Hyperplastic gastritis. What is a hyperplastic form of gastritis Is it possible to cure hyperplastic gastritis

Hyperplastic gastritis is a pathological process that damages the gastric mucosa. The disease is accompanied by hypertrophy, namely, a gradual increase in metabolism and mucosal mass. Over time, cysts and polyps may form. Inflammation can be concentrated in one place or spread to the entire cavity of the stomach. The disease carries a danger to humans, because it is impossible to make a diagnosis without the use of an endoscope. The disease for a long time does not give severe symptoms.

Varieties of hyperplastic gastritis

The presented disease can occur in some forms:

  1. Chronic hyperplastic gastritis is a special form, which is characterized by the presence of a chronic nature. It causes severe damage to the mucous membrane, as a result of which the walls of the affected organ thicken.
  2. Focal hyperplastic gastritis. This ailment is characterized by the fact that it affects a separate area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe stomach. During the diagnosis, the doctor will be able to determine the concentration of foci of the inflammatory process, the depth of damage to the mucous membrane and secretory function.
  3. Superficial hyperplastic gastritis. This disease is characterized by the initial stage of development. The considered form of gastritis is considered the most harmless, because it does not damage the deep tissues, there are no focal lesions and a strong inflammatory process.


The difficulty of examining this disease lies in the fact that at the very beginning it is asymptomatic. Symptoms usually appear after the polyps have formed. The patient may complain of the following sensations:

  • pain in the epigastric region, pain in the abdomen, radiating to the lower back or shoulder blades;
  • belching with an unpleasant odor;
  • stool problems;
  • flatulence;
  • increased salivation;
  • feeling of nausea and vomiting;
  • a sharp rise in body temperature, indicating internal bleeding.

Most often, atrophic gastritis is formed in the elderly. After all, they have a reduced performance of the glands - this is a normal phenomenon. But there is a big difference between atrophic and hyperplastic gastritis. The latter form of gastritis also affects young people. The prognosis will depend on how the patient went to the doctor on time, and how correct the treatment was.

Medical therapy

Treatment of the presented disease should be prescribed by a doctor on an individual basis. Here, the specialist takes into account the neglect of the disease, the presence and absence of atrophic changes in the mucous membrane of the affected organ.

Antibacterial therapy is used when a large amount of Helicobacter has been detected. It is this bacterium that is considered the cause of the inflammatory process in the stomach.

In addition to antibiotics, treatment involves the use of proton pump inhibitors. These medicines should be prescribed by a gastroenterologist strictly according to indications. If there is an excess of acid, then antacids will be added to the therapy. Thanks to them, it is possible to reduce the content of hydrochloric acid and alleviate the human condition.


To obtain a guaranteed positive result, an integrated approach is required. In addition to medications, doctors also prescribe to adhere to proper nutrition. With hyperplastic gastritis, you should forget about products such as muffins, flour products. It is also not recommended to eat foods that contain fiber. The patient's diet should not include spicy and cold foods.

It is recommended to add fruits and vegetables to your diet, but only in the form of puree. It is also worth eating broths, meat and fish in boiled form. But make sure they are not too oily. If the body normally accepts broths, then dairy products can be included in the diet, but only in a low-fat diet.

The diet allows you to eat milk porridge, cottage cheese, sour cream and cheese. Proper nutrition with hyperplastic gastritis will get rid of such a symptom as heaviness in the stomach. All meals should be systematic. Eating must be done at a certain time.

To learn more about home treatment of gastritis, you should watch this video:

Folk remedies

Using the methods of alternative medicine, it is possible to forget about inflammation, regulate acidity, normalize the work of the stomach and intestines, restore the mucous membrane, and also improve the metabolic process and appetite.

Recipe number 1: St. John's wort tincture

In order for hyperplastic gastritis to leave the body, you can try to use an infusion of St. John's wort. To obtain it, you need to use 2 tablespoons of grass, pour it with hot water in an amount of 1, l. Wait until the remedy is infused, and then strain. Use in the amount of 250 mo on an empty stomach. Appointments are made in the morning and evening

Recipe number 2: burdock infusion

For the treatment of the presented disease, it is worth using an infusion of burdock. It is very easy to prepare if you take a tablespoon of raw materials, place in a thermos, add 0.5 liters of combustible water. The presented medicine can be consumed in the morning on an empty stomach in the amount of ½ cup.

Recipe number 3: propolis for gastritis

To normalize the acidity of the affected organ and restore its mucous membrane, it is worth using propolis. The therapy consists in eating 8 g of this product daily in the morning.

Recipe number 4: sea buckthorn oil

For the regeneration of pathological changes in the mucous membrane, you can use sea buckthorn oil. It should be consumed every day on an empty stomach in the amount of a dessert spoon. The course of therapy lasts 25 days. If there is low acidity, it is recommended to use freshly squeezed juice from sea buckthorn berries.

Recipe number 5: a decoction of chicory root

With reduced secretion, it is worth using a decoction of chicory root. Due to this, the digestive glands are stimulated and acidity returns to normal. To prepare, take the root, wash it well, fry it in a pan, and then grind it in a coffee grinder. Pour a few tablespoons of chicory 0.5 liters of boiling water. Set on fire, boil for 5 minutes. Then add a large spoonful of honey and lemon juice. Take the medicine on an empty stomach in an amount of 250 ml.

Recipe number 6: tincture of calendula flowers

If there are benign growths of the mucous membrane of the affected organ, then it is necessary to use an infusion of calendula flowers. Take a spoonful of raw materials and pour boiling water in an amount of 250 ml. Wait 5 minutes for the remedy to infuse. Use the remedy as a tea during the day. For the treatment of hyperplastic gastritis, you can also add lemon juice and honey to the infusion. It is worth using a decoction in the amount of 1.5 liters per day.

Recipe number 7: plantain tincture

You can cure hyperplastic gastritis with the help of plantain. You can use fresh leaves or dried leaves to prepare the infusion. To do this, take a spoonful of raw materials and pour a glass of boiling water. Insist for 3 hours. Reception is carried out in the amount of one spoon half an hour before meals.

Recipe number 8: cabbage juice

To increase acidity and eliminate a benign neoplasm, you should use white cabbage juice. It is used 4 times a day.

Recipe number 9: collection of herbs for hyperplastic gastritis

The following medicinal collection of herbs will help eliminate the unpleasant signs of the disease and normalize the condition of the stomach: chamomile, mint, calendula, marsh cudweed. All these components should be taken in proportion: 2:2:2:1. 4 tablespoons of raw materials account for 1 liter of boiling water, wait until it is infused (12 hours). In the morning, strain the medicine and drink in the amount of 1 glass. Throughout the day, drink the entire prepared volume of the drug in 3 doses.

Recipe number 10: blackcurrant juice

To normalize the mucous membrane of the affected organ and its acidity, eliminate inflammation, blackcurrant juice will help. Use the product within a month before meals in the amount of 0.5 cups.

Forms and treatment of hyperplastic gastritis of the stomach

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Hyperplastic gastritis is a rare form of chronic inflammation of the stomach. Characterized by thickening of the mucosal wall, forming folds and polyps. The hyperplastic form of gastritis is dangerous because it is difficult to diagnose, the symptoms and signs are almost not expressed. The prognosis of the disease is often disappointing, since even with treatment, atrophic hyperplastic gastritis can become a consequence of the disease - a complete failure of the functioning of the affected area of ​​​​the stomach. In addition, neoplasms can mutate into malignant ones.

Doctors cannot yet determine exactly what causes hyperplastic gastritis. Most often, those factors that are the main culprits of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are distinguished:

  • Wrong, unbalanced diet. Non-compliance with the established diet when major chronic diseases are detected.
  • The cause of scarring and thickening of the epithelium can be various chemical and thermal burns.
  • Hypo- or hyperacid gastritis, which was treated lightly and not treated.
  • Consequences of past diseases (hepatitis, typhoid fever).
  • Taking certain medications.
  • Food allergies often cause inflammation of the stomach lining.
  • Hormonal disruptions and changes (pregnancy, childbirth, recovery after surgery).
  • Protein metabolism disorders.
  • Lack of vitamins and minerals in the body.
  • hereditary factor.
  • Neurosis, psychosis, stress.

Signs of the disease

Unfortunately, there is no specific hyperplastic manifestation of gastritis that would be noticeable without endoscopic diagnosis. The disease does not have specific signs and symptoms. Most often, the diagnosis of hyperplastic gastritis is made after an internal study.

In various clinical forms, the disease can occur with several low-specific symptoms:

  • Heaviness in the stomach.
  • Bloating, flatulence.
  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Pain in the stomach, discomfort.
  • The patient is tormented by belching, giving off an unpleasant odor.
  • Decreased appetite, weight loss.
  • Diarrhea or, conversely, diarrhea.
  • Violation of the processes of digestion, motility of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Weakness, lethargy, drowsiness, general malaise.
  • Feeling of rapid satiety due to the narrowing of the inner surface of the stomach due to the thickening of its walls.


In order to identify the disease, the doctor conducts the following examinations:

1. Fluoroscopy - examination of the stomach using a radiograph. To identify the affected area, a special contrast agent is used - barium sulfate.

2. Fibrogastroduodenoscopy - an examination conducted by a probe with a small camera at the end. The tube is inserted into the patient's mouth, the image of the stomach cavity is displayed on the monitor screen. Using this method, you can accurately determine the condition of the affected area, its localization and size.

3. Histology - analysis of a small section of the stomach taken from a patient. The specialist examines tissues under a microscope, looking for individual signs that indicate the state of the affected organ.

4. Ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity. It can also be prescribed if, for some reason, the use of a probe is impossible.

5. Immunological blood test.

In addition to the above manipulations, the patient will definitely be assigned such tests necessary to study the condition with gastritis, such as a general analysis of blood, urine and feces, a test for the presence of the Helicobacter bacterium that forms inflammation.

Features of treatment

It is necessary to treat hyperplastic gastritis in a complex way. Therapy includes the use of drugs, adherence to a special diet and the daily regimen prescribed by the doctor. In order to cure gastritis, the doctor needs an individual approach to each patient, depending on the origin of the disease and the patient's lifestyle, since hyperplastic formations in the stomach also accompany other types of inflammation of the mucous membrane.

The state of the disease, its form, neglect, age and weight of the patient are taken into account before prescribing medication. It is required to restore the processes of digestion, eliminate the factors that provoke the development of the disease, stimulate the healing of stomach tissues and prevent the formation of new growths. The doctor prescribes drugs such as:

1. Antacids (Renny, Gaviscon). In cases where the disease was caused by an increased level of acidity. In order to successfully cure the disease, it is necessary to lower the level of hydrochloric acid and remove it from the body.

2. Proton pump inhibitors (Omez, Rabeprazole). Block the release of gastric juice and reduce its amount.

3. Drugs that regulate contractility and normalize digestive activity (Motilium, Motonium).

4. Enzymes (Mezim, Festal). They are prescribed in case of an illness provoked by an insufficient amount of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and impaired enzymatic activity.

5. Artificial hydrochloric acid substitutes (Acidin, Pepsin, gastric juice) must be taken when the level of the body's own gastric juice is pathologically low.

6. Antibacterial therapy (Klabaks, Clarithromycin). It is prescribed strictly by the doctor and taken under his control. Destroys the provocateur of the inflammatory process - the bacterium Helicobacter.

7. Enveloping agents (Almagel, Phosphalugel). They cover the stomach with a layer of protective film, inhibiting destructive processes and gently removing disease-provoking substances from the patient's body in a natural way.

8. Antispasmodics (No-shpa, Buskopan). They help relieve the pain symptom and cure the spasms that provoke it, reduce the number of muscle contractions.

9. Sometimes hormonal and immunostimulating agents are prescribed. The doctor prescribes them in the most severe cases.


In the acute stage, only a sparing cuisine is recommended, including cereals boiled in water, unsweetened and unsalted mashed potatoes, steamed, weak teas, preferably from chamomile and sage. In any condition, fried, spicy, salty foods, alcohol, tobacco smoking, sweet soda, smoked meats, canned food, fast food and chocolate are strictly contraindicated - any products that stimulate inflammation and destroy the gastric mucosa.

The diet will depend on the form of gastritis that was treated. If with high acidity, then it must be reduced. And if it’s low, try using special products to raise the level of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and stimulate the digestive glands. During the recovery phase, the menu expands.

What can you eat in remission?

  • lean meats and fish;
  • fermented milk products of low acidity;
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • non-acid fruits and vegetables without peel;
  • cereals cooked with a mixture of milk and water;
  • fruit and vegetable purees;
  • From drinks, give preference to teas and mineral water.

Food should be minimally seasoned and salty.

In order to exclude the development of the disease, you need to be attentive to the regime of work and rest and your menu, avoid stress and disease-provoking factors. If there is a predisposition to disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, you need to regularly be examined by a gastroenterologist and follow his recommendations. Completely get rid of gastritis in the event of the appearance of neoplasms is possible only after surgical intervention.

Every year there are more and more patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The digestive system occupies one of the first places among the organs most exposed to ailments. Hyperplastic gastritis is one of the serious diseases. This ailment affects the gastric mucosa, and the patient may not show symptoms. The disease is often detected during a detailed examination of the body. The disease can spread to the entire organ, or it can appear only in one area. If left untreated, this form of gastritis can develop into cancerous growths.


Hyperplastic gastritis is understood as chronic inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane of the walls of the stomach, as a result of which polyps and cysts can appear that cause serious harm to the body. A characteristic feature of the disease is that when the organ is damaged, the amount of mucus increases and the production of hydrochloric acids decreases.

Hyperplastic gastritis is a kind of benign tumor, which, in case of failures in the mode and nutrition, acquires a malignant role. Because of this, this type of disease is considered one of the most dangerous.

The danger of hyperplastic gastritis is that complications develop with untimely treatment. Therefore, it is important that the patient at the first unpleasant signs consult a doctor.

Forms of hyperplastic gastritis

Hyperplastic gastritis is divided into types such as:

  • chronic hyperplastic gastritis, which is characterized by constancy, the patient's stomach walls become more and more compacted;
  • focal form of gastritis, which is characterized by the defeat of a separate area;
  • superficial type, which is considered the least dangerous, because there are no strong inflammatory processes.

There is another classification of hyperplastic gastritis, in which the disease is divided into 4 types:

  1. The first is the granular type, so named because the foci of the affected mucous membrane resemble small grains, the size of which is not more than 3 mm.
  2. The second type is giant gastritis, in which many benign tumors appear in the form of adenomas, on the surface of which erosive lesions are most often formed. This type has another name - Menetrier's disease. This type of gastritis affects the entire antrum.
  3. The warty variety is characterized by the fact that single foci are similar in appearance to warts. This type of disease, like the previous one, atrophies the antrum.
  4. The polyposis type is characterized by alternation of affected areas with the formation of polyps and hypertrophic folds. In this case, hyperplastic gastritis affects the back wall of the stomach.

Thus, there is more than one classification of hyperplastic gastritis. Patients who are concerned about any of the symptoms should seek immediate medical attention. An experienced doctor will be able to establish the type of disease, which will further help in choosing a treatment.

The reasons

Alcohol abuse and smoking can be the cause of the disease.

There are many factors that influence the development of hyperplastic gastritis. And it can be both internal and external reasons. In any case, during the examination, the doctor will definitely interview the patient, making an anamnesis of the disease:

  1. The first factor is the predisposition of family members to the disease. That is, gastritis can be transmitted, for example, from mother to child.
  2. The next reason is the abuse of alcohol and smoking. The substances in their composition are capable of quickly and strongly destroying the mucous membrane. In addition, various poisonings can occur in a chronic form.
  3. The most common factor is malnutrition. Due to constant employment and haste, people do not have time to fully eat, satisfying their needs with small snacks. This applies to patients who too often eat fatty, unhealthy foods that adversely affect the body. The disease can manifest itself in patients who are losing weight, because they begin to starve, thereby depleting the body.
  4. Another cause of the disease is poisoning with chemicals or pesticides.
  5. The disease may appear due to recent illnesses. This is especially true for viral diseases, including influenza, hepatitis, etc.
  6. One of the reasons for the occurrence is an allergy, in particular, food. Allergens, when exposed to the mucous membrane, are able to gradually destroy it, which leads to the loss of protein elements.
  7. In addition, the disease can be caused by factors such as hormonal disruptions, an insufficient amount of vitamins and minerals in the body.


Patients do not even notice the initial stages of the development of hyperplastic gastritis, believing that everything is in order with their health. The first signs appear only when pathological neoplasms form in the stomach. Symptoms directly depend on what form of hyperplastic gastritis the patient has and what is the level of acidity of gastric juices. The disease can only be determined by a doctor, examining the patient. Symptoms include:

  • severe pain in the abdomen, in particular, in the gastric zone, aching pains can go to the scapular, lumbar zones or chest;
  • a feeling of heaviness in the organ that appears after eating (it seems to the patient that he has overeaten);
  • the appearance of heartburn as a result of an increase in the level of acidity, accompanied by belching, which has an unpleasant odor;
  • a feeling of nausea, which in rare cases ends in vomiting;
  • the occurrence of a general malaise of the body, in which the patient has a feeling of weakness, the temperature rises, the person is rapidly losing weight. When sick, the patient gets tired quickly, even when doing light work;
  • blood impurities in the feces, which are found in laboratory tests.


The final diagnosis can be made after the patient is examined by an endoscopist.

Thanks to the consultation of a gastroenterologist, it is possible to detect the presence of hyperplastic gastritis. In this case, the final diagnosis can be made after the patient is examined by an endoscopist. Next, fibrogastroduodenoscopy is performed, with the help of which the mucous membrane is examined, its condition is assessed. In this case, using a special device, the doctor performs a biopsy of the affected areas. In addition to these methods, use such inspection methods as:

  • blood test, biochemical or clinical;
  • ultrasound or x-ray, which examine the abdominal cavity;
  • pH meter.

Such a disease of the gastrointestinal tract as hyperplastic gastritis is a special, rare form of gastritis. The danger lies in the fact that the advanced chronic stage of this disease can become a precancerous condition. Basically, this disease affects men of working age, who suffer from it several times more often than women. Symptoms and treatment of this pathology are somewhat different from other types of gastritis.

Description of the disease

Hyperplastic gastritis is understood as a special type of lesion of the mucous layer of the gastric organ. It is characterized by increased proliferation of epithelial cells, in which the volume and mass of mucus greatly increase. This leads to the formation of polyps, folds and cysts on the inner surface of the stomach.
Inflammation can have varying degrees of severity and affect different areas of the stomach, localized in one place or, capturing the entire area of ​​​​the organ. Diagnosis of the disease is greatly complicated by the fact that in the initial stage it often proceeds without severe symptoms. Symptoms in the form of vomiting, diarrhea, internal bleeding appear already at later stages.

Gastritis of the hyperplastic type can be attributed to a rare variety of chronic diseases of the stomach. However, it is not a separate disease, but covers a whole range of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. At the heart of this is not inflammation of the mucous membrane, as is the case with other types of gastritis, but another process - the excessive formation of new epithelial cells. This phenomenon is called hyperplasia.

Under the influence of external negative factors, a failure occurs in the regenerative system of the epithelium. The mucous layer is arranged in such a way that its cells are constantly updated, obsolete ones are replaced by new ones. When the regeneration process is disturbed, normal cells are replaced by damaged ones.

Damaged cells cannot perform their functions, they only secrete a large amount of mucus that covers the walls of the stomach. In this case, the motility of the stomach is disturbed and the secretory gland malfunctions. Epithelial cells in intact areas begin to intensively produce hydrochloric acid to compensate for its deficiency.

These areas in the stomach alternate with atrophied areas that are unable to function normally. As a result of the increased growth of damaged cells, the mucous layer of the stomach greatly increases in volume, folds and multiple polyps appear on it.

A feature of this disease is that in childhood this process can end with the regeneration of the mucosa, which restores its functions. In adults, this pathology always turns into a chronic atrophic form of gastritis, which is often given a precancerous prognosis.

Reasons for the appearance

The causes of this disease have not yet been sufficiently studied. It is believed that it can be caused by many causes of various nature (chemical, physical, biological factors). Among the most common are the following:

  • chronic alcoholism and smoking;
  • intoxication with chemicals, low-quality products or poisoning of the body as a result of prolonged use of medications;
  • complications after severe infectious diseases;
  • failure of various systems in the body (hormonal, immune, etc.);
  • hereditary predisposition.

It is believed that a poorly organized diet (a strict diet for weight loss, an unbalanced diet, an improper diet) can lead to the development of hyperplastic gastritis. And it can also occur against the background of food allergies.

Types of disease

Depending on the degree of damage to the mucosa and the localization of hyperplasia, gastritis of the hyperplastic type is divided into various types. It can also have different stages of flow.

Gastritis in the initial stage is called superficial. This is the safest form of the disease, in which the pathology does not penetrate deep into the tissues. The superficial stage can be cured on its own, without any consequences.

Chronic hyperplastic gastritis is considered a type of disease in which a steady course of the pathological process is observed. This stage is characterized by a strong thickening of the walls of the stomach and the formation of polyps.

According to the location of gastritis of this type can be divided into:

  • focal. The mucous membrane is affected in separate areas, which may alternate with healthy areas;
  • diffuse. It is characterized by growth over the entire surface of the stomach. It can start in one place, gradually capturing new areas.

Depending on the nature of hyperplasia, hyperplastic gastritis is divided into the following types:

  • grainy. Multiple formations appear on the mucous membrane, in the form of clusters of rounded growths, about 3 mm in size;
  • giant hyperplasia. With this form, huge outgrowths in the form of folds form on the inner surface of the stomach. In this case, complete atrophy of the secretory gland is observed;
  • warty. It is characterized by the presence of single growths on the surface of the mucosa;
  • polyposis. It is distinguished by the formation of atrophied areas with folds and polypoid outgrowths on the surface of the mucous layer. In this case, there is a complete dysfunction of the stomach.

Symptoms of the disease

In this case, the symptoms of the disease can manifest themselves in different ways, depending on how severe the gastritis is and what form it has. In the initial stage, it does not have symptoms, so people may not suspect that they have this pathology. Signs begin to appear already in the presence of serious changes in the gastric mucosa.

Patients may be concerned about the following manifestations of the disease:

  • pain in the abdomen, at different times of the day. Can be localized in the upper abdomen and under the ribs;
  • discomfort in the stomach (bursting, feeling of heaviness);
  • heartburn (with an increase in the level of stomach acid), belching;
  • nausea, sometimes vomiting;
  • intestinal upset (diarrhea, bloating, constipation).

Against the background of a progressive disease, signs such as weakness, increased fatigue, loss of appetite, and weight loss appear. There may be an increase in temperature, dry skin and stiffness of the limbs. When internal bleeding occurs in the mucous membrane, a bloody admixture appears in the stool or vomit. The vomit may turn dark brown.

Diagnosis of the disease

Diagnostic studies for suspected gastritis are always carried out comprehensively, since the specificity of this disease does not allow an accurate diagnosis to be made during a superficial examination of the patient.

The main measure that provides complete information about the state of the mucous layer is endoscopic analysis. A probe with an optical device is inserted into the human stomach so that the doctor can visually track the changes and draw up a clinical picture. In this case, tissue may be taken for biopsy.

Examination of the patient includes a blood test, during which abnormalities characteristic of this disease are detected. The patient gives feces for analysis to determine bloody impurities.

An analysis of the determination of acidity inside the stomach (pH-metry), x-rays, and ultrasound examination of internal organs may also be prescribed.

Features of treatment

Treatment of hyperplastic gastritis has its own characteristics. In other types of gastritis, the causative agent of the disease, as a rule, is the bacterium Helicobather pylori. In this regard, appropriate drug treatment is carried out, aimed at the destruction of harmful microorganisms.

In this case, such drug therapy is not performed, since the causes of this pathology have not been fully elucidated. Treatment of gastritis of the hyperplastic type implies a complex effect on the body. It may consist of:

  • medicinal effect;
  • special diet;
  • physiotherapy;
  • health-improving physical education;
  • the use of folk remedies;
  • mineral water therapy.

With a disease such as hyperplastic gastritis, treatment is selected individually by the attending physician.

It is difficult to answer the question whether it is possible to cure the hyperplastic form of gastritis forever, since it depends on the nature and course of the disease and its severity. Not the last role in the recovery process is played by how the patient will carry out the diet and diet.

The use of drugs and diet are essential components of the treatment process. Other measures can be applied as additional ones.

The use of medications depends on the manifestations of the disease in each case. If gastritis occurs with high acidity, the doctor prescribes drugs that neutralize the effect of hydrochloric acid. With erosive and ulcerative forms, therapy will correspond to the treatment of these diseases. Since this type of gastritis goes away with a large loss of protein in the body, the doctor prescribes a diet containing this substance in foods.

The following groups of drugs can be prescribed as medicines:

  • antacids (reducing the production of hydrochloric acid - with increased acidity);
  • preparations with astringent and enveloping effect, to restore the mucous membrane;
  • means that replenish the presence of protein in the body;
  • prokinetics - drugs that restore the motor functions of the stomach;
  • painkillers to relieve pain.

In some cases, surgery may be indicated. The patient can be removed polyps and other pathological formations.
The diet in the treatment of gastritis of any type consists in the rejection of harmful and heavy foods that irritate the walls of the stomach and are difficult to digest. Spicy, fried, pickled, canned food is excluded from the diet. Also banned are pastries, chocolate, coffee, carbonated drinks and alcohol.

Permitted products include fermented milk products, low-fat varieties of fish and meat, pasta of small varieties, vegetables, fruits that have undergone heat treatment. Recommended viscous soups, cereals, kissels, puree dishes. With the course of the disease in a severe form, the food should be frayed.
Diet nutrition is fractional, i.e., several times a day, in small portions. It is necessary to monitor the optimal temperature of the dishes, they must be warm. Cold and hot food negatively affects the walls of the stomach. The diet is valid throughout the duration of treatment and is observed after the elimination of symptoms for 1-2 months.

Treatment with folk remedies, which are considered quite effective, is widely used. Decoctions and infusions from medicinal plants relieve symptoms such as abdominal pain, heartburn, nausea, etc. For their preparation, you can use any herbal remedy that is sold in a pharmacy: chamomile, celandine, yarrow, St. John's wort, plantain, etc. .

Plants can be used one at a time or make a medicinal collection by adding several different herbs. To prepare the infusion, 10-15 grams of each plant is taken, mixed and poured with 500 ml of boiling water. Then, you need to let the composition brew for about 1-2 hours and strain. You need to drink the composition in half a glass half an hour before meals.

If you have been diagnosed with a disease such as hyperplastic type gastritis, you must immediately begin its treatment. In no case do not neglect the diet, which is an important part of the healing process. To achieve the maximum effect, use additional measures, physiotherapy, folk remedies, physiotherapy exercises.

You may also be interested

Hyperplastic gastritis is a special lesion of the gastric mucosa, which is extremely rare. This definition refers to a group of disparate diseases that are not attributed to inflammatory processes, but to the growth of the gastric epithelium. Each of these diseases occurs in 5% of all cases of chronic gastric pathologies.

According to research data, hyperplastic gastritis in children in some cases leads to a decrease in the activity of the disease, resulting in a complete restoration of the mucous membrane. In adults, such phenomena have not been identified, and the appearance of hyperplastic gastritis leads to atrophy of the mucous membrane.

Causes of the disease

The formation of hyperplastic gastritis is not fully understood, but several significant factors can be attributed to the reasons for its development, among which hereditary predisposition occupies the main place. It is followed by malnutrition, chronic intoxication (drug addiction, alcoholism, smoking), hypovitaminosis.

Food allergies play an important role in the development of the disease. When it comes into contact with the mucous membrane, allergens make it impenetrable, thereby provoking the abnormal development of the epithelium. As a result of this, a huge loss of protein occurs in the body, which refers to the characteristic features of all types of hyperplastic gastritis.

Some doctors consider the appearance of this pathology to be the development of a benign tumor or the appearance of stomach anomalies.

Nevertheless, all factors lead to the same result - increased cell reproduction with further thickening of the epithelium.


At an early stage of the disease, patients do not even suspect the appearance of hyperplastic gastritis. Pathology begins to manifest itself only with cardinal changes in the gastric mucosa. The features of the appearance of these signs directly depend on the form of the disease and the level of acidity. The most common symptom is pain in the stomach area. Depending on the indicators of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, the disease may be accompanied by the appearance of heartburn or belching with an unpleasant, rotten taste in the oral cavity. Many patients complain of nausea, vomiting, flatulence.

Atrophic hyperplastic gastritis

One of the types of hyperplastic gastritis is a form in which areas with atrophy and cell hyperplasia are combined on the mucosa. This effect is considered the most dangerous, since in most cases it leads to the formation of cysts, polyps on the walls of the stomach and provokes the development of carcinoma. Like other forms, atrophic hyperplastic gastritis appears without pronounced symptoms.

Often, pathology can only be detected by examining the gastric mucosa. Severe pain in the stomach, appearing immediately after eating, refers to this disease. It is often paroxysmal in nature and gives between the shoulder blades and in the lumbar region. The appearance of these pains is most often associated with the use of specific foods and is accompanied by the appearance of belching, profuse saliva, lack of appetite, and in some cases, fever. A change in temperature balance may indicate the appearance of bleeding in the stomach.

Erosive hyperplastic gastritis

Sometimes multiple erosions appear on the gastric mucosa. This is due to the inflammatory process of the mucous membrane and is diagnosed as erosive hyperplastic gastritis. Its appearance can provoke direct contact with an aggressive environment with a high content of acid, alkali, chemicals, leading to a violation of the secretion process or a burn.

Usually erosive gastritis has a protracted form of the disease and often leads to the appearance of gastric bleeding. It is very dangerous in case of erosion on the entire surface of the stomach.

Antral gastritis

There is such a form of the disease as antral hyperplastic gastritis. The site of transition of the stomach into the intestines (antrum) has the function of reducing the level of acidity in the food bolus before entering the intestines. But a drop in the level of acid leads to a decrease in bactericidal properties, as a result of which there is an active reproduction of pathogenic bacteria.


The signs of all forms of this pathology are very similar to other diseases of the abdominal cavity, therefore, in order to correctly diagnose the patient, a differentiated examination is prescribed. The appearance of hyperplastic gastritis can be detected only as a result of FDS. For the conduct of the examination, a probe with an optical system is inserted into the patient's stomach, and the condition of the gastrointestinal tract is fully examined. Thanks to this procedure, it is possible not only to examine the condition of the stomach and intestines, but also to take a sample for cytological examination. As an additional examination, radiography and a general blood test are used to identify the presence of complications of hyperplastic gastritis.

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