Alyonushka name meaning. Photo gallery: famous people in history named Alyona

The meaning of the name Alena. A detailed description of the origin and characteristics of the owners of this name.

Alyona- a feminine, sophisticated and attractive woman who, even in old age, remains a young soul. The owners of this name are very cheerful, energetic, sociable and friendly. They easily make contact with strangers and, what is most interesting, sometimes even turn their enemies into true friends.

What does the name Alena mean according to the church calendar?

Alena according to the church calendar

Although some sources consider the name Alain to be Slavic, it is absent from the church calendar. This is due to the fact that it was worn by a woman who practiced magic. And since this was strictly forbidden in the 18th century, she was simply excommunicated and her name crossed out from the calendar. That is why if you decide to name your daughter this beautiful name, then at baptism she will be called Elena.

This name will translate as Light or Shiny. If you do not want your child to be given this name, then if you wish, you can choose another one in the Saints. True, you must remember that in order for your child to really receive heavenly protection, it is better to give preference to those Holy women who are revered either on the girl’s birthday or, as a last resort, the next day.

Patron saint named after Alena

Holy Empress Elena

Although it was mentioned above that the name Alena is not in the church calendar, the Holy Woman bearing this name once existed. Some sources claim that she was brutally tortured and then killed by her own father only because she did not worship pagan Gods, but firmly believed in the Almighty.

At first, the father tried to persuade his daughter to obey the same God's laws as he did, and when he realized that it was useless, he took sin upon his soul and deprived his own child of life. Later, he realized what he had done, converted to Christianity and built a chapel in honor of his murdered daughter. This chapel still houses an icon depicting Helena of Brussels.

The patrons of Alain according to the church calendar are:

  • Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Empress Elena
  • Elena Diveevskaya
  • Elena the Martyr, daughter of the Apostle Alpheus
  • Elena Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess of Russia
  • Venerable Elena Serbian

The secret of the name Alena

The secret of the name Alena

Little Alenas are always very kind girls who always obey their elders in everything. At preschool age, they are ideal children. They are very smart, diligent, hardworking and sociable. As a rule, the owners of this name, even before entering school, begin to read and count, and some even study foreign languages.

For this reason, parents take them to first grade with great confidence that their child will delight them with exceptionally good grades. But as practice shows, at Alena's school they stop studying and during this entire period they simply force themselves to do what is supposed to be done. But still, such an attitude to learning does not prevent them from choosing a prestigious profession and getting a good job.

In this case, their natural charisma, lively mind and sociability help them. If you have the impression that the girl bearing this name is a fluffy bunny, then you are deeply mistaken. If she understands that she is in even the slightest danger, she almost instantly turns into a cunning and dodgy tigress who can hurt anyone who tries to encroach on her peace of mind.

What nationality is the name Alena?

Nationality named after Alena

There are many different versions of the appearance of this beautiful and sonorous name. Some sources claim that it has Slavic roots and originated in those days when tribes roamed the world. One of them was called Alena. Since it was very warlike, powerful and courageous, the name descended from it was deciphered as Conquering or Conquering.

There is also a version that the name Alena has Jewish roots and originated from the word Alona. It also meant power and was translated as Strong oak. In addition, some sources claim that this name also has ancient Russian roots. In pagan times, people worshiped the Goddess Alena, who was considered the mistress of the dawn. And to please her, they began to name their daughters in her honor, thereby contributing to the spread of this name throughout the earth.

The name Alena: meaning and popularity

Immediately I want to say that the name Alena is not very popular among young parents. Some of them consider it too uninteresting, while others are frightened that it is not in the modern church calendar. In view of all this, this name is not even included in the 50 most popular names in our country. As practice shows, most girls were named Alena in the period from 1970 to 2000.

Meaning of the name:

  • BUT- helps a girl to realize all her dreams
  • L- reveals artistic talents
  • E- helps the girl to express her thoughts more correctly
  • H- enhances the internal energy of the owner of the name
  • BUT- repeat

Alena - deciphering the name from Greek

Above, we have already told you about the Slavic and Jewish origin of the name. And no matter how strange it may sound, some historical sources confirm that it was very popular in ancient Greece. In this country, it was associated with flame or heat, so it was most often translated as Torch or Light.

Alena's name in English, in different languages

  • English- Helena, Nell, Nella, Lenny
  • Deutsch- Helenchen, Helika, Lenel
  • French- Helen, Nelly
  • Spanish- Elena, Elenita, Elya
  • Portuguese- Leninya, Leni
  • Italian- Ellena, Elline
  • Belorussian- Lena, Lenachka, Alenka, Altsya
  • Polish- Helena, Hela
  • Scottish- Eileen, Ayla
  • Finnish- Ellu, Helya

How is the name Alena spelled in the passport?

Many travelers who make a passport for the first time in their life to travel abroad rely entirely on passport officers, and do not check whether their name is correctly entered on an official document. Unfortunately, even these specialists make mistakes, and as a result, a person is not allowed into the country.

So that you also do not have a similar problem, be sure to make sure that your Russian name is entered in the official document in Latin. Alena's name in the passport must be entered as ALENA.

Alena: what is an abbreviated short name, diminutive?

Abbreviated forms of the name:

Affectionate forms of the name:

  • Alenchik
  • Alyonushka
  • Alenka
  • Alenusya
  • lenushka
  • Lelechka

Alena: the meaning of the name character and fate

Adult Alena is very different from what she was in childhood. From a quiet and calm child, she turns into a young girl, ready to go towards her goal no matter what. She becomes the most purposeful and able-bodied and does everything to achieve what she wants.

Moreover, her internal strength is enough for her to be able to quite calmly deal with several things at once. A small minus of the character of adults Alain is their impulsiveness and excessive emotionality. It is they who prevent girls from taking a sober look at what is happening around them and making the right decisions. And it is for this reason that sometimes they agree to not very good offers and get into situations that land them for a while.

But even such sudden trips of fate do not break Alena. She belongs to the type of people who know how to pull themselves together and start doing everything anew. Usually the owners of this name achieve a certain status in life, however, on the way to independence and wealth, they often lose almost all their friends.

Alena's name: sexuality, marriage

Young Alena is very amorous and fickle. Today it seems to her that she loves her boyfriend, and tomorrow, in general, she does not have any feelings for him. But all this does not mean that this girl cannot love one man. It’s just that she is so picky that if something annoys her in her partner’s behavior, then it’s easier for her to delete him from life than to waste her time and rebuild it for herself.

But when Alena falls in love for real, she does everything so that her chosen one is surrounded by care and attention. The owners of this name have thriftiness at a subconscious level. Therefore, if they have a loved one, then they spare no effort or time to cook something tasty for him or just clean his apartment.

Alena moves to intimate relationships with men quite quickly, but still does everything so that others do not know for as long as possible how close she is with her chosen one. Girls with this name enter into marriage very early, but if they come across a patient and kind man, they will happily live with him all their lives.

Name Alena: health and psyche

Most often, the owners of this name, in general, do not know what doctors are. Since the adults of Alena are very mobile, they walk a lot in the fresh air or go in for some kind of sport. And this is what allows their body to more effectively cut off pathogens of various diseases.

The only vulnerable spot of girls with this name is the back. But still, if the fair sex literally immediately tries to eliminate the cause of the appearance of the pathology, then she can forget about it once and for all. As for Alena's psyche, everything is in perfect order with her.

The nervous system of this girl quite calmly endures the strongest shocks and, what is most pleasant, literally in a matter of days her moral state returns to normal. This happens because Alena simply does not get hung up on something bad. If she gets into an unpleasant situation, she tries to quickly figure it out and again enjoys life with might and main.

What middle name suits the girl to the name Alena?

In principle, almost all patronymics are ideal for Alena. The only exception is the patronymic Andreevna. It has a negative effect on the owner of this name and as a result, the worst qualities begin to prevail in her character.

As a rule, Alena Andreevna is a rather lazy and mercantile person who only thinks about making her feel good. She treats the one who cares about her consumerly, without giving this person any warmth or respect in return.

Alena: compatibility with male names

In order for Alena to feel happy, there must be a strong spirit near her, a man who can sometimes calm her down. Olegs, Boriss and Sergeys have such energy.

These men, despite their slightly tough nature, are very affectionate towards the one they have chosen as their partners. As a rule, they always manage to cool the ardor of their chosen one and show her in which direction to move on.

In addition, Alena is suitable for:

  • Evgeniy
  • Valery
  • Borislav
  • Alexander

When is the name day, Alena's Angel Day according to the Orthodox calendar?

At the very beginning of our article, we already mentioned that there is no such name as Alena in the Church Saints. That is why the Day of the Angel is celebrated by the owners of this name on the days of veneration of the Holy Women with the name Elena.


  • March 19
  • June 3
  • July 24
  • August 10
  • September 17
  • November 12

Congratulations on Angel Day for Alena: short in verse and prose

Congratulations on Angel Day for Alena
  • Dear Alena! You are like a bright sun to me that warms my soul. On your name day, I want to wish you to continue to exude light and warmth, and always remain as kind and beautiful.
  • Happy Angel Day Alyonushka! I would like to wish you good health, good financial well-being and, of course, simple female happiness. Be happy my dearest and closest person.

Song named Alena

Tattoo for Alena: photo

Tattoo for Alena

Pendant with the name Alena made of gold: photo

Pendant #1

Pendant #2

Alena's name: intuition, intelligence

Although Alena does not particularly like to read, she is intellectually developed quite normally. Due to the fact that the modern owners of this name with a computer on you, they learn all the necessary information from the Internet, simply by talking to people in various forums. It is easier for such girls to know the world in this way. Therefore, instead of learning English in courses, they make an online acquaintance with an Englishman, and begin to communicate with him intensively.

The most interesting thing is that thanks to their intuition, they even find the right people on the World Wide Web who will help them in their endeavors in the future. But do not think that Alena spends all her time at the computer monitor. She communicates a lot with living people and does it with great pleasure.

Alena's name: hobbies, activities, business

All Alenas, without exception, categorically do not accept hard physical labor, so they usually choose professions where they need only mental stress. Most often they work as economists, teachers, psychiatrists, historians or social workers. If the chosen profession involves a consolidated schedule, then the owner of this name feels completely satisfied and happy.

But Alenam is best not to do business. As practice shows, they very quickly get tired of frequent business trips and business meetings and stop investing both their strength and new finances in their offspring. Allen's business thrives only if she is constantly being gently nudged to take further action.

What zodiac sign is the name Alena suitable for?

Zodiac signs suitable for Alen

Probably, it’s not even worth talking about how much the stars influence our lives. That is why if you want to smooth out the negative that they can have on a person as much as possible, then try to correctly combine the signs of the zodiac and the name.

Zodiac signs suitable for Alen:

  • Twins. They will help the owner of this name to be as witty, energetic and optimistic as possible. All these character traits will contribute to the fact that Alena will go through life very easily.
  • Scales. They will contribute to the fact that a girl bearing this name will be able to correctly show her inner world to those around her and, as a result, only the right people will be drawn to her.
  • Fish. They will make Alena a sensitive and tender woman who will strive to help all those around her.

Talisman stone for the name Alena

Alena, like all other extraordinary personalities, aventurine stone suits. It helps the owners of this name to look at their surroundings more soberly, thereby giving them the opportunity to understand from the first time what they need to do next. In addition, this pebble is able to attract her true soul mate to the fair sex.

Flower, plant, tree-talisman for the name Alena

garden rose

It is believed that the ordinary garden rose has the best effect on Alain. This flower has a calming effect on them and as a result, they commit much less rash acts.

The tree talisman of the owners of this name is cherry. She energetically sets them up for a strong marriage and respect for her partner.

Alena totem animal

The totem animal of all Alen is the king of animals - Leo. Since he embodies the strength, beauty and invincibility of the spirit, he energetically charges the owner of this name with perseverance, fearlessness and love of life.

Numerology Of The Name Alena

Numerology Of The Name Alena

Alena's life is controlled by a unit. It is she who makes her move forward and try to achieve good results in the most difficult cases. She makes good partners out of Alain, ready to sacrifice their well-being in order for a loved one to feel good.

Alias ​​for Alena

  • miss capricious
  • Shining star
  • proud wolf
  • A girl with a complex character
  • Sly angel
  • Charming nymph

Famous people, celebrities named Alena: photo

Alena Babenko

Alena Apina

Alena Khmelnitskaya

Video: ALYONA. Meaning and Interpretation of the name

First name Alyona absolutely different from the name Elena, these are two different options, therefore their characters are different.

Alyona- attractive, refined, feminine, even in old age her soul remains young. Girls with this name are sociable and friendly, cheerful and energetic. They quickly find contact with strangers, sometimes their enemies turn into true friends.

The meaning of the name is associated with the word "scarlet" or "beautiful".

  • Alena's zodiac - Aries or Leo;
  • planet - Sun;
  • color - yellow or red;
  • plant - lavender;
  • tree - cherry;
  • patron - lion, scarab;
  • talisman stone - diamond, gold.

According to the church calendar the name Alena is a folk, non-church version - originating from the name Elena. It used to be like that, but now it has become independent.

There are several options that have their own designation of the name: radiant and sunny, inspiring, bewitching, exciting, attracting. She is selfless and loves to give gifts, she is a cheerful and cheerful person. She is very vulnerable, from this she is restrained in communication, closed.

A little history of where this name might have come from. In ancient times, Alyons lived in the European part of Russia - this is the name of ancient tribes. Their symbol was fire and sword, they were too warlike. Translated from Greek, this name means a torch.

The name is of Slavic origin, but is missing from the church calendar because it once belonged to a woman practicing magic. In ancient times, this was forbidden and she was excommunicated from the church, and the name was deleted from the calendar, so she does not celebrate her name day. Now girls with the name Alena are called Elena at baptism.

You can shorten the name by calling Alena - Ali, Alya, Alyonushka, Lyosya, Lyolya, Lyolechka, Yelyusya.


Little Alena loves fairy tales very much, among children, she tries to stay alone, is a little closed, lives in her own inner world. They behave cheerfully, cheerfully and openly only with well-known people.

This is a gullible person, but if she meets deception, she will definitely punish the person who deceived her. In childhood, she is kind, without firmness in character. She has many hobbies and she tries everything.

She teaches lessons reluctantly, according to her mood, but she does well at school, sometimes even excellently, thanks to her good memory and if she liked the teacher.

More often than not, a girl looks like her father., but its character inherits exactly. Emotions play a big role in their lives.

, only with close acquaintance it turns out that she is a big dreamer and a cheerful person. The feeling of love in her manifests itself as compassion and she will marry, most likely for a person whom she will regret. She will not spare herself in her sacrificial love, but will expect the same attitude towards herself.

She is sensitive to her husband's friends and hobbies, thinking that they are taking him away from her. Immerse yourself in the world of emotional female experiences. She is indifferent to the imperfection of life, is picky and does not need much. She is a caring mother and a homebody, in her house there is peace and tranquility. In her mood, she is a good housewife, and the rest of the time she considers the kitchen a boring occupation, but she understands that this is a necessary element of everyday life.

The name Alena is a symbol of femininity, changeable, fearless, mysterious. It can change to such an extent that every man will see his ideal in her. Capriciousness is her charm and weakness, she is amorous, self-serving and will not miss her.

For her, her place in this world is the fulfillment of her duty, her plans are connected with work and life. If there is a favorite job, then it is a leader. Alena has a sense of responsibility that she takes on.

She has a strong character and is demanding of herself. With others, she is soft, does not require, but loves to explain in detail.

Business and career

It suits archeology, design, psychology, philosophy, economics. He has a strong temperament, is well versed in men, requires them to have high spirituality and the ability to be a good lover.

He does not like physical labor and everyday life, but he has tolerance and takes everything upon himself - this is a person of mood. He loves praise, but he considers it humiliating to ask for it.

Self-esteem is high, and goals are low, especially when she is forced to take care of everyday life and feed her family. In this case, her temperament is lost and she goes into coldness.

In order not to lose her femininity, it is better for her to do mental work and not take on the material problems of the family.

Love and family relationships

A husband is better suited from mathematicians, techies, economists. She can provide for herself, but she treats money easily and they do not linger with her. Touchiness, revenge and envy are alien to her.

In the family, Alena quickly gets tired of the monotony and stability of life, she needs trips, business trips.

She considers life and family to be a single whole, and when she takes on all the problems of household arrangements and financing, she switches to caring for her family without regret. At the same time, she loses her femininity and luck. She should direct her interest towards creativity and the sciences.


The name Alyona has weak lungs that bring sadness and melancholy to her, take away her vitality. To strengthen the work of the lungs, you should follow a few rules:

  • take an infusion of oats in milk;
  • include oatmeal in the morning;
  • more to be in the fresh air, preferably in the forest.

Lower back pain can be caused by an active bladder, to get rid of this ailment, you need to drink kidney fees or a decoction of lingonberry leaves.


They have the most diverse kind of hobbies, they begin to do everything little by little, but they are not enough for a long time, although they have the ability.

You should not demand more from her than she can give, she is simple and open, does not depict feelings, but experiences and experiences them. Next to her is calm, warm and good.

Compatibility with male names

In order for Alena to feel happy, there must be a strong-willed man next to her, who will influence her and sometimes calm her down. Boris, Sergey, Oleg have such energy. These men have a tough character, but they treat their chosen ones tenderly, they always manage to cool her ardor.

Also suitable for her: Alexander, Borislav, Valery, Eugene, Leo.

The secret of the name Alyona is the ability to always remain in a good mood. She hides negative traits of character from strangers, being able to control herself.

Attention, only TODAY!

The meaning of the name Alena. Alena, Alyonka, Alyonushka... This name was often found in good old fairy tales, Russian artist and architect - Viktor Vasnetsov called by this name, one of his paintings. Often mentioned " Alyona" and in songs - someone blinds with beauty, someone breaks the heart, and someone gives his smile. One gets the impression that the sun itself has touched this name. This is not surprising, because the name in Greek means "sunny", from Slavic - truth and justice and from Hebrew oak. It is no coincidence that people who bear this name call themselves kind, positive and bright. Names "Alena" and "Elena" often compared, and many believe that there is no difference in them. Perhaps they think so because the name "Alyona" considered a folk non-church variant of the name "Elena". Coincidences do exist, because Alena and Elena translated from Greek, they have the same meaning - "sunny". However, this fact does not at all confirm their similarity. After all, if in character traits Helena we find: tension, restraint, isolation, then Alyona on the contrary, it can be very belligerent. Its main symbols are sword and fire. Perhaps because the nomadic Iranian-speaking tribes of Scythian-Sarmatian origin were called by a similar name. It sounded like Alans. Name "Alyona" can also mean - scarlet, fiery. Notable people born under this name are: choreographer— Alena Shoptenko; singers - Alena Apina, Alena Vinnitskaya; actress - Alena Babenko; model - Alena Vodonaeva.

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Anna Kondratieva found out about the name "Alena"

Girls named Alena are very creative personalities with a rich inner world. Each area of ​​life for her is a new page where you can realize your ideas, as well as show your character. The name Alena is very amorous, but she will become a wife for one, with her a man will be happy. The family comes first, although in her career she will not miss her chance either, since the old Russian meaning of the name Alena is “fiery”, that is, achieving her own.

The name Alena has a different origin. The first is connected with the warlike tribes "Alena", who lived in Russia. Their symbols were sword and fire.

Another goes into paganism, when the goddess of the dawn was called Alena. This is where the meaning of "sunny" comes from. And although many still believe that Alena and Elena are the same name, in reality they have nothing in common.

There is another version of the origin of the name Alena. There is the country of Ossetia, which is called Alania due to the fact that the Alana tribes used to live on it. It is possible that the ties between the Slavs and the Alans were close, so the girls began to be called Alens.

Alenka in childhood and adolescence

Little Alyonushka is a lover of fairy tales. As a child, she not only loves to listen to them, but thanks to her unique memory, she quickly remembers them. To some extent, Alena herself creates her own fairy tale, which helps her to be a kind, sympathetic girl, sensitive to other people's pain.

  • A daughter named Alena will take a lot from her father.
  • She is independent, smart, and manipulative by nature. The latter may be unconsciously manifested. Therefore, before imposing something or forcing her to do something, it is better to understand well the meaning of the name Alena.

School years are one of the most enjoyable days in her life. Alenka loves to study, but parents should be attentive, as she will not bother with unloved subjects. But science and creativity (knitting, needlework) are her element.

  • Alena, whose name means "sunshine" is sociable, quickly finds a common language with both adults and children. You can say more: people themselves are drawn to it.
  • She is easy with her peers.
  • The girl knows how to keep the conversation going, as well as bring "creativity" into the conversation.
  • Friendship for Alena has been valued since childhood, it can sacrifice itself, but it also requires the same.
  • She is responsive and compassionate.

Marriage and love

Men in Alena are attracted by femininity, mystery, inconstancy and capriciousness. The latter is rather its dignity than a negative quality. Captivating with charm, the admirer will show all his ingenuity and generosity for the fulfillment of desire. The bearer of the name Alena from the ancient Greek language is translated as “charming”, “attractive”, “inspiring”. All these features cannot leave the representatives of the stronger sex indifferent to Alena.

  • The name Alena characterizes her charming, flirtatious girl, driving men crazy. She is not just always in the center of their attention, she likes it.
  • It cannot be said that the "beautiful" breaks men's hearts, she just needs to find someone to whom she will devote her whole life. Alyonochka quickly copes with this task, besides, the girl understands the stronger sex well, so she gets married early, and rarely makes mistakes.

Love for the owners of the name Alena is an ambiguous concept: in it she sees a sense of duty and pity at the same time. Therefore, Alena will marry a sensitive, responsible person.

She will like a romantic, creative person, a man "dad", who will be able to protect from mistakes, at the same time will cherish like a little princess.

Herself Alyonushka in the family gentle, faithful, caring mother. The meaning of the name Alena is characterized by ardent jealousy for a life partner. She will not want to share it with anyone, even with work, and she herself will sacrifice everything for the sake of the family.

Work and career

Alena, whose name means “bright”, “brilliant”, is a leader in life who can realize herself in the social sphere, and also, if desired, achieve a high position. If desired... Yes, Alenka is a big lazy person and a woman of moods. Only with laziness she has to fight, otherwise her ability to behave in society and knowledge of high manners helps to show herself from the best side, hiding her shortcomings.

Alena Viktorovna Sidko (Russian cross-country skier)

  • Getting along with others is her main character trait, which gives her the opportunity to work in different areas, which allows her to learn, as well as gain experience.
  • Responsibility is the main quality in the implementation of a labor agreement. For this, most employers appreciate and value Alena. You can lose your job if you see injustice and lies.
  • A girl named Alena is stubborn, but confident in the correctness of her decisions. Therefore, he always insists on his own, but he can give in for the sake of peace or to prove his case.

The employer, hiring Alena, will be able to be calm, as she will quickly get used to and figure it out. Knowing her duties and rights, she will never cross the border. A good attitude towards her and Alena will love any work entrusted to her.

Hobbies and passion

Alena is very talented, inquisitive. Ability develops to everything, but quickly cools down. Alen likes art (theater, music), needlework, travel.

The meaning of her name is "alaya", therefore, she sees beauty in everything, or at least wants to make beauty inside herself, around herself. Alyonushka herself is like an ornament for loved ones who appreciate her people.

To know nature, people, the world is a pleasant pastime. Rest sunny lady loves active. If you still need to spend time near the fireplace, he will offer to play games that develop memory and logic.

  • extraordinary
  • creative,
  • loves something unusual, so the gifts are unique,
  • and if you invite her to be a toastmaster, the bride and groom will not regret, rather, they will remember their wedding as cheerful, unique and unusual.

Alyonka chooses gifts with meticulous scrupulousness without any problems, as she believes that the recipient should not only receive the right thing, but also evaluate the giver himself. In this she is a pro, moreover, she does it with pleasure, disinterestedly and always hits the target.

Relationships and friendship

In friends, he appreciates openness, sincerity, trust. Often it can show ownership, which is why it suffers. But Alyonochka knows how to draw conclusions and restore relationships.

  • She will not be able to forgive malicious deceit, as well as deliberate betrayal. Revenge on occasion.
  • Alena builds relationships on sincerity, understanding, sacrifice.
  • The name Alena reveals her as a person who can be trusted, but verified.
  • She is a good dreamer who can blurt out and embellish what was told.
  • But people around love Alyonushka for her world of emotions, and also for the fact that she is careful about the feelings of others and her own.
  • She is touched by someone else's grief, misfortune, she can sincerely empathize and help.
  • Alena will not play with feelings, and she will not be able to. Hypocrisy is not given to the owner of the solar name Alena. In addition, she can easily catch him, that this will not lead to anything good. Alena ends relationships with insincere and mean people.


Envy is a vice that is difficult to control on the part of Alena. It is not easy for her to rejoice in someone else's luck, but this does not apply to friends. She knows how to work on herself, so envy will harm only her alone. It will not spoil or interfere with anyone's life.

Physical, exhausting labor is another disadvantage of Alenok. Therefore, the hostess and the wearer are rarely seen among sunny girls.

The secret in communicating with Alena is simple: it is worth being understanding and taking into account her feelings and the girl will reveal herself from the best side.

Alena is a pure and sincere girl. Calmness and love of life are the main features of her character. The name consists of smooth melodious sounds, without sharp transitions. This girl is not subject to impulsiveness, will not commit rash acts.

From the ancient Greek name Alena is translated as "sunny", "fiery".

Origin of the name Alena:

It is believed that Alena is the Old Slavic pronunciation of the Greek name Elena. The Slavs often replaced the first vowel of the name with the letter "A". The name Alena in Russia was associated with fire.

But there is another version of the origin of the name. According to this version, the name Alena comes from the name of the ancient tribe of the Alans. Alans are the progenitors of today's inhabitants of Ossetia.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Alena:

As a child, Alena is a cheerful, affectionate, cheerful girl, but only in the presence of people she knows, while with strangers she becomes constrained and withdrawn. Often, in the kindergarten, it is difficult for her to join the team, move away from it and play with herself. She does not have many friends, but she completely trusts them with all her thoughts and feelings, seeks their support and advice in difficult life situations. In turn, he will try his best to help a friend in trouble.

At school, Alena is characterized as a diligent, hardworking girl. She is assiduous, executive, she asks herself for any assignments. In high school, Alena usually does not study at full strength, more often she relies on her reputation as a “good student”. She makes great strides in sports, but sports, most often, remain just her hobby.

In adulthood, Alena is more relaxed, more sociable. She seems to play a role every time, the world for her is a theater. Considers herself an actress and director in this world of theater. The girl is unusually versatile gifted. She can become both a writer and an economist, both a scientist and a business woman. Everywhere Alena will be successful. The girl is very smart, she has an excellent memory and erudition. The leader from Alena is strict, she strictly limits what is permitted to her subordinates, does not accept negligence, however, at the same time, she remains a kind, sincere and fair person.

Alena is an impressionable person, she takes any problems of her relatives to heart, she is very trusting and open. It is easy and pleasant to communicate with her. Alena does not know how to lie, and expects sincerity from her interlocutors. But, even having caught them in a lie, he quickly forgives, and, in the future, he will also trust and believe these people. She is curious and inquisitive, often meddles in other people's business. In skirmishes, he will zealously defend himself and his opinion. She will not only be convinced of the wrong, she cannot stand criticism.

Alena likes the attention of the opposite sex, she loves expensive gifts. He expects sensuality, romance, masculinity from his partner. Get married early. Family for her is the most important thing in life. She is a good housewife and a caring, faithful wife. Alena's children come first. With great joy she plays and walks with them, and, even when they grow up, she continues to patronize them. Often takes the position of mother-friend. It is vital for her to be needed by someone. He demands fidelity from the chosen one, he can forgive betrayal, but he will remember her all his life.

Alena has a powerful intuition, she often has prophetic dreams. Therefore, a girl named Alena, very often, is fond of esotericism, numerology, fortune telling. She, because of her gullibility and hobbies, is a tasty morsel for all kinds of religious sects.

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