Fisheye effect in Photoshop (Fish-eye). Fisheye camera and its features

Types of fisheye lenses

It is generally accepted that all varieties of "fish" have an angle of view of 180 °, this is not so. An image of a landscape with an angle of 180° gives a circular image, but the frame (film or matrix) is a rectangle. There are two ways to resolve this discrepancy, and three types of "fish":

  • Circular- on the resulting frame, the image does not occupy its entire area, but only an inscribed circle. Such a lens has an angle of view of 180° in any direction (right-to-left, top-to-bottom, etc.). With the help of such a lens, you can take a picture, which will depict, for example, the entire sky. Examples of circular fisheyes:
    • Sigma AF 8mm f/3.5 EX DG FISH-EYE
    • MS Peleng 8mm f/3.5
    • Nikon 8mm f/2.8
    • "Sigma" 4.5mm f/2.8 EX DC Circular Fisheye HSM - for APS-C size digital cameras
  • Diagonal(or "full-frame") - the resulting frame is entirely occupied by the image, however, the 180 ° angle of view corresponds only to the diagonals of the frame. In other words, the full circle that the circular type gives, this lens does not depict in the frame. In this case, the opposite is true: the frame fits into a circular image. Examples of lenses of this type:
    • Canon EF 15mm F/2.8 Fish-eye
  • With image circle over 180°- usually also have a round image and the angle of view can be 220 °, like the Fisheye-Nikkor 6mm f / 2.8, which weighs 5.2 kg.

geometric distortion

With a very wide angle of view, strong perspective distortions inevitably occur: the background seems further than it really is, and when moving away from the center of the field of view, the shape of objects is distorted. Usually, when creating wide-angle lenses, they strive to reduce distortion to zero - the curvature of straight lines that do not pass through the center. However, in this case it is fundamentally impossible to obtain a field of view angle of 180°, since then the edge of the field of view will be infinitely distant (the image given by such a lens is equivalent to a gnomonic projection of a sphere onto a plane). In addition, the magnification at the center is less than at the edge, which can be inconvenient in some shooting situations. Therefore, in order to achieve a field of view angle of 180 degrees or more, negative distortion (“barrel”) is deliberately introduced into the lens during its development. Then the magnification in the center becomes larger, and in this area the lens works as a less wide-angle lens. However, such compensation introduces its own distortions of perspective - protrusion of the center, and also leads to distortions in the shape of objects: straight lines (except those passing through the center) are depicted as curves.


Fisheye hoods are small (for diagonal ones) or absent altogether (for circular ones). It is not possible to increase the lens hood size, as the lens hood will fall into the frame. As a rule, they are built into the lens.

The exception is zoom lenses. It is understood that when shooting with such a lens at a short focus (that is, in the “fisheye” position), the hood will be removed, and for shooting at a long focus (when the lens no longer has such a wide angle of view and turns wide-angle), the hood can be used. An example of such a lens is the Pentax SMC Fish Eye DA 10-17mm f/3.5-4.5 ED (IF).

Light filters

For the same reason as with lens hoods, traditional filter installation is not possible on fisheye lenses. Gelatin filters are installed not in front of the first glass of the lens, but behind the last one, which complicates their quick change and makes it impossible to rotate them (which is necessary for gradient and polarizing filters). Many fishies have built-in rotating filter systems with the usual array of yellow, orange and red filters.

Focusing and DOF

Fisheye photograph of the MC Zenitar 16mm f/2.8

The depth of field of fisheye is such that even with a relatively small aperture of 5.6, a space from 40-100 cm to infinity will enter the depth of the sharply depicted space. In other words, for most purposes, a lens set to infinity does not need auto or manual focus.

Other features

  • A shot taken with a Fisheye can easily be captured by the photographer's hand holding, for example, the focusing ring of the lens, the photographer's feet or the base of a tripod.
  • If the center of the frame falls below the horizon line, then the horizon in the picture is a convex upward line. In the opposite case (the center of the frame is above the horizon) - a convex downward line. If the center of the frame exactly coincides with the horizon line, then the horizon in the frame is straight.
  • When using a circular fisheye on a camera of a smaller format, it turns into a diagonal one (bearing on cameras of the 4/3 system, for example), or the circle becomes partially cut off (bearing on an APS-C matrix).
  • In 2007, the first circular fisheye for cameras with an APS-C matrix appeared on the market - "Sigma" 4.5 mm EX DC Circular Fisheye HSM. When used on the respective cameras, the image circle is not cropped.


The use of a fisheye lens is most often reflected in shooting outdoor extreme sports (parkour, skateboarding, BMX, etc.). We can say that it is the "main" lens in such shootings, allowing you to capture from a short distance both the "rider" himself and the architecture used when performing tricks. Also, the use of a fisheye lens is very common in shooting spherical panoramas, since it allows you to get a full panorama sphere with a minimum number of frames.

Famous photographers and their work

see also


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

How to achieve a fisheye effect in Photoshop? It is impossible to repeat this effect exactly, but imitate can. To do this, we have two ways, this is through the “free transform” option (free transform), or you can use the plugin. Let's see both methods.

We will work with this picture:

Method 1. Free transform

1) First, let's create an outline of the visible area. To do this, select the Ellipse Tool (U). Put a tick in the top menu on the "contours".

2) Holding Shift, drag a circle in the center of our picture.

3) Create a new top layer and go to the menu layers - tab "Contours".

4) Select the Brush tool and set it to the black color and width we want.. 2-3xp. On the contour icon, right-click - stroke the contour (stroke path). The outline is removed.

5) Select a free transform ("M" and then the right mouse button) - and in the top menu, the deformation button

6) Gradually, sipping the guides, we deform our picture into a ball.

7) Cut into a square (Frame, "C"). Flaws can be painted over with a black brush. (Or hide with a mask)

8) Merge the layer with the outline and the image itself. Then blur the edges of the image. To do this, select the Blur Tool (R). And three of them along the edges of the photo.

9) Now we need to blur the edges of the black background without blurring the image. Select the Oval Marquee Tool (M), and holding Shift, stretch a circle a little smaller than our “eye” and center it.

10) Click on the left menu Layers (Layers) - create a vector mask.


Method 2: Image Trends Fisheye Hemi Plugin

And you can do everything more reliably - using the plugin Image Trends Fisheye Hemi
You can download it here -
The plugin itself simulates the effect of a fish eye, and tries to smooth out distortions and not disfigure people's faces.

Downloaded and installed:
1) Let's start Setup
2) From the crack folder, copy all the cracked files to the installation folder.
3) Run reg.reg
4) Copy all 3 files with the .8bf extension to the Photoshop folder Program FilesAdobeAdobe Photoshop CS3Plug-InsFilters

Yes, it's done.
Now let's create a camera effect with a fisheye lens.
1) To do this, open our photo. There is such a minus - it will be better if you cut it to a square state. With a Rectangle, the effect will not work to its full potential. Then apply Filter - Image Trends inc - and any of the filters to it (the top one distorts the most).
Now copy this layer. This will be the "B" layer. The previous ("A") is repainted in black.

2) Select the Oval Marquee Tool (M), and holding Shift, stretch the circle.

3) Click on the left menu Layers (Layers) - create a vector mask. We see something like this:

4) Blur the edges of the mask. To do this, make it active in the Layers menu by clicking on it. Then select the Blur Tool (R). And three of them along the edges of the photo.


Lenses are divided by viewing angle. In addition, each type of optics can be divided into more precise categories. Wide-angle optics can be divided into ultra-wide-angle and fisheye (fisheye). When developing wide-angle optics, developers try to correct all distortions as much as possible. In the case of the fish eye, everything is different. These lenses have the strongest distortion.

How can a photographer use fisheye lens distortion?

In real life, the lines of the buildings are straight. The wide-angle lens tried its best to make them look like they are in the photo, and it succeeded. The fisheye did not overwork much and bent all the lines in a way that was more convenient for him. That's the kind of design he has. The center of the fisheye frame keeps the lines straight. They are rounded only to the edge of the image.

Fisheye is great for artistic photography. It is often used in architectural and landscape photography. Shooting people with such optics is a bit comical. Faces and body proportions are greatly distorted.

If your goal is to convey maximum realism in your photo, then fisheye is not for you. Now virtual reality systems are becoming more widespread, and a fisheye lens can be useful for shooting spherical panoramas. Creating curved lines at the edge of the frame is the price to pay for a very wide viewing angle. Fisheye can accommodate an image almost 180 degrees from all sides.

Fishies are different. There are optics that provide a viewing angle of 180 degrees diagonally. Some lenses produce a round image that accommodates a 180-degree view in all directions, but these lenses are rare because they produce very unusual round shots on a rectangular sensor. Because of this, the corners are black.

If you have a camera with an APS-C sensor, then you need to take fisheye specifically for this sensor format. If you use optics from a full-frame camera, then due to the crop factor, all the charm of a wide viewing angle will be lost. Fisheye lenses allow you to create images with very unusual geometries. Flat squares are distorted, and buildings, poles and trees whirl intricately. If you change the angle of the camera, you can get completely new types of familiar places.

Conventional wide-angle lenses create smooth horizontal and vertical lines. These pictures look very familiar.

Don't think that buying a fish eye will allow you to experiment endlessly. In fact, the functionality of such optics is limited. It will make all your frames look the same. Even if the plot changes, all of them will be similar to each other, so such shooting should be done in a dosed manner and create really interesting plots.

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to make ordinary street photography more artistic using various Photoshop tools and their settings. Also in the lesson you will find several new useful features, starting with the version of Photoshop CS6. But don't worry, most of these new options can be replaced on occasion.
Here is the original photo.

And this is the result after studying and applying the steps of the lesson.

When going through this lesson, the author offers his own Raw format file for use, which you can download.
Now open Photoshop and load this file in the menu File- Openhow-Camera Raw(File - Open as - Camera Raw).

In order to apply the same settings to the image as in the tutorial, you can download the settings file and load it using the drop-down menu (marked in the screenshot below). You can also save these settings in Camera Raw presets.
In the screenshot you can see the Main Panel and some of the new options in Camera Raw 7 such as Sveta(Highlights) Shadows(Shadows) and White(Whites).

Translator's note: If, when trying to download the settings file, you go to the code instead of downloading, then you need to right-click on the word "settings" and select the option Save Link As or Save object as..

Using tab tone curve(Tone Curve panel) Play with the contrast. Adjust the curve by adding and moving points in the tab dotted(Point), or simply use a curve already set up thanks to the settings loaded earlier.

Below panel settings HSL Grayscale(HSL Greyscale).

Apply graduated filter(Graduated filter) to the sky area. In the screenshot you can see more options for the filter than in older versions of the Camera Raw plugin, the same goes for the tool Adjustment brush(Adjustment Brush).

Open the corrected image in Camera Raw. There are several ways to achieve the effect of a fisheye lens. For example, this is a new feature in CS6 which is in the menu Filter - Adaptive Wide Angle(Filter - Wide Angle), then Filter - Distortion Correction(Filter - Lens Correction) and another option from transformation - Deformation(Warp).
In this image, the author of the lesson prefers to use exactly deformation(Warp), although this is a somewhat specific way to achieve the effect, but there are wires in the sky, and they are part of the composition, which can be made more interesting.
Duplicate the background layer with the photo and go to the menu (Edit - Transform - Warp), select the option from the drop-down menu Inflated(Inflate). Set the settings as in the screenshot and apply the transformation.

Move this layer down a bit to make more space with the sky area, you should see the original background layer at the top of the image. Go back to the menu Editing - Transforming - Warping(Edit > Transform > Warp) and this time select the warp option Fish eye(Fishey). Apply the settings as in the screenshot below.

We get the following result with the image after transformation. Cut the picture a little to the left and right edges of the document. Do not pay attention to the areas that are missing after deformation along the edges of the layer, you will correct them using the fill tool Content-Aware(Content Aware).

Now merge together Ctrl+E a warped copy and the original background layer. Fix the bottom corners. Select the area you want to fix, this can be done with the tool Lasso(LassoTool).
Go to the menu (Edit - Fill - Content - Aware). This option has been in Photoshop since CS5, so if you have a lower version, you can use the editing tools Patch(Patch Tool) and Stamp(StampTool).

Do the same for other areas at the bottom of the image.

Now let's fix the top part of the photo. You may not need all these tricks if you have a well-composed shot, but in some cases they can be useful.

Choose a tool Spot Healing Brush(Spot Heal Brush Tool) in Content-Aware(Content-Aware) and hide unwanted areas, as well as sharp edges.

You should end up with something like this.

The gray building in the background looks uninteresting in this composition, and we will replace it. To do this, duplicate the layer with the effect and adjustments already applied and add a layer mask. Erase all unnecessary objects using a black brush. After working with the mask, if you make the bottom layer invisible, you will see a transparent area, as in the second screenshot below.
Now make the layer with the mask active and use the tool Rectilinear lasso(Polygonal Lasso Tool) select the gray building in the photo. Then fill the selected area in the menu Editing - Fill - Content Aware(Edit - Fill - Content - Aware). The layer mask will protect the hidden buildings and the bottom of the image from the fill action.

This is the result of filling with Content-Aware(Edit - Fill - Content - Aware).

Merge layers and select menu Filter - Distortion Correction(Lens Correction). In the tab Custom(Custom) Apply a vignette effect. The settings are below in the screenshot.

Now go to the menu Image - Correction - ToningHDR(Image - Adjustments - HDR toning) and play around with the settings.

Duplicate the layer after applying the toning, set its blend mode Multiplication(Multiply) and reduce Opacity(Opacity) up to 45%.

And this is the result!

In order to use all the capabilities of your camera and take amazing pictures, you should think about studying not only the internal capabilities of the device, but also the external ones. In this article we will talk about additional accessories. For example, let's explore how to use a fisheye lens.

First of all, it is worth understanding the very concept of why the lens is called that and what is its main feature and difference from others. Fisheye is a wide angle lens. Its viewing angle is close to 180 degrees. It got its name due to the fact that the principle of its operation is similar to a fish eye.

Various kinds of lens

The first type is circular. This type of lens is used to take unusual-looking panoramic shots that will look like 360-degrees. This type of lens is good for shooting the sky and nature. The thing is that it does not cover the entire frame, but only the inscribed circle.

The second type is diagonal. It is so named because in this case, the fisheye lens will distribute all 180 degrees of view horizontally across the frame. Thus, the frame fits into the maximum viewing angle.

And the next type of such lenses are mechanisms that have a viewing angle greater than 180 degrees. There are very few such accessories, and they are usually used by professional photographers on special occasions. Despite the fact that such lenses are rare, they should not be forgotten either.

Why is a lens of this kind needed?

The fisheye lens for the camera has been used for a long time - approximately since the beginning of the last century. It's just that it's very rarely used. Most often for photographing narrow streets, corridors and small rooms. At the moment, such a lens has become more often used. Where exactly? For example, street athletes for their events.

This kind of lenses are used because they capture a large area around the athlete, which means that the atmosphere of the event is reflected much stronger and brighter. More attention is paid to the trick performed by the athlete. In addition, the "fisheye" is used to photograph objects that served as a platform for performing tricks, regardless of whether the tricks were performed on any of the vehicles or manually. Video recording with this type of device is also relevant today.

In addition, a camera of this type is used to shoot architectural objects or to create three-dimensional, so-called 3D panoramas.

Chamber Structure

Photos taken with this type of lens will have certain disadvantages due to the peculiar arrangement of lenses in the mechanism itself, and this was done specifically by manufacturers to create special photographs.

The first drawback is the barrel-shaped deviation from the norm. The pictures look as if the foreground is very much stretched forward, and the background goes very far away. Due to such lenses, straight lines are distorted in the picture. What is in the foreground is much larger and more massive than those in the background. But this is precisely what attracts photographers who dare to purchase such a thing.

The next disadvantage of such accessories is associated with a hood. Due to the small size of the mount, they may not be suitable for most types of cameras, such as Nikon or Canon. Of course, you can use special adapters that increase the size, the only problem is that in this case the lens hood will become part of the frame being shot, so manufacturers usually install them immediately during production.

This is the reason why it is not possible to attach a variety of light filters to the lens. Yes, and when installing them in front of a convex glass, there will be little sense. For this reason, gelatin filters are usually installed behind the last lens. This leads to the fact that there is no way to quickly replace it. That is why, today, fisheye manufacturers equip the lens with a system in which filters with a standard set of colors are in a state of rotation.

How to use the lens

Lens options are plentiful. One of them is the one that applies to the phone. You can buy them in almost any store specializing in the sale of mobile gadgets. Their price is very low, which makes fisheye lenses on the phone generally available. They can also be purchased on any Chinese site for a penny, even in whole sets.

The highest quality and most equipped devices usually go for the iPhone. When shooting with them, sometimes there is a doubt that the picture was taken on the phone, as it looks very high quality and professional. They can also be purchased at a chain of stores selling mobile phones, or on Chinese sites.

But you can make a fisheye on your phone yourself from improvised means. With skillful handling of materials, as well as with "direct hands", the result can be significantly surprising, but often such an event is not crowned with success.

Similar items are used in security measures, as shown in the picture above. Allowing you to see what is happening not in length, but in general, the camera perfectly captures violations - from lazy workers to thieves.

Also, the fisheye camera can be used in the home, for example, to monitor the baby.

I would also like to remind you that you should not neglect cleaning the lenses on the camera. It doesn't matter if it's a telephone or any other. Preventive cleaning should be carried out as often as possible, with a special pencil, which can also be purchased at the store. After all, a stained lens will not make your picture more beautiful, and it will be a shame for a frame damaged due to this reason.

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