An unprotected act of what a man should do. Emergency care: antibiotics for sexually transmitted diseases in men and women. Mechanical means of prevention

Went over and do not remember whether there was sex or not? Slept with a new acquaintance, and then found out that she changes partners like gloves? Or you just had sex without a condom for the first time in your life, or you got a blowjob without a condom, and now you are thinking whether you got an infection or not. Here are some tips on what a guy should do after unprotected regular or oral sex:

  1. If 2 hours have not passed since sex, be sure to treat the genitals with miramistin or chlorhexidine. Antiseptics fight infections. If you had sex at night, and you woke up only in the morning, process it anyway and hope for the best - "maybe" will help.
  2. Make sure to urinate as quickly as possible after unprotected sex. With a stream of urine, harmful bacteria will be removed if they have entered the urethra. But even this method will not give a 100% guarantee of non-infection: "pissing" is nothing to herpes and hepatitis.
  3. If there is a burning sensation in the genital area or scabies, go to the doctor immediately.
  4. It is better to visit a doctor in any case if you are not sure about your partner or she was a prostitute. But the doctor can postpone the examination for a month and ask to come back, because many diseases are not immediately detected in the tests and a couple of weeks are asymptomatic. Sometimes a doctor prescribes prophylactic antibiotic treatment without symptoms. For example, if there is a suspicion that the partner was sick with syphilis or gonorrhea, Trichopolum is prescribed.

What to do after unprotected oral sex

Few people think until "thunder breaks", but to the surprise of most, there are a lot of diseases transmitted from partner to partner (and vice versa) during oral sex. For thought, check out the list and find out what to do after unprotected oral sex.

What can you get from unprotected oral-genital sex?


A woman can easily become infected through oral sex from a man with syphilis. A man can also become infected by doing cunnilingus to a sick woman. Sources of infection are rashes inside the patient's oral cavity and mucous membranes, vaginal discharge, sperm. One of the signs of hooked syphilis is chancre on the lips and tonsils (painless ulcers).


Chlamydia affects the genitourinary system, tonsils, conjunctiva of the eyes.


Signs: urethritis, stomatitis, gonorrheal pharyngitis.

Urogenital and common herpes

(common affects lips and mouth)

Hepatitis B

Transmitted through semen or vaginal discharge, hepatitis C is also transmitted, but the risk of contracting them is lower, mainly hepatitis C is contracted through oral sex to partners with a weakened immune system.


Doctors have not come to a consensus regarding the possibility of HIV infection through oral sex. Conventionally, it is believed that an active partner is at high risk of picking him up: a girl giving a blowjob to a sick girl or a guy making kuni to a sick girl.

human papillomavirus


Worms, salmonellosis, mycopoasma, pneumonia, influenza bacillus and the list goes on for a long time up to infections that are characteristic of people living in a certain area. It is not for nothing that sex with local aborigines during the holidays is the richest in exotic consequences, up to contacting tropical disease control centers.

Please note that all of the above can be infected even with a single oral-genital contact! Therefore, always use condoms, latex wipes or regular cling film if you have nothing else on hand, including for cunnilingus or blowjob.

What to do after unprotected oral-genital sex:

  • Rinse the mouth and throat with chlorhexidine, miramistin or other antiseptic.
  • They also carefully treat the genitals. The sooner you complete these two steps, the better.
  • Girls should not swallow sperm if the partner is random!
  • You need to go to the toilet to urinate the guy who was given a blowjob and the girl who was having cunnilingus.
  • A man, if possible, should pour up to 2 ml of Miramistin into the urethra and not go to the toilet for about 2 hours.

What should a girl do after sex if a condom breaks?

If a condom breaks, the risk of getting an infection from intercourse with a random partner is much higher for a girl than for a guy. For her, the risk of an unplanned pregnancy is also higher. That's why:

  • If it hasn't been 5 minutes since the condom broke, douche. You can dilute miramistin or lemon juice with clean boiled water in the proportion of 1 part of the product to 10 hours of water. Never use without diluting!
  • Wash thoroughly and treat the external genitalia with miramistin. An antiseptic will help protect against infections.
  • From an unplanned pregnancy, it is better to douche with a solution with spermicides.
  • If you have not taken douching within 48 hours after sex and you do not need pregnancy, then no later than the expiration of these 48 hours from the moment your partner ejaculates, take: postinor or progestin tablets.

Postinor and progestin tablets are means of emergency contraception in emergency cases (violence, sex on a dangerous day) and can be used no more than 2 times a year, as they inevitably cause hormonal failure in the body.

What to do after sex if the above deadlines are missed? It remains to wait for the arrival of menstruation. With a delay of more than 10 days, you need to do a pregnancy test and visit a gynecologist. And then: do not bathe about what happened sex and live on or become happy parents.

In fact, one night stand- the dream of any business traveler, vacationer and not quite sexually satisfied resident of the metropolis. That is, those who equate to zero the chance the next day to meet an accomplice of a night adventure at a nearby store (for example, in the company of a legal husband / wife). Talk about the fact that only men dream of sex as such, and women - only about borscht and diapers - is utter nonsense. Girls also sometimes want simple animal joys. Without unnecessary conversations and subsequent meetings.

They say that when a woman is faced with the question - to change or not - her decision depends on how "good" her current relationship with her husband is. So there are no "random" connections among women.

Suppose there was an unprotected sexual contact (a condom broke, contact while intoxicated with alcohol or drugs, etc.) with a casual partner?
In this case, there are three options:
The first: within a few days after such sexual contact, prevention (prophylactic treatment) is possible. It will prevent the development of bacterial sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, syphilis, trichomoniasis). Prevention (prophylactic treatment) is carried out within a few days after sexual contact. After 3-4 weeks, you need to be examined by a venereologist. Prophylactic treatment regimens correspond to treatment regimens for fresh, uncomplicated infection.

Second: you can not carry out prophylaxis, wait 3-4 weeks, and then be examined by a venereologist. Before 3-4 weeks, it makes no sense to be examined, since during the incubation period there are no symptoms of the disease, and laboratory tests during this period are not informative.

Third, in most cases difficult to do: you can convince your casual sexual partner to come to an appointment with a venereologist and be examined for sexually transmitted infections. If nothing is found on him, then you are not infected with anything.

Which of the above options is preferable? It depends on the specific situation. It is best to solve this issue not on your own, but together with a venereologist who will help assess the risk of infection.

Despite widespread sex education, many of our fellow citizens have casual relationships without the use of a condom. It is easiest to get sexually transmitted infections from a random sexual partner. These infections include both classic: syphilis, gonorrhea, trichomaniasis, and "modern infections": chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, as well as formidable HIV diseases and viral hepatitis. The dangers of these infections are well known.

What should you do if you have unprotected sex?
First, you need to wash your genitals with soap as soon as possible and go to the toilet and urinate. Secondly, treat the genitals with an antiseptic drug, such as myromistin or betadine. Thirdly, take medication. Fourthly, despite the fact that the effectiveness of drug prevention is close to 100%, after two weeks to be diagnosed for urethral infections - to pass a control analysis by PCR, and after a month and a half to donate blood for antibodies to HIV, hepatitis and pale treponema. Fifth, avoid sexual relations with a regular sexual partner before passing the appropriate examination.

What is drug prevention of sexually transmitted diseases?
Drug prevention of unprotected sexual intercourse is possible within a few days after intercourse. Drug prophylaxis is a treatment that prevents the development of many sexually transmitted diseases. This method of prevention is recommended especially if, after a maximum of two days after unprotected sexual intercourse, it turns out that your partner is sick with any of these diseases: gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis, syphilis, trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia.

What diseases are prevented by drug prophylaxis?
Drug prophylaxis will prevent the development of diseases such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, syphilis and trichomoniasis. But remember that medicines have not yet been invented that will save a person from genital herpes and some other diseases. Drug prophylaxis also does not prevent the development of viral diseases - HIV and viral hepatitis.

Is medication harmful to health?
Most of the drugs that are prescribed for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases are prescribed once - they are taken or injected once. This, of course, reduces the risk of side effects such as dysbacteriosis. However, the frequent use of broad-spectrum antibiotics leads to the development of antibiotic resistance.

Effectiveness of medical prophylaxis?
Drug prophylaxis is effective against pale treponemas (causative agents of syphilis), gonococci, mycoplasmas, Trichomonas, ureaplasma, chlamydia, gardnerella, if carried out on time, i.e. within a few days of unprotected intercourse.

How is prophylaxis of casual sex tolerated? Is it dangerous to health?
Most of the drugs prescribed for the prevention of casual relationships are given once, that is, they are taken orally or injected intramuscularly only once. Therefore, in most cases, the side effects of antibiotic therapy (intestinal dysbacteriosis, candidiasis / thrush) do not have time to manifest themselves.
The side effects of antibiotics usually appear when they are taken for a longer period of time. The only thing to be wary of when preventing casual relationships is drug allergies. Therefore, if you suffer from an allergy to medicines, be sure to tell your doctor about it!

How often can you prevent casual sex?
Prevention after casual sex is an extreme (reserve) method for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. It cannot be done frequently and therefore cannot be considered as an alternative to the condom (as many would like). In addition, prophylaxis after casual sex does not prevent the development of viral diseases (herpes, genitals, human papillomavirus infection / genital warts, HIV infection).

Venereologists advise:
What to do if a condom breaks?
Use postcoital (emergency) contraception

What lubricants can be used when using a condom?
Use water based lubricants. In extreme cases, you can use saliva. In no case should you use petroleum jelly or greasy cream - they loosen the latex and make the condom ineffective

Is it possible to get by with one spermicide for casual sex?
In no case! You must use a condom. Spermicides only protect against certain diseases.

Why do some people think casual relationships are bad?
1. Raised like this. Parents are a terrible force: they not only teach useful, kind, eternal, but also litter the heads of children with the costs of personal negative experience. Some girls are taught by their mothers that men are dirty, lustful animals, if you give a woman a reason, they will jump!
2. Have a personal negative experience. There was a certain young man who acted dishonorably - he seduced and abandoned. And now, in the long evenings, SHE, in gloomy loneliness, cursing the male breed, sticks together a broken girl's heart. Or it forces boyfriends to prove loyalty and seriousness of intentions for months: give flowers, take them to restaurants and read poetry in a public place.

Why do some people think casual relationships are good?
1. Because they love sex regardless of love for a partner.
2. Because they encourage the experience of having sex with a stranger.
3. Because they believe that sex (according to Freud) is the main thing in a relationship, and they strive to test a new friend for compatibility as soon as possible
in the bed.

The sexual freedom that modern man enjoys has its drawbacks: according to statistics, one in ten is infected with one or another. To protect yourself and not endanger others, you must follow preventive measures. This is especially important after casual relationships.

Important!Measures will be effective if taken no later than a day after a casual relationship.

Most people, when the first symptoms appear, do not go to the doctor, but try to solve the problem on their own. Unfortunately, this can lead to serious consequences.

Measures to prevent sexually transmitted diseases

Diseases include infectious diseases with a different clinical picture. All of them are sexually transmitted.

Often, these diseases occur without symptoms and appear when complications begin to develop. Therefore, prevention measures are extremely important. It is imperative to use protection, especially in case of casual relationships, to be tested twice a year for the presence of infection.

Important!With the appearance of itching in the genital area, rashes and ulcers, discharge with an unpleasant odor, it is necessary to consult a specialist as soon as possible.

Individual preventive measures

Preventive measures for sexually transmitted diseases are taking care of your health and the health of your partner.

Prevention measures include:

There are medical and mechanical means of preventing STDs.

Mechanical means of prevention

Protective equipment of this type cannot guarantee 100% safety. Basically, they are used as protection against unplanned pregnancy. The risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases is reduced by only 85%.

This is due to several reasons:

  • the focus of infection may be on parts of the body that are not covered by a condom;
  • the spermicidal lubricant that condoms are treated with does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases;
  • infections can be transmitted through hygiene products and sexual toys;
  • latex has a porous structure, while the pore size is several times larger than the size of viruses.

The condom is considered the most effective means of protection against sexually transmitted diseases. It is used for oral, anal and vaginal sex.

Important!To reduce the risk, buy condoms only from pharmacies. Observe the terms and conditions of storage. Use the product correctly.

The use of condoms with spermicidal creams, vaginal tablets and birth control suppositories is not recommended. These funds can disrupt the microflora of the vagina and provoke the development of candidiasis. To protect yourself, it is enough to follow the rules of personal hygiene and use a condom correctly.

Tablets for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases

The use of medications prevents infection by approximately 70%.

Medications for the prevention of STDs:

Emergency preventive measures after a casual relationship

If you doubt your partner, immediately after intercourse, you need to take preventive measures:

  • urinate profusely;
  • wash the external genitalia and hands with soap;
  • see a doctor as soon as possible.

Important!Remember, sexually transmitted diseases can lead to serious complications: damage to internal organs and the nervous system, chronic inflammatory processes,.

Sometimes we face difficult tasks that need to be solved. So with all of us, such a nuisance as a sudden break of a condom can happen. Probably, it is no secret to anyone that in this case, it is quite simple to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy - just by taking certain medications within a couple of days after intercourse. But what to do with the probability of getting sick with various unpleasant diseases? In fact, there are methods that can reduce the likelihood of developing an STD after unprotected intercourse to zero.

Unprotected intercourse can occur for a variety of reasons. This, as mentioned above, is a banal torn condom, and rape. Sometimes contact can occur in a not quite sober state. In any of these cases, it is worth immediately starting to take certain measures to prevent sexually transmitted diseases.

Immediate Impact

First of all, it is necessary to treat the external genital organs and the inner thighs with soap, and also, than before, to urinate. After that, an antiseptic preparation should be applied to the skin and mucous membranes. For this purpose, you can use miramistin or betadine. It should be noted that all these medicines can only help if they were used no later than two hours after the incident. Enter the contents of the vial (using the urological applicator) into the urethra for a couple of minutes. The recommended dosage for men is two to three milliliters, and for women, one to two milliliters. Also, five to ten milliliters of the medicinal composition must be inserted into the vagina. Perform a thorough treatment of the skin on the inner thighs, on the pubis and genitals. Having completed this procedure, it is desirable to restrain urination for two hours.

Medical measures

Then try to go to the doctor as soon as possible so that he selects the most optimal means of preventive action. Although such treatment is almost 100% effective, it will not protect you from HIV, hepatitis and some other diseases. Therefore, it is recommended that a couple of weeks after unprotected intercourse, undergo a diagnostic study aimed at identifying urogenital infections. In this case, a PCR test will be very informative, and after about a month and a half, it is necessary to donate blood for the presence of antibodies to HIV, various types of hepatitis, and pale triponema. Throughout this time, it is necessary to avoid intimate contact with a sexual partner exactly until the results of the examination have been received.

Carrying out drug prevention of insufficiently protected sexual intercourse can be carried out only for a couple of days after an intimate relationship. In principle, such measures are preventive treatment that prevents the formation of various sexually transmitted diseases. The prevention of random relationships is carried out according to the same scheme as the treatment of an acute type of infectious lesion that is not accompanied by complications.

Drug prophylaxis can only be prescribed by a venereologist. Antibiotic drugs simply will not allow the infection to transform into a real disease.

Specialists especially recommend resorting to drug therapy when information appears that the partner with whom unprotected contact has occurred is suffering from diseases such as gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, or ureaplasmosis.

How soon can you resume a full intimate life?

Unprotected sex is allowed about five to six days after preventive measures have been taken. Before this date, it is mandatory to use a condom when communicating with sexual partners. This helps to prevent the transmission of the infection, if the infection does take place.

In what cases does such prevention help?

Drug prevention of STIs after an unprotected act effectively prevents the development of such ailments as gonorrhea, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis and syphilim. However, it must be borne in mind that such therapy cannot prevent the defeat of HIV, HPV, genital herpes and some other less common ailments.

Are these drugs dangerous to health?

In principle, most of the drugs are used only once, so such pathological conditions as intestinal or vaginal dysbacteriosis simply do not have time to develop. Antibiotics must be continued for one week or more for adverse effects to occur. The only danger that such drugs can pose is the likelihood of an allergic reaction. If you are prone to allergies, be sure to tell your doctor.

It should be borne in mind that drug prevention of sexually transmitted diseases can be carried out only in extreme cases. It should not be considered as an alternative to the use of condoms.

Casual sex can happen to any of us, so everyone should have information about urgent STI prevention. It is worth remembering that the best way to protect against diseases and unwanted pregnancy is a condom.

The ignorance of young people, and even older people in matters of sex, leads to fairly frequent unprotected sexual intercourse. Such sexual acts can occur in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication, random impulsive acts with an unknown partner, sex after youth discos, etc. As a rule, with casual sexual intercourse, few people think about the consequences, and of course - about any protection measures (there can be no question of any condom). What to do if, nevertheless, an accidental sexual intercourse has occurred, but you don’t want to expect possible consequences from it.

What are the consequences of casual sex? Is there a risk of contracting AIDS, syphilis and other sexually transmitted infections? And also, is it possible to get pregnant after such unprotected intercourse?

Variants of events after unprotected sex

After you have had unprotected sexual contact, there are 3 main options for your actions:

  • Immediately after intercourse, you must immediately carry out the so-called preventive treatment, which includes the prevention of major diseases that are sexually transmitted - these are gonorrhea, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, etc. It is very important to prevent infections within 3-5 days after intercourse . You can find out whether preventive treatment has worked only after 3 weeks from a venereologist, by taking a blood test for infections.
  • According to the second variant of events, you can not carry out any treatment or prevention of sexually transmitted infections, but wait 1 month and, for personal peace of mind, take a blood test for these infections. Before this period, the analysis will not be valid, since the incubation period of infections is exactly 30 days.
  • Next, the most impossible scenario is asking your random partner to get a blood test for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. But, you understand that not all casual partners agree to this.

Prevention of casual sex

Prevention of casual sexual intercourse is a single or intramuscular injection of injectable drugs. In most cases, this is the use of antibiotics, which, in a limited period of time, eliminate both minor bacterial and infectious manifestations in the form of thrush, and quite serious ones - syphilis, ureaplasma.

Prevention of casual sexual intercourse can be carried out only once if the sexual intercourse was without a condom.

Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases by pharmaceutical means

There is an option to treat the genital tract with chlorhexidine immediately after intercourse. But, venereologists say that this method is not reliable enough. The only thing that can be resorted to one-time treatment of the genital organs with chlorhexidine, when promiscuity occurred by accident. But, again, even after using chlorhexidine, it is necessary to take a blood test for venereal infections after 3 weeks. So, one-time you can resort to the treatment of the genitals with Gibitan, Miramistin, Chlorhexidine.

Medical prevention of sexually transmitted diseases

Drug prophylaxis is the prevention of the occurrence of sexually transmitted diseases, which theoretically can be transmitted to a healthy person from a partner through casual sexual intercourse. Medical prophylaxis is resorted to within 2 days after unprotected sex.

Before the procedure, the patient should consult a dermatovenereologist, then - drug prophylaxis is carried out.

Sexual life after drug prophylaxis

After carrying out drug prophylaxis, you can live sexually after 7 days. But, already in subsequent cases, it will be necessary to resort to contraceptive methods, in particular, to the use of a condom. It is not worth risking your health and life (which is no less important) for the sake of sexual relations with an unverified partner. If you are attracted to unprotected sex, then, together with your partner, take a blood test for sexually transmitted infections.

After medical prophylaxis, you can be sure that you will not get infections such as ureaplasma, gonorrhea, syphilis, HIV, human papillomavirus.

By drug therapy, you should understand one injection for infections and certain medications (pills).

Is there a health hazard from medical prophylaxis?

From medical prevention there is no danger to your health, since absolutely all medicines are selected taking into account patient tolerance, and of course - efficiency. The only thing is that no one has canceled an allergic reaction to certain medications.

Necessary medications after casual intercourse

After an accidental intercourse, the following antibiotics should be taken within 3-5 days:

  • Amoxicillin with clavulanic acid;
  • Penicillin injections - bicillin 3 or 5;
  • Cephalosporin or ciprofloxacin.

Under complex therapy (which it would be desirable for both partners to go through) is understood: taking vibramycin 2 times a day after meals at a dosage of 100 mg for 7 days (an alternative drug is clarithromycin). To eliminate candidiasis - 100 mg per day for 3 days.

Emergency contraceptive methods

If your condom breaks during intercourse, then you need to use emergency contraception. A woman can take such medicines as Postinor, Exapel during the day. The only thing is that they can be used only once - otherwise there will be a violation of the hormonal background with the occurrence of a mass of side effects. The active substances of these drugs lead to problems with the onset of the desired pregnancy in the future.

As emergency contraception, you can also take 3 tablets at a time of such hormonal contraceptives as Yarina, Zhanin, Jazz, Rigevidon. And then, after 12 hours, a second dose of 3 tablets is taken.

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