All the most interesting about the Moon in signs: Moon in Pisces. Moon in the signs of the zodiac. Moon in Pisces in the natal chart of a man, a woman, a child. Moon in the zodiac sign Pisces in astrology

Pisces is the final sign of the zodiac, therefore it contains all the qualities of the signs. The moon in fish in a woman is a creative and vulnerable nature, it is difficult for them to endure betrayal and lies, so they choose reliable companions for life and trust them with their own. Pisces women are ideal wives and mothers, they express all their love and care through their actions and actions. They enjoy authority at work and in the family circle.

What does the moon in fish mean for a woman

A woman with a moon in a fish is used to achieving all her results and victories on her own. She knows that you should not wait for help from outside, you need to rely only on your own strength. They are sure that no one but themselves can help in difficult times. Although it may be closeness and fear.

They know about the cruelty of the world, so they try to keep new people out of their lives. For them, there is a social circle in which they are cozy and comfortable, and it is difficult for them to let someone new into it. It is difficult for them to open up and start warm communication with new acquaintances. Pisces are very subtle natures, so they experience all losses and injuries to their hearts.

For a woman, the moon in a fish means that they can experience a storm of emotions in one moment, it is difficult for them to control their feelings, so they immediately give out their facial expressions and expressions when they like something and vice versa. They feel every person, so do not try to hide something from these girls, they will immediately bring you to clean water.

The characteristic of moon fish is rather extraordinary, it has many positive and negative qualities. They are very secretive and taciturn. It is very problematic for fish to talk about their feelings to a soulmate, and because of this, many problems arise. Since the chosen one thinks that the girl is not too honest with him. However, by their actions and attitude, the fish prove that he is the master of her heart.

Creative nature allows you to do any business, the main thing is that it is for the soul and from the heart. These ladies will never engage in an unloved business, only with what pleases their soul.

How to win a woman with a moon in fish

If a woman has a moon in a fish, then this means that only a persistent man with a great sense of humor can achieve her location. Since the fish is creative in nature, the usual courtship, bouquets and compliments will not suit her at all. She does not recognize mercy and affection, she needs something else. Something bright, with a change of emotions, the so-called emotional swing. Only then will she be happy.

If life becomes mundane, the fish will look for diversity on the side and this can end in failure. But if you meet all the criteria of a fish woman and satisfy her in all plans, then you can be sure that you have fallen into a trap of love from which you cannot get out.

In love, these signs give themselves completely, the man becomes their master and controls their life. They are happy to be led, they need a guide who will sail with them in the right direction. Do not overdo it and go too far, you need to know the fine line between permissiveness and all accessibility.

You will not be bored in this relationship, a water sign can make every day varied and interesting, the main thing is to trust them and be frank and then you will conquer the peaks together.

In family life, girls respect absolutely everything - home, husband, children, personal atmosphere and do not allow anyone to disturb it. For children and spouse, they will create and create a special world.

White moon in fish for a woman

The white power of Selena encourages mercy and compassion. All your good forces must be directed to good deeds, help those in need and remain disinterested. Mercy is shown not only to people, but also to animals. There is an opportunity to be cleansed by helping the defenseless. Try to help as much as you can. But do not forget about helping yourself, it is important to find the right wave along which to continue life. Remember to meditate and surrender to yourself, your thoughts and your feelings.

To correct karma, you need to surrender to self-sacrifice, by atoning for all your sins. There is no need to be afraid of what will happen next, only what is happening here and now is important.

Very often, on a spiritual level, abilities for prophetic dreams and their interpretation are opened, so it is not so difficult for them to sacrifice themselves for the sake of others. They know that something better than this life is waiting for them.

Black moon in fish for a woman

Because of their excessive emotions, it is sometimes very difficult to control the situation and the hysteria turns on. The black moon in fish means for a woman that her megalomania increases and will demand all attention to herself, egocentrism is aggravated, which leads to many scandals and unpleasant moments with loved ones.

In disputes and omissions, it is better to avoid rude behavior, as this can lead to bad consequences. Try not to contact enemies and unwanted people. Excessive activity indicates a lot of energy that wants to get out.

There is also a dark side to cynicism. Pisces think that without them the work will not work and the whole thing will become, so he constantly climbs with his corrections, comments and reproaches, believing that he helps everyone. You can not succumb to these forces and eradicate them.

The Moon in the sign of Pisces feels comfortable, because the water element is ideal for her. Mystery, mystery, rich inner life, emotionality and high receptivity are all signs of the water moon. Of course, sometimes an excess of water gives a hypertrophied manifestation of many of these qualities, and the Moon in Pisces can show great sensitivity, vulnerability and changeability of character.

general characteristics

Lunar Pisces are very dreamy, charming and spiritually rich. They do not have a bright and strong character, are inconspicuous in the crowd and do not strive at all costs to take a place under the sun. Such people understand that true treasures are hidden in the depths of the human soul, and therefore do not take part in open struggle and clashes. People with the Moon in Pisces do not like rigid norms and strict rules and eventually move to a more comfortable place for them if they meet with perseverance and coercion from others.

The owners of the Moon in Pisces find an outlet for themselves in creative activities. For them, the main thing is to give free rein to their dreams, fantasies and rich imagination, and then the world will appreciate and admire their magical creations.

The qualities of lunar Pisces include the following:

  • High sensitivity, receptivity and inner experiences;
  • kindness, care, compassion,
  • Strongly developed intuition, gift of foresight, prophetic dreams;
  • Ability to listen and empathize;
  • The desire to take care of the suffering, to sacrifice for the benefit of people;
  • Sentimentality, tearfulness, a tendency to romantic moods;
  • Love for comfort and coziness;
  • The desire to escape from harsh reality into your inner world, a tendency to self-deception and illusions;
  • Self-indulgence, tendency to go with the flow;
  • Musicality, good imagination, creative personality;
  • Love for travel and distant countries.

A collision with the rough realities of life, a feeling of compulsion when you need to fit into the hierarchy, within the framework of work regimes and schedules - all this negatively affects the well-being of the dreamy Moon in Pisces.

It must be said that the water element has a healing effect on a person with such a Moon. In order to get rid of stressful conditions, it is useful to go on a long journey, relax on the sea or near any body of water.

Moon in Pisces man

If in the male horoscope the Moon is in the sign of Pisces, then indecision, fears and illusions can interfere with the formation of relations with the opposite sex.

However, if such a man one day meets a beautiful stranger with a kind, merciful and loving heart, then he will find happiness in his personal life once and for all.

Moon in Pisces Woman

The Moon in Pisces is a very good star combination for a woman. She will gladly fulfill the duties of a wife and mother, because caring, humility, diligence and the ability to keep family values ​​\u200b\u200bare her most important qualities.
Such a woman will find happiness and satisfaction working in the field of pedagogy, psychology and health care. She feels good when she has someone to take care of, nurses children with pleasure, does charity work, helps people cope with various problems.

Sometimes lunar Pisces are very self-absorbed and not in the mood for communication. How to find an approach to the lunar Pisces? First, they need to be given the opportunity for some time to be alone and come to terms with themselves. In addition, a person with the Moon in Pisces can be immensely happy if they talk heart to heart with him, discover secrets, keep company on a fishing trip or accompany him on a pleasant journey.

The Moon in Pisces is a prosperous period for the implementation of creative ideas. Next, we will talk about the general characteristics of this time, as well as what you can and cannot do on these days.

The period of the moon in Pisces has a contradictory effect on people. A positive influence is associated with benevolence, impressionability, love for loved ones, compassion, sensitivity, compliance. Negative - with indecision, lethargy, laziness, secrecy, dissatisfaction with oneself.

The Moon is comfortable in Pisces. This zodiac sign is the personification of deep feelings, and the night luminary determines emotional reactions and secret dreams. The period awakens creative abilities in people. This time is suitable for outdoor recreation, fishing, traveling, especially on water.

These days, people's intuition is enhanced. They feel everything much stronger, brighter. This is the time when many are immersed in the world of fantasy and become categorical in their judgments.

The Moon in Pisces is a rather difficult period, which intensifies the throwing of the soul, but it is also a time of silence, tranquility, physical and mental relaxation, and pleasant communication.

It is advisable not to dwell on your problems and failures, it is better to pay attention to those people who need your support. Listen to them, try to help with advice, support. The right time to do spiritual things.

A good time to invest in a profitable business, conclude agreements, sign contracts. If you are going to start a new job, then this is the time for this on such days. With the moon in Pisces, astrologers advise throwing parties and celebrating family events. The time is suitable for romantic dates, you can plan a wedding.

On the days of the transit of the moon through Pisces, astrologers advise gardening. The time is right for lawn care, watering, planting greenery (with a growing moon). But during the period of the waning moon, planting valuable varieties of plants is not worth it. It is better to do this when the moon is in Taurus or Capricorn. Consider what can be planted and what is undesirable.

  • You can plant medicinal plants. Rest assured that the harvest will be excellent.
  • A good period for planting, transplanting, sowing vegetables and herbs.
  • Suitable time for watering, fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers.
  • You can preserve food, make preparations for the winter.
  • You can mow lawns.
  • Pruning of trees and bushes is allowed.
  • It is not recommended to treat gardens and orchards from pests and diseases.
  • It is not worth working with the earth, since now it must rest.

1. Physical activity is necessary. Sign up for a fitness class, a gym, or buy a pool membership. It's time to get your body in order.

2. Cosmetic procedures are allowed. Skin cleansing, nourishing masks - all this will be most welcome. Mud baths, clay wraps, relaxing massages are suitable for body care.

However, the characteristics of people with the moon in Pisces are not limited to their positive qualities. There are many infantile, indecisive, insecure people among them. They are often haunted by fears and dissatisfaction with themselves. The fate of these individuals is unusual and interesting. Among them there are individuals with phenomenal abilities. The negative quality of such natures is the love of gossip, gossip.

In the natal chart of people who were born when the moon was in Pisces, it is described that they are easily amenable to other people's influence, they are able to understand others, enter into their situation, they know how to forgive insults. Also, these people tend to be sad, close in themselves, cry quietly away from everyone. By nature, they are romantic, love art. They always strive for ideals and try to find the positive side in everything. Unfortunately, they often have to be disappointed in people.

Much depends on whether the moon is in the best or the worst position. With a favorable position, a person is a dreamer, he trusts others, believes them, forgives them. If the position is unfavorable, he often changes his mind, is not confident in himself, doubts his abilities. Often such people grow up notorious. Therefore, parents should take care to develop in the child respect and love for himself.

Selena in Pisces, or the white moon, is a symbol of kindness and mercy. If it is in the natal chart, this means that the person was born to do good, that in a past life he was merciful even to sinners. Such people usually believe that the world is ruled by love, which is their main value.

Lilith, or the black moon, in Pisces suggests that a person will get the opportunity to choose their life path. He may take the good path, or he may take the path of evil. From what this person chooses, his whole future life will depend. Usually this choice is given to a person in early childhood, when his character is just being formed.

Male and female

If in the natal chart of a man there is a moon in Pisces, this means that he is overly sentimental, romantic, vulnerable. It is often difficult for such natures to communicate with people. This man is tempted. His main advantage is an excellent understanding of women. The fair sex is always interested and calm with him.

The dream of this person is to meet a soft, kind, sympathetic, faithful life partner. Men with the moon in Pisces are characterized by compatibility with creative women. They can cope with difficulties, make serious decisions. Such a man himself is almost always faithful to his beloved. It is important for this person not just mutual understanding with his wife - they must certainly become one.

A woman with the moon in Pisces has incredible abilities. She is able to feel people, recognize potential friends and ill-wishers in them from the first days of meeting. Her inner world is boundless and beautiful. This woman is responsive, smiling, able to understand other people. She can become a real support for her life partner.

The moon in Pisces in a woman symbolizes restraint, decency, fidelity. The owner of such a natal chart is a gentle, selfless nature. Most often this is a creative person. All her life she wants to learn new things, loves to learn. Her weakness is her lack of courage. It is often difficult for her when she has to face difficulties. In such a situation, a girl needs a reliable friend who will become her support, support, cheer her up. She doesn't know how to handle money at all. It is better for this woman not to enter into serious transactions without consulting with competent people, otherwise she can seriously harm herself.

Sadly, but this sentimental, dreamy woman often has to be disappointed in the world around her. It happens that the people she trusts let her down. Despite resentment, she knows how to forgive, never loses her love for life and never stops seeing the world from the best side.

Consider the astrological compatibility of lunar Pisces (when the Moon is in Pisces in a person's horoscope). Lunar Pisces is the most emotional and feeling sign in the entire lunar Zodiac, their soul is tender, warm, full of sympathy for everyone around them, they are ready to sincerely and tenderly love everyone!

Lunar Pisces Compatibility in Relationships

They are romantic, sentimental, look at the world through rose-colored glasses, and therefore, falling in love, they are able to see something special, something unusual, something that makes one admire - something that, perhaps, is actually in this person. and no.

But they see in him what they want to see, they see, perhaps, the potential of a person that he himself has not yet reached! In any case, such an attitude on the part of the lunar Pisces is always and very flattering to everyone, and it is difficult not to fall for the bait of their tender feelings.

Pisces are ready to take care of everyone, sympathize and empathize with everyone, help everyone. They show tender attention to the partner and great concern for him, doing everything to make him happy. Therefore, they are more likely than other signs and they themselves are happy in love. Who is able to give a lot, he receives a lot!

But at the same time, lunar Pisces is very impractical and sometimes loses a sense of reality. For example, they may not realize that they have chosen the wrong object for their care, that this object does not need them. In such cases, the care and love of the lunar Pisces can seem intrusive.

And if the lunar Pisces were rejected, they seem to be replaced. Their cordiality and ability to sympathy disappears, there are no other feelings left in them, except for self-pity. Here they can fall into melancholy and indifference to everything in the world.

But all this will pass as soon as a new object for concern appears on the horizon. Without caring for someone, lunar Pisces cannot imagine their life. Having fallen in love, they immediately forget about everything in the world, their feelings are so strong that they obscure the whole world!

If you are able to completely and completely surrender to the caring hands of the lunar Pisces, then your life will turn into endless bliss with the most ideal lover you can imagine. Pisces look so that they immediately show that they are created for love: a dreamy look, languid thoughtfulness...

Do not expect wild fun and excessive liveliness from them. But everything will be compensated by a warm soft feeling, overflowing over the edge of their tender soul.

It must be borne in mind that Pisces moons tend to become dependent on a partner, and if this bothers you, your life can be significantly complicated. So do not indulge this property of Pisces, but rather emphasize more often that they are an independent, self-sufficient and strong personality. But do not push them away from you, be tactful - it is very important for Pisces to feel that you need them!

Lunar Pisces Compatibility. Very important: you need to be extremely honest with Pisces, they are very sensitive and instantly recognize any deception. No matter how caring they are, you will not be able to use their attitude for selfish purposes - they feel insincerity a mile away.

They will enter into an alliance only with a truly loving person, and no tricks and hypocrisy will mislead them. They are kind and generous, but they will not let themselves be deceived.

If you want to get along with Pisces, do not focus on the material and financial side of things. Money is important to them insofar as, and they will not understand you if you put money at the forefront and make a cult out of it. However, there will be coziness and comfort in the house - an established life for Pisces is very important.

And never show coldness and aloofness with Pisces, never spare words and time to show your love. If love has passed, Pisces must be parted. These are not the kind of people who will support marriage for the sake of appearance, for the sake of social status, out of habit, and even for the sake of children. They need love. Everything else for them has a much lower price.

The collapse of love for lunar Pisces is always a very painful moment. After all, they fly high in their feelings - and the one who flies high usually breaks very painfully if they have to fall. And yet, when a new love looms on the horizon, the lunar Pisces, forgetting old grievances, again rush headlong into it. Such perishing this incurable romanticism.

Compatibility with other signs

Lunar Pisces - Lunar Aries

If you are a lunar Aries, then Pisces is very attracted to you by the fieryness of your feelings, they see in you the same loving and romantic person that they themselves are, but your impatience and some harshness can hurt Pisces. And Pisces seems too sentimental to you, all the time you want to return them from heaven to earth.

Lunar Pisces - Lunar Taurus

If you are a Taurus Moon, then you are attracted to the romance and sensitivity of Pisces, and your relationship can be very warm, calm, peaceful. Just try to understand and forgive Pisces for their impracticality, do not demand that they begin to appreciate material stability - they will immediately become bored with you. Otherwise, everything is fine: the main thing is that you are able to give each other a sense of security and comfort.

Lunar Pisces - Lunar Gemini

If you are lunar Gemini, then your secular gloss and outward brilliance will attract Pisces, you will easily respond to their warmth and care, but will this union be lasting? Gemini will want to break out of attachment, which will seem annoying and monotonous to them, Pisces will want more warmth, tenderness, romance in the manifestation of feelings ...

Lunar Pisces - Lunar Cancer

If you are a lunar Cancer, you can become truly kindred spirits with lunar Pisces, and your connection will be very close and strong. Both of you are romantic, sentimental, understand each other's feelings well. Try to be more practical so that your life does not turn into a continuous wandering in the clouds.

Lunar Pisces - Lunar Leo

Lunar Pisces Compatibility. If you are a lunar Leo, then a representative of the lunar Pisces will feel great with you: both safe and protected, and with a constant excess of feelings. That's just Pisces can become addicted, turn out to be a minor figure in this union.

If Leo is satisfied with such an unequal partnership, then all is well. Only then do you already bear responsibility for the sensitive Pisces you have tamed: if you push them away, it will be a tragedy for them.

Lunar Pisces - Lunar Virgo

If you are a lunar Virgo, then you will have to give up your inherent pickiness, if you want to be with the lunar Pisces. You will be annoyed in them by their dreaminess, sentimentality, wandering in the clouds, they will demand romanticism and tenderness from you, which you don’t want to show at all, but for the sake of love you can put up with all this ...

Lunar Pisces - Lunar Libra

If you are a lunar Libra, then you are both very romantic, both value love very much and have been looking for it all your life, so your union can bring a lot of happiness to both. Just remember that Pisces can be alarmed by your indecision and tendency to hesitate, this will make them wonder if you are sincere.

Lunar Pisces - Lunar Scorpio

If you are a lunar Scorpio, then Pisces simply cannot resist your charm and the strong attraction of your magnetic personality. You can give each other a lot of the most powerful and exciting feelings. Just be careful with Pisces - they are gentle and vulnerable.

Lunar Pisces - Lunar Sagittarius

If you are a lunar Sagittarius, you can feel very good and comfortable with the lunar Pisces. But over time, Pisces may need more depth of feeling than you are willing to give. But warmth and tenderness, albeit somewhat superficial, will be enough.

Lunar Pisces - Lunar Capricorn

If you are a lunar Capricorn, then you will have to learn to be more emotional and sensitive outwardly, and not just in the depths of your soul, otherwise Pisces will always feel dissatisfied due to the lack of a response to their warmth and care.

Don't let their romanticism fool you. It is Pisces who, better than anyone else, can convince you that you, too, can love and be loved and deserve the most sincere feelings.

Lunar Pisces - Lunar Aquarius

If you are an Aquarius moon, then in order to deal with a Pisces moon, you need to learn how to communicate on an emotional level. Do not consider that they are sentimental - learn from them the manifestation of feelings. In combination with your seriousness, the emotionality and softness of Pisces will guarantee a wonderful union.

Pisces Moon - Pisces Moon

If you are lunar Pisces, like your chosen one, then you can make a real union of kindred souls. Love, romantic relationships - this is what you need, and what you will have in abundance. But for marriage, family and practical life, this may not be enough ...

Moon in Pisces

Here the Moon is in the sign of the elements of Water, visiting Neptune and Jupiter. This seems to be the best position for the moon.
In general, the presence of the Moon in a water sign gives a very strong intuition, but, as a rule, only a superficial intuition, it is associated with the perception of already manifested things that are "on the surface." And Neptune gives an intuitive comprehension of deep things, hidden secret processes, a sense of world harmony, an ideal. Therefore, you will usually be tuned in to the perception of everything deep, hidden and secret, you most likely have a very rich inner world with very deep experiences. Usually you try to hide the depth of your inner world from others, and in some cases you can be very sentimental. You are quite capable of comprehending the secret meaning of things, you have a very good sense of rhythm (because Neptune shows a sense of rhythm and musical harmony). You may show excellent musical abilities, you are probably very receptive and are an excellent student in almost any field. Pisces give a deep perception of information, and you usually do not absorb it superficially, but feel its inner harmony, inner essence.
This is often the case with occultists and mediums. You appear to be susceptible to hypnosis and can often exhibit mediumistic powers while under hypnosis, although this may not be the case in the normal state. Unfortunately, among people with the Moon in Pisces there are many alcoholics, drug addicts, fanatics, because Pisces is associated with a sense of ideal, harmony, and if you do not see this and cannot perceive it, then an inappropriate environment may develop around you, in which case you will strive for compensation and can replace the missing illusions with delusional ideas (fanaticism) or through chemical substitutes (alcohol, drugs). That is, how to create a kind of artificial state that would become a surrogate for this feeling of the harmony of the world. At the same time, you can be very suggestible and attached to loved ones (especially for women). You are also likely to have some inner lethargy, sentimentality and secrecy. You can also be a great student or a great musician. Women with the Moon in Pisces are very gentle if the Moon is not afflicted.
You are also often capable of selflessness - this position of the Moon is perhaps the only one in which a person is able to sacrifice himself for the sake of others. In other signs, this manifests itself somewhat differently. Not only Pisces can go to death, but also people with different positions of the planets in signs, even Aries, however, for him it will be just an impulse of action, he is overwhelmed with energy. Capricorn can sacrifice himself to achieve his goal, but not in the name of a specific person, and we have just talked about the higher manifestations of the Moon in Pisces.
Medical contraindications. You have an increased susceptibility to all infectious diseases, diseases of the feet, deformation of bone tissue, bones in the foot area are possible. There may be proliferation of bone tissue, calluses, excessive sweating. The Moon in Pisces can manifest itself in foot and ankle injuries, bumps and curvature of the fingers, growths, a tendency to blood poisoning. Any contagious disease can cause you to have blood poisoning, a tendency to edema, and not just your feet. You have a craving for strong drugs, alcohol and drugs.
When the Moon is in transit in Pisces, it is not recommended to drink a lot of liquids (especially alcohol) - this is not safe, since there is a connection with the kidneys (Venus is exalted in Pisces). Vulnerable skin, increased risk of allergies. Operations and procedures on the sense organs, on the liver and legs are dangerous.
In this case, you need to walk less, since the legs are more sensitive; soft shoes must be worn. The danger of fungal diseases is strong. Foot massage, water procedures, taking drugs, medications are contraindicated.

Pavel Globa. Planets in the signs of the zodiac.

Moon in Pisces
The Moon makes Pisces extremely sensitive to their environment; it must exactly match their evolutionary level, otherwise they get bored and mischievous or suffocate.
The undeveloped Moon gives a capricious and hypersensitive Pisces, which finds it difficult to deal with the real world, and when it does not suit her, she swims away into the boundless expanses of her imagination.
This position of the Moon is typical for subtle natures: poets, artists, musicians, what is called bohemia. They serve the subtle world, and the laws of the gross are not written for them, or rather, they are written, but not those for the rest, but which ones, they must understand for themselves so as not to degrade and not fall into a madhouse, which is possible with a strong defeat.
The high level of study of the Moon in Pisces gives the subtlest mystics (other aspects should also indicate this), who are able to enter the higher astral planes.
In case of defeat and weak energy, there is a great danger of becoming a victim of manipulators, magicians and lower astral entities or programs (the so-called mediumship).
Very high plasticity and empathy in communication; moon Pisces can take you to the heights of ecstasy and throw you into the abyss of hellish torment - and sometimes she does this in turn, becoming a good black teacher.
Here the complete working out of the Moon in Pisces is extremely difficult, since it requires the mastery of a very delicate instrument.
Complex: "In this world, I existentially have nothing to rely on."
Absalom Underwater. Planets in the signs of the zodiac

Moon in Pisces: Strongest intuition, rich inner world. Subtle psychologism, deep understanding of world harmony. Sensitivity to the subtlest vibrations of the human soul. Inner inexhaustibility, emotional wealth. Musicality.
In the best case - sincerity, complicity, softness and tenderness. breadth of the soul.
In the worst case, internal lethargy, vagueness and detachment. Tendency to fall into illusions, escape from real life.

In harmonious aspects: high susceptibility, sensitivity, psychology, impressionability, compassion, sympathy, kindness, attentiveness, caring, diligence, imagination, inspiration, love of secrets, sentimentality, romanticism, desire for comfort, coziness, travel. Psychology, psychiatry, sociology, medicine, pedagogy, music, art, literature.

If the MOON is damaged, then the character of the subject manifests such traits as passivity, a tendency to go with the flow, indulgence in feelings, pettiness, sensitivity, carelessness, deceit, daydreaming, carelessness, humility, indulgence in low desires, passion, self-justification, a tendency to self-deception and deceit, suffering, drunkenness, abnormality, deceit, mediumship, susceptibility to bad influence, sacrifice.
S. V. Shestopalov. Handbook of astropsychology

Moon in Pisces
You are unusually light-hearted, full of sympathy for people, and this understanding of their feelings and needs borders on telepathy. You can't stand it when a living being, whether human or animal, suffers in front of your eyes. Knowing your kindness and responsiveness, people suffering from mental pain or in a state of confusion often turn to you for help. Sometimes they take advantage of your kindness.
You have a poetic soul, you love and feel music. Many of your feelings are hazy and vague, so you cannot easily convey what you think about life. Sounds like music is your natural language. In love, you are romantic, often in love not so much with a person as with the relationship itself, in this pleasant state.
Hypersensitivity, susceptibility to thoughts and feelings of other people like a sponge, vivid imagination, which manifests itself in poetry, music. Love for travel.
Courtesy, sympathy, shyness and mental vulnerability, often feel offended, suffer from persecution mania, and if upset, then the lack of common sense and a sense of humor.
Melancholy, absent-mindedness, neglect of one's appearance, the threat of mental illness and isolation. All diseases begin through the legs.

Francis Sakoyan. Planets in the signs of the zodiac.

Pisces is ruled by Jupiter, a godly planet. The moon symbolizes the mind, so a person with the Moon in the sign of Pisces understands the meaning of religious life, has psychic and meditational abilities. Such people are observant, receptive. There is hesitation in their mind, an inability to make a choice. They are sensitive, emotional, sometimes biased. They should not let their feelings influence their views and judgments. They are romantic and dreamy, have an easy, compliant character, outwardly somewhat unstable, but having decided on something, they act quite confidently. They are easily influenced by others, they should learn to say "no" so as not to get involved in actions that contradict one another. Such people have a good heart, they are generous, generous and happy to serve. Often such people can be seen voluntarily working in charitable societies. Tears easily show in their eyes. They willingly read and write, and sometimes they are absent-minded.
According to the Brihad Jataka, a person with the Moon in Pisces will "trade seafood or earn money by working in transport. He will use other people's property, have a beautiful, well-shaped body, a large head. He will love beautiful clothes. influenced by the other sex, they have very beautiful eyes, fair complexion, they will enjoy the possession of a hidden treasure or knowledge appreciated by ordinary people." These people are beautiful, dignified and trustworthy.
Indubala. Planets in signs.

Moon in Pisces

Heightened sensitivity, susceptibility to the feelings and thoughts of others. This gives a feeling of mental vulnerability, makes you stand apart in order to protect yourself. A penchant for parapsychology. Living imagination, which manifests itself in poetry, music. Kindness, empathy towards others. With bad aspects - they constantly feel insulted, persecution mania, other neurotic and psychopathic tendencies. Often extreme shyness.
Het monster. Planets in the signs of the zodiac

Moon in Pisces.
Goodwill, sympathy, religiosity or mystery, self-sufficiency, imagination. The Moon in Pisces is sensitive to environmental conditions, therefore, it strives not to give up its position and maintain stable emotional attachments. The ability to pass the rhythms of the environment through oneself creates spiritual strength and turns out to be very favorable in the field of music (Bach, Glinka, Schubert, Ravel, Mahler, Respighi, Rimsky-Korsakov). These are people who understand religion well (Pascal, Augustine, M. Luther, Ramakrishna), although not necessarily strongly religious (Molière). Sometimes this gives a penchant for mysticism (Edgar Allan Poe, Hoffmann). The Moon in Pisces predetermines attentiveness to one's own and other people's psyche, which helps to overcome obstacles and failures fixed by the inertia of mental processes, similar to the intuitive search for Cancer. The difference is that the feeling is expressed outward when it finds not necessarily a simple, but certainly a beautiful form. Like Leo, the soul for Pisces is, first of all, its own soul (and not social belonging, like Sagittarius and Aquarius). Accordingly, she respects the stranger - hence the benevolence. In its spiritual fullness, the Moon in Pisces is somewhat self-sufficient - but this is compensated by susceptibility to changes in the outside world and beauty. A person strives to achieve aesthetics in his home, beautiful relationships with people are attractive to him.

The art of predicting. Semira and V. Vetash.

Moon in Pisces
Acute susceptibility, feelings overflowing, drowning in endless impressions. The need to be devoted to another person, to feel needed. A woman is romantic, dependent, needs protection. Sometimes there is a masochistic attachment. A man is vulnerable, looking for a companion who would understand his fears and anxieties. Tendency to imaginary flight.
Catherine Aubier. Astrological dictionary.

Moon in Pisces
Moon in Water signs. High sensitivity, the ability to respond to the slightest changes from the outside. It closes under external pressure, but may give an unexpected reaction. Inner peace will reveal only in harmonious conditions. Very big emotionality.
The Moon is in Pisces, One of the most complete positions is visiting its highest octave - Neptune. There is a lot of information about past lives in the subconscious. The strongest intuition and a rich inner world.
They are characterized by innate lethargy, sentimentality, secrecy. Very responsive people, but everyone else wants to help them. They have fantastic endurance. These are happy women, gentle, selfless. They are excellent students and excellent musicians.

Larisa Nazarova. Karmic astrology.

Moon in Pisces
When my world is filled to the brim with beauty and light,
Then in my soul there is harmony and reliable strength,
Sorrows and disasters do not threaten me or you.

A child with the Moon in Pisces has a very sensitive soul. He cares for others seriously and with deep compassion and is likely to give you many little "cases" from a very young age. It could be a bird that has fallen out of its nest or a broken wing, or a sick animal, or a stray neighbor child who, according to that or otherwise aroused sympathy in your child. He always wants to help someone. He needs to feel needed by someone.
But this does not mean at all that he will clean his room or help prepare food. This is not the type of Virgo, it is the opposite sign and by no means clean. On the contrary, his mind is so focused on "important matters" that the mess around him does not matter to him or even is not noticed. “Helping someone” is preferably care for the sick, sympathy for someone who is sad, a social or religious matter. This child will be preoccupied with serious matters at an earlier age than you expected. This may be helping the homeless, animal kennels, etc. He feels that he has the power to improve the world, and will try to do this, even if self-sacrifice is required.

A child with the Moon in Pisces has a very vivid imagination and tends to fall into daydreaming and fantasizing, especially if he is disappointed or offended by the world. Because he is so sensitive, he is easily offended and can over-personalize trivial things. He is unlikely to be assertive in conflict and may not defend his position at all, so he is not difficult to deceive or confuse. You should help him grow a thicker skin and learn some self-defense techniques. When he is upset, soft classical music can be a very good soothing agent.
He is unlikely to be a fighter, but he has a sympathetic heart, and he is always ready to gently touch a suffering person. Rejoice. Someday, that person may be you.

Maria Kay Simms. Your magical child.

Moon in Pisces
The Moon in Pisces is perhaps one of the most "emotional" locations of this luminary. In such children, life is ruled by feelings, which can sometimes lead to tragic consequences. Since they are extremely receptive and everything around them has its influence, they tend to take everything to heart. They often cry. Do not blame them for this (and the boys too!). Perhaps the most important thing to teach such children (which is especially important for them) is to be realistic and objectively relate to the world around them.
Babies whose Moon was in Pisces at the time of birth tend to feel misunderstood, feel sorry for themselves, and overdramatically look at their own lives and the lives of those around them. Try to teach them to be less vulnerable and not take absolutely everything personally. It will do them good, especially when they become adults.
Children with the Moon in Pisces often live in the world of their fantasies. This is easier and more natural for them than living a real life. They tend to take the path of least resistance. Don't indulge in it. Teach your child to fight. Explain that you can’t be led by your mood, which, all the more, changes so quickly. Otherwise, it will be difficult for him in the future.
Emotions play an important role in the lives of these children. They have enormous creativity and an unusually vivid imagination. This is one of the reasons why they are so fond of music, poetry, theater, and everything where their creative nature can be revealed.
Another distinguishing feature of children with the Moon in Pisces is the need to take care of others, especially the sick. The only thing is that they need to be careful and not succumb to the influence of someone else's biofield, especially in the case of mental or severe somatic diseases. Such children will always find a common language with animals, they are able to feel any living beings. Of course, this is a gift from God, but such sensitivity can also become an enemy.
Explain to the child that his ideals, emotions and attitudes can be more stable. These children tend to go with the flow, to follow the line of least resistance. From childhood, they need to be more confident in themselves and their abilities. Otherwise, painful doubts and constant depression will become their companions for life. Or even worse - they will lose their unique individuality, they will simply dissolve in those around them. Teach your child not to indulge their weaknesses and not choke on their feelings.
Children with the Moon in Pisces will feel happy if peace, tranquility, and friendly relations reign around them. Any negative emotions, such as anger, quarrels and squabbles, are perceived by these children very painfully. Quiet pleasant music and peace will help restore their lost strength and peace of mind.
Try asking your child to tell you their dreams. It is quite possible that he has the ability of a medium, and something prophetic can be found in his dreams. Last, but perhaps most important, teach your child to repeat every morning, "I won't have any bad experiences today! I won't let them near me, let them go away!"

Samantha Davis. Children's astrology. The key to understanding child psychology.

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