Drops that relieve spasm of the eye muscles. Spasm of the muscles of the eye symptoms and treatment. Restless Eye Syndrome Treatment


Many parents panic when ophthalmologists confirm a violation of accommodation in children, not imagining what it is and what it can threaten the child with. In fact, spasm of accommodation (false myopia) occurs not only in children, but also in adults, vision can be restored if the correct treatment is prescribed, which will relax the necessary eye muscles. Ophthalmologists know how to relieve spasm of the eye muscles, since the disease is considered common, and its mechanism of action is known.

What is accommodation spasm

To accommodate means to adapt. The ciliary muscles and ligaments adapt when a person changes the direction of his gaze, trying to see objects that are close. In this case, the eye muscles contract, the ciliary muscle tenses up, and the ciliary girdle, on the contrary, relaxes so that the lens changes focus, becoming more convex. When looking into the distance, disaccommodation occurs with relaxation of the ciliary muscles.

Accommodative spasm is a functional impairment of visual acuity when the ciliary muscle is in a constantly tense state during exercise, even if a change in the focus of the lens on a nearby object is not required. All smooth fibers of the optic muscle - meridional, radial, circular, are spasmodic, cannot relax. This disrupts the focusing mechanism of the lens and eye lenses, the person begins to see worse near and far.

ICD-10 code

According to the international classifier of diseases of the 10th revision, disturbances in accommodation and refractive abilities of the lens belong to the H52 code. Among them are:

  • astigmatism - H52.2;
  • presbyopia - H52.4;
  • accommodative spasm - H52.5;
  • aniseikonia - H52.3;
  • various disturbances of accommodation - H52.6;
  • accommodation disorders of unclear etiology - H52.7.


The first signs of the appearance of false myopia include the appearance of rapid fatigue when reading, writing or working at the monitor, if it is located close to the eyes. This situation is accompanied by the appearance of further signs requiring medical attention:

  • there is a burning sensation and pain in the cornea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyes;
  • a person complains that the silhouettes of objects begin to blur, become less clear;
  • it is difficult to look closely at something, especially at dusk, there is a decrease in visual acuity when working in the dark;
  • pathology can be manifested by a headache in the temples, migraine, tearing, swelling, redness of the eyeballs are possible;
  • constant unpleasant trembling of the eyelids, different sizes of pupils, constant involuntary movements of the eyeballs.

The reasons

Spasm of the visual muscles is often observed in children and adolescents who constantly sit at a computer or in front of a television screen at a short distance. At the same time, the following phenomena can contribute to false myopia in children:

  • too high or too low level of the desk at which the child does his homework;
  • improper lighting of the workplace;
  • heavy training loads to which the child's body is not adapted;
  • low level of physical activity, hypovitaminosis, muscle weakness.

Adults have their own reasons for the appearance of false myopia - starting from the age of 40-45, changes in the elasticity of the lens occur, the accommodation process is disturbed, near vision becomes worse, a person develops age-related farsightedness, spasm appears. Head injuries, a tendency to hysteria, menopausal manifestations can aggravate the pathology.


Ophthalmologists distinguish three types of accommodation disorders:

  • Accommodative or physiological, when spasm occurs as a reaction to improper conditions of study, work, constant overload of the visual muscles. If the pathology of accommodation has just begun, then simple corrective measures, streamlining the sleep, rest, study regimen will return the former visual acuity.
  • Caused artificially. This type of vision disorder appears as a result of taking certain medications - miotics. After discontinuation of treatment, vision returns to normal.
  • Pathological spasm. Such a violation of accommodation is associated with a violation of refraction, when farsightedness in a person is replaced by myopia. This pathology can be old or recent, uniform or uneven, treatable or resistant to the effects of drugs and other therapeutic measures.


Parents do not always correctly interpret the child's complaints about a prolonged headache, eye fatigue, attributing this to age-related changes or school workloads, so the pathology is detected during a general preventive examination at school. The child should be shown to a pediatric oculist so that he can conduct the following studies if accommodation is suspected:

  • determined how visual acuity deteriorated with the help of special devices;
  • what is the optical accommodation margin;
  • investigated the refractive ability of the lens;
  • took a shadow test for skiascopy;
  • determined the consistency of movements and changes in the pupils of both eyes.

Treatment of spasm of accommodation

If it is impossible to immediately determine what were the reasons for the development of accommodation pathology in a child or adult, then the patient is sent for an additional examination to an orthopedist or neurologist to find out the causes of spasm of the ciliary muscles. Treatment of accommodation spasm in adults and children involves complex therapy, which includes the following activities:

  • instillation into the conjunctival sac of eye drops that have a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of the ciliary muscle and ligaments;
  • the use of vitamin and mineral complexes that have a beneficial effect on the restoration of vision;
  • eye exercises;
  • electrophoresis;
  • a course of correction with magnetotherapy;
  • massage of the cervical spine and frontal area, therapeutic exercises, manual or acupuncture sessions.

Drops to relax the eye muscles

Drug therapy with special drops that relax the ciliary muscle allows you to quickly restore the accommodation apparatus. However, they need to be instilled regularly, and there is a high probability that after some time the accommodation will be disturbed again. Doctors recommend not only the instillation of drops from spasm, but also the implementation of other measures to restore vision. Drops against spasm include:

  • Irifrin;
  • Cyclomed;
  • lutein;
  • Midriacil;
  • Tropicamide;
  • Atropine (rarely used).


Being an adrenergic agonist, Irifrin drops contribute to the expansion of the pupil, relaxing the eye muscles, relieving spasm. These anti-spasm eye drops are used for children over six years of age and adults. Bury Irifrin from spasm at night, 1 drop in each conjunctival sac for at least one month to achieve optimal results. The drug is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • the presence of angle-closure glaucoma;
  • with aneurysm of the arteries;
  • patients with acute heart failure and disorders of the blood supply to the brain;
  • with hyperthyroidism;
  • children's age up to 6 years.


The drug is used to relieve symptoms associated with spasm - eliminates pain in the eyes, burning and pain, reduces redness of the eyeballs, has a calming effect, eliminates myopia. For adults and children, 1-2 drops of the solution are instilled at a time in each eye. The effect should come in 10-20 minutes, and if this does not happen, then another 1 drop of the solution is instilled into each eye. Cyclomed is not recommended for the following pathologies:

  • allergies to the main substance or auxiliary components;
  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • post-traumatic paresis;
  • under the age of 3 years.

Gymnastics for the eyes

Ophthalmologists recommend gymnastics for the eyes with spasm of accommodation, as a method that brings good results. However, you should be aware that you will have to do gymnastics regularly, perhaps for a year or two. The effect of the exercises will not be immediate, but will be fixed for a long time, the ability to accommodate will return again. Exercise for the eyes is done once a day, in the evenings, so that later the eyes no longer strain when reading or working. You can do the following exercises:

  1. Stick on the window, at eye level, a small piece of plasticine, slowly looking away from it into the long term.
  2. Close your eyes tightly and open your eyes, repeating this 10 times.
  3. Blink frequently and quickly for 30 seconds.
  4. Move the eyeballs in a circle 10 times, then the same number diagonally.

Treatment of spasm of accommodation in children

In a child, the process of accommodation and elimination of spasm is the faster, the earlier the parents discovered the problem and turned to specialists for help. In addition, strict adherence to medical recommendations plays a huge role in therapy - not everyone has the patience to monotonously, repeat the same exercises day after day and bury their eyes. Many stop doing the procedure after the emerging improvement. In order for accommodation to return to the child for a long time, and spasms do not recur, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Introduce into the diet foods that have a beneficial effect on vision - carrots, blueberries.
  2. Take vitamin and mineral complexes that help to saturate the ciliary muscles with useful substances and restore its working capacity, for example, the Lutein children's complex.
  3. Strictly follow all medical recommendations regarding the appointment of Irifrin or Cyclomed.

Forecast and prevention

Subject to all prescriptions, the prognosis for the removal of accommodative spasm is favorable, visual acuity is restored. To prevent the pathology from returning, you need to take the following measures:

  • go jogging, exercise, walk more;
  • reduce sitting time in front of a TV screen or monitor;
  • exercise for the eyes;
  • introduce fruits and vegetables into the diet that restore accommodation.


Attention! The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Accommodation is the ability of the eye in a normal state to adapt to a change in the refractive power of the lens and equally well see objects that are near or far.Spasm of accommodation in adultsoften causes the image of distant objects to become blurry. This happens because ciliary muscle tightens and loses the ability to change curvature lens . Therefore, after refraction in the optical medium, the beam is focused not on the retina, but in a plane that is located in front of it.

Spasm of accommodation is called violation vision, in which the patient sees a blurry image of objects located in the distance. Pathology arises due to incorrect ciliary muscle work holding the lens. The clarity of the image depends on where the rays are focused after refraction in optical media, one of the main elements of which oh is the lens.

It changes shape depending on whether it is in a tense or relaxed state. ciliary muscle . When looking into the distance, its fibers relax, lens becomes almost flat. If an object is close, tension occurs ciliary muscle, and the bulge of the lens increases. If too long work with closely spaced objects tension muscles fixed, spasm occurs and shape lens no longer changes. At the same time, the clarity of images of distant items are reduced.

If timely measures are not taken to eliminate the pathology, blood circulation in the muscle is disturbed, the ligaments that support the lens will weaken, and it will stop changing shape. As a result, myopia will develop, and vision will begin to deteriorate.

Spasm of accommodation ophthalmologists call false myopia. Most often it occurs in schoolchildren andteenagers, less often an anomaly is observed in persons older than 40-45 years. The main cause of deviation from the norm is visual strain as a result of the following factors:

  • inadequate workplace lighting;
  • no breaks during work behind a laptop or with small parts every 45-60 minutes;
  • inconsistency of educational furniture with the growth of the child;
  • prolonged reading at too close a distance;
  • completing of the work requiring prolonged eye strain (embroidery, watch or jewelry repair);
  • late going to bed;
  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • non-observance of the daily routine by the child (lack of walks in the fresh air, passion for computer games, inadequate amount of vitamins in the diet).

In adults, spasm of accommodation can be caused by stress, neurological stress, closed craniocerebral trauma, improper metabolism, menopause in women.

For false Myopia is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • redness of the mucous membrane, pain and pain in the eyes after work behind a laptop or with texts written in small print;
  • increased tearing;
  • high fatigue when performing visual work nearby;
  • degradation of image clarity of distant items;
  • diplopia (vision of double contours of objects);
  • headaches, nausea, dizziness, irritability.

Taking into account individual characteristics and performed false work myopia can last from two months to one or two years with a further transition to true myopia.

Spasm of accommodation is detected by an ophthalmologist during a routine examination or based on the patient's complaints about visual impairment. includes taking an anamnesis and examining the eyeball, as well as a number of instrumental studies of the organs of vision:

  • Ophthalmoscopy. With an ophthalmoscope being studied condition of the fundus, retina, optic nerve. During the examination, pathologies can also be detected. lens.
  • Biomicroscopy. This is a non-contact examination of the eyeball using a slit lamp, which allows you to view the anterior part of the eye and make an accurate diagnosis.
  • Visometry. The method allows you to determine visual acuity using special tables with letters, figures and signs of various sizes.
  • Accommodation research. By focusing rays on the retina, the ability of the eye to focus on a specific point or object is examined.
  • Refractometry. During diagnostics determine the refraction of the cornea to detect myopia or hypermetropia.
  • Skiascopy. The procedure consists in determining the functional state of the cornea and lens . The technique allows to identify pathology in a child or patient with mental disabilities, when it is impossible to diagnose by other means.
  • Tonometry. The study consists in measuring intraocular pressure and determining the degree of deformation of the eyeball.

Treatment Methods

Basic principle of treatment false myopia is to eliminate the causes that caused development of pathology. You can remove the spasm of accommodation with the help of the complex activities that include:

  1. conservative therapy with drops relaxing the ciliary muscle and dilating the pupil.
  2. Hardware treatment. Includes large complex procedures to relieve spasm ciliary muscle using medical equipment. Hardware treatments include:
  • electrical stimulation of the eye with weak current pulses;
  • spasm relief with points Sidorenko, who perform electrovacuum massage and improve the blood supply to the eye;
  • acupuncture - increases visual acuity and stops the progression of the pathological process;
  • magnetotherapy - a method of stimulating the ciliary muscle with an electromagnet with alternating current;
  • electrophoresis - allows fast deliver the drug to the optical media of the eye;
  • special computer programs - train the ciliary muscle.
  1. Treatment of spasm of accommodation with a laser. The technique consists in direct action laser o beam on the ciliary muscle to stimulate relaxation and improve the visual function of the eye.
  2. Execution of special exercises that allow remove the spasm of accommodation.

Treatment of false myopia at home

In addition to the main methods of therapy, the treatment of accommodation spasm in children and adults can be carried out at home. For this practice:

  • Sports. Swimming and cycling are especially helpful.
  • Alternation of visual loads with simple physical exercises.
  • Massage of the cervical spine, collar area of ​​the back, frontal area of ​​the head. Thanks to this, blood circulation improves, fatigue is relieved, and visual functions improve. It is also recommended to carry out a gentle massage of the eyeballs.
  • Organization of proper nutrition, introducing into the diet foods rich in vitamins A, E, C, as well as lutein. The menu should include fresh fruits and vegetables (carrots, beets, dried apricots, citrus fruits, black currants, blueberries), as well as fish dishes.
  • To do homework, you should choose a table that matches the height of the child, as well as organize the correct lighting of the workplace. The light should be diffused and fall from the left side of the table. It is very good to use natural light for this, placing the table next to the window.

Fulfillment of simple requirements will significantly improve vision in children and teenagers, to prevent the progression of accommodation spasm and its transition to myopia.

Medicines that can help

The main way to eliminate pathology aredrops to relieve spasm of accommodation.They are assigned which takes into account features of the identified pathology in patients and existing contraindications to the appointment of each drug. Ophthalmic drops relax eyelash muscle, thanks to this, vision in both eyes can be fully restored. Treatment lasts from one to four weeks. The most effective drugs include:

  • Irifrin. It has a mild effect on the muscle, therefore, at a low concentration of the active substance (2.5%), it can be used to treat children from birth. Stimulates the expansion of the pupil and the formation of intraocular fluid.
  • Midriacil. The effect of the application is felt after 5-10 minutes and lasts up to six hours. Analogues of the drug are midrum and tropicamide. Effectively relieve spasm and inflammation in children.
  • Atropine. A very active drug, relieves muscle spasm after 1-2 minutes. The action of the drops lasts up to two weeks, however, with its active use arises many side effects: blurred vision, dryness and redness of the eyes, constriction of the pupils after the end of the action of the active ingredient.
  • Cyclomed. It has a mild but effective effect. Begins to act 15-20 minutes after instillation of drops in the eye. For medicinal purposes, in each eye drip 1 drop three times per day. The active substance acts for 6-12 hours.

In addition to eye drops, vitamin complexes and other eye preparations containing lutein are prescribed.

If symptoms of pathology were detected during the examination, need perform basic gymnastics to train muscles and withdrawals eye strain. Wellness complex includes the following exercises for spasm of accommodation:

  1. Stick a black or red circle with a diameter of no more than 2 cm on the window opening at eye level. After that, stand next to the window at a distance of 30-35 cm and look from the mark to any object behind the glass that is not closer than five meters.
  2. Press your fingers for a few seconds alternately on the upper eyelid of each eye.
  3. Squint and open your eyes every five six seconds.
  4. Paint eyeballsdifferent shapes, letters or numbers.
  5. look at the tip index finger extended forward. Leisurely bring it to the face until it doubles.
  6. Blink vigorously for two minutes.

Prevention of accommodation spasm

Reduce the risk of developing spasm of accommodation is helped by preventive measures, which primarily include regular and full-fledged vision diagnostics. This applies not only to children, but also to adults, since with age the elasticity of the lens decreases, and the clarity of the image of distant items are reduced. To the prevention of violations accommodations include:

  • mode of alternating visual loads with rest;
  • visual hygiene, including proper lighting, selection of tables and chairs in height;
  • regular exercise in sports that improve blood circulation (running, swimming or brisk walking);
  • a balanced diet with the inclusion of greens, fresh vegetables and fruits, fish in the diet.

In order for the treatment of accommodation spasm to be effective, you need to instill the drops correctly. To do this, tilt the head back, gently pull the lower eyelid so that a small pocket forms in the inner corner. Drip one drop into it and gently press the index finger on the inner corner of the eye. Due to this, the drug is retained in the eye for 3-5 minutes, and the effectiveness of the treatment increases.

If spasm accommodation progresses and turns into mild or moderate myopia, you can try treatment. This is the safest modern way to restore vision. The lenses have a special reverse shape that provides 100% restoration of vision for 24 hours or more after wearing it for 6-8 hours. Lenses are used during night sleep, they do not cause discomfort, completely remove spasm accommodation and warn development of myopia.

Spasm of accommodation is a very unpleasant disease. It not only brings discomfort, but also worsens the quality of human life. Naturally, it is necessary to eliminate not only the symptoms of pathology, but also its causes. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the features of the presented disease.

What is "accommodation spasm"?

First, let's look at the concept itself. So, a spasm of accommodation is a temporary loss of the ability to see far and near. In this case, a change in the eye muscle occurs, which does not allow a person to clearly see objects at any distance. This condition may be temporary. However, under heavy load, it can often be repeated.

It should be noted that the presented disease can manifest itself both in adults and in children of different ages. However, this pathology can be completely cured. For this, different methods are used. But before starting therapy, you should understand the causes of the spasm, as well as establish an accurate diagnosis. This is done by an ophthalmologist.

Symptoms of the disease

So, you have already understood that accommodation spasm is an unpleasant pathology, but not everyone knows how it can manifest itself. Symptoms of the disease include the following:

  • decrease in visual acuity if a person looks into the distance;
  • to see the object, the patient has to bring it closer to the eyes;
  • a person may experience unpleasant pain in the frontal and temporal region;
  • with visual stress, the patient quickly gets tired, while both eyes can see differently.

In principle, these symptoms are not entirely specific. However, if they appear, then try to contact the doctor as soon as possible.

Causes of the appearance of pathology

Spasm of accommodation is a common disease that can develop due to the influence of certain factors. The cause of the appearance of pathology is most often:

  • poor hygiene of vision;
  • poor lighting while reading or working at a computer;
  • violation of the diet, due to which the body does not receive enough nutrients;
  • any ophthalmic or general infectious (viral) diseases, decreased immunity, general malaise.
  • If you feel that you often have vision, it can quickly deteriorate. Therefore, you should definitely consult a doctor, change your lifestyle and undergo a course of treatment prescribed by a specialist.

    Varieties of pathology

    There are several types of the presented disease:

    • Physiological. It appears as a result of incorrect, often independent, treatment of vision problems. It does not pose much harm, however, visual hygiene in this case must be observed. This spasm of accommodation in children is especially common.
    • Artificial. It may appear due to the action of certain types of drugs. Pathology completely disappears if you stop taking the drugs.
    • Pathological. In this case, visual acuity is significantly reduced, which also poses a great threat to human health. At the same time, the development of this type of disease can be persistent and uniform (or not).

    Features of the definition of pathology

    In order not to be mistaken in the diagnosis and to receive effective treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor. at the same time, it should be comprehensive and include not only an external examination of the patient. For diagnostics, various hardware techniques and special units are used, which make it possible to look inside the eye.

    The doctor is obliged to find out the state of your vision with the help of corrective glasses. In addition, the specialist must take into account all the complaints of the patient. An additional examination of the patient should be carried out by a neurologist, ENT and therapist (pediatrician). Only after a comprehensive study of the patient, the doctor can prescribe adequate treatment in accordance with the established diagnosis.

    Treatment of pathology

    Naturally, this disease must be treated. Otherwise, the recurrence of the pathology can lead to a persistent one that cannot be improved without surgery. If the causes of spasm are established correctly, then certain methods should be used to eliminate the disease. First of all, you will be prescribed special exercises that will help relieve tension from the muscles of the eye.

    Naturally, you may be shown drug therapy. For example, if you have an accommodation spasm, drops, ointments, tablets or other drugs should be selected in accordance with the doctor's recommendations. If the pathology is not running, then special exercises that are performed on ophthalmic equipment under the supervision of a specialist can help you. In addition to gymnastics, the doctor will prescribe the Irifrin solution. You can also take advantage of some physiotherapy procedures: magnetotherapy or electrophoresis with the use of medications.

    Naturally, the patient will have to strictly observe, try not to sit at the computer for a long time, not to read in the wrong position. At home, you will also have to perform exercises that will help train the lens. At the same time, start playing sports, give up bad habits, improve your sleep, proper nutrition, which will provide the eye muscles with the necessary substances. You may need to drink some multivitamin complexes that will help improve vision.

    Prevention of pathology

    If you have found a spasm of accommodation, a specialist will tell you how to treat it. However, in order for you not to suffer from the unpleasant symptoms of this disease, you should try to carry out all preventive measures.

    For example, try to reduce eye strain. That is, after half an hour of hard work, you should take at least a five-minute break. At the same time, walk more in the fresh air, look at pleasant, relaxing colors. Do not turn on too bright lamps in the evening. However, the light should not be too dim if you are working on a computer or reading a book. Be sure to eat well so that your body receives all the necessary nutrients.

    Gymnastics to eliminate spasm

    In order for you not to suffer from pathology, try to perform a certain set of exercises that will help you quickly bring your vision back to normal:

    1. Move your eyeballs left and right, up and down.
    2. Make circular movements with your eyes (both clockwise and counterclockwise).
    3. Now try to close your eyes as tightly as possible and strain your eyelids. Then relax them and repeat the exercise again.
    4. Move your eyeballs diagonally from top to bottom, left to right, and vice versa.
    5. Try to keep your eyes close to your nose as much as possible.
    6. Try to switch your vision from close to distant objects.

    Perform all exercises 5-10 times. In this case, you can train the eye muscles and strengthen your eyesight.

    Features of the disease in children

    It should be noted that accommodation spasm can occur in children, regardless of their age. In this case, the causes of the appearance of pathology can be the same as in adults. The disease is especially often manifested in the primary grades of the school, when the child receives a colossal load on the eyes.

    At this age, false myopia in children can be detected. In addition, the guys still do not know how to independently monitor the hygiene of their vision, so parents should do this.

    As for the treatment of accommodation spasm in children, it practically does not differ from the general one. That is, the child can be assigned special glasses, adjustment using hardware techniques and exercises under the supervision of a doctor. You also need to change your diet. If necessary, you can give your baby vitamins prescribed by an ophthalmologist. Teach your child to do lens-relaxing exercises on his own and do not allow him to sit at the computer for a long time and read books in the wrong position.

    In no case do not try to treat this pathology on your own. After all, the symptoms may indicate another, more dangerous disease. In any case, hurry up to see a doctor. The sooner you identify the pathology, the higher the chance of successfully coping with it. Be healthy!

    Over the past ten years, the number of people suffering from myopia has increased significantly in the world. If you believe the statistics, the disease is diagnosed in every third patient who turns to an ophthalmologist with complaints about eye health. Most often, myopia is caused by a spasm of accommodation. This is a functional disorder that can be eliminated with the right selected therapy.

    Accommodation is responsible for focusing the organ of vision at different distances. In the absence of deviations, this process is regulated by the coordinated work of several elements of the eye: the lens, the ciliary muscle and the zinn ligaments. The accommodative muscles are three "portions" of smooth muscle fibers: meridional (Brücke), radial (Ivanov) and circular (Muller).

    While looking at distant objects, the muscles are relaxed. When focusing the gaze on a nearby object, the meridional fibers tense, the zinn ligaments relax, as a result, the curvature of the lens increases and the degree of refraction of the visual apparatus increases.

    Spasm of the eye muscles is accompanied by a disruption in the work of the radial and circular fibers. They cannot relax, as a result, the ciliary body is in a state of contraction for a long time. Such pathological processes lead to impaired blood supply and can provoke the development of chorioretinal dystrophy.

    Causes of spasm of accommodation

    The anomaly is most often detected in children in adolescence. The main cause of spasm in schoolchildren is excessive visual stress associated with prolonged use of a PC or prolonged viewing of television programs. Insufficient illumination of the workplace, improperly selected furniture and reading at close range also negatively affect eye health.

    Non-compliance with sleep and rest, eating harmful foods, lack of vitamins, a passive lifestyle - all this negatively affects visual acuity and can lead to the development of pathological processes.

    After the age of forty, the lens becomes denser and less elastic, which leads to the development of myopia. This is the so-called age-related weakening of the accommodation muscles. For this reason, spasm of the eye muscles in the elderly is extremely rare and can be triggered by a head injury, stress, or menopause.

    Classification of spasm of accommodation

    Depending on the cause of the onset of the disease, several varieties of excessive tension of the accommodative muscles are distinguished:

    • Physiological. It develops as a response of the body to overexertion of the visual apparatus or prolonged work near a person with uncorrected hyperopia. When diagnosing this disease, it is necessary to select corrective optics and normalize the performance of the ciliary muscles;
    • Artificial. The spasm is caused by medications from the miotic group (Pilocarpine, Ezerin, etc.). Therapy in this case is not required, the symptoms disappear after stopping the medication;
    • Pathological. Accompanied by deviations in refraction and a drop in visual acuity. The disease is divided into persistent and unstable; fresh (less than a year) and old (more than twelve months); uniform or asymmetrical.

    In practice, ophthalmologists most often encounter mixed spasm, which combines physiological and destructive processes.

    Spasm of accommodation in children

    A preschooler and teenagers most often turn to an ophthalmologist with a similar problem. Very often, pathology develops in first graders, whose eyes are not used to such huge loads.

    In addition, primary school students, as a rule, do not observe the hygiene of the organ of vision, so parents should be responsible for it. However, busy mom and dad often ignore this commitment. The kid, having come from school, immediately sits down at the computer or takes a tablet. Thus, his visual apparatus does not rest, which negatively affects the sharpness of the eyes.

    Spasm of accommodation in children is treated in much the same way as in adult patients. The therapy is carried out in a complex manner, the doctor selects corrective optics, prescribes special exercises and prescribes a number of medications. To improve the well-being of your child and speed up the recovery process, you need to adjust his lifestyle.

    Also, good sleep and even distribution of loads are important for eye health. The child must rest in between the performance of various actions that require the tension of the visual apparatus.

    Symptoms of spasm of accommodation

    The main manifestation of the pathology is a drop in visual acuity and rapid eye fatigue, even with minor loads. Also, patients note the following symptoms with accommodation spasm:

    • Discomfort;
    • Cutting and burning in the eyes;
    • Regular headaches;
    • Redness of the sclera;
    • Increased lacrimation.

    If a spasm of the ciliary muscles occurs in a child, he becomes nervous and irritable, closes in on himself. The reason lies in the fact that the student does not see well and cannot distinguish what the teacher wrote on the blackboard. This often leads to a sharp drop in academic performance. If you watch the child from the side, it can be noted that he constantly squints, trying to consider objects located at a distance.

    Pathological spasm is accompanied by the following manifestations:

    • Trembling fingers;
    • Change in pupil size;
    • Migraine;
    • Profuse sweating on palms;
    • Unstable mental state. A person's mood can change in a second.

    Also, many patients are diagnosed with vegetovascular dystonia.


    Only an ophthalmologist is able to confirm the diagnosis after a detailed diagnosis, which includes a number of procedures:

    • Determination of visual acuity using special tables of Sivtsev and Golovin;
    • Skiascopy. Measurement of the degree of refraction;
    • Study of the stock of accommodation;
    • Convergence. Determination of the symmetry of the movement of the eyeballs;
    • Computer keratotopography. Appointed to check the condition of the cornea;
    • Biomicroscopy. The examination is carried out using a slit lamp. Helps to detect a variety of pathological processes occurring in the visual apparatus;
    • Ophthalmoscopy. Analysis of the condition of the fundus.

    If a spasm of the ciliary muscles is found in a child, he will need to visit additional doctors. The optometrist may refer him to a pediatrician, neurologist, orthopedist, etc. A detailed examination makes it possible to accurately determine the cause of the destructive processes occurring in the eyes.

    Treatment of spasm of accommodation

    The therapy is complex and includes a number of mandatory procedures. Compliance with all the recommendations of the attending physician will normalize the condition and get rid of negative symptoms for several weeks.


    With a spasm of accommodation, the doctor selects medications aimed at relaxing the ciliary muscle. Ophthalmologists call them mydriatics. The drugs received such an unusual name due to the fact that they can lead to pupil dilation (drug mydriasis).

    Drops from spasm of the ciliary muscles have a positive effect on the tone of the ciliary body, change its curvature and the refractive power of the lens. As a result, the patient's visual acuity normalizes and the negative manifestations of the pathology disappear. The following mydriatics are most effective:

    • "Atropine". Leads to pupil dilation, which lasts for seven days. Due to changes in its size, a person loses clarity of vision, objects around acquire a blurry outline. All this has a negative impact on daily life. The drug fights spasm well, but since the effect lasts too long, it is rarely used in practice;
    • Tropicamide. It dilates the pupil and paralyzes the ciliary muscles for five hours. Able to get rid of negative symptoms in two eyes at once;
    • "Cyclomed". The duration of its effect is from seven to eleven hours. If you use the drug before going to bed, then the next morning the spasm will pass. This helps to avoid blurred vision and a person can lead a normal life;
    • "Irifrin". The drug has become very popular with ophthalmologists in recent years. Its mechanism of action is different from the drugs listed above. In some cases, "Irifrin" and "Cyclomed" are combined.

    Exercises for spasm of accommodation

    To get rid of the pathology, it is enough to perform simple gymnastics several times a day on a regular basis. It will take no more than five minutes. Used in combination with eye drops:

    • Blink frequently and quickly;
    • Roll your eyes in different directions;
    • Close your eyes tightly;
    • Take turns focusing on near and far objects.

    Timely diagnosis and treatment of eye spasm allows you to save vision and avoid the development of true myopia. So if you or your child has been diagnosed with false myopia, do not rush to despair. In the article we will find out what accommodation spasm is and how to treat it.

    The reasons

    Physiological spasm in the eyes develops in people with and hyperopic astigmatism. In this case, the ciliary muscles located inside the eyeball contract and change the shape of the lens. Due to this, refraction (the refractive power of the eye) increases, and a person sees much better. Such a spasm is a compensatory reaction of the body.

    Pathological spasm of accommodation occurs in persons with normal vision. As a rule, it develops due to prolonged work at close distances. Mostly schoolchildren and students who spend a lot of time with textbooks get sick. Spasm of accommodation in adults, especially in office workers, usually occurs as a result of prolonged sitting at the computer.

    Factors contributing to the development of false myopia:

    • excessive visual load;
    • improper organization of the workplace;
    • reading lying down, especially on the side;
    • long-term TV viewing, games with gadgets;
    • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
    • malnutrition, lack of vitamins in the diet.

    Spasm of the vessels of the eye and brain plays a certain role in the development of the disease. Recent clinical studies have identified a relationship between poor circulation in the ciliary arteries and myopia.

    Note that the spasm of accommodation is a simplified name for the disease, which does not give a clear idea of ​​​​it. In medicine, a spasm is called a sharp, short, convulsive muscle contraction. Therefore, it is much more correct to call the disease habitually excessive tension of accommodation.


    Typical symptoms of accommodation spasm are a gradual deterioration of vision and the occurrence of asthenopic phenomena.

    The latter include:

    • rapid visual fatigue;
    • discomfort, pain and burning in the eyes;
    • frequent headaches;
    • eye redness and tearing.

    Children with accommodation spasm have trouble seeing into the distance. They have difficulty distinguishing the characters written on the blackboard, which often leads to poor performance. A sick child becomes nervous, irritable and withdrawn. From the side you can see that he constantly squints, considering distant objects.

    People with pathological spasm of the ciliary muscles of the eyes may experience other symptoms:

    • anisocoria - different pupil sizes;
    • nystagmus - trembling movements of the eyeball;
    • eyelid tremor.

    In many patients, vegetovascular dystonia, impaired sweating and emotional lability are detected.

    Which doctor deals with the treatment of spasm of accommodation?

    In adults and children, spasm of accommodation is treated by an ophthalmologist. Only a specialist can distinguish true myopia from false. Note that accommodation spasm responds well to conservative therapy. A timely appeal to an ophthalmologist often helps to fully restore vision.


    Only an ophthalmologist can confirm the diagnosis of accommodation spasm after a full examination of the patient.

    The diagnostic program includes the following studies:

    • determination of visual acuity;
    • refraction measurement;
    • study of accommodation reserve.

    A child who has been diagnosed with an accommodation spasm may need to consult other specialists. He can be sent for examination to a pediatrician, pediatric neurologist, orthopedic traumatologist or other doctor. A complete examination is necessary to identify the cause of vision problems.

    False myopia should be distinguished from spasm of the fundus vessels (angiospasm). This pathology is characterized by spastic contraction of small arteries supplying the retina. The disease can lead to periodic blurred vision, flies before the eyes, and frequent headaches.


    For the treatment of spasm of accommodation in adults and children, drugs, visual gymnastics, physiotherapy, massage of the neck-collar zone and other therapeutic measures are used. An integrated approach allows you to restore good vision in just a few weeks.


    With spastic contraction of the ciliary body, drugs are used that can relax its muscles. Ophthalmologists call these remedies mydriatics. This name was given to the drug due to the ability to cause drug-induced mydriasis, that is, pupil dilation.

    Drops from spasm of accommodation affect the tone of the ciliary body, thereby changing the curvature and refractive power of the lens. Thanks to this, the lens acquires a physiological shape and begins to function normally. A person's vision improves, eye strain disappears and other unpleasant symptoms disappear.

    • Atropine . It has a long mydriatic effect, which lasts about a week. Due to the strong dilation of the pupil, a person has a blur before the eyes, as a result of which he experiences difficulties in daily life. Of course, Atropine is very effective in relieving spasm of the eye muscles, but due to such a long action, it is rarely used.
    • Tropicamide . It dilates the pupil and paralyzes the ciliary muscle for 5-6 hours. With the help of these drops, you can remove the spasm of accommodation in both eyes and avoid the appearance of prolonged blurred vision.
    • Cyclomed . Operates about 7-11 hours. If you drip the medicine in the evening, the effect of its use will completely disappear by morning. Thanks to this, the next day a person will be able to lead a normal life.
    • Irifrin . In recent years, with accommodation spasm, the alpha-agonist Irifrin has been increasingly used. The drug has a different mechanism of action, which distinguishes it from the above drugs. With severe spasm, Irifrin can be combined with Cyclomed or another M-cholinergic blocker.

    Treatment of spasm of accommodation with drops can only be carried out under the supervision of an ophthalmologist. Do not use any drugs without first consulting a specialist. Self-medication can lead to complications and undesirable consequences.

    Exercises for spasm of accommodation

    Do you want to learn how to relieve spasm from the eyes with the help of exercises? Everything is very simple - you need to perform special gymnastics every day. You should do at least two to three times a day, and workouts should last at least 5 minutes. Along with this, it is necessary to use the drops prescribed by the doctor.

    Exercises that are useful for false myopia:

    • frequent and rapid blinking;
    • eye rotation in different directions;
    • strong squinting;
    • alternating focusing of the gaze on near and far objects.

    Are glasses needed?

    With a pathological spasm of accommodation, you can not wear glasses with minus lenses, which are used for myopia. Since the ciliary muscles in humans are already tense, correction with glasses will only aggravate their condition. Consequently, the patient will become worse, and the disease will begin to progress at a double rate.

    If the spasm of accommodation is caused by uncorrected farsightedness or astigmatism, glasses will only benefit. They will help relieve visual tension and eliminate asthenopic phenomena. Moreover, spectacle correction will avoid undesirable complications and make life much easier for a person.


    For the purpose of prevention, it is necessary to avoid prolonged work at the computer, monitor the correct organization of the workplace, read only while sitting, not lying down. People with presbyopia (age-related farsightedness) need to use reading glasses. With the appearance of excessive visual fatigue and discomfort in the eyes, it is necessary to contact an ophthalmologist.

    Useful video about accommodation spasm

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