely you paid attention to how beautiful and thick hair Eastern women have. Today will reveal their secret to you. Since ancient times, women of the East tried to use natural cosmetics, which they could prepare with their own hands. They were a great help in this henna hair mask.

I think a lot of girls have tried henna on their hair and been happy with the reddish brown color they got.

But henna can not only color and shade hair, but also use it as a miracle cure that can work wonders with hair. It turns out that henna is capable of:

  • give your hair strength and volume;
  • strengthen your hair
  • get rid of dandruff;
  • prevent hair loss;
  • eliminate fragility;
  • accelerate hair growth

This does not require expensive preparations and procedures, you just need to prepare henna hair masks at home. And if you don’t want to dye your hair, and your natural shade suits you, but your hair looks “tired” and needs help, a hair mask will be a good tool for you, in which colorless henna will replace regular henna. Colorless henna has the same beneficial properties for hair as regular henna, the only difference is that it will not color your hair.

Just want to draw your attention to the fact that in order to achieve good results, a henna hair mask should become a kind of habit. Usually it is recommended to do it no more than 2 times a week. If you can sustain such a schedule, the result will exceed all your expectations.

Which henna hair mask is right for you?

Here we need to dwell a little more:

  • if your hair is oily or has a tendency to this, then such masks can be safely used 2 times a week;
  • if you have very dry hair, then such henna masks can dry them even more, especially the tips. In this case, either such masks do not suit you, or you need to add various oils to them and look at the result. In this case, it is enough to make a mask once every 10 days. If even with oil the hair gets dry, then this is not your mask;
  • if your hair is dyed "blond" - you need to do a trial test in order not to get a greenish tint of hair after the mask. To do this, a small amount of henna needs to be diluted, as expected, applied to a strand of hair and kept for the right time. If the strand does not turn green, you can safely apply henna to the entire head. If the result did not please you, it is better to postpone the experiment until the time when your hair color is different.

How to breed henna for masks

In order to dilute henna, you can use either just hot water or decoctions of herbs and plants. For example, you can use a decoction of chamomile or burdock roots. This will give your hair extra nutrition and shine.

Henna should be diluted in a ratio of 1:2 or 1:3, while not using metal utensils. The resulting mass must be stirred until the consistency of sour cream. Henna should brew a little, and then you can add the rest of the ingredients you need to it. For masks, you can use both regular henna (Iranian) and colorless, depending on whether you want to get a golden hue or not. How right, you can read in the article on the site site.

The simplest nourishing henna hair mask is a mask of henna itself with the addition of water. This mask is often applied just to the hair roots, but if you apply it to all hair, it will also be good. You will need to put on a hat or a plastic bag on your head, wrap your head in a towel and go about your business for 30-50 minutes. You will feel your time yourself, start with 30 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water and shampoo.

Henna hair masks can be made without dyeing your hair - use colorless henna

Henna-kefir hair mask will strengthen weakened hair well

In such a mask, henna is diluted with warm kefir instead of water. You need to apply such a mask on the scalp and hair and keep it for 35-45 minutes, covering your head with a hat and wrapping it in a towel. You need to wash off the mask as usual - with warm water with the addition of shampoo. With regular use of this mask, the hair will become shiny and voluminous.

Henna mask for dry hair

This mask nourishes, cares for hair in every possible way, gives it shine and volume.

In the prepared base of henna and water (decoction), you need to add: 1 or 2 yolks, 2 tablespoons of linseed can be burdock oil, add a tablespoon of olive oil to the mixture, and a couple of teaspoons of honey, sometimes add a little apple cider vinegar. Wrap your head for 35 minutes.

Henna mask for oily hair

In the base of henna and water, you need to add 1-2 tablespoons of lemon juice, 2 salt spoons of clay (blue), 1 tablespoon of oil (linseed, castor or burdock) Apply the mask on your hair for 45 minutes. Put a cap on your head and wrap your head terry towel. Wash off with warm water and shampoo.

Henna masks there are a large number. Looking closely at your hair, you will understand what it lacks. Start simply with the simplest mask, see how your hair reacts to it. And you can add to the mask and yogurt from brittle hair, and raw eggs for shine, and a large number of natural products. You can alternate masks, according to the condition of the hair, you yourself will understand what “works” better in your case. All you need is patience, and you will be satisfied with the result.

Yulia Litvinova - especially for the website

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