Is it possible to do after caesarean? Mom after caesarean section. Recovery Features

If your doctor has told you that you may need to have a caesarean section, then you most likely have a number of questions in your head. How is the recovery after that? How long and how badly will it hurt? How to feed a baby after a caesarean?

Recovery after a caesarean section is a longer process than with natural childbirth. It usually takes about six weeks. So, along with taking care of your newborn and other older children, if any, you should be sure to take care of yourself to ensure a full recovery and return to your pre-pregnancy state of health.

Recovery time after cesarean

It will take you about six weeks to fully recover from a caesarean section. You can learn what to expect and what to look out for at each stage.

1. First hour

Immediately after your caesarean section, you will be transferred to the recovery room where you will be monitored for your condition and bleeding. You will have a catheter placed in your bladder, eliminating the need to go to the bathroom. An IV may also be given, although this is not usually done now unless there is ongoing bleeding. The lower part of the body will be numb, you may feel drugged and slightly dizzy from the drugs.

2. First day

If all goes well within the first few hours, you will be moved to a recovery room. You will first have an ice pack placed on your abdomen to contract your uterus, and later you will be given a liquid diet until solid foods are approved by your doctor. Most likely, you will be asked to sit up and move a little.

3. Second day

The morning after your surgery, your catheter will likely be removed, allowing you to go to and from the toilet. Physical activity helps circulation, improves bowel function, and due to this, recovery after a caesarean is faster. After a shower, you will feel wonderful. Wear a pad if you are bleeding. If a dropper was placed, then it will be removed, but they will continue to give painkillers anyway.

4. Four days later

If there are no complications, you will be discharged from the hospital. The staples will be removed (unless you have absorbable sutures) and sterile strips will be placed over your incision. You will be given instructions on how to care for the stitches and will not be allowed to lift anything heavier than a baby, have sex, douche or use tampons until the six-week checkup.

5. Two weeks later

By this time you will feel much better. You will need to go to the doctor in order for him to check your seam. Ask any questions you have, including what activities you can do. Your uterus may not have shrunk yet, so you may still look like you're pregnant.

6. Four weeks later

You will feel even better and much more comfortable. The bleeding should decrease. Don't compare your recovery from a caesarean section to anyone else's as everyone is completely different. If you are tired, then rest. If you feel pain, take the prescribed pain reliever. Listen to your body!

7. Six weeks later

By this point, you will most likely have fully recovered. Healthy women recover faster than those with certain chronic conditions. If you've had stitches, by then they'll be half gone, your uterus will shrink, and you'll be allowed to have sex. The seam may still be sensitive, but already repaired.

How to speed up recovery after a caesarean

1. Seam care

Try to rest as often as possible. Keep baby supplies handy. Do not lift anything heavier than a child. Support your stomach with good posture and try not to strain it when you cough, laugh or sneeze. Use painkillers if necessary. Drink plenty of water and other fluids to avoid constipation. When you shower, let the soapy water wash over the seam, but don't rub it, let it dry. Don't press too hard on the seam. Try wearing underwear that is larger than usual.

2. Check for signs of infections

Check the suture daily for signs of infection. Tell your doctor right away if it suddenly swells, oozes, or turns red; if you have a fever with a temperature higher than 38 degrees or if the stitch becomes more and more painful.

3. Minimize Breastfeeding Discomfort

Soon after the caesarean section, you will be able to breastfeed your baby. There are several ways to minimize breastfeeding discomfort by holding your baby over the suture. Place a pillow on your stomach that you can lay your baby on. Try laying it on its side, and then press the head to your chest, resting your back on your arm. Or you can try lying on your side. If you can't, ask your nurse to help you.

4. Vaginal discharge

During the first few days of recovering from a caesarean section, you may notice bleeding from your vagina. Most likely, it will be several small clots. In the first month, the discharge will slow down, become watery and change color from brown or pink to white or yellow. Call your doctor if the discharge continues or smells bad.

5. Relieve breast pain and milk leakage

A few days after surgery, your breasts may swell a little and become more tender. You can help ease your discomfort by breastfeeding your baby using a breast pump, or by expressing your milk in a warm shower. You can try applying cold compresses to your breasts between feedings. Pain relievers such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen may also help.

If your breasts are leaking, you will most likely need to wear nursing pads in your bra from time to time. Change them when they get wet or after feeding.

If you decide to stop breastfeeding, wear a sports bra to help stop the flow of milk from your nipples. Do not express milk, as this will increase its quantity.

6. Pay attention to mood changes

Childbirth can bring a wide range of emotions, from ecstatic joy to tears, anxiety and irritability. Mild depression, known as "baby blues", is fairly common among mothers. It usually doesn't last very long. But if depression drags on, you should seek help. True postpartum depression is accompanied by more severe mood changes and includes overwhelming fatigue, loss of appetite, and loss of mood. See your doctor if you feel depressed or if you find it difficult to take care of your baby or do household chores.

7. Subsequent appointments

During the six-week checkup, the doctor will examine your abdomen, uterus, cervix, and vagina to make sure you are recovering properly. He will also check your chest, blood pressure and weight. For some mothers, the examination may be scheduled earlier, as the doctor will need to check your stitch. You can ask any questions you have about the restoration of daily activities or mental and physical health.

8. Prevent bowel problems

Constipation is a big problem after a caesarean section. After the intervention of abdominal surgery, the intestines suffer and it takes time to recover. In this case, intestinal gases can be another problem. If the bowel is distended, it can cause pain that radiates to other parts of the body. You can take pills for bloating and gas formation, laxatives. Eat a fiber-rich diet of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Drink plenty of water and prune juice. Move as much as possible.


A caesarean section is an abdominal operation performed under anesthesia or epidural anesthesia. It can be accompanied by a large blood loss, violates the integrity of the peritoneum, often provokes the formation of adhesions in it, among the consequences, endomyometritis or subinvolution of the uterus is diagnosed.

In order for a young mother to return to her usual, healthy, unrestricted lifestyle after surgery as soon as possible, she must first follow a number of rules. Only in this case is it possible to fully recover after a cesarean section of both the body, and the figure, and the moral state of the woman.

At first (about a week or a little more), recovery after the operation takes place under the supervision of doctors. The mother spends the first day in the intensive care unit. To help her body adapt, the following activities are carried out:

  1. blood loss is corrected;
  2. antibiotic therapy is prescribed to avoid infectious complications after surgery;
  3. the work of the intestine is stimulated to restore its work;
  4. nutrient solutions are introduced through a dropper;
  5. the seams are treated with an antiseptic solution;
  6. dressings are changed regularly.

If everything is fine, on the second day the young mother is transferred to the general postpartum department. There, her bed rest is already ending: she has to get up, walk herself, feed the baby. In short, lead an active lifestyle. If the caesarean section did not cause any complications, recovery after it after 7-10 days takes place already at home. It is during this time period that a woman in labor with a child is discharged. And here it will be necessary for you to decide for yourself what you can do and what you can’t.

Do not be afraid! Modern antibiotics to restore the body, used after cesarean, are quite compatible with breastfeeding, so your baby will not suffer from taking them. But this applies only to light drugs aimed at natural, without pathologies, recovery of the body after childbirth.


Before discharge, the doctor advises the young mother on how to recover from a caesarean section, following certain rules. If a woman takes them into account, the body will quickly return to normal, the figure will return to its former proportions, depression and fears will remain in the past. However, all this will require some effort from her. In particular, during this period there will be a large number of restrictions regarding nutrition, lifestyle and even sex.

It is forbidden:

  • eat solid food in the first 3 days: on the 1st day you can lemon water, on the 2nd - chicken broth, on the 3rd - boiled meat, low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt without fillers, fruit drink without sugar;
  • sit down for 3 days;
  • take a shower, bath (i.e., wet the seam) for 7 days;
  • rub the seam with a washcloth for 2 weeks;
  • lift more than 3 kg within 2 months;
  • work on the press earlier than 1 month after childbirth;
  • have sex until they stop;
  • give birth within the next 2-3 years;
  • abuse wearing a bandage.

Compliance with these rules will allow a young mother to recover faster after a caesarean section, both physically and morally. If any specific problems arise (the stitches fester, the lochia does not stop for too long, the lower abdomen sags very much, etc.), they also need to be able to competently solve them. The main thing here is not to harm your own body and make sure that the measures taken do not affect the child in any way.

And further! During the recovery period after a cesarean, a young mother is strictly forbidden to be nervous, worry and not sleep at night. Rest, peace and good mood - that's what she needs most of all during this period.

Normalization of the menstrual cycle

The problem is relevant, because physical activity, like exercises, sports, fitness, dancing, is simply prohibited in the first 1-1.5 months. And while mothers who have given birth naturally are already with might and main normalizing the outlines of their bodies, those who have been cesarean only sigh, looking at the sagging “apron” (the so-called postpartum fold). And absolutely in vain. After all, the restoration of the abdomen after a cesarean section is available to them already from the first days of the baby's birth.

Proper nutrition

  1. Eat foods rich in iron (boiled lean meats, leafy green vegetables, legumes) and calcium (cheese and yogurt).
  2. Take vitamin supplements for nursing mothers from Complivit, Elevit, Vitrum, Alfavit, etc.
  3. Eat often, but fractionally.
  4. During the recovery period after a cesarean section, it is recommended to drink more juices, fruit drinks, milk, pure mineral water.
  5. Eliminate caffeine, fast foods, everything fried, pickled, fatty, smoked, salty.

Physical activity

  1. More walking.
  2. Sit on a fitness ball.
  3. Keep your posture.
  4. Draw in the stomach.
  5. Walk outdoors daily.
  6. Do simple household chores.


  1. From the first day to 5-6 weeks after the caesarean section, you need to perform breathing exercises, thanks to which the recovery of the body will be much faster.
  2. As for the tummy tuck directly, they can be done only 1.5-2 months after the operation. And then only if everything went without complications and the doctor gave his permission.
  3. There are lungs, thanks to which the recovery of the abdominal muscles after cesarean is possible already in the first week after the operation. However, they must be performed with extreme caution, smoothly, without making sudden movements.
  4. After the stitches are completely healed, you can sign up for a pool, gym, fitness club, depending on your preferences. All these sports will allow you to quickly restore your former shape after childbirth.


  1. Starting from the 3rd week, the restoration of the figure may include the use of various tightening, anti-cellulite cosmetics.
  2. Make wraps for the abdomen and sides at home from kelp, cabbage leaves, honey.
  3. Scrubs made from sea and table salt or used coffee grounds will also allow you to remove folds that have sagged after childbirth.
  4. Shop masks and creams with the same action (lifting) should be used very carefully so that their use does not cause suppuration of the seams.

If a young mother sets out to regain her former harmony and become beautiful and attractive again without any wrinkles and sagging on her stomach, restoring the shape is possible if all of the above measures are observed in combination. It's not that easy, but it's doable. In extreme cases, if there is not enough time (most of which is spent on a child) or strength (they are spent all at the same address), you can always turn to plastic surgery if you have finances. She will definitely return you a flat, retracted tummy and a slender waist, even after several cesareans.

Keep in mind. If you are not sure that you are already allowed to exercise, it is better not to start exercising. Restoring a figure is much easier than health.

If you are aiming for a quick recovery after a caesarean section, so that nothing limits you in communicating with your child, follow the above recommendations and take into account a few more useful tips.

  1. If you decide to wear after a cesarean to restore your figure, you do not need to abuse it. It must be removed at night. Yes, and during the day, let the body rest from this design every three hours. This will force the abdominal and uterine muscles to repair themselves, which is much more beneficial for them.
  2. For two years after a caesarean, you need to regularly visit a gynecologist and inform him of any abnormalities in your body.
  3. To restore the work of the stomach after cesarean, it is not necessary to treat constipation with enemas. It is better to use glycerin suppositories and drink kefir.
  4. For pain relief, apply ordinary ice to the lower abdomen in the first days after cesarean.
  5. Even in the hospital, ask your doctor in advance what painkillers you can drink after a cesarean, and stock up on them. Believe me, they will still come in handy.
  6. As a rule, recovery after the second cesarean section is slightly delayed, but not significantly. The uterus contracts more painfully, lochia can go on for quite a long time, the menstrual cycle does not normalize immediately. Nevertheless, if all the recommendations are followed, everything will pass with the least losses and complications.

If you have to give birth to a baby by caesarean section, you do not need to worry about the restoration of the body and figure after it. With competent actions and the implementation of certain rules outlined above, complications can be avoided, and the rehabilitation period can be reduced to a minimum.

The birth of a child is 40 completed weeks of pregnancy.

Postoperative rehabilitation period

The vast majority of operations are performed with local (epidural) anesthesia, the drug is injected locally into the spine. The injection is slightly painful. The woman is conscious, but the sensitivity of the lower part of the body is temporarily lost. The woman in labor does not see the operating field. Mom meets the child in the first minutes of birth, puts the newborn to the breast. General anesthesia - more stress to the body, is rarely used.

The operation lasts 20-40 minutes, staples are applied or a suture is made, an ice pack is applied. The seam is often horizontal cosmetic. The puerperal is transferred to the intensive care unit, postoperative complications are prevented, anesthesia is taken, and the condition is monitored.

The nutrition of a young mother is expanding gradually. On the first day, they are allowed to drink water with lemon juice; secondly - chicken broth, low-fat cottage cheese, unsweetened fruit drink. After the first natural bowel movement, the diet of a nursing woman is indicated (4-5 days after surgery). Mom is forbidden to sit down for 2-3 days. The nurse treats the seam daily with an antiseptic solution. Shower is taken for 7 days.

Planned release dates

Important! The maternity ward is a kind of continuously working “conveyor line”. The doctors have no intention of keeping the mother and child in the family home for a long time. Every day of stay is justified by the condition of the mother, the child.

The pediatrician discharges the child, the obstetrician-gynecologist discharges the mother. How many days after the operation are they kept in the hospital? With a favorable course of events 6-7 days.

Release times depend on:

  1. results of ultrasound examination of the uterus (performed on the 5th day after cesarean section);
  2. the state of the woman, the presence of complaints about well-being;
  3. child's readiness for discharge.

How many days to lie after cesarean is decided by the doctor. The time spent in the maternity ward is limited, if the health of the newborn or mother is of concern, they are transferred to specialized departments of the hospital.

A caesarean section is a major abdominal operation. Often a woman is weak, gets tired quickly, experiences discomfort in the suture area.

Important! It is difficult for a woman to do household chores and take care of a baby on her own. She needs proper rest and sleep. A husband, grandmother, younger children, a close friend can become an assistant. The first 3 months do not lift the stroller with the baby, the permissible load is equal to the weight of the child.

On women's forums, situations are often described when a 3-year-old child provides all possible assistance to his mother (rocks a stroller, gives a pacifier, rattles rattles, entertains a baby).

A uterine scar from a caesarean section is not an absolute contraindication for further natural childbirth. A woman has a chance to feel contractions, attempts and the appearance of a child through the birth canal.

How many lie in the hospital when they are discharged from the hospital. When and what to eat and drink after cesarean, when menstruation starts again, when it will be possible to have sex.

Where and how much lie during caesarean section, when they are discharged

As a rule (if there are no complications), a woman spends a day after a cesarean in the intensive care unit (reanimation). Doctors look for complications (bleeding, temperature). Then the woman is transferred to the postpartum ward, where she lies with the baby. Usually, if everything is in order with the mother and the child, then they are discharged 5 full days after the operation.

Note. In many maternity hospitals there is no discharge on Sunday. Therefore, it may happen that the mother and child stay in the hospital for another day.

The following will be done prior to release.

  • They will examine you for an ultrasound.
  • The doctor will cut the knots of thread in the corners of the seam.
  • You will definitely have a fluorography.
  • The child will be weighed to determine how much weight he has lost after birth (the norm is about 10%).
  • Both you and the child will be examined by doctors.

When you need to sit down, get up, go to the toilet after a caesarean

A few hours (4-5) after the operation, doctors recommend that the woman turn in bed (on one side, then on the other). This must be done very slowly and carefully. It will hurt, but each time it gets easier.

After 6-8 hours after the operation, you can try to sit down. It is imperative to do this under supervision (so that the nurse is in the ward and can help). First you need to turn on your side, then slowly lower your legs off the bed and sit down. Sit down to make sure there is no dizziness. At first, they try to just stand up and stand. Try to straighten your back a little. If there are headboards by the beds, then it is better to hold on. So stand for a few minutes, and lie down again. The next time (after 15-20 minutes), you can try again. Then you can take a few steps, better leaning on the back of the bed, or on your husband (nurse).

By the end of the first - the beginning of the second day, a woman should normally “crawl” to the toilet, and go to the toilet herself.

All movements will hurt to do. Helps to do slowly, waiting out the pain. Sat in bed, waited. We got up, we waited. Each time it will get easier. Try to do everything very smoothly. Getting up early is useful, both for healing and as a prevention of adhesions. It also helps to stick (lean) on something.

Note. The first or second day is very painful. Then it will get easier and easier. You just have to endure these days.

You can shower as soon as you are transferred to the postnatal ward. It is better that you come to help your husband, or someone else. It's good if you are taken to the shower. On the first - second day, the woman is especially hurt and she is especially weakened, you need to move very carefully so as not to accidentally fall.

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For 3-5 days, an independent chair should “occur”.

Note. As for going to the toilet. The topic is intimate, but frankly, this topic needs to be clarified a bit. Because, for example, during my first caesarean, there was a complete lack of understanding of how it can be physically endured (especially the first times). Everyone gives birth in different maternity hospitals, with different conditions. Perhaps you will have your own private bathroom in the postpartum ward. But it is quite possible that the bathroom will be shared. The question is that it is very painful to sit on the toilet and get up from it. In addition, in the common bathroom, you need to somehow “prepare” the toilet in order to sit on it. I can’t recommend doing anything while hanging over him, it’s very painful. Therefore, as an option, you can take a seat on the toilet from home and sit down. Or cover it with overlays, paper. If there is something to hold on to (on the walls of the booth, for example), then it is better to stick to it as much as possible when getting up and sitting down.

If there is an opportunity for your husband to help you (sit down and stand up), then do not be shy, ask for it.

What and when to eat and drink after cesarean

The first day after the operation. You can’t eat anything, just drink water, without gas, you can add a little lemon. Sugarless.

Second day after surgery. Liquid cereals, low-fat broth, pureed soups (vegetables), you can pureed meat (a little). Soups without cabbage. You can mashed potatoes on the water. Unsweetened infusions and compotes from dried fruits.

Third day after surgery. Almost everything is possible, now your main limitations are due only.

Note. Sometimes in women, especially during the first birth, there are certain in the first days after the operation, in the hospital. The fact is that the health of a woman is “supervised” by one doctor, and the health of a child by another. And you need to carefully combine the two diets. One - postoperative, and the second - when feeding. For example, after a cesarean, the doctor told me to drink rosehip infusion for better health. I drank, and the child immediately developed an allergy. Therefore, you yourself exclude from the postoperative diet those foods that are not compatible with breastfeeding.

It is important to eat enough high-fiber foods (cereals, pureed soups). You need to get your bowels working properly. For 3-5 days there should be an independent chair. If this does not happen, the doctor may recommend an enema.

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Unfortunately, no matter what you eat (even if you avoid gas-producing foods), you can still suffer from gas. In this case, the doctor may recommend drugs such as Espumisan. It can be drunk to children from birth, so it will not hurt your breastfeeding, and it will alleviate the situation with gases.

Cohabitation with a child after cesarean

As already mentioned above, after a day in the intensive care unit, the mother and child are transferred to the postpartum ward and lie there until discharge. These few days account for the "peak" of the unpleasant consequences of a caesarean section. Therefore, questions about how to alleviate your condition these days are discussed in a separate article.

Home after caesarean section

If everything is fine with you and your baby, you will be discharged from the maternity hospital 5 days after the operation. As a rule, when a woman gets home, this fact alone makes her feel good. But, on the other hand, at home you “get involved” in everyday life: and in addition to the child, you have cooking, cleaning, and many different worries. Here are some basic tips on what to do and what to avoid.

  • Try not to break the rule about lifting heavy. That is, do not lift anything heavier than your child. If the child is worried and you have to carry him in your arms for hours, try to use it, you will have free hands and your back will not get tired. Ask dad for help, he can also carry a baby very well.
  • Don't make movements that hurt. Be patient, very soon it will be possible to move quite calmly. Immediately after returning home, it may be difficult to bend down, it may be painful with sudden movements. Try not to.
  • Be careful in the bathroom not to slip. It is better if your husband will help you at first.

Menstruation after caesarean

Menstruation after cesarean may resume as early as 3-4 months after the operation. But, as a rule, they begin after 7-12 months if you are breastfeeding.

Sex after caesarean section

You must not have sex for 1.5 months after the operation.

When your doctor allows you to have sex (usually after 1.5 months), be sure to choose suitable contraceptives. The fact that you are breastfeeding does not prevent you from getting pregnant again.

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A rather long recovery period after a caesarean section is also not very pleasant. Many women would like to avoid such an operation, but not everyone succeeds. The first days after the operation are considered the most difficult, but at this time the woman, as a rule, is in the maternity hospital, nurses and doctors help her: they monitor her health, make dressings, and help her get out of bed for the first time. It is almost impossible to cope with all this on your own, the woman is still very weak, without outside help she can fall and get injured in addition to everything else.


There are two types of anesthesia available for caesarean section:

  • general anesthesia;
  • epidural anesthesia.

Regardless of the method chosen, the first day will still have to be spent in intensive care under the constant supervision of a doctor. For some time after the operation, you will need the introduction of an anesthetic, a dropper, measurement of temperature and pressure. Thanks to the dropper, on the first day, the woman in labor receives all the nutrients intravenously, and on the first day she cannot eat at all, only non-carbonated water is allowed.

About 12 hours after the operation, recovery from a caesarean section passes a turning point when a woman gets up on her own for the first time and must go to the toilet. The nurse helps to get up, she also leads to the toilet if the case is severe. A woman in labor should be prepared for the fact that, having risen to her feet, she will feel weak, dizzy. This is quite normal, since the woman underwent abdominal surgery.

Postpartum department

The next day, the mother will be transferred to the postpartum ward, the child will most likely remain in the nursery. In some maternity hospitals, women after caesarean are allowed to immediately take the baby to her. In this case, recovering from a caesarean section will be somewhat more difficult, because you will often have to get up to the child, and this is hard. On the other hand, the closeness of the baby helps many women to forget about their discomfort.

From that day on, a woman in labor will be allowed to eat meat broths and mashed potatoes. At the same time, she is likely to face problems such as pain while performing simple actions:

  • change of position;
  • sneezing
  • getting out of bed.
  1. 1. We turn on our side. First, pull your legs towards you, resting your feet on the bed, then raise your hips, turn them and lower them back to the bed, and only then turn the upper half of the torso. This method will help not only reduce pain, but also reduce the load on the seam, which is also very important.
  2. 2. We cough correctly. If the operation was performed under general anesthesia, mucus will inevitably accumulate in the lungs, which will need to be removed, and the best way is to cough. There is a special technique that has a rather comical name - “barking”. To begin with, the seam must be strengthened, for example, with hands or a pillow. Then take a deep breath, completely filling the lungs. And then you make sounds like a dog barking. It should be repeated several times.
  3. 3. Get out of bed. This must be done very carefully, first hang your legs off the bed, then carefully sit down. Do not get up immediately, it is better to sit, get used to the vertical position. Only then can you get up.

On the 3-5th day, the woman in labor should have the first stool, after which she can start eating regular food, taking into account the restrictions for nursing mothers. In addition, in the early days, be sure to find the opportunity to lie on your stomach, this will speed up the removal of blood from the uterus, otherwise clots may form, and this is fraught with decay and infection.


On the 7th day, the stitches are removed for the woman in labor, and if everything is in order with her and the child, they are discharged home. Since that time, recovery after caesarean enters a new phase, when a woman will have to cope with all the problems on her own. It is advisable to ask relatives and friends to help at least in the first days.

Home " Food " How long can you not sit after a caesarean section. Length of stay in hospital after caesarean section

Around the world, there is a clear trend towards gentle delivery, which allows you to save the health of both mother and child. A tool to help achieve this is the caesarean section (CS). A significant achievement has been the widespread use of modern methods of anesthesia.

The main disadvantage of this intervention is the increase in the frequency of postpartum infectious complications by 5-20 times. However, adequate antibiotic therapy significantly reduces the likelihood of their occurrence. However, there is still debate about when a caesarean section is performed and when physiological delivery is acceptable.

When is operative delivery indicated?

A caesarean section is a major surgical procedure that increases the risk of complications compared to normal natural childbirth. It is carried out only under strict indications. At the request of the patient, CS can be performed in a private clinic, but not all obstetrician-gynecologists will undertake such an operation without the need.

The operation is performed in the following situations:

1. Complete placenta previa - a condition in which the placenta is located in the lower part of the uterus and closes the internal pharynx, preventing the baby from being born. Incomplete presentation is an indication for surgery when bleeding occurs. The placenta is abundantly supplied with blood vessels, and even a slight damage to it can cause blood loss, lack of oxygen and fetal death.

2. Occurred ahead of time from the uterine wall - a condition that threatens the life of a woman and a child. The placenta detached from the uterus is a source of blood loss for the mother. The fetus ceases to receive oxygen and may die.

3. Previous surgical interventions on the uterus, namely:

  • at least two caesarean sections;
  • a combination of one CS operation and at least one of the relative indications;
  • removal of intermuscular or on a solid basis;
  • correction of the defect in the structure of the uterus.

4. Transverse and oblique positions of the child in the uterine cavity, breech presentation (“booty down”) in combination with the expected weight of the fetus over 3.6 kg or with any relative indication for operative delivery: a situation where the child is located at the internal os with a non-parietal region , and forehead (frontal) or face (facial presentation), and other features of the location that contribute to birth trauma in a child.

Pregnancy can occur even during the first weeks of the postpartum period. The calendar method of contraception in conditions of an irregular cycle is not applicable. The most commonly used condoms are mini-pills (progestin contraceptives that do not affect the baby while breastfeeding) or conventional (in the absence of lactation). Use must be excluded.

One of the most popular methods is . The installation of a spiral after a cesarean section can be performed in the first two days after it, but this increases the risk of infection, and is also quite painful. Most often, the spiral is installed after about a month and a half, immediately after the onset of menstruation or on any day convenient for a woman.

If a woman is over 35 years old and she has at least two children, if she wishes, the surgeon can perform surgical sterilization during the operation, in other words, tubal ligation. This is an irreversible method, after which conception almost never occurs.

Subsequent pregnancy

Natural childbirth after caesarean section is allowed if the formed connective tissue on the uterus is wealthy, that is, strong, even, able to withstand muscle tension during childbirth. This issue should be discussed with the supervising physician during the next pregnancy.

The likelihood of subsequent births in a normal way increases in the following cases:

  • a woman has given birth to at least one child through natural means;
  • if CS was performed due to malposition of the fetus.

On the other hand, if the patient is over 35 years old at the time of the next birth, she is overweight, comorbidities, mismatched fetal and pelvic sizes, it is likely that she will undergo surgery again.

How many times can a caesarean section be done?

The number of such interventions is theoretically unlimited, however, to maintain health, it is recommended to do them no more than twice.

Usually, the tactics for re-pregnancy are as follows: a woman is regularly observed by an obstetrician-gynecologist, and at the end of the gestation period, a choice is made - surgery or natural childbirth. In normal childbirth, doctors are ready to perform an emergency operation at any time.

Pregnancy after caesarean section is best planned with an interval of three years or more. In this case, the risk of insolvency of the suture on the uterus decreases, pregnancy and childbirth proceed without complications.

How soon can I give birth after surgery?

It depends on the consistency of the scar, the age of the woman, concomitant diseases. Abortions after CS adversely affect reproductive health. Therefore, if a woman nevertheless became pregnant almost immediately after a CS, then with a normal course of pregnancy and constant medical supervision, she can bear a child, but delivery will most likely be operative.

The main danger of early pregnancy after CS is suture failure. It is manifested by increasing intense pain in the abdomen, the appearance of bloody discharge from the vagina, then signs of internal bleeding may appear: dizziness, pallor, drop in blood pressure, loss of consciousness. In this case, you must urgently call an ambulance.

What is important to know about the second caesarean section?

A planned operation is usually performed in the period of 37-39 weeks. The incision is made along the old scar, which somewhat lengthens the operation time and requires stronger anesthesia. Recovery from CS can also be slower because scar tissue and adhesions in the abdomen prevent good uterine contractions. However, with the positive attitude of the woman and her family, the help of relatives, these temporary difficulties are quite surmountable.

After a cesarean section, as after any operation, you need to move. It is better to wear a postpartum bandage - it is easier to walk with it, it will help to quickly restore the previous tone of the abdominal muscles, fix the postoperative suture correctly, and relieve the load from the spine. However, it is undesirable to wear it for a long time, since the muscles still have to work on their own.

The mother spends the first hours after a caesarean in the intensive care unit or intensive care unit under the close supervision of doctors. After six hours, with the permission of the doctor, she can already get up, on the second day she can walk and feed the baby.

So that the postoperative suture does not become inflamed, you can lubricate it 1-2 times a day with lavender or tea tree oil, after dissolving them with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:10. Suitable and pharmacy ointment from calendula.

Exercises you can do the day after surgery

Starting position sitting with support on the back. Perform slowly with repetition up to 10 times.

  • Pull the socks towards you, then away from you at an average pace.
  • Rotation of the feet inward, then outward.
  • Press your knees together, then release.
  • Tighten the gluteal muscles, then relax.
  • Bend one leg and stretch forward, lower, then the other.

Repeat all exercises up to 10 times, then rest.

Also useful exercise for the muscles of the perineum and pelvic floor.

Kegel Exercises: Squeeze your perineal muscles as if you were trying to hold back a stream of urine. Hold tight for a few seconds, then relax. Do 10-20 repetitions at a fast pace 3-4 times a day. Increase the voltage time by 1 second each time, gradually reaching 20 seconds or more.

Regular performance of this exercise helps to avoid problems with urinary incontinence.

Once you have been allowed to walk, you should use it to improve your condition. Spend as little time in bed as possible, walking helps you recover from surgery and prevent constipation.

Important! Until the stitches have completely healed, try to get out of bed correctly! You can not raise your head and rise while lying on your back, this strains the abdominal muscles and can cause the seams to diverge.

To get out of bed, you need to turn on your side, lower your legs and slowly sit down, pushing with your hands, without straining your abdominal muscles.

After suture removal with the permission of the doctor, you can start light exercises for the abdominal muscles:

  • Retraction of the abdomen. Sitting position with back slightly bent. Inhale, then exhale and as you exhale draw in your stomach. Hold this position for 1 second, then relax your stomach and inhale. Perform 10-15 repetitions several times a day.
  • Lifting the pelvis. Lying on your back on a hard surface, legs bent at the knees. Raise the pelvis up, without lifting the lower back, lower it. Perform 15 - 20 repetitions several times a day.

Intense physical activity and swimming should be started no earlier than a month and a half later. The same is with sexual life, but here the recommendations of doctors differ: from 2 weeks to 2 months, depending on individual characteristics.

In this, a cesarean section has one of the few advantages over natural childbirth: the vagina does not stretch, there are no tears and stitches on the perineum, so there are no problems with sexual activity.

Sometimes after childbirth, some women become depressed. In the case of a caesarean section, this can be exacerbated by the disappointment of a missed delivery. It must be understood that all these sensations are normal and characteristic of many women, and in case of a difficult emotional state, they will seek help from a psychologist.

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