I have to admit, I'm always very worried. Words of recognition to a loved one in prose. The general concept of introductory words and the basic right of their you-de-le-tion

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Analysis of the final test workGerasimova N.A. teacher of Russian language and literature 8. Determine the word in which the unchecked unstressed vowel of the root is missing. t..theoreticzag..rely designation..come back..slzast..lali (bed) Answer: Theorist Determine the word in which the unstressed vowel of the root is omitted, which is checked by stress. zabl .. grown up .. twin .. gretre .. leafy pereb.. you tear Answer: reelistic
10. Write down a word in which the letter I.nave is written at the place of the pass. Write out the word in which the letter I is written at the place of the gap. the letter E is written. you are saved .. hated .. my Answer: you are rushing about
Identify the sentence in which NOT is spelled CLEARLY with the word. The puppy, who had (NOT) LEARNED how to bark, whimpered plaintively. Ivan was a person (NOT) FAR, but highly self-confident. , but with sadness and longing. (NOT) HAVE SUCCESSFUL to take a break from one work, the master immediately set to another. in a word it is written CLEARLY A boy, (NOT) NOTICING anything around him, continued to build his castles of sand. Lucy answered her father’s questions incoherently, (IN) INCREDIBLY. and (NOT) TOTALLY got stronger, but already tried to fly. It was (NOT) INTERESTING for me to listen to the same story again, so I wished everyone good night and went to my room. Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. The following year, the actress, beloved by the audience, plans to act in (B) CONTINUED series, and SO (SAME) in a new film by an Italian director. (B) BY age, grandmother used to not be surprised, and therefore everything, WHAT (WHATEVER) happened, interpreted in her own way. (B) DURING a long winter, coal, which (ON) TWO winterers carried on dogs, heated living quarters on the shore of Lake Taimyr. (B) AS A CONSEQUENCE of a severe drought that happened in July, the river became shallow, (FROM) THIS pasture was moved to a distant lake .(C) RIGHT from the front door there was a large box with WHAT (THAT) tools. Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written ATTACHANTLY. (B) CONTINUED for three hours Mishka and Borka argued heatedly about (FOR) WHAT the numbers are drawn on telegraph poles and what they mean. The sun does not shine in the north, but BUD (TO) (C) EASILY shines through the translucent thick glass. It is difficult to explain (FROM) WHERE (SOME) WHAT habits come from. .At the tables, on which there were dozens of devices and containers (IN) THE LIKENESS of jugs, only (ON) TWO sat down. Indicate the number (s) in the place of which (s) is written NN. The owners of the house were clearly in a hurry to leave the house: everywhere there were scatter (1) left (2) things, an upside down old (3) kova (4 )th chest. Answer: _23__________________________.
Indicate the number (s), in the place of which (s) is written HN Dinu met the weight (1) April day - with the remains of snow on the sides of the road, with (2) road slush cars, with blue, in a moat (3 ) clouds in the sky: the usual Petersburg April wind (4) day. Answer: _____12_________.
Indicate two sentences in which you need to put ONE comma. 1) I left unnoticed and on the way I thought about little Sasha and his mother. 2) It began to get dark and soon grandmother Nastya appeared in the house and brewed tea for us. Mitka was not so much frightened as shocked by what had happened. 5) We donated grandfather's books and grandmother's tablecloths and our porcelain service to the museum. 1) Through the open window, one could hear the whistles of locomotives or the barking of dogs. 2) Misha did not hear the question or did not want to answer it. 3) Writers and journalists widely use proverbs and sayings in their works. 4) Aivazovsky’s brush was driven by an irrepressible desire to give the world new poems about the majestic struggle of man with the elements and about the unexplored beauty of the radiant sea, about native expanses and about distant coasts. Set up punctuation marks. Indicate the number (s), in the place of which (s) in the sentence should (s) be a comma (s). We caught all the chicks (1) that fell out of the nest (2) and (3) by attaching a ladder (4) carefully planted back in the nest. Answer 1234
Barely (1) rising above the horizon (2) the sun (3) breaking the thick veil of clouds (4) pierced the sea waves with golden radiance. Answer: ____34_______________________.
The catch (1) to the delight of all (2) was very rich; at times (3) it seemed (4) that the baited hook barely had time to touch the water, and another fish was already pouring on it. Answer: ___124_____________________
I (1) confess (2) I am always very worried when I go on stage (3) however (4) I try to hide it carefully. Answer: 123
The letter (1) under the influence (2) of which (3) I was going to visit Marusa (4) again was long and messy. Answer 14
A large steamship (1) in anticipation (2) of which (3) the children crowded on the pier from early morning (4) moored to the shore to the loud whistle and enthusiastic cries of those who met. Answer 14
As soon as all urgent matters were completed (1) we met with Natasha in a small restaurant (2) and (3) while we were drinking coffee (4) Natasha told (5) how to get to the publishing house. Answer: _____12345__________________
Vasily entered the crowded park (1) and (2) although he understood (3) that not everything in his life today was going smoothly (4) but today he wanted to smile (5) and think only about the good. Answer: ___134________________________.
Which of the following statements are true? Indicate the numbers of answers.1) In sentences 1–2, reasoning is presented.2) The content of sentence 3 is opposed in the meaning of the content of the sentence 2.3) In sentences 9–10, a narrative is presented.4) In sentences 12–13, a description is presented.5) In sentences 5–6 discussion is presented. Which of the following statements are true? 1) Sentence 3 is contrasted in meaning with sentence 2.2) Sentences 5–6 present reasoning. 3) Sentences 9–11 present narrative. 4) Sentences 12–13 present description. 5) Sentences 17–18 present narrative.

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Until recently, I could not even think that I would be so worried because my young man did not call me for several hours. I thought that there should be freedom in a relationship, but now I understand that I don’t need any freedom, because I want to always be behind your back. I want you to protect me because it makes me feel the most confident in myself. My beloved, I want to assure you that I will never leave you in my life, because you are my soul mate. For me at the moment there is only one task - to make you the happiest person who will not worry or be nervous. Believe that I really really want to make you happy, because it is with you that I am going to live my whole life, start a family and have kids. You will be the most amazing husband and father, I have no doubt about it.

I can say with confidence that I have the best man in this world, whom I love incredibly much. You appeared in mine a few years ago, and since then it seems to me that I live in a fairy tale. You bring me joy and happiness every day. Do you know what is the most pleasant for me? You give me flowers and give me gifts for no reason. I know that my girlfriends even envy me at times, because they see how tenderly you treat me. I want to say that there is no one dearer and closer to me, because I consider you to be my soul mate. It is important for me that you always feel happy, self-confident man. Soon you will become the head of the family, so there will be more responsibility, but I have no doubt that you will cope with your duties. You will be just a wonderful father and husband.

My beloved, my dearest and most beloved, I want to say that there is no one in this world dearer and closer to me. I remember the day we were introduced to you. It was a truly fabulous day, because it seemed to me that at that moment something changed forever in my life. I found my feminine happiness together with one wonderful man. I will forever be grateful to fate for the fact that we then met and got to know each other. But we might not even get to know each other, but just walk past each other, but my beloved friend could not leave it just like that, but decided to work as a matchmaker. I want to say that I am doing my best to make you the happiest person in this world. Just know that I will always be there, because all I need is you. We will have the best and strongest family. Love you!

I didn't think happiness could be as beautiful as you. Yes, I think that I have the most beautiful and kind man in this world. I am incredibly lucky to have you because you tirelessly give me happiness and joy. I have never felt so confident in myself. Although I know that it will be even better in the future, because our relationship and our feelings are getting stronger and brighter every day. I want to say that I will love you until my last breath, because you are the most precious thing I have. I never thought it was possible to love a person as much as I love you. Probably, there was simply no such person who would give me so much joy. You support me in everything, make me stronger, for which I am eternally grateful to you. I will do everything in my power to make you feel like the coolest person in the world. Believe that this is exactly what will happen.

I could not even think that so many tender and vivid feelings were concentrated in me, but you showed me what love is. You taught me to appreciate every moment of this life, for which I am incredibly grateful to you. I want to say that for me there is no one dearer and closer, because I myself have never let anyone close to me. But it didn’t work out with you, because I felt that it was you who was my destiny. Usually when I heard such things, I always joked and said that it was nonsense. But after all, she herself felt that she had found her man, whom I would never give to anyone. I want to say that my love for you is endless, so you can be confident in me. I will not betray my man because I live for him. Know that my whole life belongs only to you. I would like to live with you at least two lives, dear!

My dear, I regret only one thing, that you and I have only one life. I would like to live with you for three hundred years in order to study you to the end, in order to spend more time with you. You work constantly because you want to provide us with the very best. But sometimes I wish we weren't so cool, but we could spend a lot more time together. My beloved, for me the most important thing is that you are always healthy, loved and happy, and I, in turn, will provide you with all this. I want to give you happiness, the brightest emotions, positive energy and lots and lots of joy. Believe that I am trying solely for you, because you are the meaning of my life. I am sure that we will have the strongest and most friendly family, we will have the most beautiful kids who will love their cool daddy more.

Until recently, I thought that I could never be happy, because I would not find my man. I constantly thought about it, and one day I just got desperate and gave up on everything. And that's when I met you. It was at that moment that I realized that I no longer need to look for anyone, because I found a person for whom I am ready to live and enjoy life. I want to thank you for every minute of happiness and joy, for every hour of love and just for everything that you give me. I promise that I will do everything to make you feel happy and calm, not nervous or worried, because it harms you. I'm already trying to do everything so that you don't get nervous, but believe me, I still have a lot of energy in me. I want you to always be calm, and we will have everything else. I see how you try, how you work, because you want to provide us with the best.

My dearest and most important person on earth, today I want to reveal to you everything that has been accumulating in my heart, I want to be extremely frank with you. When I met you, my world turned upside down, you closed the sun and filled my life with meaning. Since then, every day, every hour, every minute I think about you, I live by you, you have become air for me. You are the best man in the whole world, the most reliable, the most caring, the most gentle, the most intelligent. I love you with all my heart and want to be with you always. I can't breathe and look at you. My heart beats in the same rhythm as yours. I'm like a magnet, moving along your trajectory. Thank you for showing up in my life. I love you very much!

There is no more room in my soul, and the words are torn out. The world has changed, its gray everyday life has turned into a colorful holiday. Now everything is different, the light of the sun, the breath of the wind, the drops of rain, the singing of birds. My mind is overflowing with thoughts, my heart is filled with incredible emotions, and my body is in euphoria every minute. And all these changes are thanks to you. All because you, one day, appeared in my life. Since then, not an hour has passed without me saying in my thoughts: I love you, with all my heart! Today I want to say these words aloud, I want them to reach you and find a mutual response in your soul. I so want to be with you, I want you to be my only, the best on earth. I love you!

My dearest, most beloved and most desired man in the whole wide world, you can’t even imagine how much you mean to me! Our very first meeting radically changed not only my life, but also me. My soul was filled with quivering feelings that inspire, raise to heaven and make me soar above the earth. Every morning I wake up with a smile and with the most pleasant thought: I have you! Every night, before going to sleep, I imagine you, your strong arms, your piercing deep eyes, your smile, your courageous shoulders, and a sweet and warm feeling of tenderness spreads through the body. Thank you for teaching me to feel like a real woman, weak and vulnerable. All because you gave me confidence, security, care. I love you very much and I want to give you my passion-filled heart forever.

How I sometimes want to scream about my feelings, all because they fill me to the brim and arbitrarily break out. All this thanks to you alone, my beloved man. You are so extraordinary! From the first minute I met, I realized that you are not like everyone else, you are special and only mine. I was waiting for you, dreaming about you, but even in my dreams I could not imagine how wonderful you would be. It is interesting with you always and everywhere, you are very smart, deep, fair, brave. I can list your virtues for hours. But the main thing is that next to you I feel loved and desired, a fragile girl. Next to you, I will always be the happiest woman on earth. You fill me with new meaning, you instill in me incredible sensations and great interest. I love you. Thanks for being mine!

What a pity that I have to write, and not tell you all these words, looking into your bottomless eyes. But, sometimes short breakups are inevitable. I want to tell you how much I love you and miss you. I feel sad and lonely, I close my eyes and imagine you next to me, so beautiful, so tender and at the same time passionate. I imagine your arms that always hold me close to you with such love. I remember your voice, so dear and beloved, it attracts me like a melody and fascinates me. It is difficult for me to live even one day without it. I miss you and dream about one thing, about the minute when you will be next to me again and I will become the happiest woman in the whole world. I love you, and my heart beats faster from these feelings. I love you, and in every face of passers-by I see only you. I love you, and every song that sounds from the speakers reminds me of you. I love you, come back soon.

How often do we hear the word "love", so often that it has already lost its meaning and purpose. But just not for me. After all, I certainly know what love is, what life is full of indescribable sensations and emotions, what is seething blood and a sudden smile. What is momentary vulnerability and weakness. What is it like to fill all thoughts with one person, every day, every hour, every moment. And all this I feel only because of you alone. My only, dearest, most desirable. I am all saturated with you, my life is you, my sun is you, my happiness is you! I love you with all my heart! My man, my hero, my friend, my mentor, my idol! I want only one thing, to always be with you, to hear your voice, to see your eyes. And know that you love me too!

When the night follows another day, I think about you, when the sun rises and gives a new morning, I think about you. My thoughts are filled with you always. You are the main and most important person in my life. From the very moment I saw you for the first time, my heart was no longer cold and lonely. You revived me to life, showed me what happiness is, what reciprocity is. You took care of me and protected me from any adversity. You told me funny and interesting stories. You met me and saw me off, you hugged me with your strong and courageous arms. You kissed me under the moon and whispered words of love and tenderness. You filled me with special meaning. You, my only one, eclipsed my sun and everything in the world. I love you very much, my heart is now forever only yours.

Sometimes it's hard to find the right words to express what I feel. It's not easy to talk about the most important thing, about what overwhelms me. But I'll try anyway because I want you to know about it. For you to feel all my emotions. That you never doubt me. My dear, most desirable and best of men, I want to tell you that I love you very much. I love at first sight, from the very moment when we met each other so by chance. I love you more and more every day. And there is no feeling that could be compared in strength with my love. I love you like no one has ever loved on this earth. I love you like no other woman can love. I love you more than life and more than myself. And the only thing I dream about is that you will always be by my side!

It is extremely difficult for me to start my message, because it is almost impossible to find the right words to express all that I feel towards you. How can I describe that you have become the whole world for me, that you have covered the sun and the sky with yourself, that now nothing else exists for me besides you? You have become for me the air that I cannot breathe. Blood no longer flows through my veins, my love for you flows through them, so hot and fast, passionate and seething. The feelings that you evoke in me can only be compared with flying in blue skies, my heart and soul have long been soaring there like free white birds. When you look at me, your gaze pierces my entire being. My body is immersed in pure euphoria, you are like a drug, which is small and small, without which the whole body begins to break from longing. I love you!

I only recently realized that I truly love you, with all my heart, with all my soul, with every thought, every breath, every cell of my body. I really want to become an important part of your life, to cherish me in the same way, so that I am a priceless treasure for you. So that everything with you is good and beautiful. I want us to become the most faithful, most loving and most beautiful couple in the whole world. I want to give you smiles and warmth, my tenderness and care. You are an ideal man, and I will try very hard to become an ideal woman for you and develop in myself all the best, most worthy of you qualities. I will do everything to ensure that our love blossoms like beautiful spring gardens, so that it enchants us with its beauty and aroma. I kiss you mentally and cling to you. I love you more than life.

I confess to you frankly, before I did not believe at all that love exists, and especially love at first sight! All this seemed to me fiction, just fairy tales from movies. I did not believe that love can be long-lasting, true, endless, mutual. I thought that love is called an ordinary habit, passion, desire. But having met you, my whole world, my whole perception turned upside down, changed dramatically. I realized that such thoughts are the lot of skeptics who did not have the good fortune to love. When you meet exactly your person, and you understand that it is with him that you would like to spend your whole life, there are no more doubts and contradictions. I am very lucky that I met you, my dearest, dearest and most beloved man. I want to look into your eyes all my life, always, I believe that our love has no end.

When you are not next to me, I seem to go crazy, the hands on the clock stubbornly freeze and mockingly stand in one place. I need you like air for life to exist, to get up in the morning. I will never let you go anywhere, I will not give you to anyone, you are only mine! I will hug you at the meeting tightly, tightly, I will press against you with my whole body. And you will hear how strong my heart beats, you will feel my love and you will not go anywhere else. You are like a strong wind, and I am a boat with sails, where you blow, I will turn there. And only in your power to bring my boat to the island of endless happiness. You are the best of all men, so unusual, interesting, wise, cheerful. You and I are sometimes so different, but we are so perfect for each other. This is because opposites attract each other.

Today I want to tell you how much I love you and appreciate everything that you do for me. You teach me a lot, you develop me and I am always ready to follow you like a shadow, always listen to your infinitely interesting and intelligent thoughts and judgments. I am so happy that I really feel these butterflies in my stomach, every time you look at me, I feel how they take off and touch me with their magic wings. You are the most unique, most desired and dearest man in the whole wide world. You are the man of my life, you are my life. You are exactly the hero that I dreamed of, you can do anything, you are capable of great deeds, with you I always feel safe, completely protected from fears and worries that the world outside the window brings us. Thank you for everything, I love you!

You became my dearest, most beloved and closest person on earth. When we part for a long time, life begins to slowly but surely lose its bright colors, I lose all interest in it. But when you are next to me again, it is impossible to find a person happier than me. You are my air, and without air, human life is not possible. I love you very much, this is the first time with me and I'm sure it's forever! All I want is to be able to make you happy, so that you feel good and joyful next to me. Every day I want to enjoy your attention, your voice, your look, your thoughts, your tenderness and passion. I will give you all my warmth, affection, all my care. I'm ready to give you all my soul, without a trace, take it! I don't need her without you!

Now I want one thing, to touch your face with my fingertips and freeze in this moment of indescribable, endless, complete happiness. I want to freeze with every cell of our passionate bodies and not let go of this moment. I want your kisses to burn my heart with their violent passion. I want the fire of our love to burn everything in its path, everything that can interfere with our love, let it burn in this flame of endless desire. Every minute spent next to you turns into a lifetime for me. I love you so much, you are the best of all. You are mine, and I am forever only yours. All my thoughts are yours, my heart, my body, my whole life now belongs to you alone.

My beloved man, take a quick look at me, give me your deep look and you will immediately feel all my tenderness, all my endless warmth. Love overflows me, I have long become too small a vessel for it, and it spills over the edges, filling all the surrounding space. Put your big and strong hand on my heart rather, and you will hear how it flutters like light wings of an air butterfly, it beats and breaks out of your chest to unite with your heart into a single whole. Know that the greatest love of all time lives in me and it is only for you. She will never leave my soul, she is endless! I love you Love! You are my only one forever. I don't need anyone else! Rather, hug me, press me to your heart, kiss and whisper in your ear that you love me too. This will make me the happiest!

My beloved man, my heart used to be a real piece of ice, in my soul there has never been a quivering and hot light of love. You were able to melt my heart in minutes with your burning eyes alone, you stole it, took it for yourself forever. Now I am without you, like a flower without water and sunlight. I bloom only when you are near, and when we part for a long time, I begin to fade. You are my ray of sunshine, you are my ocean of tenderness and care, you are my cloud of affection, you are my flame of passion. I love you very much, as much as an ordinary person can love, and even more! I can never be without you, I will die without you. Nothing is interesting to me without you, nothing is cute. The world without you disappears and a black void begins to creep into me. Please be always there, protect me from this feeling, love me as much as I love you. Only you can make me happy.

I love you so much that sometimes I want the whole wide world to know about my feelings, I want to shout at every turn, in the squares: I love him! But at the same time, I want to protect our secret, our shrine, protect it from prying eyes, words, envy. You are like the most interesting book for me, I want to swallow every word written in it with thirst and impatience, and at the same time, I want to stretch every page to enjoy you longer. I want to unravel you, your mysteries and secrets, everything that you have inside excites me and makes me tremble in anticipation. When you talk to me, my whole body, every cell of it, freezes in attention. You are so interesting, deep, special. I love you and want to know you until the end of my days.

Since the first time I saw you then, remember, a small fire has been lit in my soul. Its warmth warms me every minute, it's an indescribable feeling. I feel so good with you, in your arms, when I hear your voice and see your eyes. But even when you are not around, you do not leave me and my thoughts. A light burns, crackling, in my soul and keeps a piece of you in me. How gentle and sweet are your kisses, they turn my head, make me forget about everything in the world, the world ceases to exist, turns off like a TV. And only you and I remain, alone, in our ideal cocoon of love. I love you. These words speak for themselves. What else can be added to them? Only that you have replaced the whole world for me, and even the whole universe cannot replace you for me. Nothing and no one can, because you have become my meaning, my closest, my dearest, my most necessary person.

I want to tell you that the most amazing and extraordinary mystery of my life. And now I just want to solve it, and therefore, to know you. Once we met each other at the crossroads of fate, and we were immediately united by the cosmic energy of mutual love. This energy has imbued our lives with a special sweet and spicy taste of passion and tenderness. Since then, our hearts have been beating in unison, and our eyes are forever turned to each other. Two endless universes have united into one galaxy of love. Our feeling enveloped us like a veil, making the whole world around, with its vanity and cold, distant and almost imperceptible. What happiness it is to realize that we now have each other, that our feelings are strong and mutual. That we are happy and we have one happiness for two. I love you very much and always feel your love in return.

This year I want to try to enter the lyceum ... but I’m very worried that I won’t pass ... how can I convince myself that I can???

Psychologists Answers

Hello Tanya, first you need to calm down and stop scrolling through all the negative pictures of your admission. Your Faith in yourself is the most important thing for success. There are joys and difficulties in life, but they are given precisely so that we temper our character, our perseverance in achieving our goals. The probability that you will enter the first time will be much higher if you go to the exams already confident that this has already happened and you can imagine yourself as a student of this lyceum. Thoughts are things, what we think is what we attract. And now you are doing exactly the opposite. Exams have not yet begun, you are already afraid in advance and are sure that you will not enter. You won’t believe in yourself (I’m an excellent student in the class), who will believe in you then? Change your thinking, stand in front of a mirror and talk about how smart, successful you are, find positive video affirmations on the Internet to achieve your goals, to increase self-esteem, to love yourself and repeat them every day (preferably in the morning to recharge for the whole day), smile more often and increase your Faith in yourself. As they say, "According to our Faith, we will be rewarded." Good luck and wish fulfillment!

Good answer 2 bad answer 1

Hello Tanya! What exactly are you afraid of? How do you scare yourself? Do you not trust teachers who rate your knowledge as "excellent"? How do you organize your excitement? Write a list of what you can rely on when passing the exam: knowledge, skills, skills, abilities ... Remember it when anxiety appears. This can be reassuring and reassuring. Wish you success! Tatiana.

Good answer 1 bad answer 0

Tanyush, well, you are definitely worried - the words "in the classroom" are written separately and with two "s". I, too, when in a hurry, write with typos and errors and "do not worry" about this, tk. it is more important for me to write what I think before the thought escapes. But I worked for 15 years as a teacher of Russian and literature. Your suffering (nothing, what's on YOU?) will be even stronger if your expectations do not come true. On the one hand, it is good to achieve results, goals, on the other hand, sometimes there is a very strong disappointment when the result is not received or not at all what is needed. And let's try to "let go" of the situation and say to ourselves: "If I can do something, I do it. If I can't, then let everything go as it is." You strain in your striving for perfection, but if you accept yourself as imperfect, like all other people, relaxation will immediately come and it will become easier. Then, indeed, there will be forces to achieve goals. Learning to live by playing and dancing, enjoying the process and not the result - this is the highest mastery of Life. And in Life there is everything: both right and wrong, both harmful and useful, both beautiful and ugly. Be flexible. Well, it’s not destined to do this year, so be it, actually studying, gaining knowledge depends mostly on your motivation, desire.

Good answer 3 bad answer 1

Hello Tanya!

It’s not worth convincing yourself that you will definitely do it, because you may not do it. Not everything here depends on you. And the best way to relieve excitement, in my opinion, is this: remove such a strong meaning from this admission to the lyceum, as if it were a matter of life and death. Think about how you will live in both options: if you do, and if not. Then the emotional intensity will subside, and you will be able to show your strongest cognitive abilities upon admission, your emotions will not interfere with them. All the best, Elena.

Good answer 2 bad answer 0

Hello, Tanya, you write that you are an excellent student, but what is the reason for the excitement then? What exactly are you worried about and why do you think you won't pass? did you have a similar bad experience?

you write "try", and what will happen if you suddenly do not act, something will change dramatically in your life due to the fact that you do not act?

And what is the reason that you want to "convince" yourself? Again, what is your excitement based on? Are the exams too difficult? or you do not understand the subjects that will need to be taken?

In life, in any life situations that are significant for us, there is excitement, but the question is what will you do with it, do you worry and continue to realize your goals, or do you worry and start to fight with your excitement, thereby forgetting about the goal and focusing only on excitement...

I wish you success.

Sincerely, Elena.

Good answer 5 bad answer 0

Hello Tanya. It is certainly a paradox that A students who, in principle, know the material well, are more worried than C students. And what is most offensive is that this excitement can interfere. Try to understand what exactly you are afraid of, how to objectify your fear and think about how adequate your fears are. And probably it’s not worth giving such a global significance to this act, because the issue of life and death is not solved, and even if something goes wrong, everything can be fixed.

Good luck! Ella.

Good answer 2 bad answer 1

Hello Tanya!
Your anxiety is completely normal. All normal adequate healthy people worry before an important event. (It is a myth that there are people who never worry at all). And where there is a fact of some assessment, as in admission, then even more so. Another thing is how strong this excitement is. After all, if it "goes off scale" it can deprive you of the ability to get together and pass the exams well. Try to analyze what you are so afraid of: it can be some external circumstances or people (parents, classmates, etc.). Or this excitement is connected with internal reasons, with some feelings. If you sort out your excitement "on the shelves", then it will be easier for you to regulate its level.

Good answer 3 bad answer 0

Guys are quite mysterious people. And that's putting it mildly. You may not be able to figure out if a guy likes you, and it can drive you crazy that you don't know how he feels about you. It's especially hard to understand shy guys. Here are a few signs that will help you understand the intentions of the young man you have your eye on.


Watch his behavior

    Pay attention to his attitude towards you. If you communicate on the Internet, see how confident and sociable he is. If he likes you, he will most likely be nervous/shy when you interact with him.

    Pay attention to which of you initiates the conversation. If you are chatting online, note who starts writing first. If a guy initiates communication, this is a sign that he likes you.

    Pay attention to emoticons. Very often people send emoticons to each other. This is usually a good indicator that this person likes you. If he regularly sends you emojis, he cares about you. If you're flattered by a guy's attention, send him an emoji in return. Thanks to this, he will be bolder and invite you on a date.

    Expect touch. If a guy tries to casually touch you, that's a good indicator. Most likely he likes you. Be careful of guys who might try to touch you inappropriately. If everything is within the bounds of decency, then you can just smile and continue the conversation.

    Pay attention to whether the young man has a habit of showing off. Some young people may try to impress you with their exploits. Even shy young people can embellish their stories. If a young man is trying to impress you with stories about how he rescued sea otters on the shores of the Pacific Ocean or that his father was a member of a famous musical group, then most likely he is not indifferent to you.

    • In addition, a young man can focus your attention on something insignificant. For example, he might say, "I play the electric guitar." Also, a guy might ask, "Did you see me land the plane last Friday?"
    • If you like a young man, you can play along with him when he boasts about his exploits. Then quickly change the subject.
  1. Pay attention to whether he is talking about you. You don't have to purposefully look for information about it. Let everything take its course. In some cases, if a young man is interested in a girl, he will ask her friends about her. This is a sign that the young man likes you.

    Pay attention to nervous and fussy movements. Some guys don't know how to talk to girls. This results in anxiety and nervousness. Pay attention to the position of the young man's hands. You may notice that he nervously fiddles with his hands.

    See how close the guy is standing next to you. The guy will try to be as close to you as possible. In the company of people, he will try to sit or stand next to you. Even if you are already sitting together, he will try to sit as close as possible to feel the touch of your body. Most likely, this young man likes you very much.

    Notice the smile. Smiling is a simple signal a guy can give you to show that he likes you. Of course, some people smile all the time. However, if you see that the smile is directed specifically to you, then this may indicate the feelings of the guy.

    Pay attention to eye contact. Observe if the young man looks at you when he thinks that you are not looking at him. The guy may look at you, and lower his eyes after that. Later, you can catch his eye on you again.

Hear it

    Pay attention to the questions he asks. If a guy has feelings for you, he may ask you a lot of questions during the conversation. If a young man is naturally shy, you may not notice this while talking to him. He will ask questions in order to find common interests with you.

    • If you see that the young man is too involved in the conversation, take a step towards the meeting. Ask him questions to see if he really cares about your interests.
  1. Pay attention to the tone of voice. Sometimes people change their tone of voice depending on who they are talking to. Watch how he talks to his friends. Then pay attention to how he talks to you. If he talks like that, it does not mean at all that you are not interesting to him. His voice may be a little softer when he is talking to you.

    Note the slurring of pronunciation. Some people are used to mumbling and talking like that all the time. However, it can also be a sign that the young man likes you. This is more typical for shy guys.

    • If you want the young man to relax and stop muttering, put your hand on his shoulder or arm.
  2. Pay attention to the routine of your conversations. If people love each other, as a rule, the topic of their conversation does not matter. Loving people can discuss the most ordinary topics and enjoy it. Watch what topics you choose. You can discuss the most banal topic, but at the same time experience incredible feelings for a young man.

  3. Talk on the phone. If you like a young man and are interested in you too, call him on the phone. It is not necessary to wait for the young man to do it first. Take matters into your own hands and call him. Observe the manner in which your conversation proceeds.

    • Some people don't like talking on the phone, but sometimes you can force yourself to do so if a young person calls you.
  • If a guy is confident in the presence of other girls, but next to you he is nervous and shy, most likely he likes you.
  • Girls, listen to your heart. It will not deceive. If you sincerely believe that a guy loves you, he probably does. Don't lie to yourself.
  • If a guy likes you, start flirting with him online or in person. If he flirts back, it's a sign that the guy loves you.
  • See if there are casual touches between you (for example, on the arms or legs), and if the guy makes any movements. If a guy likes you, chances are he won't move aside.
  • You can find out if a guy likes you or not with the "Personal Space Test". Take a step towards the guy to get closer to him. If a guy likes you, he will blush with embarrassment or nervousness or stay in his place.
  • The guy may avoid your views and yourself. But, when you approach him, how does he behave? Does he look happy? If so, he likes you. He's just shy of you.


  • If a guy flirts with you, it is not necessary to think that he likes you. Maybe it's just his demeanor. Be careful.
  • If a guy is nervous around you, it doesn't always mean he likes you. He may be nervous just because he always acts like this with girls. If a guy is confident in the presence of other girls, but nervous around you, most likely he lost his head from you.
  • Don't become an emotional detective who only sees what he wants to see.
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