Poisoning occurs in dogs. Symptoms and treatment of food poisoning in dogs. What to give a dog with food poisoning

There are several types of poisoning: food (when the dog eats something toxic), respiratory (when the dog inhales poisonous substances through the nose) and contact (through the skin). The first type of poisoning is most often recorded. Its main signs are: vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions or muscle weakness, a general depressed state - the animal refuses to feed, whines.

It is necessary to deliver the animal to the veterinary clinic as soon as possible and ensure the provision of qualified assistance. In addition, try to provide first aid to the dog yourself. To do this, you need to provoke profuse vomiting in her: dilute a tablespoon of salt in a glass of warm water and pour it into the dog's mouth.

What to give a dog in case of poisoning?

Use adsorbents - substances that bind poisons in the intestines. The usual drugs from your own first-aid kit will do: enterosgel or other drugs of a similar effect that you have on hand. The easiest way to inject them is with a regular syringe without a needle.

If your dog has carbon monoxide poisoning, move him to fresh air. Keep her calm, make sure she has enough water in a bowl. If carbon monoxide poisoning is severe, you will need the help of a veterinarian.

If chemicals (such as alkaline cleaners) come into contact with the animal's skin, the area should be washed with plenty of warm soapy water. If the dog has eaten such chemicals, in no case should you do a gastric lavage, as with ordinary food poisoning. In this case, poisons during vomiting can additionally damage the esophageal mucosa. Just rinse your dog's mouth and muzzle with warm water and take him to the veterinarian immediately.

A separate item is poisoning with two poisons popular with dog hunters - isoniazid (tuberculosis pills) and rat poison. In the first case, the dog will not have vomiting and diarrhea, but severe convulsions and incoordination will occur.

In this case, in the first-aid kit, you need to keep a one percent solution of vitamin B6 (aka pyridoxine) for intramuscular injections (the volume depends on the size and weight of the pet).

A sign of rat poisoning is blood in the stool and vomit. Another sign is the smell of garlic from the mouth. In this case, you need to improve blood clotting: an injection of vitamin K will help.

Do not forget that only a veterinarian can prescribe treatment for a dog in case of poisoning, so at the first sign you should immediately call him or call an ambulance. All of the above tips are the first help that the owner can give the dog before meeting with a veterinarian.

After providing first aid, take the animal to the clinic as soon as possible. Do not under any circumstances treat yourself at home.

Most poisonings will require qualified assistance: for example, acid and alkali poisoning will require gastric lavage with a probe. After rat poison, the dog will be prescribed a complex of medications. Also, after any poisoning, the animal will need rest and a restorative diet for some time, which will be prescribed by a veterinarian.

If your dog has been poisoned by something at home, after a visit to the veterinarian, conduct a thorough audit: remove all more or less dangerous substances, cleaning products, medicines and other chemicals from the animal’s access area.

If the dog was poisoned on the street, then pay more attention to training. Try to wean the animal to pick up something from the ground. Pay close attention to what your dog sniffs, do not let the animal off the leash near garbage dumps and in unfamiliar parks.

Dogs, and especially puppies, are very curious.

They may try to eat something dangerous, so you need to know the signs of poisoning and first aid.

Often the owner himself becomes the cause, improperly using flea and worm remedies, violating the dosage of medicinal preparations.

A small animal suffers more than an adult, as its metabolic processes proceed faster. Light weight and incompletely formed protective mechanisms contribute to increased intoxication.

Another cause of poisoning is a home first aid kit. If medicines are stored in an accessible place, then left without control, a little friend may well try them.

Spoiled Food - Dogs will readily eat food that is beginning to spoil. Adults easily digest them, but the body of a young animal may not be able to cope with the load. For this reason, you should carefully monitor what the puppy eats.

Poisoning. Many dogs are annoying. Periodically, dogs are poisoned. An animal can get poisoned by eating seasoning on a walk. Keep a close eye on what the puppy will eat on a walk.

Poisoning with pesticides. Poisoning by weed and household pest control agents is possible in the private sector.

Household chemicals cause poisoning in puppies

Infrequently, but sometimes there are still cases of poisoning with alkalis, acids, and other chemical agents.

Also, not often, but poisoning by wild plants is also possible.

Symptoms of poisoning

In the initial stages, the symptoms of poisoning can be confused with some diseases:

  • lethargy;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomit.

The symptoms should be taken into account in the aggregate. If the dog vomited once, but feels good, no treatment is needed. It is bad when repeated vomiting. Vomit unnatural color, have an unpleasant odor.

Also, one of the symptoms of poisoning is increased salivation, as in rabies. If the poisoning has occurred by chemical means, then there will be redness on the mucous membrane of the mouth, tongue.

Later, signs of damage to the nervous system join - lethargy or vice versa, unnatural excitement. There is a "drunk gait", tremor, convulsions, paralysis. Sometimes breathing problems may occur.

First aid

The sooner you begin to provide assistance, the greater the chance of a favorable outcome. The first step is to remove the remaining poison from the stomach, this can be done with the help of vomiting.

Vomiting is not caused in case of poisoning with household chemicals, there may be a burn of the esophagus.

How to make a puppy vomit?

It is desirable that the above solutions are warm. In case of poisoning with volatile compounds, gases, the animal is taken out to fresh air. After carbon monoxide poisoning, pour mucous membranes with 2% soda solution.

If the animal has been exposed to chemicals through the skin, wash with warm water and soap.

Treatment of poisoning in puppies

It is desirable that the animal is treated by a veterinarian, but you can carry out some medicinal procedures yourself.

After cleaning the stomach, it is necessary to bind the remaining toxins. For this purpose, sorbents are used. You can use the same drugs as for the treatment of people, such as Polyphepan, etc.

After the sorbent, an enveloping agent is prescribed, which will create a protective film on the walls of the stomach. It can be an egg yolk solution or a starch paste.

When signs of damage to the nervous system appear, astringents are given, for example, decoctions of sage or oak bark.

The remains of the poison are excreted with feces, for this the animal is given a laxative on a salt basis, since some toxic substances are perfectly soluble in oils. It could be Glauber's salt.

It is advisable to listen to the dog's heart; with changes in its work, you can give it.

To speed up the treatment, make it more effective, try to understand what poisoned the animal. If, upon returning from a walk, the animal starts convulsing and vomiting, it is quite possible that poison has entered the body.

This is isoniazid, a drug used by dog ​​hunters. It is neutralized by vitamin B6. 10 ml will be enough for a puppy. You can inject both into a vein and intramuscularly.

Recovery period

After helping the animal needs rest. Place it in a warm, dark place.

During the day, food is not given at all, only plentiful drink. In the following days, the dog must follow a diet, the duration of which depends on the condition of the animal.

The diet includes:

  • eggs;
  • boiled beef;
  • liver;
  • cottage cheese and other "light" products.

If you find signs of poisoning, provide first aid and call a veterinarian. The life and health of your pet will depend on the speed of assistance.

Poisoning is a fairly common disease in dogs. The reason for it is most often household substances that seem completely harmless to us. It is the foods or medicines that are common to us that can become life-threatening for a pet.

What is the danger of poisoning

Symptoms of poisoning differ depending on which specific substance was the trigger and how much it entered the body. Consequences can include gastrointestinal and neurological disorders, heart and respiratory failure, coma, and even death. Some toxins have a cumulative effect, and it will take a long time to reveal its signs on its own.

This means that the early signs of poisoning may go unnoticed, the dog is credited with a playful state of "under the fly", which are attributed to general fatigue or a temporary lack of vitamins. At the same time, the disease progresses, involving more serious consequences. In other cases, the reaction may be immediate and aggressive, showing clear signs of ill health. Although cases of poisoning are relatively rare, and most victims survive, there is a lot of unsafe dog in our surrounding "safety".

Types of poisoning

Types of poisoning are divided according to the type of substances that caused intoxication, as well as the ways they enter the body. There are two main distinguished types:

  • food poisoning;
  • non-food poisoning.

In the first, toxins enter the animal's body through the esophagus. The source of infection can be spoiled food, household chemicals, medicines, and so on. In rare cases, particularly heavy toxins can enter the body if the animal simply licks them off the coat during normal licking.

Important! With non-food poisoning, toxins enter through the skin or respiratory organs. These can be poisonous insect or snake bites, inhalation of hazardous fumes, gases or smoke.

One of the most common ways of poisoning is the ingestion of toxic substances with food or drink. The variety can range from a licked puddle of antifreeze from a damaged radiator to larger volumes of another type of toxin.

Symptoms of poisoning in a dog

Dog poisoning symptoms can include any combination of the following. Depending on the severity and duration of the poisoning, as well as the type of toxin that provoked the reaction.

Loss of appetite

Changes in a dog's eating habits are usually the first sign that an illness is developing. The animal may stop showing interest in previously favorite food or even gourmet dog treats. If a dog skips one meal without showing other symptoms of poisoning, this is not a cause for concern at all. But if the pet skips several meals in a row and other symptoms appear, contact your veterinarian immediately for qualified help.

Profuse salivation

Drooling is usually a precursor to nausea. And excessive salivation can be a sign of food poisoning, which is replaced by the appearance of foam at the mouth.


Vomiting is another sign of poisoning. The vomit may contain blood. This happens, for example, when poisoned with rat poison, which provokes internal bleeding. If the dog begins to vomit, try to take a sample of vomit, in order to make it easier for the veterinarian to deal with the source of poisoning after conducting special tests. In some cases, the owners, assuming that the pet has consumed a poisonous substance, are trying. This should not be done on your own without the approval of a veterinarian. In some cases, this can cause even more harm. Therefore, the only right decision is to immediately go for qualified help.


Diarrhea may also contain bloody patches. This indicates the presence of internal bleeding. Also, the stool can take on a greenish, yellow and even black tint. It can also be provoked by the treatment process, when the consequences of poisoning were tried to be eliminated with an excessive amount of water.

Rash or irritation on the skin

Usually such a reaction is observed if the poison has entered the body through contact with the skin. For example, if a dog has been in contact with poison ivy, it can cause a rash where his body has touched the plants. You can also watch:

  • redness and irritation;
  • fluid-filled blisters;
  • swelling and rash;
  • constant itching.


Sluggish behavior may be due to the general damaging effects of the toxin, but it can also be a sign that the toxin is affecting the heart muscle as well. If the dog looks lethargic, does not want to go for a walk, play with his favorite toys and even the owners, there is an extreme lack of energy. If such weakness lasts more than a day, even without other accompanying symptoms, you should contact your veterinarian for advice, a more detailed examination and analysis. If there are other "companions" of poisoning, you also need to seek help.

loss of coordination

This symptom usually indicates that the brain has been affected by a poisoning toxin.. The dog may crash into objects around his home, fall or have difficulty moving. In fact, this is dizziness, which provokes a loss of coordination. For example, xylitol, a substance found in peanut butter, can lead to lack of coordination within ten minutes of ingestion.

Tremor or seizures

First aid at home

Many times dog owners have been slow to seek medical attention for poisoning because they weren't quite sure what had happened. Timely appeal for help often plays a major role in saving the animal and its speedy recovery. If the owner has suspicions about the health or well-being of their pet, it is important to call the veterinarian immediately and hospitalize the dog. Especially if signs of poisoning were found.

As a first aid to an animal, the only one hundred percent correct will be to collect the maximum amount of information. The awareness of the doctor allows him not to waste time on resolving "puzzles", but to proceed to direct assistance.

If the doctor has allowed - you can provoke vomiting in the dog. To do this, drink it with a warm salt solution. To do this, stir 1 tbsp. l. salt in 1 cup warm water. If the poison has entered through the skin through an insect bite, gauze moistened with vinegar or alcohol can be applied to the bite site. If the poison remains on the coat, wash off the residue with running water. In case of intoxication with poisonous gases, it is first of all important to take the animal to fresh air. In all cases, hospitalization is necessary.

Treatment and prevention

After the pet enters the veterinary clinic, the veterinarian will conduct a series of tests and analyzes to determine the condition of the animal and identify the toxin that provoked the poisoning. This is followed by a series of steps:

  • cleansing measures for the stomach and intestines (lavage, enema);
  • if necessary, the dog is given an antidote appropriate for the poison;
  • for faster release of the body from toxins, diuretics are given to the animal;
  • if necessary, supportive therapy is carried out for internal vital organs - the heart, kidneys, liver;
  • doctors are fighting to normalize breathing;
  • in the presence of convulsions - they are removed with the help of special drugs;
  • during bacterial poisoning, it is appropriate to use a course of antibiotics.

As for prevention, it is quite real. The fact is that dogs are not particularly picky in terms of food, its taste and useful qualities. In addition to the fact that they easily crush everything that the owners put on the plate, the majority also continuously gnaw something additionally, without the knowledge of people and their permission. Thus, the risk of dooming the animal to suffering increases significantly.

Important! The first mistake is to believe that a dog's stomach is stronger than a human's and is able to cope with everything in the world. It is not right. Do not feed your pet food that is already time to throw away.

Also, do not trust dog food of dubious quality. Suspiciously cheap food, if it does not become a source of poisoning, is not able to provide the body with all the necessary substances. With such nutrition, the animal becomes more vulnerable to disease. Don't let your dog out of sight. After all, a dog can easily feast on the "gastronomic delights" of a garbage can, dangerous insects, vegetables treated from pests from the garden, etc.

Dogs, unlike cats, are illegible in food. Gnawing and tasting everything that lies badly is the height of pleasure for them. Especially for young puppies, and even adult dogs will not disdain to pick up any muck from the ground. So dangerous poisons penetrate the body, harming the health of the dog. In order to properly provide first aid need to know clearly symptoms of poisoning in dogs- this way you will reduce the risk of complications, save the life of your pet.

The dog can poison itself, or it can fall under the blow of the dog hunters. You can read more about these so-called hunters in the article "".

Often the owners themselves are to blame. Spoiled food from the refrigerator or a trash can left open, cheap dry food from an unknown manufacturer, medicines left unattended within the reach of the animal, detergents, cosmetics, pesticides, containers with petroleum products are the main culprits of the trouble.

What are poisonings

Don't let your dog do that!

The routes of penetration of the poison are different. Most often, it enters the stomach through the oral cavity - the animal swallows it. Such poisoning is called food poisoning.

food poisoning

The dog can get poisoned:

These dogs are at risk of food poisoning

Poison / toxin penetrates into the blood through the skin, mucous membranes, when inhaled. It could be:

  • Carbon monoxide.
  • The bite of a poisonous insect, snake.
  • Even wearing flea collars can show symptoms of poisoning in dogs - typical of immunocompromised animals.

Symptoms of poisoning in dogs

The clinical picture in case of poisoning is different - it depends on the nature of the poisonous substance that affects the body. Symptoms can be mild, or they can be extremely acute - for example, with isoniazid poisoning. You can learn more about this poison in the article "What dose of isoniazid is lethal to a dog in case of poisoning." Symptoms of poisoning by other poisons may become noticeable after 1-2 days, 1-2 hours, 10-20 minutes.

Are you sure the dog swallowed something wrong? Keep a close eye on her condition. The effect of the poison will manifest itself:

Dog with obvious symptoms of poisoning

  • lethargy or, conversely, inexplicable excitement;
  • severe vomiting;
  • increased salivation;
  • strong thirst;
  • increased heart rate;
  • out of breath;
  • slow, fast pulse;
  • change in the shade of mucous membranes (pale, cyanotic);
  • lack of coordination;
  • convulsive seizures;
  • diarrhea
  • involuntary leakage of urine.

Symptoms of poisoning in dogs depend on the nature of the poison. Not all of the above are always observed.

Properly provide first aid to a dog in case of poisoning

In this dangerous situation, the health, often the life of the dog, depends on the actions of the owner. Do not get lost - try to find out what poisoned the animal, remember the symptoms exactly. Call an ambulance or get the dog to the clinic as soon as possible.

And before that, you can increase the chances by trying to remove poison from the stomach. This must be done quickly, until it has penetrated the intestines - this is where absorption into the blood takes place.

Important! First aid can be provided if the animal is conscious. What do we have to do:

Activated carbon and Polysorb MP

  1. We induce vomiting. Pour a solution of salt (10 grams per glass), a solution of potassium permanganate (pink color), a solution with hydrogen peroxide (one part peroxide, two parts water) into the oral cavity - one thing.
  2. We give absorbent. Only after the dog vomited. Best of all, Enterosgel, Polysorb, you can pre-diluted activated carbon in water.

In acute manifestations (severe vomiting, impaired coordination, convulsions), we inject intramuscularly:

  • 3-4 ampoules of Pyridoxine - do not be afraid of an overdose, the drug is harmless.
  • One ampoule of a diuretic (Furosemide, Lasix) will help the kidneys work.
  • One ampoule of Sulfacamphocaine will protect the heart.
  • One ampoule of Heptral - will help the liver cope.
  • If possible, 2-3 drops of Corvalol on the tongue.

Important! You know for sure that the dog swallowed oil products - it is strictly forbidden to induce vomiting and provide any assistance. Urgently to the veterinarian.

All about rat poisoning in dogs

One of the most common intoxications. Dogs living in private rural households suffer. The presence of farm animals nearby attracts rodents - they are actively combated with the use of rat poison. In cities, the situation with rats in the basements of shops and apartment buildings is also unfavorable today. House dogs are also at risk. In addition, this poison is used by dog ​​hunters for their "good" purposes.

Types of rat poison and their effects

There are many types of rat poison - triphenacin, brodifacoum, bromadiolone, ratsid, zinc phosphide... They act in the same way - the active substances present in the poison destroy the blood coagulation system. As a result, bleeding develops first in the peripheral vessels. Further, without treatment, extensive bleeding is possible - the dog will die from hemorrhages.

How can a dog get poisoned

  • Swallowing stuffed bait.
  • Eating a poisoned rat.

Symptoms of rat poisoning in dogs

The insidiousness of the poison - a dangerous picture begins to appear on the third or fourth day . Symptoms of rat poison poisoning in the initial stages:

  • general weakness;
  • breathing is difficult;
  • mucous membranes are pale;
  • complete indifference to food;
  • bleeding gums, nasal mucosa.

Running forms of intoxication are manifested:

  • blood in the urine;
  • bleeding from the anus;
  • skin hemorrhages;
  • pain in the abdomen - the dog does not allow him to touch;
  • coughing up blood;
  • lameness.

In case of poisoning with zinc phosphide, ratsid, the following symptoms are added to the above, and it manifests itself quickly - 2-4 hours after the poison enters the body:

What to do if your dog is poisoned by rat poison

Any type of rat poison affects blood clotting, greatly reduces it. The antidote to this poison is the drug Vikasol (vitamin K). In a healthy body, this vitamin is produced independently. That is why the impact of rat poison is delayed until its resources are exhausted.

Are you sure that the dog swallowed the stuffed bait, the dead rat? First aid is the same as for general poisoning. Be sure to add one ampoule of Vikasol to intramuscular injections and urgently take the animal to the clinic. The sooner help is provided, the less harm to health will be from intoxication.

Important! Rat poison acts slowly, it is possible to save the dog with the right first aid and immediate treatment without the development of complications. In advanced cases, surgery may be required. With proper therapy, the survival rate is 95 percent.

In our difficult time, when dog hunters (hunters for dogs) are so common, poisoning in dogs becomes an important issue, the symptoms of which should be known to every owner. .

Poisoning is understood as an acute or chronic disease that occurs as a result of the ingestion of various toxins or pathogens into the body.

Causes of poisoning

To understand how to avoid a state of intoxication in a pet, you need to understand the main reasons:

  • Illiterate diet, which includes a large amount of meat and offal, such an imbalance provokes protein poisoning;
  • Unacceptable table feeding. This includes poisoning with chocolate, alcohol, etc.
  • Failure to comply with the rules for storing food (weathering, mold and other impurities).
  • Violation of the rules for packaging medicinal substances, finding them in easily accessible places. Drugs from the first-aid kit are dangerous: cardiac glycosides, iodine, hypotonic drugs, hypnotics, atropine and others can be fatal.
  • The presence at home in the open form of detergents and other household products (for example, poisoning with chlorine-containing products);
  • poisonous plants. Few owners realize that their favorite flowers are dangerous for four-legged friends (azaleas, daffodils, tulips, etc.)
  • The receipt of toxins by a dog from the ground, due to beriberi and a lack of mineral supplementation, or when the animal behaves incorrectly on the street ( baits with isoniazid, rat poison and other toxins).

Above, we examined the causes of alimentary poisoning, or food poisoning. In case of non-food poisoning, toxins enter the body through the organs of the respiratory system, through the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes, with insect and snake bites.

Signs and symptoms of poisoning

Depending on the toxin, signs of poisoning may appear in the first hours, in other cases, symptoms of the lesion appear after several weeks or even months. Consider the first signs that appear if the dog is poisoned:

  • Damage to the gastrointestinal tract. It is manifested by hypersalivation, or profuse salivation, the animal licks itself, it develops vomiting and diarrhea. In vomit and feces, impurities of mucus and blood may be present;
  • From the respiratory system the disease is manifested by rapid breathing, coughing, wheezing, foam from the nasal passages, at the last stage, pulmonary edema may develop;
  • The cardiovascular system responds to toxins by increasing the heart rate. Tachycardia, hypertension develops, extremely rarely bradycardia (in case of poisoning with sedative and narcotic drugs). Death can occur from cardiac arrest in shock conditions.
  • When the nervous system is damaged, the following symptoms occur: coordination is disturbed, gait becomes shaky, the animal throws its head back, convulsions, tremors and tremors occur, the dog may be unconscious, in a stupor. Sometimes the defeat of the central nervous system is manifested by overexcitation, unjustified aggression, groans.
  • On the part of the urinary system, anuria (lack of urination against the background of acute renal failure) or involuntary urination can be observed.

The general condition is assessed as severe. The dog may develop hypothermia against the background of a general metabolic disorder.

Some poisons cause the development of specific symptoms , So isoniazid is characterized by confusion, convulsions, frothy discharge from the mouth, for rat poison, the hallmark is the formation of a large number of hemorrhages, or hemorrhages.

In chronic poisoning, general symptoms may occur. : itching, baldness may appear, the coat becomes dull, peeling appears on the skin, you may notice a change in the color of the skin and mucous membranes (for example, jaundice). With these manifestations, you need to take tests to determine the treatment.

First aid or how to help a pet?

In emergency situations, owners ask what to do if a dog is poisoned, where to start?

After an insect or snake bite, apply a cold compress or ice. To reduce the spread of poison through the bloodstream. If gases and vapors serve as a source of intoxication, you should immediately remove the dog to fresh air. Toxins on the skin and mucous membranes are washed off with plenty of water.

With food poisoning, first of all, you need to induce vomiting. The animal is fed at home with irritating liquids (salt, hydrogen peroxide diluted 1:1 with water, a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and others) in large quantities.

The second correct action is the introduction of adsorbents into the stomach: it can be activated carbon, at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg, enterosgel 5-10 ml per 10 kg of weight, a bag of smecta and analogues.

With intense fluid loss with vomiting and diarrhea, you need to help your pet avoid dehydration, for this you need to water the dog a little, but often.

If there is an antidote to the poison, it must be administered immediately. In any case, in case of poisoning, you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic.

Treatment of poisoning

The owner of the dog can help the doctor if he tells in detail what the dog could have been poisoned with. The basis of the treatment of any poisoning is the introduction of an antidote and a decrease in the concentration of the toxin in the general bloodstream.

If there is an antidote, it is administered first. In certain areas inhabited by dangerous snakes, anti-venom serums are available at veterinary stations. For rat poison, this miracle drug is vikasol, or vitamin K, for isoniazid, vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), it is administered at a dosage of 50 mg per 1 kg of animal weight.

In case of any poisoning, the doctor tries to help and flushes the stomach, injects liquid through the esophageal tube. The animal is given a drip infusion with a 0.9% sodium chloride solution, dextrose (5% glucose). Such assistance is aimed at maintaining electrolyte balance.

Veterinary specialists carry out complex therapy aimed at maintaining all body systems: hepatoprotectors, heart drugs are introduced to improve the removal of toxins, diuretics are administered. When setting up an intravenous port, they immediately take blood for analysis to identify the toxin and determine biochemical parameters and assess the state of the general condition of the blood.

Therapy is adjusted according to the results of the tests and the general condition of the patient, the duration of the course of infusions depends on the speed of recovery. Only in a clinic setting will help be complete and versatile.

rehabilitation period

After the illness, the animal is very weak and a serious question arises: “What to feed the dog after poisoning?”. During the recovery period, you need to choose a diet, in the line of therapeutic feeds there are feeds for the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. These types of feed are easily digestible, help the pancreas and have a beneficial effect on the digestive tube. It is best to follow this diet for at least a month. An example of such feeds is Hills I\D, Eukanuba Intestinal, Pro Plan E\N, Royal Canin Gastrointestinal and analogues.

If you are feeding your dog natural food, you should stick to dietary lean meats (turkey, rabbit, chicken breast) and cereals such as rolled oats and rice.


Preventive measures should include:

  • Teaching a dog not to pick up anything in the street, otherwise you need to walk in a muzzle;
  • If you buy food in reserve, follow the rules for storing food at home;
  • Remove all drugs and chemical agents from the animal's access;
  • During repair work, it is better to temporarily relocate the pet to another house;
  • Balance the diet for all the necessary elements, it is advisable to take the advice of a competent specialist;
  • Put your favorite houseplants upstairs that the dog is not averse to eating;
  • When carried out at home deratization and disinfestation, you need to take your pet away for a while;
  • In order to prevent protein poisoning, enrich the dog's diet with cereals and vegetables.

Preventive measures, in general, boil down to preventing the dog from coming into contact with the poison, as well as stopping the eating of poisoned food or bait by animals.

If the dog is poisoned, without wasting time, immediately contact the veterinary institution, where she will be given first aid, because in many cases minutes count! Be attentive and pay attention to the well-being of your pet, especially after a walk.

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