The gardens bloom for the second time a year, or what the signs say: the apple tree blossomed in August. Why did the apple tree bloom in August. Folk signs and superstitions “Apple tree. Scientific explanation of a natural anomaly In August, an apple tree blossomed folk signs

The last summer month is rich in folk omens, beliefs, divination and predictions. This is due to the superstition of the Slavs, who, seeing off the summer, tried to appease the forces of nature, thereby ensuring a light and mild winter for themselves.

What August will show us

August often became an indicator of what kind of winter was coming:

  • full or hungry;
  • soft or harsh.

Careful observation of nature in search of clues led to the formation of many popular August omens, but, faced with incomprehensible phenomena, a person is still perplexed today. Some signs are alarming: an apple tree blossomed in August, the first snow fell or an abnormally large number of mushrooms in the forests.

Factors for the correct interpretation of signs

Despite the fact that an untimely apple tree blooming in August greatly alarmed people, people noticed that in some cases this event bodes well: if an apple tree bloomed in August, folk signs recommend paying attention to a number of factors:

  • a young or old tree pleases people with flowers;
  • whether there are fruits on it next to the fragrant color;
  • whether someone from the household prefers the fruits from this tree most of all;
  • the nature of summer;
  • How many young people live in the family?

Accounting and analysis of these factors helped to understand what promises a tree that blooms in the last month of summer.

Positive interpretation of the anomalous phenomenon

Despite the fact that the flowering of the apple tree in August does not occur every year, this phenomenon is sometimes classified as a sign. The apple tree blossomed in August - this is for good and well-being in the following cases:

  1. If a young and constantly fruiting tree pleases with color, from which it was already harvested this season, then the people said that prosperity and an influx of money would soon come to the family. Prosperity in the house after such a phenomenon should increase at least twice, since the tree twice gave people its positive energy.
  2. The fragrant color on the branches of a young tree next to juicy fruits promised the owners a generous harvest of fruits for the next year, therefore, having met with such a phenomenon, one could begin to prepare bins for the next harvest. The interpretation also extended to other fruits and garden crops on this farm: it was possible to prepare for the harvest of a generous harvest if the apple tree bloomed in August. These signs were considered positive and favorable for the whole family.
  3. The addition to the family of at least a couple of babies or twins promises an apple tree blooming in August to those families in which young people lived. This sign was especially effective if the hostess was pregnant and the family was expecting replenishment.

The appearance of flowers on an apple tree in the midst of August days in such cases was openly rejoiced and expected positive changes.

Negative interpretation of signs

In some cases, the answer to the question "why did the apple tree bloom in August?" omen interprets negatively. The phenomenon itself could not but alert the superstitious ancestors, since it did not fit into the laws of nature familiar and studied by people. We did not expect anything good from such a phenomenon in the following cases:

  • a tree that suddenly bloomed, was not young and had not fruited for several years, with its unexpected color foreshadowed a quick death in the family;
  • if a tree unexpectedly bloomed, which one of the family members preferred most of all and used apples only from it, then this warned of an imminent misfortune that threatened this particular person.

Perhaps, it was for these reasons that they were afraid of a flowering apple tree in August and tried to conduct special ceremonies that would help ward off misfortune. In addition, there is a belief that in August 1940, many apple orchards suddenly bloomed, and an abnormal harvest of mushrooms was gathered in the forests. A year later, funerals came to hundreds and thousands of households. Therefore, the following signs were classified as negative: the apple tree bloomed in August, too many mushrooms were born in the forests.

Scientific explanation of a natural anomaly

  1. You should pay attention to the nature of the weather of summer days and analyze it: if it turned out to be hot, quite humid, without sudden cold snaps and temperature changes, then it is quite possible that the fruit tree seeks to produce tasty offspring one more time.
  2. The second possible reason for the anomaly may be that in the spring not all buds had time to blossom and be pollinated by insects. Those buds that have not developed in a timely manner try to catch up at the end of the summer.
  3. Unexpected and untimely flowering of a tree can be caused by cutting the bark, eating the bark by insects, or aging of the tree.

A simple scientific explanation excludes the influence of otherworldly forces on the tree and family members.

The opinion of the clergy

Orthodox priests say that one should not look for mysticism and the occult where they are not. From the church's point of view, it's not unusual for an apple tree to bloom in August. What signs this unusual phenomenon means is not difficult to explain, from the point of view of religion:

  • this phenomenon is of an ecological nature, which does not carry to a person any information about the future or the past;
  • you should not look for secret signs and predictions in individual natural phenomena.

An Orthodox person must trust in the will of the Lord and not forget the words of Jesus Christ: “According to your faith, let it be done to you ...”

"Re-blooming of apple trees in August is a sign of trouble" - this is the opinion of people whose relatives died under mysterious circumstances after the flowering of fruit trees at the end of summer. However, neither priests, nor agricultural specialists, nor even the so-called sorcerers share this opinion... A rare phenomenon is observed by residents of the Dobroye district center in the Lipetsk region. In the courtyard of the local librarian Tatyana Kostina in mid-August, for no apparent reason, an apple tree blossomed. The hostess turned to the priests, but the fathers reassured her, saying that there was nothing wrong with this unusual phenomenon... This year, in the gardens, flowers on the branches are adjacent to already grown fruits. of the Soil Faculty of the Voronezh State University, Candidate of Biological Sciences Natalya KLYZOVA, who named several possible reasons for this miracle, but her phrase became the leitmotif of the commentary: - Cases of repeated flowering of plants have not yet been fully studied ... But the apple tree blooming 150 kilometers from Voronezh was only flowers, and the berries began a few days after the last issue of the newspaper was published ... As it turned out, the song line "once a year the gardens bloom" in August of this year clearly has nothing to do with fruit trees in the Chernozem region. Some apple trees appear to bloom here twice a year. Yes, they bloom there - fruits are tied on them. And some - tiny, the size of a chestnut - even manage to blush ... "Husband burned out from a rare disease" An apple tree is also blooming in the garden of Anna Raisa LOZEEVA, a resident of the village. Just like two years ago, when her mother-in-law died right after that ... In the garden of Raisa Lozeeva, apple trees bloom twice, not for the first time - This year, my ten-year-old apple tree yielded less than usual, - says the hostess. - In total, about thirty apples hung on it. And immediately after the Honey Savior, it suddenly bloomed. Look, even the fruits have started to appear ... We looked: for sure, all the branches are in the ovaries of future apples. We have not seen this on flowering trees either in Dobroe or in Somovo. And at the very top of the tree, next to the apples of the first harvest that had not yet been picked, hung a small, chestnut-sized, red fruit of the current August flowering. Now Raisa Sergeevna keeps on medicines: at the beginning of summer she buried her husband, 54-year-old Vasily Ivanovich. He was strong, strong and healthy, indifferent to alcohol, but in just a month he burned out from a rare disease that suddenly appeared - bone cancer. A month later, an apple tree blossomed in his garden... When we told the hostess about the tragic coincidences associated with the flowering of trees in the garden of Ekaterina Prosenkova, she was very surprised. - I also heard that re-blooming is unfortunate. Maybe Vasya's death is somehow connected with this? We need to go to church, maybe they will advise something there ... "Leukemia was found in my little son" Ekaterina PROSENKOVA - a resident of the suburban village of Somovo - invited the correspondents of "MY!" to her dacha, located not far from her house. In a small garden two weeks ago, a 10-year-old apple tree also began to bloom ... But, unlike the optimistic librarian from Dobry, Ekaterina Konstantinovna immediately stunned journalists: These are the only flowers that did not bring Ekaterina Konstantinovna joy - I know for sure that if in someone then fruit trees bloom again in the garden - this is unfortunately, which will certainly happen to relatives or friends of the owners of the garden. I experienced all this myself. In 1987, an apple tree bloomed in our country, and literally three months later in the fall, my son Styopa (he was 1 year and 4 months old) for no apparent reason was diagnosed with acute leukemia. The son died within three weeks. Further more. In 1994, our cherry blossoms bloomed in August, and four months later my husband's godmother was hit by a train. Last year, the apple tree bloomed again in August, and in January of this year, my grandmother burned down in her own house. Apparently, a burning candle fell to the floor, and the house caught fire. By the way, even before the death of my grandmother after last year's apple tree blossoming in a dream, I clearly saw that a big disaster would happen in some school. I even called the police to report it. And a few days later there was a seizure of a school in Beslan... The old people remember that in August 1940 many gardens re-bloomed, and a year later the war began... - I did not turn to priests, - says Ekaterina Konstantinovna. - I already know that re-blooming is a disaster. And now I live and wait for some misfortune. God grant that this time the sign does not work... COMMENTS OF SPECIALISTS Hardly anyone can answer the question of what is the reason for the repeated flowering of fruit trees and how this can be connected with tragic incidents in the families of their owners, hardly anyone can give the exact answer. Nevertheless, we asked to comment on this rare phenomenon and the gloomy popular beliefs of a priest, agrarian specialist, and even a sorcerer... Father Oleg, an employee of the youth department of the Voronezh-Borisoglebsk diocese: - For true Orthodox Christians, belief in various signs is generally unacceptable. As for some relationship between the flowering of trees and the tragic death of the relatives of the owners of the gardens, then, in my opinion, this is far-fetched, there is just a chain of tragic coincidences here. It is hardly possible to explain from the point of view of Orthodoxy the consequences of the repeated flowering of apple trees. Professor Nikolai KRUGLOV, Head of the Department of Vegetable and Fruit Growing of the Voronezh Agricultural University, said the following: - Most likely, the point here is in the changed flowering cycles of each tree you mentioned. Maybe the supply of nutrients accumulated in them was more than enough for the first, "planned" and second flowering ... Correspondents also contacted the "professional" magician and sorcerer Boris OVCHAROV, who was surprised by our question: - In In my practice, there have never been cases of people contacting me about some kind of misfortune associated with the repeated flowering of trees. Nowhere in the literature have I seen any mention that this can cause any misfortune. I think it's more of an ecological than an occult phenomenon...

The Christian tree of knowledge was revered in Russia, perceived as a symbol of marriage, fertility, love. The apple tree is loved for its tasty and healthy fruits and for the enormous magical power that is hidden in it.

In this thread:

Near this tree you can draw new strength, you can turn to it with a request to bestow love. And if strong, young apple trees bloomed twice, it means that the family is destined for prosperity and well-being. For old trees, this sign is not suitable. There are other beliefs, the purpose of which is to make a person's life better.

Popular signs about the apple tree

You can ask an apple tree for everything related to love, children, family. It is better for her to address her requests at dawn or in the afternoon, from about 4 in the afternoon to 7 in the evening. To feed on its energy, they stand near the tree for about 5 minutes. In winter, this time is slightly increased.

It is better for women to use an apple tree as a source of energy, because the energy of this tree is female. It affects girls and women most tangibly.

The most ancient folk signs about the apple tree are as follows:
  • It should definitely be planted near the house, then evil spirits will not penetrate the house, and prosperity and well-being will become frequent guests. An apple orchard is a real source of positive energy.
  • All the fruits cannot be plucked, a few pieces must be left so that the birds can feast. Such a simple ritual attracts good luck. But we must ensure that there are no apples left until spring.
  • You can’t cut off the top - diseases will begin. You can not cut off living branches - to discord in the family. Destroy a young apple tree - to blindness.
  • When in the spring there is a last year's apple on a tree, someone will die.
  • On the Old New Year, you need to shake off all the snow from the trees in the garden. This is a cross between custom and tradition of the gardener. Timely removed snow will preserve the integrity of the branches, and will not lose the harvest in the coming year.
  • On May 30, apple orchards bloomed - to a good bite in the nearest reservoir.

Europe had its own traditions. The peasants, drinking cider from the new harvest, put a piece of bread in the fork of the branches in order to get a good harvest next year. And to be sure, they threw sediment masses into the trees, which accumulated during the preparation of cider.

The value of the apple tree for newlyweds

The apple tree was considered the patroness of young families. Therefore, on the day of the wedding, it was customary to plant an apple tree so that it would grow, strengthen relations between the young, bear fruit and help the young family grow. A growing tree protected the husband and wife from negativity, and then the baby.

In order for the baby to be born healthy, pregnant women held on to the trunk, this helped to facilitate childbirth. If over time the relationship between husband and wife cooled, it was necessary to sleep under the apple tree and then enjoy your sexuality and attractiveness.

The meaning of flowering in August

You can admire the blooming apple tree endlessly. But its flowering in August or autumn is alarming, frightening, perceived as a manifestation of a sign from above. In fact, warm weather in August leads to quite natural consequences, including the repeated flowering of many plants. Therefore, if young apple trees bloom in warm weather, you need to rejoice.

Folk omens attribute a positive meaning to this event, promising prosperity and prosperity. This is explained by the power of the tree, its power, the ability to give its fruits to the world twice. If an apple tree bloomed in August, and there is a pregnant woman in the house, they are waiting for the birth of twins.

If the old apple trees bloomed at an odd hour, this is a sad sign. Signs in this case warn against trouble, death, and other sad events. But the negative is expected only when the apple tree has blossomed, which has not given fruit for a long time or brings them in small quantities.

A sad omen was considered flowering in August if there is a person in the house who eats apples only from this tree. Then beliefs promised him sad events in life.

In Europe, the flowering in August of a wild apple tree growing over a spring was considered a sign that there would be more weddings in these places next year than deaths.

Signs about the weather and nature

  • Apple trees often appear in various signs about changes in nature. Among the most famous are the following:
  • Between the beginning of the flowering of the apple orchard and the usual lilac - 2 weeks.
  • The apple orchard is in full bloom - it's time to plant potatoes for winter storage.
  • Rowan blossoms only after the apple orchard.

True, it must be borne in mind that today there are many different varieties of plants, and their flowering can vary greatly in time.

Rituals and divination with apple trees

Honoring this tree, the Slavs used it in numerous divination.

  • Wanting to find out whom fate had prepared for husbands, the girls on the eve of the night of the full moon tied red ribbons on the trunk and asked to show the image of the future husband on the full moon. Then you can see the betrothed in a dream.
  • A dried piece of the root of this tree is kept in the house to protect against the evil eye, from the deceit of rivals.
  • On the eve of the wedding, a bucket of water is placed near the trunk, the bride comes up and throws a coin into it. This is a kind of sacrifice to the apple tree, from which they expect help in the financial development of a young family. Water is then poured under the root. This simple ritual will help to freely give birth to children. There are also completely incomprehensible folk signs about the apple tree. For example, it is believed that during menstruation, women should not touch the trunk of this tree. If a woman climbs an apple or pear tree these days, the tree will wither.


The official church condemns the tendency of people to believe in omens. It is believed that everything is in the hands of God and it is stupid to be afraid of the blossoming of an apple tree, which, according to popular beliefs, can predict death. Only those people in whose souls there is no true faith in God can do this.

The Orthodox Church respects the traditional harvest festivals for the Slavs. On Apple Savior, apples are consecrated in churches. This is the second Spas, which follows the first - Medov. But in general, the clergy have a negative attitude towards superstitions.

Today, on one of the old apple trees, flowers were found along with the fruits.

After the heat, several rains have passed, the weather is warm, humid, and the buds that did not have time to wake up in the spring bloomed at the end of August. This is explained by the differentiation of the kidneys, their different duration of maturation. The flowers are not vigorous, weak, but the ovary was formed, and a lot. In addition, repeated flowering can cause stress - as a result of cutting the crown, falling leaves or being eaten by insects, or as a result of aging of the plant.

This is clear to me.

But you need to look into the Internet, and suddenly something new about this phenomenon can be scratched and put into memory.
... Nashkryabal that even cats scratched their hearts - in the county of Cheshire (does everyone itch there!?) that in the UK there is a terrible sign - autumn flowering of apple trees if there are fruits on the apple tree at the same time (urgently apples need to be shaken !!) - to death one of the household members - "The apple tree blooms again in autumn - someone in the district will die soon !!".

But in rural areas of Wales, this sign, on the contrary, was associated with the fact that this autumn the number of weddings and christenings will be more than deaths. (At least don’t poke your head into this Internet - and the end of the world, and catastrophes, and aliens, ailments, accidents, and the asteroid will soon hit so hard that the wave will run around the ball three times, even the ancient Mayans knew about this ...).
And by the way, why did I fall on foreign signs? The Slavs also have many signs and traditions associated with the apple tree, but there is not even a hint of apple tragedies.

Slavic traditions associated with apples:
- the apple acted as a love sign: the guy and the girl, having exchanged fruits, expressed mutual sympathy, publicly declared their love. An apple taken by a girl during the matchmaking was considered consent to marriage.
- an apple branch is used in the manufacture of a wedding tree; apples are also strengthened in the bride's wreath.
- going to the wedding, the bride took an apple with her, and after the wedding she threw the apple behind the altar in order to have children.
- under the apple tree, the southern Slavs performed a ritual shaving of the groom before the wedding; when changing the headdress of the bride to the headdress of a married woman, the veil was removed from her head with an apple branch and thrown on the apple tree.
- so that everyone is healthy, at Christmas, New Year they wash themselves with water in which an apple lay
- in order for the children to be healthy and beautiful, the pregnant woman had to hold on to the apple tree and look at its branches (in winter) or at apples (in summer).

I read about such "apple" signs and rituals on the Internet.

And what about this case in your area, my dear neighbors? Have your fruit trees blossomed and what do the old people say about this?

If at least one last year's apple remains on the apple tree by spring, then someone in the family of the owner of this apple tree will die.
If at Christmas the sun shines through the branches of apple trees, expect a rich harvest this year. (Derbyshire).
If an apple tree suddenly blooms before the apples ripen, then someone in the family of its owner will die.
The setting of a piece of toast at the fork of an apple tree was part of the "apple-washing" ceremony repeated year after year at Carhampton near Minehead, Somerset, until the Second World War. A group of villagers came "to visit" someone's garden, where they were met by the owner and his workers. Surrounding the trees, they sang an old drinking song, the last verse of which read: “An old apple tree! We drink your health, We sing a song to you, To make apples, Red-sided ugly. !" The same tradition was common in Sussex, Devonshire and Cornwall, with the only difference that in Cornwall the productivity of apple trees was stimulated by cider. The guests drank it, splashing the rest on the trees. The feast in this case took place on Christmas time - and most often on the Twelfth Night. This custom was called "apple howling" (or "youling"). In Keston and Wickham, similar ceremonies were performed on Easter week. Bands of young people with noise and shouts rushed through the gardens, surrounded the trees and sang: "The root is strong, the crown is magnificent, Pour green juice into them, God! For each branch - a hundred strong apples, For each knot - a sack of apples!" For this song, the owners had to thank them with money or booze. If the singers did not get anything, they returned and cursed the trees! This custom, most likely, comes from pagan antiquity, when people asked the gods to bless the fruits. This is evidenced by the local name of the custom ("youling") in Devonshire and Sussex. The pagans asked Eol (the ancient Greek and Roman god of the winds) for a favorable wind. The festival in his honor took place at the time of the winter solstice - around December 25th. And from Eol not far from Yule. In Hereford, another "cider" region, they say (or said) that until the gardens are baptized on St. Peter's Day, they can not expect a good harvest. "Christening the gardens" means throwing out a glass of cider on the apple trees (or on all the trees in the garden). Two other superstitions associated with apple trees: that the autumn flowering of apple trees portends death in the family of their owner (Cheshire), and that the lush autumn flowering of wild apple trees marks that there will be many more weddings and christenings, than funerals (rural Wales). And here is another old and ubiquitous belief: "The apple tree blooms again in autumn - Someone will die soon in the district." next year the cow will not calve; and in Cleveland they still remember the old Yorkshire belief that the afterbirth of a mare must be hung on a thorny tree in order for the foal to be all right. To make apples look good, attach a piece of toast to the fork of the largest tree in the garden. (Somerset and Cornwall. This ritual is apparently intended to appease the spirits watching the apple trees).
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