Secrets of the ancient Taoist technique: rejuvenating facial massage. Contraindications for Taoist massage

Taoist massage is a group of individual massages that normalize the work of the whole organism. It is part of the well-known teachings of Tao, the ideology of which is based on ridding a person of existing obstacles that prevent energy from moving normally. All this allows you to achieve inner harmony and improve your emotional and physical condition.

In Chinese teachings, it is indicated that a person ages due to the loss of internal energy, but this process can be restored. A course of massages will help get rid of insomnia, fatigue, stress, and you can also restore strength and slow down the aging process.

If you do special movements correctly, you can improve blood circulation and metabolism, saturate tissues and cells with oxygen, strengthen the immune system and make the skin supple.

Taoist breast massage

Procedures can be performed for both women and men. So, put your hands on your chest, and slowly move in a circle, make 9 turns. It is worth moving from the shoulder to the center of the body. In no case do not make sudden movements, as this can lead to stretching of the skin. Then place your palm on your chest so that its center is on the nipple. Do 10 light pressures.

Can be made located between the ribs. Such manipulations will help open and activate the thymus glands, which are responsible for the rejuvenation of the soul and body.

Start at the top and work your way down. Walk in a circular motion over this area, paying special attention to pain points. Do everything with your index finger. After manipulation, the sternum may hurt for 2 hours.

Taoist facial massage

With regular massage, you can rejuvenate the skin. It is recommended to make a complete skin diagnosis before the course of procedures. Even in ancient times, people believed that each site on it is responsible for the work of a certain organ.

If you want to carry out the procedures yourself, it is recommended to study this information. By activating certain points of the face, you can start the process of rejuvenation and cleanse tissues and cells. Thanks to the massage, muscle tone and blood flow increase, the walls of the contour are strengthened, harmful substances and toxins are removed.

Such manipulations can get rid of headaches. For a woman, Taoist massage is a great opportunity to preserve youth and beauty of the face.

Exercise number 1. It will help strengthen muscles, reduce the risk of wrinkles, increase elasticity and improve complexion. Rub your palms to concentrate the flow of energy in them. Bring them to your face and move in a circle (about 24 times), moving first up, then to the sides and down.

The right hand should move like this: up, right, down, and the left hand should move like this: up, left, and down. The touch should be gentle.

Exercise number 2. This will help improve the condition of the skin around the eyes. For women, this place is one of the most problematic. Close your eyes slightly, and place your palms folded in a “boat” so that the eyes and the center of the palm are at the same level.

Feel the energy moving from your hands to your eyes. Make eye movements to the sides and in a circle in different directions. After that, lower your hands to your face and make 12 pressure movements.

Exercise number 3. It is used to, as well as reduce their risk of occurrence. Such an energy massage will help get rid of insomnia and migraines. Place two fingers of both hands on opposite sides of the nose, near the wings and move up to the bridge of the nose.

Having reached it above the eyebrows, spread your arms to the sides. Then repeat the same, but go even higher and do everything until you reach the hair.

Taoist massage for men

It is reliably known that the representatives of the stronger sex have the most energy points located on the penis, and they are responsible for different organs and systems.

The points that are on the top of the shaft of the penis affect the stomach and spleen. Active centers on the middle part of the trunk affect the small intestine and liver. Points located at the base of the penis are related to the kidneys, intestines and bladder. The testicles are related to all glands.

The Taoist massage technique for men is as follows:

  • It’s worth starting with kneading the feet, which will allow you to relax and activate the sex center. After that, gradually move up the legs;
  • Gently stretch the testicles in a spiral motion. Do about 36 repetitions. Thanks to this, male testosterone, which is responsible for potency, will begin to stand out. The strength of the pressure depends on the feelings of the man;
  • Move on to the head. Pinch it with two fingers and knead it with light movements. Gently pat the head, this will improve blood flow. Pulling the foreskin, make spiral movements in both directions (36 times);
  • Now rub your penis with your hands along the entire length. Do everything in these directions: along the center and two side lines;
  • Feel the depression between the prostate and the anus and massage it in a spiral motion in both directions.

Other Energy Taoist Massage Options for Men

It is difficult to find representatives of the stronger sex who do not like massage, many even compare the pleasure they get with an orgasm. It is recommended to massage all significant parts of the body.

Head. Important points are located on the back of the head. Walk through them in a circular motion, gradually shifting to the middle of the collar zone.

Shoulder blades. Warming up this part of the body will allow you to relax. Various oils can be used. Massage the shoulder blades in circular motions, applying light pressure.

Spine. It’s worth starting from the collar zone, and in a circular motion, go through each vertebra. When you reach the end of the back, repeat the same in the opposite direction. After that, lightly move along the spine with slight pressure. Thanks to these manipulations, you can get rid of pain and relieve tension.

Buttocks and feet. Make circular motions with slight pressure and tingling. This will allow you to relax even more. Massage the thighs with two hands. Grasp the body on both sides and start beating.

Going to your knees, do all the same movements in a circle with light strokes and occasional pats. Move to the foot and massage the toes and the spaces between them. Massage the center of the foot with your thumbs and move to the heel.

Taoist massage to restore vision

Ancient healers knew how to do massage, which helped to restore vision. Many techniques have survived to this day. Let's look at a couple of exercises.

Palming. Rub your hands to make them warm, but if the exercise is done in the heat, then you need to lower them into the cold. Close your eyes and with your hands folded in a “boat”, cover them so that the inside of the hands touches the bottom of the nose.

The palms should not touch the eyes and it is important that no light comes through. The neck should be straight, rest your hands on the table so that your fingers are relaxed. The goal is to completely relax, that is, there should not be any white spots in front of the eyes, only blackness.

Taoist massage is a special method of getting rid of various diseases and pathologies. Its essence lies in the exchange of energy and improvement of the overall energy background. Today, many types of Taoist massage are used in many relaxation centers.


  • Taoist massage is a component of the teachings of Tao. His homeland is Ancient China.
  • The main task of the technique is to ensure the flow of energy (Qi) through the human body for a long healthy life. With the help of massage, the energy channels are no longer blocked.
  • Movement in massage is carried out along the direction of certain energy meridians, which are responsible for the work of many organs.


  • Removal of all clamps during the circulation of energy.
  • Increasing vitality and strength.
  • Getting rid of stress and bad mood.
  • Improving sleep and the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Restoration of the hormonal background.
  • Strengthening immunity.
  • Rejuvenation.
  • Relieve symptoms of chronic fatigue.


  • Severe diseases of the internal organs.
  • Infections.
  • Chronic diseases during exacerbation;
  • Skin inflammation and damage;
  • Allergy;
  • oncological problems;
  • Pregnancy period.


Taoist massage combines a variety of alternative medicine and yoga techniques. Among the many techniques, the following components of Taoist massage can be distinguished:

  • Warming up muscles and joints, stimulating blood circulation;
  • Energetic heating of the whole organism;
  • Breathing exercises;
  • Using tools for local impact on zones;
  • Attention concentration exercises;
  • Use of sound vibrations.

Types of Taoist massage

The use of energy practices since ancient times has been possible for a variety of people. However, depending on the zones of influence, Taoist massage for women, aimed at preserving beauty and rejuvenation, and for men, carried out to relax and relieve tension, should be divided:

  • Female

  1. Taoist breast massage. The chest is usually taken in the palm of your hand and light rotations are carried out without pressure from the shoulders to the center. At the same time, they try to avoid stretching the skin. The mammary glands are also subjected to light pressure with the hands, while the nipples should fall on the center of the palms. You need to repeat the exercises at least 9-10 times and be sure to exhale. Thanks to constant sessions, you can achieve beautiful and healthy breasts for many years.
  2. Taoist face massage for rejuvenation. Videos with such massage techniques are very popular today. Preparation for a facial massage should begin with cleansing the skin. Then there is work with biologically active points on the face, which increase muscle tone and improve the facial contour. It also accelerates the removal of toxins and waste products from the body. Massage of the neck, in turn, relieves tension in the muscles and eliminates migraines, provides ease in the whole body.
  3. Taoist chest massage. The central part between the ribs has a zone responsible for the cardiac system, immunity and rejuvenation processes. The impact on the sternum stimulates the thymus gland, which becomes smaller with age and brings shortness of breath and chest pains. Massage begins with the alternate use of two fingers - index and middle. Movements in a circle go from the upper sternal region and gradually approach the lower one.
  • Male

  1. Taoist head massage. It is believed that most of the necessary pressure points are located in the back of the head. Circular movements are carried out easily, starting from the occipital region and ending with the neck. Essential oils should not be used in this procedure.
  2. Taoist shoulder blade massage. Here, essential mixtures, on the contrary, are used most often. Circular movements with slight pressure on the shoulder blades allow you to completely relax after hard physical labor.
  3. Taoist spinal massage. It is important to massage all the vertebrae with circular techniques, first from top to bottom, and then back. You can also run your fingers with slight pressure along the spine. This will free your back from fatigue.
  4. Taoist hip and leg massage. You can get rid of sexual tension with the help of circular movements, pressure and pinching of the skin. First, the hips are massaged with both hands on both sides, then the knee joints and calf muscles are kneaded. The foot is twisted clockwise and counterclockwise, and is also massaged especially carefully between the fingers.
  5. Erotic Taoist massage. The reproductive system contains many points responsible for the functioning of human organs and energy exchange. It is necessary to massage the testicles in a spiral, then slightly stretch the head of the penis. It is important to rub the entire penis with your hands in order to engage all energy points.

Taoist eye massage to improve vision

Separately in this classification is Taoist eye massage. It is widely popular with both men and women. It is performed early in the morning, warming up the hands and applying to the eyes. The eyeballs are lightly pressed alternately with the index, middle and ring fingers. Then the exercise is repeated with the help of the knuckles. This technique for restoring vision restores the brightness and clarity of the image to the perception of the eyes.

It will be difficult to give a clear and unambiguous definition of what Taoist massage is, since there are many descriptions of such a phenomenon as Tao in general. Taoism does not have a clear, precise and unambiguous concept, since there are many schools of Tao in China, and their goals can vary greatly, although the main thing for all these schools is health, longevity and following the path of Tao.

The main value of Taoism is precisely longevity, besides this, there is also an amazing super-goal, that is, the immortality of the body, which you can achieve by leading the correct way of life of the Taoist. Taoists have long and very much succeeded in relation to human health, having literally created a science whose goal is health and a long life span.

Today, this school is considered one of the best and oldest in the world, so there are no analogues in the world for sure, in general, such a massage belongs to Qigong, since it is working with human energy. It is this kind of work with energy that can lead to simply miraculous results that even Western medicine cannot explain.

human vision

Most of today's citizens are regularly faced with the negative impact of TV and home computer on their vision. It has long been proven that even ordinary electric home lighting can change and greatly worsen the human visual apparatus.

According to research and testing, it has become known that as early as a year after the rejection of artificial ordinary light, vision and quality of perception improve, as well as the ability to see and general physical condition. Civilization today has a strong effect on the human body, and especially on vision, so Tao massage for the general restoration of vision will always be relevant.

Tao system

To heal your eyesight, it is best to use Taoist ancient healing techniques, which will definitely heal you very quickly and easily. The wonderful old Taoist recovery program really heals and can help you very quickly. The unique Tao massage removes fatigue and stress, relieves overwork, and also corrects the state of health.

You need to contact a good specialist who will tell you about the basic exercises so that you can do Taoist massage yourself. Such a massage is done only with the hands, here there are touches and light pressure with the fingers and palms of the hands in the eye area, as well as massaging the arches and forehead, Taoist practices for restoring vision are really very good and will definitely help a person.

About Taoist massage

In order to restore vision faster and more rationally, this technique uses acupuncture and general massage, as well as various exercises. In addition, Taoist masters have developed special eye movements, all these effects can restore visual acuity to a person and cure various ophthalmic diseases. Such a system has been developing for a long time, many attending physicians say that in order to improve vision, it is necessary to regularly do Taoist massage.

Today it is the best way to restore vision, besides, this ancient method is quite simple, and you can easily do the massage yourself without the help of another person. In addition to eye massage in the Taoist system, concentration of your gaze on dynamic pictures is carried out, which acts on the neurons of the human brain, this is a very good technique for improving vision.

Exercise 1.

Such a simple exercise can strengthen the muscles of the eyes and reduce the risk of various wrinkles, in addition, this exercise increases the elasticity of the skin and makes your complexion healthy. First, you should rub your palms, thanks to which you can concentrate your attention on your hands, and also increase the flow of Chi energy in your palms.

Now bring your hands with your palms to your face and move them in a circle 24 times, you need to move gradually up, then move down and to the sides. And then your right hand should move across the face in such a pattern, that is, up and to the right, and now down, then the palm of your left hand goes up, left and down. Only such touches must be gentle and very light.

Exercise 2.

Exercise will definitely help improve the overall condition of your skin around the eyes, this is especially important for women, as this place is the most problematic for them and fades quickly. It is required to open your eyes slightly, now place your palms folded in a boat so that their center and eyes are at the same level.

At the same time, feel how the energy goes from the hands to the eyes, move your eyes in a circle and to the sides in different directions, now, when you reach the eyebrows, spread your arms to the sides. Then lower your hands to your face and do exactly 12 pressures, only they should be very light and gentle.

Exercise 3

This method is used to improve the quality of vision, smooth out wrinkles and reduce the risk of various eye diseases. An excellent energy massage will save you from migraines and even insomnia, you need to place two fingers of both hands on both sides of the nose near the wings, move them up the bridge of the nose, and when you reach the place above the eyebrows, then spread your arms to the sides. Then repeat the same movements and do them until you reach your hair, repeat the exercise 3-5 times daily.

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is the name of a whole group of massages that have come down to us since ancient China and are still very popular.

The Taoist massage technique is based on the knowledge of the laws of energy circulation in the human body and is useful for a wide variety of disorders - from energy failures to congenital gene pathologies. quite unique in terms of energy exchange and is part of the teachings of the Tao. I would like to single out one of its main purposes - ensuring an unhindered flow of qi through the channels of the human body and restoring the physical and spiritual functions of the body.

The main purpose of Taoist massage

The main goal is to eliminate all emerging obstacles on the human body for the free passage of vital energy. During the massage, the patient receives peace of mind, inner harmony with himself, gains peace of mind.

  • people suffering from neuroticism, and especially in a stressful state;
  • people with bad habits;
  • with chronic fatigue;
  • in violation of digestion;
  • in case of sleep disturbance;
  • early aging.

In order to achieve certain results, you need to pay special attention to:

  • restoration of proper breathing. It is proper breathing that can freely ensure the flow of energy;
  • activation of biologically active points.


  • severe diseases of internal organs;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • infectious diseases;
  • allergic reactions;
  • blood diseases;
  • malignant and benign tumors;

According to the results of medical research, it was found that the effect of Taoist massage improves blood circulation, activates metabolism, saturates the brain with oxygen, and improves the functionality of internal organs.

In this article website will talk about the Taoist masses of the penis. It is known that the most sensitive reflexogenic points are located on the genitals. According to traditional Chinese medicine, the reflexogenic zones of the following organs are located on the male penis:

  • on the head of the penis: heart, lungs, adrenal glands, pituitary gland, prostate gland;
  • upper part of the penis trunk: stomach, pancreas, spleen;
  • the middle part of the penis shaft: small intestine, liver;
  • base of the penis: kidneys, large intestine, bladder;
  • testicles: connected with all glands.

Taoist massage can be performed both in the morning and during the hours of activity of the genitourinary system: from 15:00 to 19:00.

Remember that for the most complete activation of the internal organs, the penis must be stimulated along its entire length.

During the massage itself, it is better not to bring the man to ejaculation. It is desirable that a man refrain from orgasm for some time after the massage. Sex is allowed to be engaged in fifteen to twenty minutes after the procedure.

  1. First you need to activate the reflexogenic zones on the foot. Foot massage is a great way to relax the whole body and stimulate a man's sex center. Next, with light massaging movements, massage the legs, moving from the feet up to the knees and hips of the partner.
  2. Then massage the testicles with light movements of the hands in a spiral. Do at least 36 repetitions. Stroking the testicles stimulates the release of testosterone, which increases male potency. Be extremely careful: this zone in a man is very sensitive, and a strong impact can be painful. Choose the strength of pressure individually, focusing on the feelings of a man.
  3. Then proceed to massage the head of the penis. First, hold the head between two fingers and gently knead it. Lightly "beat" the head on the thigh to improve blood flow. Next, lower the foreskin from the head and massage the head with spiral movements eighteen to thirty-six times in each direction.
  4. Don't forget to massage your penis along its entire length. Rub it with your hands along three lines: along the central and two side lines.
  5. Finally, examine the perineum and find the recess between the prostate and anus (projection point of the prostate gland).
    Pressing this point simulates the contraction of the prostate. Massage it spirally 36 times in each direction. The Taoists called this place the "Million Dollar" point, because pressing on it during intercourse just before ejaculation inhibits the ejaculation reflex, thereby increasing the duration of sexual intercourse.

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The benefits of massage have been known to people since ancient times. It relaxes, has a healing effect, reduces the level of stress hormones. Tighten the muscles of the face, get rid of a double chin, smooth out wrinkles and restore the lost blush - Chinese facial massage is capable of all this.

Taoist face massage for rejuvenation

The massage technique of Taoist monks is about 5 thousand years old. It is very important to learn how to concentrate energy in the palms. Concentrate your attention in the center of the palms, feel the warmth. For maximum effect, rub your palms together.

The difference between Taoist massage and the usual one is that during the procedure, the specialist uses not only a mechanical effect on the skin, but also the power of Qi vital energy.

Place closed palms in front of your face. Take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your palms. Taoist self-massage fights wrinkles, improves skin tone, prevents insomnia and headaches. Regular exercise will increase visual acuity, make the look more lively.

  1. Stand up, raise your right hand up, while the palm should be facing the sky. Mentally imagine how a stream of cosmic energy is directed towards your hand. The left hand is lowered down, the palm collects the energy of the Earth. Then you need to rub your palms, while the two energies are mixed.
  2. Bring your palms up to your face and make circular motions. The right palm moves up, then to the right, and then down. Left - up, left, down. Repeat this exercise 24 times.
  3. The thumbs rest on the cheekbones, and the middle and index fingers describe circles around the eyes, first the largest possible circles, then smaller ones. Start moving along the line of the nose up and then towards the temples. In total, you need to make 22 circles around each eye.
  4. Bend your palms so that they look like bowls. Close your eyes with them. Feel your eyes fill with the energy of your palms. Do gymnastics for the eyes: up and down, left and right, diagonally and in circular motions. Each exercise must be performed 12 times. Place the base of your palms gently over your eyes. Then gently, without strong pressure, press on the eyes 12 times.
  5. With three fingers, press on the eyebrows, without lifting your fingers, count to 36. Then, with three fingers, gently press on the lower bone of the eye socket, slowly count to 36.
  6. Place your index and middle fingers along the wings of the nose (on both sides). Move up to the bridge of the nose, then over the eyebrows and to the temples (left hand to the left, right hand to the right). Then do the same, but the fingers should rise higher and higher on the forehead. Gradually you need to reach the hairline.
  7. "Drum" with your fingertips from the center of the forehead to the temples, and then vice versa.
  8. Press the sides of your palms to the outer corners of your eyes. Move your palms from your eyes to your temples 16 times.
  9. With your fingertips, massage your cheeks from the middle of the face to the edges. Move first down to the chin, then up. Do 8 sets.
  10. Place the middle and index fingers above the upper lip, and the ring finger under the lower. Move your fingers to the temples, as if outlining a smile. Do the exercise 22 times.

What you need to know about massage

  • Chinese face massage for rejuvenation should not be done on an empty stomach or immediately after eating. Contraindications to the procedure are vascular thrombosis and elevated body temperature. Do not smoke 2 hours before the procedure and 3 hours after it. After the session, you need to lie down for half an hour. When performed correctly, massage does not cause complications, contributes to a noticeable improvement in skin condition.
  • One of the conditions for an effective massage is the correct energy of the massage therapist's hands.
  • The various essential oils used by the specialist should not cause allergic reactions in you. Find out in advance which fragrances will be used and whether they suit you.
  • When conducting Tibetan and Chinese massages, meditative relaxing music is usually played.
  • Tibetan facial massage is done on reflexogenic zones without stretching the skin.

Chinese facial massage with spoons

The video of the procedure will help you follow the technique clearly. The alternation of cold and hot spoons enhances the outflow of lymph, relaxes muscles, improves skin tone. About 30 minutes should be allotted for this procedure daily, and then the result of your work will be elastic and smooth skin.

Facial gouache massage

The word "guasha" in translation from Chinese means "to clean off the bad." This ancient technique accelerates the metabolic processes in the skin, activates blood circulation, cleanses the lymphatic capillaries, removes toxins, and makes the skin smoother and softer.

When performing the procedure, a special tool is used - a comb. It is made from jade or buffalo horn. A specialist in this type of massage first works out biologically active points. It is noteworthy that during the procedure the skin does not move, and therefore such a massage is allowed to be performed even after Botox injections.

Guasha massage:

  • has a relaxing effect on facial muscles;
  • improves lymphatic drainage, relieves puffiness and skin fatigue;
  • has a positive effect on the nervous system (improves sleep, eliminates anxiety);
  • removes skin toxins, reduces the effects of acne.

It is interesting. In India and China, massage was performed by priests. They were taught the art of massage in special schools.
Video of facial gouache massage - the sequence of actions performed matters.

Jade (comb material) is an energy stone that can give the skin youth. It absorbs negative energy and releases positive energy. Thus, with the help of this mineral, it is possible to restore the normal flow of energy along the meridians. In China, they believe that jade helps to find a way out of the most difficult situations. This is the talisman of pure, wise and merciful people.

The massage procedure should be preceded by a diagnosis of the skin condition. Pimples, hyperpigmentation of certain areas of the skin and other defects are an external manifestation of the body's internal failures. Massage of biologically active points rejuvenates the skin by harmonizing energy flows. At the same time, the circulation of qi, ki and chi energy improves. Lymph and blood circulation is accelerated, toxins are more actively removed through the pores of the skin, the tone of the muscles of the face improves, and its contour becomes clearer.

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