How to know what you need in life. How to find your purpose and life purpose

Everything you need to know to finally understand your true desires. The results may surprise and even shock you.

How to understand what I really want? How do I know what kind of life I want to live? Today, more and more people are asking themselves these questions. And there are good reasons for this. Right?

Again, briefly: these are the people who act like scanners - jumping from fifth to tenth - but in reality they are just trying to drown out boredom.

Real scanners are interested in many things at once, and they want everything at the same time. False scanners jump on the tops, just to occupy their restless mind with something.

From all this intoxication, the fear of not being able to do anything, or making the wrong choice, has settled in the heads of modern people.

How can you do one specific thing when such a temptation is around? How to understand what you want? What if you choose not to? Will you suddenly remain unclaimed? Maybe it was better to go to another institute? Or maybe that dude at the next table in the restaurant has better food? What is better to choose - a used iPhone or a new Galaxy? What if my boyfriend is not my true soulmate? What I want? Etc.

To stop the revolving world, you need to get off this carousel and just stand on the sidelines for a while to recover. Some, unfortunately, do it too radically.

But you can not turn off the knife switch for good, but only switch to neutral mode. You know as well as I do what we are talking about - about meditation, of course!

No need to wrinkle your nose, like swimming - we know. This is usually done by those who tried several times, didn’t make any progress and abandoned the practice to hell.

Meditation is not a Viagra pill that gives an immediate reaction. You have to work on this, and sometimes long enough to feel a noticeable effect.

Judge for yourself, a person has been accumulating a mess for years in his thoughts and desires. And then a kind of half-educated plumber came with only one plunger in his hand and is trying to clean all this blockage at once. Will he get it? Here's the same thing.

Therefore, you need to calm the rushing mind, and a better practice than meditation has not yet been invented for this.

By the way, a very good way to meditate is to focus on the phrase "I want to know what I want." It not only stops the flow of thoughts of various sizes, but also relieves some of the tension and guilt that arise from the fact that sometimes we ourselves do not know what we want.

Don't know what you want? Well, load your subconscious with this question, let it figure it out on its own. And the answer may emerge after a while by itself and most often unexpectedly.

Just do not specifically wait for him and, moreover, be upset if he does not come. Just keep practicing next time. And again, and again... That's how it works.

If you are constantly looking for novelty, trying to escape from fear and boredom, then a peculiar piggy bank of ideas. Barbara Sher also talked about this in her book.

The chip is actually very simple, but effective. You just take on one specific case (a dish in a restaurant, a partner, a used iPhone, and so on) and do it until you get a specific result.

And as soon as an alarm bell rings in your head and a desire to switch to something else appears, then you realize this different, write it down on a piece of paper and throw it into a special box of ideas. You can just write in a notebook and not bother with the box.

The meaning of the action is that you do not accumulate ideas in your head, where it is already crowded from them, but give them a real embodiment, the path is even just on a piece of paper. So you literally “blow off steam” and significantly reduce internal stress.

This tension arises precisely from the fact that we are always afraid that we will not have time to do something important, we are afraid to miss this important thing, and therefore we rush between things, trying to grab them all.

Having written down everything on a piece of paper, we not only give relief to nervous tension, but also become more confident that we will not forget anything now and that we can continue to work calmly.

Fear is the inclination of the soul, convincing it that the desire will not come true.
Rene Descartes

By the way, Barbara also advises writing down on paper all the anxieties, fears, bad feelings and thoughts for any reason. You can have a separate box or notebook for them.

This allows you to safely defuse all that negativity that has settled in your head for a long time and firmly. Consider it a free, but very effective psychotherapy. Then you can burn this notebook. Try it! Very inspiring :)

For those who do not want to study and spend a lot of time on one thing

This is me! Yes. Since childhood, I do not like to do one thing for a long time and study all its subtleties. Probably, this is all because of Aunt Nina's neighbor, the kingdom of heaven to her. She kept saying: Igor is our professor!

And at school I was frankly bored. After all, I'm a professor, and so I know everything, leave me alone.

I remember that even in my favorite radio circle, I almost never completed the assembly of any circuit to the end. I liked to start work, but to finish - fu-fu-fu.

By the way, I also changed a lot of various circles and sections in my childhood.

This is also a certain kind of unfortunate diver, or false scanner. It comes from the inability to learn. This is when in childhood you were either praised too much, or everything was very easy for you at first, and therefore the illusion arose that it would continue to be so.

But as soon as the first difficulties appeared, fear and uncertainty arose, and therefore it was easier to quit this business and do something new.

Can only help here. patience. Patience that will eventually overcome disappointment.

After all, that's what we really fear - disappointment. What if it doesn’t work out, what if something goes wrong, what if they don’t praise, but on the contrary they will mock me, what if I miss something important while I’m busy with something else, and in old age there will be only regret and nothing more?

Patience is a difficult thing. You can't get it in a hurry. You can't force yourself to endure just like that. This is masochism. You need to find something interesting in it that can captivate and smooth out the bitter aftertaste. And that interest can be curiosity.

He who is patient is able to achieve whatever he wants.
Benjamin Franklin

What usually scares you the most when you are afraid of being disappointed? That's right - ignorance. You do not know what you will get as a result and you are afraid of failure in advance.

But what if you turn on curiosity and aim not for a positive result, but for a result in general?

That is, to show interest in the process, and not the result, as such. Just take it and say to yourself: I don’t care that I can’t really achieve anything, but I’ll try to bring this matter to the end and see what the hell out of all this will turn out.

Thus, shift the focus. When you are not confused by the result, but do something for the sake of the process itself (even if at first it doesn’t bother you at all), then gradually and imperceptibly you get involved and begin to notice things that you didn’t even think about before.

It can also be called meditation. In fact, that's what she is. And most importantly - over time, you begin to like it. Process for the sake of process and only.

Have you heard of the flow? This is exactly what it is when you have focused all your attention on the process, even if you are just picking your nose. Many find in this the meaning of life.

Not in nose picking, of course! And in the feeling of the flow. When you are in it, then you absolutely don’t care what exactly you are doing.

So Buddhist monks spend their whole lives slowly waving a hoe in their garden or sweeping the yard and at the same time they are happy, like a hundred Buddhas.

So the writer composes his verses and watches how the lines fall on paper and create a new universe.

So parents watch the growth of their offspring and rejoice simply because they are.

But how much patience you need to apply to all this! Without the necessary interest, this cannot be done in any way.

Interest is what helps to cope with all difficulties.

I wish you find your interest in life. Good luck! And subscribe to our channel in Telegram.

Do you already know what you really want? Write in the comments and tell us how you found your true desires.

A happy person is distinguished by having a healthy appetite for life. He enjoys the process. If you look closely, it's not hard to see the recipe that all these people have in common: 1) they know exactly what they want and 2) they get it. How can I figure out what I really want?

I remember that day, about a year ago, when I suddenly clearly realized that the transformation that I had been striving for for so long had entered my life. Despite the fact that there were still many unresolved tasks and questions, there were doubts, fears and other companions of any changes - but one change did irrevocably happen: I knew exactly what I wanted. And in all spheres of life and at different intervals of time.

Wake me up in the middle of the night, demanding to list what I'm interested in in this life - I would blurt out without a shadow of a doubt where I'm going. And with a fair amount of specifics. Offer me to change these goals for others, no less attractive, I would refuse, because my scope already gives me enough space to spread my wings. If my life turned around before a choice - a loved one or these goals, I would choose the second. Since true love does not set such a condition, and everything else is a fake from dreams on the topic of saving love, which will make you happy for life and save you from the need to act. And for this illusion there is no more place in my life.

It's an interesting feeling to know what you want and where you're going, because it doesn't take away the freedom of choice and the ability to change your mind, but you know that your choice is made.

Absolute freedom does not exist, but there is freedom to make a decision, and after that you are bound by your choice.

P. Coelho, "Zaire"

Binding yourself with such a choice is a truly wise step, since it is concentration on a single vector that helps you go through stage after stage and feel the rhythm of life, giving rise to the joy of conscious movement forward. Including this is the only way to have what you want for those who are not afraid to dream big.

Simply put, the picture looks like this:

To be inspired from moving towards your desires, they must be big.- that is, to have scope for the flight of your soul. Global goals give rise to the belief that our capabilities are much wider, thereby uncovering the internal potential and giving a surge of strength.

Achieving big goals takes time., during which you will move in the selected direction without changing direction. Only a long movement in one direction can give a tangible result. You have the right to change the goal, change your mind, choose another - please. The divine right of free choice is always with you, as well as the law of cause and effect: each time you start another, you start a new path, and you also need to stay on it long enough without changing the sharpness of the focus.

- In order not to succumb to the temptation of choice and not to change your direction, you need to decide exactly what you want. Therefore, it is reasonable at a certain point in life to decide exactly for yourself: “who am I?” and "Where am I going?" Otherwise, people often change their minds, try many directions at once, do not really succeed anywhere, and generally give up any attempts, thereby starting a smooth descent down the ladder of their prospects.

If you're ready, you don't need to get ready.

Once you have a direction in mind, it is easier to deal with doubts and tempting possibilities. It is easier not to be distracted from the essence and keep the focus on one thing. When this choice has not yet been made to the end and you continue to wait for a miracle (they say, somehow everything will work out by itself), then you swim where the wind blows. I think none of us would want to be on an unruly ship in the ocean or on a boat floating on a fast current without oars. So why do so many people like this dangerous approach: "to go with the flow of life without any goals", isn't it obvious that it carries on stones of helpless old age?

Now the World Championships in Athletics are taking place in Moscow - how interesting it is to watch some of the competitions. Look.

What is the essence of the victory of this or that athlete? Someone will say that in hard training, coupled with natural data, but still the root is deeper - in their choice to focus on exactly one particular sport that suits them best and improve in it.

Only long and technically correct training in one direction can give the desired result. But each of today's sports stars, having, in principle, a strong body and certain talents, could run from sprint to jump, from jump to marathon, from marathon to all-around, calling it self-discovery. Decide on a direction as early as possible- the most important decision in sports, and everyone knows about it, which is curious, but in life it is also the most important decision, however, much fewer people take it into account.

To get what you want, you need to choose a single vector and move in its direction, constantly improving over a long time.

Hence the logical question: do you know what you want from your life? In all areas?

I didn't know for a long time. Rather, she misinterpreted her desires. For example, I sincerely wanted to live by the sea. And only after 2 years, tightly spent by the sea, I realized that I really want to regularly travel to the sea, and to the mountains, and to forests, and to the snow, of course, that is, to travel a lot around the world, and only during breaks between something more significant and creative, for example, the development of your project, and living by the sea is not at all necessary. A big city answers a lot more of my questions than an island isolated from the world. In my personal life, there were also dreams in the style of “maybe I will become an excellent hostess and keeper of the hearth and will not do anything,” which pretty much amused my own universe with the corresponding lessons.

For every talent we will be asked.

But every time, even when the next “I want” turned out to be more of my fantasy about a wonderful future, and not an adult decision, I continued to move forward. I wanted to live by the sea - I went there to live. I wanted a free schedule - I found a way to work as a freelancer. I realized that I had to return to Moscow, so I moved. I wanted an author's project - and here it is in front of you. It was this movement, and not reflections (!), that gave the skill to separate the grains of the true aspirations of the soul from the chaff of idle entertainment that lead nowhere. At some point, the real goals began to take on an increasingly clear form, leaving behind all the imposed husks.

This is an illustration of my favorite example of a long climb in the mountains - at first you don't even see the top, but as you get closer, with another observation deck, your view increases and at some point - the target becomes clear. But if you don’t get up from the couch and start this path of conscious movement along the edges of your “I want” and “I can”, then don’t even ask to the top.

Some tips on how to understand your true desires and find inspiring goals

0. Tip number "zero"- start a conscious movement, to begin with, to any immediate desire. You need to start moving uphill in order to continue to talk about where exactly my road is in all this splendor. If you plan to start and do something only when you find your Path or destination, you simply do not leave the threshold of your house. It's called couch searching for yourself, and it's funny.

1. Pay attention to your own desires

The presence of a large number of desires and ideas is a sign of high energy. Don't give up on your aspirations. And do not listen to those who say that desires are bad. Desires encourage us to move forward, grow and overcome ourselves, or rather, our own ideas about ourselves. Desires are catalysts for life energy. Another issue is that when the potential remains unrealized, it starts to press. That is why it is useful to fulfill desires in every sense.

The difference between a true dream or a “public” one, that is, an imposed one, is most often realized only in practice, and not in the mind. Get ready for trial and error phase, especially if you grew up in a very "blinded" environment, but this stage is also very productive.

Most often, I receive letters in the style of “how to make it so that everything changes, but not to be mistaken.” That's the point, no way. Yes, you may be mistaken, but even a mistake with a sincere intention to change for the better and realize your potential to the maximum will be beneficial, because it will remove another layer of blinders from your eyes, which you will never see if you don’t try.

A loser is one who, out of fear of failure, has not even tried.

It was the mistakes that brought me to that very observation deck, where I could clearly see what I want: who to be, what to have, where to go. And the bonus is the understanding that she no longer intends to endure.

2. Find the junction between desires and abilities

The single vector that was discussed is very often located at the junction of “I want” and “I can”. That is, these are not just your current abilities, but multiplied by great desires. What you have inclinations and talents for, but in the context of a big dream. This is the conscious development of one's abilities into mastery, which allows one to realize the most daring desires. As soon as you find this joint, give it priority. Nothing makes a person internally holistic and calm like a clear understanding of where he is going.

The goal differs from fantasy only by the presence of real steps already now in the chosen direction. In all other cases, if you want, but don’t do it, this is nothing more than a childhood dream that is unlikely to ever come true.

To get somewhere, you need to know the destination. This is primary. And the sooner you decide on it, the clearer everything that happens around you becomes. I wish you to realize it and choose from all the variety.

Sometimes a relationship develops between a man and a woman that seems to be there, but it seems that there are almost none. They are sluggish, uninitiative, completely unincendiary. Or, on the contrary, incendiary, but inconsistent meetings from time to time, no heart-to-heart talk, only passion.

At first, women may be satisfied with both options. They patiently wait for something to change for the better - the relationship will become more open, stable, strong.

But time passes and nothing changes. And thoughts involuntarily creep in about whether such a relationship has a future, whether it is worth continuing it, or is it better to interrupt it now, so as not to regret the years gone by in vain.

This is where the question arises of how to understand if a man needs you, or is he indifferent to you, just using you and not going to build any serious relationship?

A man and a woman are two boxes that hold the keys to each other.
Karen Blixen

How to understand that a man does not need a girl

  • The first and most revealing sign is his behavior.. How often do you meet, call each other, go to the cinema, restaurants together, just walk or watch movies together?

    If all of the above happens at least weekly, then there is most likely no reason to sound the alarm. In addition, much depends on the employment of a man and his work schedule. Today it is not uncommon to have a 12-hour work day and a 60-hour work week.

  • The second sign is his attitude towards you. Even if a person is very busy at work, but loves you and misses you, he will take a minute to write a message, send a nice MMS or order a bouquet of flowers for you.

    His desire to spend his free time (or most of it) with you is also a good sign. If, however, a man treats all proposals to meet with coolness, demands that the girl does not call him first, behaves aloofly or even rudely at a meeting - these are alarming symptoms.

  • The third sign is constant betrayal. Let there be no officially registered relationship between you yet. This does not mean at all that you should forgive him for going “to the left”.

    You should not hope that the guy will go crazy and at some point decide that he only needs you. By his behavior, he already shows his attitude towards you.

Classic signs

There are other signs that make it clear that a man does not need you:
  1. He rarely calls, does not answer texts., often turns off the phone or generally puts your number on the ignore list.
  2. You don't go anywhere together. You do not have common friends with whom you can sit in a friendly company. You do not go to visit his or your relatives. You don't even go shopping together.
  3. He doesn't care what happens to you. You are connected only by sex during rare meetings, and a man never asks questions about how you are doing at school or at work, how your day went, and in general he tries to talk less with you.
  4. The man is not jealous of you. Even if you openly provoke him to jealousy, talk on the phone with another guy in front of him, accept gifts and courtship from other men, and he knows about it, but absolutely does not react to it.

Finally, you can rely on your own intuition and feelings. Do you feel desired, loved, needed by this man? Most likely, the way it is. How to know if a man needs you? Suggest that he break off the relationship or be the first to stop answering calls, reject offers to meet. It is quite possible that your romance will calm down safely on this.

If you are dear to a man, then he will finally wake up and begin to take actions that will help you feel desired, loved and needed.

The image that a man creates when he thinks of an ideal woman is similar to the image that a woman creates when she thinks of an ideal man.
Marlene Dietrich

How to understand that a married man needs you

In relationships with married men, things are still more complicated. The signs of coldness given above may be elements of conspiracy. The man does not want to destroy yet. And if you agree with this approach (you decided together that it’s worth waiting a bit - because of the children, the wife’s sick heart, solving material issues, etc.), then you can’t focus on the standard signs of cooling in a relationship.

But there are other symptoms as well. Let's talk about them below.

So, you can determine if a man who already has a wife needs you by the following signs:

If a woman is tired of a man's advances and wants to get rid of them, it is best for her to marry her pursuer:
in this way, she is likely to get rid of the gallantry that bothered her.
Martti Larni


The main thing to remember in such a relationship is that your youth and beauty are not eternal. You need a family of your own, with children and stability, not a sneaky relationship.

If a man also understands all this, and you can roughly imagine when your romance from a secret becomes clear, then the relationship has a future.

If a man is already satisfied with everything, and apart from sex and empty promises you get nothing from him, then it is worth ending such a romance once and for all.

It often happens that it seems that life has lost its meaning. There is no goal, there is no mood, hands drop. As if everything stopped around and froze ... How to get out of this state? Let's find out how to deal with it.

First you need to understand yourself

What needs to be done:

  1. Accept yourself. There are no perfect people. We all have fears and we need to get rid of them. Without assessing the situation in which you find yourself, it is impossible to find ways to solve it.
  2. Stop deceiving yourself. For example, I can’t do fitness from tomorrow due to a difficult period in my life, which will only aggravate the situation. But everything looks different. I can't exercise because I'm lazy. Self-deception interferes with personal growth and development.
  3. Visualize your problem. We just take paper and a pen and write everything on a sheet. You can highlight the pros and cons, compare them. Look at the situation from the outside, and the problem will no longer seem so terrible and hopeless.
  4. Cut off the ends from the past. Everyone in life had situations for which they had to blush. And these memories pop up and do not allow to live in peace. No matter how difficult it is, look back, restore the events in stages, draw conclusions and never return to this again.

You need to get rid of unnecessary thoughts, get rid of inner anxiety.

And yet, how to understand what you want from life?

Need a goal

If there is no guiding star, there is nowhere to move. We will stand still. It is important because:

  1. Gives clarity. How to understand what you want if there is no main goal? There is no dream. You can work for decades doing something you don't like, while it will seem that you are doing so much, but in the end in vain. It is the goal that helps to help determine, formulate hidden desires. And then all the forces and energy you will direct to its implementation.
  2. Pushes forward. The goal reflects our desires, which are the motivator. It is the engine that constantly keeps us moving, even in difficult situations.
  3. Focuses attention. How to understand who you want to become in life, when all the efforts and time are wasted? You can endlessly work on something that does not play any role for you, marking time in one place. Until there is a clear formulation of what you want, nothing will change. When a goal appears, we focus our attention on it and achieve the goal.
  4. Makes you responsible. Tasks encourage commitment without placing it on someone else's shoulders. Now we do not just want something, but we must act.
  5. Helps you get better. Goals in life reveal potential, indicate new horizons, create conditions that make you give more than one hundred percent, help you overcome difficulties.
  6. Make life better and better. And all because you will become a different person - purposeful, collected, gain new knowledge and invaluable life experience, learn to overcome difficulties and win. Your outlook will change, you will look at the world with different eyes.

If you want to become an optimist and understand life, set goals, achieve your goals. Now let's move from theory to practice. Let's look at seven powerful techniques that will help in this matter.

Technique 1: "Make a list of 101 wishes"

It will seem difficult at first and it will take a long time, but it is worth it. Goals should be clearly stated: if you want a car, indicate not only the brand, but also the year of manufacture and color. Dreaming of a new job? Describe what type of work you will be engaged in, indicate the desired salary.

Second Technique: “Learning to See the Goal Clearly”

To understand the question of how to understand what you want from life, you need to develop inner vision, which will help you look into the subconscious and get real dreams from there. This technique will teach you to focus not on the means and methods by which the goal will be achieved, but on the desires themselves, to distinguish them from imaginary ones. While you should not think about the realization of the goal, the mind will independently find ways to fulfill it.

So, in order to understand what you want from life, do not be lazy, do not stop halfway. We move on. The task is clear, let's get to work.

You need to relax. You can turn on calm music, take a few deep breaths. You need to close your eyes and imagine the future in each of the areas of your life in the form of pictures, vivid images. For example:

  • Family, love relationships.
  • Relatives and friends.
  • Place of residence (apartment, house).
  • The interior of the dwelling and other property.
  • Car or other vehicles (helicopter, snowmobile, yacht).
  • Image (clothing, jewelry, accessories).
  • Work, career.
  • Financial condition.
  • Personal achievements (spiritual growth).
  • Body, health.
  • Rest and free time.
  • position in society.

After the end of the figurative representation, it is necessary to describe in detail all the pictures for each area.

Technique Three: “Imagine Your Perfect Day”

How to understand what you want from life, if you exist in a monotonous everyday dullness that does not bring joy? Give yourself pleasure and dream about how you wake up and with whom. What will be the awakening and attitude of the person who will be next to you? Imagine exercising, swimming in the pool. Then colorfully picture a rich breakfast in your imagination. Imagine where you will work and who, what will be your income. Will you travel in your own car or with a driver? How will you spend the evening - with your family, in the gym, in a restaurant? You need to think through all the smallest details of your ideal day.

Fourth Technique: "Articulate Desires"

The most effective exercise. It is better to do with a partner, you can take turns. Become facing each other. The one who will be the first to answer the questions needs to relax and close his eyes. Another starts to say:

  • Recall a situation that completely liberated and relaxed you. (Pause).
  • Do not hold back, mentally return to it and feel the same emotions. (Pause).
  • Now try to connect in your thoughts with a part of yourself that knows what you really want, if you discard all the barriers that limit you: a sense of fear, anxiety, anxiety. (Pause).
  • Immerse yourself in yourself, climb into the hidden corners of your soul and answer the question of what you want from life. At this point, it is necessary to write down the expressed desires. And so - for fifteen minutes.

The answers given at the final stage of the training will be the most truthful. It remains only to make a promise to yourself that you will fulfill everything.

Fifth Technique: "Let go of the imagination"

It is necessary to answer in writing many questions from all areas of your life. For example:

  • What do you want most from life?
  • What would you like to have (car, clothes, jewelry, etc.).
  • What brings you satisfaction in relationships with a loved one, family, relatives?
  • Who are you jealous of and why?
  • Want to sleep more?

In this vein, you need to answer questions that will stimulate subsequent reflection and help you figure out how to understand what you want from life.

Technique Six: "Visualization"

Twice a day imagine your dreams, visualize the achievements, as if they have already come true. For example: "I bought (la) an apartment in the city center."

It often happens that a person goes to the same job for decades, after which he sees nothing - only life, family and everything in a circle. But at some point he stopped and realized that he wanted a different life. And here you need to start with a reassessment of yourself. If you want to understand life, then stop feeling sorry for yourself, torturing and tormenting yourself. You need to look for a target.

And the last, seventh technique: "Create a dream"

It is essentially the same visualization. If you are dreaming of a house, find a picture of the maximum similarity on the Internet, print it out and paste it into an album or frame it. And look at it every day.

We looked at practical exercises, but there are also many tests “How to understand what you want from life?”, Which will also help you determine the goal.

Let's turn to the great classic Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

He lived only 44 years, and wrote more than 900 works. Many have become classics of world culture, and sayings - aphorisms. The meaning of one of them, concerning our topic: if you want to become an optimist and be able to understand life, you should not believe what they write and say, turn on observation and delve into it yourself.

Thus, the topic "If you want to understand life ..." Chekhov also touched upon.

We found the target, but it doesn't work. What to do in this case?

Now it’s clear: in order to determine your desires, you need a main goal and subgoals to achieve it. And it would seem that you are doing everything right, moving forward, but for some reason things start to go wrong, although it seems ideal.

It immediately comes to mind that there was an erroneous statement of the problem. But in fact, everything is absolutely not so, it's just that what we think is not our true desire. Many people do not know how to listen to the subconscious.

Consciousness is just the tip of the iceberg. And the rest of the hidden block is the subconscious. So, thanks to the first one, we make decisions, dream, build life paths. But it is influenced by other external factors, so the true desire remains veiled.

It happens that there is a goal, motivation and actions, but all of a sudden everything starts to go wrong, collapses. This is the work of the subconscious. Let's say you were invited to an important business meeting related to business, but you lose your business card and can't get to it. Psychologists explain this situation by the fact that nothing happens by chance in life. In fact, it turns out that deep down inside you simply did not want and were afraid of this meeting.

The subconscious gives us clues through dreams, sensations and other signs, but they need to be able to decipher. And only when we learn to control our subconscious, will we begin to make really right decisions.

To understand what you want, you need to learn to listen to the subconscious, which is the key to our life, potential and talent. The subconscious mind makes up 90% of our psyche. It stores all knowledge and experience, fixes most of the installation programs.

How to choose the right solution?

And how do you know what you want to do in life? You need to calm down, relax, ask a question and just observe yourself and the world around you. If there are no joyful emotions, a feeling of lightness, and, worse, discomfort has appeared, and at the same time external circumstances are against you, the idea should be abandoned.

And remember: you can fight for happiness only if external factors influence you and your loved ones, and banging your forehead against the wall next to the open door is not happiness, or it is not yours.

Many people go through their lives without even knowing what exactly they want to do. They go to jobs they hate, do projects they hate, and report to the person they hate with all their heart. And they don't even think that things could be different. After all, we have one life, and it is clearly not worth wasting it on disgusting work. Decided to change everything right now? This is excellent, but then you will face the problem of any person. What do you really want to do? It seems that yesterday you understood this very well, but today you are confused. If you can not decide, then we will help you find your destination. Just follow our advice and you will be able to find the best activity for you.

Think about yourself

Have a healthy selfishness. Do not try to help everyone at once, but take care of yourself. How do you decide what is interesting for you in life if you are constantly preoccupied with other people's problems? Forget about those around you for a while. Ask yourself: if you were now completely alone, without friends and family, without a job you hate, and you were not limited in your choice, then what exactly would you like to do. Don't be afraid to be selfish. If you do not put your interests above the public, then no one will.

Don't regret anything

Don't be ashamed to be selfish. This is your life. It is time for you to choose a path that will please you, and not your environment. Don't regret anything. If you constantly regret what you did or didn’t do in the past, then you are just standing still. Don't live in the past. Live for today. Live your future.

Think about what you need the most

We do not always understand what we really need in life. And it's extremely difficult to find out. Just sit down and think about it. What is important to you? A family? Freedom of expression? Financial well-being? You can make a priority list if that helps.

Determine what's bothering you

It is really sensible to decide what you want to do, you can only if nothing will hold you back. If you are upset about something or your head is full of things, then you will never be able to choose sensibly. Plus, find out what exactly annoys you at the moment. Needless to say, office work pisses you off. Think about what aspect of your work gives you concern. Are you annoyed by your boss? What is your schedule? Your position? Or all at once? Now think about how you can change that? Perhaps you are satisfied with the current situation, and changing only a couple of its aspects will make you the happiest person.

Now find out what makes you happy

Pleasure is the key to a happy life. If you enjoy life, then you are not just living your years, but filling them with meaning. Pick a couple of moments in your life when you were truly happy. What gave you pleasure? Travels? Communication with children? Campaign management? When you understand what really makes you happy, it will be easier for you to choose your future path.

Tell everyone around you about your dream

There is no need to hide from family and friends that you have decided to drop everything and go towards your dream. Tell your friends and family about everything. If you share your thoughts, then they will definitely support you in your endeavors and help you as much as possible. You will also get many interesting ideas. After all, one head is good, but two is better.

Get in a good mood

Life does not always go according to the script we have written. There is no need to fall into apathy if something did not work out for you. Instead of mourning and doing nothing, get up and continue with a vengeance. Not immediately, but success will come to you. This is just a small delay, not a complete failure. Do not give up. Just think positive and do what you have dreamed of all your life.

Just don't think that finding your destination is so easy. Many people have been looking for it all their lives. The main thing is not to stop and keep looking. One day, the muse will come down to you and help you find your life's work. Until then, keep trying. Try it without feeling sorry for yourself. Try different professions and occupations. After all, if you don't try it, you'll never know if it's for you or not.

Do you think you have found the perfect job for you?

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