What does a school psychologist do? School psychologist

The role of the teacher-psychologist in the modern school.

Komarova N.V., educational psychologist

MOU "Secondary School No. 4", Vologda"

Good afternoon! Dear visitors of my site! Before I tell you about the role of a psychologist in a modern school, I would like to conduct a small exercise with you. Take a sheet of paper, fold it in half and holding it in your left hand, tear off the upper right corner with your right hand, bend it in half again and tear off the upper right corner again, fold the sheet in half again and tear off the upper right corner. Expand and show what you got. Are there two identical sheets? The result of this exercise shows the uniqueness and originality of each person. What must be taken into account in our educational activities.

Federal state educational standards of the new generation set a qualitatively new idea of ​​what the content of general education and its educational result should be. In this regard, not only the content of the teaching materials, the requirements for the educational programs of institutions and curricula, but also the idea of ​​the criteria for the mastery of a teacher, the goals and methods of his work are changing. The changes also extended to the content and methods of evaluating the result of education. The goal of education is the general cultural, personal and cognitive development of students.

The priority direction of the new educational standards is the realization of the developing potential of general secondary education, the urgent task is to ensure the development of universal educational activities as the actual psychological component of the core of education. Changing the paradigm of pedagogical education and turning it essentially into a psychological and pedagogical education means the need for such content that will allow in the course of one's professional activity training focused on the development of students, taking into account their characteristics and comprehensive disclosure of their intellectual and personal potential.

The new standard highlights the following competencies as the main educational outcomes: subject, meta-subject and personal , developed and based on scientific psychology technologies for their formation and evaluation. The need to measure meta-subject competencies and personal qualities requires the creation diagnostic systems results of the educational process, and technologies formation and measurements these competencies become the main subject of activity of the school psychologist .

An important place in the educational process is occupied by the mental health of students, the individualization of educational routes, the creation of a psychologically safe and comfortable educational environment. The introduction of a new standard of general education significantly changes the entire educational situation in the school, determining the exact place forms and types of application of psychological knowledge in the content and organization school environment, what is he doing mandatory, specific and measurable activity of the school psychologist as a full participant in the educational process.

The work of a psychologist, therefore, becomes a necessary element of the educational process management system of the school, since the results of his activities imply an assessment of the quality of education at school according to a number of mandatory criteria. The introduction of these criteria determines the entire modernization process psychological and pedagogical training of participants educational process.

The purpose of psychological support is to create socio-psychological conditions for the development of the personality of students and their successful learning.

In the course of psychological support, the following tasks are solved:

 systematically monitor the psychological and pedagogical status of the child and the dynamics of his psychological development in the process of schooling.

 to form students' abilities for self-knowledge, self-development and self-determination;

 create special socio-psychological conditions for helping children with problems in psychological development and learning.

Main activities:

Psychological diagnostics -

Identification of the features of the mental development of the child, the formation of certain psychological neoplasms, the correspondence of the level of development of skills, knowledge, skills, personal and interpersonal formations to age guidelines and the requirements of society:

- studying the appeal to a psychologist coming from teachers, parents, students (defining the problem, choosing a research method);

Psychological education and prevention: familiarizing the teaching staff, students and parents with psychological culture:

 identification of the psychological characteristics of the child, which in the future may cause deviations in intellectual or personal development;

 prevention of possible complications in connection with the transition of students to the next age level.

Psychological counseling- assistance in solving the problems with which teachers, students, parents turn to the psychologist.

Correctional and developmental work: individual and group lessons, programs, trainings.

 development and implementation of developing programs for students, taking into account the tasks of each age stage;

Organizational and methodological work: activity planning, development of correction programs, organization of the work of the PMPK, design of the office, development of documents and study of regulatory documents, design of the psychologist's page on the school website.

Expert work- analysis of sections of the PEP, work programs on the subject, the regional working group of psychologists to develop guidelines for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, the working group "Development of critical thinking in the classroom"

The concept of education complements the traditional content and ensures the continuity of the educational process (pre-school education, primary school, secondary school and post-school education. Psychological support ensures the formation of universal educational activities at each age stage.

Universal learning activities (UUD) - the ability of the subject to self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience; a set of student actions that ensure his cultural identity, social competence, tolerance, the ability to independently assimilate new knowledge and skills, including the organization of this process.

Psychological support for participants in the educational process includes:

    Psychological support for first-graders during the adaptation period: observations at lessons and breaks, conducting trainings for the adaptation of first-graders in a classroom team, diagnosis of adaptation of a first-grader, consultations with the administration, teachers, parents based on the results of the diagnosis, correctional and developmental work with a group of children experiencing difficulties in adapting to schooling, re-diagnosis.

    Starting diagnostics of UUD, diagnostics of UUD at the end of grades 1, 2, 3, 4: consulting teachers, parents, developing recommendations for the formation of UUD on a specific subject and at home.

    Psychological support for the readiness of 4th grade students to study at the main school: diagnostics, counseling for teachers and parents, corrective work with a group of highly anxious children, repeated diagnostics, recommendations for children and parents.

    Psychological support for fifth-graders during the adaptation period: observations at lessons and breaks, conducting trainings for the adaptation of fifth-graders in new conditions: diagnostics of adaptation of a fifth-grader, consultations with the administration, teachers, parents based on the results of the diagnosis, correctional and developmental work with a group of children experiencing difficulties in adapting to study at the basic level, according to the program "How to make friends with the school", repeated diagnostics.

    Psychological monitoring of the level of formation of UUD of basic general education: starting diagnosis of UUD, diagnosis of UUD at the end of grades 5.6, 7, 8, 9. Consulting teachers, parents, developing recommendations for the formation of UUD on a specific subject and at home.

    Psychological support for ninth-graders and eleventh-graders in preparation for the GIA and the Unified State Examination includes: diagnosing psychological readiness and psychological difficulties, counseling teachers, parents, students, training to relieve anxiety with students.

Planned results:

    Obtaining an assessment of the level of formation of the UUD of first graders and graduates of primary school, fifth graders and high school graduates

    Identification of a group of children in need of additional psychological and pedagogical assistance.

    Increasing the level of ULA in children at the exit from primary school, basic school

    Increasing the competence of teachers and parents in the formation and development of UUD,

The basis for the development of criteria and methods for assessing the formation of universal educational activities is the diagnostic system of psychological support. The first diagnostic measurements of the formation of universal learning activities are carried out when a child enters school. Self-determination, sense formation and moral and ethical orientation determine the personal readiness for teaching a child at school.

Stage I (grade 1) - the child's admission to school. It begins in February-March simultaneously with the registration of children in school for preparatory courses and ends in early September. Within this stage it is expected:

1. Conducting psychological and pedagogical diagnostics aimed at determining the school readiness of the child. As a rule, diagnostics consists of two components. First, a general express diagnosis is carried out, which makes it possible to judge the level of psychological readiness and the formation of some universal educational actions in a child. Then, in relation to children who showed extremely low results, a second “diagnostic round” is organized. It aims to identify the causes of low results. In some cases, the second diagnostic cut is carried out in April.

2. Carrying out group and individual consultations of parents of future first-graders. Group consultation in the form of a parent meeting is a way to increase the psychological culture of parents, recommendations to parents on organizing the last months of a child's life before the start of school. Individual consultations are held for parents whose children, according to test results, have a low level of formation of universal educational activities and may experience difficulties in adapting to school.

3. Group consultation of teachers of future first graders, which at this stage is of a general familiarization nature.

Stage II - the primary adaptation of children to school. Without exaggeration, it can be called the most difficult for children and the most responsible for adults. Within the framework of this stage (from September to January) it is expected:

1. Conducting consultations and educational work with parents of first-graders, aimed at familiarizing adults with the main tasks and difficulties of the period of primary adaptation, tactics of communication and assistance to children.

2. Conducting group and individual consultations of teachers to develop a unified approach to individual children and a unified system of requirements for the class by various teachers working with the class.

3. Organization of methodological work of teachers aimed at building the educational process in accordance with the individual characteristics and capabilities of schoolchildren, identifying during the diagnosis and monitoring of children in the first weeks of education.

4. Organization of psychological and pedagogical support for schoolchildren. Creation of socio-psychological conditions in the situation of schooling, which will allow the child to successfully function and develop in the school environment.

Games selected and conducted in a certain logic help children to get to know each other faster, adjust to the system of requirements set by the school, relieve excessive mental stress, form in children the communicative actions necessary to establish interpersonal relationships, communication and cooperation, help students learn school rules . In the classroom, students form the internal position of the student, stable self-esteem. The psychologist also contributes to the formation of cognitive activities necessary for successful learning in elementary school.

5. Organization of group developmental work with children, aimed at increasing the level of their school readiness, social and psychological adaptation in the new system of relationships. Analytical work aimed at comprehending the results of the activities of teachers, psychologists and parents during the period of primary adaptation of first-graders.

Stage III - psychological and pedagogical work with schoolchildren experiencing difficulties in school adaptation. Work in this direction is carried out during the second half of the 1st grade and involves the following:

1. Conducting psychological and pedagogical diagnostics aimed at identifying groups of schoolchildren experiencing difficulties in the formation of universal educational activities.

2. Individual and group counseling and education of parents on the results of the diagnosis.

3. Education and counseling of teachers on the issues of individual and age characteristics of students.

4. Organization of pedagogical assistance to children experiencing various difficulties in learning and behavior, taking into account the data of psychodiagnostics. Here is the methodological work of teachers aimed at analyzing the content and methods of teaching various subjects. The purpose of such an analysis is to identify and eliminate those moments in the educational process, the style of communication with children that can provoke various school difficulties.

5. Analytical work aimed at comprehending the results of the work carried out during the half year and the year as a whole.

Psychological support of participants in the educational process will increase its effectiveness. The provisions and recommendations of psychologists can become the basis for monitoring in order to assess the success of the personal and cognitive development of children, which will help maintain the unity of the continuity of the stages of the educational system

The implementation of the value orientations of general education in the unity of the processes of training and education, cognitive and personal development of students on the basis of the formation of general educational skills, generalized methods of action ensures high efficiency in solving life problems and the possibility of self-development of students.

Within the framework of the activity approach, the main structural components of educational activity are considered as general educational actions: motives, goal-setting features (learning goal and tasks), learning activities, monitoring and evaluation, the formation of which is one of the components of school success.

When assessing the formation of educational activity, age specificity is taken into account, which consists in a gradual transition from the joint activity of the teacher and students to jointly divided (in primary school and early adolescence) and to independent activity with elements of self-education and self-education (in early adolescence and older adolescence) .

Universal learning actions are the ability to learn, the ability of the subject to self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience.

Work with teachers on the formation and development of universal educational activities for pre-school and primary general education, basic general education in order to provide conditions for the formation of universal educational activities and solve problems of general cultural, value-personal, cognitive development of students in the framework of a holistic educational process in the course of studying the system subjects and disciplines, in meta-subject activities, organizing forms of educational cooperation and solving important problems in the life of students, involves forms of work: methodological associations, seminars, meetings, pedagogical consultations, individual and group consultations.

Thus, the introduction of new educational standards requires the modernization of the school management system: an important place in the educational process should be occupied by the mental health of students, the individualization of educational routes, the creation of a psychologically safe and comfortable educational environment. The new standards are changing the entire educational situation at school, putting the application of psychological knowledge in the organization of the process of education and upbringing in the first place.

Part I General questions of the organization and activities of the school psychological service (I.V. Dubrovina)

Chapter 2. The content of the work of a school psychologist

I.2.1. Where to start work?

What can you advise a psychologist who has just come to school? First of all, do not rush, look around.

The first period of work of a practical psychologist can be conditionally called the period of adaptation: the psychologist must adapt to the school, and the school must adapt to the psychologist. After all, they don't know each other very well. Here, conversations with the school administration, students, their parents, attending lessons, extracurricular activities, pioneer gatherings, Komsomol meetings, meetings of teachers' councils, parent meetings, studying documentation, etc. will be appropriate. At the same time, in conversations, at meetings, it is necessary to introduce teachers, students and their parents with the tasks and methods of work of a school psychologist (in the most general form).

A psychologist at school is a new phenomenon for us, and many teachers may not immediately recognize a psychologist. Patience, benevolent calmness, a tactful attitude towards all are needed. Every person has the right to doubt, and the teacher, the class teacher, the headmaster - even more so. Why should they immediately believe in a psychologist? Everything depends on him and, most importantly, on his professional training and ability to work professionally. Therefore, in our opinion, one should start with what the psychologist knows and can do best. For example, if he has a lot of experience in working with younger schoolchildren, then it means that he should start with them, if before he had to deal with the development of the intellectual sphere of children, then he should try his hand at working with lagging or capable children, etc.

But in all cases, there is no need to rush, to strive at all costs as soon as possible to show what you are capable of. The psychologist came to school for a long time, forever, and the teaching staff should immediately form the attitude that the psychologist is not a magician, he can not solve everything at once. And such psychological processes as correction, development, in general, are long in time. Yes, and finding out the causes of a particular psychological problem requires a different time each time - from several minutes to several months.

According to the experience of school psychologists, such an adaptation period can take from three months to a year.

I.2.2. So, why does a practical psychologist come to school?

Adult people working in the school all together solve one common task - they provide training and education for the younger generation. At the same time, each of them occupies a specific place in the educational process, has its own specific tasks, goals and methods. For example, the specific tasks and methods of work of a history teacher differ from the tasks and methods of work of a teacher of biology, mathematics, physical culture, labor, etc. In turn, the tasks and methods of activity of all subject teachers fundamentally change when they act as class teachers.

So, each school teacher has his own functional duties based on professional specialization. But what about a practical psychologist? Maybe those in the school are right who perceive him either as an "ambulance" for the teacher, or as a "nanny" for the students, i.e. as a useful person, even in something interesting, but without certain, clearly defined responsibilities - it's good to have him, but can you do without him? Of course, this does not correspond at all with the meaning of his activity.

A practical psychologist comes to school also as a specialist - a specialist in the field of child, pedagogical and social psychology. In his work, he relies on professional knowledge about age-related patterns and individual originality of mental development, about the origins of mental activity and the motives of human behavior, about the psychological conditions for the formation of personality in ontogenesis. A psychologist is an equal member of the school team and is responsible for that side of the pedagogical process, which, apart from him, no one can professionally provide, namely, controls the mental development of students and contributes to this development as much as possible.

The effectiveness of the work of a school psychologist is determined primarily by the extent to which he can provide the basic psychological conditions that contribute to the development of students. The main conditions are as follows.

1. Maximum implementation in the work of the teaching staff with students of age-related opportunities and development reserves (seizitiveness of a particular age period, "zones of proximal development", etc.). A practical psychologist should help ensure that not only age characteristics are taken into account (these words are already used to at school), but these characteristics (or neoplasms) are actively formed and serve as the basis for the further development of schoolchildren's capabilities.

So, at primary school age, purposeful education and upbringing of the child begins. The main type of his activity is educational activity, which plays an important role in the formation and development of all mental properties and qualities. It is this age that is sensitive for the development of such psychological neoplasms as the arbitrariness of mental processes, the internal plan of action, the reflection of one's behavior, the need for active mental activity or a tendency to cognitive activity, and the acquisition of educational skills and abilities. In other words, by the end of primary school age, the child should be able to learn, want to learn and believe in their abilities.

The optimal basis for successful learning is the harmonious correspondence of educational and intellectual skills and abilities with such personality parameters as self-esteem and cognitive or educational motivation. This correspondence is laid precisely in primary school age. Almost all problems (including poor progress, learning overload, etc.) that arise at subsequent stages of education are determined by the fact that the child either does not know how to learn, or teaching is not interesting to him, his perspective is not visible.

There is a huge variety of activities, each of which requires certain abilities for its implementation at a sufficiently high level. The formation of abilities has its own characteristics at each age stage and is closely related to the development of the child's interests, self-assessment of his success or failure in a particular activity. The mental development of a child is impossible without the development of his abilities. But the development of these abilities requires patience on the part of adults, attention and careful attitude to the slightest successes of the child, and this is often not enough for adults! And they soothe their consciences with the common formula that ability is the exception, not the rule. Having such a conviction, a school psychologist cannot work, his main task is to identify and develop the abilities of everyone at the individual level of achievement.

At the same time, the psychologist should keep in mind that children have different grounds for assessing abilities: they evaluate their comrades by their success in classes (objective criterion), themselves - by their emotional attitude to classes (subjective criterion). Therefore, the achievements of children must be considered in two ways - in terms of their objective and subjective significance.

Objectively significant achievements are clearly visible to others: teachers, parents, comrades. For example, a student learns the material quickly, "on the move", immediately understands the teacher's explanation, freely operates with knowledge. He stands out among classmates, his self-esteem coincides with real high success, is constantly reinforced.

Subjectively significant Achievements are such successes that are often invisible to others, but are of high value to the child himself. There are children (this is the bulk of students - the so-called "average" students) who do not have any big, noticeable achievements in a certain field of knowledge; great interest, happy to complete tasks on it. Subjectively, for themselves, they achieve some success in this area of ​​knowledge, unlike others. Self-assessment of the capabilities of such a child is often reinforced only by his own positive attitude towards the subject. Thus, we can say that there are different conditions for the formation of self-esteem - under the influence and with the support of the teacher or contrary to the teacher's assessment (and then the child has to overcome significant difficulties for self-assertion, or he "gives up").

At school, unfortunately, they do not properly approach the so-called "average" student. Most of the "average" junior schoolchildren already have their favorite subjects, there are (certain areas where they achieve relatively high results. But the general level of development for many of them is not high enough due to a number of circumstances (for example, shortcomings in the development of imagination, etc.) If you do not immediately pay attention to them, do not support their interest and success in a particular area, then they can (as often happens) remain "average" until the end of schooling, having lost faith in their abilities, interest in classes.

The approach to the problem of abilities, based on the recognition of the existence of not only objectively, but also subjectively significant abilities of the child, makes it possible to build an educational process taking into account the subjectively most successful field of knowledge or activity for each student. Usually, the main attention in training and development is proposed to be given to the weakest places, lagging zones that the child has. Meanwhile, reliance on the area that is subjectively successful for the child has the most progressive influence on the formation of personality, allows the development of the interests and abilities of each, tightens lagging abilities not directly, but indirectly.

3. Creating a child-friendly school psychological climate, which is determined primarily by productive communication, the interaction of the child and adults (teachers, parents), the child and the children's team, the immediate environment of peers.

Full-fledged communication is least of all focused on any kind of evaluation or evaluation situations, it is characterized by non-evaluation. The highest value in communication is the other person with whom we communicate, with all his qualities, properties, moods, etc., i.e. the right to individuality.

A favorable psychological climate and relationships have their own specifics at each age.

In the lower grades the nature of the teacher's communication forms a different attitude towards him in children: positive in which the student assumes the personality of the teacher, showing goodwill and openness in communicating with him; negative in which the student does not accept the personality of the teacher, showing aggressiveness, rudeness or isolation in communicating with him; conflict, in which students have a contradiction between the rejection of the personality of the teacher and a hidden, but keen interest in his personality. At the same time, there is a close relationship between the characteristics of communication between younger students and the teacher and the formation of learning motives in them. A positive attitude, trust in the teacher cause a desire to engage in educational activities, contribute to the formation of a cognitive motive for learning; negative attitude does not contribute to this.

A negative attitude towards a teacher among junior schoolchildren is quite rare, and a conflicting one is very common (about 30% of children). In these children, the formation of cognitive motivation is delayed, since the need for confidential communication with the teacher is combined in them with distrust of him, and, consequently, of the activity in which he is engaged, in some cases, with fear of him. These children are most often closed, vulnerable or, on the contrary, indifferent, unreceptive to the instructions of the teacher, lacking initiative. In communication with the teacher, they show forced humility, humility, and sometimes the desire to adapt. Moreover, usually children themselves do not realize the reasons for their own experiences, disorder, grief, unfortunately, adults often do not realize this either. First-graders, due to insufficient life experience, tend to exaggerate and deeply experience the seeming strictness on the part of the teacher. This phenomenon is often underestimated by teachers at the very initial stage of teaching children. Meanwhile, this is extremely important: in subsequent classes, negative emotions can be fixed, can be transferred to educational activities in general, to relationships with teachers and comrades. All this leads to serious deviations in the mental and personal development of schoolchildren.

In the relationships of adolescents, the most significant feelings of sympathy and antipathy experienced by them for their peers, assessments and self-assessment of abilities. Failures in communication with peers lead to a state of internal discomfort, which cannot be compensated for by any objectively high indicators in other areas of life. Communication is subjectively perceived by adolescents as something very important: this is evidenced by their sensitive attention to the form of communication, attempts to comprehend, analyze their relationships with peers and adults. It is in communication with peers that the formation of the value orientations of adolescents begins, which are an important indicator of their social maturity. In communication with peers, such needs of adolescents as the desire for self-assertion among peers, the desire to get to know oneself and the interlocutor better, understand the world around them, defend independence in thoughts, actions and actions, test one’s own courage and breadth of knowledge in defending one’s opinion, show in in fact, such personal qualities as honesty, willpower, responsiveness or severity, etc. Teenagers who, for one reason or another, did not have communication with their peers, often lag behind in age-related personal development and, in any case, feel very uncomfortable at school.

Relationships between high school students are characterized by special attention to communication with representatives of the opposite sex, the presence or absence of informal communication with teachers and other adults. Communication with an adult is the main communicative need and the main factor in the moral development of high school students. Communication with peers, undoubtedly, plays a role in the development of the personality here too, however, a young man (and even a teenager) can have a sense of his own significance, uniqueness and self-worth only when he feels self-respect for a person who has a more developed consciousness and greater life experience. Parents and teachers, therefore, act not only as transmitters of knowledge, but also as carriers of the moral experience of mankind, which can be transmitted only in direct and even informal communication. However, it is this role that parents and teachers actually fail to cope with: students' satisfaction with informal communication with adults is extremely low. This testifies to the unfavorable spiritual state of society, to the rupture of the spiritual connection between the older and younger generations.

The modern school does not comply with the psychological conditions that ensure the full communication of students with adults and peers at all stages of school childhood. Hence, some students of primary school age and many adolescents and high school students form a negative attitude towards school, towards learning, an inadequate attitude towards themselves, towards people around them. Effective learning and progressive development of the individual in such conditions are impossible.

Therefore, the creation of a favorable psychological climate, in the center of which is personal, interested communication between adults and students, is one of the main tasks of the school psychologist. But he can successfully solve it only in joint work with teachers, in creative communication with them, setting a certain content and productive forms of such communication.

The school psychologist is located directly within the social organism where both positive and negative aspects of the relationship between teachers, students and their parents originate, exist and develop. He sees each child or teacher not in itself, but in a complex system of interaction (see Fig. 1).

This is a kind of "field" of interaction between a practical psychologist and students of different ages, their teachers and parents, in the center of which are the interests of the child as an emerging personality. It is clear that at all stages of work, both with individual students and with the children's team, close cooperation of the psychologist with all adults related to these children is necessary.

I.2.3. The main types of work of a school psychologist.

The main activities of a school psychologist include:

  1. psychological education as the very first familiarization of the teaching staff, students and parents with psychological knowledge;
  2. psychological prevention , consisting in the fact that the psychologist must carry out constant work to prevent possible problems in the mental and personal development of schoolchildren;
  3. psychological counseling , which consists in helping to solve those problems with which they come to him themselves (or they are recommended to come, or they are asked by a psychologist) teachers, students, parents. Often they realize the existence of the problem after the educational and preventive activities of the psychologist;
  4. psychodiagnostics as an in-depth penetration of a psychologist into the inner world of a student. The results of a psychodiagnostic examination provide grounds for a conclusion about the further correction or development of the student, about the effectiveness of the preventive or advisory work carried out with him;
  5. psychocorrection as the elimination of deviations in the mental and personal development of the student;
  6. work on the development of the child's abilities , the formation of his personality.

In any particular situation, each of the types of work can be the main one, depending on the problem that the school psychologist solves and on the specifics of the institution where he works. Thus, in boarding schools for children deprived of parental care, the psychologist first of all develops and implements such developmental, psycho-corrective and psycho-prophylactic programs that would compensate for the unfavorable experience and life circumstances of these children and contribute to the development of their personal resources.

Psychologists working at rono mainly perform the following activities:

  • organization of lecture cycles for teachers and parents in order to improve their psychological culture. Experience shows that it is after a course of lectures that teachers and parents turn to a psychologist more often, see more problems, formulate them better. Lectures provide an opportunity to increase the motivation of teachers and parents to implement the psychologist's recommendations, since the analysis of a similar case shows adults real ways to solve a particular problem. At the same time, it is important that the psychologist dwell on topical issues that are of interest to the audience, illustrate lectures with examples from practice (of course, without indicating names and surnames). This increases the interest not only in psychological knowledge, but also in counseling; parents and teachers begin to imagine what the work of a psychologist is, cease to be frightened when they are invited to a conversation with a psychologist about the study or behavior of their child;
  • holding consultations for teachers, parents on psychological problems of interest to them and providing informational assistance. Psychologists are often asked to talk about where they can get advice on special issues affecting the interests of the child. Depending on the request, the psychologist recommends specialized psychological, defectological, legal, medical and other consultations;
  • carrying out in-depth work in any class in order to help the class teacher in identifying the specific causes of student failure and indiscipline, determining, together with teachers, possible forms of behavior correction and development of students;
  • assistance in the preparation and conduct of pedagogical councils in individual schools;
  • organization of a permanent seminar for teachers of the district on child and educational psychology, psychology of personality and interpersonal relations;
  • the creation of a psychological "asset" from among the teachers of the district's schools. This is a prerequisite for the work of the district psychological service. If each school, or at least the majority of schools in the district, does not have at least one teacher who can competently raise psychological questions, determine which children and on what problems it is advisable to show a psychologist for examination, then it will be almost impossible for the district psychological center to work: several people that it contains will not be able to independently determine the difficulties and problems that students have in schools;
  • participation in enrollment in the first grades to determine the level of readiness of children for schooling.

The experience of the district psychological center allows us to speak of it as a useful form of psychological service, given that it is difficult to provide all schools with psychologists in the near future.

Despite the fact that a more effective form of organizing a psychological service is the work of a practical psychologist directly at the school, a psychological center or an office at the rono could provide some psychological assistance to the schools of the district. For the development of the school psychological service, the interaction of a psychologist at school with psychologists from district (city) psychological offices is very important.

The position of a psychologist-teacher appeared in secondary schools about 10 years ago, but now it is already a common occurrence. Psychological services have been set up in some schools, where several psychologists work.

Let's take a closer look at the features of the activity under discussion on the example of the experience of a psychologist - Marina Mikhailovna Kravtsova, a graduate of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University, who specialized in the Department of Developmental Psychology. Her responsibilities include working with students in grades 1-5, their parents and teachers. The purpose of the work is to improve the educational process. The work is built not only as a whole in order to optimize the educational process, but also taking into account the specific difficulties that arise in the learning process, the relationship in the triad "student - parent - teacher". Individual and group classes are held with schoolchildren (increasing motivation for learning activities, establishing interpersonal relationships). M. Kravtsova notes: “It is important for me that every child is comfortable at school, that he wants to go to school and does not feel lonely and unhappy. It is important that parents and teachers see his real problems, want to help him and, most importantly, understand how to do it.”

It is necessary that the child, parents and teachers are not “isolated” from each other, so that there is no confrontation between them. They should work together on the problems that arise, because only in this case the optimal solution is possible. The main task of the school psychologist is not to solve the problem for them, but to unite their efforts to solve it.

Literally in the last few years, the administration of an increasing number of schools understands the need for the participation of a psychologist in the school process. More and more clear concrete tasks are emerging, the solutions of which are expected from the school psychologist. In this regard, the profession of a school psychologist is becoming one of the most sought after. However, a psychologist is in demand not only at school, but also in other children's institutions (for example, in kindergartens, orphanages, early development centers, etc.), that is, wherever you need the ability to work with the triad “child - parents - teacher ( educator).

The functions of a school psychologist include: psychological diagnostics; corrective work; counseling for parents and teachers; psychological education; participation in teachers' councils and parent meetings; participation in the recruitment of first-graders; psychological prevention.

Psychological diagnostics includes frontal (group) and individual examinations of students using special techniques. Diagnostics is carried out at the preliminary request of teachers or parents, as well as at the initiative of a psychologist for research or preventive purposes.

The psychologist selects a methodology aimed at studying the abilities of interest to him, the characteristics of the child (group of students). These can be methods aimed at studying the level of development of attention, thinking, memory, emotional sphere, personality traits and relationships with others. Also, the school psychologist uses methods for studying parent-child relationships, the nature of the interaction between the teacher and the class.

The obtained data allow the psychologist to build further work: identify students of the so-called “risk group” who need remedial classes; prepare recommendations for teachers and parents on interaction with students.

Remedial classes can be individual and group. In the course of them, the psychologist tries to correct the undesirable features of the mental development of the child. These classes can be aimed both at the development of cognitive processes (memory, attention, thinking), and at solving problems in the emotional-volitional sphere, in the sphere of communication and problems of self-esteem of students.

The school psychologist uses existing training programs, and also develops them independently, taking into account the specifics of each case. Classes include a variety of exercises: developing, playing, drawing and other tasks - depending on the goals and age of the students.

Counseling parents and teachers is a job on a specific request. The psychologist acquaints parents or teachers with the results of the diagnosis, gives a certain forecast, warns about what difficulties the student may have in the future in learning and communication; at the same time, recommendations are jointly developed to solve emerging problems and interact with the student.

Psychological education is to acquaint teachers and parents with the basic laws and conditions for the favorable mental development of the child. It is carried out in the course of counseling, speeches at pedagogical councils and parent meetings.

In addition, at the teachers' councils, the psychologist participates in making a decision about the possibility of teaching a given child according to a specific program, about transferring a student from class to class, about the possibility of “stepping over” a child through a class (for example, a very capable or prepared student can be transferred from the first class immediately to third).

One of the tasks of a psychologist is to draw up a program interviews with prospective students, conducting that part of the interview that concerns the psychological aspects of the child's readiness for school (the level of development of arbitrariness, the presence of motivation for learning, the level of development of thinking). The psychologist also gives recommendations to parents of future first-graders.

All of the functions of a school psychologist listed above make it possible to observe at school the psychological conditions necessary for the full mental development and formation of the child's personality, that is, they serve the purposes psychological prevention.

The work of a school psychologist includes methodological part. A psychologist must constantly work with literature, including periodicals, in order to keep track of new achievements in science, deepen his theoretical knowledge, and get acquainted with new methods. Any diagnostic technique requires the ability to process and generalize the data obtained. The school psychologist tests new methods in practice and finds the most optimal methods of practical work. He tries to select literature on psychology for the school library in order to introduce psychology to teachers, parents and students. In his daily work, he uses such expressive means of behavior and speech as intonations, postures, gestures, facial expressions; guided by the rules of professional ethics, work experience of his and his colleagues.

A big problem for a school psychologist is that often the school does not allocate a separate office for him. As a result, many difficulties arise. A psychologist must store somewhere literature, teaching aids, work papers, and finally, his personal belongings. He needs a space for conversations and classes. For some classes, the room must meet certain requirements (for example, be spacious for exercise). With all this, the psychologist experiences difficulties. Usually he is allocated the room that is free at the moment, temporarily. As a result, a situation may arise when a conversation with a student is held in one room, and the necessary literature and methods are in another. Due to the large amount of information being processed, it would be desirable for a school psychologist to have access to a computer, which the school often cannot provide to him.

It is difficult to correlate the school schedule, the distribution of extracurricular activity of the student and psychological work with him. For example, the conversation cannot be interrupted, and at this time the student needs to go to a lesson or go to classes in the sports section.

The psychologist is most of the time in plain sight, in contact with teachers, parents or students. This is a big stress, especially if there is no separate room where you can relax. Problems arise even in order to have a snack in the middle of the working day.

Relationships with the team of the interviewed school psychologist are mostly even. It is very important that there are no conflicts in the team, the psychologist must be unbiased, he must be ready to listen to polar opinions of colleagues about each other.

The psychologist is constantly in the flow of numerous and often contradictory information in which he needs to navigate. At the same time, sometimes information about the problem may be redundant, and sometimes insufficient (for example, some teachers are afraid to let a psychologist into their lesson, believing that the psychologist will evaluate their work, and not observe the behavior of students in the lesson).

Naturally, the workplace of a school psychologist is not only at school, but also in the library and at home.

The salary, unfortunately, is low, lower than that of most teachers. The situation is complicated by the fact that the necessary literature and methodological support have to be bought with their own money.

Of course, the school psychologist must be mentally healthy. He must be hardy, withstand great physical and psychological stress. To work as a school psychologist, you need to have certain qualities, namely: the ability to listen, empathize. When working with people, it is important to clearly and clearly formulate your thoughts, to be hardworking, sociable, responsible, tactful, contact, erudite, tolerant. It is important for a psychologist to have a sense of humor, to have broad professional knowledge, and to love children. In the process of work, such qualities as the ability to communicate with various people, understand their problems and interests, analyze, find a compromise develop; observation and professional knowledge develop.

The profession is attractive for the variety of emerging tasks, unconditional social significance (real help is provided to real people), the opportunity to constantly discover something new for oneself, to improve, it is full of impressions.

At the same time, the school psychologist is constantly involved in various conflict, problem situations, his position may not coincide with the position of the school administration, he has to overcome the distrust of teachers, parents, and sometimes students. Constantly have to quickly find a way out of complex ambiguous situations. Sometimes a psychologist is expected to do more than he can do.

The profession of a school psychologist can be obtained by studying at any department of the Faculty of Psychology, but for successful initial adaptation it is useful to specialize already at the university in the field of developmental psychology, educational psychology. Professional development contributes to:

  • attending psychological seminars and master classes, including those devoted to correctional work with children;
  • participation in scientific conferences and round tables devoted to the work of a psychologist in the education system;
  • regular visits to the library and bookstores to get acquainted with new psychological literature;
  • familiarization with new methods and research related to the problems of child development and learning;
  • postgraduate education.

Thus, the profession of a school psychologist today is necessary, in demand, interesting, but difficult.

The text was prepared by a student of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University A. Kruglov based on an interview with a psychologist working at the school - M.M. Kravtsova.

Teacher-psychologist at school is a specialist in the field of psychology who studies the state of mind of students, corrects their behavior, helps in eliminating personal problems, adaptation in a team, improves the psychological climate in the classroom, conducts explanatory work with parents and teachers. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in biology and psychology (see the choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

The key tasks of this specialist are to help the student choose competent behavior mechanisms, identify their psychological problems, and find internal and external balance. It is worth noting that the psychologist does not deal with pathological failures in the human psyche, but corrects his inner world and state of mind.

Features of the profession

It is believed that the profession of a psychologist eventually becomes part of its bearer. A professional uses his skills and knowledge not only in working with patients, but also in everyday life, when communicating with loved ones. After all, the subject of study of a psychologist is the soul of a person, and it is an inexhaustible resource for acquiring the necessary knowledge. Psychologists help a person to connect their internal resources to solve urgent psychological problems. The main activities of a psychologist:

  • Psychological trainings, which include teaching methods of emotional self-regulation, the use of special exercises for personal growth and subsequent debriefing.
  • Consultations involve communication between a specialist and students in order to find the best way out of a difficult situation.
  • Testing allows you to study the individual characteristics of the human psyche with the help of interactive programs.

Staff psychologists at the school help students quickly adapt to new conditions, determine the level of readiness of the child for learning, provide career guidance for high school students, and work with difficult children. They are obliged to monitor the psychological health of students, create a comfortable environment for them, conduct periodic mass examinations in order to identify persons requiring psychological assistance.

Pros and cons of the profession

Such specialists play a big role in the lives of students and their parents, because they help to quickly solve various types of problems, preventing dangerous consequences.

Educators-psychologists use their knowledge to timely turn current events in the right direction. A child at school is faced with non-childish problems: difficult relationships with peers, lagging behind in school, misunderstanding of others. If you do not solve these problems, then the child appears stiffness, aggressiveness. In some cases, there are suicidal tendencies. If the psychologist takes adequate measures, the situation will stabilize.


  • the possibility of personal growth, because a specialist is obliged to constantly improve himself;
  • acquired professional knowledge helps in everyday life;
  • the profession is considered creative and interesting;
  • the opportunity to really help people in solving their problems;
  • knowledge of oneself and the depths of one's consciousness.

To cons profession "psychologist" can be attributed to periodic mental fatigue and burnout of an emotional nature. After all, such specialists immerse themselves in the patient's problem "with their heads", passing information through themselves. It is also not easy for everyone to accept the worldview of another person. Such professions oblige the specialist himself to have a crystal clear reputation so that his word has weight. It is unlikely that a patient will trust a doctor who cannot help himself.

Important qualities

Psychologists by nature must be altruistic, since the emotional difficulties they have to face cannot be compensated by any money. A high level of responsibility is a key requirement for a true professional.

The main qualities that a psychologist should have:

  • emotional and general intelligence should be at a high level;
  • the ability to listen and hear a person;
  • stress tolerance;
  • tact and delicacy;
  • sociability;
  • observation;
  • optimism and self-confidence;
  • creativity and ability to offer non-standard solutions;
  • tolerance;
  • the ability to calm the client;
  • empathy.

The specialist must be able to clearly formulate his thoughts. A sense of humor and stamina will also come in handy.

Training for a school psychologist

You can become a teacher-psychologist only after receiving a higher psychological education. After training, it is advisable to regularly attend specialized courses, thematic seminars and improve your own professional level.

Place of work

Certified specialists can work in psychological centers, educational and medical institutions, on helplines, in private psychological counseling companies, in enterprises as full-time psychologists. Many psychologists open private practice or work from home.


Salary as of February 18, 2019

Russia 15000—90000 ₽

Moscow 25000—100000 ₽


Only after graduating from a university, you can apply for a position as a full-time teacher-psychologist in educational institutions. Many use this practice to gain the necessary experience and then start their own business. Having defended a doctoral dissertation, you can become a doctor of psychology.

Professional knowledge:

  • the ability to use tools, the ability to organize and conduct psychological research;
  • knowledge of the history and modern tasks of the science of "psychology";
  • awareness of the basic methods of the profession;
  • the specialist must have an idea about the psyche and life of a person;
  • possession of the basics of psychotherapy, developmental and correctional work;
  • knowledge of the basics of psychodiagnostics and psychological counseling;
  • have an idea about the mechanism of the human brain, mental states.

Self-analysis of work experience and continuous self-improvement help the psychologist to achieve high results in the profile field.

Notable psychologists

One of the most famous and famous psychologists is Dale Carnegie. He has written numerous books, essays, articles and lectures. His works are actively used not only by professionals, but also by ordinary citizens who are trying to streamline their lives and comprehend their own "I". Lidia Ilyinichna Bozhevich, our compatriot who lived and worked at the beginning of the last century, devoted her life to studying the secrets of the human soul. Having received the knowledge of a professor of psychology, Lidia Ilyinichna continued her persistent research in the field of psychology and devoted many works to this topic. Today they are used as teaching aids in many psychological faculties.

The list of world celebrities who have devoted their lives to psychology is very extensive and continues to grow. This proves the popularity and relevance of the profession of "psychologist" at all times. After all, the human soul is still an unexplored and mysterious object.

Good afternoon, dear teachers, students and parents!

"My name is Meleshkevich Kristina Sergeevna, I am a school psychologist. On this page you will find out what I do, and also in what cases you can contact me for help."

Also at the bottom of the page you can find the psychological mail of trust.

The work schedule of a teacher-psychologist for 2018-2019








The school psychologist is a kind of link between teachers, parents and children. The psychologist helps the child acquire and assimilate social experience through awareness of his behavior and building his own position - this helps the child develop a conscious perception of the world.

The main position of the psychologist is the creation of conditions for life systems and the choice of these systems for children. With the joint work of a psychologist and teachers, the child forms the conditions for creating a personal position: awareness of one's own "I", self-confidence and the ability to form one's own opinion. The school psychologist acts as an organizational link between children and teachers, as it is necessary to protect the interests and identify the abilities of schoolchildren. other participants in the educational process.

The main areas of work of a school psychologist:

  • psychological and pedagogical diagnostics;
  • correctional and developmental work (individual and group);
  • psychological and pedagogical counseling for students, teachers and parents;
  • psychological prevention and education;
  • methodical work.

When should you seek the help of a psychologist?

1. Learning difficulties

Some kids don't study as well as they would like. There can be many reasons for this. For example, not a very good memory, distracted attention or lack of desire, or maybe problems with the teacher and a lack of understanding why all this is needed at all. At the consultation, we will try to determine what is the reason and how to fix it, in other words, we will try to find what and how to develop in order to learn better.

2. Relationships in the classroom

There are people who easily find contact with others, easily communicate in any, even an unfamiliar company. But there are, and there are also a lot of them, those who find it difficult to get to know each other, it is difficult to build good relationships, it is difficult to find friends and just feel easy and free in a group, for example? in class. With the help of a psychologist, you can find ways and personal resources, learn techniques for building harmonious relationships with people in a variety of situations.

3. Relationship with parents

Sometimes it happens that we lose a common language and warm relations with our closest people - with our parents. Conflicts, quarrels, lack of understanding - such a situation in the family usually brings pain to both children and parents. Some find solutions, while others find it quite difficult. The psychologist will tell you about how to learn to build new relationships with your parents and learn to understand them, and how to make your parents understand and accept you.

4. Choice of life path

The ninth, tenth and eleventh grades are the time when many people think about their future profession and in general about how they would like to live their lives. If you are not sure? which way you want to go, there is always the option to go to a psychologist. It will help you realize your dreams, desires and goals, evaluate your resources and abilities, and understand (or come closer to understanding) in which area (areas) of life you want to be realized.

5. Self-management and self-development

Our life is so interesting and multifaceted that it constantly poses a lot of tasks for us. Many of them require remarkable efforts and the development of a wide variety of personal qualities, skills and abilities. You can develop leadership or argumentative skills, logical thinking or creativity. Improve your memory, attention, imagination. You can learn to manage your life, set goals and achieve them effectively. A psychologist is a person who owns the technology for developing certain qualities, skills and abilities and will be happy to share this technology with you.

The activities of a teacher-psychologist at school

Particular attention in the preparation of a specialist psychologist is given to their knowledge of their rights, duties and professional ethics. A psychologist who violates professional ethics may lose the right to practice forever.

sand therapy

What is sand therapy?

Sand therapy is one of the methods of psychotherapy that arose within the framework of analytical psychology, which teaches communication with the world and oneself; it is also a great way to relieve internal tension and embody it on an unconsciously symbolic level, in addition, this method increases self-confidence and opens up new ways of development. Sand therapy opens the deep, true "I", restores the mental integrity of the child, makes it possible to collect their own unique image of the picture of the world.

The goal of sand therapy

The purpose of sand therapy is to enable the child to be himself, and not to change and remake him. It is the game that is the symbolic language for the child's self-expression, therefore, by controlling toys, he can show himself better than he could express in words his own attitude towards himself, towards adults, towards events in his life and towards those around him. Sand therapy acts as a leading method of corrective action, as well as an auxiliary tool that allows you to stimulate the child's sensory skills and reduce emotional stress. In addition, this method can be used as a psycho-prophylactic, developmental tool for a child.

Which children need sand therapy

Sand therapy is most suitable for working with children of primary school age, as well as for children with mental retardation. Such children often find it difficult to express their experiences, since their verbal apparatus is not sufficiently developed, there is a poverty of ideas.

Children with low self-esteem, increased anxiety and excessive shyness willingly choose various figures and switch their attention to them.

For children who have experienced psychological trauma, such a game is also very useful: it helps them to relive the traumatic event and get rid of the feelings associated with it.

Sand therapy cannot rid a child of all problems, but it helps them change their attitude towards them and towards themselves.

Why do we need a psychologist and who is he?

During the work of psychologists in educational institutions, many "myths" about psychologists themselves and their clients have arisen. We will try to dispel these myths and take a fresh look at the content of the work of a psychologist.

Myth 1.“A psychologist is someone who works with “psychos”. A psychologist and a psychiatrist are one and the same.
Truth: A psychiatrist is a specialist in the treatment of mental illness. Uses predominantly medical methods of treatment.
A psychologist is a specialist who advises HEALTHY people in situations of difficulty in various areas of life (problems in studies, relationships in a team, relationships between children and parents, communication problems, choosing a life path, conflict situations, and much more). A PSYCHOLOGIST IS NOT A DOCTOR, HE DOES NOT DIAGNOSIS, DOES NOT TREAT.

Myth 2.“Only weak and stupid people come to a psychologist who cannot solve their problems themselves.”
Truth: People who feel the need to change something, to solve a problem turn to a psychologist. The psychologist is ready to be there when you are having a hard time. This is a person who has professional information, but without ready-made answers for all occasions, because each case is individual. Therefore, the psychologist will only prompt and help, and the decision will always remain with you.

Myth 3.“If you turned to a school psychologist, the whole school will know about it.”
Truth: The basic rule of the work of a psychologist is CONFIDENTIALITY.
No one without your consent will not know with what question you turned to a psychologist. This also applies to the results of psychological testing, which is carried out at school. Only a psychologist knows about your specific results. The class teacher is provided with materials in a generalized form (for example, as follows: 70% of the students in the class completed the test with high scores; 30% with average scores, etc.).

Ethical principles of the activity of a psychologist:

  1. Unconditional respect for the personality of the client.
  2. Honesty, sincerity.
  3. Confidentiality of information, except in cases where its concealment could harm the client.
  4. Protection of the client's rights.
  5. Psychoprophylactic presentation of results.
  6. The psychologist is obliged to communicate the purpose of psychodiagnostics and name the persons to whom the results of the diagnostics will be available.
  7. The psychologist is obliged to accept the client's refusal from psychological work with him.
  8. The psychologist is obliged to prevent the use of psychological techniques by incompetent persons.
  9. A psychologist should not make such promises to clients that he is unable to fulfill.
  10. The psychologist should not give advice, specific instructions. The main thing is to expand the perception of the situation by the client and instill in him confidence in his abilities.
  11. The psychologist is responsible for the use of certain psychological methods and techniques and for giving recommendations. The client is responsible for the choice of actions and the result (if the client is a child, then the parent).
  12. Professional independence of the psychologist. His final decision cannot be overruled by the administration. Only a special commission, consisting of highly qualified psychologists and endowed with appropriate powers, has the right to cancel the decision of a psychologist.

Here you can find useful information that will help you to reveal your child's abilities to the fullest, solve his possible difficulties at different stages of development and help build the most harmonious relationship with him.

"Hello dear parents!
I am glad to welcome you on my page!
Here you can find useful information that will help you to reveal your child's abilities to the fullest, solve his possible difficulties at different stages of development and help build the most harmonious relationship with him.
Also in the section "Methodological piggy bank" psychodiagnostic methods, tests, presentations and just useful links will be presented.
Parenting is not easy, but together we can do a lot!
Good luck and be patient!"

  1. Recommendations for parents of first-graders on the process of adaptation period
  2. Your child is often moody at school, does not listen to the teacher's remarks, fights and calls names
  3. How to avoid serious breakdowns and illnesses in the first year of study
  4. Recommendations on the prevention of school maladaptation
  5. Information for parents on information and psychological safety of minors
  6. How to recognize and prevent impending suicide. The role of parents in the prevention of suicide attempts

You often ask questions on topics that interest you, and this is just wonderful! Now, for your convenience, useful information will be placed in this section!

"Hello my dear students!
You often ask questions on topics that interest you, and this is just wonderful! Now, for your convenience, a lot of useful information will be placed in this section!
And, as always, I am waiting for you at the consultation in my 35th office! Remember: all our conversations remain only between us!
Good luck with your studies!
Peace of mind and more creative ideas!"

  1. How to do your homework better

In order to solve important issues for you on harmonizing relations between you and your students, your professional self-improvement and ways to resist “professional burnout”, this section will collect the necessary practical recommendations.

Hello dear teachers!
We all understand that being a teacher is a difficult and responsible job! But for those who truly love their profession, there are no boundaries! You just need to learn how to give yourself some kind of “breather” more often, which contributes to a more productive implementation of your new ideas and a surge of strength. In order to solve important issues for you on harmonizing relations between you and your students, your professional self-improvement and ways to resist "professional burnout", this section will collect the necessary practical recommendations.
I wish you success!!!

  1. Questionnaire for assessing the neuropsychic stability of a teacher
  2. How to behave and what to do in a conflict situation with parents
  3. How to communicate with a passive child (memo to teachers and parents)
  4. Procrastination for the next day is stressful. Plan ahead and get everything done today.
  5. Relax your standards. Contrary to popular belief, not all things that are worth doing are worth doing well. Be more flexible. Perfection is not always achievable, and even if it is achievable, it is not always worth it.
  6. Count your luck! For every bad luck you've had today, there are probably ten times you've been successful. Remembering the good things can lessen your annoyance.
  7. Try to have friends who are not too worried or anxious. Nothing will get you into the habit of constant worry faster than worrying and worrying along with other chronically anxious, tormented people.
  8. Get up and stretch periodically while you work, don't sit hunched over in the same position all day.
  9. Get enough sleep.
  10. Create order out of chaos. Organize your home or workplace so you can always find what you're looking for.
  11. Perform deep slow breathing. When people feel stressed, they breathe quickly and shallowly. This can lead to muscle tension due to insufficient oxygen supply to the tissues. Relax your muscles and take a few deep breaths in and out.
  12. Do something to improve your appearance. Looking better can make you feel better too. A good haircut, a neat suit can give you the vitality you need. Treat yourself well.
  13. Make your weekends as varied as possible. If weekdays are usually hectic, use the weekends for a relaxing break. If the workdays are filled with tasks that require doing alone, then lead a more social lifestyle on the weekends.
  14. Forgive and forget. Accept the fact that the people around you and the world we live in are not perfect. Accept favorably, on faith, the words of other people, unless there is evidence to the contrary. Trust that most people try to do the best they can. And, of course, pay attention to good nutrition and regular exercise.
  15. If you are afraid to talk about a serious problem, then you can call!

    The school has created an electronic psychological trust mail, which you can contact with your problems!!!

    This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.

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