Why dream of a broken cup: meaning and interpretation, which portends. A cup. Why dream of a cup in a dream? Interpretation of dreams with a cup

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    For what dreaming broken Cup? If a woman had a dream dream in which she breaks mug, this means that the happiness in which she is sure may soon crack due to an unexpected reason. smash in dream mug with a clear liquid, portends the destruction of all hopes for the future. Dream in which one sees broken mug, often portends the occurrence of quarrels, injuries and accidents, so you need to be careful. Read more

    Dream interpretation "prisnilos"

    broken a cup in dream warns of upcoming unpleasant events. If in your dream a woman sees it, especially if breaks cup she herself then dream says that her seemingly strong happiness may crack due to an unusual reason. After that, the woman sleep there is a risk of ceasing to be sexually interesting for your partner and worrying a lot about it. Some dream books interpret broken cup in dream like a lucky break.Read completely

  • Dream Interpretation "sonnik-enigma"

    Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

    Tea room a cup you saw in dream dreamed, what she is smashed cup- and her happiness will be broken Dream cups Read completely

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    broken a cup in dream is a bad omen from all sides. No matter who her smashed, for the seer dream this sign will not bring any comforting consequences to a person. But still, you should find out some details of the interpretation sleep so as not to get lost in your own guesses. When you dreamed(sya) broken a cup? Today. Yesterday.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "owoman"

    For what dreaming Cup in dream: Cup- Broken relationships are often compared to broken mug or cup. If a in dream you smash mug or cup, then in reality such dream really portends a breakdown in relationships that you will try to mend after some time. Cup- See mug filled with water - for profit, this is how the dream book interprets dream which you had a dream.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik-enigma"

    For woman broken Cupbroken happiness. man smashed her in dream, dream books prophesy betrayal of a wife or mistress. According to Medea's dream book, if dreamed, what loved one crashed Cup, in reality there will be big changes, a new life will begin - as if from scratch. It is important to note what dreaming how dishes are beaten by a person intentionally - this is always fortunate. smash to smithereens in dream yellow mug- means that higher powers will patronize the family. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    "Dream Interpretation broken Cup dreamed, for what dreaming in dream broken Cup». dreamed broken Cup, but the right interpretation sleep dreaming broken Cup in dream in dream saw this symbol.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Tea room a cup you saw in dream- means that you spend too much time on pleasure. If a woman dreamed, what she is smashed cup- and her happiness will be broken some unfortunate event. Dream in which you drink from the teahouse cups wine - portends the combination of business with pleasure. in dream poured water into mug his young man is dark blue ... and from the side mugs water is flowing .. a small hole ... Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik-enigma"

    The dream interpretation explains in detail why dreaming new a cup. The dreamer is in for a hobby: an interesting activity or a pleasant acquaintance. If a dreamed dirty or aesthetically unappealing a cup, image in dream speaks of a lack of order in the family. broken Cup testifies to the inability to control one's own destiny, missed opportunities. In women's night dreams, broken dishes express fear of losing love and attractiveness. If the bowl breaks, the family is threatened with quarrels and minor troubles. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    dreamed A cup, but the right interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming A cup in dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if in dream seen this symbol. Try it! dreamed, what in the hallway at work smashed your favorite mug dark blue. My work colleague, with whom we communicate very closely, went to meet me.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    smash in dream cup for a woman, it means the loss of her femininity and sexuality in the eyes of her partner and other men, and the suffering caused by this phenomenon. This man dream portends a loss of attractiveness in the eyes of one of his admirers. dreamed what I'm at my sister's and she's at cup adds a lot of sugar, then I take it and stir it.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

    empty or broken A cup in dream carries the opposite forecast - this is a sign of problems, financial losses and troubles. If you have seen in dream Cup and a Saucer or Two cups, Dream Interpretations prepared a different forecast. dreamed a cup broken or empty - at a loss; family problems. Any bowl or A cup, attending in dream, Symbolizes the Cup of Life. If Bowl in dream was complete, It means that prosperity awaits you in reality, Peace with others and with yourself. Read completely

    Dream interpretation "dreamseer"

    dreamed /dreamed A cup. cups in dream symbolize prosperity and fullness of life. If you see beautiful porcelain in your home cups, it doesn't matter if they are full or empty, then this dream speaks of the good course of your affairs. a cup you saw in dream dreamed, what she is smashed cup then her happiness will be broken some unpleasant event.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "novostioede"

    dreamed a cup. See in dream cup means that you will face a serious choice: to give all your strength and means to support your close relatives, or, forgetting everything, succumb to temptations and plunge into the sea of ​​voluptuousness, pleasures and entertainment. If a woman dreamed, what she is smashed cup- and her happiness will be broken some unfortunate event. Dream in which you drink from the teahouse cups wine - portends the combination of business with pleasure. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    dreamed Cup, but the right interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming Cup in dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if in dream seen this symbol. dreamed what I'm in a buffet at the station and I want to drink kvass in half with a sprite, I give my mug barmaid (actually this Cup in life for a long time broken) and ask her to fill it up, but she drops it and mugs the handle flies off, I broke out that ... Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "horo.mail"

    If a woman in dream will smash cup is a sign that her happiness will be broken unexpected misfortune. If a in dream You drink from a teahouse cups wine - this portends in the near future the combination of business with pleasure. images sleep.Sieve if you need dream sieve - it means that you will soon commit some kind of unfortunate misconduct, which may harm you. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "DomSnov"

    In dream dreamed ,what the girl next door gave me some transparent circle, flowers are painted on them, and several wine glasses, dream happened during the day and in dream it was a cloudy day. Dasha 2011-08-29 10:33:46. dreamed, what I supposedly at work, lunch. I see an empty one in front of me broken mug. And I took it absolutely whole, I don’t remember how it crashed. I throw one away, then I take another mug, she also broken...Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    dreamed Cup, but the right interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming Cup in dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if in dream seen this symbol. dreamed what I smashed someone else's mug, intentionally, because this man is my enemy. but I picked up the pieces. the action took place at the guest of that same person. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "NeoLove"

    Dream A cup means. If you dreaming cups- in reality, all your thoughts will be directed to pleasure. woman smash in dream cups- a sign that unexpected obstacles will stand in her way to pleasure and happiness.Tea a cup you saw in dream- means that you spend too much time on pleasure. If a woman dreamed, what she is smashed cup- and her happiness will be broken some unpleasant event.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    "Dream Interpretation broken A cup dreamed, for what dreaming in dream broken A cup». dreamed broken A cup, but the right interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming broken A cup in dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if in dream saw this symbol.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "ladyelena"

    A cup- Vanga's dream book. According to this dream book, broken in dream a cup can bring good luck. See also in dream cup means soon to receive an unexpected invitation from someone. If you dreamed, what you smashed cup in dream, it means sad omens: your happiness may be broken unforeseen circumstances. If you saw in dream tea cups.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magenya"

    dreamed broken tableware in dream- to all kinds of losses. A glass - to a break in relations with a person close to the heart. broken a plate according to Magini's dream book - to need, lack of funds. Jar broken dreaming to a serious illness, yours or someone in the household. Broken bottles are serious obstacles on the love front. A cup broken (Cup) - to quarrels, scandals, misunderstandings between people. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "lovushka-snov"

    drink from cups in dreamdream portends a loss, a financial drain. smash cup deliberately in dream- such dream portends a break in relations with someone from your environment, initiated by you. smash cup accidentally in dream- to a warm truce after a quarrel. Drop cup in dream, but not smash- in reality you will have a stormy showdown with a loved one, maybe even with a spouse, which will benefit. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "vedunica"

    FOR WHAT DREAMING A cup IN DREAM, DREAM A cup DREAMED, INTERPRETATION SNA. A cup porcelain, gilded, offered in dream as a gift to you - a sign of someone's cordial, kind and simple-hearted disposition towards you. cups - dreaming you tea cups testify that most of your - time you will spend on pleasure. smash in dream cup- to unexpected trouble. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Cup from metal - to parting with a friend, Cup glass - to health problems, Cup from porcelain - to an unexpected event with bad consequences. For what dreaming Cup according to the dream book: If in dream at mugs no pen - you're lucky. smash mug.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Try to get you after bad sleep had a dream good and joyful dream, the last one will be fulfilled, kind dream.Publish your dream dreams and our Interpreters dreams dreaming smash mug in dream in dream. Order free online interpretations dreams!Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Interpretation sleep A cup. To you dreamed A cup what is it for - obtaining information; waiting for guests. Filled - profit; smash cup- unexpected trouble; drink from a teahouse cups wine - combining pleasure with useful deeds. Jewish dream book. Russian dream book. What does in dream A cup: To you dreamed A cup what is it - noisy guests; full - profit; smash- to a quarrel. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation - Fall in dream. Dream about falling should not be confused with the feeling of falling at the moment of falling asleep. Fell ( in dream) while walking - after many difficulties, success will come to you. Falling down the stairs is some kind of nasty conversation. Post yours dream free in the section Interpretation dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can tell you what dreaming smash mug in dream in dream.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "mirkosmosa"

    A cup in dream for what dreaming. Tea room a cup, drinking from it - an unexpected visit to you by someone. smash- accident. Porcelain to see - great happiness awaits. Faience is good news. Finding porcelain shards is all good.Tea a cup you saw in dream, means that you spend too much time on pleasure. If a woman dreamed, what she is smashed cup then her happiness will be broken some unfortunate event.

The dream interpretation offers a variety of and unexpected interpretations of what the cup is dreaming of. This attribute of drinking tea in a dream testifies to the energy resources of the sleeper and the possibilities to replenish the supply of vitality.

Design Features

Services and paired sets in a dream, for example, a cup and saucer, reflect the dreamer's feelings about how relationships develop in the family.

If you dreamed only of a cup and saucer, that your thoughts are completely absorbed by the chosen one. If a whole service appears in a dream, you equally pay attention to all relatives.

Interpreting why you dream that the cup and saucer are deliberately elegant, the dream book reassures that beauty and harmony reign in your relationship.

Hasse's prediction claims that a white cup in a dream is a harbinger of an invitation. There is a truce with the person with whom you quarreled completely in vain.

A vessel without a handle reminds you of the need to control yourself.


What is the dream of a tea cup, explains Miller's dream book. A symbol in a dream portends entertainment and pleasures that can turn your head and forget about business.

If you dreamed of drinking wine from tea utensils, the dream interpreter promises that you can combine business with pleasure.

The Jewish dream book offers a very curious explanation of why a coffee cup is dreamed of. Authority in the new team largely depends on the ability to defend their interests.


The dream interpretation explains in detail what the new cup is dreaming of. The dreamer is in for a hobby: an interesting activity or a pleasant acquaintance.

If you dreamed of a dirty or aesthetically unattractive cup, the image in a dream speaks of a lack of order in the family. It is he who is the true cause of everyday problems.

An attempt to wash the bowl that you dreamed of portends a hopeless relationship that takes a lot of mental strength.

What is it made of

The porcelain cup symbolizes the full cup in material and spiritual terms. The sleeper will continue to prosper.

A glass glass in a dream, intended for tea drinking, the dream book explains with the confidence and irresistibility of the dreamer.

An earthenware mug speaks of the ability to properly dispose of small things, to live modestly, but with dignity and taste.

What is inside

Why dream of a cup of water, the dream book advises to take it literally: the body really does not have enough moisture.

The cup of water that you dreamed about speaks of resourcefulness and the ability to avoid emptiness, both material and spiritual.

If you dreamed of a cup of fragrant tea, the dream book warns that the time to relax has not yet come.

A cup of coffee symbolizes increased activity, the desire to act and achieve one's own. Such moods accompany you even in a dream.

Coffee reflects the real intention to insist on one's own, despite the discontent of loved ones.

Coffee represents peace, dreaminess, secret desires.

Empty dishes portend vague feelings, unnecessary chores, unsuccessful purchases.

The process of filling an empty bowl testifies to the desire for novelty, change, and vivid impressions.


The broken element of the service serves as a reminder that in reality it is just as easy to break your happiness inadvertently.

A broken mug indicates an inability to control one's own destiny, missed opportunities.

In women's night dreams, broken dishes express fear of losing love and attractiveness.

If the bowl breaks, the family is threatened with quarrels and minor troubles.

A broken container for drinks promises patience. Only endurance and wisdom will help to avoid conflicts.

According to the Stranger, a broken bowl means that a lucky break lies ahead.

Psychologist Freud is advised to take a broken mug as an opportunity to start life from scratch, to dare to change that you could not decide on before.

Dream interpretation broken mug

Although in reality it is believed that breaking dishes - fortunately, in a dream, the interpretation changes slightly. To break a cup or other vessel - to a quarrel, squabbles, misunderstanding with people around.

A whole cup, especially filled to the brim with some kind of drink, promises material well-being and good luck.

Based on all the interpretations, it can be understood that this symbol is not so simple, and in order to unravel it, you need to delve into the subject.

Break a mug in a dream

I dreamed of fragments of my favorite dishes

Why dream of a broken cup? Before proceeding to unravel the dream in which you broke the mug, it is worth understanding the interpretations that dream books give regarding the symbol itself - the mug in a dream. Fortunately, this subject quite often finds its reflection in the interpreters of dreams.

dream interpreter predictions

Most dream books believe that a broken bowl promises you trouble associated with communication with your family. You will lose mutual understanding with relatives, the situation will escalate. Do not want an open conflict? You will need patience, tact and endurance.

Erotic dream book

It is worth starting with the fact that a drink in a cup means sexuality. If you take a sip after a sip of liquid, then you are a passionate person who feels the desire to possess another person. At the same time, this dream book gives the same predictions for both the female half and the male half.

It is believed that a woman to drop and stab a bowl in a dream - to the loss of femininity. Beloved man and the rest of the stronger sex will look at you with different eyes, and this will not add charm to you.

For men, the interpretation is not so negative. According to the dream book, a broken cup promises a loss of attractiveness in the eyes of one of the fans. Watch your actions carefully, you may accidentally do something that denigrates you in her eyes.

Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

This source is at odds with others, and believes that the broken vessel is dreaming of the fact that in real life a happy accident will happen to a sleeping person.

Clay cup damaged

But he considers an empty mug as an uncertainty in communicating with a partner. There is no way you can dot all the and, you are in limbo.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Miss Hasse gave quite clear and concise interpretations of what you might dream about in a dream:

  • a broken cup - to a quarrel;
  • earthenware - you will live in modesty, you will not be able to afford excesses;
  • buy - negative events will occur that will scare your family members;
  • just to see - you will receive an invitation to a secular evening.

Miller's dream book

Gustav Miller positively considered a dream where a sleeping person sees tea cups or a whole service. So, he will spend time fun, interesting, for his own pleasure.

Broken service

For a woman, a dream service that she accidentally broke means that your happiness will be overshadowed by sudden grief.

Miller positively considered a dream in which you were treated to wine from a tea cup. So, you will have a pleasant and useful time for yourself.

Solidarity with Miller's dream book and female interpreter.

Month you were born

The interpretation of dreams, based on the month of your birth, is gaining more and more popularity every day. It is believed that such a prediction will be more accurate, and is done based on the horoscope of a sleeping person.

All birthdays of the first four months of the year can prepare for a quarrel that will happen in the family circle - this is how a broken cup is interpreted in a dream.

Those who were born in late spring and summer, after such a dream, must be patient, they will definitely need it.

The autumn dream book says that breaking or breaking a mug in a dream is a negative sign. There are people around you who deceive you.

If you didn't break the mug

Why dream of a broken mug, but did it become such before you? In this case, the details will play a rather important role:

Drink in a cracked cup

  • you were presented with a drink in a broken mug - fate has prepared a test for you;
  • bought a cracked one - you will be responsible for the atrocities committed;
  • sold it - it will be possible to avoid trouble;
  • you were presented with a broken bowl - get to know an unpleasant person;
  • wash it - part with the person you love;
  • the cat breaks the mug - you and your loved one are in danger, someone planned to separate you.

If you had a dream in which it was the cat who became the culprit of broken dishes, then it is he who is the key symbol. The cat is a hidden enemy, take a closer look at your surroundings, perhaps your acquaintance, under the guise of a friend, is trying to embroil you with a life partner. Don't blindly follow what other people tell you.

The material from which the mug was made

If you set about interpreting a dream in which your mug broke, then you should take a closer look at the material itself:

  • porcelain - you are in a depressed state, your vitality is running out;
  • glass - get to know a person, but make a negative impression on him;
  • clay - a favorable period of material well-being is expected;
  • ceramics - miss the opportunity to make a profit.

Even porcelain, which shatters into small fragments, can symbolize the end of a certain period in the life of a sleeping person. He is on the verge of something new, and what it will be depends partly on you.

Your mark:

We analyze the vision in which the Mug was dreamed (interpretation of the psychologist A. Meneghetti)

Why is the Cup dreaming - a Vessel, which is a vaginal symbol (see vessel)

A cup according to the Small Velesov dream book

Cup - Be a guest, wait for guests; break - a quarrel in the family; full - profit.

I had a dream about the Cup (we guess from the Erotic Dream Book)

Cup - Hold a cup in your hand in a dream and slowly drink liquid from it - to a hidden desire for possession; this interpretation is the same for both men and women. Filling a cup with a drink and offering it to someone indicates your desire to offer yourself, to be with the person you like and sexually attractive to you. To break a cup in a dream for a woman means the loss of her femininity and sexuality in the eyes of her partner and other men and the suffering caused by this phenomenon. For a man, this dream portends a loss of attractiveness in the eyes of one of his fans. If in a dream a man pours a drink into a cup and drinks it, it means that he is trying to give his partner the highest pleasure.

If you dream of Cups (according to Dmitrenko's Ukrainian dream book)

Cup - Cup (wash it) - go to visit.

Features of a dream about Piala (according to the Culinary Dream Book)

Cup - A porcelain cup, gilded, presented to you in a dream as a gift, is a sign of someone's cordial, kind and simple-hearted disposition towards you.

What did the Cup dream about according to spiritual sources (Bible dream book of Azar)

Cup - To noisy guests, break - a quarrel in the family.

Why is the image dreaming (according to Miss Hasse's dream book)

Cup - Broken - quarrel; to see is an invitation; clay - a modest life; to buy is a fright in the family.

Cup in night dreams (interpretation of the Esoteric dream book)

Cup - Empty empty chores, the acquisition of unnecessary or unsuccessful things. Full see than: this will be more than enough.

Why dream and how to interpret the Cup according to the "Book of Dreams" (dream book of Simon Kananit)

Cup - Broken - quarrel - see - invitation - clay - modest life - buy - fright in the family - full - profit.

To dream about the Chalice, what does it mean? (ABC of dream interpretation)

Cup (goblet) - The cup is a symbol of energy, the possibility of nourishing the dreamer's forces. To hold a cup or goblet in your hands means to control your destiny. According to Freud, the cup (cup) is a female vaginal symbol. A cup of water is a more auspicious sign than an empty one. A cup is a cup in miniature. All prophecies for the cup are the same, with the scale of joy reduced. Break a cup - start a new period of life.

The meaning of sleep about Cups (Modern dream book)

The cup is filled - Blow, trouble.

What is the dream of the Cup in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

Tea cups - If you dream of tea cups, you will spend most of your time on pleasure. If a woman breaks a cup in a dream, her happiness will be broken by an unexpected disaster. You drink wine from a teacup - this portends a combination of business with pleasure in the near future.

What does it mean to see a lot of Cups in a dream (according to the Christian dream book)

Tea cups - With tea - to unexpected joy (see Tea). Empty - you spend too much time on pleasure. It harms the cause. Imagine that you are pouring strong tea into cups, putting them on the table and treating your friends.

Why does a woman dream of a Cup (according to the dream book of Natalia Stepanova)

See Cups - The tea cups you dreamed about indicate that you will spend most of your time on pleasure. Breaking a cup in a dream is an unexpected disaster. Drinking wine from a tea cup - in the near future you will combine business with pleasure.

A cup according to the dream book of the esoteric E. Tsvetkov

Cups - Guests.

How to understand why the Cup dreamed in a dream? (according to the collection of interpretations of Simeon Prozorov)

I dreamed of a Cup - getting information; waiting for guests. Filled - profit; breaking a cup is an unexpected misfortune; drinking wine from a teacup - combining pleasure with useful deeds.

The meaning of the dream about Glasses (Jewish dream book)

Cup - Break a cup On Monday night - to a damaged relationship with a good person; and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to a small unfortunate incident that has significant consequences; seen on the night of Saturday or Sunday - this dream means that the great danger that threatened you has passed.

Why do you dream of a Cup (dream book of Catherine the Great)

What do Cups mean in a dream - You saw cups in a dream - you spend too much time on pleasure. It is as if you are drinking wine from a tea cup - the pleasant in your life will be useful, and the useful will become pleasant. A woman dreams that she broke a cup - happiness will soon be replaced by misfortune.

The meaning of the dream about the Cups (Russian folk dream book)

Cup - noisy guests; full - profit; break - to a quarrel.

What does a dream with a Cup mean, taking into account the date of birth (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

In the spring, why dream of breaking a cup in a dream - To intrigue and deceit.

If in the summer in a dream I dreamed of breaking a cup in a dream - To mental patience.

In the fall, why did the cup dream - To noisy guests; break a cup - to a quarrel in the family.

In winter, why dream of a cup - Full - depending on the drink; empty - uncertainty of relations; friend. To break is a lucky break.

Pouring tea into cups is an unexpected joy (see also Tea). Empty cups on the table - you spend too much time on pleasure. It harms the cause. Wash tea cups - soon you will have to correct the mistakes of the past, which, however, will not be so difficult to do. Break a tea cup - quarrel with a friend.

If you dreamed of empty cups standing on the table, imagine that you are pouring strong tea into them, putting them on the table and treating your friends. If you broke a cup in a dream, imagine that you are collecting the pieces, sticking them together with superglue - and the cup becomes as good as new.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

If you dream of tea cups, it means that you will spend most of your time on pleasure.

If a woman breaks a cup in a dream, this is a sign that her happiness will be broken by an unexpected disaster.

If in a dream you drink wine from a tea cup, this portends a combination of business with pleasure in the near future.

Interpretation of dreams from
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