Enrollment in the Khanty-Mansiysk Regional Bureau. Appointment to the doctor Khanty-Mansiysk (electronic registry). When do registries disappear?

How to get a coveted ticket?

Morning assault. So the residents of Khanty-Mansiysk now call an appointment with a doctor in the morning. Every morning, sick people gather at the terminal in the OKB hall to get the coveted ticket to a specialist in battle.

“Recently I saw how the crowd in the Design Bureau almost fought for a record on the terminal,” says resident of Khanty-Mansiysk Victoria Koloznikova. - A string of aggressive patients began already at the entrance to the hospital, moreover, it was not only grandmothers who were given a reason to create a queue somewhere, but also young people. People pushed each other out with their elbows, did not let them go to the terminal.”

At the same time, the girl herself came to the hospital for exactly the same assault already in the children's clinic, but was among the losers. She had to show her son to an otolaryngologist, for whom there is no record in the electronic registry. Victoria was helped by ... a cleaning lady, who let her into the building of the OKB branch the next morning.

“I was allowed to warm up. In the corridor, she signed up at the terminal herself. But it was like a computer game “Hurry up to hit the green square”,” the girl said.

Many patients attribute the sudden shortage of records to a change in the work of the district electronic registry, which used to make appointments with doctors without problems. But now this can only be done through authorization on the State Services portal.

"Does not work. The tablet constantly freezes, complains resident of the district capital Anastasia Kuznetsova.- Last week I tried to make an appointment for my daughter with a neurologist, I see a free window at the doctor’s on the screen, but I can’t “block” it. I called the reception, asked to write my daughter there.

As it turned out, the Registry86.rf website continues to operate as before. Ugra residents only need to create a personal account here, of course, with authorization on the State Services portal. This information was not enough for many patients to make an appointment without any problems. By the way, sooner or later, all residents of Russia will have to master the State Portal, since duplicating regional sites are likely to be closed as unnecessary.

However, some experts do not consider electronic recording a panacea, rather, on the contrary. Thus, according to members of the People's Front in Ugra, it is thanks to the Internet registration in the district that the problem of the absence of appointments for narrow specialists is artificially created. Often, patients come to see doctors who have diagnosed themselves and appointed a doctor. At the same time, according to statistics, after self-registration, up to 800 Ugra residents do not come to the reception every month. ONF experts believe that only a therapist should refer to a specialist.

When will registries disappear?

According to the data of the regional health department, the indicator of population provision with doctors of all specialties (per 10,000 Ugra residents) is 50.3. Whereas in Russia this bar does not even reach 38. The situation is similar with the average medical staff: in Yugra - 141.4, in the country - about 90.

Today, you can get an appointment with a doctor in the district in different ways: make an appointment by phone, via the Internet, at the terminal, at the registry office and on a first-come, first-served basis.

“Our patients use all the ways. In a children's polyclinic, they are more often recorded through an electronic registry, in an adult - by phone, - says head physician of the Surgut polyclinic Maxim Slepov. According to him, there is a category of citizens who literally live in hospitals. More often these are lonely elderly people who feel a lack of attention. “Hospitals are their home, and we cannot refuse them by law, although such “patients” take time and resources.”

Our interlocutor notes that today the registries of Surgut got rid of the constant queues. Specialists and chief physicians can be convinced of this at any time, because online video cameras are installed above the “help desks”. Employees of the Yugra Medical Information and Analytical Center review these records as part of monitoring the work of the registries.

By the way, doctors consider these departments an anachronism, in which there will soon be no need. This is what the healthcare industry in Ugra is striving for. As soon as federal legislation is finalized and allows hospitals to get rid of paper medical records, registries will sink into oblivion. They will be replaced by hall administrators who will simply help to register through the terminal or redistribute patient flows.

Moreover, Ugra medicine is moving towards the fact that soon some patients will not have to stand in line to see a doctor at all. On the portal of the modernized electronic registry in the updated personal account, patients will be able to get expert advice without getting up from the couch. To do this, the user will only have to provide access to his data to selected specialists, and they, in turn, after reviewing the results of surveys and complaints, will issue a verdict. The only stumbling block now for the introduction of such technologies is legal issues related to the observance of medical confidentiality and personal data of patients. From a technical point of view, everything is already ready in Ugra, but the legislation at the federal level is still lagging behind.

But this is the future, and today some Ugra residents continue to storm the terminals, and the high district indicators of the availability of medical care give them little comfort.


Today, 43.5% of appointments for initial appointments are made using remote mechanisms, such as federal and regional electronic registries, websites of medical organizations, a healthcare contact center and self-service terminals. More than one million appointment appointment services are provided electronically, almost half of which are provided through the Federal and regional electronic registry.

In 2017, in order to increase the availability of medical care on the basis of the regional registry, a mechanism was developed and tested that will allow patients, in the absence of an available time for a doctor's appointment, to leave an application for an appointment, indicating the appropriate time, after which the registrars of medical organizations will contact the patient and select the most comfortable time reception. The service was named "Waiting List" and will be launched in a pilot mode in December 2017, after which it will be replicated throughout the district in 2018.

To popularize the State Services portal, starting from August 2017, a remote appointment with a doctor is provided only to patients authorized using the portal account, which has increased the involvement of citizens in receiving healthcare services electronically.

ONF expert in Ugra, Surgut Duma deputy Maxim Slepov:

- As a public figure, I participated in the work of experts who assessed the availability of medical care in the districts of the district. They sat in the corridors of hospitals and recorded the time of admission, tried to make an appointment with doctors in different ways, and so on.

As a result, we came to the conclusion that medical care is really available in the regions, however, each specific municipality has its own shortcomings. These are working moments that will always be - somewhere the registry is uninformative, somewhere the "decoy" patients could not sign up via the Internet, sometimes the hospital administration did not make contact.

But in general, our district is in a leading position in Russia in terms of the availability of medical care. You can sign up anywhere and anytime.

By the way:

OKB Khanty-Mansiysk is the only district clinic that provides comprehensive services for primary, specialized and high-tech care, that is, there are both inpatient departments and polyclinics: adult, children's and women's consultations. Every year, OKB polyclinics receive 700,000 patients.

Unfortunately, no matter how people try to improve their health, raise their immunity, sometimes they still get sick. And then an appointment with a doctor becomes a necessity. But any resident of Khanty-Mansiysk will immediately say: "No, not that." After all, here is the real problem! First you need, despite your poor health, wake up early and go to the clinic. Then you will definitely have to stand in line, and there is no guarantee that you will be able to get a ticket. Sometimes they can end right in front of you.

But all nightmares can be forgotten. Now patients are offered an alternative - an electronic record. It is carried out remotely, through the worldwide network. You don't even need to get out of bed to use the service. Just grab your laptop, get comfortable, and get started. We describe the process in more detail below.

Appointment to the doctor Khanty-Mansiysk (er.dzhmao.ru)

There is a single portal of medical services provided throughout the region of interest to you, the address of which is er.dzhmao.ru. In fact, this is an electronic one, where each health facility operating in the specified territory is listed. Any user can enter the site, but not all successfully sign up. In order for the procedure to be completed, it is necessary to register in the Internet system, or receive the so-called electronic medical card. Here you will need to contact the receptionists of the polyclinic at the place of residence directly and ask for your policy. And then - get coupons online.

Recording is done according to a simple algorithm of actions:

  1. We go to the website of the electronic registration at the address https://er.dzhmao.ru/.
  2. Once on the main page of the site, you must log in or, as it is written on the resource, “Login to your personal account”.
  3. If you are here for the first time, you will have to register. Unfortunately, you can't do everything on the site yourself. You will have to contact the registry with an indication of the SNILS number and policy to receive a one-time password and login.
  4. If you already have a username and password, click on "Login to your personal account", fill in the appropriate fields. Check the accuracy of the entered information. Click "Login".
  5. Once inside the site, choose your region and the desired health facility.
  6. Now determine the specialization of the doctor, a specific specialist and sign up for him at a convenient time and date for you.
  7. After completing the registration, the system will send a ticket to the e-mail box you specified. We recommend that you print it. First, the document contains the most important contact information. Secondly, if there are any misunderstandings in the clinic, he will help to resolve them quickly.

The service is simple and reliable. Registering for an appointment with a doctor via the Internet is modern and safe. You do not need to go to a health facility once again, exposing yourself to the danger of getting infected from someone and getting sick even more. And in general, you can stay in bed, making out the coveted coupon.

There is another indisputable plus: in the same way, you can record any family member, including a minor child. The main thing is that he has a valid compulsory health insurance policy entered into the electronic system. Everything else is a matter of no more than 5 minutes.

And yet, despite the obvious availability of the “Electronic Registry” service, getting sick is a bad option. We wish you to maintain good health and seek medical help as little as possible because of your excellent health and good mood.
Make an appointment with a doctor Khanty-Mansiysk

Medical facilities of Khanty-Mansiysk

Center for Occupational Pathology

Clinical medical and physical education dispensary

District Clinical Hospital

District Clinical Treatment and Rehabilitation Center

Khanty-Mansiysk Clinical Dental Polyclinic

Khanty-Mansiysk Dermatovenerological Dispensary (KVD)

Budget institution of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra District Clinical Hospital (BU KhMAO - Ugra "District hospital, Khanty-Mansiysk"), is a medical diagnostic and advisory center. It provides outpatient (both planned and emergency) and round-the-clock - inpatient care that meets the most modern medical standards, both for residents of its own and other regions.

The base provides both free, within the framework of the compulsory medical insurance program and the Territorial Program of State Guarantees, and paid medical services. As part of paid medical services, you can get specialist advice, laboratory, diagnostic, treatment and other types of services.

City Hospital, Khanty-Mansiysk equipped with modern medical and diagnostic medical equipment. The institution constantly introduces the achievements of modern science and technology, preventive methods. Service is carried out by highly qualified specialists. On the basis of the institution, all conditions have been created for the provision of various types of medical, organizational, methodological and advisory assistance.

District Hospital, Khanty-Mansiysk- constantly developing and improving medical institution. The most modern information technologies are used in the work of the organization. For the convenience of patients, the possibility of electronic appointment with a doctor online through the international Internet is widely used, including in District Hospital You can also make an appointment with a doctor using the "Electronic Registry" service.

In addition to the serviced population attached to the city of Khanty-Mansiysk, residents of other regions can also receive help here.

In structure District Hospital, Khanty-Mansiysk, in the complex, there are inpatient departments and polyclinic rooms, allowing you to receive high-quality assistance in various areas. The diagnostic and paraclinical service is represented by an X-ray room, a clinical diagnostic laboratory, a physiotherapy room and other structural units.

Controlling function District Hospital, Khanty-Mansiysk carry out:

  • Department of Health of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra;
  • Territorial body of Roszdravnadzor for the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra;
  • Territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra.
  • BU KhMAO - Ugra "District Clinical Hospital"

    11 reviews
    st. Kalinina, 40

    1 review
    oncologist, radiologist
    st. Kalinina, 40

  • 8 reviews
    st. Kalinina, 40

  • 7 reviews
    st. Kalinina, 40

  • 5 reviews
    cardiac surgeon
    st. Kalinina, 40

    Hello. 05/03/2018 in the children's clinic on Engels Street, a glaring, in my opinion, incident happened. Today we decided to contact the pediatrician of the 8th district, because the child, 5 years old, fell ill, the first day the temperature was 38 and the throat was red. I want to immediately note that the child does not tolerate temperature well, a couple of years ago, the syndrome of febrile convulsions was transferred twice against the background of high temperature. So, when we asked for help at the site, the reception was coming to an end, or rather, there were 40 minutes left before the end. Due to the fact that there were still a lot of people, I nevertheless decided to wait until the end of the appointment, hoping that the doctor would still accept a small patient with a fever. And what was my indignation, or rather, disappointed when the pediatrician, loudly and clearly saying that she would not accept us, got up from the table, and despite my request, based on the fact that only I was left with a child who had a temperature , and it will be difficult for him to sit out a long queue for another section, calmly and silently gathered her things and, not paying attention to us, left the office. I felt uneasy from such behavior, well, how is it possible, after all, this is a pediatrician, and if a child came to the doctor for help, then this is not just like that. All of this is happening during an unfavorable epidemiological situation. As a result, I took the child by the hand and left the clinic, because it was impossible to get to another site, and the child wanted to sleep, the temperature was 38. I really want to believe that, nevertheless, my cry of the soul will be heard by the leadership of the pediatric department, and by myself a doctor, because she, too, probably has grandchildren.

    I went in the summer for a consultation about embolization. Some kind of red-haired shaggy head. Department, looking at me, asked about my weight. Then she expressed doubts about the operation for the reason: "What will the surgeon dig into your fat?" Together with their fawn / deputy or girlfriend / they staged a performance in the spirit of “there is no smarter us in the world”, prescribed some hormones, and if they don’t help in six months, then extirpation. This is the background to all of this. I was sent from a small town for a consultation, I'm 45, I work as a dispatcher. The doctor told me to call Khanty and ask if they would take me with such a diagnosis. I call, a weak-speaking doctor takes the phone, asks who you are. I explain the situation, throws the pipe. I called again, same thing. She is not only weak-speaking, apparently, she has this system-wide. By the nature of my activity, I don’t understand how you can send a person like that without resolving his situation, even just with advice. That's pretty much what I told her. As a result, the doctor spoke, my doctor also wrote me down. Apparently, the weak-speaking doctor remembered my appeal to her. I arrived in Khanty, I am waiting for an appointment, some one is running around, looking askance. Well, they are with a redhead and broke away from the soul, as they say, like a woman. I've wanted to write a review for a long time, but now I've got my hands on it. All health.

    I am in the neurosurgical department for the second time and I want to express my gratitude to all the staff, headed by Kolesnikov E.S. Very knowledgeable and responsive people.

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