What kind of meat to start the first complementary foods with, how to make mashed potatoes at home and which one to choose. When is it time to introduce meat complementary foods, serving size and carcass selection When to introduce meat into complementary foods for babies

  1. Meat for babies is the main source of animal protein. Moreover, vegetable protein is much inferior to the animal in terms of its qualitative characteristics.
  2. This food is rich in trace elements - phosphorus, copper, iodine.

    Iron from meat dishes is absorbed much better thanfrom vegetable.

  3. When teeth appear, it is important for a baby to develop chewing skills, so meat is the main assistant in this.
  4. Important is the high content of vitamins of group B, PP, E.

After the first six months of life, the child needs additional trace elements and protein. Of course, it contains all the above nutrients, but as the body grows, the baby requires more than just milk.

The introduction of meat into complementary foods perfectly complements the diet and covers the increased energy costs.

Meat supplements are divided into three groups:

  • meat based;
  • on a meat-and-vegetable basis;
  • plant-based with the addition of meat.

The last two groups of complementary foods, as their name implies, include, in addition to the meat itself, vegetables or cereals. Such additives improve the taste of meat puree and contribute to the diversity of the baby's diet. In addition, vegetables (due to vitamin C and organic acids contained in them) facilitate the absorption of iron contained in meat.

Meat complementary foods should be started between 6 and 8 months. This is exactly the age when it is physiologically justified to introduce meat into complementary foods. Remember that a newborn baby does not need meat.

This is due to the fact that meat for children under one year old is not the first course, but follows vegetables. As a rule, two months after vegetables, a meat dish is introduced.

Accordingly, at 8 months, meat should be given to children who received their first complementary foods at 6 months. At six months, meat can be started if the first complementary foods happened at 4 months.

If the child has low hemoglobin, then this interval can be reduced.

Meat puree for babies up to 6 months is contraindicated for several reasons:

  • immaturity of the digestive system. Enzymes cannot digest sufficiently heavy meat protein. As a result, its digestibility is very low;
  • small children's kidneys will not be able to withstand a protein load that is too strong for them;
  • risk of allergic reactions.

How to introduce meat correctly?

  1. You should start with half a teaspoon, preferably before lunch, before.
  2. The amount of meat puree is increased gradually, a teaspoon per day.
  3. The quality of the meat dish must be excellent: valid expiration date, served warm, preferably cooked on the day of serving.

    Until the child has few teeth, homogeneous mashed meat should be given.

  4. You can start your acquaintance with meat delicacies by adding them to vegetable dishes or diluting them with breast milk.

How often and how much to give meat to a child?

  • from six months to 7 months - up to 20 grams per day;
  • from 10 months - up to 70 grams (this is about 15 teaspoons);
  • after a year, you can give the child one steam cutlet or meatball.

Meat dishes should not be present in the child's menu every day, 4-5 times a week, 1 time per day is enough.

What kind of meat to start complementary foods with?

  1. Beef. Rich in protein and iron. Pretty lean meat. According to price criteria, it is accessible to many families. Of course, feeding is better to start with it.

    If the child is allergic, it is better not to start with beef, here a rabbit or turkey comes to the rescue.

  2. Rabbit, turkey. Differ in low calorie content, low fat content, practically do not cause allergies. But they have a fairly high cost, up to 400 - 500 rubles per kilogram. And rabbit meat is quite difficult to buy in its natural form.
  3. Chicken.

    If a child is allergic to chicken egg protein, then we never start complementary foods with chicken. It has a fairly low calorie content (in particular, breast), but no less allergenicity.

  4. Pork, as you know, it has sufficient fat content and is suitable for babies after a year.

    In recent years, allergists have been advising children with allergies to start complementary foods with pork.

  5. Horsemeat. Rich in protein, but very hard to find on the market. Suitable for hypoallergenic menu.
  6. Mutton. Very fatty meat, recommended after 10 months.
  7. Goose and duck. These meat dishes contain refractory fats that are difficult for a child's body to digest. For this reason, up to three years, goose and duck are excluded.

How to cook meat yourself?

Cooking baby meat is challenging but doable task.

  • First, choose the type of meat. It is better to buy meat in trusted markets, in stores, or purchase homemade meat from trusted suppliers. It should not be windy and have extraneous odors;
  • meat should be washed under running water, remove films, cartilage, excess fat;
  • place in an enamel bowl and boil until tender. On average, beef, pork is cooked for 2 hours, goose, duck - up to 4 hours;
  • Pass boiled meat through a meat grinder.

Boiled meat must be passed through a blender, and then through a sieve. In fact, the algorithm is the same as when preparing minced meat, only the puree should be more uniform in mass.

Up to 10 months, meat puree should be homogeneous.

In ready-made meat puree of your own preparation, add ½ - 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil.

For children older than 10 months, you can cook meatballs or steamed cutlets - after a year. Ready stuffing can be frozen in the freezer.

It is not recommended to store boiled meat for baby food in the refrigerator for more than a day.

What to choose meat puree for complementary foods?

Store-bought baby food has several advantages:

  • quality control of baby food;
  • lack of preservatives, dyes;
  • the composition of microelements corresponds to age requirements.

Popular brands of meat purees for a child

  • "Grandmother's basket" has a fairly low price compared to others. There are multicomponent meat purees;
  • Heinz, Agusha, Frutonyanya - many brands that are on the market differ only in price. According to the qualitative composition, they undergo careful processing and control.

Meat puree for the first feeding should be chosen only by mother and baby. For the first time, Heinz baby rabbit puree is perfect.

Meat broth, offal

Meat broth contains extractives, nitrogenous compounds, glucose, lactic acid. Thanks to these substances, appetite improves, the work of the pancreas is activated. Also, the broth has a beneficial effect on the development of the nervous system of the child.

But it should be well remembered that the early introduction of meat broth into complementary foods for a child (up to 1 year old) can lead to the following problems:

  • development of allergic reactions;
  • purine compounds can lead to overexcitation of the nervous system;
  • uric acid after its splitting can settle in the form of crystals in the kidneys, joints.

The introduction of meat broth into the diet should occur gradually, starting with ½ teaspoon, then bring the volume to 100 ml. Meat broths can be given at lunch, as an option for the first course, but not more than 1-2 times a week.

By-products (heart, liver, tongue) have a fairly rich microelement composition. In the liver, especially beef, there is a lot of vitamin A, B, iron. It is better to introduce the liver after the first birthday, give no more than once a week. Before preparing the liver pate, it is better to soak the liver in milk, remove the skin and boil.

There are a lot of B vitamins and iron in the heart. The heart can be given from 9 months of age.

With an allergic mood, it is better to refuse offal before 2 years of age.

The meat diet includes a large selection of dishes. And the baby will undoubtedly like the taste of meat puree, and then meat cutlets. Proper heat treatment will help maintain a healthy digestive system for the baby, thereby ensuring proper growth and development.

And where is the best place to start?

Let's get to know each other better...

Meat is the main source of animal protein that a growing body needs to build its own cells and tissues, synthesize antibodies, enzymes and hormones. Meat proteins contain almost all essential amino acids, and in significant quantities and in the most favorable ratios. In addition, meat is a source of B vitamins, especially B 12 , as well as calcium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus. Of particular note is the fact that meat is rich in valuable heme iron. This means that meat iron is bound to the hemoglobin protein and it is in this form that our body perceives it best. It is known that meat iron is absorbed by 30%, while vegetable and fruit iron is only 10%.

However, animal fat cannot be called a particularly valuable product for the human body. Meat fats contain mainly saturated fatty acids, which causes their higher melting point and more difficult absorption by the body. Moreover, due to the content of saturated fatty acids, animal fats are atherogenic, that is, under certain conditions, they can contribute to the deposition of cholesterol on the inner walls of blood vessels. From this point of view, fats rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as vegetable oils and various types of fish oil, are preferable for the body. Pork fat and poultry fats have the best biological properties of all meat fats, since they contain a certain amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids.

The nutritional value of meat is also determined by the presence of extractive substances in it (purine bases, creatine, carnosine, etc.). These substances during cooking pass into a decoction and give a specific taste to the broth. They are strong stimulants of gastric secretion, so broths are used in the nutrition of persons with reduced appetite, and at the same time their use is minimized in the nutrition of infants (since excessive stimulation can cause overstrain of the digestive glands).

Now let's briefly get acquainted with the features of various types of meat.

Beef contains complete proteins, which include almost all the essential and nonessential amino acids needed by the human body. In addition, it contains a lot of minerals. However, beef proteins partially resemble cow's milk proteins, therefore, with a pronounced allergy to the latter, cross-reactions to beef are not excluded.

Veal is more tender than beef, contains even more complete proteins and is easier for the body to digest. At the same time, the amount of fat in it is minimal (1-2%), which is also an advantage. However, the "danger" of this type of meat lies in the fact that veal proteins are somewhat immature compared to beef, they occupy an intermediate position between cow's milk protein and beef proteins. That is why babies who are allergic to cow's milk protein most often develop allergic reactions to veal. In such cases, extreme caution should be exercised when eating veal.

Pork contains less connective tissue than beef, so it's softer. The fat content of pork is mainly due to the part of the carcass that is used: for example, the tenderloin contains about 19% protein and only 7% fat, while the brisket contains only 8% protein and 63% fat.

Lamb is tougher than beef because it contains more connective tissue. The biological value of mutton proteins roughly corresponds to that of beef proteins, however, mutton contains slightly less salts of potassium, phosphorus and iron. Lamb is a low-allergenic meat. In the children's menu, mutton is introduced last of all varieties of meat, since it is very fatty, and mutton fats are the most refractory.

Horse meat is rich in complete proteins, potassium and iron salts, and there is relatively little fat in it. The biological properties of its proteins are not inferior in value to beef. Horse meat has low allergenic properties and has a specific taste.

Rabbit meat is a product with excellent dietary properties: it is high in protein, iron, B vitamins, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and other minerals. It has a delicate taste and low allergenic properties.

Chicken, turkey contain more complete and easily digestible proteins than beef. The proteins of these meats have an optimal set of essential amino acids. The amount of fat in them is quite large, but this fat includes a certain amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids and therefore is more easily absorbed by the body. The meat of chickens, chicken and turkey contains the necessary set of minerals and vitamins. This meat has less connective tissue than livestock meat, so it is more tender, and a large amount of extractives gives it a pleasant taste and smell. Turkey meat has the lowest cholesterol content and has a low ability to cause allergic reactions. Chicken, along with many advantages, has very high allergenic properties. As a rule, children who are allergic to egg proteins are “sensitive” to it.

The meat of waterfowl (duck, goose) is high in fat. These fats in reasonable amounts are favorable for the human body due to the content of unsaturated fatty acids and the almost complete absence of cholesterol, but the high lipid content in these meats somewhat limits its use in children of the first year of life.

By-products differ in a number of features. They have much less connective tissue, but a lot of minerals and vitamins. The liver is rich in iron (100 g of beef liver contains about 7 mg of iron, 100 g of pork liver contains more than 20 mg), vitamins A and group B, and, unlike other meat products, it also contains a lot of ascorbic acid (vitamin C ). Most vitamin A in beef liver. A 10 g serving for children (or 50 g for adults) provides a complete daily requirement for this vitamin. Chicken liver contains a lot of folic acid and vitamin B 12 - compounds necessary for proper hematopoiesis. With all its advantages, the liver should not be used often, because it is an organ that neutralizes all dangerous compounds in the body, so impurities of these substances may be present in the final product. For these reasons, the liver in the first year is used only for special indications: anemia, beriberi A, a tendency to frequent and prolonged infections. In other cases, they try to prescribe the liver after 1 year and give it no more than once a week (a portion corresponds to a portion of meat). The tongue contains little connective tissue and a lot of high-grade protein, which determines its high absorption and significant nutritional value. The heart contains quite a lot of high-grade protein, mineral salts, including iron, and a low percentage of fat. Brains have less protein and relatively high fat (about 9%), but they contain valuable compounds rich in phosphorus and essential unsaturated fatty acids. The lung is notable for its particularly high iron content, but otherwise its nutritional value is low. In the nutrition of infants, you can use the tongue, heart, brains. The liver for babies under 1 year old is prescribed only according to indications.

Cooking meat dishes at home

Meat soufflé
The meat, cleaned of films, tendons and fat, is boiled, then passed through a meat grinder twice, milk (breast, cow or milk mixture), a little flour, egg yolk are added and thoroughly kneaded. Then, the beaten egg white is carefully introduced, the resulting mass is laid out in a mold greased with butter or vegetable oil, and baked until tender for about 30 minutes. This dish can also be cooked in a water bath.
Meat - 100 g, milk - 15-20 g, flour - 10-12 g, eggs - ½ pcs., butter - 3 g.
The meat, cleaned of fat and films, is passed through a meat grinder twice along with bread soaked in milk or water, egg yolk, a little butter and milk are added, or kneaded well. Small balls are formed from the resulting mass and boiled in boiling water for 10-15 minutes.
Meat - 100 g, bread - 25 g, milk - 30 ml, 1 egg yolk, butter - 5 g.
Meat hash
Cleaned from veins and films and boiled meat is passed through a meat grinder twice, combined with milk sauce (flour is stirred into ¼ of the volume of milk, added to the remaining volume, put on fire and allowed to boil for 5-8 minutes), knead well. Stirring, bring to a boil, season with butter before serving. Meat - 100 g, milk - 15 ml, wheat flour - 5 g, butter - 5 g.
For the first acquaintance with meat complementary foods, meat soufflé and hash are suitable, which, after cooking, it is advisable to grind again in a blender.

When and how to introduce complementary foods?

To acquaint the baby with meat begins at about 8-9 months. In some cases (lagging behind in weight, severe anemia, a sharp lack of B vitamins), meat can be prescribed a little earlier - from 7, and sometimes even from 6 months. But such a decision must be made by the doctor observing the baby. Still, meat, as an animal product, requires considerable stress on the digestive tract for digestion and assimilation, so you should not rush with it.

In the case of meat, unlike all other types, the age of introduction is very dependent on whether we are introducing industrial or home-cooked products. The fact is that meat purees prepared under industrial conditions are most often homogenized, that is, the shells of muscle cells are destroyed by high pressure. Such processing of meat greatly facilitates the process of digestion by its child's body. In homemade purees, the cell membranes remain intact, which makes the process of digestion and assimilation more difficult. That is why meat in the form of homogenized mashed potatoes is recommended for babies from 8-9 months old, and "homemade" meat mashed potatoes should go to the table for crumbs no earlier than 9-10 months old.

For a first acquaintance, rabbit and turkey are best suited: they are the least allergenic and, at the same time, rich in valuable proteins and mineral compounds. Meat is introduced according to the general rules. To start, offer your baby ¼-½ teaspoon of puree. It can be given in its pure form, or it can be mixed with foods already known to the child - vegetables or porridge. If during the day you did not notice negative reactions (stool disorders, bloating, pain in it, skin reactions), the next day you can give about 1 teaspoon of mashed meat. If everything is fine after that, over the next 7-10 days, the amount of puree is increased to the recommended age dose. At 8-9 months it is 30-40 g, by 11-12 months you can give the baby 50-70 g of meat per day. A week later, you can offer the baby the next type of meat. Lamb is introduced last, as it is quite fatty. Offal is best used after 10-11 months. As the crumbs grow older, meat puree can be replaced with soufflé or hash (by 9-10 months), then with meatballs (by 10-11 months) and steam cutlets (by 1 year). The timing of these "transitions" is very arbitrary and is determined by the baby's chewing skills and the presence of erupted teeth.

As a rule, meat is given in one of the daily meals - at lunch. It is most logical to offer it to the little one along with vegetables. In this combination, the nutritional value of the products increases, as they complement each other well. The meat puree left after feeding (both industrial and home-made) can be stored in the refrigerator in a glass container for a day or according to the manufacturer's instructions.

As for industrial meat products for children, they are represented by several types: puree is homogenized, finely ground and coarsely ground. Some manufacturers also produce meatballs for older babies. Often meat is produced in a mixture with offal. Products with a smaller degree of grinding, as a rule, have some additional ingredients in their composition. They may include meat broth, spices, animal fats (butter, beef or chicken fat, lard), vegetable oils, and milk or soy proteins. In addition, shaping agents and thickeners are often used - starch, rice flour or semolina. In addition, combined products are widely produced - meat and vegetables, meat and cereals.

Dorofei Apaeva,

Meat. Everyone treats it differently: some are not able to live a day without hearty yummy, others deliberately refuse to use a valuable protein product for a long time (or for life). Moms, what do you think, is it necessary to feed a baby with meat?

To eat or not to eat? That is the question!

Can't do without it

Personally, as a mother of two wonderful children, I think that this product is necessary for children. That's why:

If the baby does not eat meat, he may develop beriberi.

You can eat, but be careful

We found out about the benefits. Another question: “What kind of meat to start complementary foods with?”

The first thing to offer the baby is a rabbit. Rabbit meat rarely causes allergic reactions, it is easily digested by a small tummy.

The rabbit contains more vitamins and minerals (especially iron) than other types of meat. Due to the low fat content, the rabbit is a dietary food product.

The turkey comes second on the infant feeding list. Rashes or other manifestations of allergies have not been noticed by any of the mothers so far. Turkey fibers, eaten, activate the work of blood vessels and the heart muscle, increase immunity, and increase appetite. Turkey is also a dietary food.

Turkey puree is a tasty and healthy dish for babies.

The third in the "food battle" comes pork - a fairly strong allergen. Therefore, pig meat puree must be introduced very carefully.

Pork must be processed more carefully than other types of meat before consumption.

Fourth on the list is beef, or rather veal. It is rich in iron, zinc, copper, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and cobalt. Contains a fairly large amount of carotene. Young beef is better digested. The product may cause allergies.

Not all kids love liquid beef puree.

Chicken completes the list. It contains a lot of complete essential amino acids and trace elements. This useful set is present only in fresh (not frozen) meat. Quite often it causes allergies in babies, so it is introduced into the complementary foods of the latter.

Lamb is not given to children under one year old, as it contains a large amount of fat.

If the baby does not get enough meat, he may develop. This disease is very important to diagnose in time! Timely treatment allows you to completely defeat the disease and avoid irreversible consequences. The most effective means of prevention: vitamins and.

Looking to buy a car seat for your newborn? Don't know what to choose? Then for you!

Ideal Age

All this is good, but when to introduce meat into complementary foods? I started giving my son turkey at 8 months. My daughter got acquainted with the rabbit for about 7 months (as advised by our district pediatrician). Most modern doctors are of the opinion that it is best to introduce this complementary food from 7-7.5 months.

Is the baby already 7 months old? It's time to bring in the meat!

How to start

The first complementary foods with meat are introduced in the same way as all new dishes.

Mix ½ teaspoon of boiled and finely chopped rabbit or turkey meat with breast milk or mixture until it becomes a liquid gruel and let your baby taste it.

About food in jars

What about store-bought baby food jars? - mentally ask many of you.

I don't trust this kind of food. It is worth taking any jar from the window and carefully reading its composition: the content indicated in the name of the product puree does not exceed 50% of the entire contents of the jar. The rest is corn or potato starch to give volume and weight. Besides, canned meat can be poisonous(my friends had such an unpleasant case).

Canned puree is good only because it does not need to be cooked.

Based on the sad reality, I use either fresh or purchased and independently frozen clippings. I pre-roll the tenderloin in a meat grinder twice. The resulting minced meat is divided into small portions and frozen. This is very convenient: I took out 30-50 grams of frozen minced meat, put it in a saucepan and cooked it.

To be tasty and healthy

How to cook meat dishes for your baby, incorrect, many have already read on various forums for young mothers. I want to tell you about my experience: 10 grams of minced meat is enough for the first feeding.

Divide the minced meat into portions, so you will take as much as you need.

We lower the minced meat into a container with water and cook until soft (about 20-25 minutes).

Drain the broth through a sieve. Transfer the minced meat remaining in the sieve to a bowl, add your milk or mixture and beat well with a blender. The resulting puree can be additionally wiped through a sieve (you never know, suddenly lumps remain). Ready mashed potatoes should never be stored! You can feed your baby only freshly prepared food.

Fresh, hand-made puree will be appreciated by little children.


When the baby gets used to the new taste, you can add vegetables, cereals, a few crystals of salt, a small piece of pre-boiled chicken yolk to the minced meat (the film between the protein and the yolk must be removed). It turns out a very tasty, healthy and beautiful soup, which a baby is unlikely to refuse.

Vegetable puree is an excellent side dish for meat.

From 9-10 months, you can make independent meat puree (without adding vegetables), grinding boiled minced meat with a small amount of boiled water in a blender. Vegetables or grains can now serve as a side dish for a healthy puree.

A little later, the baby can be offered meatballs.

The baby's menu can be very diverse.

  1. Before cooking, it is necessary to get rid of the films and fat found in the muscle mass of animals.
  2. Then we make minced meat with the addition of wheat bread soaked in milk (mixture).
  3. Stuffing scroll twice.
  4. Add some more milk and egg yolk.
  5. Thoroughly knead the resulting mass.
  6. Roll up small balls.
  7. Boil the meatballs over medium heat for about 15-20 minutes.

There is a lot of controversy about how often to give meat to a baby. Experts do not recommend treating a child with this product daily (3-4 times a week is enough). However, many children willingly eat their favorite rabbit or turkey every day. If the baby refuses animal food, it is unnecessary to fight with him about this.

Cooking dinner together: priceless.

Such different mothers

“The doctor told us to introduce meat, even though we were only 7 months old. I give a turkey for about three weeks, about 40 grams at a time, but not every day. Thank God, there are no reactions at all. I mix with vegetables. We eat for lunch. Mac likes it."

“And we started feeding with homemade rabbit meat - I cooked broth from it, then poured out the broth and made soup on the water (rabbit + cauliflower + potatoes + a little carrot + onion + parsley) then threw all this into a blender, mixed and it turned out very tasty soup puree with meat.

“We started eating young beef at 7 months old. For the first week, she gave Nikita vegetable soup boiled in broth diluted 1: 2, and then the meat itself appeared in the soup, and she began to add it to the puree, then they began to eat rabbit soup and thin puree (vegetables with rabbit), then they introduced porridge, and now we are accustomed to “milk”: first cottage cheese, then there will be kefir, after that we will try chicken with Nikita in the same way as with beef (on the 2nd broth first), and later with meat.


“Tried the turkey. We take canned meat for ourselves. Somehow I don’t trust the store, it’s not so bad, we eat, but it’s scary to give to my son, he’s still quite small and weak. I think it’s better for kids to give canned meat prepared according to the rules, and as we grow up, we’ll switch to regular meat. ”

What to do if you see mucus in the feces of a baby? When to start worrying? What measures to take? It will be useful for young parents.

Briefly, what a new mother needs to know:

  1. Meat should be eaten, but in moderation.
  2. A rabbit or turkey can appear on the table 3-4 days a week.
  3. The ideal age to start solid foods is 7.5 months.
  4. The benefits of canned food are questionable.
  5. Meat can be combined with vegetables (except potatoes) and cereals.
  6. Children are given boiled meat.

It doesn’t even make sense to talk about the benefits of meat products for a growing baby’s body - everyone knows about this. This product, enriched with protein, is necessary for the child as the main building material. Since the process of formation of the body of the infant is at an accelerated pace, protein substances are especially necessary for the growth of tissues and cells. But not all mothers know how much to introduce meat into baby food and what to choose: store-bought canned food in the baby food department or self-cooked first courses for the baby.

When can I introduce meat to an infant?

It is necessary to start talking about meat complementary foods only when the child has mastered carbohydrate and plant foods well enough. As a rule, the first products in their lives that babies try within six months of age are fruit and vegetable purees. Almost at the same time, mothers introduce milk porridge into the diet of their beloved children.

You should think about how to introduce meat into complementary foods after 1.5-2 months from the moment the baby is first fed with an “adult” product (be it applesauce or buckwheat porridge). In most cases, this happens closer to the eight-month-old baby. By this time, the baby's gastrointestinal tract will be sufficiently developed to cope with the digestion of meat. In some cases (but rather as an exception), the doctor may prescribe mashed meat to the baby even before the age of 7-8 months.

In particular, with anemia and pronounced signs of rickets, this product is recommended to be introduced into complementary foods by six months. Sometimes this also applies to children who are not breastfed.

What meat should come first?

The first meat complementary foods are an exciting and disturbing moment for any mother. Many women worry, fearing that the baby will not like this product, but it is so necessary for its full growth and development. Therefore, the choice of the main ingredient must be approached responsibly.

At routine examinations, pediatricians usually instruct mothers in terms of compiling a menu for babies. They also talk about what kind of meat is better to introduce into complementary foods first. The most hypoallergenic alternative is turkey or rabbit meat. Many people are probably aware of this.

If the baby does not like such meat puree, then in the absence of allergic reactions and other contraindications, beef or veal can be offered to the baby.

Beef and chicken for children: use with caution!

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the presence of lactose intolerance in the anamnesis of a baby in almost 100% of cases leads to an allergy to cow meat. The most important thing is to use only lean meats for cooking, so lamb and pork are recommended for eating crumbs only after a year.

As for chicken, most experts advise parents to refrain from including this product in the diet of an infant. Moreover, it is undesirable to give it to the baby as the first meat supplement. The presence in the chicken of chemical and hormonal substances, aimed at the speedy growth and weight gain of the bird, will enter the baby's body along with the meat dish.

The size of meat servings for an infant

How to introduce meat into complementary foods, and in what quantity should it be given to the baby? This issue also deserves attention. Again referring to the recommendations of pediatricians, it is important to note that the optimal amount of meat for babies at first is half a teaspoon.

If during the first week of meat consumption no side effects are detected, then from the next week its amount can be doubled. On average, by 8 months, a child should receive about 30 g of meat dishes daily. By 12 months, this volume should be doubled.

However, not all children like protein foods. If the baby did not like the meat, you can try to “deceive” him by stirring half a teaspoon of mashed potatoes with vegetables or breast milk. The reaction of the crumbs must be closely monitored in the first couple of weeks. If neither allergic manifestations nor disorders of the gastrointestinal tract are found, you can confidently move forward according to the further scheme.

Methods for cooking meat for crumbs

Recommendations on how to prepare mashed potatoes for babies cannot but arouse interest. There is nothing complicated in this process, and even a mother who does not know the secrets of culinary wisdom will cope with it. At the age of 7 to 23 months, it is advisable to give only boiled meat, ground into ordinary mashed potatoes. Cooking time takes no more than an hour. A small piece of meat should be cooked for at least 40-50 minutes. A slightly cooled piece should be passed through a meat grinder.

A child's menu per year may include steam cutlets. It is extremely important to pay attention to the fact that any meat dish prepared for crumbs cannot be stored in the refrigerator. If the baby has not finished eating, you do not need to leave food “for later”.

Cooking meat for an infant as complementary foods should be done according to a variety of recipes. Even if the baby willingly eats cooked mashed potatoes on both cheeks, do not let it get hung up on one thing. You can improvise, including cereals and vegetables in the dish.

Can I give my baby canned meat?

Undoubtedly, the best and most useful dish for the crumbs will be mashed meat prepared by caring gentle mother's hands. However, with all the desire, she may not always have the opportunity and time to cook. Situations are very different: a trip, an illness, and a second baby. In this case, canned meat for baby food will come to the rescue.

To date, it is not difficult to purchase such a saving jar for many mothers.

The real problem lies in its choice, because there are plenty of manufacturers of canned food for children, but which ones guarantee the quality of the contents in the package?

How to choose the right canned food in the baby food department?

In order not to make a mistake when choosing baby meat puree, you should pay attention to the following details:

  1. The degree of grinding of meat: it must be ground, not contain any particles, lumps.
  2. Ingredients: The ideal solution would be a homogenized puree without any additives. If necessary, mixing with vegetables can be done at home.
  3. Expiry date: The fresher the better.

Storage of canned meat

In addition, after opening canned food and using only half a teaspoon, the jar can be put in the refrigerator and stored for no more than a day. Before feeding, it is advisable to heat the puree not in the microwave, but in a water bath. The reviews of many mothers indicate that canned meat is great for adding to hot dishes. The broth based on them is hearty and tasty.

Any type of complementary foods, including meat, should be introduced to the crumbs with caution. The baby should be absolutely healthy, not experience problems with the stool and the work of the digestive organs. In this case, the first meat puree will only benefit him and will please him to taste.

What to do with the broth, is it good for the baby?

When discussing how to introduce meat into complementary foods, one should not forget about caution. Many doctors agree that the absorption of protein in the body of a child should be preceded by the use of meat broth. Thus, you can easily prepare the baby's gastrointestinal tract for the digestion of a rather heavy and unfamiliar product. You need to start with 1-2 tablespoons, gradually increasing, and after a couple of weeks, the child can already be given 2-3 tablespoons

However, in this case, you can not take your eyes off the crumbs. In some cases, the introduction of broth into the baby's diet was accompanied by the appearance of a diathesis rash on the cheeks. With a similar development of an allergic reaction, meat complementary foods should be postponed for a while. You can replace the broth with ordinary vegetable soups.

The opposite opinion about the broth for the child

However, regarding the use of meat broths by an infant, there is another, no less justified position. In particular, some doctors claim that such a liquid can be given to the crumbs only after meat feeding. All microelements that could be “stuffed” with meat get into the broth. Veal should also be carefully given to the baby, so it is best to boil the broth twice. Boiled meat and purified broth are less risky for the baby. Salting the boiled dish is necessary last.

Before introducing meat into complementary foods, it is necessary to observe the condition and behavior of the child. Despite the fact that the nutritional value of meat broth is small, it contains many substances that serve as stimulants for the processes of food digestion. The baby may wake up with an appetite, so it is better to give the broth, for example, before vegetable puree.

How to teach your baby to chew food?

A child's menu per year, in contrast to the diet of an 8-month-old toddler, should contain much less grated food. The same applies to meat. The child especially needs to receive a load for the gums and erupting milk teeth. Gradually, puree-like food should be replaced by dishes that are denser in consistency.

Meat, of course, belongs to this category of products. It will help the baby prepare the chewing muscles.

In conclusion

Meat dishes for a child are an indispensable source of vitamins A and B, proteins, fats and easily digestible iron. As already mentioned, 7-8 months is the optimal period for a baby to get acquainted with meat dishes. Together with vegetables or porridge, the baby receives a full meal containing the nutritional value necessary for his body.

At the same age, they often begin to give children a liver. If you choose between pork, beef and chicken, you should opt for beef liver. It is considered the most useful and enriched with proteins, iron and vitamins. With a low level of hemoglobin in the blood of infants, the liver is a must-have product for consumption.

If the baby liked the meat, there is no need to rush and please him with meat purees every day. For starters, it will be enough to introduce complementary foods 1-2 times during the week. Having given the child a taste of one type of meat, you can then give another. The main thing is to monitor the allergic reaction to a particular dish. Therefore, it is impossible to give a lot of meat at a time to a baby. A one-year-old peanut can eat up to 80 g of meat at a time.

When you can give meat to babies and in what portions, so that the product is best absorbed, your pediatrician will tell you. Experienced consultants of the online store "Daughters-Sonochki" will introduce you to the range of baby food made from meat.

At what age can you give meat to the baby

Adult food is offered to children from 5 months with artificial feeding and from 6 months with breast milk. The first courses are easily digestible cereals, vegetable and fruit purees. Meat is complementary foods for babies, the processing of which the child’s gastrointestinal tract is ready to cope with 1-1.5 months after the introduction of vegetable or fruit puree into the menu. This means that meat puree should be fed to children from 6.5-7 months, depending on the type of feeding.

When to start giving meat to babies:

  • if 5-7 weeks have passed from the day of the first feeding;
  • the baby began to cut teeth;
  • there is a low concentration of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • there are indications for weight gain by an infant.

The introduction of meat to babies at 7 months is beneficial for muscle and bone tissue, and helps strengthen the chewing apparatus. Infants who are fed formula from birth are recommended to introduce meat puree a little earlier, from about 6 months.


It will not be difficult to determine the time when to give meat to a baby if you feed according to the prescribed menu on time and in compliance with the rules. An insufficiently complete complementary food ration from 5 months can lead to the need to prematurely introduce meat into the menu in order to avoid rickets and anemia.

How to make mashed meat for babies

Puree is prepared from meat, carefully cleaned of bones, veins and fat. It is crushed to the consistency of minced meat, then boiled well in boiling water over low heat for 20-30 minutes. Before you cook meat for babies, you should decide on the variety of this product. It is recommended to start meat complementary foods with low-fat and anti-allergenic rabbit or turkey meat.

Table 1. Features of meat varieties recommended for baby foods
Meat variety Content of useful substances Peculiarities
Rabbit The highest concentration of iron, phosphorus and vitamins B1, B2 among other meats Low calorie diet food
easily absorbed by the child's body
Turkey Phosphorus, calcium, iron, vitamins B and A Activates the heart muscles and blood vessels
improves appetite
does not cause allergies, improves immunity
Veal Contains a lot of carotene, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus Helps strengthen musculoskeletal tissues
develops vision
Chicken Enriched with a complex of amino acids and iron Introduced into the diet carefully, because in large quantities it can cause allergies
Pork high fat content It must be administered carefully, it can serve as an allergen
needs to be more carefully prepared.

We offer the following recipe for cooking meat for babies:

  • boil 30 g of chopped meat;
  • crumble 2-3 pieces of boiled zucchini, cauliflower;
  • mix the minced meat with vegetables and beat until a puree-like consistency;
  • add ¼ boiled and crumbled chicken egg yolk to the dish.

How to grind meat for babies? First, you should finely cut the product into pieces, then pass through a meat grinder several times. After cooking, be sure to place the blender to give the desired consistency. You can not add salt and spices.

How much meat to give to a baby depends on the age of the baby. It is better to start meat complementary foods at 7 months with a minimum portion of 0.5 teaspoon (2.5 g) per day. If there is no allergy and the baby likes the dish, you can increase the daily volume every day to the final 10-30 g. It will take about 10 days to fully introduce meat puree into the menu. The daily requirement for meat for a child aged 7 to 12 months looks something like this:

  • 7 months - 10-30 g;
  • 8 months - 50-60 g;
  • 9-12 months - 60-70 years

How often to give meat to babies depends on the type of product. Low-fat rabbit and veal can be fed every day, and chicken, turkey or pork - no more than 2-3 times a week.

Expert opinion

“It is better not to offer meat of the same variety to babies every day, as this is fraught with allergies. Monotonous nutrition does not contribute to the saturation of the body with a complex of useful substances. Cooking a lamb dish is contraindicated, this type of meat contains hard to digest fat.

In our online market you can buy various ready-made meat purees for baby food: Heinz tender rabbit, veal, Hipp tender vegetables with veal, chicken, FrutoNyanya pork. We offer baby food made using different types of meat.”

Specialist of the online store "Daughters and Sons"
Antonova Ekaterina


Should I give meat to the baby? It is recommended to introduce meat complementary foods no earlier than 6.5-7 months. For mashed potatoes, the most useful meats are turkey, rabbit, veal, chicken and horse meat. At 7 months, the daily portion of a meat dish reaches about 30 g, at 9 months it increases to 70 g.

To find out how to properly introduce baby meat into the diet, you need to consult a pediatrician. The dosage and timing of the introduction of meat complementary foods may vary depending on the state of health of the baby and the characteristics of the development of the child's body.

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