Treatment of a fistula in a child. What does a fistula look like on a child's gums? Symptoms of a fistula over a milk tooth

A fistula (fistula) is a channel through which the body tries to remove purulent formations that have arisen due to an inflammatory process in the deep layers of the periodontium. The appearance of such a hole in the periodontal tissues of a child is often considered a natural phenomenon and is not considered a pathological change.

What is a fistula

An abnormal hole is created to remove the waste products of pathogens and at first looks like a white pimple on the gum. This formation can serve as a "conductor" of infections and inflammations. Parents should not use any method of treating a fistula on the gums of a child until the basis for the appearance of a "output" canal is clarified. The detection of such "holes" in the oral cavity requires a qualified examination of the dentist. The doctor will identify the underlying disease that served as the formation of the "move" and prescribe its competent therapy.

The most negative consequence of the appearance of a pathological hole is its infection, due to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the tissues. Such a development of events can lead to the appearance of purulent masses in the thickness of the periodontium. The appearance of a fistula in the mouth in young children is considered an absolute indication for the removal of milk bone formations.

Symptoms of gum disease

A dental fistula can form on the inside or outside of the soft tissues of the mouth. With the first variant of the location of the hole, the risk of getting the secret of the abscess into the body increases. In this regard, the treatment of a fistula on the gums of a child should be carried out immediately after its discovery. The main symptoms of the appearance of a purulent canal in the oral cavity in children can be considered:

  • pain;
  • hyperemia of soft tissues and their swelling;
  • the release of a purulent secret when pressing on the affected area;
  • temperature rise;
  • detection of signs of halitosis.

Causes of pus

A fistula of a tooth appears as a result of an already existing inflammation, or it can serve as a “guide” for its imminent occurrence. Purulent canals are often formed during unscrupulous treatment of carious lesions of the deep layers of the periodontium. A fistula after tooth extraction is formed due to poor-quality dental manipulation. In addition to these reasons, there are other reasons for the occurrence of ulcers in the mouth in children:

  • periodontitis of the granulating form (interferes with the healing of the root of the tooth);
  • negative consequences of medical errors;
  • periodontal cyst;
  • retention;
  • untreated caries;
  • excessive consumption of sweets.

How and how to treat a fistula on the gums in a child at home

Removal of pus from the gums of a small patient and therapy of the resulting fistulous "course" should be carried out in a dental clinic. The cost of treatment depends on the form of ownership of the institution and the price of the necessary medicines. It is impossible to judge the etiology of the disease using photos of similar abscesses. Only a full-time examination by a specialist will help to establish the true causes of the pathological hole. There are the following methods of treatment of purulent canals in the mouth in children:

  1. Therapeutic. It includes the correction of medical errors made by the dentist during canal filling.
  2. Surgical. It involves the removal of milk teeth that caused the fistula.
  3. Medical. It implies the use of antiseptic solutions (Miramistin) and anti-inflammatory ointments (Cholisal), the use of antibacterial drugs prescribed by a doctor.
  4. Treatment with folk remedies:
    • In 100 ml of water pour 10 gr. St. John's wort, then bring the product to a boil. Cool the decoction and rinse your mouth with it every 2 hours.
    • A tablespoon of chamomile pour 200 g of boiling water. Leave the remedy for half an hour, then wash the mouth before and after eating.

The appearance of a fistula on the gums in a child is always a concern. The cause is chronic diseases of the oral cavity, poor-quality treatment or late teething.

Fistula on the gums of a child

Fistula on the gum - a hole that is located in the basal region, and connects the focus of infection with the periodontal surface. The focus of inflammation can be located deep in the tissues of the gums or bone. Gradually, the pressure in the cavity rises, and the pus begins to look for a way out. Through the formed channel, the infection goes outside, which reduces the risk of tissue infection. However, a fistula in the mouth is a symptom of inflammation, so a visit to the dentist should not be postponed.

In addition, there are other manifestations of this disease:

  1. pain in the gums, aggravated by pressure;
  2. loosening of the tooth;
  3. redness and swelling of periodontal tissues;
  4. the appearance of pus;
  5. bad breath;
  6. elevated body temperature, often subfebrile.

For an accurate diagnosis, a routine examination or X-ray diagnostics is performed. The picture is taken in order to more accurately identify the degree of development of the disease.

Reasons for the appearance

Such a complication always signals the presence of inflammatory diseases. The reasons for the appearance of a fistula can be different:

  • periodontitis is an inflammatory disease of the periodontal tissues. In children, it proceeds imperceptibly, with minimal pain, accompanied by the formation of a cyst with pus. With granulating periodontitis, the child's gum becomes inflamed, carious cavities are formed, a cyst occurs with subsequent unpleasant consequences;
  • osteomyelitis - inflammation of the bone tissue of the jaw. Depending on the age of a small patient, there are several forms of the disease. Usually, with a hematogenous character, a fistula forms on the gums in a child of 2 years;
  • chronic sinusitis - inflammation of the maxillary sinuses with the formation of pus in them;

Chronic sinusitis

  • late eruption or change of teeth. During the replacement period, the physiological processes of resorption of the milk roots prevail over the restorative ones, and the granulomas grow through wide channels, a fistula forms on the gums in a 6-year-old child;
  • small and deep caries;
  • cyst - a purulent sac on the gums of a child in the form of a ball;
  • damage to teeth or gums;
  • poor-quality filling with unfilled voids.

Important! A fistula on the gums in infants indicates congenital malformations of the maxillofacial system.

Fistula treatment

How to treat a fistula in a child, what should be done when it is detected? Firstly, it is categorically impossible to apply a warm heating pad to a sore spot and prescribe antibiotics or other drugs on your own.

If the child's gums fester above the tooth, it means that an infection has got into the mouth, so you need to urgently consult a dentist. The purulent ball comes in various sizes, but it does not affect the severity of the disease. In an advanced case, this can lead to blood poisoning.

Treatment of a fistula on the gums in a child should begin with the elimination of the cause of the disease. In addition, the specialist must distinguish between the symptoms of an anomaly with others that are similar in symptoms, but differ both in terms of the formation and the conditions of the course of the disease. After that, an x-ray examination is performed to exclude the spread of infection into the periosteum. In the process of treatment, the dentist eliminates inflammatory formations and performs procedures aimed at the speedy healing of soft tissues.

A fistula on the gums of a child cannot be cured in one visit to the doctor, therefore, it requires additional therapy at home.

Important! Self-medication is strictly prohibited. Traditional medicine and other drugs are only additional therapy.

Treatment at home

If a fistula in a child brings severe pain, it can be alleviated with the help of folk methods even before a visit to a specialist.

In addition, home therapy helps to speed up the healing process after treatment procedures in the dental clinic. The doctor will tell you how to rinse the fistula on the gum. For this purpose, special agents are prescribed that have anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effects:

  • betadine;
  • chlorhexidine;
  • miramistin.

Gels and ointments are prescribed, which also help reduce pain, swelling and other symptoms of the inflammatory process:

  • asepta;
  • metrogil denta;
  • solcoseryl.

The use of folk methods contributes to the fastest regeneration process. There are several recipes for approaching recovery:

  1. Infusions of oak bark, sage, pharmacy chamomile - 100 gr. water 10 gr. chopped dry grass;
  2. Decoctions of calendula, St. John's wort - 100 gr. water 10 gr.
  3. 1 tsp soda to 1 cup of warm water, you can add 1-2 drops of iodine;
  4. Twist in a blender 2-3 leaves of aloe and Kalanchoe, add 1 clove of garlic. The resulting mass is wrapped in a clean cloth and applied to the sore spot for 5-7 minutes.

It should be remembered that the treatment of folk remedies for children under 2 years of age is not carried out. To improve the taste of medicinal decoctions, 1 tsp is added to them. honey.
Treatment in the doctor's office

Treatment is a combination of several methods:

  1. Therapeutic;
  2. Surgical;
  3. Medical.

With therapeutic treatment, the dentist eliminates the causes that provoked the appearance of pathology. The canals of the diseased tooth are cleaned, pus and carious deposits are removed. The cavity is treated with special means and covered with a temporary filling. Permanent filling is carried out when the cavity is completely free of inflammation. Such treatment is indicated if the formed fistula on the root of the tooth is permanent.

The surgical method is possible in the case when a child has a fistula on the gum of a milk tooth. In this case, its removal is often recommended. The procedure must also be carried out because subsequently the granulomas spread and affect a healthy permanent tooth, which is still under the milk one. This leads not only to carious lesions, but also to the spread of infection deep into the tissues of the gums and bone. If the inflammation has covered an impressive area, resection and cleaning of the fistula canals is recommended. Modern dentistry uses laser equipment for this purpose - the method is practically bloodless and painless.

Is it possible to save a milk tooth with a fistula? With a small hole, the doctor performs conservative treatment, which can help save the tooth. If the inflammatory process has spread to neighboring tissues, pus enters the stomach. An incompletely formed immune system is not able to cope with the infection, so it is better to remove the tooth. In addition, an inflamed root of a milk tooth at any time can cause a severe exacerbation, which causes severe pain, injuring the fragile psyche. Dental fistula in children negatively affects the surrounding soft tissues, which subsequently leads to serious problems with permanent teeth, so a visit to the dentist should not be postponed. In advanced cases, intoxication of the body is possible, which gradually leads to the formation of colitis. Its unpleasant consequence is paraproctitis. Pararectal fistula in children in its classical form is rare, more observed in older age.

Drug therapy involves taking antibiotics, ointments, gels, antihistamines, rinsing with antiseptic solutions.

After the treatment, rehabilitation therapy is prescribed:

  • Rinse with warm decoctions;
  • salt baths;
  • Wound treatment with laser or ultrasound;
  • Thorough oral hygiene.


It is impossible to immediately detect a fistula in a child's tooth, since it begins to manifest itself only in the course of formation. When the pus starts to come out, the pain subsides, but if you do not go to the dentist, the defect can become the root cause of serious complications. When pus is released, it partially enters the stomach, causing diseases of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, and intestines. If the disease is not treated, then the inflammation can go to the periosteum and cause periostitis.

Hygiene from early childhood

According to statistics, 75% of gum disease develops due to poor oral hygiene. Therefore, from an early age, it is necessary to teach the baby to take care of dental health.

Fistula is a gum disease that occurs in both children and adults. It affects the gum tissue in the place where the teeth already have caries. A fistula brings especially a lot of anxiety to children, because it often becomes inflamed, pus accumulates in it, and kids are very afraid of dentists.

Without timely treatment, the disease can even lead to the loss of an entire tooth and adversely affect the condition of the gums. For this reason, when a child has such a disease, parents should immediately begin to eliminate the disease.

Fistula on the gums of a child

What does a fistula look like in the photo and what are its symptoms?

If you look at the photo, it will become noticeable that the fistula on the child's gum is a small abscess, around which there is swelling. Sometimes white spots are visible on its top. The fistula itself is a hollow space, a hole that connects the tumor with the external environment. Through this channel, the pus that accumulates at the root of the tooth comes out.

Symptoms of the onset of the disease:

  1. The child feels pain when pressing on the gums and during meals.
  2. Swelling on gums. If you press on the inflamed area, then pus oozes out of it.
  3. Soon after the onset of the disease, pain temporarily disappears when the pus finds a way out.

Causes of pathology on the gums in a child

There can be many reasons for the appearance of pathology on the gums in a child. As a rule, this is an untimely treatment of caries. As a result of the accumulation of microbes in a diseased tooth, inflammation forms on the gum. It is important to understand that a fistula is a consequence. And in order to completely eliminate it, it is necessary to establish the cause, which lies in the disease of the internal tissues of the oral cavity.

The causes of fistula development in children are often:

  1. Improper treatment of caries. With poor-quality or untimely treatment, the infection from the tooth enters the pulp, and then into the upper part of the root of the tooth, where inflammation forms.
  2. Damage during tooth filling. Sometimes doctors accidentally make holes in the gums (perforations). Subsequently, they may develop an infection.
  3. Poor-quality canal filling during caries treatment. In that part of the canal that was not completely sealed, an infection develops. Gradually, it goes beyond the tooth.

Fistula treatment in children

Without timely intervention, the fistula progresses and can spread to the cheek. Also, a neglected form of the disease can develop into a disease such as osteomyelitis.

To understand how to treat a child, the doctor first determines whether the fistula is really the cause of the baby's anxiety. Then an x-ray of the diseased gum is taken to determine how far the infection has spread, whether the bone tissue is affected. After the examination, the doctor draws up a plan, which usually consists of a set of measures (therapeutic treatment, surgery, medication).


It is important to remember that various medicines (rinses, ointments, etc.) cannot cure the fistula completely, they only alleviate its symptoms. The main task of all drugs is to reduce inflammation.

The drug Miramistin is an excellent tool in the fight against abscesses on the gums.

The doctor prescribes medications as one of the components of the overall complex of treatment. To reduce inflammation, various anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial drugs are used in the form of ointments, rinses, and applications. Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, Betadine are recommended for rinsing the child.

In parallel, antihistamines are prescribed: Tavegil, Suprastin, Fenistil. Ointments are applied directly to the affected area: Metrogil Denta, Solcoseryl, Holisal.

Therapeutic method

The therapeutic method is used in the presence of pathology in the molar. To do this, the dentist removes the old filling to open access to the canals, cleans the tooth cavity from dead tissue, and cleans the canals from pus. After the procedure, anti-inflammatory drugs are placed in the canal of the tooth and sealed with a temporary filling. When the inflammation is completely gone, the dentist puts a permanent filling.

Surgical intervention

Surgery involves the removal of a milk tooth, near which a fistula is located. This is necessary, because without surgery it is impossible to clean the channels of the fistula, and subsequently it can hit the molar, which is located under the milk tooth. In modern medicine, a laser is used to remove canals. With laser surgery, anesthesia is not required for the child, since this procedure is absolutely painless.


In addition to the treatment prescribed by the attending physician, alternative methods can also be effective. It must be remembered that they do not eliminate the cause of the fistula, but significantly reduce pain and relieve inflammation. Before using folk remedies, be sure to consult a dentist.

Rinse your mouth with soda - an effective way to treat a fistula on the gums

Folk remedies for the treatment of fistula can be prepared at home:

  1. Compresses with decoctions of calendula, St. John's wort, chamomile, sage, oak bark. To prepare them, we take 10 g of one of the herbs, pour 100 ml of boiling water and keep it on low heat for 5 minutes. In the cooled broth, we moisten the gauze and apply it to the sore spot.
  2. Rinsing with a solution of soda has a good wound healing effect. To do this, dissolve 10 g of baking soda in a glass of warm water and add a few drops of iodine. The child can rinse his mouth with the resulting solution 3-4 times a day.
  3. Aloe compresses also contribute to the speedy healing of inflamed tissues. We clean the plant from the skin, then grind it to the state of gruel. The resulting mixture is wrapped in gauze and applied to the affected area for 20 minutes.

What are the features of the treatment of a fistula on the gums in a child?

Children (especially babies under 6 years old) are difficult to tolerate pain, so the treatment of a fistula is urgent. Parents should be vigilant, and if the child begins to complain of pain in the mouth, immediately seek help from a dentist.

Your baby's teeth are just beginning to form, so oral health is important because it determines the condition of the permanent teeth. Diseases started in childhood can have a negative impact on the teeth in adulthood. The immune system of the child is not yet fully formed, so it cannot effectively fight infections.

How to distinguish a fistula from other pathologies?

If the child began to complain of pain in the mouth, and his gums turned red and swollen, then only a dentist can make an accurate diagnosis. You do not need to deal with the diagnosis and treatment yourself. Fistula is a serious disease, and if its presence is confirmed, a set of measures for treatment should be immediately carried out.

Sometimes parents can mistake ordinary stomatitis or a cyst for a fistula. However, with these diseases, there are no white spots on the gums and pus does not ooze from the sore spot. In any case, only after an examination by a specialist and an x-ray examination, it will be possible to accurately determine the cause of the soreness of the baby's gums.

Possible complications and preventive measures

If the fistula is not eliminated in time, then it threatens to lead to complications:

  • pus from the fistula can enter the gastrointestinal tract with saliva and cause inflammation in the stomach and intestines;
  • the spread of the fistula can be fraught with diseases such as osteomyelitis and periostitis;
  • If left untreated, a fistula destroys the gums and bone tissue and can lead to the loss of healthy teeth.

To prevent the development of a fistula, it is necessary to adhere to the following preventive measures:

  1. Regularly (once every six months) visit the dentist with the baby in order to treat caries in the initial stages. Often this disease is the cause of the development of the fistula.
  2. Teach your baby to brush his teeth twice a day, rinse his mouth every time after eating. To clean milk teeth, be sure to use a brush with soft bristles and a special children's toothpaste.
  3. Eat more fruits and vegetables, as well as foods rich in calcium. Reduce the amount of sweet and starchy foods.

If all these measures are observed, the likelihood of fistula and other pathologies of the oral cavity can be minimized. If you teach your baby to healthy habits from childhood, then this will serve him well in the future and help keep his teeth strong and healthy for life.

A fistula is a suppuration with a hole in the center that can appear anywhere, including in the oral cavity on the gum mucosa. A fistula is especially unpleasant at a young age, because almost all diseases in children are much more severe than in adults, and can cause serious complications. What should parents do when a fistula is found on the gums of a child and is it possible to alleviate the condition of the baby at home?

Fistula on the gum: treatment in a child

The reasons

A fistula develops as a result of purulent inflammation in the depths of the soft tissues of the gums due to the fact that an infected fluid (exudate) accumulates in the focus of inflammation. The main reason for its occurrence is dental diseases, including caries, periodontitis, pulpitis, granulomatosis, periostitis. It should be noted that sometimes such pathologies occur in children with minimal discomfort or absolutely asymptomatic, and the fistula is the only sign of the pathological process.

How and how to treat a fistula on the gum

Another factor that can lead to a fistula is poor-quality dental treatment. If the channels of the diseased tooth are not completely filled with filling material, pathogenic microorganisms multiply in the remaining voids, which cause the inflammatory process. Sometimes a formation may appear in the place where a milk tooth should erupt - in this case it is not considered a pathology, since suppuration disappears immediately after the appearance of the tooth. Other causes that cause the appearance of fistulas on the gums of a child include purulent-inflammatory diseases (sinusitis and osteomyelitis) and mechanical trauma to the gum tissue.

Particular attention should be paid to fistulas that occur in infants. They may indicate congenital pathologies of the maxillofacial apparatus.

Fistula on the gum


Usually, a fistula in the oral cavity can be seen with the naked eye - it is a small bump filled with rot or blood, sometimes with an open head. It can appear both on the inside and on the outside of the gums.

Photo of a fistula on the gums of a child

Symptoms of the development of purulent inflammation also include:

  • redness of the gums, swelling of soft tissues;
  • toothache (usually appears in cases where the cause of the fistula is caries or granulomatosis);
  • tooth mobility, under which there is a focus of inflammation;
  • bad breath;
  • release of purulent exudate.

In some cases, a fistula may be accompanied by general malaise and fever, but sometimes it is completely asymptomatic and is detected completely by accident.

Fistula may be accompanied by fever

Why is a fistula dangerous?

When a fistula forms on a child's gum, the previous painful symptoms (fever, headache, malaise) decrease, but this is not a reason to refuse medical treatment. The danger of a fistula lies in the fact that under it there is a focus of inflammation, which can spread to nearby tissues. An infected exudate is constantly released from the formation, which enters the throat and stomach, causing inflammatory and infectious processes. Pathogenic microorganisms from the lesion spread into the bone tissue, which causes its destruction, resulting in a spontaneous fracture of the jaw or a serious cosmetic defect. In the most severe cases, sepsis can be a complication of a fistula on the gums.

Fistula of the tooth on the gum - front and side view


If a fistula is found in the child's oral cavity, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Diagnosis includes taking an anamnesis and external examination, in most cases an x-ray is required to assess the condition of the teeth at the site of the lesion. If sinusitis or osteomyelitis is suspected, diagnostic measures are taken to identify these diseases.

Child at the dentist

First aid

It is impossible to cure a fistula on your own, as it appears due to an inflammatory process in the gum tissue. The only thing that parents can do in this situation is to eliminate discomfort and make the baby feel better. If the child has a fever, you need to give him an antipyretic drug in accordance with age, it is possible in combination with an antihistamine, which will relieve swelling of the gums. To relieve pain and discomfort, it is recommended to lubricate the gums with Metrogyl Denta gel or products used during teething (Kalgel, Cholisal, Dentinox, etc.). To disinfect the oral cavity, it is necessary to treat the affected area with an antiseptic solution or rinse your mouth with it.

"Metrogil Denta"

Table. Antiseptics for mouthwash in children.


It comes in the form of a ready-to-use solution that you need to rinse your mouth several times a day. Has no age restrictions It has a bitter taste, with prolonged use it can stain the surface of the teeth, it is ineffective against certain types of microbes


Available in the form of a spray, which is sprayed on the affected area 3-4 times a day. Not recommended for use in children under 3 years of age due to risk of ingestion. The drug should not be used for more than 10 days in a row, as it can cause oral dysbacteriosis


Concentrated solution of medicinal herbs for rinsing the mouth. Before use, the drug must be diluted with water in a proportion of 10 ml per half glass of water. The product contains alcohol, so it can only be used from the age of twelve. Sometimes causes allergic reactions

"Tantum Verde"

Anti-septic and anti-inflammatory spray for the treatment of the oral cavity. Spray on the affected areas 2 times a day Contraindicated for use in children under 12 years of age


Solution for disinfection of the oral cavity and treatment of mucous membranes. Before use, it must be diluted with water (the concentration depends on the age of the child), then rinse your mouth with it or lubricate the affected gum The main component of the drug is iodine, which, even when applied topically, can be absorbed into the blood. For this reason, the drug should be used with caution in children with impaired thyroid function.

To rinse your mouth with a fistula, you can use a solution of soda with salt (a teaspoon per glass of water) or drop a few drops of iodine into a glass of water. In addition, decoctions of medicinal herbs - chamomile, oak bark, calendula, St. John's wort, strawberry leaves - help to eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

Decoction of calendula

Treatment of the oral cavity in children under two years of age should be carried out very carefully, since there is a high risk of swallowing antiseptics and the occurrence of adverse reactions from the gastrointestinal tract.

What should parents not do in cases where a fistula is found in a child? First of all, you can not apply a heating pad to the affected area - thermal procedures cause active reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. It is forbidden to treat the gums or rinse the mouth with concentrated products like hydrogen peroxide - they can burn the gum mucosa. Finally, it is strictly forbidden to open fistulas on your own or try to squeeze pus out of them, as this will lead to the spread of the infectious process.

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Treatment of a fistula on the gum with antibiotics


For effective treatment of a fistula in a child, the cause of its appearance must be eliminated. Fistulas that appear in the places of eruption of milk teeth usually do not require medical intervention, but it is still worth showing the child to the doctor. Perhaps the inflammation arose due to the fact that the tooth cannot cut through the gum tissue and mucous membrane.

If the fistula arose due to inflammation of the root of a milk tooth, it should be removed - the pathological process can spread to the rudiment of a permanent tooth under it, which will lead not only to caries, but also to other complications. With an extensive focus of infection, it will be necessary to open and clean the formation channels, as well as scraping the affected gum tissue. After opening the fistula, the wound is not sutured so that the pus can freely come out, and patients are prescribed disinfecting and physiotherapeutic procedures.

Treatment of an abscess on the gum

The treatment of permanent teeth depends on the degree of their damage - if the lesion is small, the tooth can be saved. Usually, in order to get rid of the fistula, you need several visits to the dentist. The doctor will open the canals of the tooth, if necessary, remove the old filling, clean the cavity from infected tissues and pus. This is usually followed by a course of antimicrobials and antibiotics to clear the infection. If no new foci of inflammation appear in the affected area, the dentist will fill the tooth. In cases where the causes of the fistula are sinusitis or osteomyelitis, a comprehensive diagnosis and treatment of these diseases is necessary.

After surgery, a course of antimicrobials and antibiotics may be prescribed.

During the treatment period, it is very important to follow not only the recommendations of the doctor, but also measures aimed at increasing the effectiveness of therapy. Hot and salty foods, sweets, solid foods and carbonated drinks should be excluded from the diet, which can irritate the affected area of ​​the gums. The diet should be nutritious, but sparing, and it is better to give preference to products with a soft, delicate texture, and after eating, it is imperative to rinse the mouth.

Avoid carbonated drinks

After the treatment of the fistula, rehabilitation measures are necessary to prevent the recurrence of the formation: laser therapy, ultrasound, or rinsing the mouth with regenerating solutions.


In 95% of cases, fistulas occur due to poor oral hygiene, so the child should be taught to brush his teeth from an early age. Nutrition should be healthy, balanced, be sure to contain vitamins and nutrients, and the use of foods that contribute to the development of caries (primarily sugar and carbonated drinks) should be minimized. To prevent diseases of the teeth and gums, you need to visit the dentist at least once every six months, even in the absence of visible problems, and also carry out professional cleaning of your teeth.

A fistula on the gums of a child is an unpleasant and rather dangerous phenomenon, but with timely diagnosis, proper treatment and the right attitude of parents, it can be eliminated without complications.

Video - What is a fistula?

Dentistry in Moscow

A fistula (fistula) is a channel through which the body tries to remove purulent formations that have arisen due to an inflammatory process in the deep layers of the periodontium. The appearance of such a hole in the periodontal tissues of a child is often considered a natural phenomenon and is not considered a pathological change.

What is a fistula

An abnormal hole is created to remove the waste products of pathogens and at first looks like a white pimple on the gum. This formation can serve as a "conductor" of infections and inflammations. Parents should not use any method of treating a fistula on the gums of a child until the basis for the appearance of a "output" canal is clarified. The detection of such "holes" in the oral cavity requires a qualified examination of the dentist. The doctor will identify the underlying disease that served as the formation of the "move" and prescribe its competent therapy.

The most negative consequence of the appearance of a pathological hole is its infection, due to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the tissues. Such a development of events can lead to the appearance of purulent masses in the thickness of the periodontium. The appearance of a fistula in the mouth in young children is considered an absolute indication for the removal of milk bone formations.

Symptoms of gum disease

A dental fistula can form on the inside or outside of the soft tissues of the mouth. With the first variant of the location of the hole, the risk of getting the secret of the abscess into the body increases. In this regard, the treatment of a fistula on the gums of a child should be carried out immediately after its discovery. The main symptoms of the appearance of a purulent canal in the oral cavity in children can be considered:

  • pain;
  • hyperemia of soft tissues and their swelling;
  • the release of a purulent secret when pressing on the affected area;
  • temperature rise;
  • detection of signs of halitosis.

Causes of pus

A fistula of a tooth appears as a result of an already existing inflammation, or it can serve as a “guide” for its imminent occurrence. Purulent canals are often formed during unscrupulous treatment of carious lesions of the deep layers of the periodontium. A fistula after tooth extraction is formed due to poor-quality dental manipulation. In addition to these reasons, there are other reasons for the occurrence of ulcers in the mouth in children:

  • periodontitis of the granulating form (interferes with the healing of the root of the tooth);
  • negative consequences of medical errors;
  • periodontal cyst;
  • retention;
  • untreated caries;
  • excessive consumption of sweets.

How and how to treat a fistula on the gums in a child at home

Removal of pus from the gums of a small patient and therapy of the resulting fistulous "course" should be carried out in a dental clinic. The cost of treatment depends on the form of ownership of the institution and the price of the necessary medicines. It is impossible to judge the etiology of the disease using photos of similar abscesses. Only a full-time examination by a specialist will help to establish the true causes of the pathological hole. There are the following methods of treatment of purulent canals in the mouth in children:

  1. Therapeutic. It includes the correction of medical errors made by the dentist during canal filling.
  2. Surgical. It involves the removal of milk teeth that caused the fistula.
  3. Medical. It implies the use of antiseptic solutions (Miramistin) and anti-inflammatory ointments (Cholisal), the use of antibacterial drugs prescribed by a doctor.
  4. Treatment with folk remedies:
    • In 100 ml of water pour 10 gr. St. John's wort, then bring the product to a boil. Cool the decoction and rinse your mouth with it every 2 hours.
    • A tablespoon of chamomile pour 200 g of boiling water. Leave the remedy for half an hour, then wash the mouth before and after eating.

This is just a purulent tubercle with a hole. Symptoms of the formation of a fistula on the gums in a child are fever, acute pain, bad breath, shortness of breath. These signs should be a reason for parents to urgently contact the dentist.

Where does this attack come from? The age of the baby sometimes helps to understand the cause of the disease.

    At two years old, a fistula on the gums of a child most likely indicates congenital pathologies of the dentition.

    Up to three years, a fistula on the gums in a child can be triggered by osteomyelitis.

    At 4 years old, a fistula on the gums in a child usually occurs due to inflammation of the sinuses of the maxillary sections.

    In a child of 5-6 years old, a fistula on the gums may appear after an injury and indicate the presence of an inflammatory process in the body.

Fistula in a child as a result of periodontitis

Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease of the tissues surrounding the tooth root. As a rule, in children it is asymptomatic and with minimal pain. A frequent form of periodontitis of milk teeth is chronic granulating, and a fistula on the gums is a common addition to this disease. This is due to the anatomical features of the structure of the bone in children and the physiological changes that constantly occur in it. For example, on the gum of a milk tooth, a fistula in a child often appears due to improper eruption.

With a granulating form of periodontitis, an odontogenic fistula can form on the gums, skin, and submandibular region. The disease is preceded by excessive growth of granulations (tissue with a granular surface that develops during the healing of wounds and foci of inflammation). In the course of the disease, a shallow carious cavity is formed, the mucous membrane around the tooth turns red, it becomes mobile, the inflammatory process provokes the appearance of a fistula in a child. If untreated, the infection spreads to other organs.

Purulent fistula on the gums of a child

Odontogenic osteomyelitis, like periodontitis, is characterized by the presence of purulent inflammation and the formation of fistulas on the gums in children. The source of infection is caries: in 80 - 87% of cases this is the case for milk molars and the first permanent chewing tooth in the upper or lower jaws. Among the prerequisites for the disease, age-related imperfection of the immune system is distinguished, which, in turn, is associated with the immaturity of the nervous, endocrine and lymphatic systems. Contribute to the development of osteomyelitis physical fatigue, hypothermia and past infectious diseases. Timely treatment of a purulent fistula on the gums of a child will help to avoid an abscess, inflammation of the molar tooth and infection of the internal organs.

Cause of the primary fistula

Sinusitis is one of the reasons for the appearance of a primary fistula. After the removal of a diseased tooth in the upper jaw, there is a risk of fistula formation (fistula) between the maxillary sinus and the oral cavity through the dental socket. Bacteria enter through it from the oral cavity, which provokes inflammation of the sinus. Usually, the hole persists for 7 to 10 days, then epithelializes and takes the form of a fistulous tract. This is the so-called primary fistula. A secondary fistula is formed after an unsuccessful operation.

Children's fistula - the result of an incompletely erupted tooth

An incompletely erupted tooth can also provoke the formation of a children's fistula. The space between the sac that covers the crown of the growing tooth and the enamel increases and fills with fluid. As a result, a follicular cyst is formed - a thin capsule lined with stratified squamous epithelium. If its membrane becomes infected from the oral cavity, then suppuration occurs. Such inflammation of a chronic nature provokes the formation of fistulas on the gums of a milk tooth in a child.

Also, fistulas are formed on the mucous membrane of the palate, depending on the position of the crown of the impacted tooth. The cause may be caries or a periorbital abscess. Sometimes the formation of a fistula on the face of a child is also observed. It also occurs in an advanced case - with spontaneous opening of an abscess or after a violation of the integrity of the focus of inflammation by an external incision.

Treatment of a fistula on the gums in a child

What to do if a child has a fistula? To begin with, the main thing is not to panic, exclude solid foods from food and rinse your mouth with herbal decoctions to relieve inflammation and reduce swelling. However, these are only elementary measures for a slight relief of the condition. How to cure a fistula on the gums in a child? It is necessary to consult a dentist for qualified help. Depending on the stage of development of the disease, the treatment of a fistula on the gums in a child involves various options.

Medical treatment

At an early stage of infection, it is enough to use antibacterial drugs to relieve swelling and prevent the spread of infection.

Therapeutic method

In more complex forms of the disease, the specialist will clean the canals of the tooth, remove plaque and purulent deposits. Then he will make a professional cleaning and seal the diseased tooth.

Surgical intervention

If the affected area is too large and the tooth can no longer be saved, it remains only to remove it and cure nearby tissues.

To prevent the occurrence of a fistula on the gums and other dental diseases, parents should promptly familiarize the child with the rules of oral hygiene and further monitor their observance. Brushing your teeth twice a day and having regular checkups with your dentist are healthy habits that should be instilled in children from an early age.

By its nature, a fistula on the gums of a child is a kind of channel through which the body tries to get rid of toxins formed as a result of inflammation. On the one hand, this is a favorable process, since pus comes out through the opened channel, and therefore the likelihood of infection of surrounding tissues, including the jaw bones, is reduced. At the same time, a fistula is a symptom of inflammation, so an appeal to a specialist in such a situation is mandatory.

Reasons for the appearance

The appearance of a fistula always signals the presence of some kind of pathological process. So, a fistula on the gums of a child is one of the symptoms of the following inflammatory diseases:

  1. Granulating Form periodontitis- the most common cause of fistula development in children. Periodontitis is one of the possible complications of caries that is not cured in a timely manner - inflammation of the tissues surrounding the tooth. The described form of periodontitis is characterized by the growth of granulation connective tissue (bright red, granular), which is formed during the healing process and destroys healthy cells. The anatomical features of the structure of the jaw of a child are such that granulating periodontitis occurs, as a rule, precisely in childhood. The catalyst for its development is often external factors - overwork, hypothermia, viral diseases.
  2. Odontogenic osteomyelitis- Infectious inflammation of the jaw bones caused by diseases of the teeth. In children, due to the imperfection of the immune system, it spreads quite quickly and is accompanied by high fever, so the treatment is carried out in a hospital.
  3. A tooth is usually a painless, fluid-filled capsule that forms due to a developmental disorder or delayed treatment of the teeth. In the case of the spread of infection, the cyst degenerates into a fistula.
  4. Odontogenic sinusitis, which is characterized by inflammation of the maxillary sinuses due to dental diseases. This disease is accompanied by characteristic otolaryngological symptoms - nasal congestion, decreased sense of smell, headache, general weakness.
  5. Inflammation caused by the retention of teeth, that is, the impossibility of their eruption. The most common causes of retention in children are the structural features of the gums and too early loss of milk teeth. In such cases, a cyst appears, the membrane of which can become infected, which will lead to the appearance of a fistula. Retention of milk teeth occurs extremely rarely and in the vast majority of cases accompanies serious systemic diseases that require complex treatment - for example, rickets.
  6. Effects medical errors- incomplete filling of the canals, as a result of which bacteria continue to multiply in the unfilled voids. The disease can also develop as a result of perforation of dental tissues, accidentally admitted during the treatment.
  7. Injury tooth or gum with a sharp object, hard food, or when dropped. Injury as such is not dangerous, but inflammation can begin if an infection enters the wound.


When a fistula appears on the gums of a child, it can be seen with the naked eye. It is usually a small bump filled with blood or pus, sometimes with a white head that stands out against the reddened gums. It can occur both on the inside of the gums and on the outside; in the first case, the risk of pus getting inside the body increases, so treatment should be immediate.

In addition, the formation of a fistula is accompanied by the following symptoms:

At the first symptoms of a fistula, take your baby to the dentist!

- pain in the tooth, which is aggravated by touch and ingestion of food;

- redness and swelling of the gums;

- the tooth becomes mobile;

- in severe cases - fever;

- discharge of pus when pressing on the diseased area.

Read also:

Treatment of a fistula on the gums in a child

Expert opinion. Pediatric dentist Goretsky O.O.: “First of all, the specialist must differentiate the fistula from other diseases that have similar manifestations, but differ in both the causes of occurrence and the course of the process. We are talking about the already mentioned cysts and wen (seals, consisting of adipose tissue). In addition, it is important for the doctor to establish the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdistribution of inflammation and exclude its transition to the periosteum, so treatment begins with an X-ray examination. Only after that, a treatment tactic is chosen, which requires several visits to the dentist and is a combination of therapeutic, surgical and medical methods.

  1. Therapeutic treatment. His tactics depend on the underlying disease that caused the fistula; it is aimed at its elimination or correction of medical errors. In this case, the dentist will remove the filling and open the canals, remove dead tissue and pus, and, after disinfection, install a temporary filling. On the next visit, in the absence of new foci of inflammation, a permanent filling is installed. Therapeutic treatment for a fistula is usually given when a fistula has formed near a permanent tooth.
  2. Surgical treatment is, first of all,; a fistula on the gums of a child is an absolute indication for this procedure. It is also necessary to remove a milk tooth because, over time, the granulations grow and the resulting pus affects the permanent tooth under the temporary one. This can lead not only to his caries, but also to more serious complications that extend to the gums and jaw bones. If the focus of infection has covered a significant area, resection and curettage of the fistula channels will be required, as well as the removal of granulation tissue, which tends to grow. In some clinics, a laser is used for surgical treatment, which painlessly removes damaged tissue without the use of additional anesthesia.
  3. Medical treatment involves taking antibiotics. Antihistamines and topical application of anti-inflammatory gels, ointments (for example, Cholisala), as well as rinsing with antiseptic solutions (primarily Miramistin) are also prescribed.

At the final stage of treatment, if necessary, a rehabilitation course is prescribed to prevent the development of relapses. It involves processing the location of the fistula with ultrasound or a laser, and in the absence of the necessary equipment, diathermocoagulation (painless cauterization of tissues).

In addition, during the treatment it is important to follow the regimen prescribed by the doctor. Its main measures are eating no more than 3 times a day, obligatory rinsing or irrigation of the oral cavity after eating, keeping a sparing diet (mashed, non-spicy, unsalted dishes to avoid additional irritation of the diseased area).

Therapy with folk remedies

Timely treatment will help to avoid complications.

Folk remedies for the treatment of fistula are only additional methods for relieving inflammation and disinfecting the oral cavity, since the main set of procedures, the main purpose of which is the removal of pus and bacteria, should be carried out by a doctor. Decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs are not able to eliminate the main cause of the disease, but they can speed up recovery. Let's name the most popular and effective recipes that can be used for rinsing, irrigation and applications with a cotton swab (in the smallest children):

  • Decoctions of St. John's wort, strawberry leaves, calendula flowers (10 grams per 100 ml of water).
  • Infusion of chamomile, sage and oak bark (10 grams per 100 ml of water).
  • On the sore spot, you can apply an ointment consisting of medicinal herbs crushed in a coffee grinder that relieve inflammation (chamomile, calendula flowers, strawberry leaves), and sea buckthorn oil.

To make home remedies more palatable, you can add a little honey to them, which also has antiseptic properties. Adults are recommended to use crushed eucalyptus leaves to speed up healing, but it is better to treat a fistula on the gums of a child with more gentle herbs so as not to burn the delicate mucosa.

It appears due to the rapid multiplication of pathogenic bacteria and is accompanied by painful sensations when pressed, the appearance of a channel on the gum, the release of liquid through this channel with an admixture of pus and blood, and an increase in the mobility of adjacent teeth.

If treatment is not started on time, quite serious consequences can occur:
- the disease becomes chronic;
- the release of purulent masses leads to penetration into the digestive organs, causing poisoning of the child's body;
- the risk of congenital pathology of permanent teeth increases.

How to get rid of a fistula on the gum?

After the fistula is established, the method of getting rid of it is directly selected. Very often, for effective treatment of the problem, the removal of a milk tooth is required, near which a purulent canal has appeared. This allows you to stop the process of intoxication in time and allow the permanent tooth to grow healthy. This method is used to treat the advanced stage of the disease in order to prevent various complications.

To save milk or permanent teeth, seek help from a specialist at the stage of development of the disease, that is, when the first signs of a fistula appear on the gums. In this case, the dentist selects the most appropriate treatment methods without surgical intervention. An experienced specialist can recommend antibacterial ointments and root canal gels, mouthwashes, or saline baths. Effective use of decoctions of dandelion, tansy, yarrow and other medicinal plants. They significantly reduce the number of harmful microorganisms in the cavity, relieve swelling and accelerate the healing process of the gums.

As a folk remedy for the rapid healing of a fistula, use the following recipe: mix 40 g of eucalyptus, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, chopped onion. Lubricate a piece of gauze with the resulting mass and apply to the affected area of ​​the gums for 15-20 minutes. The action of home ointment is based on antibacterial properties, as a result of which pus is quickly drawn out of the wound.

To prevent the recurrence of a fistula in a child, carefully monitor oral hygiene and regularly show the baby to the dentist in order to identify and solve problems with teeth and gums in a timely manner. Also periodically give multivitamin complexes to maintain the immunity of the child's body. Such simple tips allow you to save your teeth from early childhood.

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