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“Music and magic in all cultures have long been close neighbors. Music, which addresses not so much to the mind, but to the entire emotional sphere of a person, bordering on the subconscious, is like a keyhole through which one can “see” a part of another reality in oneself. Composers of electronic music such as Karlheinz Stockhausen have long known this relationship. But most of all, the cultural circles of the West comprehended magic, using it in rock music.

"Rock Music and Magic"

“The use of magical objects, drugs, as well as magic and spells of occult powers have become an integral part of art not only today. Superstition and spell formulas have long been related to the world of art. Their traces are found in all areas of art, and rock and roll also did not remain free from this. Maybe rock 'n' roll is even particularly suited to these influences."
"Rock and Black Magic", Spotlight 10/1978

“Some rock and roll bands stand in a circle and drink from a cup full of blood. Some of the musicians fall on their knees and pray to Satan."
Former rock star Little Richard. Summer 1980

Preface to the fourth edition
When the first edition of All We Need Your Soul came out two years ago, no one had any idea how much interest this book would generate with its sensitive subject matter. There were many conversations, questions, discussions, and many letters from readers. New questions constantly arose. Among them is this, isn't this book a devastating blow to rock music in general, or at least to the general direction of hard rock?
Explanation: All We Want Is Your Soul reveals certain connections between rock and the occult. Along with film directors, writers, artists, there are musicians and composers who practice black magic, spiritualism, cult satanic rites and wish to bring their “message” to people. Often the turn to the occult has another reason: obscene trade deals. All this shows the way the bad manifests itself in hard rock. The heavy metal scene, which has been increasingly merging with everything dangerous from year to year, is of great concern today.
The author collected interesting information and compiled a selection of popular rock bands. The mysterious, in most cases, the secretive side of the activity of rock musicians is consecrated with the help of numerous dates and facts and reveals amazing relationships.
The author expresses a critical point of view, encourages reflection and, guided by the Bible, directs the reader to the correct conclusions.
Chapter first
The birth of occult rock
The year is 1969. Three years after the founding of the first Satanic church in San Francisco and the proclamation of the "age of devil worship," the occult and the cult of Satan began to boldly appear on the rock scene before the public. The beginning was laid by the English group "Black Sabbath" (Black Saturday). This name justified itself: their new demonstrative scenes with hard rock music of a black mass, satanic spells and a witch cult were the prototype of "Occultrok" - a special part of rock music in which elements of the occult (magic, spiritualism, satanism, etc.) ) show up in the lyrics. This combination of hard rock with the occult and satanism was to become a school: Black Sabbath became a branch of the younger heavy metal scene that instilled fear in the audience. Rock Dictionary says:
Black Sabbath swore all-out rock in Birmingham in 1969 and was baptized after one horror movie starring Boris Karloff. A year later, the quartet, with their ten-minute-arranged Paranoid, became a well-known hit group on both sides of the Atlantic. Ozzy Osbourne (vocals), Tony Aiommi (lead guitar), Terry Butler (bass guitar) and Bill Ward (drums) started with occult ritual scenes and praised their violent childhood games in Birmingham's working-class neighborhoods until they became famous as rock outlaws. Their success with an underage audience was in conflict with the assessment of criticism. An avalanche of harsh sounds with an unnerving wailing voice of the soloist transmitted a text shocking society: “Take away life from someone, it is cheap; kill someone - no one will cry. Freedom is yours, do only your duty; we only need your soul” (“Cornucopia”).
This made the youth of America so enthusiastic that the band was able to continuously undertake their tours and constantly release "golden" albums. It wasn't until some of the players started collapsing at concerts from exhaustion that the band stopped their hectic tour of America. Osborne explained it differently: “America is the most satanic country in the world. Drug addicts are like living nightmares. I'm surprised that half of them don't come to the concert with a coffin."
The first Black Sabbath album was commented by rock music expert Tibor Kneif with the following words: a parallel line, which, given the means generated by the hitchcock style, could be called horror rock: the manifestation of power causes terrible fear here. always produces a depressing effect.As in the best Dracula films, the play of shadows causes horror, so here: the text, without naming anything specifically, at the same time creates a certain atmosphere, thus evoking the memory of the horror of the previous night.The proximity to black magic is revealed by the image on the inside side of the 1970 album of a mysterious inverted cross.The outside of the album shows a ruined house, dead branches and no actually standing in front of Dracula's pale daughter."
Anton LaVey, a devil worshiper and founder of the first official Satanic church in the United States (First Church of Satan), explained in November 1968: “The crowd devoted to Satan perverts the Lord’s Prayer, mixes it with obscenities and tramples on the cross of Christ with their feet or hangs him upside down. An example of the title work "Black Sabbath":
"What it is?! It stands in front of me. A figure in black pointing at me! Quickly turn around and run away! Find your favorite now!
A black figure with fiery eyes shows people their desires.
I see the flames rising higher and higher! Oh no, no, no, no! Please God help me!!!"
In the song "NIB" Lucifer (Satan) recruits the soul of the listener:
“Some people say my love is fake. Please believe me my dear, I will show it to you. Oh, love me now, and you will not regret that you broke with the life that you lived before our communication ... My name is Lucifer - please take my hand!
The first disc "Black Sabbath" caused not only a wave of indignation and rejection, but also recognition; and this, as it were, by the way contributed to the emergence of a boom in the book market. Books that dealt with black magic, witch cults, and spirit spells were suddenly in high demand and were in high demand.
On the cover of the "Reflection - Black Sabbath" disc there is a boastful inscription:
“Already on the first disc, they called on Satan, who really appeared. He promised them world-wide success if only they would play every year on the big Sabbath. Both sides have kept their word to this day. Six records that brought success, grandiose concerts on the stages of the whole world. There they played hellishly hot hard rock - temperamental music, ideal for hellish celebrations, black bloody Saturdays.
And you, poor fool holding a record in your hands, know that you have sold your soul with it, because it will be quickly captured by the hellish rhythm, the satanic power of this music. And the bite of this musical tarantula will make you dance without stopping, without end.
Their fans wear stickers that openly testify: "I am possessed by Black Sabbath".
A high degree of demonia is presented on the cover of the Sabbath Bloody Sabbath record, which depicts a scene of a disgusting ritual of Satan. Here we also find the infamous number 666 - the number of the Antichrist (Rev. 13:18), which plays a big role among the worshipers of Satan. The number 666, which, along with the skull and crossbones, is depicted on the T-shirts of many fans of the group, can be regarded as an open confession of Satanism.
Black Sabbath drummer Bill Ward once openly said, "I feel like Satan is probably God."
Ozzy Osbourne, Ward's bandmate, claims he was forced twenty-six times (!) to watch the occult horror film Der Exorzist. He says of himself: “I don't know if I am a medium of an external force. Whatever the case, I hope it's not what I think it is - not Satan."
Unbelievable, but to tell the truth...
After these statements of the musicians, it is not surprising that in some of their performances they give the floor to Satan personally, calling him "Lord of this World" ("Lord of this World").
“You test your spirit and don't know where to start. You will help find the right key to your heart. You think you know it, but you're never sure of it. Your soul is sick, but you will help find the means to heal.
Your world was created for you by someone in heaven, but you choose evil ways instead of love. Wherever you live, you make yourself the master of this world. Your soul that I took from you was never missing.
The lord of this world is a bad lord! Lord of this world - he is now your father of confession!
You think that you are innocent and have nothing to fear; you say you don't know me, but do you really? You address me with all your worldly lust and arrogance. However, will you turn to me when you die?”
This song is taken from the Master of Reality LP (1971). On the same record, "Black Sabbath" performs another song, completely different from the previous one, which - this is incredible, but to tell the truth - sounds very Christian.
"After Eternity"
“Have you ever thought about your soul, can it be saved? Or do you think that when you die, you will forever remain in the coffin?
Is God just a thought in your head, or is He a part of you? Is Christ just a name you once read about in a book when you were in school?
I see the truth. Yes, I see the light and I changed my ways. At the end of my days, I will be prepared and you will be alone and afraid.
Perhaps you are afraid of what your friends will say when they find out that you believe in God? Before criticizing, they should have known that God is the only way to Love...
I think the people who crucified Christ were like you. It's sad that you agree with their opinion. When death approaches, will you be sure of your work and will you be able to say that you do not believe in anything? You had an opportunity, but you turned it down and now you can never get it right.
Maybe you still think before you say that God is dead and forgotten. Open your eyes and know that He is the only one who can save you from all your sins and from your hatred. Or will you still sneer at what you hear now? - Yes ... - I think it's too late for you.
We hope that this short passage will help to understand that Christians can be deceived by Satan's trickery. Such a "pious" text as "After Eternity" does not yet provide a reliable explanation of the spiritual background of this interpretation! Even the apostle Paul pointed out that Satan knows how to disguise himself very skillfully and knows how to deceive people so that they slip and fall (2 Corinthians 11:14-15).
It's safe to say that some will refer to the metal cross worn by the members of the group. An expression of their Christian conviction? No way! Knowing about the danger threatening from demons, some occultists (white magic) defend themselves with a metal cross. According to them, the evil forces should be afraid of him. However, the four musicians from Hellenrocker are not afraid to sometimes hang their crosses upside down..."
Bob Larson, a Christian rock music expert in the US, was extremely concerned about the number of Black Sabbath albums he found among Christian youth.
“I was amazed when I saw many young people professing Christ who bought Black Sabbath albums, although they knew about the propensity of this group to Satanism. Some try to defend "Black Sabbath" by pointing to one of the songs called "After Eternity".
Heaven and Hell
After the eighth disc of Black Sabbath, entitled Never Say Die (1978), the group split when singer Ozzy Osbourne left his colleagues to make a solo career. Fallen into drunkenness, Osborne commented on his departure from Black Sabbath:
“Actually speaking, I should no longer be here, but should lie ‘in a box’. It was "five to twelve". If I had stayed at Black Sabbath, Keith Moon number two would have arrived soon. Drinking was my hobby..."
With the arrival of former Rainbow singer Ronnie James Dio, who was addicted to the occult at the time, the band finally found a full-fledged replacement.
In 1980, the disc "Heaven and Hell" ("Heaven and Hell") appeared. The black cover of this record depicts three angels with a halo of holiness over their heads, with red nail polish, playing cards and smoking cigarettes. They were more likely the angels of hell than heaven.
Mob Rules followed in late 1981, the title track of which featured the lead song from the occult-fiction movie Heavy Metal. Then came the double disc "Live Evil" ("Live Evil"), the short title of which reflects the self-esteem of the group and what many thousands of fans associate with "Black Sabbath".
At one concert, R. James Dio showed a satanic salute in which the index finger and little finger were raised up, which symbolizes two horns. At the same time, the singer shouted loudly into the crowd, and in response, many greeted him with the same satanic salute.
Dio then looked at the sign he made with his hand and said, “Many people think they know the meaning of this sign, but we know what it really means. It means: "Long live rock and roll!"
The sensation was the performance of the famous Ian Gillan, a former member of the Deep Peples, who very quickly adopted the mannerisms of Ronnie James Dio, who left the group in March 1983.
“They rage like those possessed by the devil,” one youth magazine describes the performance of the new formation and continues: “On the cover, the green-eyed muzzle of a newborn hellish child grins devilishly. Horns on an open forehead, vampire teeth sparkling at the corners of the mouth, extra-long sharp yellow fingernails 'Born again', the promising title track of the new Black Sabbath LP, features the 'dinosaurs' of hard rock in September during a highly anticipated German tour.
And indeed, the "fans of satanic rock" ("Teufelsanbeter des Rock"), as the "Black Sabbath" willingly call themselves, still attract thousands of fans to the halls where black rock masses are performed with noise and infernal force ... Thick greenish-white fog swirls over the stage as the band, sending their first shock salvos into the crowd, begins their song "Born Again". In the background, on the canvas, outlines of the English place of sacrifice "Stonehenge" ... and in front, knee-deep in fog, as if possessed by the devil, Ian Gillan shakes his shaggy hair and growls "Paranoid" or "Iron Man" ("Iron Man") in a raging crowd that, like a man possessed, dances to a black mass and screams for more."
One of the band's fans remarked: "You can get high even without drugs to the sound of their music."
Favorite of Lucifer
Ozzy Osbourne ("Lucifer's Darling," as one music magazine called him) devoted himself to improving his occult reputation, which he succeeded in bringing gold and platinum "rain" for several million records sold.
During his performances, Osbourne had a disgusting habit of biting off the heads of birds - until finally one day he bit off the head of a dead bat that someone threw him on stage, after which he had to take a course of painful shots against rabies.
Osbourne's debut album Blizzard of Ozz (1981) was described by a youth magazine with the following words.


The importance of music in modern society cannot be overestimated. Most of the radio and television airtime is filled with performances by ensembles, singers and rock bands. Any free leisure and recreation of our contemporary is not complete without music, songs and dances. Many people literally live for music. And this is no coincidence. In our dry, technocratic and rational age, the ways to achieve the emotional release that is so necessary for a person have narrowed unusually, and music remains one of the few outlets for satisfying the sensual sphere of a person.

The so-called rock music has gained particular popularity in our time (Rock music currently has many directions. In our article we focus on such a variety as Heavy-Metal, Death-Metal, Black-Metal and techno-music), the number whose admirers among young people are unusually large. Rock is already leaving the category of entertainment and means of emotional release, it is becoming a lifestyle, shaping the human psyche, his perception of life and attitude to the world.

The very appearance of rock music in the 50s was marked by an outbreak of suicides and a truly mental epidemic that destroys those moral barriers that animals and base human inclinations are designed to restrain. This was especially true in the intimate sphere of life. The beginning of the rock epidemic was the beginning of the drug epidemic and the so-called sexual revolution, the triumph of lust and depravity.

The term "rock and roll" itself was coined by a Cleveland disco jockey. This expression describes two movements of the human body during sexual fun, it is taken from the African-American ghettos.

Such a direction of rock as punk rock, which became especially popular in 1985-1986, owes its name to the English word "punk", which in England was originally called prostitutes of both sexes, the later semantic meaning of this word is scum. The purpose and philosophy of this trend is in leading the audience directly to collective violence, systematic crimes, suicides.Punk is characterized and quite acceptable acts of this kind: such as, during a concert, inflicting a serious wound on a partner with a razor blade sewn into jeans or a shirt, and then the wounded - beat with a bracelet covered with spikes.

As we see from the foregoing, depravity, sexual promiscuity, the collapse of moral, Christian principles lie in the very nature of fate.

In general, rock in almost all of its directions is characterized by the presence of certain bits of rhythms. The beat is the continuous repetition of regular pulsations combined with shortened rhythms, which is provided by the drummer (drum) and bass guitar, which characterizes the rhythm of rock music. In the so-called "hard rock" - the beat acts in such a way that it excites sexual instincts. "Caustic" rock is characterized by an increase in the reaction of the nervous system and brain to various hallucinogenic drugs. "Bad rock" - strongly excites the instincts associated with aggression, violence, rebellion. In Heavy-Metal groups, bass guitar is of great importance. For "bass" most strongly affects the centers of the brain responsible for the sensual sphere of sex and violence. Therefore, in all groups A Heavy-Metal bass player is usually a virtuoso of his craft, able to capture the audience and bring it to exceptional ecstasy. "Satanic Rock" - has a mystical focus on the forces of darkness, thanks to the subliminal messages embedded in his lyrics.

Constantly sung words enter the subconscious and begin to work independently, induce to certain actions and deeds. Constant listening to the same rhythms also tunes a person to a certain emotional wave and energy vibration.

Since ancient times, music has been of great importance. On the one hand, from the Bible we learn about the Seraphim and Cherubim singing the Lord (Is. 6, 3-4), about Angelic singing (Rev. 4.8), about David, who, by playing the harp, pacified the evil spirit that tormented King Saul so much ( I Kings 18.10), about singing as an obligatory part of the Old Testament worship (2 Parade 35, 15).

On the other hand, one of the closest descendants of Cain, Jubal, is considered the inventor of instrumental and wind music; “He was the father of all who play the harp and flute” (Genesis 4:21).

According to the interpretation of the Holy Fathers, instrumental music was invented by Jubal to satisfy his sensuality, passionate inclinations, as a surrogate helping to forget the grace-filled world of God, Angelic singing, the world of happiness and joy - from where a sinning person fell. That is, the common goal of all the descendants of Cain was pursued: to arrange the kingdom of God on Earth without God.

Magicians, sorcerers and sorcerers of the ancient world, just like African sorcerers, Siberian shamans of our era, introduced themselves with the help of peculiar music and drugs into a frenzied state, being in which they entered into communication with fallen spirits, receiving from them the necessary help. and patronage.

It is known that African sorcerers also widely use strictly defined drum rhythms to enter a state that allows them to communicate with the other world. Often, a variety of narcotic substances are used in this case. So, for example, in the temple of Budo: “... mediums often performed actions that resembled shamanic ones: before divination, they brought themselves to a state of trance with the help of strong tobacco with various impurities and a specially prepared intoxicating drug. The predictions and divinations that were shouted out were already interpreted by the high priest or another priest ”(32) .

It is also known that Siberian shamans use narcotic substances prepared from fly agaric, belladonna and, as a rule, tobacco before performing rituals: “The shaman took a puff on his pipe. This meant that the shaman was stocking up on "food" for the spirit of the patron and the spirits of the helpers. It was assumed that shamanic spirits would inhabit the shaman and feed on the smoke (30).”

Modern studies by Doctor of Medical Sciences S. Grof have shown that under the influence of drugs, in particular LSD, a person experiences "... a fantastic inner journey into his own unconscious and superconscious (33)". That is, he experiences a meeting with the other world, which is invisible in the usual state. The scientist proves the correctness of this position on a large factual material.

All of the above indicates that the music of a certain plan and narcotic substances contribute to the opening of the human psyche to meet with the invisible world of fallen spirits.

Now, returning to rock music, especially to such a variety as "heavy, black and deadly metal", it should be noted that most of the melodies and rhythms of this movement are taken directly from the practice of African sorcerers.

That is, a person, with the help of certain currents of fate, is introduced into a state similar to that in which African sorcerers and Siberian shamans communicate with the world of fallen spirits.

Rock music has a strong impact on both the mental and physical state of a person. As noted rock and roll researcher Jean-Paul Régembal points out: “The power of rock lies in intermittent pulsations, rhythms that cause a biopsychic reaction of the body that can affect the functioning of various organs of the body (in particular, a beat can cause an acceleration of the heart rate and an increase in adrenaline). , as well as excitation in the genital area) (52) ". If, for example, the rhythm is a multiple of one and a half beats per second and is accompanied by a powerful pressure of ultra-low frequencies (15-30) hertz, then it can cause ecstasy in a person. With a rhythm equal to two beats per second, and at the same frequencies, the listener falls into a dance trance, which is akin to a drug (53) .

Modern rock bands operate in the range from 80 thousand hertz to 20 and even lower. The sound intensity reaches 120 decibels, although human hearing is tuned to an average intensity of 55 decibels. This is already a decisive assault on the whole personality, directed along the royal path of the auditory nerve. There were cases when an excess of high or low frequencies severely injured the brain. At rock concerts, sound contusions, sound burns, hearing loss and memory loss are not uncommon.

Such technical equipment of rock performances as the play of light of a strobe is not harmless either (a strobe is a device that allows, with the help of intermittently controlled light radiation, to observe fast moving objects in slow motion). With the help of this apparatus, one can at will accelerate the alternation of light and darkness, which leads to a significant weakening of the sense of orientation, the ability to judge, and affects the speed of reflexes. At a certain speed, the flashes of light begin to interact with alpha brain waves, which control the ability to concentrate. With a further increase in frequency, there is a loss of all control. The Bob Learsen Medical Group categorically states: “The low frequency vibrations created by amplifying the bass guitar, to which the overwhelming effect of the beat is added, significantly affects the state of the cerebrospinal fluid. This fluid, in turn, directly affects the glands that regulate hormone secretions As a result, the balance of sex and adrenal hormones is disturbed, so that the various functions of controlling moral inhibition fall below the threshold of tolerance or are completely neutralized "(52) The perception of musical rhythm is also connected with the functions of the auditory motor apparatus. And flashes of light following one after another in the rhythm of music , stimulate mechanisms associated with hallucinatory phenomena, dizziness, nausea.But the main action is directed at the brain and is designed to suppress consciousness, similar to that achieved by drugs.The dominant rhythm first covers the motor center of the brain, then stimulates some hormonal functions of the endocrine noah system.

It is impossible to expose yourself to rock for a long time and not get a deep psycho-emotional trauma. In this case, there is a loss of control over the ability to concentrate; control over mental activity and will is significantly weakened; unbridled impulses lead to destruction, vandalism and rebellion, especially in large gatherings. Where the psycho-field of the crowd, reinforced by the above influences of rock, practically deprives a person of individuality, turns him into a part of a machine controlled by satanic principles.

So, for example, Russian scientists recorded the following: after listening to rock music for 10 minutes, seventh-graders forgot the multiplication table for a while. And Japanese journalists in the largest rock halls in Tokyo arbitrarily asked the audience just three simple questions: what is your name? Where are you? What year is it now? And none of the respondents answered them (52) . Back in the late 40s, at the concerts of Frank Sinatra, and later Elvis Presley and the Beatles, cases of mass fainting among young spectators began to be observed. Today, as Y. Skorokhodov (54) points out, this has already become commonplace: performances, for example, by the New Kids group, full-time doctors and volunteers from the Red Cross are constantly on duty. German doctors conducted a detailed medical examination of forty "fans", "disconnected" during just one New Kids concert (400 people were present in the hall, that is, every tenth fainted!). It turned out that the victims of love for " “cool” music lost consciousness completely in 40% of cases (all of them were women), and the remaining 60% had a collapse of the circulatory system, and they remained in a clouded consciousness (54) .

The volume and frequency of sounds during the performance of modern rock bands have reached such destructive power that in 1979, during a Paul McCartney concert in Venice, a wooden bridge collapsed, and the Pink Floyd group managed to destroy a bridge in Scotland. Another documentary belongs to the same ensemble an attested "achievement": an outdoor concert resulted in a strangled fish resurfacing in a nearby lake.

As we can see, rock music has a devastating effect on a person's personality. It is no coincidence that many rock soloists are drug addicts and even open Satanists. Many of them, speaking to the audience, fall into a kind of trance, lose control over their actions and actions.

Taking off your pants and pissing the audience off the stage, showing your bare bottom to the millions who have gathered to listen to music (35) - these are their favorite things, but far from the only ones. So, for example, the famous rock singer Ozzy Osbourne from the Black Sabbath group, during one of his concerts, having entered a state of fury, in front of the public, tore a live bird with his teeth. The musicians of the rock group "KISS" repeatedly destroyed equipment, broke instruments, and showed the audience their genitals during their performances. Alice Cooper threw snakes into the hall, often feigned death by hanging for witchcraft ritual purposes, played with a cauldron filled with animal blood, intestines and giblets, threw them into the audience without warning.

Rock musicians themselves testify that during performances, some kind of force often descends on them, paralyzing the will and controlling their actions. Often rock musicians are conscious servants of the devil, members of the church of Satan. Here is Alice Cooper's testimony: "A few years ago I attended a séance in which Norman Buckley pleaded with the 'spirit' to respond. Eventually the spirit appeared and spoke to me. He promised me and my musical group fame, power over the world in rock music and unheard of wealth. The only thing he demanded of me was to give him my body. In exchange for owning my body, I became famous all over the world. In order to achieve this, I adopted the name by which “he” introduced himself during the session”(52) . So Vincent Funnier received the pseudonym Alice Cooper - the name of a witch who died a century earlier. He specialized in praising all forms of perversion. Known for his album "Alice Cooper Goes to Hell". Mac Jagger of the Rolling Stones saw himself as "the embodiment of Lucifer". Three of his songs: "Sympathy for the Devil", "Their Satanic Majesties", "Spells of My Brother Demon" - this is clearly confirmed.

John Lennon, while on tour in Germany in 1962, told Tony Sheridan at the Hamburg Starclub: “I know that the Beatles will have success like no other band before us. I know this because for the sake of this success I sold my soul to Satan” (X.1).

Ozy Osbourne of the Black Sabbath admits that he has always composed music while in a state of mediumistic trance. This group studied all the ramifications of the occult and Satanism, from the "black mass" to human sacrifice. Their albums feature numerous occult and satanic symbols, such as the number 666 referring to the Antichrist.

Elton John has stated that he never composed or sang a single song that was not previously written in the language of witchcraft (“beyond the yellow brick road”). As a result, some of his songs remain incomprehensible to an uninitiated audience. refers to the song "Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zeppelin.

The stage during the performances of rock bands is often decorated with satanic symbols: five-pointed stars, smoke, lightning, fire and the image of an upside down Orthodox cross on the clothes of the soloists, etc. testify to whom these musicians serve. Raised hands, with hands clenched into fists, protruding forward with the index finger and little finger, symbolize Satan, who is worshiped and invoked (voluntarily or involuntarily) by those who perform this sign. For just as the sign of the cross symbolizes the faith and confession of Christ, so the aforementioned rock symbolism confesses fallen spirits.

Since the 1980s, rock record bags have increasingly been "decorated" with esoteric and overtly satanic guidelines and symbols. magic is a small seal of Satan; the five-pointed star, so often found on packages - means Lucifer himself; the pyramid - goes back to Mesopotamian and Egyptian esotericism and means a source of cosmic power, a place for contact with the supernatural world of fallen spirits, a triangle with an eye on the top of the pyramid - means the eye of Satan, which seems to see everything that happens in the world.Magic circle - an absolute component in the performance of witchcraft rituals and initiations, the number 666 or its reverse 999 - are also often found in the interior of packages.

Rock record bag makers don't stop at depicting nudity, sexual symbols, all kinds of mutants, scenes of human sacrifice, black masses and infernal performances, opening up the opportunity for Lucifer to do his dirty work through the replication of such record bags, which have a powerful influence on the human psyche. shaping its taste and sensual orientation.

Explosions of violence and debauchery right during the performances of rock bands or while listening to their records in discos also testify to the demonic nature of this music. So, for example, in 1965, at a Beatles concert in the USA, 100 people were killed and crushed to death, and in 1981, at a Ze Hu concert in the USA, 11 people were killed and 42 people were injured. More than 1,000 people were seriously injured at a rock festival in Melbourne (52) . In 1988, during the performance of "Hans N" Roses" at the "Monsters of Rock" festival in Donnington, two were crushed to death; six years later - again fatal injuries among the audience already at the Ice Cube concert in Glasgow. In the same 1994 - the death of a viewer from a blow to the head recorded during a performance in Kent by the Motorhead group (55) .

Being open worshipers of Satan and at the same time being the idols of many young people, rock stars cripple their psyche and souls, dragging them into the abyss of hell.

According to Spiegel magazine, musicians from the Death-Metal movement are looking for connections with neo-Nazis, in particular with the racist-Nazi organization White Army Movement, and are trying to unite Satanists with the Nazis. Some rock musicians are in prison for their crimes. For example, Death-Metal star Christian Vikernes is serving a life sentence. He is charged with: DEPRECIATION OF GRAVES, ILLEGAL POSSESSION OF EXPLOSIVES, arson and murder. Many other lesser-known rock musicians have been involved in church burnings and vandalism of cemeteries. So in the summer of 1994 in Hungary there were explosions in several churches, at the scene of the crime the police found several leaflets signed "Satan Rainbow Society" (49) .

In addition to the visible impact on the listeners, some rock musicians also secretly process the consciousness of their followers.

For many decades, according to the German researcher Jan Van Helsing (X.1), listeners have been influenced by “reverse sound masking”, high-frequency sound components and magical rituals.

This is done in the following way. During the recording of rock band performances, along with music intended for the listener, special messages are also recorded, but at such a high height (ultrasound - similar to a silent whistle for a dog) that they cannot be consciously perceived by the ear, although they have an active effect on the human subconscious ( sublime message). When the brain is exposed to such a sound signal for a long time, a biochemical reaction occurs in it, similar to that caused by an injection of morphine, as indicated by the very name of this signal "endorphin" (natural morphine). This reaction has a double effect. : an unusual sensation of something pleasant and the activation of brain processes. Such hyperactivity of the brain allows you to perceive subconscious messages more clearly, especially if they have already gone through black magic rituals. Here they turn into programs that are mandatory for execution. When "reverse sound masking" messages are recorded in in reverse sequence and in exactly the same way are introduced into the subconscious.They become audible when a musical recording is played in reverse, just as words written in reverse can be read in a mirror.Research carried out in this direction has shown that, the subconscious mind can catch the opposite phrase, then decipher the message itself, even if it is expressed in a language unknown to the audience” (52) .

Here are just a few typical examples:

Group «KISS»(whose title stands for "Kings in the Service of Satan"). Song: God of Thunder Message: "The devil himself is a" god ".

Madonna. Song: Like a Maiden Message: I am transformed in sin.

Queen. Song: A Little Crazy Called "Love" Message: To hell with the Bible! All I want is magic!

Policy. Song: Everything she does is magic. Message: Strength is with the evil.

Rolling Stones. Song: Top. Message: I love you, so says the devil.

Prince. Song: Purple Rain Message: Heaven should have been blown up earlier.

The Beatles. Song: Revolution No. 9. Message: Start smoking marijuana and turn me against the dead (Satanists, fearing the name of Jesus Christ, always call Him dead). In the recording on the record between the 7th and 13th revolution, the phrase “Number 9” (number nine) is heard, repeated 12 times. Listening in the opposite direction gives - “turn me on, dead men” (give me sexual pleasure a dead man).

In the song "When Electricity Came to Arkansas" by Black Oak Arkansas, recorded from the stage, one of the parts is a collection of meaningless words and howls of all members of the group. When the recording is played backwards, the message contained in this part is revealed: "Satan... Satan... Satan - he is a god, he is a god, he is a god", which ends with satanic laughter (52) .

After the first wave of subliminal messages, the authors of rock began to openly express their satanic sentiments. Here is an excerpt from a song by the punk band "Dead Kennedy" entitled "I Kill Children": "God told me to scalp you alive. I kill children, I love to see them die. I kill children, I make their mothers cry. I crush their car, I want to hear them scream...” AC/DC hard rock band Antichrist (Death to Christ) praises the bells of hell in the song “Hell Bells”: “...I got my bells and I will take you to hell, I'll get you, Satan will get you! Hell's bells, yes! Hell's bells!"

In addition to influencing the psyche of listeners by the above means, Satanists also use outright magic.

As the study of Jan Van Helsing (X.1), already mentioned by us, points out: magic is also used in the industry of gramophone records, music cassettes and discs.

So, John Todd, initiated into the highest occult circles of the Illuminati (Council 13), calls it the organization of Lucifer, which by all available means seeks to establish world domination.

The main goal of the Illuminati is to master the minds of the youth, because, as Hitler already knew, "he who has the youth, has the future."

John Todd was the head of a large group of phonograph record companies that controlled every touring company in the United States. This concern is called "ZODIACO PRODUCTIONS" ("Zodiac Productions").

According to him, each matrix (original) of each individual plate, i.e. classical music, country, rock, dance, meditation music, disco, folk songs..., in a word, any kind of music (not just rock and heavy metal), are spoken through rituals of black magic by thirteen specially assembled people and inhabited by several demons ”( X.1).

This is not done for financial reasons, but in order to control the human soul. Here is the impact on each individual listener. For when you buy or bring with you an album of records thus bewitched, you bring upon yourself to a large extent the witchcraft and demons associated with such a work. Therefore, it is not surprising when in the audience of rock music we see the manifestation of demonic influence in the form of irritability, the desire for rebellion, obscene speech, blasphemy, suicidal tendencies. According to Zh.P. Régembal: "... there is not a single sorcerer or rock musician who could convert and get freedom without first destroying all his rock records and breaking all ties with witchcraft" (52) .

read the sequel

From time immemorial, music has been considered a dark, demonic art - just remember how many myths and legends about composers who sold their souls to Lucifer were generated by Christian culture. There are so many reasons for this that you can’t explain it within the framework of one article - you need to write books here, but probably a million have already been written. However, it is not difficult to assume (and this assumption will turn out to be true) that the root of the church's hostility to popular music is the centuries-old struggle against paganism and its indestructible cultural and ethical heritage.

The Church acted wisely (and it had nowhere to go) by creating its own musical arsenal, and how successful it was, at least the fact that it gave us Johann Sebastian Bach testifies. Nevertheless, the base, folk pampering with music continued to give rise to vile pagan dance rhythms and intoxicating and corrupting chants.

The same jazz - the source of the entire modern pop music universe - was conceived as a mixture of street, European tavern music and military marches with pagan African rhythmic patterns. That is, wine, war, witchcraft and sex are laid in the foundation! And although the early blues and jazz artists incessantly turned to God and biblical shrines in their songs, do not forget that they were originally from New Orleans, where voodooism and black magic are still in use today - at least according to American films and horror books.

Therefore, it is not surprising that half a century later, when rock and roll arose, it immediately received two Puritan stigmas - the work of the Communists and the work of Satan.

It is generally accepted that heavy rockers began to openly glorify the Devil and his henchmen in the early 70s (MAXIM even wrote about this in detail in an article). But, if you dig deep into the old blues archives, you can find a fair amount of surviving works on infernal themes. For the most part, they are far from glorifying the dark forces, but you can often catch very, very ambiguous subtext in them.

But something we chatted. Lucifer has already called twice and asked to play his favorite music. In chronological order.

Charles Gounod - Couplets of Mephistopheles from the opera "Faust", 1869

“People of different castes and countries dance in an endless circle, surrounding the pedestal. Satan rules the ball there, the ball rules there! Just listen to how Alexander Pirogov speaks with demonic revelations based on Goethe's Faust.

Franz Liszt - Mephisto Waltz #3, 1883

In total, the Austrian composer composed four waltzes for Mephistopheles and one polka, inspired by Faust - not by Goethe, but by Lenau. The Faust symphony also appears in his works, but we will focus on the third waltz: it is the most atmospheric and, probably, underestimated.

Robert Johnson - Me and the Devil Blues, 1938

The most mythical of the bluesmen is Robert Leroy Johnson (1911-1938). It is he who is remembered in the first place when it comes to the blues performer who sold his soul to the Devil (just watch the films "Crossroads" and "Oh, where are you, brother?" As an illustration). Me and the Devil is his famous motive, which is sung from the face of a woman going to hell, accompanied by the lord of Evil: “And I said, “Hello, Satan. I realized it was time to go. Me and the Devil walked hand in hand."

The Rolling Stones - Sympathy For The Devil, 1968

A song inspired by the first chapter of Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita and still revered as the main rock anthem to Satan. Judging by the longevity, no divine punishments have befallen the group. Let's see what happens after they die.

Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath, 1970

That case when it becomes clear what and who this song is about, even if you don't know a word of English. It's all in the sounds themselves.

Venom - In League With Satan, 1981

The British Venom made the first open satanic coming-out in rock music, that is, they recognized their boundless and unconditional adherence to the ideals of Satan and the laws of the Underworld, without any artistic reservations and Christian justifications. They have so many songs about the Devil that it was extremely difficult to make a choice for the list, but we did it.

Motley Crue - Shout at the Devil 1983

The most sassy invocative hymn to Satan, which, according to the glam metallers from Los Angeles, should bring unprecedented sexual powers. It looks like it really worked for Motley Crue, so it's a must on our list.

The Fall - Lucifer Over Lancashire, 1986

Usually, when a post-punk band starts to turn to Lucifer, it immediately turns into a representative of gothic rock. But The Fall is a completely different case: there is a cynical and maybe even atheistic view of Satan worship. That is why the result is so interesting to study.

DarkThrone - Skald Av Satans Sol, 1994

The most massive, sincere, frenzied (often accompanied by active actions) worship of Satan was observed and is observed among the Norwegian black metallers. Although their worldview is dominated by complete chaos of Satanism and paganism, in which they themselves are not always able to figure it out. To appreciate such evil by ear, at least one song of hermits from the permafrost of DarkThrone will be enough for you.

Beck - Devil's Haircut, 1996

Scientologists can also sing about Satan, or rather, about how, going crazy, you can desire the most terrible rock and roll blessings. It doesn't look like Beck is judging his satanic subconscious. By the way, Beck Hansen borrowed the title riff from The Troggs. "I Can Only Give You Everything".

It's a strange thing, although it seems to be obvious that rock music is in many ways satanic music (song titles like "Highway to Hell" leave no doubt), but nevertheless, many people think that these are just jokes, listen to it, and then wonder where mental disorders and nerve problems come from.

Our last opus "Satanism in the work of Led Zeppeliln" now drops out first in Yandex per request "Led Zeppelin Satanism", and this is already a success, so we will continue our important mission to warn ignorant people.

So, attention, friends! Today we're tearing the covers off our trembling Rolling Stones, Lenonn, AC/DC, Kiss, and many, many more! Your attention is invited to an interesting and to the eyeballs stuffed with indisputable facts article "Rock music. Who dances with the devil":

...he easily falls into the snares that firmly hold him. About how the "devil" scared Mick Jagger with fears, how they destroyed the "real" soul of John Lennon, how the rock music industry bewitches its performers ... Testimonies of rock musicians themselves that demonically exciting (heavy) rock music is served from satanic cuisine

I'm not a religious fanatic, but I'm not from the Salvation Army either. As a little girl, I even courageously played the flute in church a couple of times, until I bought myself a record at the age of 14 Led Zeppelin III because my lover insisted on it. Mom and dad were horrified every time when the bone-piercing howl of “Immigrant Song” was heard. Their fears got on my nerves. What if rock music is somewhat "hard" music? But in the end, my parents' prayers were answered. Soon I had a new friend, he pulled me in tow for eight years, I listened only to classical music. In general, Beelzebub saved me once again...

Now I can confidently say that my parents were right. Today everyone knows that the soloist Led Zeppelin Jimmy Page- an adherent of Satanism. When he needs to accumulate new strength before the tour, he returns to his house on the banks of Loch Ness. The house, once owned by Aleister Crowley, now serves the sadistic, drug addict, obsessed founder of the "renewed" black magic.

The sophistication of black magicians includes the spelling and pronunciation of words in reverse. play it "Stairway to Heaven", one of the most famous Led Zeppelin songs, on the contrary, and you will hear snippets of phrases: “Listen!... I live with Satan... Serve me!... There is no escaping it... with Satan... if we "ve got to live for Satan ... Master Satan" - ("Listen! ... I live with the devil ..-. there is no salvation ... with the devil ... if we live for the devil ... Master and lord of the devil...”).

Fuzzy sounds, screams and howls are superimposed on discs with Hardrock, Heavy Metal and Black Metal music. If you lose on the contrary, then this is an animal muttering of words that are heavy in meaning. For example, the song "When Electricity Came to Arkansas" by Black Oak Arkansas. Satan, Satan, Satan. He is God, he is God,” the lead singer of the group howls, “The Devil is God!”

Rolling Stones also ventured into a dangerous flirtation with a demon in the late 60s. In 1967 they released the LP "Their Satanic Majesties Request"- Dreams of his devilish majesty. According to Mick Jagger, the album was inspired by the high priest of the Satanic Church in San Francisco, Anton LaVey.

In 1966, the "Devil Worshipping Age" (1966, because the number 666 is used as the seal of the Antichrist) was held on California Street in San Francisco. San Francisco, considered one of the corners of the triangle of black magic that runs through London and Turin, seemed like the perfect place to call to life the "First Church of Satan."

...he easily falls into the snares that firmly hold him. About how the "devil" scared Mick Jagger with fears, how they destroyed the "real" soul of John Lennon, how the rock music industry bewitches its performers ... Testimonies of rock musicians themselves that demonically exciting (heavy) rock music is served from satanic cuisine.

Devil's chants

Here is a list of musicians and rock bands that, according to W. Bäumer in the book "We only need your soul", are under the influence of the devil. Let everyone decide for himself how music affects him. If it makes him aggressive, agitated, depressed, or awakens in him a narcissistic sense of omnipotence, then this is low-grade music. Any music that has a monotonous and at the same time disturbing rhythm tends to develop impulsiveness in a person, but by no means his virtues. So here is a small list of satanic groups.

Groups marked with an asterisk have only a few songs inspired by the dark forces in the program.

Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Pink Floyd*, Rolling Stones*, Motley Crue, Demon, AC/DC, Mercyful Fate, Ronnie James Dio, Ozzy Osbourne, T. Rex, Mass, Crossfire, Grim Reaper, Megadeth, Warlock, Dokken, Karo, Witchfynde, Witchfinder General, Beatles*, Jimi hendrix*, Kiss, Venom, Eagles*, Ian Gillian, Meat Loaf, John Lennon*, Can, Ritchie Blackmore, Emerson, Lake & Palmer*, Nazareth *, Accept, Judas Priest, Uriah Heep, Van Halen, Warlord.

The first band to make a pact with the devil was Black Sabbath. In their exuberant stage shows, they solemnly celebrated black masses, used devilish spells. Their music was howling, disharmonious, deafening, filled with hammer blows, beating on the nerves of the listeners. The lyrics were also not for the faint of heart: “Say goodbye to life, it's cheap. Kill someone, no one will cry. Freedom is yours, do whatever you want, we only need your soul.

On my LP "Reflection" the four Satanists boasted about how they had succeeded. “From the first record they asked the devil about it, who promised them success all over the world if they would take part in a big coven every year. The boys kept their word. Six successful records, concerts in front of fans all over the world ... "And you, poor fool holding a record in your hands, know that you are selling your soul with it, because it will be quickly caught in this hellish rhythm, in the devilish power of this music . This musical bite of a tarantula will make you dance to the end, without rest.

And teenagers bought this "music", believing that it was all a fun game. What a terrible delusion! Flirting with the devil horrified even such a shot sparrow as Rolling Stones.

Newspapers reported on December 6, 1969 that this band wanted to hold a rock festival at a former racing site near San Francisco. Hell's Angels (Hell's Angels), an organization of "rockers", which also has a branch in Europe, had to keep people behind the fence.

"When the Stones came out and sang 'Carol', a couple of naked young people suddenly stepped out of the ranks and crawled towards the stage, as if to the altar, voluntarily putting themselves under the sticks and boots of the Angels," says Tony Sanchez, a friend of the rock group. “The harder they were beaten, the more it seemed that they were driven by some supernatural force to sacrifice themselves to these messengers of Satan. Violence has surpassed all boundaries of what is permitted. Everything happened as in an archaic ritual: the victims not only endured pain and cruelty, they craved it.

When the Stones sang "Sympathy for the Devil" (Sympathy for the devil), the Hell's Angels attacked the audience for no reason. The bloody mass of fighting people in front of the stage was unstoppable. The concert was completely out of control. as I start singing this song, something happens." "The song "Sympathy for the Devil" concentrates all the destructive anger boiling in the crowd," says Sanchez. Hell's Angels inhaled blood, murder was in the air, knives glittered . The Stones were playing with all their might, and now they were unstoppable spirits, summoned by them."

When Mick Jagger, stylized as Lucifer, sang “Under my Thumb” in a demonic pose, 18-year-old black Meredith Hunter was stabbed by the Hell's Angels right in front of the stage. The band's performance ended in death and violence. Three more were killed in a fight, not counting huge number of victims.

Mick Jagger was so shocked by what had happened that he quickly gave up "playing with the devil." Known for his satanic films, director Kenneth Anger, whom Mick Jagger invited to advertise, comments this: “Until now, magic was perceived by him simply as a game, but it became a reality that could destroy the group.”

Another rock celebrity, John Lennon, also paid dearly for her alliance with the devil. The most pacifist, friendly and at the same time shunning people "bit" was brutally and senselessly murdered on December 8, 1980 in front of his home in New York.

Tony Sheridan, who played with the then-unfamiliar Beatles at the Star Club in 1962, shed light on the mystery that explained the band's overwhelming success. John Lennon was very interested in the occult in those days. Together with the Beatles, he held a séance in Hamburg, where he said: “I know that the Beatles will succeed like no other group. I know this for sure, because for this success I sold my soul to the devil.

A year later, the Beatles were at the top of all the world charts and became the legendary band of all time. While the Beatles' music is mostly melodious and melodic, there are some things that "inspire" Satanists. So, Satanist Charles Manson, who in 1969 in an ominous ritual murder took the life of Roman Polansky's wife Sharon Tate, who was in her last month of pregnancy, and 6 other people, wanted to find secret messages in some songs. The Beatles' songs "Helter Skelter" and "Blackbird" forced his perverted and criminal philosophy on him, Manson later stated. (Roman Polanski also played a dangerous game with the devil the year before: in the film Rosemary's Baby, Mia Farrow will give birth to a devil child after an incubus. Her own child also constantly turns to the devil until she is born ...) Maybe John Lennon didn't know what he was doing, believed he could make an alliance with the devil, right, just for fun?

It may sound ridiculous, but the tragic events of 1980 make one think about what happened in 1962 in Hamburg: one does not enter into an alliance with the devil, so that later they can so easily forget about him.

Lennon's killer Mark Chapman has kept silent about the motive for his crime all these years. And only recently, the American reporter People managed to stir it up. Chapman impressed him as a spiritually extremely shattered person: tormented by internal contradictions, embarrassed, confused, crushed. And before the murder, Chapman was the plaything of his emotions. He took drugs, was an ardent follower of Jesus. But for a long time it was not enough, and he ran to the devil. Chapman asked him to give him the power to shoot John Lennon. “I prayed that the demons would take over my body, that they would give me the power to use weapons. I prayed to the devil to send me experienced demons. And I got the feeling that I became powerful, that I would kill Lennon.

When Chapman showed up in front of the door of the former Beatles lead singer in Manhattan to kill him, he said he had no emotion. “I had no emotions, no anger, nothing, just dead silence in my head. As Lennon walked past me, I heard a voice in my head whispering, "Do it, do it, do it." He repeated over and over. I turned and took the weapon out of my pocket. I don't remember how I aimed. I just shot five times."

Did the devil get his bail back?

"Enlightened" contemporaries may shake their heads. For them, the horned one is just a fairy-tale figure, born of fear in the religious, uneducated heads of people of past centuries. A superstition that is finally being eradicated. Indeed, there is no Devil, but there are destructive beings who now reside in the lower astral spheres, those spheres that are closest to our physical ones. We ourselves are the ones who created them with our destructive feelings and thoughts over the centuries. In this time of global cleansing, the dawn of the Aquarian Age, they are once again not letting up, knowing that their days are numbered.

They try to confuse people in any way and take over. The most effective way to bind the soul hand and foot is drugs. Everything that is under the influence of drugs is destructive, and every drug addict, without knowing it, sells or pawns his soul to negative forces. Drug addiction makes a free man a slave.

"Sex and Drugs and Rock" n "Roll is all your body needs." Lines from Ian Dary's song became the leitmotif of the rock scene: "Sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll are all the body needs." Ian Dary was inspired by the Satanist Aleister Crow-lee, who proposed three methods for inducing a person into trance and ecstasy:

* music based on repetition and rhythm

* drugs

* a special form of sexual magic.

Sex, Drugs & Rock'n'Roll. Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix and many others left this world too soon. Jimi Hendrix delved into spiritualism before his death. He wanted to experience visions and talk to the spirits. Once he succeeded: “Music can hypnotize people, and if you hit people for a weak point, then we can put everything we want to say into their subconscious ... Music is taken from the air, so I can connect with the spirit.” (Life, October 3, 1969)

Any music is an inspiration. The only question is where it comes from - from the abode of paradise or the underworld. Peter Gabriel once shared in Stern magazine (16/1993): “When I'm happy, I can't write songs. As soon as I put my depression into songs, I leave the recording studio happy. For me, it's liberation." Most modern rock musicians are well aware of the relationship between spiritualism, demonism, black magic and rock music. What can not be said about anything unsuspecting youth. The reverse-encoded messages on rock discs are unlikely to be understood by the left hemisphere of the brain, let alone by the "creative" right. In addition to brainwashing, the deafening power of sound is very harmful, which, according to the research of the therapist Adam Kniste, causes "aggression, exhaustion, narcissism, panic, indigestion, increased blood pressure, etc." "Beat", i.e. the rhythm of the beat and the frequency of the sound of the bass guitar can unbalance the pituitary gland, or the gland of hormonal secretion. The consequence of this may be sexual excitement, reaching orgasm, and a general phenomenon of disinhibition.

Today's discos sparkle in the flashing light of strobe lights. When light and shadow change six to eight times per second, there is a loss of deep perception. With 20 light changes per second, the light rays are superimposed on the alpha brain waves that control the ability to focus. And then there is an ever-increasing loss of self-control. In addition, laser beams damage the cornea of ​​the eye. Such is the Saturday pleasure with the complications of a lifetime!

The lead singer of the heavy rock band Meat Loaf was interviewed in Time (September 11, 1978): "When I get on stage, I get obsessed." During a live performance in January 1978, the audience could see for themselves how the overweight singer became obsessed.

“Suddenly everything jerked convulsively: arms, legs, head. He began to spin. At first slowly, unevenly, then lying on your back, faster and faster, then furiously. He wanted to keep screaming, but only a wheeze came out of his bared mouth. No, this is not a rock singer, this is a description of the exorcism in Turin, in 1987. Over 1300 applications were received by the Turin clergy between 1981-1983. from people who considered themselves possessed and asked to exorcise the devil from themselves. Six priests daily, from morning to evening, worked tirelessly in the northern Italian automobile metropolis, where black and white magic are waging a ruthless war. It is clear to every person who has a certain spiritual knowledge that the rumor about being possessed by the devil is much more than an unkind tale. Famous rock musicians even recorded statements that, being on stage, they get the feeling that they are not playing, but someone else, they themselves are just listeners (for example, rock drummer Ginger Baker).

“A few years ago I took part in a séance in which Norman Buckley ordered the spirit to appear. After a while, he appeared and started talking to me. He promised me and my group great fame and fortune. The only thing he demanded from me was to give him my body in return. Now I'm famous all over the world. In order to comply with his request, I had to take the first and last name of the witch indicated by the manifested spirit during the session: Eilis Cooper.

Bob Larson, who was an active rock musician prior to his conversion to Jesus Christ, wrote: “The creepiest story I ever heard came from a friend who works with drug addicts. He spoke with a 16-year-old teenager who said that he was in contact with demonic forces. One day he asked my friend to turn on the radio on a wave that broadcasts rock music. Both prepared to listen. And then, before the voice of the soloist sounded, the teenager began to say the lyrics of songs that he had never heard before. When asked how he does it, the 16-year-old teenager replied that these songs were created with the participation of those demonic spirits that he knows. He also explained that while taking LSD, he could hear the demons singing their songs. Some of these songs he heard later on discs of acid rock bands (drug rock).

Johnny Todd, like Bob Larson, is one of those who turned from Saul to Paul. The former witcher is well aware of the practice of the rock music recording industry: “I was the managing director Zodiac Productions, the largest association of disc production companies and concert organizations in the United States. I confess that many did not believe and thought that this was a scientific invention. When the matrix disk was ready (all other sound records and cassettes are recorded from it), it was taken to a hall completely closed to the public, to an altar standing in the northern part of the hall, and together with a scroll and an inverted star, they were placed inside a circle drawn on the floor .

13 specially chosen people raised their hands and called out to the demons to appear. Then followed the cry of the prince of the satanic cult, so that he ordered the demons to accompany each disk made from this matrix. This happened with every disc produced for one of the largest companies. And this was also the reason why people bought them, because they contained witchcraft ...

"They" did everything to control the spirit of the people. Ask someone who makes this kind of music and they will tell you that their music is diabolical.

Let me not describe the panic in the satanic world caused by the Christian church when believers began to burn rock discs. A terrible panic began, I was among them. They asked themselves, “How did they know what we did? Another tore his hair and shouted: “What happened? We were sure that they were under our control!”

So, they allocated 8 million dollars to open a new record company called Maranata in California. The first product was a disk "Jesus Christ Superstar". They signed some famous bands and gave them Christian names like love song or Children of the Day (Children of the Day). $8 million to start and more to get this music into the hands of young people! The head of one of the firms that calls itself Mural Record, is a very strong Satanist. The emblem on the disks of the company Mural Record serves as a satanic temple, the largest ever built. This is the secret sign of their disks. And this is the reason why all firms equally adorn themselves with the hieroglyphs of the satanic world, such as the double "X", the arrow, the red compass, the inverted pentagram, and so on. This is so that the inhabitants of the satanic world know where the groups are putting their money. (There is a Christian music magazine in Germany called "ixx".)

It is a fact. Go home, count your rock CDs: "One, two, three, four..." And you will find out how many demons are in your house.

Johnny Todd recounts a brief encounter with his friend David Crosby, a rock musician.

Todd: “I have a few questions for you. You can answer them:
Crosby: "Dude, what have I got to lose? If I last until the end of the year, and then happiness.
Todd: "David, are you still calling Colban to enchant the matrices?"
Crosby: "Yes."
Todd: "What is the top priority when making music today?"
Crosby: “The goal is the same as when you worked there.
Todd: "Really?"
Crosby: Control of the human spirit.
Todd: "Songs in the language of Satanists?"
Crosby: "Look, you know about our language!"
Todd: "Of course. But I want to hear about it from you."
Crosby: "You want a lot!"

Johnny Todd advises getting rid of all rock records, as they are associated with demonic forces that continue to work through them. “I have seen people who, without music, fall into a terrible state, they are already its captives. In the satanic world, they know that most of the songs are witchcraft and written under the influence of demons. "Hotel California" (by the Eagles) was the most powerful song ever written...

Some heavy rock band names sound cute and harmless, but secretly carry sinister password signs: AC/DC means, at first glance, "alternating current" in English. The Australians, on the other hand, have “bisexuality” in their dialect. A well-informed guess occurred to one rock writer (the band's first disc was called Highway to Hell), that this abbreviation also means "Antichrist, Death to Christ" (AntiChrist, Death to Christ) or AntiChrist/Devil Corporation). Below is a short excerpt from the song. Highway to Hell, with which the band made a big breakthrough, and today the song is a kind of credo for the army of hard rock fans: “There is nothing I would love more than going to a party where my friends will be. I'm on the street on my way to hell. On the street that leads to hell, there are no stop signs, no loss of pace. No one who could slow me down. I'm rushing like a wheel, no one will stop me. Hey devil, count my debts 'Cause I'm in a rock band Yeah I'll go all the way wow Down the street to hell.

The beautiful name Kiss (Kiss) is the name of the "fire-breathing demons of rock and roll hell" (American rock music magazine). Even his publisher Bob Esrin called the four "musicians" "symbols of unbridled evil and unbridled sensuality." Gene Simmens has an interest in cannibalism and is known for being able to stick his tongue out almost to his neck, an ancient pagan symbol of devil worship. The name Kiss has nothing to do with a kiss, it is an abbreviation meaning Knights, or Kings in Satanic Service (knights, or cavaliers of the devil's environment).

Most musicians, as well as their loyal audience, try to joke, bravely claiming that they have the situation under control, that everything is just a joke, so pranks, harmless pleasure, a little flirting with a horned one. I would like to quote an excerpt from the book by W. Bäumer “We only need your soul”, where he covers this problem in detail.

1. The fact that there are groups that create a kind of occult image for themselves in order to make more money is known to everyone. Whether such flirting really brings success to the group or not, but the musicians open the doors for the demons through which they can act as they please. Rock bands that play games with the occult automatically, often unconsciously, open themselves up to the devil's forces, putting themselves in danger because the initial "joke" instantly connects with the devil's seriousness of the moment. Countless cases show that playing with demonic powers has never been harmless. All the more fearful is the increased interest of young people in such, as they consider, innocent practices, like table turning, incantations, witchcraft. One connoisseur of matter put it this way: "Your chances will be better if you take a rattlesnake to guard your house than if you engage in occult practices."

2. A rock musician who has become a puppet of demons constantly wears them in his aura. Through their constantly provided energies, the musician is able to reach out to his listeners (read: victims) on the mediumistic plane, so that these destructive energies can infiltrate the subconscious of the fans. The prerequisite is to turn off the active threshold of human consciousness, whose spirit becomes open. The complete shutdown of the will and the system of feeling sensations (“passivity”) opens the door to the subconscious for all alien spirits. Active understanding is an obstacle to demonic activity. For this reason, the most urgent goal of destructive forces is to bring the human mind into a state of emptiness, i.e. creating a vacuum into which they can then infiltrate themselves.

But how to make a person's spirit empty and open to other spirits? Stay indoors with the deafening power of sound and rhythm. Bright, blinding light "lightning" of the strobe in the dark. A large gathering of people who suggestively inspire each other. All this is ideal, as well as performing magical musical rituals to immerse a person in a transcendent state. This opens the valve for all the dark demons waiting impatiently nearby...

The New York Times writes: "Have American youth gone crazy over the music of would-be assassins?" Lyrics from rappers Snoop Doggy Dogg, Tupac Shakur or N.W.A. (Niggaz with Attitude) with their encoded satanic passwords openly call for violence and murder: “Wa-ta-ta late at night on the street where I am with a gun in my hands. I'm not afraid to lay down some black man, and when I kill, there is a tra-ta-ta." These are not empty words. The author of this song, Snoop Doggy Dogg, was put on trial for complicity in the murder, which caused a four-fold increase in sales of his discs.

70% of all gangsta hip hop-drives, reports the magazine The Source, are bought by white. Who is still deceived today that there is a direct relationship between the decline in morals and values ​​and the type of music that young people are fond of? Her tendency to obsession with morbid passions and impulsiveness: alcohol and nicotine addiction, pornography, violence, drugs, rock music, inner emptiness and dispersion caused by the abuse of computer games. Because of this kind of music and special effects in discos, fledgling souls become aggressive and prone to violence. Their heart chakra is on fire. Lack of taste of all kinds they regard as a long-lost inner freedom. Such concepts as love, peace, truth, freedom become for them vulgar words of a non-existent "holy world".

Group Nazareth in the song "I Sold My Soul" makes a confession that can serve as a warning to all listeners. Their goal is to make everyone who seeks God lose heart. They sing that God never answers prayers: “I prayed to God, but I don't think he heard me. My sacrifice was in vain. In desperation, I sobbed. And took part in black magic. I looked through the heavenly door, but HE was looking the other way. I wept with despair and regret. And took part in black magic. I sold my soul to the devil."

On Fridays and Saturdays the devil dances all night with thousands of others.

Ursula Seiler-Shpilman

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