The veil in one eye is white - the reasons if it turns white and blurs. Veil in the eyes: causes and treatment Why is the veil in front of the eyes

544 10/08/2019 6 min.

“I don’t see the white light, there is a veil before my eyes,” a folk song tells about the suffering of a girl. But the white, black or red veil before the eyes has nothing to do with unfaithful lovers and is an alarming signal.

The veil may appear in the morning and disappear after a while, it may last all day and resemble almost opaque glass. The latter phenomenon is especially dangerous - this is how the body sends a signal about the loss of transparency of the eye media or the impossibility of recognizing the received image by the cerebral cortex.


White "fog" covering the eyes is the main symptom of the presence and progression of eye diseases. The process can affect both one and both organs of vision, accompanied by "flies", nausea, vomiting, pain in the eyes.

Permanent white veil

A permanent white veil covering the eyes is most often an accompanying symptom of such pathologies.

Cataracts are most susceptible to patients who have crossed the 40-50-year mark - at this age, decay processes begin to prevail over recovery processes. But there are risk groups when the disease acts either as an accompaniment of certain syndromes (Down, Werner), or as a consequence of trauma, chemical and toxic poisoning.

In the initial stages of the disease, a person begins to see worse at night, bright light causes eye irritation and tearing, and those who suffered from farsightedness note that bright light is needed for reading, but glasses that were constantly used before are not needed.

A cataract is insidious, the patient does not experience any pain and most often does not visit a doctor, guided by the principle “I take pills - it will pass by itself”.

Cataract is not treated by any of the methods of conservative medicine - the only method of complete relief is surgery.

Allocate open-angle and closed-angle forms of the disease.

The open-angle form "spares" the patient, leaves time for surgery and responds to supportive therapy. With an open form, the angle of vision narrows, a whitish veil obscures the eyes, and at dusk a person almost does not see.

The closed-angle form threatens complete and irreversible loss of vision. In the initial stages of the disease, the patient does not experience any particular inconvenience. But then the acute phase of the disease follows, the outflow of intraocular fluid completely stops. During an attack, the head and eyes begin to hurt sharply and severely. There is an instant drop in vision, an almost impenetrable whitish haze rises before the eyes. One after another, the urge to vomit follows, and the eye hardens like a stone.

The only way to resume the outflow is an emergency visit to the doctor. In this case, the account goes to the clock, then complete and irreversible loss of vision occurs.

The reasons may be:

  1. sarcoidosis, a disease in which tissues surrounding a vein become inflamed;
  2. glaucoma, when intraocular fluid puts pressure on a vein;
  3. eye tumor.

The film in most cases appears in front of one eye, the outlines of objects are distorted and blurred. There is a rapid loss of vision - the process takes from several hours to several weeks.

Blockage of the vein is not accompanied by "preliminary signals", it develops suddenly and quickly. Sometimes a few seconds are enough for the development of the process. The loss of visual function is accompanied by "lightning", "flies" and a dense whitish veil.

  • Pathological conditions of the cornea. When the eye is damaged by pathogenic microorganisms, viruses, with injuries of the organs of vision, the cornea becomes cloudy, the outlines of objects become indistinct and, as it were, blurry. But why corneal erosion occurs, you can find out
  • Age-related changes in vision - farsightedness. With age, metabolic processes begin to prevail over regeneration processes. Due to age-related changes, the clarity of vision decreases, nearby objects are difficult to distinguish without glasses, and it is quite difficult to read the text - the letters seem to be covered with a white haze.
  • Macular degeneration. The area of ​​the retina where the color image is formed is called the macula. In order for the picture not to be distorted, the protection of the macula from solar radiation should actively “work”. The role of "defenders" is played by lutein and zeoxanthin. With the inevitable aging of the body, their number decreases, the macula cannot cope with the flow of ultraviolet radiation. First of all, the sectors responsible for the clarity and brightness of the image suffer. Before the eyes rises a white translucent veil.
  • Optic neuritis. Haze can also occur as a result of damage to the optic nerve - the “conductor” of a color image to the brain. Pathology can occur with inflammatory processes or diseases that destroy the myelin sheath.

The course of the disease depends on the depth of nerve damage. If the process has affected a small area, visual functions are not completely lost. With a complete blockade, the nerve stops and the impulse supply, and blindness overtakes the person.

A constant, not leaving "fog" can be considered as one of the symptoms of tumors and concussions of the brain, mechanical, toxic, chemical lesions of the eyes, myasthenia gravis, multiple sclerosis.

A dense veil or haze appears before the eyes due to uncontrolled intake of hormonal drugs, antidepressants and antipsychotics, oral contraceptives.

White shroud in the morning

A no less disturbing symptom is the morning appearance of a white veil. After a while, the haze before the eyes disappears, but it is precisely its morning appearance that is a harbinger of diseases that threaten not only vision, but also human life.

One of the "calls" that help to recognize the initial stage of the disease is the appearance of "fog" in the eyes in the morning and the incessant noise in the head. And only then the remaining signs are fully manifested: a change, a violation or loss of speech and motor functions. But why double vision occurs after a stroke, this will help to understand

The causes of xerophthalmia are:

  1. lack of vitamin A;
  2. burns of various nature.

A characteristic sign of xerosis is a veil covering the eyes in the morning. The process affects both eyes and is accompanied by clouding of the cornea, intolerance to sunlight, visual impairment.


As an independent pathology, a whitish haze before the eyes is not considered. Only after the examination, it is possible to accurately determine the cause of its appearance.

Each disease requires its own methods of diagnosis and treatment.

  • Cataract- it is impossible to cure and eliminate in a conservative way. All currently available medications are intended only for prevention. The most effective radical surgery and replacement of the lens. How does laser cataract removal work?
  • Glaucoma- the priority in traditional therapy of glaucoma is the normalization of intraocular pressure. Surgical intervention can be of two types: laser and classic "scalpel". The operation with a laser is less traumatic, is performed on an outpatient basis and takes very little time. What should be indicated in the article by reference.

On the video - cataract treatment:

Laser surgery is not suitable for all patients and recurrence of the disease is not ruled out.

  • Xerosis- classical therapy is aimed at reducing the outflow of fluid and preventing further drying of the conjunctiva and cornea. Currently, preparations of "artificial tears" have been created and are being successfully used. In addition, in severe cases, surgical intervention is also indicated, when the lacrimal openings are covered with conjunctiva or skin.

With xerosis, preventive and supportive measures are important: diet, air humidification, eye protection from sunlight.

Red veil. The reasons

A red "fog" before the eyes is the first sign of hemophthalmia - blood entering the vitreous body of the eye. Severe forms of hemophthalmia - total and subtotal, partial form is recognized as milder.

What does the red veil look like?

The cause of hemorrhage can be severe eye injuries, progression of diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, hypertensive crisis.

Only in the conditions of a medical institution can the nature of the “fog” covering the eye be established. The phenomenon of the veil can be both a sign of an eye disease and a signal of an exacerbation of diabetes mellitus or the initial stage of a stroke. Treatment, conservative or operable, is prescribed only after the examination and obtaining a clear and clear clinical picture.

It happens that we suddenly begin to see the world around us indistinctly, as if through a fog - this is alarming. Especially when the image has not just lost certain contours, but the veil before the eyes paints it in yellowish or reddish tones. The occurrence of such a visual defect, first of all, makes us think about violations in the optical system. In most cases it is, but not always. Thus, anemia, diseases of the central nervous system, diabetes mellitus can manifest itself.

Most often, the veil before the eyes is not the only symptom of pathology. Therefore, to the question: “What is it?” - only a medical specialist can answer after conducting diagnostic studies.

Causes of the veil before the eyes

The condition in which visual objects blur before the eyes is caused by a number of factors associated with organic and functional lesions of the structures of the eye, caused directly by ophthalmic, and sometimes by general diseases.

The least dangerous causes of fuzzy, blurred vision are refractive disorders, when the image of a visual object, due to a violation of the angle of refraction of light rays, falls not on a certain part of the retina, but in a completely different place:

  • and a person begins to see better into the distance: hypermetropia (farsightedness) - more often age-related (presbyopia), caused by a gradual loss of accommodative abilities due to degenerative changes in the muscles and other tissues of the eye; it can also be congenital and manifest from childhood (small size of the eyeball, weakness of the muscles of the eye);
  • or near: myopia (nearsightedness) - genetically determined or acquired;
  • astigmatism, caused by a violation of the sphericity of the cornea or lens, which also affects the power of refraction of light rays and causes distortion of the resulting image.

Such pathologies are well corrected sometimes even by training the eye muscles, more often with the help of glasses or contact lenses, less often with a surgical method.

Lack of clarity of vision can be a side effect of taking various medications. Statins have the ability to influence the quality of vision (especially often patients complain about Liprimar, one of the most powerful lipid-lowering drugs second only to Rosuvostatin), during therapy with which side effects such as myopathy, including eye muscles, are manifested. It can be accompanied by muscle pain, or it can be almost asymptomatic with slight muscle weakness. Why these drugs damage muscle tissue is not known for certain, however, in very rare cases, destruction of myocytes and an extreme degree of muscle dysfunction - rhabdomyolysis - are possible.

Glucocorticosteroids (Medrol, Dexamethasone) have the ability to influence visual acuity. They depress the immune system, and therefore the possibility of infection of the eyes and the development of inflammation increases. In patients with the herpes simplex virus taking a drug from the GCS group, there may be a violation of the integrity of the cornea, which will also manifest itself as a loss of visual clarity. Prolonged medication can even result in the development of drug-induced cataracts (especially in children), exophthalmos, damage to the optic nerve fibers, or impaired intraocular fluid metabolism and the development of compression phenomena.

The perception of fuzzy visual images can be caused by taking the popular tricyclic antidepressant Amitriptyline and its counterparts, the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug Indomethacin, hormonal birth control pills, sedatives and cardiac drugs. A similar effect is caused by taking mood stabilizers with lithium if the patient does not refrain from drinking alcohol during the course of treatment.

Perhaps the list is not complete, therefore, if during treatment with any drug a veil appears in the eyes, you must immediately inform the doctor about this until the changes become irreversible. Usually, with the abolition of any drug, the quality of vision should be restored.

Visual objects blurring as if in a fog can be the result of the development of eye diseases such as cataracts and glaucoma, manifestations of corneal pathologies of traumatic and infectious origin, vascular disorders - deterioration or cessation of arterial blood flow or venous outflow of blood, xerophthalmia, neuritis (neuropathy) of the optic nerve.

Damage to neurons occurs as a result of inflammatory, dystrophic or demyelinating processes. With complete damage to the entire thickness of the nerve fiber, blindness occurs, and with partial damage, vision deteriorates, but remains and in some cases can be restored.

Senile macular degeneration leads to damage to the neurons located in the center of the retinal area, which causes blurred vision.

A darkened film in front of the eyes can warn about the beginning of the process of detaching the retina from the vascular network of the eye, which provides its hydration and nutrition. Gradual detachment is provoked not only by injuries, but also by physical stress that occurs during hard work, childbirth, hypertension (including eclampsia), diabetic retinopathy, high degrees of refractive errors, and severe inflammatory processes in the eyes.

In addition to diseases of the organs of vision, there are multiple risk factors from other organs and systems.


Periodically occurring fuzziness of the image when reading and looking at small objects or the whole world around with blurry contours, sometimes even acquiring a color tint, can be a manifestation of a variety of disorders. Moreover, the vagueness of visual objects is not always the first signs of the disease. For example, diabetic retinopathy occurs as a complication of long-term insulin deficiency. Almost always, in addition to the blurred perception of the visual object, the patient has a whole bunch of other manifestations - headache, weakness, discomfort in the eyes, dizziness. Optical effects are also diverse - dark, light or shiny dots, spots, dashes can circle before the eyes, flashes of light, halos around visual objects can appear. The chromaticity of the phenomenon can also suggest the direction of a diagnostic search.

White veil before the eyes - what could it be?

Such complaints may occur in patients of any age group and suggest the presence of refractive errors. After eye strain, the cloudiness of the image increases, pain, heaviness in the eyes, or a headache may appear. It is possible to improve vision after rest, sometimes a clear image appears only at a certain position of the eyeballs. Most of these defects are corrected by professional selection of optics (glasses, contact lenses).

For people over half a century old, difficulties often appear when considering small objects that are at close range. Such a symptom may indicate the development of physiological farsightedness (presbyopia). Printed text blurs before my eyes, it is impossible to thread through the eye of a needle, other work with small objects also causes difficulties. The environment looks the same as before, fog in the eyes and even dizziness occurs only when looking closely at objects close, they try to move them away, and at first it helps, and then the length of the arms ceases to be enough.

Other disorders characterized by this main symptom and most often developing in old age are macular degeneration and cataracts. In the first case, the ability to color perception decreases, in the second case, the lens becomes cloudy. Such changes can occur simultaneously in both eyes or progress faster in one, however, in general, they are manifested only by impaired visual clarity. Usually nothing hurts. The ability to distinguish first small details, and then large objects, simply gradually decreases. For example, the patient sees the outline of a person, but does not see his face. With cataracts, the quality of vision in the dark first decreases, in the evening good lighting is required to work with small objects, bright sunlight causes lacrimation. In addition, older people who have previously suffered from presbyopia are surprised to note that they can see well-lit printed text without the help of glasses. As the disease progresses, the pupil of the patient's eye becomes lighter.

A white veil before the eyes is the main symptom of xerophthalmia. In the modern world, insufficient hydration of the eyeball is very common among active users of computers and smartphones. Symptoms can appear at any age. A characteristic sign is a foggy film that appears in front of the eyes in the morning after sleep. The syndrome is usually bilateral, in addition to blurred vision, a feeling of sand in the eyes, discomfort from bright light, and a decrease in the quality of vision are characteristic. In most cases, Bates exercises, artificial tears, optimization of the work and rest regimen, and a course of retinoids help. However, xerophthalmia of traumatic origin or developed as a result of trachoma or Sjogren's disease requires more serious treatment.

Partial optic neuritis can cause a hazy film or black spots in front of the eyes, blocking part of the field of vision. The size of the spots is determined depending on the area of ​​damage to the cross section of the optic nerve. Total damage to the diameter leads to the fact that a person loses his sight completely.

Eyes hurt, a veil before the eyes - such signs, according to experts, appear only in three cases: with corneal damage of various etiologies, obstruction of the central retinal artery and an acute attack of angle-closure glaucoma.

The transparency of the cornea can be impaired when it is infected, inflammation of an allergic genesis, ulcerative or erosive lesions provoked by them, and eye injuries. Most often, such lesions affect one eye. It is watery, the presence of sand is felt under the eyelids, which provokes the appearance of cutting pain. It is accompanied by a decrease in the quality of vision and photophobia.

Arterial obstruction develops suddenly, almost always on one side. Occlusion occurs due to spasm or thromboembolism. This may be preceded by the presence of a foggy film in front of the eyes, other optical phenomena - flashes, flies, short-term episodes of a decrease in the quality of vision. At risk are hypertensive patients, diabetics, heart patients, patients with vegetovascular dystonia and Hughes syndrome.

An acute attack of angle-closure glaucoma occurs suddenly and requires emergency measures, as it is fraught with complete blindness. This form of the disease is very insidious, it develops without pronounced symptoms and is discovered by chance during examination by an ophthalmologist. An attack is preceded by nervous or physical tension, long work in an inclined position. The main manifestations are pain felt both in the eyeball and in the head from the side of the lesion, instantly appearing as a dark veil in front of it, through which only light and shadow can be distinguished. The eye turns red and feels very hard to the touch. The patient is dizzy, nausea and vomiting appear.

Open-angle glaucoma leaves more opportunities, though not for a complete cure, but to slow down the development of the pathological process. The disease usually develops slowly over years. There is a gradual decrease in the tunnel of vision, often - in different eyes its speed is not the same. Blurred vision, flickering flies and/or rainbows occur intermittently when looking at a light source. The quality of night vision and accommodation worsens, and from time to time there is a headache, more often localized in the forehead above the eyebrows.

Veil before the eyes due to the lenses

Such visual discomfort occurs when the rules for their use are violated. At the beginning of wearing, such a symptom can be caused by corneal hypoxia. It is recommended to get used to the lenses gradually, increasing the time spent in them day by day. On the first day, one hour is enough. Then put on your usual glasses. We add half an hour to the wearing time every other day and focus on our own reaction, someone will get used to it faster, and someone will need more time. It is the appearance of blurred vision that is the signal to replace lenses with glasses.

When wearing lenses, your eyes and lenses need to be properly cared for. Instill moisturizing preparations into the eyes, and the lenses must be removed at night and hidden in a special container. Constantly, day and night, but not more than a month, you can use products that do not interfere with the flow of oxygen to the cornea (“breathing”).

Be sure to observe the expiration date and storage rules for lenses specified by the manufacturer in the instructions.

In case of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and other diseases with a runny nose and visual discomfort in the acute period, it is recommended to replace the lenses with glasses.

Ladies who use contact correction must follow certain rules for using cosmetics: paint only after the lenses are put on; use hypoallergenic cosmetics in minimal quantities and do not neglect the period of its use.

In addition, there are certain restrictions on wearing contact lenses - inflammatory and degenerative diseases, decompensated glaucoma, subluxation of the lens and strabismus, so if you want to change glasses for lenses, it is recommended to be examined by a specialist. And in general, contact lens users should visit an ophthalmologist from time to time for preventive purposes.

Sudden sharp veil before the eyes

Diseases such as cataracts, age-related and dystrophic changes develop gradually; in chronic diseases of other organs, the symptoms of complications in the organs of vision also do not increase sharply. The eyes see worse and worse - first small and poorly lit objects, and then everything around.

The sudden appearance of a veil is characteristic of acute cerebral pathologies (stroke, spasm of cerebral vessels), occlusion of retinal vessels or migraine attacks, vegetovascular dystonia, glaucoma.

With injuries and acute inflammation of the cornea, such a symptom as blurred visual objects also appears unexpectedly.

The sudden appearance of a foggy haze before the eyes may indicate a tumor process in the occipital part of the head, which has "reached" the structures of the visual analyzer.

In all these cases, blurred vision of surrounding objects will not be the only symptom.

Flies and a veil before the eyes

The simultaneous appearance of these symptoms can be observed with a hypertensive crisis and a significant decrease in blood pressure, anemia, cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, brain tumors.

Aura with migraine often manifests itself as a dark gray misty haze and shiny dots and "worms" can fly before the eyes. After the headache recedes, the photopsy phenomena also disappear.

Many black flies against the background of blurred vision, flashes of bright light at the same time can be symptoms of retinal detachment. It exfoliates from the choroid gradually, its nutrition is disturbed, and flies usually appear first, then a veil appears, and at first it covers a small part of the field of view, which gradually increases until it completely covers it. Sometimes vision is restored after a night's rest, when the retina is saturated with fluid, however, by the evening the symptoms reappear. There may be pain, double vision. This symptomatology requires urgent action, since complete retinal detachment is irreversible.

Spots floating before the eyes and a foggy curtain may indicate the destruction of the vitreous body. The characteristic appearance of floating spots and specks is completely white or with a black rim. There are no other symptoms, even the quality of vision does not decrease. Usually, this is a unilateral lesion of a traumatic origin or arising from age-related changes.

Spasms of the retinal vessels are periodic attacks that last for several minutes, sometimes for about an hour. At risk are hypertensive patients, alcoholics, heavy smokers.

Blurred vision and headache

Such a symptom is most characteristic for the following conditions - migraine with aura, hyper- and hypotension, both in the symptom complex of vegetovascular dystonia, and independently or in other pathologies. Unilateral headache in combination with an ocular headache with clouding of the visual image can be observed in glaucoma.

A tumor of the occipital part of the brain, developing, can declare itself, causing complaints that the head hurts in the region of the crown and the veil before the eyes. A neoplasm that affects the cortical structures of the optical system is also accompanied by other symptoms - the field of view decreases, hormonal disorders may begin - menstrual cycle failures, metabolic shifts.

Pain in the back of the head, flies and a veil before the eyes can be symptoms of a hypertensive crisis.

It hurts, presses in the temples and in the back of the head, in combination with the phenomena of photopsy and with low blood pressure. As a rule, it darkens in the eyes when a person changes position from horizontal to vertical.

At the time of vascular crises or catastrophes, there is also pain in the head and fog before the eyes. In addition, there is weakness, dizziness, tinnitus. With a stroke, speech, movement are disturbed, the face acquires a characteristic asymmetry.

Blurred vision and dizziness

Complaints of blurred vision in combination with vestibular disorders are not a specific diagnostic feature.

Such symptoms are observed in hyper- and hypotensive patients during jumps in blood pressure, with vegetovascular dystonia, anemia, osteochondrosis, and poisoning.

With the occurrence of internal gastrointestinal, uterine bleeding, fog also appears in the eyes and the head is very dizzy. In addition, there is pain in the abdomen.

Pulmonary bleeding occurs in many pathologies of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. With blood loss, vision is also blurred, and the head is spinning. Hemoptysis indicates the location of bleeding.

The veil before the eyes and dizziness leads to the side, unsteady gait is observed with various disorders of cerebral circulation - transient ischemic attacks, attacks of dyscirculatory encephalopathy, on the eve of a stroke, atherosclerosis.

Colored veil before the eyes

Occlusion of the central retinal vein, caused by its compression by tumors or edema, accumulation of intraocular fluid; optic neuritis, diabetic retinopathy (black spots covering most of the view); migraine, or rather an aura in the prodrome, a true and microstroke can lead to the appearance of a dark, black veil before the eyes.

With migraine and transient ischemic attack (microstroke), such phenomena will pass on their own, however, they should not be completely ignored. It is advisable to consult a doctor and be examined.

The narrowing of the visual angle in glaucoma looks like peripheral objects covered with a dark film.

A dark film may appear with retinal detachment. Its appearance is preceded by flies and flashes before the eyes, the veil is the next symptom.

A gray veil before the eyes arises in persons with vegetovascular dystonia, with migraines, severely low blood pressure (often complain of a gray grid), attacks of hypertension. Often, floating flies appear before the eyes against the background of the veil, which then merge into a gray veil.

Such optical phenomena can occur in patients with osteochondrosis when the cervical region is affected. Pregnant women may also be accompanied by a decrease or increase in blood pressure. This is not always dangerous, but it is imperative to inform the gynecologist about the gray veil.

A sudden deterioration in vision and a pink veil before the eyes is a symptom of hemophthalmia - the penetration of blood into the vitreous body of the eye (intravitreal hemorrhage). Accompanied by the phenomena of photopsy - flashing spots, flies, dashes in the field of view. Hemorrhage occurs when intraocular vessels rupture. Most often occurs in insulin-dependent diabetics, hypertensive patients, people who have had a stroke or myocardial infarction. Risk factors for this phenomenon are vasculitis, sickle cell anemia, autoimmune diseases, in particular lupus erythematosus. Partial hemophthalmos is not subject to treatment and can go away by itself, total - in the vast majority of cases ends in blindness. A red veil before the eyes can also appear with tumor processes in the eyeball or a microaneurysm of the ophthalmic artery, which ruptures with a sharp rise in blood pressure. The intensity of the color of the film that blurs the vision depends on the volume of blood that has poured out of the broken blood vessels, the presence of blood clots.

A yellow veil in front of the eyes may be a sign of a developing cataract. Blurred vision due to the loss of transparency of the natural lens - the lens - is the main symptom of cataracts. A cataract develops for a long time, at first peripheral vision may suffer, and it will not be noticeable to a person. First, vision in the dark decreases, intolerance to bright light increases, difficulties appear when examining small details, reading, later - visual images begin to double, it becomes more difficult to distinguish colors and their shades, it is more difficult to pick up glasses.

Periodic and constant veil before the eyes

The image of objects of vision fuzzy and blurry in many cases is not permanent. This phenomenon occurs during migraine attacks, hypertensive crises, transient ischemic attacks. As soon as the condition stabilizes, vision returns to normal.

A veil before the eyes periodically occurs in people suffering from vegetovascular dystonia, with a drop in blood pressure. Even in the symptom complex of anemia, fog before the eyes occurs during periods of increased stress. With pathologies of refraction, the initial stages of cataracts and retinal detachment, and other diseases, blurry images first appear with visual strain associated with the need to consider something small or poorly lit.

However, with the progression of diseases, the fog before the eyes begins to appear more and more often, and then becomes permanent. This indicates that the process has already gone far enough, and you should immediately consult a doctor.

A constant veil before the eyes that persists for several hours may indicate the need for urgent medical attention. Vision is a very important function, and delay in the event of, for example, occlusion of the central artery of the eye can lead to blindness.

Unilateral photophobia

Some people do not tolerate bright light well. They have a sensation of a foreign body in the eyes, an involuntary outflow of lacrimal fluid begins, prolonged exposure to bright light is accompanied by dizziness, and a head may ache. Naturally, the quality of vision also decreases, and a veil appears before the eyes, caused by an excess of tear fluid.

Increased light sensitivity of the eyes may be genetically determined. Light-eyed people and albinos are more susceptible to it, since the low concentration of melanin makes the iris super-permeable to the flow of light rays. In this case, both eyes suffer at the same time, and this feature usually manifests itself from childhood.

Unilateral photophobia indicates that problems have arisen with this particular eye. These can be inflammation of the cornea of ​​the eye caused by infection, dystrophic processes, damage to the vitreous body, bumps, bruises, foreign bodies and other injuries, including sunburn of the retina. Increased photosensitivity of one eye is a reason to check it for the development of glaucoma. In addition to intolerance to bright light, a person may complain that he has a film on one eye.

Photophobia may be present in the symptom complex of vegetovascular dystonia, xerophthalmia, measles, viral respiratory infections, meningoencephalitis, rabies, observed in neoplasms and brain injuries. However, in these cases, both eyes suffer at once, unilateral photophobia indicates an ophthalmic disease.

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Veil before the eyes of a child

Unfortunately, children can suffer from the same diseases as adults. If a child complains that he has a veil before his eyes, he does not see clearly, it is imperative to show him to the doctor. Refractive disorders - myopia, astigmatism and even farsightedness, the usual epithet of which is "senile", is not at all uncommon in childhood. A child may have a hidden strabismus, not noticeable from the outside, but bringing him discomfort.

There are cases of children's cataracts. It can even be acquired - develop after diseases and their drug treatment. Sometimes babies are born with glaucoma. Diabetes mellitus in childhood can also be, and it’s absolutely easy to bring an infection into the eye, rummaging in the sandbox.

Dangers lie in wait for children from birth. Premature babies who are cared for in an incubator experience hypoxia when they leave it, because in the "incubator" they are used to an environment with a high concentration of oxygen. In some children, retinopathy develops under normal conditions - against the background of hypoxia, the eye sprouts with new vessels that begin to bleed rapidly. Only emergency surgery can save your eyesight.

Quite often, people see a kind of veil before their eyes. It appears and disappears, but it can also be permanent. It seems that a person is looking through a cloudy glass. The veil can be white, red and dark, depending on the cause of the veil before the eyes. But the main reason is a violation of the transparency of any eye environment, which is responsible for the conductivity of light rays and their delivery to the brain. But there are many factors for this. Unfortunately, almost all of them relate to various pathological disorders.

The veil in the eyes is characterized by blurry vision, because of which the patient cannot focus on one object. That is, the image does not see clearly. Often, the fog before the eyes is accompanied by additional symptoms, among which the following can be noted:

  1. Fear of bright light and dizziness.
  2. Pain in the eyeballs and weakness in the body.
  3. Flashing flies before the eyes and floating spots.
  4. The veil on the eyes can only appear in the dark.
  5. Numbness of the body on one side and an increase in body temperature.

IMPORTANT! In the event that the fog is accompanied by at least one of the additional signs, immediately go to the ophthalmologist. This indicates a serious violation that can lead to the development of any disease.

Ophthalmic causes

There are a lot of reasons for the veil on the eyes. It is simply impossible to list them all, but among them there are the main ones that are most common:

  1. Disturbances in the refractive system. This category includes farsightedness, nearsightedness and astigmatism. Diseases arise due to improper focusing of images on the retina. Normally, the rays should be refracted directly on the retina, and in pathologies they are focused either behind it or in front of it. Getting rid of the veil is quite simple. Enough to apply spectacle therapy.
  2. Dry eye syndrome occurs due to overdrying of the conjunctiva and cornea. A condition occurs when working with small objects for a long time, at a computer, as well as when spending time in a room without the proper level of humidity. In this case, fog appears periodically, only when there is a negative impact of factors. You can get rid of the veil in front of your eyes with special eye drops. For example, "Artificial tear".
  3. Presbyopia is most commonly seen in people over the age of 40. In this case, the optical properties of the lens change. In the initial stages, the patient cannot read normally, first with one eye, and subsequently with the other.
  4. A cataract is characterized by clouding of the lens. As a rule, only one visual organ is affected and is noted in old age. For treatment, surgical intervention is used, based on the replacement of the lens.
  5. Glaucoma occurs against the background of increased intraocular pressure. Visual acuity decreases sharply, the veil is exclusively white.
  6. Macular age-related degeneration develops in old age, mainly after 60 years. The patient cannot see objects at close range.
  7. Hemophthalmos is characterized by intraocular bleeding. Distinguished by a red veil. There is a hemorrhage on the background of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, etc. Treatment is based on the use of drugs with absorbable action.
  8. Optic neuritis refers to an inflammatory disease in which a white veil forms before the eyes.

Other reasons

The causes of the veil before the eyes are not of an ophthalmic nature:

  1. Persistent migraines result in a dark veil. However, upon completion of the attack, the nebula disappears. Treatment is aimed at eliminating the migraine.
  2. Transient ischemic attacks and strokes occur against the background of impaired blood circulation in the brain. A number of specialists are involved in the treatment. The cause of the veil is eliminated (stroke, TIA).
  3. Neoplasms in the brain. The veil rarely occurs.
  4. The use of certain groups of drugs. Long-term use of antidepressants, anticholinergics, oral contraceptives. As well as corticosteroid drugs and drugs for the treatment of the heart.

Fundamentals of treatment

The veil in the eyes is curable, as it is not a disease, but a symptom of another pathology. Therefore, treatment should be aimed at eliminating the cause of the nebula. It is very important to contact the clinic in a timely manner for an accurate diagnosis of the disease. It is also necessary to carry out preventive measures.

Diagnostic methods

As you know, the effectiveness of treatment largely depends on the accuracy of the diagnosis. Therefore, it is very important to conduct a qualitative examination. First of all, you need to contact an ophthalmologist who will conduct a visual examination of the eyes and ophthalmoscopy using a slit lamp. This is important for assessing the condition of the visual organs. Intraocular pressure is also measured. To clarify the diagnosis, a hardware study is used. This can be an ultrasound examination, magnetic resonance imaging, and so on. In any case, the method of diagnosis depends on the proposed diagnosis.


The main causes and treatment of the veil on the eyes:

  1. With cataracts, drugs are initially used that slow down the process of clouding of the cornea. These are necessarily mineral and vitamin complexes, as well as means: Katahrom, Catalin, Quinax and so on. In the later stages and to completely get rid of cataracts, surgical intervention is used. The damaged lens is completely removed by a laser. An implant is placed in its place.
  2. With glaucoma, the veil is accompanied by the strongest pain thresholds, so painkillers are also used. In addition, it is necessary to take diuretics and eye drops. In case of negative result of drug therapy, surgery is used.
  3. If the retina is affected, then drugs are used that strengthen blood vessels and speed up metabolic processes. If there is a suspicion of retinal detachment, then surgical intervention is performed. To do this, today there are many innovative painless techniques. For example, laser coagulation.
  4. When the cornea is damaged, treatment is prescribed based on the diagnosis.

Preventive measures

Veil on the eyes can occur at any age and under any circumstances. There may also be a relapse. Therefore, it is extremely important to prevent the development of pathologies. To do this, you need to follow very simple rules:

  1. Pay attention to the slightest manifestations and immediately contact the hospital for qualified assistance.
  2. Protect yourself from disease: do not overstrain your eyesight, do not carry excessive weights, control blood pressure, lead an active lifestyle and eat more natural vitamins.
  3. Get rid of bad habits.
  4. Timely treated for ophthalmic and other diseases.

The veil in the eyes is an unpleasant symptom that can appear with a variety of diseases of the organs of vision and the cardiovascular system. The appearance of a veil may be accompanied by a loss of color and clarity of the image. Pathology can be of different intensity and duration. These are diagnostic signs that help the doctor make a diagnosis. If the veil bothers you throughout the day, but does not interfere with distinguishing objects and colors, then it seems safe. In fact, this symptom warns of the development of a chronic disease. Which one - depends on what symptoms accompany the appearance of a veil.

In more than 30% of cases, the cause of the pathology is a change in the retina. This is the part of the eye on which the image received by the visual analyzer is converted into a nerve impulse. Therefore, discomfort cannot be ignored - it is necessary to undergo an examination and find out the exact cause. Most ophthalmic diseases are easier to correct at an early stage of development.

The reasons

In the vast majority of cases, the causes lie in defects in the organ of vision, much less often the veil occurs due to cardiovascular or nervous diseases.

List of diseases accompanied by similar symptoms:

  • Violation of blood circulation in the vessels of the retina.
    This is one of the most common ophthalmic pathologies. It is characterized by the fact that the veil appears for a while and then disappears. Its occurrence is sometimes accompanied by a number of other unpleasant symptoms: headache and weakness. Very often, the blood supply to the retina worsens against the background of a more serious disease: hypertension, thromboembolism, diabetes mellitus, or after an acute circulatory disorder.
  • Cataract.
    Another disease that ophthalmologists face daily. Cataract is a slowly progressive disease, so the veil does not appear immediately. Every month it gets tighter. This is due to the gradual clouding of the lens. Cataracts are successfully treated: modern techniques make it possible to replace the lens and restore vision even in the case of an advanced disease.
  • Glaucoma.
    An attack of this disease can provoke a sharp rise in intraocular pressure. Visual impairment is accompanied by pain in the eye and in the head.
  • Diseases of the cornea.
    The cornea is quite difficult to damage, so most often the veil appears on the background of inflammation or after a serious injury. Sometimes the corneal layer is destroyed as a result of sluggish dystrophy. In all cases, the appearance of a veil is associated with clouding of the cornea - transparency decreases and less light reaches the retina.
  • Myopia.
    The veil accompanies only such a stage of the disease, in which the normal configuration of the eyeball is disturbed. In addition to blurry vision, many other disorders appear.
  • Retinal detachment or retinal dystrophy.
    They develop after an eye injury, less often against the background of chronic diseases, for example, macular degeneration. Diseases of the endocrine glands, diabetes mellitus and rheumatoid arthritis, as well as all diseases associated with circulatory disorders, lead to retinal detachment. Sometimes dystrophy is congenital.

Not always the cause is an eye disease. The veil before the eyes also arises against the background of a concussion. Therefore, when receiving a traumatic brain injury, the first thing to do is to go to the emergency room, and only then consult an ophthalmologist.

Associated symptoms

Very rarely, the veil appears without accompanying symptoms that will help to recognize which disease caused the ailment. The clinical picture of these diseases is accompanied by symptoms:


  • Sharp pain in the eye and in the head from the side of the affected eye.
  • Vision deteriorates sharply, sometimes so much that the patient does not see the outlines of objects, he is only able to distinguish light.
  • A veil appears in front of the eye.
  • Nausea, often leading to vomiting.
  • Redness of the eye.

Corneal lesion:

  • Lachrymation that does not stop for a long time.
  • Sensation of a foreign body in the eye.
  • Cutting in eyes, aggravated by light.
  • Decreased visual acuity.
  • Pain that occurs in only one part of the head.
  • The pain is throbbing or aching.
  • Severe discomfort with loud noises, strong smells, or bright lights.
  • Relief of pain in darkness and silence.
  • Nausea.

The appearance of a veil before the eyes may be accompanied by flashes of light, a spastic headache, and glare. If you experience unpleasant symptoms, you should consult an ophthalmologist. Even if you know what exactly provoked the attack. It is impossible to choose an effective treatment on your own, especially for diseases such as cataracts and glaucoma.

Dangerous symptoms

There are a number of signs that indicate the development of a life-threatening disease. When they appear, you should consult a doctor without delay:

  • A sharp increase in body temperature.
  • Numbness of one hand.
  • Enduring weakness.
  • The emergence of photophobia.
  • The veil is accompanied by "flies" before the eyes, which do not disappear for several minutes.

Almost all of these symptoms are characteristic of an acute circulatory disorder or an acute infectious process.


If a patient turns to a specialist with complaints of blurry vision, then the ophthalmologist will perform several basic diagnostic measures:

  • visual eye examination
  • retinal examination
  • intraocular pressure measurement
  • examination with a slit lamp or ophthalmoscope

Based on the results of the initial examination, it will become clear what additional examinations need to be completed.

If the appearance of unpleasant symptoms is caused by an injury, then the doctor will definitely refer you to a traumatologist or neurologist, since the first step is to exclude fractures and serious brain damage.

In diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts, retinal detachment, surgery is often required. Before it, you will have to undergo additional examinations and pass standard tests.

Our doctors


Treatment depends on what disease led to the appearance of the veil. Therapy begins only after the final diagnosis is made.

If the cause was a cataract, then the veil develops only on one eye and is associated with clouding of the lens. The treatment is aimed at restoring transparency - this can only be done with the help of surgery to replace it. It is impossible to cure a clouded lens, so there is no point in conservative therapy.

Very often, patients are prescribed various drugs. This is a supportive treatment that includes vitamin and mineral complexes, vascular strengthening agents, and eye drops that help to cope with unpleasant symptoms. The modern treatment regimen involves laser surgery, which is less painful than traditional surgery. During the procedure, an implant is placed in place of your lens.

An acute attack of glaucoma is easy to recognize on your own. For those who have a tendency to this disease, the attending physician can give advice on which drugs should be used during an attack. In the case of acute glaucoma, it is important to contact an ophthalmologist as soon as possible. If the disease progresses, then the treatment is only surgical.

For any retinal lesions, complex therapy is required, aimed at both preventing further vascular changes and treating metabolic disorders that led to the development of the disease. If a retinal detachment has occurred, then laser surgery is required. The soldering is performed using a laser beam. This is one of the simplest procedures - it is performed on an outpatient basis, takes no more than an hour, and is completely painless. In eight cases out of ten, vision is restored in full, in the remaining cases, a lasting improvement is achieved.

One of the most common symptoms of impaired vigilance is a veil in front of the eyes. This factor characterizes the decrease in the brightness and clarity of visible objects both near and far. It indicates the presence of a serious illness, due to which you can lose your eyesight. The veil in the eyes of different people manifests itself with different speed, time of presence and intensity. Most often, such a haze occurs in those who are forty years old. In most cases, the fog appears denser in the morning hours. And by the middle of the day, the veil dissolves before our eyes.

The main reasons why a veil appears in front of the eyes are various pathologies of the body, in particular visual ones:

  • Dysfunctions of the cardiovascular system. These causes are the most common and are manifested due to impaired blood circulation in the retina. Here the veil before the eyes appears episodically, accompanied by painful sensations in the head and eyes, a feeling of weakness. Violation of the vascular patency of the eyes can develop against the background of vein thrombosis or arterial embolism.
  • Development of a cataract. Veil in the eye with this disease does not occur immediately. Its density increases gradually over a long period of time. Here the veil on the eye is caused by pathological changes in the lens and its clouding.
  • Acute attack of glaucoma. It provokes a sharp increase in intraocular pressure. Such an attack is always accompanied by pain in the head and eye.
  • Diseases of the cornea. The reasons for the destruction of the cornea are different. This ailment can be triggered by trauma or inflammation (then it develops at a high speed). Or there is a gradual dystrophy of the tissues of the eye. The veil on the eyes here is caused by a decrease in the transparency of the cornea, due to which light rays are not able to fully penetrate the retina.
  • Severe myopia. This disease leads to a change in the configuration of the eyeball. The veil on the eye is a consequence of such a deformation.
  • Degeneration and retinal detachment. The main reasons here are damage to the organs of vision, diseases of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland, rheumatoid arthritis, and other ailments. The retina also becomes thinner with myopia, poor blood circulation. Sometimes genetic pathologies that cause congenital dystrophy lead to problems with the retina.

The veil before the eyes of a person can be caused by serious mechanical damage to the head or organs of vision, indicating a concussion.

A sharp appearance of haze and vagueness of the image occurs during an attack of hypertension. Also, vision can fall with the appearance of nebula when the light-transmitting and light-perceiving visual departments are affected.

Additional signs that accompany the veil in front of the eyes, warning of various diseases:

  • sharp light flashes, flashes and fireworks before the eyes always indicate the destruction of the retina;
  • pain and spasms of the head, as well as the appearance of iridescent deformed highlights in bright light, indicate a glaucomatous attack;
  • profuse tearing, redness of the cornea, pus-like discharge confirm the development of keratitis.

All these ailments tend to develop rapidly, but are invisible at the initial stage. Therefore, annual preventive examinations by an ophthalmologist are important.

Disease prevention and diagnosis

Preventive measures in this case are aimed at protecting oneself from diseases that cause the appearance of a “wall of fog” before the eyes.

To do this, doctors advise:

  • regularly measure blood pressure and, in case of an increase, take the necessary drugs;
  • control sugar levels to prevent the destruction of retinal vessels;
  • observe sanitary and hygienic rules so as not to infect the organs of vision;
  • in case of injuries and bruises of the head, immediately consult a doctor;
  • be examined by an ophthalmologist annually.

It is especially important to do this for people over forty years old, because at this age vision begins to deteriorate more intensely, and age-related changes can provoke the development of glaucoma and cataracts.

Of course, the rejection of bad habits, reasonable exercise and proper nutrition can prolong the health of the organs of vision for many years. The effectiveness of therapy largely depends on the correct diagnosis.

If a patient turns to an ophthalmologist with a complaint that he has a veil over his eyes, the doctor conducts the following diagnostic tests:

  • examines the eyes and assesses the condition of the retina;
  • measures intraocular pressure;
  • examines the state of the organs of vision, using a slit lamp.

It is not always possible to limit yourself to just one inspection. For a more accurate picture, it is recommended to do various types of ultrasound, as well as undergo an MRI study.

It is very important, as soon as the veil begins to appear before your eyes, to consult a qualified doctor who will conduct an accurate diagnosis and prescribe a gentle and effective therapy.

How is the veil on the eyes treated

Treatment is primarily aimed at finding out and eliminating the cause of such a visual deviation as a veil in front of the eyes.

What treatment is used for different types of diseases:

  • Cataract. There may be a veil on one eye, where the disease gradually develops. It manifests itself gradually, sometimes over many years, depending on the intensity of the clouding of the lens. Treatment for cataracts begins with the use of special eye drops containing vitamin and mineral complexes. These can be drugs such as Catalin, Katahrom, Taufon, Quinax, and others. However, drops do not give a complete cure, but only slow down the process of clouding of the lens, and, accordingly, the veil in the diseased eye becomes less dense. But surgery will help to completely get rid of the disease, especially since modern clinics offer quick and painless cataract treatment with a laser and the replacement of a clouded lens with a high-tech implant.

  • Glaucoma. During an acute attack, the veil on the eye appears instantly, it is accompanied by strong painful sensations and iridescent glare. Here it is recommended to quickly take a diuretic drug, for example, furosemide and urgently consult an eye doctor. He will drip pilocarpine into the eye, prescribe a suitable painkiller. If conservative treatment does not help, surgery will be required.
  • Retinal lesions. It is recommended therapy for vascular changes and metabolic disorders. If detachment is suspected, laser coagulation is performed. This is a completely painless technique. Here, laser beams are directed to certain areas of the retina and, as it were, the exfoliated elements are welded together. The fluid that has accumulated under them will resolve after the rehabilitation period. This laser treatment lasts from half an hour to an hour. This intervention is carried out in an outpatient setting, the patient does not need to be hospitalized. In eighty cases out of a hundred, eye health is restored with the return of near-perfect vision.

If the veil on the eyes occurs with changes in the cornea, the treatment is determined by the ophthalmologist, depending on the type of pathology and the severity of the disease.

Excellent vision is often taken for granted, but many pathologies begin their development asymptomatically. Or we ignore warning signs, such as a veil in the eye, in the hope of self-healing. But the same veil before the eyes is a very serious reason to consult an ophthalmologist to prevent vision loss.

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