Vitamin C: what foods contain and how is it useful? Where is the most vitamin C found? Vitamin C: daily requirement. Vitamin C: instructions for use

There are people who do not know how vitamin C affects the body, but they know that it must be taken. The human body is designed in such a way that it cannot reproduce ascorbic acid. Stocks need to be replenished from outside.

Where is a lot of vitamin C? Even a student will give examples of products with its content. In most cases, these will be citrus fruits and onions. However, the list is not limited to this.

Where is the most vitamin C?

The vitamin is found in plant foods - fruits, vegetables and greens.


This berry is useful for the body precisely because of the presence of vitamin C. It is very useful to eat kiwi along with the peel. It is not digested and absorbs harmful toxins. They are then excreted naturally from the body.


A medium-sized orange with a mass of 150 grams replenishes the body with a daily dose of vitamin. It must be used for scurvy, beriberi, colds and flu.

Red bell pepper

Pepper is the leader among vegetables in terms of the content of this vitamin. It is best to use it fresh. But even in a canned product, the content of this vitamin remains at a high level.


This vegetable contains the most stable form of this vitamin. The juice of this vegetable is used to treat ulcers, gastritis and other diseases of the digestive system.


To replenish the daily intake of vitamin, it is enough to eat 50 grams of greens. You can make a salad or add it to the first courses.

onion greens

The bulb contains less vitamin than feathers. In spring, green onions become a real salvation for our body. 100 grams of greens will replenish the daily intake and relieve vitamin deficiency. In addition, it will improve the condition of hair, nails, skin and teeth.


Spinach is best suited for replenishing the body with a vitamin in late autumn and winter.


There is more vitamin C in the shoots and leaves of celery than in its root. Salads are made from it and used as a seasoning for vegetables and first courses.


If you want to saturate the body with vitamin C with this vegetable, then it is better to use late varieties.


Raspberries are known to everyone as a useful medicinal berry. Among all the components that make up its composition, vitamin C is also listed. No wonder raspberry tea is prescribed for colds and flu. It strengthens the body and fights the virus.

Foods containing vitamin C per 100 grams

Sweet red pepper - 250 mg;

Sweet yellow pepper - 150 mg;

Brussels sprouts - 120 mg;

White cabbage - 60 mg;

Radish - 29 mg;

Peas - 25 mg;

Radish - 25 mg;

Beans - 20 mg;

Zucchini - 15 mg;

Beets - 10 mg;

Cucumbers - 10 mg;

Onion - 10 mg;

Pumpkin - 8 mg;

Carrot - 5 mg;

Eggplant - 5 mg;

Potato - 2 mg.


Parsley - 150 mg;

Dill - 100 mg;

Spinach - 55 mg;

Sorrel - 43 mg;

Celery - 38 mg.

Fruits and berries:

Rosehip - 470 mg;

Sea buckthorn - 200 mg;

Black currant - 200 mg;

Kiwi - 92 mg;

Rowan - 70 mg;

Oranges - 60 mg;

Strawberries and wild strawberries - 60 mg;

Lemons - 40 mg;

Tangerines - 38 mg;

Gooseberries - 30 mg;

Quince - 23 mg;

Raspberries - 20 mg;

Melon - 20 mg;

Pineapple - 20 mg;

Cranberries - 15 mg;

Sweet cherry - 15 mg;

Bananas - 10 mg;

Apples - 10 mg;

Grapes - 6 mg;

Pears - 5 mg;

Pomegranate - 4 mg.

From the above, you can make a list of foods with the highest amount of vitamin C. Indicated in order of importance.

  1. In the first place - wild rose.
  2. On the second - Bulgarian red pepper.
  3. On the third - sea buckthorn and black currant.
  4. On the fourth - sweet green pepper and parsley.
  5. On the fifth - Brussels sprouts.
  6. On the sixth - dill and wild garlic.
  7. The seventh place was shared by red rowan and cauliflower.
  8. In eighth place - kiwi.
  9. On the ninth - strawberries, strawberries and spinach.

Rounding out the list are orange, sorrel, lemon and tangerine.

To be healthy and beautiful - eat more fruits and vegetables. Replenish the body with useful substances, the whiter that there is plenty to choose from.

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For the normal functioning of the body, a person needs to saturate it with proteins, fats, carbohydrates, amino acids, and, of course, vitamins every day. Vitamins, in particular vitamin C, are involved in all vital processes, provide us with strong immunity and give us energy. Separately, the Eco-life website focuses on products with the most vitamin C, since it is one of the most important components of a healthy human diet, the absence of which can lead to significant problems in the functioning of internal organs and body systems.

At the same time, taking vitamin C tablets is often at least unreasonable. Indeed, in some cases there is a need to purchase ascorbic acid, however, it is this vitamin that is easiest to “get” from food - it is found in many foods and in considerable quantities, so it will not be difficult to replenish the reserves of this vitamin if desired.

Vitamin C performs several important functions at once:

  • Its participation is necessary for the production of certain hormones;
  • It is necessary for the synthesis of immune cells, which is especially important during periods of colds;
  • In addition, vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that prevents the formation of free radicals, and therefore preserves our beauty and youth.

The body's daily requirement for this element is 70-100 mg. At the same time, our body is not able to synthesize it on its own. Therefore, we need to replenish our vitamin C stores every day so that we do not experience a lack of it. To do this, it is important to know which foods contain the maximum amount of this substance, and how much it will take to eat it per day in order to fully provide the body with important vitamin C.

Where is the most vitamin C?

  • Rosehip is in the leading positions. In 100 gr. This vitamin C product contains approximately 650mg. It can be consumed fresh or dried, while it must be remembered that compotes and decoctions of vitamin C are slightly less than in rose hips that have not been thermally processed.
  • Red pepper contains significantly less vitamin C - 250 mg per 100 g. product.
  • Sea buckthorn and blackcurrant. Here vitamin C is already 200 mg. For 100 gr. product.
  • Green pepper and parsley contain 150 mg each. per 100 gr. product in each.
  • Fresh dill is able to enrich our body with 100 mg. vitamin C, if you eat 100 gr. this seasoning.
  • In addition, in the list of foods in which vitamin C is the most, there are strawberries, cabbage (white and cauliflower), and, of course, citrus fruits - 60-70 mg each. per 100 gr. product.

Of course, we mean seasonal vegetables grown in natural conditions. Winter "wax" vegetables and greenhouse greens are not our option.

In winter, when fresh vegetables and herbs cannot be found in any domestic garden, plants such as:

  • Sea ​​buckthorn. It is harvested just in the first severe frosts, and harvested for the winter in the form of jam, juice and even wine. The greatest amount of vitamins is preserved if these berries are simply rubbed with sugar and frozen. In 100 gr. product content of vitamin C corresponds to 200 mg.
  • Kiwi. It is during our winter in hot countries that sweet kiwis ripen. Even 1 fruit will be enough to replenish the daily intake of vitamin C. Here, this element contains up to 92 mg per 100 g of product.
  • Sauerkraut is a great way to keep vitamin C in winter. Here it is in 100 gr. can be found up to 30mg.
    Ginger can help increase the amount of vitamin C in the body. Its content in 100 g of the product is up to 12 mg

At the same time, in order to get all the vitamin C from the products, it should not be stored for a long time and processed thermally.

Any of the listed products can be eaten in unlimited quantities, the oversaturation of the body with vitamin C will not happen - all the “excess” will leave the body along with urine.

For whom is vitamin C especially important?

Of course, each of us needs vitamin C, but there is a group of people who have a slightly higher need for this element than everyone else, and therefore they will have to consume foods that contain the most vitamin C in increased doses (if they of course, they will not give up their bad habits).

This category includes people who regularly smoke a pack of cigarettes (or more) per day. In such an organism, the process of assimilation of vitamin C is much worse, and the cells “get” only 20% of the standard norm.

The same applies to those who abuse alcohol. First of all, the liver suffers in such an organism, and there is a direct relationship between the amount of vitamin C and the rate of alcohol removal from the blood.

Patients with diabetes and cardiovascular diseases should additionally receive vitamin C as part of multivitamin complexes. This is necessary, since the process of saturation of cells with vitamin C in such organisms is much worse.

Old rusty water pipes (the vast majority of our citizens) can also act as a reason to increase the daily intake of foods in which vitamin C is the most. In the water that enters our homes through these pipes, the harmful element cadmium is formed. Ascorbic acid is able to neutralize its action and protect our body.

Fears, emotions and stress also have a detrimental effect on the content of vitamin C in the human body. So, if you always perceive any information too emotionally, carry a small plate of fruits and vegetables with you)

Without a doubt, vitamin C is a very important element for us, and it is simply necessary to maintain its amount in the body at the proper level. Moreover, all products rich in ascorbic acid are absolutely available and familiar to us.

Svetlana Frantseva "Foods with the most vitamin C" especially for the Eco-life website.

Many of us would agree that vitamin C is the best known and most popular of the vitamins. Everyone has heard since childhood about the need to eat more fruits in order to get this vitamin. Where is the most vitamin C found?

This question is of great importance. Vitamin C is not synthesized by the human body on its own. And it is essential for our health.

It is worth noting that ascorbic acid with vitamin C have differences. Ascorbic acid is an artificial, simplified form of the natural vitamin and was created in the laboratory.

ORDER natural vitamin C

Fortified with natural metabolites.

Vitamin C is a natural nutrient. One of the simple and affordable ways to fill the body with it is food, where the most vitamin C is. It can also be found only in natural dietary supplements or multivitamins. In our time, it is not so easy to adhere to good nutrition, then they come to the rescue.

The role of vitamin C cannot be overestimated. It is the most important, one might say the main, helper for immunity. This is a powerful antioxidant, which can be considered the "vitamin of youth." Participates in other vital processes in the body.

So, the body is not able to synthesize such an important substance on its own. Therefore, the required amount of vitamin C must be replenished daily. How? By eating foods rich in it.

Let's take a closer look at the question - where is vitamin C found the most? You can immediately include vegetables, fruits and berries in this list. The table below will help you identify foods that are particularly high in vitamin C.

Let's learn more about its benefits before listing the foods with the highest content of vitamin C. Agree that everyone, and even children, are well aware that this vitamin is very useful. But what exactly are its useful properties do not always think.

In the cold winter period, the question of how to increase the intake of this vitamin is especially relevant. Since it is during this period that vitamin deficiency worsens and the risk of seasonal epidemics increases.

As mentioned earlier, thanks to vitamin C, immune forces in the body are enhanced. Improves blood circulation, hematopoiesis and the work of the endocrine and nervous systems. Also, the vitamin helps to stimulate the synthesis of hormones and other neuro-excitatory substances. This has a positive effect on the general condition and mood.

Vitamin C also promotes the absorption of iron and is involved in the synthesis of amino acids. This amino acid releases energy by breaking down fat cells, aiding in weight loss. In addition, the role of vitamin C is to deliver sulfuric acid salts to cells, without a sufficient amount of which microcracks occur in the body.

And further. Vitamin C has already been mentioned as a powerful antioxidant. This property prevents the body from oxidizing. Therefore, the use of a sufficient amount of this vitamin helps to preserve the youth of the cells. It is necessary for the elderly, women and athletes, helping the body not to wear out.

The table shows the content of vitamin C in mg in food per 100 grams

Let's summarize. So the table shows that among the products there are some kind of champions, where there is the most vitamin C. In more detail, we note the following again:

Useful Tips on How to Get the Most of Vitamin C in Your Foods

  • Unpeeled potatoes retain more vitamins. Therefore, it is best to bake a vegetable in the oven in a peel or boil it “in uniform” to preserve its beneficial properties.
  • In winter, it is more difficult to find fresh berries and fruits. Thus, sauerkraut or fresh white cabbage and spinach can be the best source of vitamin C. And in early spring, the best helper in the fight against beriberi is green onion shoots. Its green feathers contain a lot of carotene, zinc, magnesium, fluorine, potassium and sulfur.
  • If the integrity of a fresh apple is violated, the enzyme ascorbinase is released, which destroys vitamin C. Therefore, to preserve the maximum of useful vitamins, try baking whole apples in the oven or cooking compote from whole fruits, but no more than five minutes.
  • Contrary to the general opinion about the lemon among fruits, the undisputed leader in the content of vitamin C is kiwi. But few people know that kiwi is useful to eat with the peel! These natural dietary fibers are not absorbed by the body, but swell in the stomach and remove all undigested waste, decay and decay products from the gastrointestinal tract.

So, it is very important to replenish the body with useful products, where there is the most vitamin C! Thus, you can strengthen and maintain health, prolong youth and increase efficiency. The table above will help you create a suitable diet. Eat more fruits and vegetables and be healthy!

For the normal functioning of the body, a person needs vitamins, minerals and other useful components. Vitamins A, B, C, D affect all human systems and organs. Their deficiency causes the development of diseases, however, as well as an overabundance. Each vitamin has its own daily requirement. The source of vitamins can be drugs that are sold in pharmacies, but it is still better to get them from nature, that is, from food.

Vitamin C

One of the most necessary and important vitamins for human health is which is also known as ascorbic acid, "ascorbic acid". A drug with the same name can be found in any pharmacy, but you can replenish its stocks with the help of fruits, vegetables and other foods.

Vitamin C is an organic substance, an important component of a healthy human diet. It has the ability to influence almost all vital functions of the body. During the first two months of life, the human body synthesizes vitamin C on its own. Ascorbic acid strengthens the immune system, fights viruses and bacteria, helps prevent various kinds of diseases, prolongs the youth of the body, and this is not the whole list of its actions.

The effect of vitamin C on the body

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) has a wide range of effects on the body. It improves immunity, takes part in the formation of antibodies and in the normalization of the metabolism of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, in increasing the supply of glycogen in the liver. Ascorbic acid increases blood flow and heart rate, lowers blood pressure, dilates capillaries and arterioles.

Vitamin C is involved in a wide range of biological processes. So, it affects the synthesis of collagen - a protein that forms a connective tissue that cements the intercellular space. The main functions of collagen include protection of blood vessels, organs, muscles, joints, bones, formation of skin, bones, ligaments, teeth. It acts as a protective barrier against infections, diseases, promotes the healing of bruises, fractures, wounds.

Vitamin C is very important for the immune system, as it supports the work of white blood cells and the production of antibodies. It also promotes the formation of interferon (a substance with anti-cancer and antiviral effects). Vitamin C, due to its antioxidant properties, protects against the negative effects of oxidizing agents, helps prevent the symptoms of aging, heart disease and cancer. In addition, ascorbic acid has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine and other systems.

Vitamin C and hair

The lack of ascorbic acid in the body is reflected not only in the condition, but also in the appearance of a person. Vitamin C has been found to be very beneficial for hair. Since it is responsible for the blood circulation of the scalp, it ensures proper nutrition of the hair follicles. Vitamin C is recommended for those who suffer from dandruff, split ends, dry hair, thinness and brittleness.

If you find a problem with your hair, do not rush to immediately run to the pharmacy or cosmetic store for a super mask or balm, but include more fresh vegetables, citrus fruits, berries in your daily diet, which have a sufficient content of vitamin C. They will bring much more benefits to the body and for hair than chemicals.

Vitamin C for children

The taste of sweet "ascorbic" is familiar to us since childhood. After all, it is children who need vitamins the most. Their body is formed, grows, develops, so you need to provide your child with everything necessary for him to grow up healthy. Proper nutrition in childhood is the key to the health of the body in the future. Every parent should make sure that their baby gives preference to vegetables and fruits over chips, crackers and buns.

One of the most important components of the children's diet should be C-vitamin. It helps to increase the protective functions of the body and improves immunity, which is so necessary for children. The lack of this vitamin in the body can lead to bleeding gums, general weakness of the body and poor wound healing.

Daily value of vitamin C

The daily need of the human body for vitamin C is not the same for everyone and depends on several factors: the presence of bad habits, breastfeeding or pregnancy, work performed, gender, age. Experts give average figures for an average healthy person: 500-1500 mg per day is the therapeutic norm and 60-100 mg daily is the physiological need of the body.

The need for vitamin C is increased by toxic effects, fever, stress, illness, hot climate. The daily requirement of vitamin C is increased by contraceptives. The norm depends on age - the older the person, the greater it is. For example, an infant needs 30 mg and an elderly person needs 60 mg. The daily rate increases during pregnancy (70 mg) and lactation (95 mg).

Signs of vitamin C deficiency in the body

Statistics show that it is children of preschool and school age who suffer from a lack of vitamins that are necessary for their normal growth and development. Lack of vitamin C was found in 90% of children (the study was conducted In the body of those children who were in the hospital, ascorbic acid deficiency was found in 60-70%.

The lack of vitamin C increases in the winter-spring period, which entails a decrease in immunity and an increase in the possibility of developing gastrointestinal or respiratory diseases. Deficiency can be exogenous or endogenous. In the first case, there is little vitamin in food, in the second case, the vitamin is poorly absorbed. Prolonged vitamin deficiency can lead to the development of hypovitaminosis. Vitamin C deficiency in the body can be manifested by the following symptoms: depression, joint pain, irritability, dry skin, hair loss, lethargy, tooth loss and bleeding gums, poor wound healing.

For the normal functioning of the body, a person needs to eat properly, balanced. The daily diet of a person should include vitamin C. What foods contain it and how much should I eat to replenish the norm? First, plant foods contain a significant amount of vitamin C. These are berries (strawberries, sea buckthorn, mountain ash, wild rose), fruits (citrus fruits, persimmons, peaches, apples, apricots), vegetables (Brussels sprouts, bell peppers, broccoli, jacket potatoes). Animal products contain small amounts of vitamin C. These are mainly kidneys, adrenal glands, liver of animals.

There are a number of herbs that contain vitamin C in sufficient doses. Foods should be eaten every day and preferably in an unprocessed form. After all, biochemical processing, storage and heat treatment contribute to the destruction of a large part of the vitamin. Every person who cares about their health needs to know what benefits vitamin C brings, what foods contain it and how to prevent its deficiency.

Vitamin C. A drug

Vitamin C is found in many medicines. These are tablets "Vitamin C", "Citravit", "Celascon", "Vitamin C" in ampoules. One of the most common is "Ascorbic acid" in tablets. In addition to being useful, it is also very tasty, so children are happy to take pills. The drug promotes the formation of intracellular collagen, strengthening the structure of the walls of capillaries, bones and teeth. The drug "Ascorbic acid" is vitamin C itself. Products cannot always fully provide the body with them.

The agent takes part in the processes of cellular respiration, iron metabolism, protein and lipid synthesis, carbohydrate metabolism, tyrosine metabolism, redox reactions. The use of "Ascorbic acid" reduces the body's need for pantothenic vitamins A, E, B. The content of vitamin C in the preparation is close to 100%.


People who suffer from a lack of vitamin C in the body for a long time may be prescribed certain drugs. As a rule, tablets are produced with a content of 250 mg of ascorbic acid or 1000 mg (shown only for the treatment of hypovitaminosis).

Tablets 250 mg are indicated for increased mental and physical stress, during pregnancy (especially multiple pregnancy, against the background of drug or nicotine addiction), after the transfer of diseases, to strengthen the immune system, with colds. A large number of people take vitamin C to prevent or treat beriberi or hypovitaminosis.

Side effects

Vitamin C is necessary for the normal functioning of the body, but some patients may experience side effects when taking it, which is due to the individual characteristics of the body, joint use with other drugs, the presence of certain diseases.

Vitamin C, reviews of which are mostly positive, can cause negative reactions if abused. Long-term use of the drug in large doses can cause insomnia, increased excitability of the central nervous system, headache. The digestive system can react with vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, ulceration of the gastrointestinal mucosa, hyperacid gastritis, and irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa.

The patient may develop glycosuria, hyperglycemia, moderate pollakiuria, nephrolithiasis, decreased capillary permeability, skin flushing, skin rash, leukocytosis, thrombocytosis, impaired copper and zinc metabolism.


The human body can suffer not only from a deficiency of vitamin C, but also from its overabundance. This condition is usually called hypervitaminosis, it occurs when the patient has a great desire to improve his health due to the immoderate consumption of this vitamin. Often there are situations when a person, unaware of the danger, combines products containing a sufficient amount of vitamin with the drug "Ascorbic acid".

The maximum daily allowance for an adult should not exceed 90 mg. In order to circumvent the consequences, you need to familiarize yourself with the symptoms of hypervitaminosis. The first thing that occurs is constant dizziness and nausea, vomiting, cramps in the abdomen. Further, problems with the heart, kidneys, and gallbladder may gradually appear. The use of a large amount of vitamin C is accompanied by heartburn, digestive disorders, fatigue, and allergic reactions.

Everything is good in moderation. Vitamin C, the price of which starts from 100 rubles, is good for the body only if it is taken correctly. Before starting the reception, it is recommended to visit the clinic, the doctor will prescribe the correct drug and dosage for each specific case.

To form a healthy diet, you need to know as much as possible about the composition of the products, so as not to make a mistake inadvertently and not to eat something useless or even harmful. That is why I decided to write a series of articles about vitamins - what foods contain them, in what quantity, how to combine them correctly so that the products are better absorbed.

Let's start with vitamin C. The second name of this substance is ascorbic acid. The good news, perhaps, will be for you the fact that vitamin C cannot be overdosed. Its excess is easily excreted by the body without any consequences. However, there is no need to talk about the harmlessness of pharmaceutical forms of ascorbic acid, because in this case we are dealing with a concentrate. And as for products containing vitamin C, its concentration in food is so small that an excess of such products cannot harm. The recommended daily dose of "ascorbic": from 70 to 95 mg.

What foods contain the most vitamin C?

There is a lot of vitamin C in dry and fresh rose hips (in dry 1200 mg per 100 grams, in fresh 470). It's great, right? Dry fruits can be bought at any pharmacy, brewed with hot, but not boiling water, infused, slightly sweetened and drunk.

The generally recognized leader in the content of ascorbic acid is bell pepper (250 mg per 100 grams of product). Of course, not canned or thermally processed - in soup, stew or stuffed. A gigantic amount of the vitamin is found in fresh pepper pulp, which can be added to salads.

Recipe for vitamin salad with sweet pepper

take a fork of cabbage weighing up to a kilogram, a large red bell pepper, a bunch of dill, a bunch of green onions, a tablespoon of oil and half a lemon. Wash and dry vegetables first. Chop the cabbage, add salt, remember with your hands so that the juice stands out. Slice the de-seeded sweet pepper into thin strips. Mix it with cabbage. Wash the dill and green onion, chop finely, add to the salad. Salt it to taste, season with oil and lemon juice. A serving of this salad contains a daily dose of vitamin C.

By the way, there is also a lot of ascorbic acid in fresh herbs, although less than in sweet peppers. The most "vitamin" greens are in parsley (150 mg per 100 grams of product). She is slightly inferior to dill and wild garlic, spinach, sorrel, green onions. You can significantly increase the vitamin value of any salad by simply adding fresh herbs in various combinations. Just follow the measure: like any acid, vitamin C destroys tooth enamel. Therefore, it is recommended that you rinse your mouth with clean water after eating, and also refrain from brushing your teeth with toothpaste with whitening components for several hours.

A few more sources of ascorbic acid: berries, citrus fruits and various types of cabbage. The most vitamin, oddly enough, Brussels (120 mg per 100 grams of product). Slightly less vitamin C in cauliflower - 70 mg per 100 grams. However, it is worth considering that few people consume cauliflower raw. And during heat treatment, vitamin C is destroyed.

In other types of cabbage (white, red, kohlrabi) there is not so much ascorbic acid. In red cabbage - 60, in white cabbage - 45, in kohlrabi about 50. The content of vitamin C can be slightly increased by combining different types of cabbage in salads and adding greens.

Berries as a source of ascorbic acid

Surely you have already guessed which berry contains the most ascorbic acid. Of course, blackcurrant! And also - vitamin C in these berries is approximately equal, 200 mg per 100 grams of product. That's just it is contained in fresh currants and sea buckthorn. Compotes, jams and other products of berry processing are tasty, but completely useless in terms of saturating the body with ascorbic acid.

Other "berry" sources of vitamin C: red rowan (70 mg per 100 grams), garden and wild strawberries, strawberries (60 mg per 100 grams). Moreover, there is almost the same amount of vitamin C as in fresh. But cranberries, lingonberries, chokeberries, cherries and grapes contain very little ascorbic acid. Cranberries, for example, are only 15 mg per 100 grams of berries, and grapes are only 6. So these berries are not suitable for saturating the body with ascorbic acid.

What else?

In addition to vegetables and currants with sea buckthorn, kiwi contains a record amount of the desired vitamin. This sweet exotic fruit has almost caught up with Brussels sprouts - it contains 90 mg of ascorbic acid per 100 grams of fresh pulp. Kiwis can be eaten plain or used to make smoothies.

Papaya and oranges are another delicious source of vitamin C. Papaya has 62 mg, oranges have 60. Lemons have only 40 mg, but if you put a circle of lemon in hot tea, vitamin C is destroyed. To preserve this unstable vitamin, use lemon juice (add to other juices or salads). As for grapefruits and tangerines, there is almost as much ascorbic acid in them as in lemons.

As you can see, there are quite a few foods that are high in vitamin C. There are plenty to choose from. And certainly it is quite possible to do without pills. A good vitamin dessert can be

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