Cancer of the tonsils: stages of the disease, symptoms, methods of treatment, prevention. Tonsil cancer photo initial stage


Tonsil cancer is a malignant tumor that usually develops in people over the age of 50. Men are most susceptible to this type of cancer. Among tumors of the upper respiratory tract, tonsil cancer is the second most common after. tonsils occurs in the oral part of the pharynx and grows without clear boundaries, it may look like an ulcer or in the form of an infiltrate. In relation to cancer of the tonsils, the term “cancer of the tonsils” is also used, since the tonsils are palatine tonsils. That is, “cancer of the tonsils” is the cancer of the tonsils and they are inseparable from each other.   Tonsil cancer is not common, it usually develops quickly and metastasizes. Tonsil cancer is a squamous cell type of cancer that can be easily detected by examining the oral cavity. Usually the tumor occurs on one of the tonsils, both tonsils are rarely affected.

Causes of tonsil cancer:

One of the most likely causes of tonsil cancer is smoking and drinking alcohol. When these two factors are combined, the risk of tonsil cancer increases. As mentioned earlier, people over the age of 50-60 and men are also at risk. Another cause of tonsil cancer can be the human papillomavirus (the occurrence of cancer is due to the fact that the virus enters the mouth during oral sex). The occurrence of tonsil cancer has increased recently as the human papillomavirus spreads faster than before.

Symptoms of tonsil cancer:

The symptoms of tonsil cancer include, and sometimes the pain goes to the ear area. Another symptom is the appearance of a metastatic tumor on the neck. Also among the symptoms there is difficulty in swallowing, blood in saliva. The disease is characterized by weight loss, weakness. Cancer of the tonsils has the ability to metastasize to the cervical lymph nodes.


Tonsil cancer is diagnosed with the help of an initial examination, biochemical blood tests and tests for tumor markers, as well as biopsies.  Laryngoscopy, bronchoscopy and esophagoscopy are also performed.  Diagnostics should be started when the patient has the first complaints, while preventive examinations are carried out. Establishing the diagnosis at an early stage improves the further prognosis.

Treatment for tonsil cancer:

Treatment of tonsil cancer depends on the stage of the disease, on the affected area, on germination into adjacent tissues and metastasis. Surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy are used.

The prognosis of the disease is better, the earlier it is detected. Therefore, examination by specialists at initial complaints, as well as preventive examinations, contribute to the diagnosis in the early stages of the disease, and, consequently, improve the subsequent prognosis.

The most dangerous and insidious disease of the nasopharynx is tonsil cancer. It is formed from degenerated cells of the lymphatic tissue. Most often, people over 40 years of age, mostly men, suffer from the disease. This is due to more frequent alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking by the strong half of humanity.

Groups and grades of tonsil cancer

A malignant tumor of the tonsils is of the following types:

  1. Ulcerative;
  2. infiltrative;
  3. Papillomatous.

The first type of cancer is characterized by the formation of ulcers with dense edges on the tonsils. The second type of oncology is characterized by the appearance of compacted, bumpy tissues. The third is a polyp - a neoplasm that has a leg.

There are 4 degrees of palatine tonsil cancer:

  1. At the initial stage, the oncology of the tonsils does not exceed 2 cm, it is located only in the mucosa.
  2. The second is characterized by the growth of the neoplasm up to 4 cm, the tonsil is already completely composed of degenerated cells. Metastases are still absent. It is difficult for a person to swallow, pain in the throat appears.
  3. Oncology spreads beyond the tonsils, the size is more than 4 cm, there is an increase in the lymph nodes (on the side of the lesion or on both sides). Swallowing causes severe pain, there is a smell from the mouth, in saliva - blood. growth of metastases.
  4. Cancer covers the larynx, nasopharynx and Eustachian tubes. There are 3 substages:
  • Tumors of the lymph nodes do not exceed 6 cm in diameter, without metastases;
  • The disease spreads to the nasopharynx, bones, muscles near the affected tonsil; lymph nodes with metastases;
  • Deep metastases in the neck and skull.


The main reasons for the development of malignant tumors of the tonsils, experts include:

  • tobacco smoking;
  • Alcohol consumption;
  • Papillomavirus infection (16th strain);
  • Weak immunity;
  • Carcinogenic substances that enter the body;
  • Long-term use of immunosuppressants.

The human papillomavirus causes cancer even in very young people.

Signs and symptoms of tonsil cancer

Tonsil cancer and its symptoms in most cases appear only in the last stages. Most often, a tumor of the tonsils occurs only on one side. Therefore, external changes in one of them are a serious reason to see a doctor. The following signs and symptoms help identify tonsil cancer:

  • Pain in the nasopharynx and oropharynx due to swelling, often extending to the ears and neck area;
  • Bad breath;
  • Blood in nasal secretions and saliva;
  • Speech disorders, difficulty swallowing and chewing;
  • Painful swelling of the lymph nodes in the neck;
  • Feeling of a foreign object stuck in the throat;
  • , their redness and swelling;
  • Problems with taste recognition, the inability to eat citrus fruits, as well as spicy foods;
  • Oncological diseases of the 3rd and 4th stages are characterized by general weakness, malaise, increased irritability and fatigue, at the last stage, nausea, vomiting, malfunctions of various organs and systems are likely.

Some signs, for example, swelling of the tonsils on one or both sides, resemble the symptoms of purulent tonsillitis. Only a medical examination helps to diagnose and identify a tumor.

Diagnostic methods for the study of tonsil cancer

Procedures and tests that determine the patient's condition in oncology:

  • Blood test (general and biochemical, as well as analysis for oncomarkers);
  • Inspection of the throat, the tonsils themselves and nearby tissues - laryngoscopy;
  • Examination of the esophagus, upper respiratory tract;
  • Biopsy - analysis of a piece of tissue of a modified tonsil;
  • Computed tomography and ultrasound examination - help to determine the location of the focus of the disease, the presence of metastases.

Establishing a diagnosis does not begin before passing all the necessary examinations and tests. Diagnosis of the neck, skull is prescribed additionally at 3, 4 stages of the disease of the tonsils.

Treatment of tonsil cancer

Oncological tumor of the tonsils in most cases is represented by squamous cell carcinoma - one of the most difficult types of malignant neoplasms in terms of treatment. Methods for diagnosing oncology help determine its type. The disease is treated by the following methods:

  1. Surgical removal tonsil tumors are prescribed when the area of ​​the lesion is small. Also, the operation is performed after radiation or chemoradiotherapy, since the use of these methods leads to a decrease in the size of the neoplasm. If the area of ​​the tonsils affected by cancer is small, it can be removed with a laser. With a larger area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe spread of oncology, the tonsils themselves and neighboring tissues are excised. If it becomes necessary to remove the back of the tongue, the soft palate, doctors restore them with the help of plastic surgery.
  2. Radiation, radiotherapy. When the size, location of the tumor and the presence of metastases do not allow surgery on the tonsils, this method is used. In most cases, it inhibits the growth of cancer cells, rarely causing them to die. However, X-ray irradiation of malignant neoplasms leads to side effects in the form of dry mouth, ulcers, and stomatitis.
  3. Chemotherapy. The use of anticancer drugs is the main method of fighting cancer, as well as an additional treatment before the main one. Such drugs inhibit tumor growth and prevent the penetration of metastases into the depths of tissues and organs. Side effects - vomiting, nausea, weakness, general deterioration of well-being. Unlike the first two methods, this method of treating oncology affects the entire human body.
  4. Photodynamic therapy- the medicine in the patient's body, which accumulates precisely in cancer cells, is activated with special irradiation and destroys the tumor. However, this method has not been fully explored.

Cancer Survival and Prognosis

Most (about ¾) of the sick turn to specialists in the late (3, 4) stages of cancer. If cancer is detected at the last stage, the survival rate is 20%. When diagnosing a tumor of the 3rd degree, this figure is 48%. If the disease managed to affect only the tonsils themselves (stages 1, 2), then the probability of recovery is much higher - 75%.

The earlier the disease is detected, the more successful the treatment and the more favorable the prognosis of doctors for tonsil cancer. In addition, the effectiveness of all procedures is greatly increased by quitting smoking and drinking alcohol.

Preventive measures

Unfortunately, there are no methods that can give one hundred percent protection against the occurrence of tonsil tumors. However, following the preventive measures listed below can help minimize the risk of developing tonsil cancer. So, what should you do to maintain your health:

  • Prevent inhalation of substances harmful to the respiratory tract;
  • Completely avoid smoking tobacco products;
  • Reduce alcohol consumption;
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • Make sure that the food is correct, complete and regular;
  • Several times a year, undergo a dental examination (if you suspect tonsil cancer, the dentist must refer the patient to an oncologist);
  • Do not violate the rules of personal hygiene;
  • Minimize contact with people infected with HIV (use of protective equipment during intercourse prevents the penetration of the virus).

Cancer takes time to develop and grow, so regular examinations by specialists will help diagnose a gland tumor in time if it occurs and increase the chances of recovery.

Tonsil cancer is a malignant tumor that occurs when the cells that make up the tissue of the tonsils grow rapidly and uncontrollably. Tonsils are formations located in the oral cavity and oropharynx, consisting of lymphoid tissue. There are six tonsils - two palatine and two tubal, pharyngeal and lingual. Most often, cancer of the palatine tonsils occurs in the form of a seal or ulcer. According to the malignancy of the course, tonsil cancer is ranked second after malignant tumors of the larynx.

Depending on the histological structure, the following forms of tonsil cancer are distinguished:

  • lymphosarcoma - originates from lymphoid tissue;
  • epithelioma - the morphological substrate is the cells of the mucosal epithelium;
  • squamous cell carcinoma develops from mucosal cells;
  • lymphoepithelioma - a mixed tumor, originates from the cells of the mucous and lymphoid tissue;
  • reticulosarcoma - develops from reticulocytes, one of the elements of lymphoid tissue;
  • Sarcoma is a tumor of connective tissue origin.

There are four stages of gland cancer:

  1. The first stage is the size of the neoplasm up to two centimeters, without sprouting into neighboring organs and metastases, there are no symptoms of the disease.
  2. The second stage is the presence of a single metastasis in the cervical lymph nodes, without sprouting.
  3. The third stage - the tumor grows into the capsule, there are metastases in the lymph nodes of the neck.
  4. The fourth stage - the formation grows into the muscles, vessels of the neck, the wall of the nasopharynx or the bones of the base of the skull, metastases are common not only in the lymph nodes, but also in other organs.

2nd stage of cancer.

There is an international classification of the stages of the malignant process according to the TNM system, where T is a tumor - the size of the neoplasm, N - nodulus - damage to the lymph nodes, M - metastasis - metastasis. The size of the tumor is determined by an index from one to four - T1, T2, T3, T4.

Cancer damage to regional lymph nodes N0 - lymph nodes are unchanged, N1 - the presence of one affected lymph node, N2 - several lymph nodes are captured by the process, they are soldered to each other and to surrounding tissues.

M 0 - no metastases, M1 - the presence of distant metastases. Maybe M?, when there is a suspicion of the presence of metastases, but not a single research method has found the desired one.

  • T1N0M0 - corresponds to the first stage.
  • T2N1M0 - the second stage.
  • T3N2M0 - the third stage.
  • T1N0M1 or T4N2M0 - the fourth.

The causes of malignant tumors of the tonsils are not fully established, but there are a number of factors that increase the likelihood of this disease.

Risk factors:

Do not abuse alcohol and smoking.

  • smoking;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • Epstein-Barr virus;
  • taking immunosuppressants;
  • various immunodeficiencies (with AIDS, agranulocytosis and bone marrow diseases);
  • radiation or chemotherapy in the past;
  • contact with ionizing radiation;
  • human papilloma virus;
  • work with benzene, organochlorine compounds or other carcinogenic substances.

Cancer of the tonsils at first does not manifest itself. Over time, when the swelling on the tonsils increases, the following symptoms appear:

  • sore throat at rest, which is aggravated by swallowing, may radiate to the ear from the affected tonsil;
  • impurities of blood, pus and mucus in saliva;
  • difficulty in nasal breathing;
  • sensation of a foreign body in the mouth or throat;
  • when examining the oral cavity, you can notice ulcers or erosion on the palatine tonsil or both tonsils;
  • pronounced difference between the tonsils, the affected tonsil is red, swollen;
  • enlargement and soreness of the submandibular, occipital and other lymph nodes.

A sore throat that radiates to the ear is one of the symptoms.

When the tumor grows into neighboring tissues, the symptoms become more varied. When the tumor grows into the wall of the pharynx, the auditory tube is drawn into the process, which leads to otitis media, the signs of which are pain and congestion in the ear, hearing loss up to deafness.

When the cancer invades the base of the skull and compresses the nerves, the following symptoms occur:

  • inflammation of the trigeminal nerve;
  • paralysis of the oculomotor muscles;
  • blindness without eye pathology;
  • paralysis or paresis of the soft palate;
  • swallowing disorders;
  • paralysis of the vocal cords (speech disorders and deafness);
  • sensory disturbances of the oropharynx, tongue and larynx.

There are also signs characteristic of cancer of any localization:

  • a sharp decrease in body weight;
  • indigestion, nausea, vomiting;
  • general malaise, anemia;
  • gingivitis, periodontitis.

The diagnosis of "tonsil cancer" is made on the basis of examination, history taking, laboratory and instrumental studies. The anamnesis is the history of the patient's life, risk factors and symptoms that are present in this patient. During the examination, there is an increase, redness of one, less often two tonsils, ulceration of their mucosa; change in the configuration of the neck due to swelling of the subcutaneous fatty tissue and an increase in the cervical lymph nodes. On palpation, the lymph nodes are painful, dense, soldered to each other and the surrounding tissues.

Of the laboratory studies, the most informative are the general blood test and the histopathological examination of the biopsy or smears-imprints.

In the general blood test, the following changes will be observed:

  • decrease in the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin;
  • moderate leukocytosis;
  • a sharp increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

When examining smears-imprints or material taken during a biopsy, atypical cells characteristic of a particular type of malignant neoplasm will be found.

To clarify the prevalence of the tumor, its interaction with surrounding tissues, the state of the lymph nodes and the presence of metastases, such instrumental research methods as ultrasound and computed tomography are used. Positron emission tomography (PET) is quite informative. The results of such a study make it possible to assess the extent of the tumor and establish the presence of distant metastases in one procedure. The advantage of this method over traditional CT is the early diagnosis of cancer, the possibility of differentiating benign formations and inflammatory processes.

The tonsil affected by cancer is treated, depending on the morphological structure of the neoplasm, as well as the stage of the disease, the prevalence of the tumor and the presence of metastases in the lymph nodes or other organs of the body. Apply surgical treatment, radiation and chemotherapy in different combinations.

Due to the fact that many vascular and nerve bundles are located in the oral cavity and adjacent areas, the tumor can be surgically removed only in the early stages, while its size is small, access to it is free and it does not grow into neighboring tissues. Often, the operation is performed after radiation therapy, when the malignant neoplasm will decrease in size.

Treatment with ionizing radiation is indicated when tonsil cancer has not given distant metastases. Only affected tissues are irradiated with gamma or beta particles. After radiation therapy, the remnants of the tumor and the affected lymph nodes are surgically removed. Since one of the side effects of treatment with ionizing radiation is stomatitis, before starting therapy, it is worth examining the oral cavity for the presence of carious teeth and, if possible, eliminating foci of infection.

Most often, chemotherapy is combined with radiation treatments. Chemotherapy is most effective for highly differentiated tumors. Cytostatics are used to destroy cancer cells. There are drugs based on monoclonal antibodies, but they are still at the testing stage.

If the cancer is advanced and extensive metastases are present, chemotherapy is performed in combination with radiation treatment. Surgical intervention in this case is impractical. If the tumor blocks the airways, a tracheostomy is indicated. When the cancer grows into the lower jaw, the bone is removed and replaced with a graft.

Surgical treatment is always supplemented by sessions of irradiation of the postoperative scar zone and chemotherapy. After the treatment, repeated examinations by a doctor every six months are required to prevent relapse.

The prognosis is generally unfavorable. As a rule, tonsil cancer is detected at such stages when a complete cure is impossible.

Five-year survival rates become:

  • at the first stage up to 100%;
  • at the second stage up to 83%;
  • with the third up to 58%;
  • at the fourth - 29%.

To reduce your chances of getting tonsil cancer, you should:

  • give up bad habits, such as alcohol abuse, smoking tobacco products and hookah, chewing tobacco;
  • follow the rules of personal hygiene;
  • avoid contact with ionizing radiation and carcinogens;
  • refrain from situations conducive to infection with the human papillomavirus (oral sex with an unverified partner);
  • periodically undergo an examination by an otorhinolaryngologist and a dentist.

Neoplasms of the head, oral region and neck always require careful diagnosis and timely treatment. In older people, after about 50 years of age, the risk of developing cancer of the tonsils increases, and this malignant tumor is more often detected in men.

This type of cancerous growth is characterized by increased aggressiveness, that is, it quickly metastasizes and moves from the first stages of cancer to the last, that is, the fourth.

The tonsils consist predominantly of lymphoid tissue, and they form a kind of protective ring in the pharynx.

Pathogenic microorganisms entering through the upper respiratory tract are retained and neutralized in the lymphoid tissue.

A person has three types of tonsils, these are palatine, pharyngeal and lingual. Cancer cells can affect any of them.

The developing malignant formation in the tonsils is usually divided into three types:

  • Ulcerative. With this type of disease, a defect in the superficial mucous layer and underlying tissues is revealed in the form of an ulcer with compacted edges.
  • Infiltrative view a malignant neoplasm is manifested by a compaction with a tuberous structure.
  • Papillomatous cancer takes the form of a polyp, that is, a formation growing on a leg.

When conducting a diagnostic examination of a patient, the stage of cancer is necessarily clarified, this is necessary to select the most effective treatment regimen. Tonsil cancer has four stages:

  • At stage 1 the neoplasm is located only within the mucous layer. Usually, the patient does not have any subjective sensations, as there is no damage to the lymph nodes. At the first stage, a cancerous tumor can be detected during other examinations.
  • At 2 stages the tumor spreads to the entire tonsil. The cervical lymph nodes are enlarged on the side of the lesion. The most common complaints include sore throat, discomfort when swallowing saliva and food.
  • 3 stage the patient is exposed when the cancerous growth already goes beyond the borders of the tonsils and affects the adjacent area of ​​​​the pharynx nearby. Palpation reveals enlarged lymph nodes on both sides of the neck. A sick person complains of increased pain when swallowing, streaks of blood in saliva, an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity.
  • At 4 stages cancerous growth passes to the larynx, nasopharynx, affects the bones of the skull, the Eustachian tubes. The cervical lymph nodes are sharply enlarged, metastases are found in distant organs.

Tonsil cancer is several times more common in men. And such a sexual selectivity of this type of malignant neoplasm is explained by the fact that it is the representatives of the stronger sex who smoke and abuse alcohol more often.

Chemical compounds of alcohol-containing liquids and carcinogenic tobacco tar change the structure of lymphoid tissue cells, and the result is the growth of cancerous tumors. Simultaneous and long-term exposure to alcohol and nicotine at once increases the risk of developing tonsil cancer many times over.

Among patients with this pathology, there are 30 times more patients in whose blood the human papillomavirus of the oncogenic type is detected. That is, infection with this infection can also be attributed to the causes of cancer in the tonsils.

The human papillomavirus is transmitted through unprotected traditional and oral intercourse. It also predisposes to the occurrence of any malignant tumors with long-term treatment with immunosuppressant drugs.

Cancer of the tonsils at the first stage of its development is practically not manifested by any subjective symptoms and therefore is rarely detected in humans during this period.

The initial signs of tonsil cancer usually begin to appear only after the tumor has spread to adjacent tissue adjacent to the affected tonsil. The most common complaints of tonsil cancer include:

  • Sore throat. At first, it is insignificant and only when swallowing, as the tumor grows, it becomes more intense and gives into the ear, it can spread to the entire surface of the neck.
  • Discomfort when swallowing.
  • Admixture of blood in saliva.
  • Bad smell from the mouth.
  • Weakness, lethargy.

At the end of the second to the beginning of the third stage of tonsil cancer, the patient begins to experience cancer intoxication. This is expressed by poor appetite, irritability, sudden weight loss. Visually, when examining the pharynx, you can see an enlarged tonsil, ulcerations and a grayish coating can sometimes be seen on its surface.

In the photo you can see what tonsil cancer looks like

At the last stage, frequent dizziness, nausea, and vomiting may be added. Some patients notice bleeding gums, loosening of teeth and their subsequent loss.

When the tumor spreads upward, cranial nerves are often involved in the pathological process, which is manifested by neuralgia and sometimes, due to paralysis of the oculomotor nerves, blindness.

Establishing a diagnosis begins with a medical examination. If a tumor-like formation is suspected, the doctor sends the patient for a number of diagnostic procedures, the following must be prescribed:

  • General and biochemical analysis of blood. Blood parameters change during the inflammatory process, and anemia is often detected in tonsil cancer. If a malignant tumor is suspected, blood is also taken for tumor markers.
  • Laryngoscopy - examination of the throat using a special mirror with a directional light source. This inspection allows you to fully examine the tonsils themselves and the structures located next to them.
  • Esophagoscopy and bronchoscopy are prescribed to the patient in order to detect metastases in the esophagus and upper respiratory tract.
  • Biopsy - taking a piece of tissue from the altered tonsil for histological analysis.
  • Computed tomography allows you to examine the tonsils and other organs of the oropharynx in layers. This examination is necessary to determine the size of the formation and its location.
  • Ultrasound scanning is prescribed to detect deeply located formations and to detect metastases in the internal organs.

Tonsil cancer is a squamous cell type of cancer and is considered one of the most difficult malignancies to treat.

The choice of therapy method depends on several components.

This is the stage of cancer, the localization of the tumor and the place of its metastasis in the throat, the presence of severe chronic diseases in the patient's history.

The doctor chooses between three methods of treatment - surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

If the tumor is detected at the last stage, then surgical intervention is inappropriate and the patient is prescribed chemotherapy sessions only to make him feel better.

During a surgical operation, not only the tumor itself is removed, but also adjacent tissues and anatomical structures. Often, along with cancer, the bones of the lower jaw, lymph nodes, and subcutaneous tissue are removed. The removed part of the mandible is then replaced with an implant.

The introduction of certain drugs is selected for the patient depending on the stage of cancer. Sometimes chemotherapy is given before and after surgery. The dose of drugs is always selected individually. The use of chemotherapy sessions in the fourth stage of cancer can extend the patient's life by several months, while the treatment courses can be repeated.

Irradiation of the tumor is carried out after the sanitation of the oral cavity. That is, the patient must first treat carious teeth or remove them if necessary, treat the gums. These procedures are necessary in order to reduce the risk of side effects during radiation exposure.

Often, a combination of chemotherapy and radiation is selected to treat patients with tonsil cancer. In modern clinics, other methods of treatment can be offered to patients with cancer. This is radiotherapy, tumor removal using robotic technology, which greatly increases the accuracy of the operation.

In some countries, monoclonal antibodies are used, and the results of such treatment allow us to hope that this method will help to completely get rid of cancer cells.

The effectiveness of any type of treatment for tonsil cancer increases tenfold if a person stops smoking.

A positive attitude, the use of fortified and natural food, positive emotions also have a positive effect on the treatment itself and on the life expectancy of sick people.

The prognosis for tonsil cancer depends on the stage at which this malignant neoplasm is detected.

If on the first, then according to the statistics after treatment, the survival rate of all treated patients reaches 93% in the first five years.

With extensive metastases, cancer is considered inoperable, and the patient's life is extended only with the help of chemotherapy or radiation courses.

In many ways, a favorable outcome of treatment depends on the professionalism of doctors, so you should not trust your health to dubious medical centers.

It is possible to reduce the likelihood of developing a malignant neoplasm. To do this, you must stop smoking, do not get involved in the use of alcoholic beverages. The risk of infection with the human papillomavirus is reduced to zero if you practice sex only with a permanent partner or always use protective equipment.

Detection of cancer at the first stage of its development is possible during a preventive examination. The treatment in this case consists only in the removal of the superficial layer of the tonsils and this is usually carried out with a laser on an outpatient basis. Therefore, if there is a sore throat, a certain discomfort when swallowing, or other subjective sensations, it is necessary to make an appointment with an experienced ENT doctor as soon as possible.

For the most part, the tonsils are made up of lymphoid tissue. A person has several types of tonsils: pharyngeal, lingual, tubal and palatine tonsils, which are most often called tonsils. The latter are located in the space between the palatine arches, which is why they can be seen only with the help of a mirror.

Tonsils are not so useless at first glance. Like other lymphoid cells, one of their functions is to protect the body from the penetration of foreign microorganisms. When breathing and eating, human tonsils become an obstacle in the way of various bacteria, which is why they accumulate on their surface, causing inflammation.

One of the most unpleasant diseases of the tonsils is cancer. A malignant formation is formed from degenerated lymphoid cells, having a negative impact on their normal functioning.

Often, the tumor metastasizes and affects the lymph nodes, which can occur pretty fast without having, at the same time, pronounced symptoms for a long time.

Gland cancer occurs usually in people over 40 years old, and this disease affects men up to ten times more often than women.

Usually, cancer is diagnosed on one of the palatine tonsils, cases when the tumor was formed simultaneously on both tonsils are quite rare. The main causes of tumor formation are smoking, alcohol and human papilloma virus.

Cancer-affected tonsils gradually increase in size

Diagnosis of the disease can also be complicated by the fact that the tumor on the tonsils has symptoms similar to purulent tonsillitis, and this requires a deep medical analysis.

The degeneration of tonsil cells primarily occurs in the submucosal layer, and only with an increase in the tumor can certain signs of the disease be detected:

  • sensation of a foreign body in the throat;
  • pain during swallowing, later becomes constant;
  • swelling and redness of the mucous membrane in the region of the tonsils;
  • the appearance of a large number of small ulcers and areas of inflammation;
  • the presence of purulent discharge from the nasopharynx;
  • painful swelling of the cervical lymph nodes;
  • high body temperature that lasts for a long period;
  • general weakness, high fatigue, loss of appetite.

In addition, cancer of the palatine tonsils with tumor growth can cause bone damage at the base of the skull and spread to the cranial nerves, causing the following neurological diseases:

  1. Sicard-Colle syndrome. It is expressed in paralysis and numbness of the muscles of the pharynx, vocal cord, soft palate, sternocleidomastoid muscle and the base of the tongue.
  2. Berne's syndrome. It is characterized by paresis of the soft palate and paralysis of the recurrent nerve, which causes unusual sensations when swallowing.
  3. Jacot syndrome. It is accompanied by damage to the trigeminal nerve, paralysis of the eye muscles, amaurosis and a number of other neurological damage to the optical tract, which causes blindness without affecting the eye itself.

Cancer rarely develops on both tonsils at once.

Depending on which tissues were affected in the first place, tonsil cancer can be divided into several types by histological classification:

  • epitheliomas and lymphoepitheliomas arising in the stratified squamous epithelium and lymphoid tissue;
  • sarcomas and lymphosarcomas that affect soft non-epithelial tissues and lymph node cells;
  • reticulosarcomas are essentially histiocytic tumors.

In addition, like all other cancers, tonsil cancer can be caught in one of four stages of its development:

  1. First stage characterized by the presence of a small tumor, a maximum of 2 cm in diameter, which has not yet metastasized.
  2. Second stage accompanied by an increase in the size of the tumor, but not more than 4 cm in diameter, metastases still do not appear.
  3. Third stage becomes a kind of fork: the tumor either grows in size or metastasizes to the nearest lymph nodes.
  4. fourth stage Tonsil cancer can be subdivided into several substages, depending on how the previous one went:
  • 4A- both cervical lymph nodes are affected by tumors no more than 6 cm in diameter, but without metastases;
  • 4B- the formation begins to affect the nasopharynx, muscles and bones adjacent to the affected tonsil, and even the carotid artery, still increasing in size or metastasizing to the nearby lymph node;
  • 4C- the tumor does not increase in size, but it spreads ever deeper metastases to the neck and skull.

During the examination of the oral cavity and if there is a suspicion of cancer of the tonsils (see photo), the dentist will send you to otolaryngologist for further examination.

External symptoms of the disease can be minor and are expressed mainly in the redness and swelling of the tonsils, covered with small ulcers.

Smoking and alcohol are the main causes of gland cancer

Therefore, the doctor can apply a number of more complex methods. These can include computer diagnostics, carried out by means of tomography, orthopantomogram and magnetic resonance imaging of the head and neck, which allows you to determine the affected area and the presence of metastases.

Another clarifying technique is a tumor biopsy for the purpose of cytological and histological analysis of its tissues and cells. In addition, you can donate blood for analysis for oncological markers in it.

cure tonsil cancer easiest early on. To date, complex treatment is used in three main areas, which the oncologist combines in an optimal way:

  1. Surgical method. It is used to remove tumor tissue and affected areas around it. The complexity and effectiveness of the operation directly depend on the stage of cancer development, as well as the number and depth of metastases that it started. As a rule, along with the neoplasm, the diseased lymph node is also excised.. In the event that the tumor spreads further, a jaw resection may be applied. After the operation, a recovery period begins, characterized by a strict diet and preventive visits to the attending physician.
  2. Radiation therapy. In the event that the tumor has become inoperable due to its size, the presence of deep metastases or specific localization, radiation or radiotherapy is used. A concentrated X-ray effect on the tumor should suppress its growth, and at best cause the death of cancer cells. Such treatment requires several approaches, and before it it is necessary to completely cure all foci of inflammation in the oral cavity and all dental diseases, since the use of X-ray exposure leads to a number of side symptoms in the oral cavity, such as dryness, stomatitis, ulcers, etc.
  3. Chemotherapy. The impact of chemically active drugs should stop the development of the tumor, and prevent the penetration of metastases into remote areas. The intensity and duration of the course is determined by the doctor. This type of treatment often causes negative side effects such as nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, reduced immunity, and general fatigue. Unlike previous methods, the use of drugs affects the entire body of the patient.

Surgical removal of the tumor is possible with its small size and the absence of metastases.

Standard five-year survival in the presence of tonsil cancer, it changes inversely with its stage. So, at stages I and II, it is more than 75%. At stage III, with the penetration of metastases into the lymph nodes, the survival rate varies between 40-70%. In stage IV, overall survival will fluctuate between 20-30%. At the same time, it should be remembered that three-quarters of all cases of gland cancer are detected no earlier than stage III.

Given such sad statistics, one should carefully consider preventive measures. These include quitting smoking and drinking alcohol in large quantities.

It will not be superfluous to vaccinate against the human papillomavirus. And, of course, you should visit the dentist every few months for a preventive visit to identify the symptoms of tonsil cancer at an early stage.

The tonsils are formed by lymphoid tissue, located in the nasopharynx and perform a protective function, preventing various pathological agents from entering the body through the respiratory tract. In addition, they are of great importance for the processes of hematopoiesis.

A tumor of the tonsils in oncology is a collective concept. It includes both direct cancer of the palatine tonsils (tonsils), and malignant tumors that are localized in the soft palate, on the back of the pharynx, root of the tongue and palatine arches.

Cancer of the tonsils is a fairly rare disease, more often affecting older men. The development of the disease is aggressive: the tumor progresses rapidly and has a tendency to metastasize, more often regionally - to the lymph nodes of the neck.

According to the histological structure, neoplasms of the oropharynx belong to various forms of squamous cell carcinoma.

Smoking and alcohol abuse significantly increase the risk of developing the disease.

Recently, it has been proven that tonsil cancer can develop against the background of human papillomavirus infection, especially in young people aged 25-30 years.

To determine the staging of the process, indicators such as the size of the primary tumor (T), the presence of regional metastasis to the lymph nodes (N) and distant metastases (M) are used:

  • At stage I of the disease, the size of the tumor is about 2 cm, there are no metastases to the lymph nodes and organs and systems (T1N0M0).
  • In stage II tonsil cancer, the size of the primary focus is from 2 to 4 cm, there is no metastasis (T1-2N0M0).
  • At stage III, the tumor exceeds 4 cm, the process spreads to nearby lymph nodes, there are no distant metastases (T1-3N1M0).
  • Stage IV tonsil cancer is characterized by the spread of the primary tumor to nearby formations: the muscles of the tongue, larynx, lower jaw, hard palate. There are foci of metastasis to the lymph nodes and the presence or absence of distant metastases (T1-4N1-2M0-1).

Symptoms in the initial stages do not have specific characteristics. Therefore, tonsil cancer is verified more often at stages 3-4, when the disease is advanced and the prognosis for recovery is unfavorable.

For successful therapy of malignant formation of the tonsils, it is important to timely contact a specialist when the cancer is still amenable to various methods of treatment. To do this, you need to know the symptoms that may indirectly indicate the presence of a malignant process in the oropharynx.

One of the first signs that you need to pay attention to is the presence of pain in the throat, especially of a long-term nature, with irradiation to the auricle and the development of otitis media. There are symptoms of dysphagia (swallowing disorders), a change in the timbre of the voice, nasal congestion and the appearance of a chronic runny nose. There may be blood streaks in the saliva.

In more advanced cases, enlarged lymph nodes in the neck are palpated, painful when pressed. This may be a sign of regional metastasis.

If the tumor of the tonsils grows on the base of the skull, destruction of the bones occurs with damage to the nerves, which leads to the development of trigeminal neuralgia, the recurrent nerve with characteristic symptoms: paralysis of the muscles of the eye, the development of atypical blindness, paresis of the soft palate. Join the general symptoms characteristic of the violation of innervation: headache and toothache, chewing dysfunction (trismus).

Visually, non-healing ulcers are noted in the oral cavity, which constantly bleed and create a feeling of discomfort.

In stages 3-4 of the disease, general symptoms characteristic of oncological diseases are added: weight loss, up to cachexia, nausea, vomiting, changes in the normal functioning of organs and systems in the presence of distant metastasis.

To diagnose the disease, establish the staging of the process and plan the appropriate treatment, it is necessary:

  • assess the localization of the primary tumor: examination, palpation of the oral region and neck lymph nodes;
  • determine the prevalence of the process. Various methods of radiation diagnostics are used: CT, PET-CT, radiography or ultrasound;
  • to verify the type of tumor: a biopsy followed by a histopathological examination.

Tonsil cancer is treated in combination: surgical methods of treatment, radiation therapy and chemotherapy sessions are used.

Surgical removal of the tumor is associated with certain difficulties. In the oral region, there are complex topographic and anatomical relationships: vascular and nerve bundles are located at a small distance from each other, forming plexuses that are easy to damage. Therefore, surgery is indicated only in the early stages of the process, when the size of the primary focus is small, well visualized, and there is access for the operation.

With a large tumor that grows into adjacent neurovascular bundles, the main method of treatment is radiation therapy. This method gives good results. Under the action of ionizing radiation, the tumor is destroyed, and the remnants of the tumor are subsequently removed surgically, namely, by cryodestruction.

Chemotherapy is used for metastasis to the lymph nodes. Also, to remove metastases in l / nodes, surgical methods of treatment are used: the Crile operation is used.

Tumor of the tonsils is a malignant neoplasm of lymphoid tissue. The disease is difficult to diagnose at an early stage, since oncological symptoms are similar to those of chronic tonsillitis. Very often, a cancerous lesion of the tonsils is combined with, which is a muscular tube for the passage of air and food masses.

Tumor of the tonsil, mainly diagnosed in male patients over the age of 40 years.

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Etiology and risk factors of malignant lesions of the tonsils

Risk factors for this pathology include:

  1. Epstein-Barr virus and HIV infection.
  2. Immunodeficiency states of the body that occur as a result of taking a course of immunosuppressants.
  3. Radiation and chemotherapy.
  4. The presence of papillomavirus, especially a strain such as HPV16.

Symptoms of a malignant tumor of the tonsils

Signs of the development of a malignant neoplasm of the tonsils include:

  • chronic fatigue and progression of anemia;
  • pain in the throat, an increase in the volume of regional lymph nodes;
  • disproportionate size of the palatine tonsils;
  • the occurrence of pain while taking spicy or salty foods;
  • a sign of irradiation of pain in the ears and throat;
  • the occurrence of unpleasant odors from the oral cavity;
  • violation of swallowing function;
  • spontaneous bleeding of affected tissues.

Cancer of the tonsils - how to recognize?

At the present stage of the development of medicine, a cancerous lesion of the tonsils is diagnosed using the following methods:

  1. visual inspection conducted by an otolaryngologist.
  2. Pharyngoscopy. Examination of the surface of the mucous membrane of the throat with the help of a special magnifying device makes it possible to suspect the presence of a malignant neoplasm.
  3. Biopsy. A laboratory analysis of a small area of ​​the tumor determines the tissue identity and stage of the cancerous lesion.

To determine the extent of the neoplasm of the tonsils, doctors prescribe computed and magnetic resonance imaging.

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Stages of tonsil cancer

  1. The initial stage of oncology is characterized by a neoplasm within the mucous membrane and the absence of clinical signs of the disease.
  2. In the second phase, an increase in the tumor occurs, which captures all the tissues of the tonsil. In this case, the patient has a single metastatic lesion of the cervical lymph node. The patient has symptoms of acute tonsillitis.
  3. The third stage is accompanied by the spread of a malignant neoplasm into the pharyngeal space and the formation of multiple secondary foci in the regional lymph nodes. At this stage, the patient has oncological symptoms.
  4. In the terminal phase, doctors ascertain the significant size of the tumor and the penetration of mutated tissues into nearby organs and systems. A comprehensive examination of a cancer patient reveals,.

How is the modern treatment of malignant tumors of the tonsils carried out?

For cancer of the tonsils, the key treatment is surgical removal of the tumor and regional lymph nodes. Options for excision of a malignant neoplasm and a combination of anticancer techniques depend on the stage of oncological growth.

In the early stages of the disease, oncologists resort to the following methods of therapy:

  • Cryodestruction:

The technique consists in a point summing up a source of ultra-low temperature (liquid nitrogen) to the pathological focus. As a result of deep freezing of damaged tissues, necrosis and rejection of mutated cells occur. It is considered a low-traumatic and almost bloodless manipulation.

  • Laser ablation:

The use of a low-power pulsed laser beam causes the transformation of tumor elements into plasma and their subsequent evaporation. This technology has a selective effect and is indicated for the superficial location of a malignant neoplasm.

  • Electroresection:

In this case, the surgeon performs a skin incision and removal of the lower jaw branch. After the formation of access to the palatine tonsil, the specialist sequentially excised all the modified tissues with the help of an electric scalpel.

Oncological tumors of the tonsil are considered sensitive to the effects of ionizing radiation. can be used both as an independent method of treatment, and as an additional anticancer agent. Under the action of highly active X-rays, the death of mutated cells and the stabilization of the pathological process occur.

In the late stages of oncology of the tonsils in the preoperative and postoperative periods, the patient is recommended to undergo a course of chemotherapy. The application allows to reduce the activity of tumor growth, prevent the development of surgical complications and cancer recurrence.


The prognosis of the results of treatment of this pathology depends on the tissue belonging of the tumor and the degree of spread of mutated cells. The most favorable outcome of the disease is observed in the initial stages, when nearby organs and systems are not involved in the malignant process. The average life expectancy of patients with stages 1-2 is about 9 years.

Tumor of the tonsils in the later stages of cancerous growth has a negative prognosis. A high percentage of lethal consequences is due to the formation of multiple metastatic foci. According to statistics, such cancer patients rarely live past the age of three. In the terminal stages, patients, as a rule, receive only palliative treatment, which is aimed at restoring the patency of food masses, eliminating pain and stopping bleeding.

You can see that the cancer of the tonsils in the photo at the initial stage is a kind of malignant process in which there is a rapid division of cells consisting of the tissue membrane of the tonsils. The tonsil, which is located in the mouth, consists of lymphoid tissue. Few people know that we have six tonsils. Pharyngeal, lingual, and a pair of tubal and palatine. Often, palatine are affected. Neoplasm is a small swelling in the form of sores. The malignant type of formation is in second place among the causes of death of patients.

Classification of a tumor of the larynx

Malignant tumors are divided into three types:

Before you start taking serious measures, you need to establish the degree of the disease. It is determined during the diagnosis by the attending physician. After evaluating the stage of the course of the disease, the doctor will prescribe the necessary examination. Like any malignant tumor, there are 4 types of tonsil cancer, a photo of which will sometimes allow a specialist to determine even the degree of the initial stage:

  • First stage. The tumor is located on the mucous membrane. As a rule, the patient does not experience any discomfort, and this stage does not entail trauma to the lymph nodes. The tumor can only be found by examination.
  • The second degree neoplasm occupies almost the entire tonsil. On the side of the location, the lymph nodes may be enlarged. The main symptoms are sore throat, discomfort during meals.
  • Grade 3 - the tumor affects not only the tonsils, but already goes beyond it. With the help of palpation, you can notice an increase in lymph nodes. The patient begins to complain of severe pain in the larynx or the presence of blood in the saliva, and bad breath is also observed.
  • Stage 4 - the tumor covers the larynx, parts such as the Eustachian tubes are also involved.

Causes of the manifestation of the disease

The causes of tonsil cancer, which can be detected from the photo at the initial stage, are still not known. There are many factors that can have negative effects. Some of them can provoke a recurrence of tonsil cancer. These should include:

  • Bad habits such as smoking, addiction to alcohol;
  • Einstein-Barr disease;
  • The use of drugs that help with depression;
  • Immunodeficiencies;
  • Direct contact with highly carcinogenic substances.

How the disease manifests itself

A photo depicting tonsil cancer in the initial stage can be viewed in detail after an x-ray. For some time, the disease does not manifest itself in any way, but subsequently the symptoms of cancer begin to disturb the patient, most often manifesting as follows:

  • There is dryness and pain when swallowing, discomfort can also be given to the ear area, from the tonsils,
  • There may be a small amount of blood or pus in the saliva
  • There is a sensation of something foreign in the throat,
  • During the examination, the doctor will find sores on the inflamed tonsils,
  • On the affected tonsil, one can state obvious redness or swelling,
  • May cause pain in the area of ​​the lymph nodes,
  • Irritability, fatigue,
  • Taste recognition problems
  • Deterioration in general health (headaches, sleep problems).

It is also possible the manifestation of such a symptom as a cough. It has a reflex origin and is accompanied by an abundance of sputum. With a strong and prolonged cough, a small amount of blood is also observed. An attack with a disease such as cancer can occur many times,. In some patients, there is a violation of the vocal cords.

The initial stage of the disease, as a rule, does not carry such serious consequences. The manifestation starts later. First there is hoarseness. The tumor is easy to recognize, as it is permanent. This entails serious problems, as the patient may completely lose his voice.

One of the negative consequences of the disease is discomfort in the throat. Due to the formation of the tumor begins to grow into the adjacent tissues, then the pain becomes stronger, and is additionally accompanied by a number of concerns, such as otitis media and hearing loss.

When tonsil cancer progresses, it affects the nerves, squeezing them, thereby causing some of the symptoms:

  • Inflammatory process of the trigeminal nerve,
  • Paralysis of the oculomotor muscles
  • The occurrence of blindness, provided that eye pathologies are not detected,
  • paresis of the sky,
  • Difficulties in swallowing
  • Speech impairment or possible hearing loss
  • Sudden change in patient weight
  • All sorts of disorders such as vomiting, weakness,
  • Periodontitis.

Such a diagnosis as cancer of the tonsils should be made only after taking an anamnesis. The anamnesis is a detailed history of the patient's life, which reflects all the risk factors present.

At the time of the examination, there is a strong reddening of one, or less often two tonsils, on which there are sores. The neck may also be deformed due to swollen lymph nodes. On palpation, the lymph nodes cause unpleasant disturbing sensations, they themselves have a compacted structure. At the diagnostic stage, the best option for establishing a diagnosis is a blood test, taking smears and a histopathological examination of the biopsy.

For accurate diagnosis of the state of the lymph nodes, methods such as computed and positron emission tomography are used. The use of these methods will help to recognize the presence of tumors and metastases. The advantage of this procedure is the early diagnosis of cancer.

Basic Treatments

In order to cure the larynx, surgical treatment is prescribed, or chemical therapy in combination with various medications. Given the fact that there are a large number of nerve endings in the mouth, the neoplasm can only be removed in the early stages. Often, surgery is prescribed after radiation therapy, as the tumor is reduced in size. Chlt therapy may also be used.

Let's take a closer look at the use of radiation therapy. It allows you to determine the presence of metastases in the oral cavity. With the help of gamma or beta particles, doctors will be able to identify only the affected areas. After radiation therapy is given by specialists, the remaining tumor and lymph nodes, which are also damaged, will be surgically removed. Since the consequence of the disease is stomatitis, before starting treatment, it is necessary to cure all teeth affected by caries or other dental problems. If there is an infection, then you definitely need to get rid of it. Specialists may prescribe injections or droppers to relieve inflammation.

Typically, radiation therapy is used in combination with chemotherapy. The second option is more effective when it comes to highly differentiated tumors. In such cases, cytostatics are used that actively fight cancer cells.

Chemotherapy uses anticancer drugs. They are used as an adjunct treatment along with the main one to significantly reduce the tumor. With oncological consequences, it is advisable.

Provided that the patient has had cancer for a long time, and metastases have already appeared, it is recommended to combine chemotherapy and radiation treatment. There are cases when cancer touches the lower part of the jaw, and there are no other options but to remove it and install a graft in its place.

Treatment with surgery is best combined with another procedure, such as a session of irradiation of the damaged area. After the patient has undergone proper treatment, it is necessary to regularly visit a doctor who will monitor how the recovery is going.

After the diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe the use of oncoformation. Treatment occurs if:

  • A running process, provided that tissues are affected,
  • There is swelling in the lymph nodes,
  • There are cancer cells in the organs.

If the lesion has spread very quickly, and vital tissues are affected, they resort to surgical intervention. The following operational activities are carried out:

  • If the neoplasm is small, laser therapy may be used.
  • If the cells have covered large areas of the affected tissues, excision of the affected areas may be prescribed.
  • A small area of ​​the soft palate or part of the tongue may be removed. The doctor can restore them through plastic surgery.

The patient should be aware that these treatments may have negative side effects. One of them may be difficulty breathing due to small swelling near the auricles. Some interventions may affect speech function.

Photodynamic therapy is used as an experimental method of treatment. This type of treatment is characterized by taking drugs that can fight infected cells. This medical procedure uses a special light that destroys tumor formations.

Preventive measures

Quitting smoking and maintaining a healthy lifestyle are key measures to prevent the disease

There is no one hundred percent guarantee that by observing any precautions, you will protect yourself from a disease such as tonsil cancer. However, the following guidelines should be followed:

  • It is better to exclude tobacco products and alcoholic beverages from the diet altogether;
  • Observe the rules of personal hygiene;
  • Try to prevent any interaction with concentrated substances that can harm the respiratory tract;
  • Try to minimize contact with people infected with HPV;
  • Visit the dentist as often as possible.

Survival prognosis for tonsil cancer

In the presence of a disease such as cancer, the tumor can be located on the palatine tonsil, which can cause serious complications.

As mentioned earlier, survival directly depends on the stage of the disease and on the individual characteristics of the human body. Depending on these factors, the forecast will be as follows:

  • Provided that the tumor is only on the tonsils, and this is the first or second stage of the disease, the survival rate will be 77%.
  • If metastases are found in the lymph nodes, this is approximately the third stage of the disease, the survival rate will be in the region of 49%. People will be able to live for at least five years.
  • If the neoplasm is found in other areas, this is the fourth stage of the disease, the level is 20%.

Attention: As a rule, most of the neoplasms of the tonsils are detected in the advanced stages of the disease.

Tonsil cancer, like other cancers, does not appear suddenly. It takes more than one year to progress. Therefore, at any opportunity, it is worth seeing a qualified specialist. After all, only he will be able to diagnose the disease and prescribe a combined treatment. It is also important to take preventive measures to prevent the development of tonsil cancer.

Important: The sooner you complete the necessary diagnostic procedures, the sooner you can be helped. This disease should not be neglected, as it can have an extremely unpleasant outcome.

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