What is a referrer. Referral system: What is Referral and Referrer? Details about who they are! Directing visitors to another page

Hello friends! In this article, we will continue talking about the referral system, and we will talk about:

What are Referrals and
Who is a Referrer?

Referrer what is it?

The word comes from English referrer (referer) - "inviting"- this is the person who is already registered in a project, and is engaged in attracting new users (newbies) in order to make money on it. For this he uses . Sometimes you can find an abbreviation of the word - referrers are used.

Who are Referrals?

Referral from English referral - "direction"- this is the person whom you attracted to the project with the help of your referral link, you are a referrer for him, respectively. Here you can also often find abbreviations, use ref or ref in the plural.

What will be the benefit of referrals? Why are they needed at all?

  • Permanent income - when you invite new users to the project and teach them how to earn money, thereby creating passive income for yourself, which you will receive while your referrals are active.
  • Growing income - Your profits can grow by leaps and bounds if you develop your referral network.

Scheme "Referrer → Referral link → Referrals"

Let's look at an example of what this scheme looks like:

What is the conclusion from all this?

  1. First, we register in projects that use the referral system, all of them are presented on my blog, and also see here:.
  2. In each of these projects, you can find the "Referrals" section, so here you can find your referral link.
  3. Now you just have to find out with her help.

Here are the projects where I actively recruit referrals:

On all projects there is a so-called "career ladder" the higher the status you get, the higher the percentage of profit from referrals. In the table below, I will indicate through “/-fraction” the maximum possible% of income from refs by levels. I take into account only tasks, because the income from them is the highest (for clicks, surfing, tests, letters - the refpercent can reach up to 60-100%, but the profitability is low). For example: 10%/10% means that you will receive 10% from 1st level referrals, and 10% from 2nd level referrals.

For example, you have registered on the Profitcentr project, in the menu we are looking for the “Referral system” section and the “Invite referrals” subsection, we look at our referral link. With its help you can invite users (referrals):

All those who register using your referral link will be referrals for you, and you will accordingly be a Referrer for them. I have been working on this project for quite a long time, and I have attracted quite a few referrals, and I am constantly developing my network of referrals, for which I get a good profit.

What is it like to be a referral? Is it profitable to be someone's referral?

Remember! When you become someone's referral, you have absolutely nothing to lose! On the contrary, you get a number of advantages:

  • Your referrer will help you get acquainted with the project and answer your questions.
  • Your referral will reveal all the secrets and ways to increase your income on the project - this is beneficial both for you (you can earn more) and for him (he can earn more from you).
  • In addition, often referrers, active referral workers are encouraged with various bonuses for good work, in other words, refback. What is it, read below in the article.

Frequent misconceptions:

  1. Many people believe that referrer fees are paid out of their income. This is not true! In order to pay referral fees (%), projects take a certain commission from advertisers, due to which referrals receive their income from referrals.
  2. Also, many people believe that if you delete the referral link, then they will be free referrals and will not get to anyone. This is not true! Some projects of only registered users are distributed to the best employees of the project, or simply immediately put up for sale on, which means that someone will simply buy you. And for some projects, the system is so arranged that free referrals are generally rented out, earning on it.

Therefore, leaving a reflink you thank the person for inviting you to the project. Keep this in mind, because you, too, will someday attract referrals, and imagine if your referrals are erased, nice? I think no! =)

Important information to know
about the referral system:

What is a multi-level referral system? This is when you have the opportunity to build your referral network in several rows (levels).

Frequently asked questions:

How to become a referral? Guys, it's easy! All projects on my site support referral links, so go to the project you like, follow the referral link and register. That's it, now you are a referral! =)

What is your referrer id (referral id)? This is the ordinal or identification number of the user who invited you to the project. For example, in this link: https://vipip.ru/register/?refid=398992 - the referrer id will be 398992.

Some sites use in reflinks not the referrer id, but, for example, like here, the login: http://www.wmmail.ru/index.php?cf=reg-newr&ref=Uncertainty , but in any case, even if the login is used, he has the same there is an id.

Where to find and how to find out the id of your referrer? Usually, information about the id of your referrer (the person who invited you to the project) is located on the personal data page or the general summary of the account (on different sites in different ways). However, on some sites this information is not available at all and you will not be able to find out who your referrer is.

What is a referrer when registering? After reading everything I wrote above, I hope you understand that if you are asked to indicate a referrer during registration, this means that you are offered to write there the id or login of the person under whom you would like to register (become his referral). In most cases, it is substituted automatically, because usually people get to sites with referral systems through referral links that indicate the referrer.

This article is mainly dedicated to users who make money in autosurfing systems, traffic exchanges and do not know h what is http_referer and how to change it to search.

Definition, what is HTTP_REFERER, take from . Everything is described in detail and clearly, and the purpose of this article is to explain, what is search HTTP_REFERER.

HTTP_REFERER— in the HTTP protocol, one of the client request headers. Contains the request source URL. If you go from one page to another, referer will contain the address of the first page. Often, software is installed on the HTTP server that analyzes the referer and extracts various information from it. So, for example, the owner of a website gets the opportunity to find out for what search queries, how often and on which pages people get. If the HTTP client downloads from the server an image presented on a page, then the referer will contain the address of this page. Some HTTP servers analyze the referer before issuing the image and do not show the image if the request comes from another site (but, for example, show a small placeholder image).

Curiously, spelling the English word referrer as referer is a common mistake. So popular that it was included in the official specifications of the HTTP protocol.

As already mentioned, it happens that the server refuses to serve the desired content without a specific referer string, so many client software has the ability to set this string manually. For example, wget supports the "--referer" option, which allows you to set the desired string and access the required content of the web server.

Search HTTP_REFERER is defined as a query entered in the search line of a search engine and statistics systems will determine that the user went to the site from a specific search engine for a specific search query. Many autosurf with the program have the ability to replace http_referer with a search one. This feature will allow you to add low-quality sites to sites that require average traffic, for example, from 100 hosts per day. In other words, you can boost attendance and behavioral factors on your site - now many autosurfs in the program imitate mouse movement, page transitions with a delay on it for a specified time, and clicks on ads.

To make it clearer, I will show how to change http_referer to search engine in pictures.

We open any browser, go to a search engine, for example, Google and enter the search query we need in the search bar and press enter. Copy the contents of the address bar to the appropriate place in the autosurf program, where you need to insert http_referer-s. So that you are not suspected of cheating, enter several http_referer-s (each on a new line), set different search queries that correspond to the subject of your site and use different search engines.

We perform similar actions if you need to simulate transitions from social networks, directories, ratings, bulletin boards or other sites. It is enough to go to the page where there is a link to your site and copy the contents of the address bar.



Referrer - a record in the server log files about a site visitor. If the referrer field is empty, it usually means that the user typed the address directly in their browser. The referrer is used when analyzing website statistics.

In English: Referrer

Synonyms: Referring domain

See also: Log files

Finam Financial Dictionary.


See what "Referrer" is in other dictionaries:

    Exist., number of synonyms: 1 address (12) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    An entry in the server log files about a site visitor. If the referrer field is empty, it usually means that the user typed the address directly in their browser. The referrer is used in the analysis of site statistics Glossary of business terms. Academician ... Glossary of business terms

    SSL Headers (list) Cookie · ETag · Referer · User Agent Referer status codes (HTTP referer) into one of the client request headers. Contains Curiously, spelling the English word referrer as referer is a popular mistake. So much ... ... Wikipedia

    In programming, a weak reference is a specific kind of reference to dynamically created objects in systems with garbage collection. It differs from ordinary links in that it is not taken into account by the garbage collector when it detects ... ... Wikipedia

    A file containing system information about server operation and information about user actions: date and time of the user's visit; IP address of the user's computer; name of the user's browser; The URL of the page requested by the user; referrer ... Financial vocabulary

    - (or referral, from the English referral "reference") a member of the affiliate program, registered on the recommendation of another member. Such a marketing scheme is widespread on the Internet and involves registration on sites ... ... Wikipedia

    Greeting, address, address, name, code, location, place of residence, domicile, cell Dictionary of Russian synonyms. noun address, number of synonyms: 12 addresses (4) ... Synonym dictionary

    A file containing system information about server operation and information about user actions: date and time of the user's visit; IP address of the user's computer; name of the user's browser; The URL of the page requested by the user; referrer ... Glossary of business terms


Today I will complete the series of articles about CSRF. But now I will smoothly move to "the other side of the barricades." As the saying goes, he who is forewarned is forearmed. If the developer knows how the attacker is operating, then he will know how and from what to protect himself.

This article is a revised translation of the article "Stripping Referrer for fun and profit" by foreign author Krzysztof Kotowicz. I liked the methods used in his article and I want to share them with you. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that this is still a revised translation, since I have already presented some of the material proposed in the original in my articles, and I see no reason to duplicate it.

In general, if you are interested in how to edit a user without specifying a Referer, then I ask under the cut :)

What is a referrer?

Referer is a small piece of information that the browser sends to the server when you follow a link from one site to another. This is useful for developers. For example, they can determine that a visitor came to your site from search engines and then tailor the pages of the site to your request. But in part this can also be called a leak of personal information, so all browsers have the ability to disable the transfer of Referer. But one way or another, the header itself can be interesting from a security point of view.

Referrer Example

Sometimes a referrer is used as an access control mechanism. It all started with links to other people's content. Spamming sites have begun adding other people's content (such as images) from other sites, a simple pasting This was invisible to visitors, and the spam page looked legitimate to them, but in doing so, it was stealing the bandwidth (and content) of the original site. To prevent this, the developers began checking the Referer header that the browser passed. If the referrer URL contained the original website, then the server will return an image. If the referrer contained the address of another site, then the server returned an error.

Coming to CSRF

Then appeared. Any website can send potentially dangerous requests to vulnerable sites and, for example, delete an account on a vulnerable site, change an email address or set up a mail filter, and so on without the user knowing. Some web developers have started to add a simple protection mechanism: they have started to check the referrer! This check was carried out as follows:

  • If Referer contains the address of its host, then we process the request
  • Otherwise, the request is blocked

It would seem that the problem has been solved. Only valid pages can send successful requests. But there was one problem - what to do with users who have disabled Referer? They simply will not be able to use this application as their requests will be blocked. In many systems, this was resolved as follows: a similar situation with the absence of a referrer was interpreted towards the user and the request was considered legal and was processed.

Hiding Referer

This solution to the problem created a huge security hole, and attackers began to look for ways to exploit it. Several methods of similar hiding have been proposed, but using server-side redirect technologies. But these methods are of little interest since they are quite well known. I want to offer you another option - the ability to redirect the user with the generation of an arbitrary GET or POST request only from the client side in pure javascript.
Here are examples of implementations:

Function lose_in_webkit(url) (
// chrome loses it in data uris
location = "data:text/html,

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