Grapefruit useful properties and contraindications. Grapefruit - grape fruit

grapefruit (English) grape and fruits- grapes and fruit) - a citrus yellow-orange fruit that grows in subtropical climatic latitudes.

Grapefruit grows on an evergreen tree of the same name, reaching a height of 13-15 m. A ripe fruit in diameter is no more than 15 cm. In appearance, grapefruit is most similar to an orange, but its flesh is more sour, and the inner white veins are bitter. Many scientists believe that the grapefruit originated in India as a natural hybridization of the pomelo and the orange. Artificially, on the basis of grapefruit, new varieties of citrus fruits were bred: mineola and tangelo. The grapefruit ripening period is 9-12 months and the main harvest is at the beginning of February.

There are 20 varieties of grapefruits. They differ in skin color from bright yellow to light red and flesh color from yellow to red. It is believed that the redder the peel, the sweeter the flesh.

In 1650 grapefruit was first discovered in Barbados. The fruit got its first name in 1750 by Griffiths Hughes, who called it the "forbidden fruit". However, in 1814, Jamaican merchants renamed the fruit into the familiar “grapefruit”. The popularity and volumes of its consumption grew so rapidly that from 1880 in the USA they began to grow grapefruit on an industrial scale, mainly for export. The largest grapefruit plantations are in Texas and Florida. For deliveries to European countries, the fruits are grown in Israel and Cyprus.

Use in cooking

Grapefruit is used to make juices, alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails, fruit salads, jams. The juice is used for savory sauces and marinades. Also, essential oils are industrially obtained from the peel of the fruit, which are later used for the production of colognes, perfumes, creams, shampoos, conditioners, balms, as well as confectionery syrups and extracts for alcoholic beverages. However, most often grapefruit is consumed raw, scraping the pulp with a teaspoon. To do this, the fruit is cut in half across the location of the slices. You can also peel it like an orange, and then free each of the slices from white membranes.

grapefruit calories

This is a low-calorie and dietary product, 100 g of which contains only 32 kcal. The calorie content of canned grapefruit is 37 kcal, and grapefruit juice contains only 30 kcal per 100 g. This product can be consumed by everyone without fear for their own weight.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Useful properties of grapefruit

Composition and presence of nutrients

The grapefruit pulp contains a large number of useful substances, including vitamins (, PP,,, B1,, B9), minerals (potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, iodine, iron, cobalt, copper, manganese, zinc, fluorine ), antioxidants, fiber and carotenoids.

Useful and medicinal properties

Grapefruit is considered a dietary product that comes into the fight against extra pounds. This is due to the presence in its composition of substances that can break down and remove cholesterol, speed up metabolism and reduce sugar levels. To normalize blood cholesterol levels and to reduce insulin intake in diabetes, nutritionists recommend eating at least one grapefruit per day. Also, this fruit is the basis of the grapefruit diet, according to which, in order to speed up digestion, it is necessary to eat half a grapefruit for 15-20 minutes before each meal or drink 100 g of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice.

For people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases associated with low acidity of gastric juice, doctors recommend drinking 200-250 g of grapefruit juice. For the elderly, eating grapefruit helps lower blood pressure and fight signs of atherosclerosis. In addition, grapefruit substances have a positive effect on the activity of the nervous system, helping to normalize sleep and reduce headaches.

Use in cosmetology

Grapefruit is also used in cosmetology for the preparation of whitening and cleansing masks. To whiten the skin, get rid of freckles and age spots, it is necessary to moisten several layers of gauze in grapefruit juice and apply on the face until completely dry. With strong pigment manifestations, you need to repeat such a mask every other day for two weeks, only after that the result will be visible.

Grapefruit essential oil has a calming and relaxing effect, so it can be added to a hot bath or aroma lamp after a hard day's work.

Botanical name: Grapefruit (Citrus paradise), genus Citrus, family Rutaceae.

Grapefruit origin: India, Asia, USA.

Lighting: photophilous.

The soil: fertile.

Watering: moderate.

Maximum tree height: 15 m.

average life expectancy: more than 50 years.

Landing: seeds, cuttings.

Description of grapefruit and photo of its leaves

Grapefruit is a medium-sized fruit tree, reaching up to 5-6, sometimes up to 12 m in height. Refers to evergreens. It has a smooth, grayish-brown bark. The crown is dense, elliptical or spherical with strong, elastic branches that can withstand large, weighty fruits. Grapefruit leaves are oval, large, up to 17 cm long, leathery, alternate, dark green. The flowers are white, up to 6 cm in diameter, with 5-6 petals, solitary or collected in racemes, have a pleasant aroma. Flowering begins in May. The fruits are large, up to 16 cm in diameter, slightly flattened, covered with a smooth, shiny, thick light yellow skin with a reddish tinge. The peel is poorly separated from the pulp. Fruit pulp is fragrant, juicy, sweet and sour with bitterness, divided into segments. The color of the pulp is from yellow-red to deep red. The fruits hang on the branches singly or in clusters up to 15 pieces. The weight of the fruit is 400-600 g. They ripen in December.

Externally, grapefruit resembles an orange, but the taste is sour and has a bitter aftertaste.

The culture is valued for its high yield and fruits endowed with many useful properties. Up to 700 fruits are obtained from one tree per year.

The gallery below shows a photo of a grapefruit.

How and where grapefruit grows: photo of plants

The plant is not found in the wild. Widely grown in the subtropics and tropics. Grapefruit growing countries: India, Asia, USA, Georgia, China, Brazil, Israel, southern Russia.

It is also interesting how grapefruit grows. This culture is warm and photophilous. Demanding on the soil. It develops well on fertile humus, fertilized with mineral salts and organic matter. Under favorable conditions, it begins to bear fruit for 4-5 years of life. The fruit ripening period lasts 9-12 months. The season for grapefruit consumption is long. In some climatic zones, it can last throughout the year. In regions where ripening occurs in September-October, the fruits are removed until April.

How and under what conditions grapefruit grows can be seen in the photo below:

The fruits of the grapefruit plant

The fruits of the grapefruit plant are used as food. They have medicinal properties. They contain water, sugars, potassium and other minerals, organic acids, vitamins C, D, B, P, pectins. Bitter-tasting substances are found in the peel, seeds and film of the fruit.

The fruit is consumed fresh and processed. It is used in industry for the manufacture of juices, jams, liqueurs. Fresh fruits are added to salads. Grapefruit juice is poured over the meat, thanks to which the dish acquires a special flavor.

The fruits of this plant are low in calories. 100 g of pulp contains 39 kcal. Therefore, grapefruits, which have a similar chemical composition with other citrus fruits, are an effective weight loss product.

Zest is used in cooking to improve the taste of meat and fish dishes. It is also used in baking. In order to get the zest, you need to thinly cut off the top layer of the peel.

The peel of the citrus grapefruit is quite thick and bitter. It contains a large amount of glycosides. Tea is added to it and infusions are made, pouring boiled water for 2 hours.

Fruit pits are a valuable raw material from which grapefruit extract is obtained. Seed extract is part of many medicines designed to combat colds and fungal diseases.

Grapefruit is rich in vitamins. The main vitamins contained in its pulp: riboflavin (B2), ascorbic acid (C), niacin (PP), B-carotene, thiamine (B1), folic acid (B9). In addition, it contains many minerals, but very few proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Grapefruit oil, obtained from its seeds, is a yellowish liquid with a pleasant citrus aroma and a slight bitterness. It is used in cosmetology, perfumery and medicine.

grapefruit selection

When choosing fruits, you need to pay attention to their appearance and weight. Preference should be given to intact, large fruits: the larger the fruit, the juicier it is. Taste qualities largely depend on the presence of beta-carotene in the pulp. The amount of this substance in a grapefruit can be judged by the color of the peel: the yellower its color, the more beta-carotene is contained in the fruit, the tastier and sweeter it will be. Fruit should be heavy, soft, without any dark spots or dents on the surface. Its aroma will also indicate a juicy and ripe fruit. Fully ripened citrus smells very strongly. Red-skinned fruits contain a large amount of lycopene, which is an excellent antioxidant.


The thick skin that adheres tightly to the flesh of the grapefruit makes it difficult to peel. However, if you know how to properly remove the peel, this process will not be difficult. Before cleaning citrus, it must be washed well in running water. Using a sharp knife, make several longitudinal cuts. After that, prying the crust with a knife, it will be easy to remove it. The fruit is cut into slices and all white partitions are removed. If the partitions are left the pulp will be bitter. It should be remembered that it is in the partitions that a large amount of useful substances are contained.

In order to eliminate bitterness, the core in each half is removed, sugar, honey or fructose is put in its place, kept for 2-3 hours, after which the fruit is served at the table.

You can remove bitterness in another way. Remove a leathery, translucent film from each slice, which contains quinic acid and bitter glycosides.


Fresh, fully ripened fruits are not stored for a long time. The riper the fruit, the faster it will spoil. In order to extend the shelf life of grapefruit, it is stored in the refrigerator. The maximum storage period is no more than 10 days. After that, the citrus dries up, loses its taste and aroma.

The duration of storage of fruits in a mat at a temperature of + 7-12⁰С and air humidity of 85-95% reaches several months. For this, the fruits are removed a little unripe. As they mature, the intensity of their color increases, and when it reaches its maximum, it begins to decrease. During the entire storage period, fruits retain their taste, aroma and valuable properties.

grapefruit varieties

To date, about 20 varieties of this plant have been bred. All of them differ in color, taste of pulp, the presence of seeds inside the fruit and are divided into 3 groups: white with yellowish flesh, pink and red. In some varieties, there are a lot of seeds, while in others they are completely absent. The red American variety "Ruby", bred in 1929, is in high demand. In addition to it, the varieties "Rio Red", "Flame", "Duncan", "Flame", "Marsh" and many others have gained popularity on the market.

The most widely distributed variety in Russia is "Marsh", the fruits of which contain from 0 to 8 seeds, and the variety "Pink Marsh" with pink flesh and 3-5 seeds.

On the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, the Gulripshsky and Yubileiny varieties are cultivated.

Variety "Duncan" is suitable for growing in a room. The plant has a decorative, spreading crown, large, elongated leaves, white flowers, collected in a brush of 3-10 buds. The fruits are yellow, spherical, weighing up to 400 g. Their flesh is juicy, sweet and sour, with a slight bitterness. Fruiting begins 4 years after planting.

Well-lit places are chosen for growing the Duncan grapefruit tree. With a lack of light, fluorescent energy-saving lamps are used. In low light, the leaves stretch towards the light, while the branches bend and weaken.

In good conditions, domestic grapefruit grows up to 2 m in height.

In the spring, the plant is transplanted into a larger pot and renew the soil. For a 5-7 year old individual, a container 40-50 cm high and 50 cm in diameter is required.

Grapefruit "Flame" is known throughout the world for its taste. Its peel is smooth, yellow, with a reddish tinge. The pulp is dark red, sweet, without taste of bitterness.

Photos of the grapefruit tree and its varieties are presented below in the photo gallery.

The plant got its name from the English. grape (grapes) and fruit (fruit), which means "grape fruit". The reason for this name was the fruits of this tree, collected in bunches, similar to bunches of grapes. Grapefruit used to be considered a hybrid, obtained by crossing a lemon and an orange. To date, it has been established that its ancestors are wild orange and pomelo. From the pomelo to the “grape fruit”, the main properties and taste qualities were transferred.

Grapefruit was first found on the island of Barbados, from where it was transported to America. In the 20th century, it began to be widely cultivated in European countries. It was first grown as an ornamental tree with beautiful, fragrant flowers and glossy leaves. It was not used for food due to its bitter taste. After ripening, the fruits fell to the ground. Interest in grapefruit, as a fruit crop, appeared only at the end of the 19th century. The first fruit ships were sent to New York and Philadelphia. Gradually, citrus gained popularity in other countries.

Grapefruit is a citrus fruit. A fruit that is the result of crossing an orange and a pomelo. The evergreen trees on which it grows reach 12 meters in length, and the fruit itself weighs about 500 grams. Grapefruits come in several varieties that differ from each other in color (yellow, white and pink) and some other properties that will be described below. It is worth saying that there has long been a lot of controversy on the topic of the benefits and harms of grapefruits. We will try to describe all the useful and negative properties of this controversial fruit.

Grapefruit - 10 health benefits

Help for people with diabetes

The use of grapefruit helps to lower blood sugar levels, which means that nature itself has prescribed this fruit for diabetic patients. It is also recommended for diabetics to consume these fruits to prevent complications related to blood pressure.

Fighting high cholesterol

The beneficial properties of grapefruit for the body are also concluded in lowering cholesterol levels, as a result, this is an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis for the elderly.

Normalization of pressure

Grapefruit juice is very rich in potassium and vitamin C, so it acts as a vasodilator. This helps relax blood vessels and arteries, which lowers blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Grapefruit for weight loss

The smell of grapefruit reduces hunger and suppresses appetite, so it can often be found in various diets for weight loss. The high fiber content in this fruit can also satisfy hunger and help prevent overeating, as it stimulates the production of the hormone cholecystokinin, which is responsible for satiety.

Cold and flu prevention

Grapefruit is useful in the prevention of flu and colds, as it reduces acidity in the digestive system. Its bitter taste is due to the presence of the plant flavonoid "Naringin", which is a powerful antioxidant. It also has antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial, anticancer, and anti-inflammatory properties, making it one of the most important components for protecting the immune system.

Health of teeth and gums

The use of grapefruit also has a positive effect on the mouth and gums, reducing their bleeding.

Fills with energy

If you are tired of routine or boring work, then grapefruit will dispel your general fatigue and fill you with energy. A refreshing and tasty drink made from grapefruit and lemon juice in equal proportions will give you strength and vigor. Nootkathone is a rare substance found in grapefruits and is one of the important components that form its smell. In addition, nootcanone improves energy metabolism in the body by activating AMPK (Adenosine Monophosphate Activated Protein Kinase), which leads to increased stamina and energy, increased weight loss and reduced the likelihood of developing diabetes.

Improves the work of the digestive tract

Due to the presence of fiber and vegetable cellulose in grapefruit, the movement in the intestines is facilitated and the stool is normalized. Grapefruit extract is used in medicine and it is designed to solve such gastrointestinal problems as diarrhea, flatulence and helminthiasis. 10-20 drops of grapefruit juice three times a day will have an effect similar to the action of digestive enzymes and will help relieve excessive gas formation and discomfort in the stomach.

Normalizes sleep

One glass of grapefruit juice before bed can help you fall asleep faster and sleep better. This is due to the presence of tryptophan in its composition, which causes drowsiness.

Prevention of constipation

A glass of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice in the morning is a great way to prevent constipation. Juice stimulates the intestines and other organs of the digestive system. This is due to the action of dietary fiber, which stimulates the outflow of digestive juices with enzymes into the duodenum and improves intestinal motility.

Contraindications and harm

In addition to obvious beneficial properties, grapefruit also has a number of contraindications for use, which can harm your health.

So, it should not be used with increased acidity of the stomach, with gastric ulcers, hepatitis, gastritis, enteritis, colitis, acute nephritis, cystitis, since it can irritate the kidneys and gastric mucosa.

If you are taking medications to lower blood pressure, then in no case should you drink them with the juice of this fruit, as it interferes with the enzyme responsible for the breakdown of such drugs.

As a result, the medicine lasts longer than it should, causing various side effects: dizziness, heart palpitations, redness of the face.

You can also not use grapefruit while taking birth control pills, since their effect is significantly reduced, or even completely disappears. It also has the same effect on antidepressants.

And in general, it was noticed that freshly squeezed grapefruit juice is not combined with most drugs, either increasing their concentration in the blood, or reducing their effect several times.

Therefore, if you are undergoing treatment, it is better to forget about this delicious drink for a while in order to avoid serious health problems.

It is also not recommended to use this fruit for women during menopause, besides living in a very sunny area, as scientists have proven that these two factors contribute to the development of breast cancer.

Prolonged use of this fruit is bad for the condition of tooth enamel, so you need to rinse your mouth after it and stop taking it from time to time.

Not worth taking
eat the peel of the fruit, since during its cultivation it was treated with chemicals aimed at destroying pests.

It is clear that all these substances are concentrated in the skin of the fetus, so there will be no benefit to your health from it.

But, of course, all these contraindications do not mean at all that you should give up grapefruit forever.

Selection and storage rules

When choosing a fruit, you need to focus on its appearance and weight - it should seem heavy for its size, and the shape of the fruit should be correct.

The grapefruit should feel firm to the touch.

The intensity of the color depends on the content of beta-carotene in the fruit, which affects the palatability.

Consequently, the brighter the fruit, the sweeter it is. Aroma can also serve as a guide - it is stronger in ripe and juicy grapefruits.

Pay attention to the presence of a matte peel - this indicates a lesser degree of chemical treatment.

Since after harvesting it does not ripen, you should not choose unripe fruits.

Such fruits are best stored at a temperature of 10 - 14 ° C and not longer than 10 days.

It should be noted that the higher the degree of ripeness of the fruit, the less it will be stored.

As a conclusion, we can say that grapefruit is a real storehouse of vitamins and many useful substances with which you can improve your health, and if necessary, also throw off a couple of extra pounds without adhering to any diets at all and without limiting yourself in food.

One has only to remember some contraindications in order to avoid the harmful effects of the fruit on the body.

It is believed that grapefruit is a hybrid of the genus citrus, obtained by naturally crossing a pomelo and an orange. The fruit really looks like an orange, but larger. The average fruit weight is 300-500 grams. The pulp is divided into slices by partitions, which contain a substance that gives the fruit bitterness.

For the first time, wild grapefruit trees were discovered in the 18th century on the tropical island of Barbados. Then the fruits of these trees were not eaten because of the bitter taste. And only at the end of the 19th century, the fruit began to be cultivated as a fruit crop. Now there are more than twenty cultivated species of grapefruit. They differ in taste, skin color and pulp, but they have one property in common - positive effect on the body.

Composition of grapefruit: calorie content, chemical composition, vitamins

Dietary properties of grapefruit are due to low calorie content (35 kcal per 100 g), high water content (almost 90%) and the complete absence of fat. The fruit pulp contains pectin, organic acids, fiber, antioxidants, carbohydrates and monosaccharides.

In fruit peel contains esters, phytoncides and a high concentration of naringin, a plant flavonoid that gives grapefruit its bitter taste. The fruits contain mineral salts: a lot of potassium (184 mg), as well as calcium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium and iron in a small concentration.

Vitamin composition of grapefruit similar to other citrus fruits. The highest concentration is vitamin C (45 mg), there are five B vitamins (B1, B2, B6, pantothenic and folic acids), vitamin E, D, niacin (PP) and retinol (A).

General Benefits

Grapefruit has a general healing effect on the body, normalizing the functioning of almost all organs and processes. The following properties of the fruit contribute to good health:

  • the presence of bioflavonoids helps strengthen blood vessels, preventing bleeding - the fruit is useful for bleeding gums;
  • vitamin C strengthens the immune system and the body as a whole, promotes the absorption of iron;
  • antioxidants help lower cholesterol, increase the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • fiber and pectins promote digestion, cleanse the intestines and removal of slags;
  • potassium improves cardiac activity.

It should be noted that the bitter film, which is practically not eaten, contains the largest amount of active substances.


Depending on the variety, grapefruit fruits are conventionally divided into two groups: pink and yellow. They are slightly different in taste, but the same in composition. Inside the fruit is the pulp, divided into slices by a white bitter film containing glycosides - organic compounds, good for the heart. It is the glycosides that give grapefruit its original bitter taste.

The fruit is eaten fresh. To remove bitterness, it is cut into halves, each of which is sprinkled with sugar.

Desserts, jams, marmalades are prepared from grapefruit, and they are used in the production of alcohol. The fruit is a great addition to meat, fish and seafood. As a marinade, it improves the taste of foods and softens them.


  • overcome stress and depression;
  • improve memory and concentration;
  • fight cholesterol;
  • improve blood circulation and the condition of blood vessels;
  • cleanse liver cells, promote their recovery, prevent the development of hepatitis;
  • prevent the development of malignant cells.


If the stomach does not suffer from hyperacidity, the morning should be started with a glass of fresh juice. The drink will help set up the robot of the intestines, liver and start all metabolic processes. In addition, the juice will increase the tone, invigorate and increase efficiency.

With a deficit iron daily consumption of a glass of juice for 10 days brings hemoglobin back to normal. Juice contains virtually no fiber. This allows it to be used by people who cannot tolerate it. The disadvantages of the drink include its ability to cause appetite, since not every person can tolerate the feeling of hunger.


Seeds, which usually go to waste, contain a lot of active ingredients that have a strong effect on the body. They contain essential oil - an indispensable tool in medicine and cosmetology, as well as special substances that can destroy more than seven hundred species of bacteria and viruses.

In medicine, seed oil is used as an antimicrobial and natural antibacterial agent, in cosmetology - for the treatment of acne and some skin diseases. The oil does not contain allergens, which cannot be said about the pulp and peel of grapefruit, so it can be used by people prone to allergies.

More the benefits of grapefruit see here:

Why is it good to eat grapefruit?

Dietary properties and a high concentration of biologically active components make grapefruit indispensable in the diet of all people: both adults and children.


Everyone knows about the effect of fruit on the female body. This is, first of all, the protection of cells and the whole organism from premature aging. Women who regularly consume fruit or juice from it become slim, the skin becomes elastic and healthy. Massage with grapefruit oils helps to get rid of cellulite, improves metabolic processes in cells, relieves swelling.


One fruit or a glass of fresh juice helps to start the processes of cleansing the liver, removing toxins that accumulate as a result of excessive consumption of spicy and fatty foods, alcohol.

Grapefruit is also effective in alcohol intoxication, reduces the effect of nicotine on the body.

Eating fruit reduces the risk of developing cardiac pathologies, especially heart attacks, to which the stronger sex is more susceptible. Grapefruit fruit extract is often included in sports nutrition designed to burn fat and shape muscle relief.


The high concentration of potassium in the fruit helps to strengthen the heart, which is important during the period of intensive organ growth. A lot of vitamin C is necessary for the prevention of colds, as well as anemia, since this vitamin helps iron to be absorbed.


Grapefruit is extremely beneficial during pregnancy. Vitamin C is essential for brain formation, tissue formation, and skeletal structure in the fetus. The same vitamin serves as a prevention of viral and colds, which is very important during the period of bearing a baby.

Fresh juice is effective for toxicosis. The acids contained in it eliminate the characteristic urges and relieve intoxication. Seed oil can be safely used as an antibiotic or antiseptic, given that the use of drugs during pregnancy is highly undesirable.

Benefits for weight loss

The ability of grapefruit to reduce weight consists in the concentration of the same naringin, which has the property of normalizing the processes of metabolism and metabolism.

The substance suppresses factors that can cause the accumulation of excess fat in the body:

  • stimulates the activity of the liver, promotes the passage of bile;
  • corrects cholesterol levels when eating fatty foods;
  • regulates the production of insulin;
  • normalizes the fluid content in tissues.

When compiling a diet for weight loss, the diet should include at least two fruits a day, for prevention and well-being, half a large fruit is enough.

Is the grapefruit diet healthy? Watch the video:

Application in cosmetology

For the manufacture of cosmetics, all parts of this valuable fruit are used:

  • pulp- thin slices are applied to the skin of the face, masks are prepared from the pulp - such products whiten the skin well and are a natural antiseptic, used for oily or normal skin;
  • juice- has a cleansing and whitening property, this is the best folk remedy for freckles and age spots - they rub the face with juice;
  • peel- essential oil is extracted from it, which is used as part of masks and as a massage agent.

Daily use of citrus promotes cell rejuvenation, which also affects the condition of the skin.

Harm of grapefruits, contraindications for use

According to American scientists, fruit not recommended for women during menopause, since at this time the risk of malignant tumors in the breast increases. But this applies only to those women who live in a hot climate, are constantly exposed to solar radiation, and have a predisposition to cancer.

More active substances contained in the fruit interact with many drugs. It is not recommended to combine fruit with drugs that lower blood pressure, as it slows down the absorption of drugs. Grapefruit reduces the activity of antidepressants, contraceptives and hormonal drugs, but enhances the action of cardiac and hepatic.

Product description

Grapefruit- a citrus fruit native to the Caribbean, a close relative orange and pomelo. Outwardly, grapefruit fruits are similar to orange fruits, but their flesh is sourer and with a bitter taste.

The name of the fruit is derived from the English. grape(grapes) and fruits(fruit), since grapefruit fruits are often collected in bunches, thus resembling bunches of grapes.

Grapefruit also contains antioxidants that lower cholesterol levels. One grapefruit a day helps to normalize blood cholesterol levels. This is especially important for people suffering from ischemic heart disease and circulatory diseases, for whom elevated cholesterol levels are another risk factor. According to some data, red-fleshed grapefruits contain much more cholesterol-lowering substances than yellow-fleshed grapefruits.

Grapefruit juice increases the acidity of gastric juice, so grapefruit is recommended for people with low acidity and, at the same time, is contraindicated in various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Almost everywhere where grapefruits are grown, they are sought to be protected from pests and various diseases; do it with different chemical compositions. Most of the chemicals that the fruit is treated with are localized in its peel. In addition, to keep fruits fresh longer, they are coated with special compounds that wax the fruit, giving them a neat “varnished” look. All this should be kept in mind - and do not abuse the grapefruit peel.

Species and varieties

There are about two dozen varieties of grapefruit. They are divided into two large groups - white(or yellow) grapefruit, with yellowish flesh, and red (or pink).

red grapefruits (ruby, Rio Red, Star Ruby, flame) were bred in the USA in the middle of the 20th century. As a rule, the more red hue the grapefruit pulp contains, the sweeter it is.

There are varieties with many seeds in the fruit, as well as completely without seeds.

Hybrid grapefruit with pomelo - retinue, which in the rest of the world is known by the names oroblanco and pomelit.

hybrids of grapefruit and tangerine certain varieties - mineola and tangelo.

How to cook

Grapefruit fruits are eaten raw, used as an ingredient in fruit and spicy salads. Grapefruit goes well with seafood, fish, poultry, young cheese. Jam is made from it and juices are pressed. Grapefruit essential oils are used in confectionery and alcoholic beverage production.

Before eating, the grapefruit fruit is usually cut with a sharp knife. The core in each half with a part of the adjacent films is removed.

To completely get rid of the bitterness of the grapefruit fruit, you need to remove the translucent leathery film covering each slice of the fruit, in which the bitter substances are mainly concentrated. Chefs call peeled slices supreme, and in the home kitchen they are better known as " fillet».

The main grapefruit-producing countries are the United States (Florida, California, Texas, Arizona), Argentina, Brazil, the Caribbean, Australia, South Africa, the Mediterranean countries, including Israel. In relatively small quantities, grapefruit is cultivated on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, in Western Georgia, Abkhazia.

In most countries, the grapefruit season falls on late autumn, winter and early spring(main season - November to March).

In the other hemisphere, in South Africa, grapefruit season falls on JuneOctober.

How to choose and store

The grapefruit must be whole, undamaged. Pay attention to the weight of the fruit: the juicier the grapefruit, the more it weighs.

The taste of grapefruit depends on the amount of beta-carotene in it. The brighter the peel of the fruit, the greater the amount of beta-carotene, the sweeter it will be. In addition, red grapefruits are generally much sweeter than white ones.

Do not be afraid of fruits with a brown or green tint.

When choosing a fruit, you should also focus on aroma. Ripe and juicy fruit smells very strongly.

Red grapefruit has the maximum amount of useful properties due to the content of more lycopene, which is an excellent antioxidant.

To keep fruits fresher longer, they are coated with special compounds that wax the fruit, giving them a neat “varnished” look. Therefore, when choosing a fruit, pay attention to its appearance. Choose fruits with a matte skin that have not been coated with special formulations.

Fresh fruits are not recommended to be stored for a long time. The riper the grapefruit, the less it will keep. For these fruits, the bottom shelves of the refrigerator or special fruit compartments are best suited. The maximum shelf life of grapefruits is 10 days. After they dry out, which spoils their taste and aroma.

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