Recovery after childbirth: how the process proceeds and how to speed it up. Recovery after childbirth - where to start? When does full recovery occur after childbirth?

Undoubtedly, every pregnant woman has a subconscious fear that after the birth of a baby, her body will no longer be so slender, attractive. In addition, on the network you can find a huge number of horror stories that after childbirth, the mother's body wears out, and various diseases from a runny nose to a heart attack fall on her. Let's figure out together what is really true, and what can be avoided. And it is so possible to help your body get the shape that you had before pregnancy.

Mother's condition in the postpartum period

In the early postpartum period, that is, two hours after the birth of a child, a woman should lie down. It is best to relax and unwind as much as possible. This time she is still in the delivery room under the supervision of an obstetrician. In the absence of pathologies and complications, the puerperal is transferred to the ward.

For the first three days, a newly-made mother may be disturbed by contractions similar to contractions. They intensify during the application of the baby to the breast. This is completely normal, because irritation of the nipples when feeding the baby causes a reflex response from the muscles of the uterus. They begin to contract more intensely and faster. Therefore, if possible, do not give up lactation, this will help you restore the body much faster. In addition, try to lie on your stomach more, as this posture also helps to return it to its normal position in the small pelvis. In addition, a woman who has given birth naturally may experience pain in the perineum. This pain has a physiological cause, because when the baby passes through the birth canal, they are greatly stretched, and then return to their original state. The chest swells, becomes firmer. Colostrum secretions appear from the nipples, milk comes later.

Discharge after childbirth from the genital tract, or lochia, begins immediately and lasts up to six to eight weeks, that is, until the end of the postpartum period. This is a physiological process, it is not a pathology if the amount of secretions is not too abundant. You can judge this as follows: the first three days - about 100 ml per day, then the volume of discharge corresponds to approximately the first most abundant day of menstruation. Immediately after delivery, they are bright red, then a day or two later they become darker and thicker. Every day the amount of discharge decreases, after three to four weeks they may resemble a brown daub.

In the postpartum period, hygiene is very important, because lochia creates a favorable environment for the reproduction of potentially dangerous bacteria and fungi. To protect yourself from vaginitis or colpitis, change pads more often and wash yourself with warm water several times a day. Soap should not be abused, it is enough to use it once a day for the toilet, as it washes away the natural protection from the skin.

How to start recovery

Every woman cares about her appearance, this is the strongest incentive for performing any feats! The main condition for returning to its former shape is a comfortable state of health and your desire. Then you can start immediately after childbirth and continue until you achieve the desired result. But here you should not be too zealous, especially in the first month. It is advisable to follow a rough plan that will help you understand: what and when to do so as not to harm yourself.

Postpartum recovery plan

From the first days after the birth of a child, a mother can already begin to perform simple exercises to restore the muscles of the vagina, pelvic floor, abs and chest. It is also worth replenishing the supply of vitamins and trace elements in the body. For this, there are vitamin complexes, but do not forget about a balanced diet. The rest regimen plays a significant role, because enough sleep means that you have strength for yourself and your baby. Try to establish lactation, this will help you lose extra pounds faster.

A month or two after childbirth, you can already add to your diet many new foods that are rich in calcium, iron, zinc and B vitamins. This will allow you to restore hair, nails, skin, and these substances are necessary to maintain the nervous system. It is also worth diversifying and supplementing the set of exercises, you will already be able to perform more complex and effective programs. With their help, the muscular frame is toned, the flexibility of the spine increases, and the posture becomes better.

In the third month, if you wish, you can take a course of anti-cellulite massage, since by this time the uterus will already have returned to its normal pre-pregnancy state.

Of course, these are all general guidelines. Each woman has her own physiological characteristics, pregnancy and childbirth proceed differently, some have any diseases. Therefore, we will dwell in more detail on the main points that concern women, both pregnant women and those who have given birth.

Restoration of the menstrual cycle

In the postpartum period, there can be no menstruation for the reason that the uterus and ovaries are not ready for it. This is determined by the endocrine system, or rather, the production of the hormone prolactin, which prevents the eggs from maturing. Bloody discharge from the vagina after childbirth is a cleaning of the surface of the uterus at the site of attachment of the placenta. They stop after three to five weeks, and after a while, regular menstruation appears. The moment of her first arrival is determined by a decrease in prolactin in the blood and depends on the duration of the lactation period.

There is an opinion that if you are breastfeeding, then you should not wait for your period. This is not entirely true. A decrease in prolactin can be caused by various reasons, which is why some women do not have enough milk to fully meet the needs of the baby. In this case, menstruation can come as early as two months after childbirth.

In the mother's body, the production and excretion of milk is regulated by the brain.

That is exactly what happened to your obedient servant. I was low on milk even though I didn't supplement with formula. As a result, in the first month the baby did not gain weight, I had to introduce a mixture. And two months later - menstruation! However, I did not stop breastfeeding.

That is, if you only breastfeed your child without complementary foods, then the level of prolactin will not allow the eggs to mature, with the introduction of additional food, you can start waiting for menstruation. There are women who were lucky, and the first menstruation after childbirth began in them a year later!

Figure and press

There are exercises that are allowed immediately after childbirth. They gently affect the muscles of the press and back, allowing them to contract faster. There are limitations here: after a caesarean section, two to three weeks must pass for the sutures to heal.

Basically, these are static and breathing exercises. You can perform exercises lying on your side during feeding, sitting on a chair or standing. The point is to draw in the stomach as you exhale and fix this position for a few seconds. At first, do no more than three to five approaches, watching how you feel. Such abdominal muscles, which is not uncommon after pregnancy.

After a month, add complicated exercises, for example, "Cat". The bridge is also effective in the prone position, when the shoulder blades are on the floor, the knees are bent, the back is straight. Hold each pose for a few seconds, the more the better. When lochia runs out, you can visit the pool and sauna. This gives a general strengthening effect, the muscles are tightened, the joints are gently developed.

Photo gallery: exercises after childbirth

“Vacuum” is best done on an empty stomach Bridge on the shoulder blades will strengthen the buttocks and muscles of the body “Cat” exercise for the press and back
Static lower press exercise should be kept as long as possible

After two to three months, in the absence of diastasis, classic twists, squats with light weight, lunges, and inclinations are allowed. Pilates and callanetics also give a good effect. These sports include a lot of static exercises for all the muscles of the body, and also increase the flexibility of the spine. But they are contraindicated for severe pain in the joints, as they put a lot of stress on them. For nursing mothers, lying on the stomach is undesirable, because the chest is squeezed.

Try to be outdoors more with your baby, take a walk, go to a distant store instead of the nearest one. One hour of walking at an average pace burns 200-300 Kcal, and this is a lot!

How to restore joints as soon as possible

During pregnancy, cartilage and connective tissue soften under the influence of hormones, and additional stress is placed on the pelvic joints. Not surprisingly, after giving birth, many mothers experience pain in this area. How to help the joints return to normal? To do this, there are many creams and ointments that have a local regenerating and analgesic effect. Self-massage in the morning and evening will improve blood flow, and a warm bath after the massage will relieve muscle tension.

What should I pay attention to in case of joint pain? If the pain is tolerable, does not interfere with movement and is localized in the lower back and hip joints, this is a normal physiological condition. And the above remedies will be enough for you to forget about the pain in two to three months. But you should see a doctor if:

  • All joints hurt, even small ones, for example, fingers.
  • The pain does not allow to make sudden movements.
  • The skin is red or swollen.

These are serious signs that signal an inflammatory process, and they cannot be ignored. At the consultation, the specialist will refer you for research and prescribe the appropriate treatment. There are many methods for treating joint pain:

  • Physiotherapy.
  • Chondroprotectors (both internal and external use).
  • Compress on the affected area.
  • Taking vitamins and minerals.
  • Professional massage.

All these types of treatment are prescribed by the doctor strictly according to indications.

Posture after pregnancy

Bearing a child is reflected in the curvature of the spine, and immediately after childbirth, it cannot take its former shape. It will take some time to restore the previous posture. Of course, the absence of a load in the form of a large belly is in itself a plus for the spine, and it is in your power to make your posture the same as before pregnancy, or maybe even better.

There are many exercises for stretching and flexibility of the back, but your main task at first is to get used to the new position and control yourself throughout the day. To do this, stand with your back against the wall, leaning against four points: the back of the head, shoulder blades, buttocks, heels. Now pull in your stomach and move away from the wall. Remember this position of the back muscles and keep it as long as possible. Check yourself several times a day, as it will be difficult to keep your back straight at first, the muscles may get tired. Soon you will adjust, and you will no longer slouch without making any effort.

Video: a set of exercises to restore posture

Restoration of the genitals

Natural childbirth and caesarean section involve different effects on the genitals. At birth through the genital tract, the cervix and vaginal muscles stretch and then begin to contract. The cervix misses a hand immediately after childbirth, after three days - one finger, after a few days - it closes completely. Its shape becomes elongated, the pharynx becomes oblong, and not round. This difference of a woman giving birth remains for life, but only a gynecologist can notice it during an examination. The neck is finally formed by the end of the postpartum period. Caesarean section does not give these differences, but after it there is a seam on the uterus and on the abdominal wall.

Normally, the uterus should contract on its own immediately after childbirth, but after surgery, droppers with oxytocin are prescribed to prevent complications and blood stasis inside the organ. The uterus is a very unusual organ, its weight after childbirth is about a kilogram, and after two months - 50–70 grams! By the way, postpartum exercises to retract the abdomen help the uterus to return to normal sooner. In addition, many mothers note that menstruation has become less painful, this is due to the fact that the uterus, contracting, takes a more natural position.

Kegel exercises are an excellent method to quickly and painlessly restore the elasticity and size of the vagina, and besides, they can be done anywhere without being seen by others.

There is also step-free therapy to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. This method consists in the fact that cones of different masses are inserted into the vagina, and your task is to hold them, not to let them slip out. Also, vaginal balls are used for training. By the way, this method prevents and treats urinary incontinence, which also happens in women who have given birth.

Cones for training intimate muscles will be useful to all women, especially those who have recently given birth

In the process of natural childbirth, a small surgical intervention may be required - an incision in the tissues of the perineum. This is called an episiotomy. It allows the baby to be born sooner and avoid vaginal tissue ruptures. After birth, the incision is closed with sutures. Such an operation causes fear in many expectant mothers and a desire to avoid it. In fact, everything is not so scary, because at the moment of attempts, the tissues of the vagina are greatly stretched, and the pain from the incision is not felt at all. But the seam after the episiotomy is completely invisible externally, unlike the seams after ruptures, which heal much longer. In some cases, even the intervention of a plastic surgeon is required, since the seam may be unaesthetic and cause inconvenience in sexual activity and urination.

Episiotomy only looks scary, but in fact it does not hurt at all

Recovery of the vagina after an incision or rupture takes longer, but do not worry - everything will return to normal. Stitches need to be processed daily, and after childbirth, a diet without solid food is prescribed so as not to go to the toilet for a long time for several days, not to push. It is also impossible to sit straight for a week or two, only sideways. Be sure to observe the hygiene of the genital organs so that the infection does not penetrate the wound. An unpleasant moment in this operation is the inability to have sex for one and a half to two months, until the seam finally heals. And then for several months a woman may experience pain when making love. Intact vaginal walls are easily stretched, but at the incision site, the muscle tissue is replaced by scar tissue, and the scar does not stretch, so discomfort occurs. But pretty soon you won't even remember it, the sensations will be the same.

Plastic surgery of the vagina and labia after childbirth is a rather rare occurrence. Indications for it can be subjective and medical. The operation is performed under general anesthesia, the prognosis is favorable, and complications are rare. But there are contraindications, so you must first consult with a gynecologist, and then with a surgeon.

Another point is the violation of the microflora of the vagina. Sometimes this happens, especially if there was antiseptic treatment. Suppositories will help you to restore the natural balance of microorganisms, but they must be prescribed by a doctor after a smear. On your own, you will not be able to determine which drugs you need.

Breasts after pregnancy and lactation

The cause of sagging and loss of elasticity of the mammary glands are two factors: hormones and physical impact. The glandular tissue of the breast is responsible for milk production. Under the influence of hormones, it greatly increases in size, and then decreases. In this case, the connective tissue is stretched. Mom feeds the baby several times a day, respectively, each time the breast increases and decreases, the skin is stretched, which provokes the appearance of stretch marks.

How to help your breasts stay smooth and beautiful after lactation? First of all, take care of your skin. Now there are many remedies for stretch marks and specialized creams for the chest. You need to start during pregnancy. But ordinary olive oil will also help, the main thing is the regularity of use.

The second golden rule is proper breast care. Convenient, refusal to express with your hands, proper attachment and timely emptying of the mammary glands will help them not suffer much from feeding the baby. Also, do not forget about hygiene, in the shower you can do a light self-massage.

Exercises for the pectoral muscles can be started immediately after childbirth and performed continuously. They are simple, they will not damage lactation, but you should not do them with lactostasis or mastitis. This can be stretching or squeezing the expander, push-ups from a chair, static squeezing of the palms in front of you.

From myself I can add that weight jumps are extremely harmful for sagging breasts. The chest is the area that responds first to the loss of adipose tissue. When you alternately lose weight and gain weight, you can expect the mammary glands to lose their firmness. Try to keep weight loss as smooth as possible, by the way, this will benefit the whole body.

In extreme cases, you can correct the shape of the breast with plastic surgery. But first you need to consult with a gynecologist and mammologist, especially if you plan to have more children. After all, a surgical operation on the mammary glands is very traumatic for delicate tissues, and complications are possible with subsequent lactation.

Teeth, hair, nails, skin - we bring back to normal

Not all pregnant women and women who have given birth have problems with teeth, hair, and skin. Actually, such problems should not be at all if you receive enough necessary substances during pregnancy and lactation. Calcium is number one among them. Vitamin complexes and calcium supplements are, of course, good. But the degree of absorption of this element is much higher if it enters the body from food. And do not forget that vitamin D is a necessary condition for the absorption of calcium, it is produced by our skin when ultraviolet radiation hits it. So, foods rich in calcium plus sunshine are your recipe for beauty. Keep in mind that pregnant ladies should not stay in the sun for a long time, a few minutes daily or 15-20 minutes three times a week are enough to replenish the supply of vitamin D. Unfortunately, we hardly see the sun during the winter months, but there is a way out. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble substance, and most of all its content in oily sea fish or in pharmaceutical fish oil.

But food isn't everything. Dental care should be constant, and visits to the dentist should be regular. I think all women understand how nails and hair love care. Nourishing masks, baths, properly selected shampoo - you should not refuse this during and after pregnancy. To prevent the skin from becoming covered with stretch marks, use special creams every time after water procedures. Give preference to cosmetics with vitamin E, or you can buy it at a pharmacy and add it to your cream.

Photo gallery: creams for stretch marks

Body cream Mama Comfort costs 220–250 r Baby cream - inexpensive, but not very effective Avent cream for stretch marks - quite expensive - about 1300 r

Cream Sanosan - the price is about 350 r

Not all creams are the same! I started using Avent cream back in 2002, on the recommendation of my friend, who already had two pregnancies and no stretch marks. My doctor confirmed that the cream is excellent at preventing stretch marks.

Navel restoration

A frequent cosmetic defect after childbirth is the prolapse of the navel or the overhang of the skin over it. After three to four months, the navel can itself take its former shape. A bandage and spa treatments can help with this. If by this time this has not happened, then, unfortunately, it will not work to fix this trouble on your own. There is a navel plasty or umbilicoplasty, with which you will become the owner of a beautiful belly.
There is an unpleasant complication - umbilical hernia.

An umbilical hernia needs to be treated by a specialist

This disease is fraught with unpleasant consequences, for example, prolapse of part of the intestine into a hernia. Therefore, do not put off going to the surgeon for later.

How to restore metabolism and digestion

It is often difficult to lose weight after the birth of a baby, and this is due to a failure in the metabolic processes of the body. The main thing is not to get upset, but to help yourself regain its former forms. The nutrition of a nursing mother should be balanced and high-calorie, but there is a difference: from what foods and how often do you get calories?

Divide your diet into six servings that are roughly equal in size. Give up sugar, muffins, sweets, cakes, butter, sausages, fried foods in oil, in general, everything tasty and harmful. Don't worry, it's not forever. Our task at this stage is how to “reprogram” the metabolism, set it up for a normal rhythm. For this, in no case do you need to starve, you should always be full. But the quality of food will have to be changed, that is, to replace some products with others:

  • Lean on cereals, vegetables, greens instead of meat with potatoes and pasta.
  • Replace white bread and rolls with yeast-free bread or a long loaf with bran.
  • A sandwich with cheese or feta cheese will perfectly replace your sausage, sausages.

Well, sweet ... It's a little more complicated, because everything that is sweet is high in calories. Moreover, these are necessarily carbohydrates, which just interfere with our metabolism. What can you have for sweets? Coffee with a banana, tea with a spoonful of jam, fruits, dried fruits. Agree, it is impossible to overeat these products, which means you will get a little carbohydrate.

Now the second point is movement. It is impossible to speed up the metabolism while sitting on the couch, even though you will completely stop eating junk food. Engage in any permitted type of physical activity. Well, walking with a baby is your salvation from hypodynamia. Make them active and long, in bad weather, go to the children's center, have fun. By the way, when you move, the feeling of hunger does not bother you.

What I'm talking about, I know firsthand. That's how I lost weight after giving birth. But don't expect a quick effect. The whole process completely took me a year, but then I ate everything I wanted, and no extra pounds appeared. The most important thing is to wait until the weight goes down, and you can slowly introduce harmful foods. Not everyone can do without them, for example, I can’t. The great thing is that you will get used to the new way of eating, and if your family supports you, it will be much easier!

Psychological recovery

Hormonal imbalance and postpartum stress sometimes provoke a psychological disorder in women. It can be manifested by irritability or lethargy, apathy. An inability to concentrate or sleep, and loss of appetite can also be signs of nervous tension. These conditions need timely correction, as they can develop into postpartum depression, which should be treated by a specialist.

There are several ways to help yourself regain your peace of mind. First, make your life as easy as possible in everyday life, as far as possible, get rid of work. In the first month after childbirth, this is especially important, since physical strength is directly related to mental strength.

Secondly, try breathing exercises and relaxing baths, massage. You also need to find time for yourself at least one hour a day!

All moms need rest and pleasure.

The third point is communication. Try to find friends who also have small children or are about to have them. Do not lock yourself in four walls with a baby, entertainment has a right to exist.

How to improve sleep after childbirth

To the above recommendations, you can add soothing infusions of herbs, for example, valerian, motherwort. Check with your doctor beforehand to make sure the decoction is safe for the baby. A bath with lavender oil, a light massage of the cervical region before going to bed also does not hurt.

The sleep and wake patterns of your baby are also important. Try to teach your child to sleep more at night, do not turn on the lights and TV during night feedings. Make it a habit to take an evening walk.

To feed at night without turning on the light, buy a small night light, it will not disturb the baby

For severe sleep disorders, the doctor may prescribe sedatives or sleeping pills. Of course, this is undesirable during lactation, but in some cases it is necessary. The lack of proper sleep in a nursing mother can cause malfunctions in the work of all body systems, so do not ignore this issue.

How to recover after childbirth if you are over 35 years old

For the most part, how the recovery period after childbirth will proceed and how long it will last depends on what physical form you were in before pregnancy, how the pregnancy and childbirth itself proceeded, as well as your diseases that you suffered from before pregnancy. The older the woman, the more likely it is that these factors will not be on her side.

With age, tissue elasticity is lost, so it will be more difficult to shape the muscles of the vagina, abs and back at 40 than at 20. Also, the cardiovascular system is more stressed in older mothers, and metabolism slows down every year.

Actually, if you received the necessary medical care in a timely manner, led a healthy and active lifestyle, then you just need to follow the general tips for restoring the body. You can add more effort specifically to your problem areas, but they are different for everyone. In addition, pay attention to the general tone of the body, be active, but do not overwork.

Do not forget to take vitamin complexes, for mothers over 35 this is a must. So you quickly fill the deficit of the necessary substances.

Video: recovery after childbirth - how to lose weight and get back in shape

Of course, the birth of a baby for all mothers is the happiest moment of life, and the main thing is not to forget about it, not to focus on possible problems. It is not necessary that you will have any negative consequences of childbirth. But to be ready for them is half to cope with them. Beauty, health and self-confidence after the birth of a child is something that can and should be achieved.

What worries a young mother, except for thoughts about the baby? When a little time is given to take a break from caring for a newborn, many begin to think about their own health. Pregnancy and childbirth is a great stress for the body, and it can affect many aspects of health and appearance. There is a possibility of exacerbation of chronic diseases, body changes, problems with teeth and hair. In one article, it is hardly possible to describe all the methods that are recommended for women to quickly restore the body after childbirth. Therefore, let's talk about the general improvement of the body and work on the figure, because it is these problems that often cause concern for women who have given birth.

Recovery of the body after pregnancy and childbirth: where to start?

Perhaps one of the most common questions that women who have given birth ask is: how to restore the figure after childbirth? But during pregnancy, other ailments may appear:

  • back problems, back pain;
  • varicose veins;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • anemia (if a lot of blood was lost during childbirth);
  • diabetes;
  • other problems with appearance: stretch marks, sagging breasts, hair and teeth loss, age spots, brittle nails;
  • depression, sleep disturbances and other psychological disorders.

Most of these problems are fixable. But none of them can be qualitatively solved in a short time. Especially in view of the fact that after childbirth, a woman needs relative peace in order to recover from the stress to which she was subjected. Therefore, you need to start recovery after childbirth and deal with the figure gradually, without changing your lifestyle too drastically. Although physical activity is possible after consulting a doctor, it is still not worth trying to run a half marathon and lift heavy weights in the gym. The body has already used up more resources than it usually needs.

On a note
During pregnancy, the heart beats faster, breathing intensifies, and taste preferences can change - in this way, a woman instinctively tries to make up for the lack of any substances in the body. In the third trimester, the child squeezes some vessels and organs in order to make room for himself, and therefore, after childbirth, it takes some time for normal blood circulation to be restored.

In the first two months after childbirth, the respiratory and cardiovascular systems are restored after working "for two", the uterus is gradually decreasing, another hormonal restructuring is underway. Psychologically, the mother is also changing for a new role. At this time, it is better not to overwork - especially since there is enough trouble with the baby. Here are a few recommendations that will allow you to smoothly begin the recovery of the body after childbirth and do not require special knowledge:

  • Walks. The first couple of months of physical activity can be limited to this. Long walking is what you need to gradually start the recovery process after childbirth.
  • Healthy Diet: eat often and in small portions, minimize flour, sweet and smoked, drink enough water. When breastfeeding, allergens (citrus fruits, nuts, chocolate, seafood, etc.) should also be excluded.
  • Skin care- during pregnancy, she suffers in one way or another in many women. Peelings, scrubs and masks will help restore beauty. You can do them yourself. An excellent skin care product during recovery after childbirth is a contrast shower.

Of course, you should understand that these tips will not help you fully return to your previous form. But if you stick to them, then in the first months there will be a psychological adjustment to a healthy lifestyle and work on yourself. The results in the form of a couple of kilograms dropped and an improved complexion motivate for further actions in this direction - ideally, this is the preparation of an individual recovery program after childbirth. Where to start - experts in this matter will tell you, which are, for example, fitness trainers and gynecologists.

How to restore the figure after childbirth and regain its former shape

The main thing in the process of restoring the figure after childbirth is to make a firm decision and turn to specialists with a good reputation. The first will not allow you to turn off the right path if you have a desire to abandon the exercises and eat buns all day long. And the professional approach of the doctor and trainer will eliminate the mistakes that can be made in the preparation of the program.

Fortunately, there are medical centers that specialize in working with pregnant women and those who have given birth. Including those whose employees have a comprehensive approach to the issue of restoring health after childbirth. In such a center, you will not only be prescribed vitamins and diet, but they will also conduct an extensive examination with the participation of doctors from several specialties, draw up an exercise program, prescribe massages if necessary, and, if desired, even treatment with alternative means.

Fitness, Pilates and Gym

A beautiful figure requires the study of all muscles, so one of the main means is sports. At the same time, training should not be either exhausting or too easy. It is important to find the line here: if you train at half strength, then there will be no result. And too heavy exercises can harm the body, which has recently undergone stress. The trainer will help to cope with this task - ideally, a personal one, who will draw up an individual program.

In the first months after childbirth, you should pay attention to the types of gymnastics with a passive load. This, for example, yoga, Pilates, qigong. They not only smoothly strengthen all the muscles of the body, but also normalize the internal balance, including psychological, which reduces the likelihood of depression and mood swings. The condition of the skin and hair improves - due to the normalization of blood circulation. Such gymnastics is neither too tiring nor too gentle.

Where to practice? The first thought of most planners to exercise is at home, of course, to save time and money. But this is not always an easy way out, especially for young mothers. After all, there is a child at home who constantly requires attention. In addition, in order to force yourself to engage in a certain program for many months, you need to have tremendous willpower. Therefore, the best option is to agree with dad, grandmother or nanny that at certain hours they will take care of the child, and mom will take care of herself at this time.

Massage and ... herbal medicine

When women think about how to restore the body after childbirth, they do not first of all remember such methods. But together with those listed above, they are very effective. In wellness centers, they are often prescribed for more intensive recovery.

Professional massage useful to any person, and to a woman who has recently given birth - especially. If there were back pain during and after pregnancy, then a chiropractor is indicated. But there are other types of massage, many of which help restore muscle and skin tone and even reduce stretch marks in some cases. With a massage with healing oils, the skin becomes smooth and silky, besides, calmness comes, and the mood noticeably improves.

Phytotherapy is a way to improve well-being without resorting to chemical drugs. But most often, herbal treatment is used in combination with other methods. And, despite the seeming simplicity of herbal medicine, you should not prescribe it yourself. Incorrect dosage and uncontrolled use of herbs can seriously harm.

Medicinal plants recommended by a doctor even help in the fight against chronic diseases. And women are often prescribed them in order to restore the figure after childbirth during the feeding period. Phytotherapy improves overall tone, helps to lose weight and get rid of skin imperfections.

Acupuncture and other methods of Chinese medicine

We have all heard of Chinese medicine, but few have experienced it for themselves. However, it can be very effective for various diseases, as well as for balancing the work of all body systems - just what a young mother needs. If there is any ailment, then acupuncture and other methods of traditional Chinese medicine can affect the root cause of the disease, resulting in a significant improvement in well-being.

There are specialists in Chinese medicine in Russia, but many of them, unfortunately, do not adhere to traditional postulates, they offer some kind of their own methods that do not always help. If you choose a Chinese medicine therapist, make sure they follow centuries-old techniques.

On a note
Acupuncture or acupuncture - the impact of very thin needles on special points on the body (most often on the back) associated with the work of the cardiovascular, nervous and other systems. The procedure is usually almost painless (many fall asleep during the process), sometimes there is a normal reaction in the form of itching or mild pain. Acupuncture treats about 250 diseases, and it is especially effective in the early stages of diseases.

What Not to Do

In any therapy, the main principle is to do no harm. Seemingly good results obtained without the supervision of a specialist can lead to disastrous consequences. Therefore, you need to consult a doctor before starting recovery after childbirth by any method, and remember that a young mother should avoid unnecessary stress, therefore:

  • no strict diets, only wholesome healthy food;
  • no hard workouts that can negatively affect the spine, heart and respiratory system;
  • no rush.

The organism, which worked to ensure the vital activity of two at once, must carefully reorganize at a normal pace. And he should be allowed to do so.

Proper nutrition and moderate exercise - guarantee of safe recovery after childbirth. If you add an individual health program that does not allow the development of diseases, then soon the young mother will feel as good as before pregnancy, and the figure will again become beautiful. Nothing comes just like that, you have to work hard to return to your previous form, but these efforts will be rewarded.

Leading physician of the clinic (License No. LO-77-01-000911 dated December 30, 2008) Zhang Ziqiang agreed to explain what should be followed when choosing a clinic for recovery after pregnancy and childbirth.

“A professional doctor will be able to approach this issue in a comprehensive manner, since a young mother needs a complete restoration of body systems. Combination of exercise and a healthy diet - That's not all. A woman should be referred for examination to narrow specialists, if there are complaints about her health, and with their recommendations to continue drawing up the program.

It is advisable to choose clinics where there are specialists in various fields, including massage and alternative medicine. So, for example, in TAO, along with doctors representing official medicine - gynecologists, osteopaths, neurologists - specialists in Chinese medicine work. But the main thing here - don't overdo it. Chinese medicine allows you to solve many problems, and there are really few contraindications. However, it is necessary to be treated according to the canons of traditional Chinese medicine only under the supervision of a doctor who has received education in this specialty. In TAO, for example, professors and doctors come directly on the recommendation of Henan Medical University. These are experienced professionals.

I would like to note that any qualified doctor - a specialist in Chinese or traditional medicine - will most likely advise a young mother to pay attention to physiotherapy exercises using simulators or individual / group physiotherapy exercises in the pool. Some clinics even partner with a specific fitness center to guide the patient through all stages of postpartum recovery. Our clinic, for example, opened its own fitness club in order to be able to combine Chinese gymnastics with traditional types of physical activity, such as yoga, Pilates. This approach allows young mothers to receive the full range of postpartum recovery services from different groups of specialists.”

Childbirth is a serious shake-up for the body of any mother. No matter how long they last, several hours or days, the result will be a cardinal change in a woman's life, the restructuring of all systems and organs for the subsequent feeding and upbringing of the baby. And this restructuring cannot happen overnight. A woman will feel some changes right away, but quite significant changes will occur for several more weeks.

What should change?

    The uterus returns to its original size. The mucosa is restored in the uterine cavity. All this is accompanied by the discharge of postpartum secretions - lochia.

    All internal organs pushed by the baby in the last stages of pregnancy should take their usual places. Some of them return to their normal, pre-pregnancy sizes.

    All the organs that worked "for two", such as the mother's heart, liver, kidneys, gradually get used to working in the old way.

    The ligaments survive after sprain, the bones that were moved apart during childbirth lose their mobility, and, possibly, will occupy a new position.

    All microtraumas, cracks and other soft tissue injuries in the mother heal.

    Scars form at the site of serious ruptures.

    Major changes affect the endocrine system.

An organ of the endocrine system, the placenta, left the female body, which not only maintained the baby's hormones at the required level, but also regulated the hormonal balance in the woman's body. The endocrine glands remaining in the woman also change - they decrease in size, as they worked with a heavy load during pregnancy and childbirth. However, the work of hormones, which should ensure lactation, remains at a high level.

    The mammary glands are changing.

They seem to adjust to the feeding of the very baby that was born to this mother. Starting with a few drops of colostrum, the body gradually learns to produce milk that is appropriate for the age and needs of the baby. The process of establishing lactation takes a rather long time and should end with the onset of the stage of mature lactation.

As mentioned above, all this cannot happen quickly. The transitional period, the time for the restoration of all functions and the stabilization of a new state - lactation, lasts about 6 weeks. However, how successful it will be depends very much on how the birth was.

Biologically normal childbirth suggests that a woman's body is working mechanisms that help her recover easily and without problems. These mechanisms are activated if childbirth corresponds to the natural pattern, i.e. take place in a safe and secure place - a "nest" where there are no interferences and intrusions, where a woman feels protected and gives birth for as long as she and her baby need. As a rule, during such childbirth, there is no pain in contractions, and the body has time to adapt to each stage of childbirth.

Normally, a woman's level of endorphins, hormones of pleasure, increases throughout all childbirth, which reaches its peak at the time of the birth of a child. It is the high level of a woman's own endorphins that contributes to the inclusion of the maternal instinct, which allows her to experience tremendous pleasure from the process of caring for her baby.

The quality and comfort of breastfeeding is affected not only by the level of endorphins, but also by the timely first breastfeeding. And it will be full-fledged only after the child has a search reflex, which occurs 20-30 minutes after birth. And the child sucks, attached on time, not 10-15 minutes, but 1.5-2 hours!

Ideally, the first hour is the natural end of childbirth, the very reward for which mother tried so hard and waited 9 months and she should receive confirmation that everything is fine with the help of all her senses - touch, stroke, squeeze, see, smell, press, put on the chest. A powerful release of her oxytocin and prolactin gives the first impetus to the all-consuming feeling of motherly love, which will help her overcome all subsequent difficulties.

So, endorphins: prolactin and oxytocin help the mother not only survive a successful birth, but also recover safely after them. And indeed, all these 6 weeks, all processes go spontaneously and do not require any special measures or procedures from the mother. All she needs is peace, and the baby under the boobs!

In the first three days, the mother simply lies with the child. This allows all organs to gently begin to fall into place, and the mother should learn how to properly attach the baby to the breast. The baby in the early days also does not require much care. Therefore, mom is able to do everything necessary without getting out of bed.

Uterine contractions occur regularly due to the full sucking of the baby. As an auxiliary measure, the mother can periodically lie on her stomach and lie down on a cold heating pad with ice a couple of times. Tonic, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic or uterine contracting herbs are needed in exceptional cases. Only hygiene measures deserve special attention.

According to historians of obstetrics, it was the neglect of hygiene standards that contributed to such a high mortality rate after childbirth among our ancestors. Despite the emerging opportunities to treat almost any infection, a modern mother should once again take care of herself before such problems occur.

Regular and thorough washing, followed by treatment of the genital organs with an infusion of disinfecting herbs, not only prevents the occurrence of postpartum infections, but also helps to heal wounds and abrasions. No less effective measure is the simple ventilation of the "affected" places. And this will be possible if you refuse to use panties for a few days and lie a lot, placing a pad under a woman, and not pinching her between her legs.

Only women with severe tears need a special diet these days. And for an ordinary mother, no restrictions are needed either in the field of food or in the field of drinking. To establish full lactation, a woman should not be thirsty, so you can drink as much as you want.

In the week following these days, mothers usually begin to move much more actively.

Firstly, they are pushed to this by the increasing activity of the child. The baby begins to adapt to the world around him, and all the time he is waiting for help from his mother, even in his simplest needs. Timely training in practical childcare skills gives mom many pleasant moments and fills her heart with pride every time she starts to succeed.

That is why a competent mentor in the early days is the same necessary tool for the quick recovery of a woman in labor, like sleep or, for example, water. From time immemorial, a young mother was taught, instructed, helped, and a modern woman also needs training. This preserves the psycho-emotional peace of the puerperal, helps her understand the needs of her child and allows her to properly allocate her time and efforts.

Secondly, the mother's well-being allows her to do much more, although not all. Feeding while lying down seems to be the most convenient form. Therefore, mommy still lies with the baby for a long time. However, this mode can rather be called semi-bed. Because mom is starting to move around the house more and more confidently, though with her baby.

Moving around the house with a baby in your arms, you should not use a bra yet. The skin on the chest adapts to the process of sucking just 10-14 days, and during this time it needs contact with air. A simple, loose T-shirt or shirt will cover your breasts from the outside, and a bra is best left for outings. An exception to this rule are women with very massive and heavy breasts, who can be very uncomfortable moving around the house without a bra.

It should be noted that after biologically normal childbirth with the breast, apart from the adaptation of the skin, nothing extraordinary happens. Neither a change in the composition of colostrum, nor the arrival of milk, as a rule, cause any inconvenience to a woman, except for a feeling of slight heaviness. Breast and baby adjust to each other. And for this fit, no additional pumping, milking or any other unpleasant actions are required. As a rule, a day after the strongest tide, discomfort subsides. Therefore, after a while, milk will come exactly as much as the child needs, no more!

The remaining time before the end of 6 weeks usually passes unnoticed by the mother. Every day brings so many new things that she simply does not have time to keep track of time. Mom is gradually mastering the art of combining housekeeping with caring for a child. Due to the fact that the cub is growing all the time and the mother is only learning to navigate in his urgent needs, she still takes a lot of time for both.

The rhythms of the little man are still very short. Therefore, the mother must have time to serve herself about the child in small dashes. On the one hand, this gives her a lot of time for rest, which she still needs so much, because. at each feeding, she rests, sitting comfortably with the baby. On the other hand, she encourages her to more actively master various ways of supporting the child and various virtuoso positions for feeding. It takes up almost all of her time, so it doesn’t even occur to her to do any special physical exercises or go for a walk! But such activity allows her to better and better control her own body, which gradually returns to normal.

By the end of 6 weeks, a woman after a biologically normal birth is usually completely comfortable with her new position, masterfully feeds the baby from any position, is well versed in his needs and she has time, and even a desire to communicate with someone else. Behind all these troubles, she did not notice that during this time she not only learned something, but also completely recovered physically.

In principle, this scheme should correspond to the behavior of a woman after any childbirth. However, childbirth, which is knocked out of the natural scheme, takes place in a different way, which affects the hormonal balance of a woman and makes its own characteristics and adjustments to the recovery processes after them.

First of all, childbirth that does not take place in the "nest" is more stressful for the body. From the point of view of nature, a mother who has not found her "nest" is in an extreme situation, so it is necessary to mobilize all reserves!

Unfortunately, first of all, adrenaline comes out of the reserves, which increases the tension in contractions, increases pain, and as a result of this, reduces the overall level of mother's own endorphins. Following endorphins, the levels of all other hormones that contribute to spontaneous childbirth and normal recovery after them also decrease. This primarily affects the well-being of a woman and the ability of her tissues to regenerate and restore. To this it should be added that the absence of a "nest", i.e. habitable place with a bacteriological environment familiar to the mother is a factor that increases the likelihood of infection.

In addition, hormonal imbalance affects the establishment of lactation processes. In a stressful situation, much more milk may come than the baby needs or there may be a delay with his arrival. Not to mention the fact that such phenomena increase the risk of mastitis and other breast problems, unstable lactation greatly interferes with the establishment of interaction between mother and baby .. Since these processes are in no way related to the condition of the baby, caring for him becomes more instead of joy, it gives mom great inconvenience, up to irritation.

And to top it all off, all of this (elevated levels of stress hormones, low endorphins, problems with wound healing, difficulty with lactation) can lead to postpartum depression. If the mother, in addition to everything else, is separated from the child or even gives birth by surgery, then the difficulties may also multiply.

To protect yourself from all these consequences, it will not be enough for mommy to follow just general recommendations. There are a few rules that will have to be taken into account in order for the recovery to go relatively smoothly.

    A downed hormonal background dictates to a woman during this period not entirely logical actions that can directly damage her health, therefore, in the absence of biologically normal childbirth, a woman CANNOT FOCUS ON INTUITION. It is better to act on the basis of knowledge of the normal biology of these processes, and if they are not available, contact specialists.

    It should be remembered that the probability of developing an infection before the complete recovery of the body after clinical delivery is VERY HIGH, therefore it is IMPOSSIBLE TO CREATE FAVORABLE OPPORTUNITIES FOR INFECTIONS, i.e. appropriate care is needed, first of all for the uterus, for all wounds, and subsequently for the breast.

    IT IS NOT RECOMMENDED TO GO OUT until the end of 6 weeks after childbirth or at least 1 month after them! Any hypothermia, even very light, can push the infection. For the same reasons, all this time you can not walk around the house barefoot, undressed, as well as take a bath or swim in open water.

    DO NOT BANDAGE OR EXERCISE BEFORE THE 6 WEEKS END. Any impact on the abdominal organs, which have not yet taken their "rightful places", can provoke both a change in the position of these organs and inflammation, which can spread to the uterus or chest.

    The first 2 weeks after childbirth, it is necessary to REGULARLY TAKE MEDICINES THAT REDUCE THE UTERUS. The early contraction of the uterus is the first means of combating a possible infection and the best prevention of its occurrence. In the general case, it can be just herbs - shepherd's purse, yarrow, nettle. But it is also possible to use homeopathy or even medicines prescribed by a doctor.

    Starting from the 6th day after childbirth, it is necessary to carry out POSTPARTUM DEPRESSION PREVENTION by taking sedative tinctures or appropriate homeopathy for at least 2 weeks!

    When separated from the baby, it is necessary to organize regular BREAST EXPRESSION. This will prevent the development of mastitis and will contribute to the further establishment of lactation. Separation pumping is performed approximately once every 3 hours. With a rush of milk, it is necessary to drain the breast if the child is not with the mother and constantly apply the child if he is nearby. All the time of the tide will have to limit fluid intake to 3 glasses per day.

    IT IS NECESSARY AS POSSIBLE TO ORGANIZE NORMAL LACTATION. Properly organized breastfeeding restores the maternal hormonal background, therefore, in the end, it will not only make life easier for the mother, but also contribute to her quick recovery.

As for psychological rehabilitation, our long-term observations show that mothers after clinical childbirth feel it only 9 months after childbirth. Alas, this is the price you have to pay for violence against your own nature.

Childbirth is a serious test for a woman, and no matter how well they proceed, the body needs a lot of time to fully recover. It is not for nothing that obstetricians and gynecologists strongly do not recommend thinking about a new pregnancy in the near future: there must be a gap between births at least 2 years, and in the case of delivery by caesarean section - at least 3 years.

Internal organs

The greatest load during pregnancy, of course, fell on the internal organs, which for a long time worked in intensive mode for two.

  • The cardiovascular system functions with a high load due to the formation of uteroplacental blood flow and an increase in the volume of circulating blood.
  • urinary system during pregnancy, it removes metabolic products not only of the mother, but also of the child.
  • There are changes in respiratory system, because the need for oxygen increases significantly.
  • Other body systems are also undergoing global restructuring.


Postpartum recovery is primarily in complete involution of the uterus. This hollow organ undergoes the greatest changes during pregnancy: the uterus grows with the baby and increases almost 500 times. After childbirth, it is a huge bleeding wound, damaged in the area of ​​\u200b\u200battachment of the placenta and filled with blood clots.

information In the first 3 days after the birth of a child, the uterine cavity should already be cleansed of blood, after 3-5 days its inner layer heals, however, one can speak of its complete recovery no earlier than one and a half to two months.

Immediately after childbirth, discharges called lochia begin to flow from the organ: at first they are bloody, then they become lighter and more liquid, and finally stop by about 6 weeks after childbirth. At the same time, the uterus begins to contract intensively, which may be accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, and returns to its former size and weight. There is also a reduction in the internal and external uterine os: immediately after childbirth, the diameter of the hole is 10-12 cm, but by the end of the third day the canal will be passable for only one finger.


During the second stage of labor, there is a significant load on the vagina: it is greatly stretched, its walls become thinner and partially lose sensitivity.

In most cases, the vagina recovers fairly quickly and returns to normal prenatal size within 6-8 weeks. However, there are times that this requires much more time, effort, exercise, and in some cases, the help of plastic surgeons. Such situations can occur with significant injuries and ruptures during childbirth.

Other organs

As mentioned above, during the period of bearing a child, all systems and organs worked in an enhanced mode, in addition, many of them were displaced by the pregnant uterus. For this reason, after childbirth, it takes time for them to function already in the usual prenatal mode.

Global restructuring occurs in the endocrine system: hormone levels change significantly, and quite dramatically. This situation is often accompanied by a deterioration in the woman's well-being, both physical and moral.

For example, on the 3-4th day after the birth of a child, the level of prolactin, which is necessary for the production of breast milk, begins to increase sharply. This may entail:

  • drop in mood;
  • the appearance of irritability;
  • apathy
  • tearfulness.

Menstrual cycle

Recovery of the body after childbirth also, of course, consists in the normalization of the menstrual cycle. The beginning of menstruation, first of all, depends on whether the woman is breastfeeding the child.

The timing of the onset of menstruation after childbirth

These terms are averaged, the onset of menstruation for each woman can proceed individually.

After the onset of menstruation after childbirth, they may be irregular and differ markedly from the menstrual cycle before pregnancy. Its full recovery should occur no later than 2-3 months, otherwise the woman should contact an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Figure and weight

Probably, every woman dreams of restoring the body after childbirth as soon as possible, and first of all, this applies to a slender figure.

You should not expect that the weight gained during pregnancy will disappear overnight. It takes about 9 months for its full recovery, i.e. approximately the time for which he was recruited.

In no case should you go on a strict diet immediately after childbirth, especially for nursing mothers, because the child should receive maximum nutrients. A woman's diet should be balanced, containing only healthy foods. To correct weight, it is better to start leading an active lifestyle and devote more time to physical activity.

Normally, weight loss should not exceed 1 kg per month.

Active training

The birth is over and mom is in a hurry to start restoring her former beautiful figure. Of course, sport is a useful occupation, but its unreasonably early start after childbirth can only do harm. In no case is it recommended to start training earlier than 6 weeks after the birth of the child, especially for abdominal exercises and any activities with heavy physical exertion. After operative delivery by caesarean section, these periods can be significantly increased depending on the course of the postoperative period and the condition of the scar.

In addition, intensive sports are contraindicated for nursing mothers, because. strong physical activity can lead to a drop in prolactin levels, and, accordingly, the cessation of breastfeeding. A woman during this period can only do light gymnastics and simple fitness.

The long-awaited baby was born, and the body of his mother enters a new, very specific period - the postpartum period. Instead of creating optimal conditions for the development of the fetus, the woman's body must now adapt to the conditions of feeding the baby, while restoring strength and healing the damage done to him by pregnancy and childbirth. It is very important for a young mother to understand the features of this process in order to correctly assess her condition, distinguish the norm from pathology, and know in which cases it is worth seeking qualified help.

How much does the body recover after childbirth?

The condition of a woman in the postpartum period changes on an individual basis, but in almost every young mother, the following moments of body restructuring after childbirth can be noticed:

  • Heart rate, very intense during childbirth, decreases to normal over the next 1-2 hours;
  • By the time the baby is 2-3 weeks old, the cardiovascular system of his mother loses those features that helped organize the fetal circulation process;
  • In a woman, the volume of blood plasma decreases by approximately one liter;
  • During the postpartum period, the uterus, which weighed 1-1.5 kg at the time of delivery, decreases to 70-75 g;
  • About 2-3 weeks after childbirth, gradually weakening bloody vaginal discharge is observed. So the uterus, contracting, is cleared of the remnants of blood and membranes. The activation of this process is evidenced by cramping spasms that occur when the baby is breastfeeding;
  • Colorless discharge (lochia) may last for 4-6 weeks;
  • The female body after childbirth is aimed at feeding the child. The mammary glands begin to work. Within a few hours after delivery, colostrum is released, and on days 2-3 - full-fledged milk;
  • Microtrauma of the surface of the uterus and birth canal disappear within 5-7 days. Large sutured tears and perineal incisions may take several weeks to heal;
  • Some women who have given birth for the first time, within 4-6 hours after birth, urinary retention occurs. Sometimes this condition requires medical attention. After repeated births, on the contrary, urinary incontinence is often observed;
  • Many young mothers in the postpartum period experience the symptoms of hemorrhoids for the first time;
  • Within a few weeks after the birth of a child, the musculoskeletal system returns to its normal state, which has changed in order to adapt to bearing;
  • A sharp change in the hormonal background often causes excessive dryness of the skin, brittle nails and hair.

How to restore the body after childbirth?

The postpartum period lasts 6-8 weeks. During this time, the uterus returns to its previous size, the discharge stops. In women whose children are bottle-fed, the menstrual cycle is restored.

Even in the case of a baby being born through a caesarean section, doctors consider the young mother healthy enough by the time the postpartum period ends to do physical education, which helps get rid of excess weight, stretch marks and other cosmetic defects. Proper nutrition, adherence to the daily routine, good rest, regular walks in the fresh air contribute to the rapid recovery of the body after childbirth. Equally important is the constant support of other family members, their help in caring for the baby.

Some experts say that the female body rejuvenates after childbirth. In a sense, this is true. No one will deny that the hormonal surge, characteristic of pregnancy and lactation, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of many organs and systems of a woman's body. So, an excess of estrogen helps to optimize the level of cholesterol in the blood, improves skin condition, tones, strengthens bones, and normalizes blood pressure.

However, it only makes sense to talk about how the body rejuvenates after childbirth, only for those expectant mothers whose age has passed the mark of 35 years. Indeed, what kind of rejuvenation can we talk about if a woman is 20-25 years old, which is optimal for the birth of her first child? Do not forget that the first childbirth in middle age, when “rejuvenation” is quite relevant, carries quite large risks for both the expectant mother and the child. Therefore, such a property of pregnancy as the possibility of renewing the body cannot become the main motive in making a decision to conceive in women over 35 years old. In such a situation, it is necessary to weigh all the circumstances, assess the state of one's own health, consult with doctors, and only then competently and responsibly approach the issue of procreation.

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