Eye drops for cats with tearing. A variety of eye drops for cats and kittens, as well as their use. How to treat conjunctivitis at home

Eyes for a cat are one of the most important organs with which they navigate in the world around them.

The animal has a high probability of catching some kind of disease or injuring the cornea.

  • A pet can easily get mechanical damage by climbing trees while walking or finding out territorial positions with other cats.
  • Infectious disease - if the animal is in contact with yard cats. Also, he, like a person, may have an allergic reaction to household chemicals or some food.

But this does not mean that you should lock up your pet and not let it out anywhere.

Inflammatory processes of the eyes and their symptoms

First, consider the signs of inflammatory processes:

  1. Reddened cornea, lacrimation - indicates the presence of an inflammatory process. The following problems are possible: conjunctivitis, rhinotracheitis (viral disease), chlamydia, mycoplasmosis (the presence of pathogenic bacteria in a cat), vascular keratitis (vessels on the surface of the anterior chamber), eye injuries.
  2. If a cat has swollen eyelids, these are signs of an allergy to cleaning products, some foods, medicines, or other allergens.
  3. In case of clouding of the cornea, lens, loss of luster, contact your veterinarian immediately. This can be a sign of serious pathologies: glaucoma, intoxication, optic nerve atrophy, and other ailments.
  4. Abundant purulent or mucous discharge indicates the presence of harmful bacteria in the cat's mucous sac. They can penetrate in a variety of ways: due to “showdown” with other relatives, weakening of immunity, etc.
  5. In case of injuries, blood, watery liquid or ichor oozes from the pet's eye. You should immediately contact a specialist, as surgery may be necessary.

If there are any suspicious symptoms, seek the help of a veterinarian. Only he can identify the problem and assign an adequate solution to it. Do not self-medicate!

Ophthalmic preparations and their use

Of course, only a specialist can correctly choose a drug for a pet. But you will treat your cat, therefore it is necessary to know the characteristics of a particular substance. Consider some eye drops for cats, their features.

Drops "Iris"

An ophthalmic medicine based on 2 active ingredients: gentamicin sulfate and polyvinylpyrrollidone.

  • Iris drops effectively affect many gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, as well as Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The presence of a balanced amount of salts provides the drug with regenerating and prolonging functions.
  • Once in the area of ​​conjunctivitis, the medicine passes freely through the cornea into the eye cavity.
  • It guarantees a stable content of the drug inside the eyeballs and effectively treats diseases of the conjunctiva, cornea and deep eye structures.

It is used for acute and chronic conjunctivitis, keratitis, keratoconjunctivitis, blepharitis, iridocyclitis (uveitis), dacryocystitis, septic ulcers of the cornea, barley, traumatic injuries of the eyeball.

Drops "Iris"

First, the affected areas are washed with 3-4 drops of the composition, accumulations of pus are carefully removed with a clean cloth. Then 1-2 drops are instilled. Repeated 3-4 times a day for 7 days.

To prevent the disease, 1 drop is instilled twice a day for 5 days. Subject to the recommendations of the doctor, no negative effects on the animal's body were observed.

The reason for cancellation is a high level of sensitivity.

Drops "Bars"

This is an ophthalmic combined medicine: it has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. Contains an antibiotic.

It is presented in the form of a yellow liquid, the active ingredients of which are chloramphenicol 0.25%, furatsilin 0.02%, novocaine 0.1%.

  • Levomycetin destroys viruses, bacteria; furatsilin has bacteriostatic qualities, and novocaine produces an analgesic effect.
  • Bars drops are prescribed for conjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis, eye injuries.

Soak a cotton pad in the medicine and carefully remove the pus, plaque from the pet's eye. After drip 1-2 drops 3 to 5 times a day. Treatment is carried out within 1-2 weeks.

Drops "Bars"

Preventive measures - rubbing with cotton pads with medicine, without instillation. Cancellation - hypersensitivity to the components.

The active substance is an aqueous solution of ciprofloxacin (0.45%). It has a strong antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effect.

  • Shows efficiency in fight against gram-negative and gram-positive organisms. Affects chlamydia, mycoplasma, Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Destroys organisms resistant to methicillin and gentamicin.
  • Ciprolet is used for conjunctivitis, keratoconjunctivitis, keratitis, corneal ulcers, septic iridocyclitis, blepharitis. Also against microorganisms resistant to other antibacterial drugs.
  • The doctor may prescribe it to prevent inflammation of the eye caused by a foreign object or trauma, postoperative, preoperative complications.

Application and dosage: 1 drop 4 times a week. Pre-cleanse the eye from the discharge of pus.

For kittens whose age is less than 7 days, tsiprolet is contraindicated. In some cases, a short-term burning sensation may occur, which disappears within 6 minutes.

Drops "Anandin"

The main active ingredient is glucaminopropylcarbacridone (Anandin). This drug is an immunomodulator. Used for complex therapy of rhinitis and conjunctivitis.

Drops "Anandin"

In accordance with the severity of the infection, 2-4 drops are instilled behind the lower eyelid, twice a day. Standard course - no more than 14 days. The medicine has no side effect.

Timely treatment helps to avoid vision problems, relieves the pain of the pet. After all, you are responsible for those whom you have tamed, which means that half the success in treating eyes for inflammation is on you.


In contact with

Both yard and domestic cats are at risk of contracting ophthalmic diseases. If the owner suddenly noticed that his cat or kitty often began to watery, turn sour eyes, and even more so, purulent discharge began to appear, urgent action needs to be taken. You should start by reading about the elimination of ailments with the help of various drops.

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Eye drops for cats

Cat eye drops have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, decongestant effects. They are used to cure and prevent ophthalmic diseases. The simplicity of the method of application (seen in the video), fast local action, great efficiency when choosing the right drug - these are the main advantages of eye drops.

Indications for the use of drops

It is advisable to use drops for the following eye diseases:

  • acute and chronic conjunctivitis;
  • Keratoconjunctivitis;
  • Keratite;
  • corneal ulcer;
  • septic iridocyclitis;
  • Blepharitis.

Also, they are effective for the treatment of other ailments caused by infections that other antibacterial drugs cannot cope with. They are suitable for the prevention of eye diseases caused by infections after an injury, or the removal of foreign objects. Good help in the period before and postoperative prevention of eye diseases caused by infections.

At the same time, these drugs will be powerless if the disease is of a general viral nature, and the manifestation in the eyes is only a consequence, for example, as in the following cases:

  • rhinotracheitis;
  • calicivirus;
  • chlamydia;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • viral peritonitis.

Description of eye drops of different brands

As soon as the exact disease has been determined by you personally, or better still by a veterinarian, we proceed to the choice of drops. With ordinary conjunctivitis, antibacterial drugs that do not contain hormones (Diamond Eyes, Iris) are most often used. They are instilled 5-7 times a day, a couple of drops in one eyelid, for a week, and Tetracycline ointment is additionally used. If the disease is different, then having determined the type of its pathogen, choose the desired drug.


Drops for cats "Iris" contain the antibacterial substance gentamicin sulfate (0.4%), which destroys many bacteria (including Pseudomonas aeruginosa). "Iris" is not effective against anaerobic bacteria, viruses and protozoa. For the treatment of diseases, cats need to bury "Iris" four times a day for a week. For prevention, a three-day course of application is sufficient. After the bottle has been opened, "Iris" is good for 10 days.

"Diamond Eyes"

The drug "Diamond Eyes" contains active substances such as chlorhexidine bigluconate, taurine, succinic acid. They are effective for the treatment of simple conjunctivitis, prevention of cataracts, degenerative changes in the retina. The term for taking the drug "Diamond Eyes" is longer, and depends on how many times a day you will instill eyes in your pet. So, if you instill eyes 1 time per day, the duration of use is 45 days, if 2, then 20 days, if 3, then 14 days. If you use "Diamond Eyes" for preventive purposes, then you need to instill 2 times a day, several twenty-day courses with a break of 10 days.


The basis of the product "Tsiprolet" contains the component ciprofloxacin, which has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory properties, destroys chlamydia, mycoplasmas, staphylococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa. "Tsiprolet" is highly effective in the treatment of infectious diseases of the eyes of cats and dogs, as well as their prevention in the preoperative or postoperative periods.

It is enough for cats to instill 1 drop of "Tsiprolet" 4 times a day for 2 weeks with a simple form of the disease. If the pet has purulent, mucous discharge, the eye is immediately washed carefully with 3-4 drops on a gauze swab, and then 1 drop is dripped again.


"Bars" is a complex remedy that contains levomycetin and furatsilin, so it is well suited for the treatment of Keratitis, Blepharitis, and in dogs and rabbits. Extensive antibacterial action includes the destruction of bacteria that are resistant to penicillin. If "Bars" is used for prophylactic purposes, then it will be enough to wipe the eye once with a cotton swab dipped in medicine and instill it drop by drop into each eye. If we are talking about treatment, then you need to use Bars 4 times a day, one at a time for one to two weeks.

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Video " How to treat conjunctivitis in cats and cats?

Owners whose pets suffer from conjunctivitis will be interested in this video.

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After all, this disease in most cases is diagnosed as a symptom of other diseases, and rarely acts as an independent disease. "Tsiprolet" for cats is a drug that will overcome the disease and all its side effects.

"Tsiprolet" - eye drops for cats - an antibacterial drug. Conjunctivitis does not spare either people or our smaller brothers, and for a cat it is no less dangerous than for a person, since it threatens with loss of vision. The causes that cause inflammation of the conjunctiva can be very diverse, ranging from banal eye injuries to chemical effects (irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye with acids, gases, toxic fumes). Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye can occur against the background of irradiation, infectious diseases and the ingress of foreign bodies and pathogenic microbes into the eye, if there are microdamages on the mucous membrane. The inflammatory process can spread to the conjunctiva of the eye and from nearby areas.

Acute conjunctivitis is characterized by swelling of the mucous membrane of the eye and lacrimation of moderate intensity. At first, the discharge is liquid and transparent, but after a while they become more cloudy and rather thick. Accumulating at the inner corner of the eye, the discharge forms drying lumps and filiform mucous formations. Getting on the skin, pathological outflow from the eye causes irritation and hair loss in this place. The secretions that dry up during sleep can stick together the eyelids, and the animal is unable to open its eyes on its own.

If the acute form is not treated or treated incompetently, it runs the risk of becoming chronic. The symptoms remain the same, but they appear on a permanent basis and are more difficult to treat.

Conjunctivitis is a contagious disease, so most often purulent conjunctivitis affects both eyes. Purulent conjunctivitis occurs against the background of a lack of appetite and a deterioration in the general condition of the pet.

Due to the inflammatory process, body temperature may rise. In the region of the eyeball, moderate pain is felt, the discharge acquires a dirty yellow color and an unpleasant odor. The eye noticeably swells, the mucous membranes inside the eye swell strongly, sometimes going beyond the boundaries of the orbits, redden, bright capillaries appear on the eyeball. It happens that inflammation spreads to the cornea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eye.

With parenchymal conjunctivitis, the inflammatory process covers not only the conjunctiva, but also the surrounding areas of the eye. There is swelling of the eyelids and redness of the mucous membrane of the eye around the entire perimeter. Touching the painful conjunctiva is accompanied by a slight discharge of blood. It is necessary to treat this form of eye inflammation without delay, otherwise the animal has a high risk of losing vision.

The most severe form of inflammatory eye disease is called follicular conjunctivitis. It is characterized by inflammation of the follicles on the mucous membrane of the eye, when rounded red foci of inflammation are observed on it. As a result, the palpebral fissure noticeably narrows, discharge from the eye takes the form of pus. The pet cannot close his eyelids normally, diligently avoids bright light, becomes restless due to soreness in the eye area and discomfort associated with the appearance of a cloudy gray film on the conjunctiva.

The diagnosis is made on the basis of an external examination of the patient. In the future, it will be necessary to conduct laboratory tests in a veterinary clinic to establish the pathogenic microorganisms that caused the inflammation. This is necessary for the appointment of antibacterial agents that are effective against these microbes.

Whether one or both eyes are affected, the treatment should cover both organs of vision so that the inflammation does not pass to the second eye. This requires the supervision of a veterinarian. In the acute form of conjunctivitis, therapy is carried out with the help of Tsiprolet eye drops, which remove gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.

Antibiotic ointments (levomycetin, synthomycin, tetracycline, Sofradex) also help; in the chronic form of conjunctivitis, silver-based solutions and ointments are preferred. Purulent and follicular conjunctivitis can not be cured only by local exposure. Here, Tsiprolet injections come to the rescue.

Recommended procedures for washing the eyes with a solution of boric acid before applying antibiotic ointments. To remove painful sensations, novocaine blockade is used, which, among other things, improves tissue nutrition and promotes rapid healing.

The drug "Tsiprovet" is a bactericidal anti-inflammatory agent with a broad antimicrobial effect. It is produced in the form of drops that are used for animals.

Eye drops are highly effective against most gram-positive and -negative microbes. The drug affects Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Mycoplasma, Chlamydia, as well as strains of viruses that are susceptible to gentamicin and methicillin. The action of the drug is to slow down the DNA of bacteria, which leads to the destruction of the cell structure and the death of the microorganism. The agent breaks through the bacterial cell membrane, releasing the contents into the intercellular space. The drug quickly eliminates plasmids, which prevents the emergence of microbial resistance to the drug. When instilled, the agent creates a stable therapeutic effect in the tissues of the eye.

Eye drops are prescribed for the prevention and treatment of infectious and inflammatory pathologies of the eyes, appendages of the visual organ in cats and dogs. With the help of the drug, blepharitis, septic iridocyclitis, corneal ulcers, keratitis, keratoconjunctivitis, chronic and acute conjunctivitis are treated. Eye drops for dogs "Tsiprovet" are used when it is impossible to treat diseases in animals with other antibacterial agents. The drug is used to prevent infectious lesions of the visual organs after the ingress of foreign bodies and after injury. To prevent post- and preoperative infectious complications and their treatment in ophthalmology, the Ciprovet remedy is also used. Eye drops are contained in a dropper bottle.

It is forbidden to use the medication in case of individual sensitivity of pets to fluoroquinolones. The drug is not recommended for puppies and kittens who are less than seven days old. Some animals experience burning in the eyes. This short-term reaction to instillation resolves on its own after six minutes and does not require medical intervention. No other side effects were observed.

Eye drops for cats and dogs are injected into the affected organ four times a day. In this case, 2 drops per procedure are enough. Depending on the severity of the pathology, the duration of treatment lasts from 1 to 2 weeks. Dogs up to 10 kg and cats need to enter 1 drop of the product, dogs weighing more than 10 kg are prescribed 2 drops. With abundant purulent or mucous secretions, you need to drip 4 units of the product, then carefully remove the crusts and everything that has separated with a swab. Then the treatment is continued according to the standard scheme.

The medicine "Tsiprovet" (eye drops) should be stored in a place protected from moisture and light, inaccessible to animals and children, separately from feed and food.

The eyes are a very complex and sensitive organ in the cat's body. Their condition may indicate the general well-being of the animal. Consider the main types of eye drops for cats and remember what diseases they are used for.

Eye drops are usually used for visible eye inflammation in a cat. In this case, it is most often recommended to use eye drops for cats with antibiotics. These, in particular, include the drug Tsiprolet. It is even recommended to always have it in the so-called "cat's first aid kit." Tsiprolet eye drops are used as an antimicrobial agent for inflammation of the eyes. These eye drops for cats contain chloramphenicol, which inhibits the development of dangerous microbes. The drug is usually used until the disappearance of inflammatory processes. An alternative to Tsiprolet can be any eye drops for cats, which include levomycetin.

Bars eye drops are another effective type of eye drops for cats against inflammation, containing an antimicrobial and anesthetic complex. The active substances of these drops are furatsilin at a concentration of 0.02%, as well as novocaine at a concentration of 1%. Bars eye drops are prescribed for animals with various eye injuries, with microbial inflammation, and also for the prevention and treatment of conjunctivitis, blepharitis and keratitis. At the same time, the drug has a complex effect: while furatsilin destroys potentially harmful microorganisms, novocaine has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. The course of treatment with Bars eye drops is approximately 7-10 days, depending on the therapeutic effect. Then, if necessary, the course can be repeated after a break for a week.

If your cat has started conjunctivitis, then Anandin, available in the form of drops, can also help her. It is also effective against rhinitis in cats and dogs. The active ingredient in these eye drops for cats is glucoaminopropylacridone, as well as other components that support the effect of the main drug. Instructions for using Anandin eye drops for cats are quite simple: you need to instill two or three drops of the drug into your pet's eyes twice a day. At the same time, the maximum course of treatment with the drug for both conjunctivitis and rhinitis is 14 days, but if the cat recovered earlier, then instillations can be stopped.

Cats are very active and curious animals, so they often put themselves at risk of developing ailments accompanied by inflammation. Improper pet care can also lead to the development of certain diseases. The pathological process, as a rule, occurs as a response to an irritant (tissue damage, pathogenic microorganisms). Inflammation can be complex or local, its neglected form leads to the formation of pus, tissue decomposition and damage to the basic functions of the body. Not always the immune system of animals can cope with infections, so the body needs medical help. Ciprovet for cats is an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drug that is used to treat many infectious diseases.

Ciprovet tablets for cats is a complex oral antibacterial agent containing the potent component ciprofloxacin. Fluoroquinolone, to which Ciprofloxacin belongs, kills bacteria of various etiologies.

There is also a dosage form with an identical composition and release in the form of eye drops and tablets - Tsiprolet for cats, in terms of pharmacological properties, it is no different from Tsiprovet.

Ciprovet eye drops for cats are used as an antiphlogistic and bactericidal agent for the destruction of various gram-positive and gram-negative unicellular microorganisms.

The drug structure of both drops and pills includes the same active ingredient - ciprofloxacin hydrochloride. There are additional components that improve the absorption and conductivity of the drug (calcium stearate, lactulose and others).

The drug is used to treat:

  1. Infections associated with diseases of the genitourinary system, gastrointestinal tract, biliary tract, group of organs of the respiratory system (in acute and chronic forms).
  2. Inflammation of the skin, cartilaginous joints, bones.
  3. Infectious eye diseases (conjunctivitis, chlamydia, keratitis, blepharitis and others).
  4. Re-infection caused by a viral disease.
  5. As a prophylaxis after mechanical eye injuries and ophthalmic operations (drops).

The active substance is quickly absorbed into the walls of the stomach and intestines, penetrates into the blood and even lymph, which provides a quick effect on the focus of inflammation.

Ciprofloxacin destroys the basic structure of a pathogenic cell, disrupting protein synthesis and the integrity of the DNA helix of prokaryotes, which inevitably leads to the death of a harmful microorganism.

What are the pharmacological properties of the drug?

Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect - effectively fights such dangerous bacteria as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, chlamydia, mycobacteria, Staphylococcus aureus, salmonella, brucella, shigella rod-shaped and others. That is why the inflammatory process is so quickly suppressed, and the symptoms disappear.

The drug is available in the form of tablets and eye drops. Pills are used for the complex treatment of extensive inflammation (infections of the stomach, intestines, gallbladder, soft tissues of the respiratory system and other pathologies). Drops help get rid of local inflammatory processes (conjunctivitis, keratitis, corneal ulcers and other ailments of local localization). Pills are packaged in blisters of 10 pieces. 1 dragee contains 15 mg of the main active ingredient (ciprofloxacin hydrochloride). Ciprovet eye drops for cats are produced in glass or polyethylene bottles. They come in 5 ml and 10 ml capacities.

The therapeutic effect of tablets lasts about a day, and from drops - 5-6 hours. The dosage is adjusted depending on the type of disease and the degree of its development. It is recommended to consult with a veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment.

Instructions for use of the drug Ciprovet for cats

A full therapeutic effect is observed after several days of taking medication. It is necessary to carry out the treatment procedure until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear. If the disease progresses, then stop using the product, and then urgently consult a veterinarian.

Not always the immune system of animals can cope with infections, so the body needs medical help.

Every day, our beloved pets spend a lot of time on the street, communicate with other animals and therefore have every chance of contracting various infections. One of them is eye inflammation. It is very important to provide first aid in a timely manner, without harming your pet, and to seek qualified veterinary help in a specialized clinic in a timely manner for proper treatment.

But do not self-medicate, as you do not know exactly what your cat is sick with. Timely and correct treatment plays a huge role, since in the advanced stages of the disease this can lead to a deterioration in the condition of your pet or loss of vision.

Redness of the eyeball- is a consequence of vasodilation as a result of hemorrhages, for example, with injuries. This may indicate diseases such as conjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis, iridocyclitis. And also a similar symptom tells us about an allergy to certain substances that we use.

Various discharges from the eyes (cloudy, bloody, serous, purulent).

Bloody issues- most often, this is a sign of an injury. The degree of damage and treatment in this case should be prescribed only by a veterinarian. Do not try to remove foreign bodies on your own and climb deep into the cat's eye, this can seriously harm you. Trust your animal to a professional.

Purulent and serous discharge appear in connection with the reproduction of pathogenic organisms that secrete harmful waste products, which lead to the formation of secretions. And also, this is a symptom of injuries in which an infection enters the eyeball or a manifestation of colds, but then the symptoms pass quickly and painlessly, but if there is a lot of discharge, you urgently need to see a doctor for help.

The presence of a film on the eyes- it can be bluish or white. So, perhaps, inflammation is manifested, which occurs due to the penetration of infection.

Severe swelling of the eyelids is a symptom of an allergic reaction.

Profuse lacrimation and frequent scratching of the cat's eyes - a common cause is a disease such as conjunctivitis. This disease causes inflammation of the connective tissue of the eye membrane. Caused by a bacterial infection.

Squinting of the eyes due to pain, photophobia - this means that your cat or kitten is experiencing severe pain and discomfort in the eye area. They cause similar sensations of erosion, ulcers. They are manifested by clouding of the cornea, the presence of a cloudy film on the eye. These diseases proceed extremely quickly and can lead to serious complications or complete loss of vision.

Clouding of the lens speaks of the onset of a serious disease called a cataract. Symptoms of this disease may not be immediately noticed, but subsequently the dog or cat gradually loses its sight. The main sign of the development of a cataract is a change in the color of the pupil.

General weakness and lethargy, loss of appetite- these general signs should also make you wary and draw closer attention to your beloved pet.

There are a lot of symptoms, therefore, only a veterinarian can determine the disease and treatment methods for your pet.

Types of eye drops

The most popular eye drops for cats

"Diamond Eyes" - This drug has a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effect. It is used for many inflammatory diseases (conjunctivitis, keratitis, iridocyclitis, blepharitis), allergic diseases, after injuries. Application of the drug: first, carefully treat the eyes, washing it well, all crusts are removed. After that, the drug is instilled into the outer corner of the eye.

For dogs and cats that weigh less than 10 kg - the daily dose is 1 drop, more than 10 kg - 2 drops. The course of treatment with this drug is from 14 to 45 days. The advantages of this drug: affordable cost, ease of use, non-addictive and well tolerated by animals.

Bars - these eye drops contain novocaine, furatsilin and chloramphenicol. They have a bactericidal and analgesic effect. They are used to treat many ophthalmic diseases, as well as after injury to the eyes. Can be used for small kittens - up to 10 days of life in the form of lotions, after 2 - 3 drops 3 times a day. Instillation is carried out in the same way as the previous ones. The duration of treatment is from 7 to 14 days.

"Tsiprovet" - This drug relieves inflammation well, has an antibacterial effect. Contains ciprofloxacin. Ciprovet is prescribed for cats and dogs with acute conjunctivitis, blepharitis, ulcers, iridocyclitis, as well as for the prevention of infections due to injuries.

Do not use these eye drops on kittens under 7 days old. Cats need to bury them 1 drop per day, and dogs 1 - 2 drops several times a day. Course of treatment 7 - 14 days. If there is a discharge, it is recommended to first treat the eyes with a sterile gauze swab, remove the discharge after instillation, and then re-drop the eye preparation into the conjunctival cavity. When combined with other drugs, it is necessary to make an interval of 5 minutes.

"Iris" - these eye drops for cats have a pronounced bactericidal effect, act on many bacteria, but do not affect viruses, protozoa, fungi. It is indicated for acute conjunctivitis, iridocyclitis, keratitis. The course of treatment is 5 - 7 days. These drops are applied four times a day with an interval of 6 hours.

For dogs and cats weighing up to 10 kg - apply 1 drop per day, over 10 kg 1 - 2 drops. You must first rinse the eye from the discharge by removing everything with a gauze swab, and then drip the drug. For preventive purposes, apply 1 drop twice a day for 5 days.

"Levomitsetin" - These drops contain an antibiotic in their composition. They are prescribed for diseases that are caused by pathogens sensitive to chloramphenicol. Effective for the prevention of postoperative complications if infected wounds are present. Apply these drops 3 - 4 times a day dosage of 1 - 2 drops throughout the week.

"Anandin" - this drug is good because it stimulates the production of immunity in animals, helps the speedy healing of wounds, reduces the inflammatory process, and also kills viruses and bacteria. May be combined with other drugs. Drops are non-toxic, well tolerated by animals. Approved for use by small kittens, dogs and pregnant cats. After treating the eye from discharge, a few drops of the drug are instilled in the morning and evening. Treatment lasts an average of 7 days.

We start the treatment of our cats or dogs only after the exact definition of the disease and the appointments of the veterinarian. Only a doctor will correctly select the right drug, make an accurate diagnosis and begin treatment. At home, follow all the recommendations of the veterinarian, strictly follow all prescriptions, carefully read the instructions for the drug, these actions will lead to an early improvement in the condition of your cat or kitten.

This introductory article provides basic information on how best to deal with eye problems in pets, but it is always worth remembering that good advice can only be obtained after examining a four-legged patient by a veterinarian.

Eye drops for cats anandin, diamond eye, leopard, AVZ Iris instructions for use and reviews of veterinarians, how much and where to buy

— Anandin
Anandin are ear drops touted by veterinarians. This drug is really good in fighting diseases in animals. You can buy it for 200r.

- Diamond eye
The drops are anti-inflammatory and are quite common for mild ocular conditions in cats or dogs. One drop of the drug is enough for an animal weighing less than 10 kg. You can buy "Diamond Eye" for 150 rubles.

— Bars
Drops that are used for animals with problematic skin or against the attack of ticks or fleas. 1.4 ml of medicine is used per 10 kg of live weight. The price of one piece is 40 rubles.

— AVZ Iris
Eye drops are used for dogs and cats that have been diagnosed with conjunctivitis or inflammation of the cornea, as well as keratitis or blepharitis. Apply only after cleaning the eye from pus. Two drops of Iris 3-4 times a day. The cost of the drug ranges from 150 to 250 rubles.

All of the above preparations are readily available at local pharmacies or pet stores.

Eye drops for cats Maksidin for every day how to use and price

Maksidin is an effective remedy for stimulating the immune system of a cat. It is used in cases of decline in the strength of immunity due to infectious diseases. Often used for: calicivirus, panleukopenia and canine distemper. I use twice a day for 0.5 mg of the drug for 3-5 days. The price of "maxidin" is 60 rubles.

Eye drops for cats with inflammation, with injury, which can be bought at a pharmacy

Inflammation of the eyes in cats can be eliminated with drugs that are easy to buy at the nearest pharmacy. These drugs include: Levomycetin, Furacilin, Lakrikan.

Drops for cats for eyes tobrex, tsiprolet dosage and brief description

— Tobrex
An antibiotic with bacteriostatic activity against a variety of staphylococci. Used for eye infections of the eyes: keratitis, blepharitis, conjunctivitis. Instill two drops every 4 hours.

— Tsiprolet
An antibacterial agent for eliminating infections that are sensitive to ciprofloxacin. It is used only after the instructions of the veterinarian, he also indicates the dosage after the diagnosis is established.

Drops in the eyes for cats from allergies, oftalmosan

Oftalmosan is an anti-inflammatory drug in the form of drops. It is used for ophthalmic diseases and as a preventive measure. The drug is treated with the eyes of pets for hygienic purposes.

For the treatment of allergies, veterinarians advise antihistamines, which are aimed at curative action not only on the symptoms, but also on the very causes of their occurrence.

Eye drops for cats ciprovet price, reviews and instructions

The drug is used for the treatment and prevention of eye diseases (infectious, inflammatory). Treatment with the drug lasts from one to two weeks. Cats need one drop 4 times a day. Veterinarians assure the effectiveness of this drug in the treatment of inflammatory processes in the eye.

Eye drops for kittens in case of damage to the cornea of ​​​​the eye in kittens

To solve problems with a damaged cornea in kittens, AVZ Iris helps well, which has the full range of medicinal properties to penetrate into the cornea itself and eliminate problems.

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