How to get rid of the habit of crushing acne. I can not get rid of the obsessive habit of picking pimples and blackheads How to unlearn squashing pimples forever

Few people can boast of healthy clear skin. Nasty red, white nodules periodically occupy the most unsuitable places for us. Well, if they turn out to be the back, another part of the body protected by clothing. The opposite case leads to the fact that we begin to squeeze out annoying acne.

This weakness is inherited, but we don’t even think about how to get rid of the habit of squeezing acne. After all, such a procedure only adds all kinds of rashes, multiplies the population. We again approach the mirror, we begin to crush them.


The consequences of assault on the face, other parts of the body bring even more defects than acne, such as:

  • possible expression ;
  • scar formation;
  • skin infection;
  • pathology of hair follicles;
  • the appearance of purulent formations.

The appearance of the mentioned defective areas is due to the habit of squeezing out pimples, cavities with serous fluid for any reason. To get rid of such a harmful manner of eliminating blackheads, you need to find a reason to distance yourself from it. The most important thing is that you will have to rely only on your help. Moreover, the eradication of an old habit is best achieved by acquiring a new one, preferably a better one.

True, a person still manages to progress in the opposite direction, which also negatively affects his moral and physical health. You will have to exert willpower, which is not developed by itself, to allow a new useful habit to form. Perhaps do it differently. Find the reason why neoplasms began to be picked. In any case, you have to work on yourself. Let's consider some techniques for getting rid of weakness by squeezing pimples.

Psychological methods

Specialists in psychotechnics, doctors noticed that squeezing acne, like the manner of biting nails, indicates the presence of a neuropsychiatric disorder accompanied by some behavioral manifestations. This is observed during a long wait, an exciting event, the resolution of a complex dilemma.

Of course, a simple outside advice to eliminate anxiety will do little for a neurotic. Most likely this is a hint - to calm down. But is it possible to relieve irritation if a hefty eel looks at you from the mirror?

Then it will help how to get rid of the habit of squeezing pimples by taking psychotropic products with a calming effect: valerian, bromides, motherwort, a healthy long sleep, or remove all mirrors out of sight. It will be enough to leave only one large one, located in front of the exit door of the apartment. You will get tired of running constantly into the hallway, and in the meantime the skin will rest without squeezing, heal. After a few days, clear skin without acne will remain on the face.

If you want to put your hands somewhere, do something interesting for yourself. It is unlikely that someday you will have time to cook a constantly postponed culinary dish, find an abandoned embroidery hoop or tighten a sagging tummy with pumping up the press. Believe me, after the last one there will be no strength left to decorate your forehead with squeezing. So, perhaps, an old habit will be forgotten and a new one will appear.

Following the advice of the same psychologists, it takes two weeks to acquire a new hobby, then it will look as if your new weakness was born with you.


Sophisticated in psychology, the term motivation is familiar. Come up with something that will even allow you to forget about a pimple. For example, what beautiful, smooth, tender skin I will be if I stop putting my hands to my face. The result will appear shortly. A white or red bump the size of a match head that appears on the face will disappear on its own in two or three days.

The subconscious mind remembers all actions, starting from our birth in the womb. With it, you can remember the reason that prompted the extrusion of acne, purulent cavities. The result obtained will tell you how it all began, the very first source of nervousness. To do this, you need a pen and a sheet of paper. We need to remember what our brain was telling us at that moment. Of course, the latter is not adapted to be observed, but it is worth a try. Perhaps the solution to this problem will allow you to stop pressing acne on the body, and lead to other unexpected discoveries.

For those who are not interested in their own digging, we suggest reading or re-reading the information about the dangers of self-mechanical removal of growths. Remember that the pus coming out of the wound affects the neighboring hair follicles and begins to infect a healthy follicle. The consequences that will appear after you try to get rid of them seem much more serious, more deplorable. Scars, ulcers that do not heal for a long time, remaining age spots. Removal in the region of the orbits leads to acute diffuse purulent inflammation, blindness.

Still do not know how to unlearn to crush acne? If you wish, you can improve any everyday monotonous activity, this also removes unnecessary thoughts, for example, about eels that have spilled out. When washing the same dishes, cleaning the apartment or embroidering, it is necessary to comment aloud each of your actions. It looks something like this: I turn my front side of the plate, turn it over, set my back side of the plate aside, take the next plate. And so, until you wash, in this case, all the dishes. Pronouncing the manipulations will allow you to stop the flow of obsessive thoughts, temporarily forget, or calmly endure the red balls that have chosen your cheeks and back.

Supporters of the physical improvement of healthy skin are advised to prepare a therapeutic compress, a cosmetic mask from the infusion of pharmacy camilla, medicinal calendula flowers, and other plants that have an anti-inflammatory effect.

It is advisable to discuss the use of ointments, liniments with your doctor, perhaps he will tell you how to unlearn how to crush acne.


The use of psychological techniques will give the desired result only in conjunction with the rules of skin care.

For example:

  • avoid excessive moisture, drying,
  • beware of direct sunlight;
  • replace soap with soft hypoallergenic foam, cosmetic milk;
  • make-up not removed before a night's rest causes damage that is also difficult to repair;
  • take vitamin complexes saturated with nicotinic, folic acids, cyanocobalamin, which have a beneficial effect;
  • temporarily exclude fatty, salty, pickled foods from the daily diet, stick to a diet of plant foods of a soft color;
  • alcoholic, carbonated, sweet drinks should be temporarily forgotten;
  • when cleansing the face, use neutral gels, foams with the addition of organic oils;
  • avoid using tonal powder, it clogs the pores, the mouths of the sebaceous holocrine glands;
  • if the desire to squeeze out the pustules overpowers, it is necessary to perform the operation using a sterile napkin, antiseptic, alcohol.

It should be remembered that strong psychological stresses, experiences also do not add beauty, which makes it difficult to unlearn putting your hands on the acne area. Fresh air without car exhaust, saturate the body with oxygen, improve cellular metabolism.

pharmacy cosmetics

Pharmaceutical cosmetics - spot-on creams, dispersion micellar aqueous solutions - help to activate the cellular metabolism of damaged areas. The best of its kind are Bioderma, Avene.

The latter leads in the fight against acne, small pustular rashes, contains some essential acids. Fabrics wash off cosmetics, maintain moisture balance, remove redness, form a barrier to external influences. Regular use of drugs will reduce the number of rashes, which will affect the removal of the habit of picking formations.

Not only girls love to squeeze out acne, but it is with them that the desire to eliminate all pimples on the face goes to the extreme. And no matter how much you say that this occupation only spoils the face, the hands are still reaching for the next pimple.

The paradox is that squeezing does not get rid of acne, but rather provokes their appearance.. Moreover, the risk of infection after such a procedure increases significantly. And this can lead to serious skin diseases, against which ordinary pimples will seem like sheer nonsense.

But, even realizing the danger of such a hobby, many girls cannot stop. Psychologists compare the craving for squeezing to the habit of biting your nails. In both cases, psychological dependence is developed. Many girls are wondering how to stop pushing acne, because they understand how their hobby can end.

First of all, you need to take care of the health of the skin. The acne-prone face beckons to "conjure" over it. Of course, it is not always possible to cope with acne with home remedies, so it is better to entrust your face to a professional. The specialist will select the necessary cosmetics, possibly prescribe treatment. In the meantime, pimples will dry up, you need to learn how to squeeze them out. At least for the sake of their beauty and skin health.

Psychological aspect

To begin with, it is advisable to think about why this habit has stuck at all. As psychologists say, the desire to “pick something up” indicates nervousness and increased excitability. It is one thing if the extrusion is performed in a beauty parlor, the other is in a hurry in front of a mirror, and even with dirty hands. There is no beauty to speak of here. The main thing a woman wants to achieve is to relieve nervous tension. And a squeezed pimple brings instant relief.

In this case, not cosmetics will bring great benefit (although they should not be neglected either), but sedatives. It is noted that young girls often squeeze out acne during intensive study, exams, if there are problems on the personal front. That is, stress and nervous tension in the first place force the fair sex to engage in this "unseemly" business.

Other signs may also indicate psycho-emotional excitability: poor sleep, frequent mood swings, increased anxiety. If the problem is temporary, then such remedies as motherwort, chamomile, valerian will be able to help. With severe anxiety, you should consult a doctor so that he can choose the best remedy.

Some women are driven to pop pimples by the aesthetic unattractiveness of acne-prone skin. Such people are ready to suppress inflammation not only in themselves, but also in others. There can be only one advice here - go to a professional cosmetologist, where they will teach you how to take care of your skin correctly.

It would seem that the problem is not worth discussing: do not push, and everything will be fine. But many women are simply not able to give up a bad habit. Let’s take a look at 10 top tips to help you beat your addiction:

  • give up mirrors - the desire to squeeze something out on the face appears only after this face is subjected to careful study. Let communication with mirrors be minimal, then the need to squeeze out pimples will be less and less. If you have a small mirror in your purse, feel free to leave it at home. Use a mirror only before going outside, and after a week you will notice how much cleaner your skin will become;
  • take a picture of your face after the “procedure” - you can not only take a picture of yourself in an unsightly look, but also enlarge problem areas with the help of a photo editor. Print the image on the printer and place in front of the mirror. Every time you see inflamed and injured skin, you will feel less of such a need;
  • make a short manicure - it’s not the pressure itself that brings more harm to the face, but injury to the skin with long nails. Refusal of a long manicure will save the face from scarring and reduce the likelihood of infection;
  • find out what a bad habit leads to - just read women's forums and admire the photos. Having become acquainted with the consequences, many girls leave the bad habit once and for all;
  • introduce a system of punishments - at first it is unlikely that it will be possible to avoid disruptions, but wrongdoing should not go unpunished. For each squeezed pimple, you can “reward” yourself with three or five push-ups from the floor. Such a punishment will benefit the figure and discourage the desire to constantly injure the skin, especially when the hands begin to shake from fatigue after the next push-up;
  • find the ideal - you can print a photo of an idol and hang it on a mirror. Surely your ideal has flawless skin, and if you want the same, please stop pushing;
  • take care of the cleanliness of the face - if there are no special problems with the skin, and all the fuss arises from a couple of random pimples, then you can make cleansing masks from natural ingredients at home. One of these is oatmeal. A tablespoon of cereal is poured with a small amount of water, left to swell, and then applied to the face. The product perfectly copes with small pimples, exfoliates keratinized skin, improves complexion;
  • touch your face less often - many women, even without mirrors, manage to determine that their face needs to be “cleansed”. Feeling the face and identifying the bumps makes you constantly think about how to quickly squeeze out another pimple. If the hands are constantly reaching out to the face, then they need to be occupied with something, for example, with needlework;
  • use the help of a friend - if it is difficult to control yourself, then let a loved one help in this. As soon as your hands reach for your face, he will immediately pull you up, and the feeling of shame will help you remember the dangers of squeezing the next time;
  • turn pimple popping into a cosmetic procedure - you can at least make the procedure as safe as possible. Before cleaning, the skin and hands should be treated with a disinfectant. Only fully mature pimples are allowed to be squeezed out. It is impossible to work with bare fingers, it is advisable to wrap the tips with a sterile bandage. After the procedure, the face must be treated with an alcohol-free disinfectant. Cosmetics can be applied to the skin after 2 hours.

Breaking the habit of popping pimples is sometimes harder than quitting smoking. By the way, women who smoke should think about giving up nicotine, because it has a bad effect on the condition of the skin and provokes the appearance of acne. Not the best way affects the skin addiction to sweets. Those with a sweet tooth are more likely to suffer from acne and have oily skin. In general, the correction of nutrition and the rejection of bad habits will have the best effect on the skin and get rid of acne. And since there will be no acne, then there will be nothing to squeeze out. A bad habit will disappear by itself without any effort.

There is no girl who does not dream of being a beauty. Many of them spend hours looking at themselves in the mirror, looking for the slightest flaw. Sad is the fate of a pimple who, to his misfortune, jumped out on the pretty face of such a person. Having discovered such a disgrace, she will immediately squeeze the red tubercle between her nails, squeeze it, open it and watch with pleasure how its contents pour out from the body of the “enemy”. It doesn't matter that it hurt. It is not scary that a wound has formed in place of the pimple. But the hindrance to beauty has been destroyed. Approximately such a psychology of those who like to crush acne. How to stop doing this? There are many ways, but there is no best among them, because every girl perceives reality in her own way. It is enough to scare one by showing a terrible photo of a disfigured face, and the other needs to be tied behind her hands, since nothing else helps. We offer several proven methods for different girls.

How to stop squeezing pimples for a girl who knows how to think with her head, and does not live with emotions? Of course, she needs to explain what causes such a skin defect.

Pimples appear for a variety of reasons:

  • Hormonal disorders (often observed during menstruation, pregnancy, in adolescence, in the treatment of certain drugs, but can also appear in diseases of the thyroid gland, pancreas and other organs).
  • Weakened immunity (caused by malnutrition, stress, past illnesses, increased physical activity).
  • Poor quality or inappropriate cosmetics.
  • Improper facial hygiene.
  • hereditary predisposition.
  • A number of diseases of the internal organs.

A pimple can be compared to the tip of an iceberg. It is only the visible part of the health problem, and everything else is hidden inside the body. A smart girl does not need to look for ways to stop pressing acne on her face. The psychology of a wise person lies in the words: “Why do we need an impeccable appearance if there is no health?” Therefore, a smart girl will go to the doctor, undergo an examination and the prescribed course of treatment. This will definitely improve the condition of the skin and eliminate the need to injure it by squeezing acne. If you do not belong to this category of girls, read on.

A girl who really wants her appearance to become impeccable is unlikely to think about how to stop pressing acne on her face, because she does not do it. Instead of executing herself, she is looking for information on how to make her skin free from any defects. The masters of beauty salons, who perform dozens of facial cleansing procedures, can help her realize her dream. But even without their participation, a girl who wishes herself happiness will try to put her appearance in order at home with the help of scrubs, masks, washing milk, gels and other products made from natural products. Effectively help antibacterial ointments "Levomekol", synthomycin emulsion and others, which must be carefully applied only to the pimples that have appeared.

There are girls who take any information too close to their hearts. For example, they cry when watching a melodrama, forgetting that they are just actors in front of them. For such persons, the best way to stop pressing acne on the face is a colorful story about what happened to other beauties who did it. Referring to medical sources, one can explain to an impressionable girl that hundreds of thousands of terrible bacteria are necessarily present in the contents of a pimple. Some of them always remain in the skin after extrusion. Having survived the stress, the bacteria begin to multiply in the most active way, which causes further infection and the appearance of the following large and small pimples. In addition, ugly marks form on the skin (even when treated with the best antiseptics) after microtraumas, which are not always removed. For clarity, you can print a photo of "beauties" with acne-covered faces. Best of all, such examples will work if they are attached to all the mirrors in the house. In the photo, an impressionable girl should write: “And I will become like that if I squeeze out acne.”

There are girls who are never late anywhere. In the evening they pack their purse and prepare clothes, get up at six in the morning to have time to drink a cup of coffee, and leave the house two hours before the start of work or study. Psychologists say that punctuality is in their blood. Such girls can be recommended a simple way that will force them to stop pressing acne on their faces. How? Invite them to draw up an extrusion schedule. Let them calmly destroy the ill-fated pimple, but only one. And let them appoint themselves the extrusion of the second, say, in half an hour. The third - in an hour, the fourth - in two hours, the fifth - in four. The time between executions should systematically increase. The moment will come when the interval will be a day, two, three.

Carrot and stick

For the method described above to work, how to stop squeezing acne, the psychological background must also be present. She will encourage the girl to keep the schedule. The point is that for each observance of the appointed time, the girl should receive a reward, for example, a delicious candy or watching her favorite show. You can come up with more serious prizes, for example, the purchase of a new blouse. Accordingly, for non-compliance with the schedule, the girl should suffer a “punishment”. You can come up with a lot of them, from cleaning the apartment to writing the phrase “I will no longer crush acne” 50 times. You can also assign yourself 20 squats, avoiding sweets and many other "punishments".

My light, mirror, be silent!

The two methods described above on how to stop pressing acne are effective only for responsible girls. Irresponsible will violate the schedule, and for this they will receive only punishments. For such persons there is another way. It is extremely effective, but it only works if the girl does not live alone. Anyone who shares a living space with her (husband, mother, girlfriend, and so on) should simply remove all mirrors from the house.

Even from the bathroom. Even from a girl's makeup bag. Such an assistant must have great willpower and passionately wish the girl well, because she is likely to make a big scandal for violating human rights. She can be allowed to look in the mirror when she is going to school or work. But she should do this only in the presence of an assistant.

The method proposed above does not answer the question of how to stop pressing acne on your hands. For this, a mirror is not needed, because the hands can be seen without it. You may have noticed that our methods get more complicated from point to point. In this case, we recommend cutting the girl's nails very short. Without them, squeezing turns into squeezing the skin. This process brings pain, and the ill-fated pimple remains unharmed. The girl will not receive any moral satisfaction from such procedures, therefore she will be forced to leave her occupation.

If there are psychological causes and problems, how to stop squeezing acne?

If a girl knows perfectly well that it is impossible to crush acne, is aware of the existence of beauty salons and really wants happiness for herself, but cannot give up the unpleasant habit of mutilating her face, then this is already a disease. Some people believe that popping pimples is just a stupid habit. This view is not correct in all cases.

In medicine, several mental disorders are known that encourage a person to harm themselves. One of them is called self-harm and auto-aggression. The reasons why a person hurts herself, each girl has her own. It can be dissatisfaction with a career, marital status (no boyfriend, no one loves) or material wealth, even elementary envy. Some girls disfigure their face because they are afraid of the company of people so that there is an excuse not to leave the house.

Another painful condition is called obsessive-compulsive disorder. The girls suffering from it cannot resist squeezing out acne, and then they are very sorry for what they have done, scold themselves, and swear not to do it again.

Such behavior can be influenced by thoughts about one's unfortunate fate, that everyone is doing better, that everything is constantly unlucky, and so on. Some girls pop pimples because they hate their looks. These are all very subtle aspects of our psyche, which only a specialist can understand.

In such cases, it is pointless to look for an effective way to stop pressing acne. Such girls need the help of a psychologist and certain drug therapy (antidepressants, sedatives, anxiolytics).

Doctors also use various methods of psychotherapy to help restore a person's disturbed psyche. Of course, the support of family and friends will be a great help here.

Stress management

There are situations in life that make you worry and worry a lot. It can be the expectation of an important call, the period of exams, a quarrel with a loved one, parting, dismissal from work, refusal at an interview, large financial losses and many others. Some people, being stressed or depressed, begin to drink a lot, others - to eat, and still others - to squeeze acne on their body.

It should be said that these are very serious psychological reasons. How to stop squeezing pimples for a girl who is under stress? No need to explain to her about the dangers of squeezing, no need to hide mirrors from her or tie her hands behind her back. This requires the help of a psychologist and the support of loved ones. The doctor can conduct psychotherapeutic sessions with her, prescribe sedatives. The task of friends and relatives is to distract the girl from sad thoughts. You can invite her to the cinema or to a party, organize a trip for her, captivate with some event.

Advice for a girl who wants to be an old maid

How to stop pressing acne on the body of a girl who fundamentally does not want to get married, who likes that men do not pay attention to her, who enjoys the sight of her red face, covered with ulcers and scabs? No way! Let it press! The more frightening she becomes, the more chances she will have to remain an old maid.

Instead of an epilogue

If you are crushing acne on your face because it gives you pleasure and diversifies your leisure time, try to get carried away with something else. There are a lot of options - from cross-stitching to starting your own business. If you spend all day doing interesting things, you will most likely lose the desire to pop pimples, because there is not enough time to pay attention to them.

How to stop popping pimples? 9 proven methods

Come to the mirror just comb your hair and ... oh, horror! Again a pimple, and another, and another, another ... “So, you need to urgently squeeze them out, otherwise they will never go away on their own,” you think. And squeeze out. And the next day, go to the mirror, and acne became not less, but on the contrary, even more. You again get down to business, and so on in a circle, as if the hands themselves are reaching out to the face. And you know that you can’t crush them, and that the infection will get in, and instead of one pimple, a whole “hotbed” can turn out, but still you don’t stop doing it. How to stop pushing these pimples? If you are interested in knowing the answer to this question, then this article is for you.

9 proven ways

1. Take a close-up photo of your face just after you've got your pimples under control. The worse the photo, the better. Now print this photo and hang it directly on the mirror. Before the arrival of the husband from work, the photo can be removed so as not to injure his fragile male psyche. Now, when you go to the mirror and suddenly decide to suppress pimples, take a closer look at the picture. Surely you will not want to ruin your face like that again.

2. Read various horror stories about how a small popped pimple led to a huge inflammation. The scarier stories you find, the better. You just need to open the Internet and enter the desired request. Don't forget to also look at photos of people who have already brought their face to a terrible state. Consider all this “beauty” for a longer time, and then imagine that any pimple you are trying to pop is potentially dangerous and can easily lead to such horror. Was it scary? Excellent! So you are already on the way to quit your bad habit.

3. Trim all nails on your hands as short as possible. Well, now you have nothing to squeeze out acne. While you are weaning yourself from this bad habit, keep your nails constantly trimmed to keep them very short. And at the same time, hide away all kinds of nail files and other items that you can use instead of nails to squeeze out a hated pimple. Better sacrifice the beauty of your manicure in order to get rid of the mania to squeeze pimples.

4. Put away all small pocket mirrors, and try not to approach wall mirrors at all. The less you look in the mirror now, the better, because after looking into it, you can again find something that needs to be “urgently squeezed out”. It’s better not to look at the mirror without sharp need at all and don’t tempt yourself.

5. Make sure you have nothing to push. No matter how trite it may sound, but in order to stop pressing acne, you just need to get rid of them completely. When you do not have skin problems, there will automatically be no need to look for some kind of flaw on your face and try to eliminate it. Start paying great attention to facial cleansing, buy the necessary cosmetics. Of the home remedies, oatmeal washing is very effective. The procedure is simple: pour a tablespoon of oatmeal flakes with a small amount of water to soften the flakes a little and use this mixture instead of a scrub. However, keep in mind that in the first week of using this remedy, acne may increase even more, as oatmeal draws all the dirt from the pores. But if you endure this period, then you will be rewarded with beautiful, clean and matte skin.

6. Pay attention to your nervous system. Strange as it may seem, but the habit of squeezing pimples usually appears in those who have problems with the nervous system. You have probably noticed that when you are very nervous, sometimes there is an intolerable desire to squeeze something out. If you have noticed this behind you, then be careful, as you are on the way to a real nerve. Try to avoid stress and become more calm. You can drink motherwort or valerian tincture for 10 days. And when you feel that you are starting to get nervous, do something with your hands. For example, you can buy a special hand-held stress reliever in the form of a small rubber ball that you need to constantly squeeze.

7. Ask someone to follow you. If you can't control yourself, ask someone to watch over you. As soon as your hands reach out to your face for another jumped-up pimple, let a loved one pull you up.

8. Organize a system of penalties for not holding back and starting to squeeze acne. Moreover, it is not necessary that these be monetary fines, more precisely, it is even completely undesirable. The fact is that you can easily get used to someone that they again “fined themselves” and have to put a small amount into the “penalty” piggy bank. Soon you will no longer be afraid of these fines, because in fact, the money still remains with you, then you fine yourself. We enjoyed squeezing out pimples, threw a fine into the piggy bank, “paid off” ourselves and forgot until the next time. There is a very simple and effective way out of this situation: as a penalty, perform some action or exercise. For example, make it a rule for yourself that for every squeezed out pimple, you should push yourself off the floor 10 times. When every muscle in your body is sore the next morning, you probably won't want to repeat the experience again. The main thing here is not to give yourself concessions.

9. Photo of the ideal. Find and print a photo of a beautiful girl with perfect skin, but it is very important that the photo is not processed in Photoshop and the girl does not have multiple layers of foundation. The skin must be perfect in itself. Otherwise, if the model is heavily “plastered”, you will simply say: “Just think, I can do that too! Now I’m just going to sink and I’ll become even better!”. But looking at natural, healthy, smooth skin, you will already want to meet this ideal, and for this you will have to stop pressing your pimples and start caring for your face.

You can stop pushing acne if you want. In fact, it is not at all as difficult as it might seem at first glance. You just need to gather all your willpower into a fist and promise yourself at all costs to get rid of this bad habit, which greatly spoils the skin and harms your beauty.

How to stop popping pimples: 6 effective ways

Why you need to stop squeezing

And, as they say, everything would be funny if it were not so sad. Squeezing rashes brings us not only moral pleasure, but also a lot of cosmetic problems.

Let's look at what such "masturbation" is fraught with. We will not analyze in detail why mechanical elimination actions lead to the appearance of entire plantations of acne. Let's face it as a fact.

Squeezing leads to tissue ruptures, and if we also crush immature acne, and with all the force that can be imagined, we also significantly injure the skin with our nails (owners of a short manicure should not delude themselves - damage anyway). After the healing of all this joy, we get scars. Oh, and to be honest, your skin threatens to turn into lunar soil.

Mechanical action leads to damage to the capillaries, as a result, red-blue spots remain on the face. In addition, the contents of the pimple fall not only on the skin, but also in damaged blood vessels. What do we have? Of course, infection and inflammation.

And, finally, after complete healing, a pigment spot is observed. Oh yes, very nice sight. By the way, it is also quite difficult to remove it. Using some whitening creams for a long time can significantly harm your health.

If you naively think that all these consequences can be eliminated at home using special creams or lotions, we are ready to please you, no (yes, there is no mistake here) conservative measures will not help you. They can significantly improve the condition of the skin, but, alas, they are powerless against post-acne.

The promise to get rid of the consequences is just a commercial move. You already have noticeable spots and scars - do not rush to get upset, this is not a sentence. Everything can be removed (if not completely, then made almost invisible) in beauty salons with special procedures, for example, chemical peeling. True, the procedures will take a lot of time and will significantly hit the wallet.
It seems everything, well, let's summarize our information.

Consequences of popping pimples:

dark spots;
inflammatory process.
The list turned out to be small, but you won’t be able to face the problems of eliminating these positions from your face.

Action algorithm

Convinced that your favorite habit does a lot of harm? Now we are developing an algorithm to eradicate it.

I decided not to squeeze out acne anymore - and you don’t squeeze it out. That would be excellent. However, for the majority, this scenario is a utopia. If it were that simple, you wouldn't be reading this article right now. Well, it must be admitted that, like any other bad habit, it is difficult to stop popping acne.

“Hands themselves reach out like that” and “She herself did not notice how she began to press again” - these phrases can most often be heard from the lips of lovers of such “masturbation”.

The most correct solution to the problem will be the absence of acne. That's right, no pimples - nothing to squeeze out. Therefore, it is necessary to come to grips with measures to eradicate acne. The best option would be a visit to a dermatologist. Why is the rejection of home clarification of the causes of rashes a necessary measure? Everything is very simple - experts will conduct a comprehensive study of the causes, they will be able to determine the factors provoking the appearance of a rash.

Do not forget about full-fledged skin care after the course of treatment - otherwise, over time, everything will return to normal.

What should be done next? It's good to think. You will not get rid of acne in one session, this is an indisputable fact. Even if you follow all the recommendations and the course of treatment, the whole process will take a significant amount of time. Therefore, it's time to find the motivation to stop squeezing. This will speed up the effectiveness of treatment and eliminate the appearance of new scars and wounds.

This is one of the most efficient methods. As soon as you "broke" be sure to "pay" the fine. It should be some kind of action or deprivation, in extreme cases, the restriction of something. Squats, push-ups, dusting, TV routines, internet surfing, the list is endless. Consider penalties for different situations. Agree that it is unlikely that it would be appropriate to do push-ups or, for example, squat at work.

Don't forget to give yourself incentives. We didn’t squeeze out a single pimple in a day - a great reason to treat yourself to something (just not squeezing a pimple). If your rash manifests itself from sweets, then cakes and sweets as a reward will not work either, so the reward system also needs to be thought out.

Funny? And here is not much. Choose for this role a husband or a friend, a colleague with whom you work in the same office. In a word, it should be a person who sees you for a long number of hours every day. The controller is for that and the controller to observe and stop any attempts to squeeze a pimple. But, do not go too far, stipulate in advance what and how this person will do (perhaps the best option would be the phrase: “you promised not to squeeze out anymore” or the like). Otherwise, instead of a positive result, you will get a rubbish because of a trifle.

If you can’t cope with the temptation at all, allow yourself only one a day and only 5 minutes after the emergence of an irresistible desire. Every day, postpone this action to a later date - today they squeezed out after 10 minutes, but tomorrow after 15.

There is a simple principle here - the less we know about new, newly appeared acne with a delicious white head, or even without it - the less there is a desire to proceed with elimination. Approach the mirror only when necessary.

Yeah, tell me more about the nasolabial triangle

Is this one possible?

If you have ever visited a beautician, you probably know that the experts themselves also resort to a mechanical method of getting rid of acne. We will not analyze all the reasons. The only suitable factor for squeezing acne at home is its location in places where scratching will occur under the influence of clothing items. For example, on the shoulder, at the place where the bra straps pass. Sooner or later, the seam, strap, belt will tear off the formation, preventing it from disappearing naturally, so in this case it is more useful to squeeze it out than leave it.

The procedure must be carried out following the methods of disinfection and only when the pimple is ripe. It would be nice to manipulate the cosmetic loop, at worst, wrap your fingers with gauze discs.

Remember! There are no safe places. There are dangerous, very dangerous and insanely dangerous. Refrain from squeezing if the formation is in the nose, ear, eye, or gum. In these cases, it is necessary to contact a specialist who will adopt a safe method of elimination (most likely, these will be compresses, warming up and lubricating with special means).

The habit of maliciously cracking down on rashes can lead to a number of cosmetic problems and cause other diseases. It may take a long time to eradicate it - it depends on your willpower. But, even if such an action is given with difficulty, this does not mean that such an action is impossible. Set yourself up for a positive result and you will succeed!

Each of us is familiar with such a problem as acne. For some, they pop up once a month, while others deal with problem skin all the time. Seeing a hated white bump on the face, arms or back, we constantly strive to squeeze it out or knock it off. But few people know that this is absolutely impossible to do.

The consequences can be dire:

  • the appearance of red dots and dry crusts;
  • scar formation;
  • infection of the skin with an infection;
  • growth of acne;
  • pain sensations;
  • the appearance of sores and open wounds that do not heal for a long time.

Psychological techniques to help get rid of the habit of crushing acne

A constant desire to squeeze or pick something is a sign of neurosis. If you notice this bad habit behind you when you are waiting for something, when an exciting moment occurs in your life, or you are faced with a difficult choice, then the problem is psychological in nature.

The first tip is to get rid of the cause of stress. Try to impose fewer obligations and demands on yourself, sleep at least 8 hours a day. Oddly enough, such simple tips help. If stress is caused by some temporary factors (session, employment, breakup), then a course of sedatives (valerian, motherwort, glycine) is recommended.

hide the mirrors
Have you noticed that the desire to squeeze acne occurs when you start looking at yourself in the mirror. Especially if they are small and have an increasing effect. Hide them in the bottom drawer of the dressing table, remove them from your purse and makeup bag.

Let there be one large mirror in your house, in which you will look before you go out into the street. At first it will give you terrible discomfort. But soon you will be very surprised - in a few days there will be much less pimples. This is due to the fact that the skin is no longer subjected to constant mechanical stress and begins to gradually heal.

Create healthy habits
Every time your hands begin to reach for your face, keep yourself busy doing something. Think what it could be. For example, you have long wanted to start downloading the press, do embroidery, drawing, learn how to cook. It doesn’t matter what activity you choose, the main thing is that your hands are busy during it.

The first 2 weeks you will have to put all your willpower, because the desire to pick your face will arise very often. But when this period passes, the habit will disappear by itself, and you will already reap the first fruits of a new activity.

Learn scientific information
Read the information, which illustrates all the consequences of uncensored pimple popping. They often depict people whose faces are covered with scars and ulcers from frequent picking with their nails.

Red spots on the site of former acne are only the beginning of the changes that occur with the skin after pressure on it. Think about how you will look in a year if you do not get rid of the habit. Terrible? Now imagine the result in a few years. You immediately get sick of touching your face.

Create motivation
Motivation in achieving the goal is the main factor. In your case, clear skin will be an incentive. Find a photo of a girl with what you think is the perfect skin. Hang it on the mirror and every time you are going to suppress acne, look through it. Visual motivation is the most powerful.

If this option does not help you, create an anti-motivation. Hang up a photo of terrible skin that you can only dream of in nightmares. Trust me, you don't want to touch your face. It will start to seem to you that a terrible dream is becoming a reality.

How to squeeze acne

If giving up the habit of squeezing pimples is not in your power, learn how to do it right. This will protect your skin from infection, injury, and also gradually get rid of the problem itself.

  • get rid of only fully mature acne;
  • disinfect your hands and the skin you will be treating. This can be done with hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine or an alcohol-containing tonic;
  • tie your fingers with sterile gauze or bandages;
  • to cleanse the pores of sufficient light pressure, which should not cause pain;
  • do not press on the pimple itself, grab the skin around it;
  • after the procedure, treat the skin with benzene peroxide;
  • do not apply the cream immediately, let the skin rest for 1-2 hours.

Believe in yourself, and then getting rid of the habit of crushing acne will become much easier. But do not forget about skin hygiene, as well as properly selected care. They will help you get closer to your ideal of beauty quickly and without consequences.

Video: why you can not squeeze acne

How to get rid of the habit of squeezing pimples

Few people can boast of healthy clear skin. Nasty red, white nodules periodically occupy the most unsuitable places for us. Well, if they turn out to be the back, another part of the body protected by clothing. The opposite case leads to the fact that we begin to squeeze out annoying acne.

This weakness is inherited, but we don’t even think about how to get rid of the habit of squeezing acne. After all, such a procedure only adds all kinds of rashes, multiplies the population. We again approach the mirror, we begin to crush them.

The consequences of assault on the face, other parts of the body bring even more defects than acne, such as:

  • Small red dots on the body
  • possible expression of streptoderma;
  • scar formation;
  • skin infection;
  • pathology of hair follicles;
  • the appearance of purulent formations.

The appearance of the mentioned defective areas is due to the habit of squeezing out pimples, cavities with serous fluid for any reason. To get rid of such a harmful manner of eliminating blackheads, you need to find a reason to distance yourself from it. The most important thing is that you will have to rely only on your help. Moreover, the eradication of an old habit is best achieved by acquiring a new one, preferably a better one.

True, a person still manages to progress in the opposite direction, which also negatively affects his moral and physical health. You will have to exert willpower, which is not developed by itself, to allow a new useful habit to form. Perhaps do it differently. Find the reason why neoplasms began to be picked. In any case, you have to work on yourself. Let's consider some techniques for getting rid of weakness by squeezing pimples.

Psychological methods

Specialists in psychotechnics, doctors noticed that squeezing acne, like the manner of biting nails, indicates the presence of a neuropsychiatric disorder accompanied by some behavioral manifestations. This is observed during a long wait, an exciting event, the resolution of a complex dilemma.

Of course, a simple outside advice to eliminate anxiety will do little for a neurotic. Most likely this is a hint - to calm down. But is it possible to relieve irritation if a hefty eel looks at you from the mirror?

Then it will help how to get rid of the habit of squeezing pimples by taking psychotropic products with a calming effect: valerian, bromides, motherwort, a healthy long sleep, or remove all mirrors out of sight. It will be enough to leave only one large one, located in front of the exit door of the apartment. You will get tired of running constantly into the hallway, and in the meantime the skin will rest without squeezing, heal. After a few days, clear skin without acne will remain on the face.

If you want to put your hands somewhere, do something interesting for yourself. It is unlikely that someday you will have time to cook a constantly postponed culinary dish, find an abandoned embroidery hoop or tighten a sagging tummy with pumping up the press. Believe me, after the last one there will be no strength left to decorate your forehead with squeezing. So, perhaps, an old habit will be forgotten and a new one will appear.

Following the advice of the same psychologists, it takes two weeks to acquire a new hobby, then it will look as if your new weakness was born with you.

Sophisticated in psychology, the term motivation is familiar. Come up with something that will even allow you to forget about a pimple. For example, what beautiful, smooth, tender skin I will be if I stop putting my hands to my face. The result will appear shortly. A white or red bump the size of a match head that appears on the face will disappear on its own in two or three days.

The subconscious mind remembers all actions, starting from our birth in the womb. With it, you can remember the reason that prompted the extrusion of acne, purulent cavities. The result obtained will tell you how it all began, the very first source of nervousness. To do this, you need a pen and a sheet of paper. We need to remember what our brain was telling us at that moment. Of course, the latter is not adapted to be observed, but it is worth a try. Perhaps the solution to this problem will allow you to stop pressing acne on the body, and lead to other unexpected discoveries.

For those who are not interested in their own digging, we suggest reading or re-reading the information about the dangers of self-mechanical removal of growths. Remember that the pus coming out of the wound affects the neighboring hair follicles and begins to infect a healthy follicle. The consequences that will appear after you try to get rid of them seem much more serious, more deplorable. Scars, ulcers that do not heal for a long time, remaining age spots. Removal in the region of the orbits leads to acute diffuse purulent inflammation, blindness.

Still do not know how to unlearn to crush acne? If you wish, you can improve any everyday monotonous activity, this also removes unnecessary thoughts, for example, about eels that have spilled out. When washing the same dishes, cleaning the apartment or embroidering, it is necessary to comment aloud each of your actions. It looks something like this: I turn my front side of the plate, turn it over, set my back side of the plate aside, take the next plate. And so, until you wash, in this case, all the dishes. Pronouncing the manipulations will allow you to stop the flow of obsessive thoughts, temporarily forget, or calmly endure the red balls that have chosen your cheeks and back.

Supporters of the physical improvement of healthy skin are advised to prepare a therapeutic compress, a cosmetic mask from the infusion of pharmacy camilla, medicinal calendula flowers, and other plants that have an anti-inflammatory effect.

It is advisable to discuss the use of ointments, liniments with your doctor, perhaps he will tell you how to unlearn how to crush acne.

The use of psychological techniques will give the desired result only in conjunction with the rules of skin care.

  • avoid excessive moisturizing, drying, hypothermia of damaged areas;
  • beware of direct sunlight;
  • replace soap with soft hypoallergenic foam, cosmetic milk;
  • make-up not removed before a night's rest causes damage that is also difficult to repair;
  • take vitamin complexes saturated with nicotinic, folic acids, cyanocobalamin, which have a beneficial effect;
  • temporarily exclude fatty, salty, pickled foods from the daily diet, stick to a diet of plant foods of a soft color;
  • alcoholic, carbonated, sweet drinks should be temporarily forgotten;
  • when cleansing the face, use neutral gels, foams with the addition of organic oils;
  • avoid using tonal powder, it clogs the pores, the mouths of the sebaceous holocrine glands;
  • if the desire to squeeze out the pustules overpowers, it is necessary to perform the operation using a sterile napkin, antiseptic, alcohol.

It should be remembered that strong psychological stresses, experiences also do not add beauty, which makes it difficult to unlearn putting your hands on the acne area. Fresh air without car exhaust, saturate the body with oxygen, improve cellular metabolism.

pharmacy cosmetics

Pharmaceutical cosmetics - spot-on creams, dispersion micellar aqueous solutions - help to activate the cellular metabolism of damaged areas. The best of its kind are Bioderma, Avene.

The latter leads in the fight against acne, small pustular rashes, contains some essential acids. Fabrics wash off cosmetics, maintain moisture balance, remove redness, form a barrier to external influences. Regular use of drugs will reduce the number of rashes, which will affect the removal of the habit of picking formations.


Having lost confidence in your own abilities, resort to the help of a beautician. He will definitely save you from annoying bumps, the problem of how to stop pressing acne will go away. But even there you will be advised to avoid situations of squeezing them out.

The article was written based on materials from sites:,,,,

People who are fascinated by popping pimples exist - and there are many of them. Yes, at Instagram beautician Sandra Lee, or, as she calls herself, "pimple doctor", 2.6 million subscribers, and she has more than three million. Most of her posts contain objectively vile videos of her cutting skin lumps, dissecting wen and - most often - squeezing pimples and blackheads.

Beautician Lee is not the only one who has found the courage to confess her love for acne. By query "popping pimples" on YouTube you can find, and on Instagram there are separate pages, which collect the best videos on the topic. Pimples inspire even manicure masters and create a believable nail art in the form of skin inflammations(and they can be crushed too). There is no definite answer to the question why many people are secretly or openly obsessed with pimple popping, but there are several scientific theories.

The pleasure of fear and disgust

An understandable reaction to the sight of a popping pimple is disgust, which is directly related to the feeling of fear. Associate Professor of Philosophy at Purdue University, Daniel Kelly, disgust is an evolutionarily important emotion, an instinct that helps shield oneself from danger. For example, we avoid hospitals - because we are afraid of infections, unpleasant odors from food - because we do not want to get poisoned, insects and rodents - because we are afraid of bites and unpleasant consequences from them. And, according to Kelly, because of its importance, disgust always focuses on itself: many people know the feeling when you watch an unpleasant video, you sit away from the screen, but at the same time you can’t take your eyes off what is happening there.

Since disgust is a part of fear, we squeeze acne or watch this process in the same way that we watch horror films. Psychologist Nina Strominger, that the desire to squeeze acne is less related to the desire to experience unpleasant emotions, it is rather an interest in fear or disgust that we want to satisfy without sacrificing ourselves too much. "You're not likely to step in dog poop to have this experience, but watch a video of someone else doing it" - Strominger.

The love of squeezing acne is also explained by purely physiological reasons. naturalist Evgenia Timonova, all human emotions (joy, interest, anger, disgust, fear, and so on) are located in the amygdala, or amygdala in the temporal lobe of the brain, and they are so closely intertwined with each other that it is impossible to separate one from the other. This means that sometimes we experience conflicting feelings in those situations where the reaction, it would seem, should be unambiguous. For example, we watch horror movies, a scary monster suddenly appears on the screen, we get really scared, but then we feel satisfied. “To frighten oneself is like knocking on the tonsil: not only fear will come out, but also its pretty neighbors,” says Timonova.

Acne as an antidepressant

Trypophobia is much more common - the fear of crowded holes, and sometimes just holes and bubbles. The American Psychic Association still lists trypophobia as a mental disorder, but nevertheless, tens of thousands of people complain about the nausea, itching, jitters, and anxiety that come with the sight of various orifices. If you experience discomfort from this or this pictures, most likely, this is it.

Why You Shouldn't Squeeze Pimples

Despite the fact that the desire to crush acne is found in many people, and the trypophobic craving for ridding yourself of skin inflammation is understandable and not shameful, dermatologists and cosmetologists insist that this should not be done. From the following can be distinguished: by squeezing acne, you interfere with the natural regeneration of the skin and injure it, bring in dirt and make inflammation even more serious, and also provoke the appearance of new acne. Cosmetologists Yulia Shcherbatova and Ekaterina Vasilyeva spoke about other negative consequences of Poster Daily.

Julia Shcherbatova

Dermatocosmetologist, chief physician of the Modern Cosmetology Clinic, Merz expert

“Cleaning or, in other words, sanitation of the skin should be performed by a professional. When someone decides to independently remove the contents of a dry comedone or purulent contents resulting from inflammation, mechanical trauma always occurs. It is accompanied by swelling of the surface layer of the skin, in which the mouth of the sebaceous gland is located. As a result, the mouth shrinks and the skin itself closes the possibility of evacuating what you wanted to get rid of. Inflammation intensifies, bacteria are activated - and the condition worsens.

Acne is often pressed with nails, leaving abrasions on the skin and, as a result, post-traumatic pigmentation. A single pimple is not terrible - it will pass sooner or later, but a pigment spot or crater will remain on the face for several weeks or months. When there are many such foci, scarring, scarring and post-acne marks occur. The consequences are not so easy to eliminate: firstly, grinding and peeling are unpleasant in themselves, and, secondly, such procedures take a long time and are expensive.

Manual cleaning is a skill that doctors are taught specifically, and for a long time. It requires knowledge of anatomy and physiology: you need to understand how the skin is arranged, what processes take place in it in order to avoid injuries and complications. In the process of sanitation, we evacuate the waste products of the skin - this is part of acne therapy, but a good doctor will always look for the cause of acne and treat it. Sanitation itself in the clinic is always accompanied by the application of disinfecting and anti-inflammatory drugs and a whole range of hardware and cosmetic techniques. No one has been tearing their own teeth for a long time, piercing their ears and burning out warts - it's even wild to imagine. Do not injure your face, and if you are worried about rashes, come to the appointment with professionals.

Ekaterina Vasilyeva

Chief Physician of Aging Control Aesthetic Medicine Clinic, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Cosmetologist, Dermatovenereologist

“Acne is a purulent inflammation that is located in the deep layers of the skin. Imagine an hourglass: during mechanical extrusion, part of the contents comes out, and part under pressure enters the bloodstream. Thus, the infection spreads further. Squeezing out one pimple, you get at least seven new ones. And if you pop a pimple with dirty hands, you can get an infection. You can get erysipelas, and there are also isolated cases when people died from blood poisoning after they squeezed out a pimple. In addition, there are certain areas on the face where there is a large accumulation of blood vessels, such as the nasolabial triangle. If the pathological purulent contents get there, it goes straight to the brain.

The most harmless thing that you can get when squeezing a pimple is post-acne scars. Most adolescents are familiar with this problem - cicatricial changes, stagnant spots, potholes. Every person who comes to the doctor with acne and post-acne has squeezed out acne. Everyone has one story: there were one or two pimples, squeezed out - seven appeared, then twenty more, and then - the whole face was covered in pimples. For many, this is even a psychological aspect, a habit - as a rule, it is useless to convince such patients. They turn to the doctor, already when the whole face is in ruts. What to do if a pimple popped up? You need to wait until it goes away on its own: leukocytes (blood cells) will cope with it.

Hello. I am 24 years old, I have been sick for years since I was 16, I treated, probably, with everything I could. I was observed by a dermatologist, they found a tick, but long-term treatment did not bring results, I just don’t know how to treat it already, because the dermatologist claims that this is the cause of my acne. Now I generally use only alcohol tincture and spot hydrogen peroxide. All the creams only make my skin oily and acne becomes even more. I have a variety of acne: black dots on my nose, pustules on my forehead, but the worst thing in my opinion is closed comedones, they are the color of the skin, but if you look closely, they are visible. The skin seems to be bumpy because of them, and yet they become inflamed over time, turning into pustules. But the saddest thing is that I have an idiotic habit of picking all this. Any irregularities I squeeze out, closed comedones pierce with a needle and squeeze out. I can't get rid of this habit. I can’t stand the state when these vile in the skin are on my face. Each new pimple is a tragedy for me. Svetlana.

Hello Svetlana!!!

I'll come back to the question you asked a little later. I then you put me in a dead end. At the bottom of the article are recommendations on how to stop popping pimples.

Let's start in order, about your problems:

1. I know it will seem strange, but there is no such disease as demodex, it's just a term that means that there are mites on your skin that feed on sebum. The mites themselves do not harm the skin, it can be said that it helps, as it eats up unnecessary sebum. By the way, the dermatologist should know it!!! More than 80% of the population with oily skin have demodex on their skin, and the tick lives only on oily skin, and dies on dry skin, as there is no food.

I will return to this term later and tell you in more detail what it is and what to do with ticks? And that will turn out to be too much in one post. Maybe today I'll post an article about demodex.

3. From closed comedones, the same system helps as with black dots, but you can connect masks with and clay.

4. If you are sure that a lot of bumps have accumulated on your skin, then go to a beauty salon for a mechanical cleaning of your face, where everything will be cleaned without damaging your skin. Otherwise, you run the risk of scarring yourself, and this is even worse than acne.

5. Now I generally use only alcohol tincture and spot hydrogen peroxide.

This is very bad. Alcohol destroys the skin: it dries it, reduces its protective functions, and the skin begins to behave badly - it begins to act up, everyone has it differently.
Hydrogen peroxide on the skin is generally impossible without the need, it ages the skin, and strongly ().

You better switch to medical cosmetics, such as Exfoliac (because you have blackheads) and do masks 1-2 times a week (clay,) and the skin will become much better.

6. So we actually approached the exciting question that Svetlana asked:

And the question is how not to think about pimples, how to accept them? Because internally I can not come to terms with the idea that I have acne and that my skin is imperfect. Some sort of perfectionism. All the time I try to squeeze out any pimple in order to seem more perfect, although in fact these wounds look even worse after peeling, you can’t go anywhere spoil my view as I do it myself by picking them myself.

No one requires you to accept, love acne, the fact that you care that something is wrong with your skin is normal. The bad thing is that you are obsessed with acne. Therein lies the problem. At one time, on one of the American forums, very practical advice was given on how to stop squeezing acne:

1. Think less about acne, but still try to maintain the skin in good condition, treat if the situation requires it.

2. Look less in the mirror, try as little as possible (1-2 times a day) and then just fix your makeup and hair, smile :), and just ignore the rest. This is the most important rule!

The more often you look in the mirror, the stronger the desire to take a closer look and find something abnormal, unnecessary on your face. There are no perfect people, perfect skin, so you should not study every millimeter of the skin and look at the skin. Trust me, the less often you do this, the picking will get closer to zero.

3. Love yourself for who you are: with and without flaws; with and without acne, etc.

4. If suddenly you could not resist and there was a desire to squeeze a pimple, then immediately try to remember something pleasant or do something useful (I don’t know, read a book, watch a movie, cook food, clean up, etc.). Switch your attention to something more interesting. Think carefully about what you would like to do now. Can call someone, chat, go shopping. There are so many interesting things in the world, and you think about the crush!!!

5. Squeeze your will into a fist. Believe that you are strong, that you can overcome this BAD habit in yourself.

6. Try to surround yourself with those things that cheer you up, like you very much, so that even in your thoughts it doesn’t arise that there is something on your face. Enjoy life more, love it, enjoy every moment. Especially during the period when you want to pick something.

7. Get rid of excess free time. When there is a lot of time, unpleasant thoughts constantly come into my head, for example, such as looking in the mirror and finding some other flaw or a new pimple. Do something like self-development, start studying tutorials or something like that. Develop intellectually, improve yourself. They say that sport increases the level of endorphins (hormones of happiness), so feel free to go to the gym or fitness, cheer up;), and what is the benefit to the body, remember: “a healthy mind in a healthy body (Mens sana in corpore sano)”.

8. Engage in self-hypnosis. Say to yourself several times a day:
I am the most beautiful and attractive girl in the world.
Or something like that to help you feel confident.

Here, like everything. Good luck to you Svetlana, and believe that you will succeed!

Sincerely, Elena!

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