Need a blood test? We choose a reliable commercial laboratory. Where can I take a blood test for free? Choosing a laboratory diagnostics center Where can I do an analysis

Quite often you can hear such an opinion of people who have visited a doctor: “How many tests I was prescribed! As if without them it is not clear what a person is sick with! But where is it - it is beneficial for them, it costs money to take tests!

A strange idea, if you think about it. Strange, firstly, because any person considers himself an expert in medicine, considers it possible to criticize the actions of a specialist, a professional doctor. Secondly, it is strange that some people are always unhappy. They are equally dissatisfied with the actions of the local doctor of the district clinic, who makes an “on-duty” diagnosis, barely looking at the patient, and the doctor of a private clinic, who conducts a comprehensive examination of the patient, prescribing all the necessary tests, in order to determine the most effective and safe treatment.

When is a diagnosis needed?

When is a diagnosis needed?

If we do not take into account the opinions of those who are eternally dissatisfied, but look at the problem from an objective point of view, then we will have to admit that analyzes are absolutely necessary for the qualitative diagnosis of most diseases and for the appointment of treatment. After all, tests can tell a specialist a lot about a developing disease at its early stage, until it manifests itself with external symptoms. This allows you to start treatment in a timely manner, and hope for a quick healing of the patient. On the other hand, often completely different (but equally dangerous!) diseases have similar manifestations. Without performing tests, diagnosis is difficult, and an error is possible, which can have fatal consequences.

What about common allergies? Even a normally safe vaccination can cause serious complications if the patient is allergic to any components of the vaccine. How to avoid trouble? Get tested!

The question is not idle. In our fast-paced time, patients cannot wait, often the test results are needed urgently, in a few hours, and sometimes even minutes. For some, it is more convenient to take tests at home. Moreover, the results must be unmistakable, because where to find the time for repeated!

These two requirements (urgency and error-free results) provide an answer to the question posed. It is better to take tests in a clinic with a laboratory equipped with the most modern equipment, working around the clock, seven days a week. We at GMS Clinic have just such a laboratory, modern, equipped with the best automatic analyzers.

In our laboratory you can take tests and get results around the clock, seven days a week. The staff of our laboratory has been trained and certified to work with modern equipment, so the possibility of error is practically excluded. There is an option to take tests at home.

We do almost all types of tests that your doctor may prescribe:

  • Blood (general, clinical, biochemical, for sugar, for hormones)

You can find out where our laboratory is located in the Contact Information section, there are phone numbers, address and location map - you can come and take tests at a convenient time for you.

But what if for some reason you cannot come to us? No problem! GMS Clinic provides the service "Tests at home". Our specialists will come to you at the time agreed with you, take tests and report the time when you can find out the results. By the way, you do not have to come to us for the results, we can deliver the test results to your home by courier, by mail, or by e-mail.

Analyzes at home - this is quality, convenience, efficiency! The GMS Clinic laboratory works around the clock, take tests and be healthy!

Why GMS Clinic?

GMS Clinic is a multidisciplinary medical and diagnostic center that provides a wide range of medical services and the ability to solve most health problems with Western-level medicine without leaving Moscow.

  • No queues
  • Own parking
  • Individual approach
    for each patient
  • Western and Russian standards of evidence-based medicine


Complete blood count is the number 1 study in the diagnosis of the state of the body. It is prescribed in most cases during the initial examination and for prevention purposes.

The study is included in the list of the most common clinical tests and includes counting the number of blood cells, hematocrit and hemoglobin, as well as the calculation of erythrocyte indices (MCV, RDW, MCH, MCHC) and leukocytes. The general analysis has a high degree of informativeness in the diagnosis of various kinds of anemia and infectious and inflammatory diseases. In addition, the study is important for injuries, lesions of the heart muscle, suspected malignant tumors, rheumatoid arthritis, helminthic invasions, and thyroid diseases.

The term for the execution of a general blood test in the laboratories of the network of clinics "Medok" is one working day, not including the day of blood sampling. It is important that only the attending physician can interpret the results of the study. The decoding of the test indicators is carried out taking into account the complaints and well-being of the patient, as well as the results of other tests.



The analysis is preferably carried out in the morning after a period of overnight fasting, possibly 3-4 hours after eating. Drinking water is not prohibited.

Before the study, it is desirable to exclude stress and physical activity in the form of sports training.



    Inflammatory and infectious diseases

    Diagnosis of anemia

    Preventive examination of the body

    In the complex of examinations during hospitalization

    Monitoring the effectiveness of ongoing treatment

    myocardial infarction

    Rheumatoid arthritis

    Decreased immunity


  • Dehydration

    Kidney pathologies



Reference values:

Reference values ​​may vary depending on the age and gender of the patient. Important: all changes in the composition of the blood are not specific to any one disease. Only the attending physician can interpret the results of this blood test.

Hemoglobin (Hb, hemoglobin)

Reference values

Age, gender

Hemoglobin level, g/dl


1 day - 14 days

14 days - 4.3 weeks

4.3 weeks - 8.6 weeks

8.6 weeks - 4 months

4 months - 6 months

6 months - 9 months

9 months - 12 months

12 months - 5 years

5 years - 10 years

10 years - 12 years

12 years - 15 years

15 years old - 18 years old

18 years old - 45 years old

45 years - 65 years

Hematocrit (Ht, hematocrit)

Reference values

Age, gender

Hematocrit, %


1 day - 14 days

14 days - 4.3 weeks

4.3 weeks - 8.6 weeks

8.6 weeks - 4 months

4 months - 9 months

9 months - 12 months

12 months - 3 years

3 years - 6 years

6 years - 9 years

9 years - 12 years

12 years - 15 years

15 years old - 18 years old

18 years old - 45 years old

45 years - 65 years

65 years - 120 years

red blood cells

Reference values

Age, gender

Erythrocytes, mln/µl (x10 6 /µl)


1 day - 14 days

14 days - 4.3 weeks

4.3 weeks - 4 months

4 months - 6 months

6 months - 9 months

9 months - 12 months

12 months - 3 years

3 years - 6 years

6 years - 9 years

9 years - 12 years

12 years - 15 years

15 years old - 18 years old

18 years old - 45 years old

45 years - 65 years

65 years - 120 years

MCV (Mean Red Cell Volume)

Reference values

Age, gender

Average volume
MCV, fl


1 day - 14 days

14 days - 4.3 weeks

4.3 weeks - 8.6 weeks

8.6 weeks - 4 months

4 months - 6 months

6 months - 9 months

9 months - 12 months

12 months - 5 years

5 years - 10 years

10 years - 12 years

12 years - 15 years

15 years old - 18 years old

18 years old - 45 years old

45 years - 65 years

65 years - 120 years

RDW (Red cell Distribution Width, distribution of erythrocytes by size)

Reference values

< 6 мес. - 14,9 – 18,7

> 6 months - 11.6 - 14.8

MCH (mean amount of hemoglobin in 1 erythrocyte)

Reference values

Age, gender

Average content
in 1 erythrocyte,
MSN, pg


1 day - 14 days

14 days - 4.3 weeks

4.3 weeks - 8.6 weeks

8.6 weeks - 4 months

4 months - 6 months

6 months - 9 months

9 months - 12 months

12 months - 3 years

3 years - 6 years

6 years - 9 years

9 years - 15 years

65 years - 120 years

It should be borne in mind that the MCH value is not specific, the indicator should be used to diagnose anemia only in combination with other indicators of a general blood test and a biochemical blood test.

MCHC (mean erythrocyte hemoglobin concentration)

Reference values

Age, gender

Average concentration
in erythrocytes,
MCHC, g/dL


You can quickly and inexpensively take tests in Moscow (blood, smears, urine, etc.) in the laboratory of our clinic. It does not matter where you live - in the capital region or you are a non-resident, whether or not you have a residence permit, an insurance policy - you can apply now and today!

A full range of the best medical research and extensive laboratory diagnostics in gynecology and health in general are at your service. We are a modern clinic in the center of Moscow, with about 20 years of experience. Here you can not only pass any medical tests, but also get advice from qualified gynecologists, mammologists, endocrinologists, a specialist in pediatric and adolescent gynecology, etc. If necessary, we can undergo a comprehensive, effective treatment of major gynecological diseases, vaccination against viral infections and etc.

The delivery of blood tests in the medical center is carried out daily, from 10-00 until the end of the working day. The results are ready in 1 to 10 days, depending on the type of study chosen. Those who wish can quickly take blood tests using the express method, including on holidays and weekdays, urgently and anonymously.

List of analyzes

Smears for flora Buck crops
PCR analysis Pap test
HPV analysis STD Analysis
cervical biopsy Florocenosis
Hemostasis Hormones
HCG analysis for pregnancy Paypel endometrium
HIV infection Hepatitis
General blood analysis Biochemistry of blood
Genetics tumor markers
Vitamin D BRCA 1/2
immune status Interferon analysis
Express analyzes Intestinal infections

Preparation for testing

1. Blood test.
This is the most common and revealing medical analysis. You can donate blood from a finger or from a vein, it does not matter, but before taking them, there are several uniform rules for preparing.

Blood tests that are recommended to be taken on an empty stomach: - biochemical - glucose, cholesterol, bilirubin, etc. - serological tests - syphilis, hepatitis B, hormones, etc. "On an empty stomach" is when between the last meal and taking blood from a vein passes at least 8 hours (preferably - about 12 hours). Juice, tea, coffee, incl. with sugar are not allowed. You can drink non-carbonated water. It is advisable to exclude fatty, fried and alcohol from the diet 1-2 days before the examination.

When taking blood tests for a hormonal profile in women of reproductive age (from about 13 to 14 years old and before menopause), their results are influenced by physiological factors associated with the phases of the menstrual cycle. Therefore, when preparing for an examination for the hormones FSH, LH, prolactin, progesterone, estradiol, 17-OH-progesterone, androstenedione, inhibin, AMH, the day of the cycle should be indicated. When conducting a study on sex hormones, strictly adhere to the recommendations of the attending gynecologist about the day of the monthly cycle on which this analysis is required. Blood should not be donated on the day after x-rays, rectal examination or physiotherapy, sports competitions.

2. What blood tests are not anonymous?
In a number of clearly defined cases, the laboratory will ask you for your last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth - without these data, the results of the research will be invalidated. Analyzes in Moscow with indication of passport data are needed for hospitalization in a hospital, before an operation, in the bodies of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation, and in some other places. You can urgently take a blood test daily from 10-00 to 12-00.

3. Testing for infections.
Analyzes from the genital organs are taken directly by the doctor in the office and determine diseases that are transmitted intimately. Men before taking a smear from the urethra (urethra) are recommended to refrain from sexual intercourse for 2-3 days, wash before taking and not urinate for 2-3 hours. The female pap smear requires similar rules: abstinence, washing, and not urinating. Also, one day before the visit to the laboratory, do not insert vaginal suppositories. The collection of secretions for laboratory diagnostics in women and virgin girls performed by an experienced and good specialist is a quick and painless procedure.

To obtain reliable results, medical tests for the detection of pathogens of bacterial infections should best be taken no earlier than 1-1.5 weeks after the last dose of antibacterial drugs. Scrapings for PCR diagnostics in women and men, as well as adolescent girls, are taken throughout the working day of the clinic.

Service cost

Name Analysis Take price
Microflora swabs (women) microscopy 450
Smear on flora (husband) microscopy 450
crops bacteriology 450
PCR analyzes DNA 450
From the nose/pharynx 1 analysis 450
Analysis of the rectum 1 analysis 450
Analysis from the urethra 450
Oncocytology microscopy 450
Biopsy of the cervix histology 5 500
Cervical biopsy (radio wave) histology 7 500
Paypel endometrial biopsy histology 5 500
Blood test from a vein disposable tool 450

Where to get tested in Moscow

The doctor has appointed to undergo an examination - to do an ultrasound and various medical studies, including urgently and without an appointment? Do you want to find a clinic where you can take blood tests, smears, cultures, etc. today? And also quickly and without queues to get expert advice, while not far from the subway? We offer to use the services of our laboratory in the very center of the capital, on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, within walking distance from the metro stations of the same name and the Moscow Central Circle. Check out the opening hours and address below.

Testing time:

  • The treatment room of the clinic is open from 10-00 to 20-30 weekdays, from 10-00 to 17-30 - days off (Saturday and Sunday), as well as holidays;
    Blood tests are taken, as well as smears, PCR and cultures, including in men. In the "urgent" mode, blood and smears are donated from 10-00 to 12-00
  • Gynecological doctor's appointment - from 10-00 to 21-00 weekdays, from 10-00 to 18-00 - days off;
    Sampling of material for microbiological and cytological examination, delivery of smears to identify infectious agents.

Analyzes on the map

In all Medok clinics, you can take tests of almost all popular types. Including:

  • general urine analysis;
  • analysis for eggs of pinworms and helminths for children;
  • analysis for cholesterol, calcium and glucose for the elderly;
  • analysis for the presence of sexually transmitted diseases (for women and men), and many others.

We are a licensed medical facility where all analyzes are quality controlled. The Medok clinics in Moscow and the Moscow Region employ the most experienced and highly qualified medical personnel. Clinical studies are carried out in laboratories equipped with modern technology. With us, you can be sure that any analysis will be performed accurately.

Tests in Moscow for women, men and children

Our clinics in Moscow and the Moscow region group tests into several categories for easy searching. Laboratories offer clinical trials for the following groups:

  • tests for pregnant women
  • gynecological,
  • tests for the elderly
  • for men,
  • for kids.
  • for cholesterol;
  • for calcium;
  • for glucose;
  • for prostate-specific antigen, as well as general blood and urine tests.

The widest list of tests is in the group for pregnant women, which is not surprising, given our specialization. Pregnant women can take with us:

  • blood type analysis;
  • general and clinical analysis of blood;
  • tests for various types of antigens to viruses;
  • analysis for beta hCG, D dimer and others - more than 15 types in total.

Get tested close to home or work

Often, patients, in order to take tests in Moscow or the Moscow region, using the services of a reliable laboratory, need to go to the other end of the city, where it is located. The need to stand in traffic jams for hours or waste time in the subway is not the most pleasant prospect.

Everyone tries to find a medical institution closer to their place of residence or work, where they can undergo a quality clinical examination. It is for this reason that the clinics of the Medok network are located in such a way that people from any part of the city can quickly get to us for testing.

In addition, we keep prices at an affordable level, guaranteeing decent quality results. Clinic "Medok" is one of the few institutions in the capital where you can get tested inexpensively and in a comfortable environment. The delivery is organized in such a way that you do not waste time waiting in line.

Comprehensive analyzes – saving time and money

Most often, one analysis does not give an accurate picture by which the doctor can determine the presence of pathology or assess the condition of the patient's organs and systems. It needs to be complemented by others. In most cases, the optimal set of analyzes contains from 3 to 10 or more different types. Donating each of them separately is expensive, in addition, repeated blood sampling and other materials bring discomfort. Clinics of the Medoc network offer a set of tests: you contact us once and get all the results in your hands at once. This saves you time and money (the complex is cheaper than individual tests).

Analyzes as part of comprehensive surveys

It often happens that the results of the analysis (and even several) do not provide complete information for making an accurate diagnosis or identifying the causes of the disease. In this case, it is optimal to undergo a comprehensive examination, according to the results of which you will receive a detailed consultation with a doctor. The complex usually includes several different tests and one or more examinations: ultrasound, ECG, examination by a specialist, and the like. Together, all these services are cheaper than if you bought them separately, but most importantly, they allow you to diagnose the disease with high accuracy and assess your health status.

Clinics of the Medok network in Moscow and the Moscow Region offer several types of such comprehensive examinations, the prices and composition of which you can see on this page. This, for example, is a comprehensive check-up of the health of a future mother or father, preparation for a medical examination, a check of the cardiovascular system, and others.

The choice of a laboratory for the delivery of material for medical tests will sooner or later be for everyone. Gone are the days when people had to stand in queues at the clinic from early morning to donate blood or urine. Now everything can be handed over without haste and without a flea market in any private laboratory. Naturally, you will have to pay for this. Therefore, I want to choose a worthy institution in Moscow that will provide quality services for reasonable money.

If possible, it is better to go through the medical institutions that provide sampling and examination of biological material in advance. So you can see for yourself the quality of services and the level of service.

First of all, you need to find out if the laboratory has modern, high-quality equipment, how automated the research system is and whether there is a computer information system. All material taken from the patient must, according to modern requirements, be marked by barcoding. This is a kind of guarantee that the client will receive the results of the study of his analyzes and will not confuse them with anyone else. These questions should first be asked to the lab administrator. If an employee directly and honestly answers them, without trying to evade, then it is worth considering this institution as a potential choice. If there are signs of lies in the answers of the employee, then it is worth looking elsewhere.

Another important point is the state of the treatment room and how the material is taken. A modern laboratory carries out this procedure in a vacuum way. Even for a general blood test, they should not take blood from a person’s finger. a vacuum tube guarantees a minimal risk of infection for both the patient and medical workers. In addition, blood in a vacuum tube is stored according to all the rules, which guarantees the accuracy of the result.

It is also important what is included in the list of additional services that the laboratory can offer. For example, it is very convenient for people working during the day if the institution receives people not only during the day, but also in the evening, as well as during official holidays. It is desirable that the results of the study can be obtained again if the need arises. It is also desirable to receive printouts with test results by e-mail or in another convenient form, eliminating the need for the client to specially come to the laboratory for them.

Evaluate how wide the choice of tests the laboratory offers and how quickly it performs them. It is not very convenient if, of all the studies that a person needs, an institution is able to perform only a part, and the rest must be done elsewhere. It is convenient if the laboratory provides services for urgent collection of material or performs such a service at home.

Another important circumstance is how pleasant it is to be in the laboratory building. It should be clean and tidy, the staff should be as polite as possible with patients. It is also worth paying attention to prices. They shouldn't be too low. The fact is that cheap reagents are not suitable for good equipment, namely, they affect both the cost of the service and the reliability of the result. Suspiciously low prices indicate that the laboratory buys cheap reagents that devalue the result of the analysis.

What affects the cost of analysis

In addition to the price of reagents, the final price of the analysis is affected by such costs as depreciation of equipment, salaries of medical workers, rent for the premises. The better and more expensive the equipment and the higher the qualification of the medical worker who works on it, the more expensive the analysis will cost the client.

For private laboratories, these basic costs are added to the services of marketing services, the maintenance of sites on the Internet, payment for call centers, as well as the cost of maintaining treatment rooms. Also, the price is affected by how much one or another type of analysis is in demand among patients.

Popular studies such as a clinical or biochemical blood test are performed very quickly. The very next day, the patient can see their results. Rare tests are usually not done quickly. To reduce the consumption of reagents, laboratories collect several of these analyzes at once and do them at one time. This reduces the consumption of reagents, but increases the waiting time for results.

Many laboratories put up a separate line for the cost of taking biomaterial. But if you need to take several blood tests, the client will pay for the collection of the material only once. There is no need to be angry about this. After all, the work of a nurse who takes blood from a vein must also be paid.

What parameters affect the accuracy of the study

According to leading experts, the accuracy of the study is largely determined by the behavior of the patient before the stage of biomaterial delivery. For example, some tests need to be taken on an empty stomach, for others, a few days before the consumption of certain medicines should be abandoned. Before you come to the laboratory to donate biomaterial, you need to clarify such points and follow the instructions exactly. Then the reliability of the results of the study will increase significantly. Usually, all requirements and restrictions are indicated on the laboratory's website, but if necessary, employees of a medical institution will not make it difficult to repeat them.

Also, inaccuracy in the results of the study occurs if the delivery conditions of the biomaterial sample are violated. It is very important that the biomaterial is transported according to all the rules. It is important to observe the time interval, create a suitable air temperature, take care of the integrity of the packaging and the biomaterial itself. Too long biomaterial delivery time significantly reduces the reliability of the study.

The best time to donate blood is before lunch. Then the sample will be delivered to the research laboratory on the same day. At the same time, there is no need to come to the laboratory in advance and try to be among the first patients at the door of the treatment room. Too long a stay of blood in a test tube indoors significantly reduces the concentration of glucose. This significantly distorts the results of the study.

How soon the patient will receive the result

To a large extent, the time it takes to get the result on hand is affected by how rare and complex the analysis needs to be done. Many additional factors influence the execution time of a task. The most important of these is the duration of the analysis itself. It depends on what substance is being investigated, and how automated this process is. Therefore, the duration of the study ranges from several minutes to several days.

This also includes the time spent transporting the biomaterial from the clinic where it was collected to the very laboratory that conducts the study. This distance can be either from a neighboring office or from another city.

Almost all private laboratories have a service to perform urgent research. In this case, they use a technology called "dry chemistry". It does not require the use of special containers or dilution of reagents. Usually in this case, test strips are used to facilitate the study. But such an analysis costs the patient more than usual.

You need to be prepared for the fact that not every analysis can be performed in this way. Some analyzes are performed very quickly and easily. Such studies are usually inexpensive. But other analyzes consist of several lengthy steps that cannot be expedited. Therefore, the results of such studies will not be obtained quickly. For example, such studies include determining the level of dihydrotestosterone.

Its result can be obtained at the earliest in three days. At the same time, laboratories are trying to collect several samples of biomaterial within a few days in order to reduce the financial burden on the patient and conduct several studies at once. Some laboratories do not have their own facilities for conducting such studies. Then the biomaterial is transported to a specialized laboratory. It also increases the time cost. Therefore, determining the level of DHT is very expensive and time-consuming analysis.

List of the best laboratories in Moscow for testing

Helix Laboratory Network

Medical institutions with the name Helix can be found not only in the capital, but throughout Russia. The central office of the network of laboratory services is located in Moscow at Krasnoproletarskaya street, 16. Any laboratory of this network allows its patients to donate biomaterial for any, even the most complex study. In this case, the client receives the result in the shortest possible time. The Helix website has detailed information on the cost of all possible tests. Therefore, any person can first find out the approximate amount of payment for tests. Patients are especially pleased that there are branches of the laboratory in all metropolitan areas. Therefore, there is no need to go to the other end of the city to deliver the biomaterial. If the client wishes, all research will be conducted anonymously.

Prices for services are quite moderate. It is possible to pass the most common tests in an accelerated mode, when the results can be obtained the next day in the morning. The laboratory has been operating for many years and is distinguished by the high quality of services.


  • moderate prices;
  • a wide network of branches;
  • can be tested anonymously;
  • a wide range of services;
  • there is a possibility of express analysis;
  • friendly staff;
  • convenient location of branches.


  • not found.

The cost of 4 basic tests is 1900 rubles.

Center for Molecular Diagnostics CMD

A network of laboratories called CMD has its branches in all metropolitan areas, and the main office is located at Yaroslavskaya street, 15/2. Branches are not only conveniently located, but also open very early. This is very convenient for those patients who work all day. You can run into the laboratory in the morning and take tests before the start of the working day. The Center for Molecular Diagnostics is open every day. At the same time, it is possible to obtain the results within the agreed time frame, and if necessary, the data will be given to the patient on an urgent basis.

Despite the fact that the client pays for the collection of biomaterial separately, in general, the prices here are quite moderate. In addition to analyses, the laboratory provides its clients with the opportunity to undergo various examinations. If for some reason the patient is not able to come to the laboratory to donate the biomaterial on his own, you can call the center's employee to the house. The clinic regularly holds various promotions and makes big discounts for its customers.


  • many well-located branches in all districts of the capital;
  • moderate pricing policy;
  • laboratories open from early morning;
  • no days off;
  • regularly hold promotions and make big discounts for customers;
  • there is an opportunity to make analyzes urgently.


  • not found.

The cost of a general blood test is 650 rubles.

Laboratory Endomedlab

This laboratory is located in Moscow at Novodmitrovskaya street, 5a building 2. It is rightfully considered one of the best in its field of activity. Laboratory clients can submit biomaterial for all known analyzes, and the list also includes a paternity test at a very affordable price. If the patient is disabled and unable to move independently, a laboratory employee will visit him for a fee and collect biomaterial for research right at home.

For those clients who constantly turn to the services of the clinic, a special system of discounts has been developed. Patients especially note the accuracy and polite attitude of the nurses who collect the biomaterial. The results can always be picked up within the agreed time frame. In this case, patients are protected from confusion. At the same time, it is possible to register on the laboratory website and in your personal account to find out the results of the study before receiving the official paper.


  • wide range of available assays;
  • moderate prices for tests;
  • it is possible to call a laboratory employee at home;
  • friendly and polite employees;
  • there is an opportunity to know the results in advance.


  • not found.

The cost of a paternity test is 12,000 rubles.

Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory Biomarker

This laboratory is located in the capital at Okruzhnoy proezd, 30a. The working hours of the laboratory are not very convenient, since the institution works only on weekdays. Biomaterial sampling is organized from 10 am to 6 pm. But even with this mode of operation, there are no queues in the laboratory. This makes it possible to pass the tests very quickly. Thanks to the most modern equipment, all studies are carried out very accurately.

According to the patients of the Biomarker laboratory, very competent staff works here. Laboratory staff answer all questions in detail, describe the process of taking biomaterial, and also provide advice on the results of the study. They take into account the condition of patients and do not delay the diagnosis. Since the laboratory provides a full range of research and analysis for its patients, it is one of the best.


  • competent staff;
  • fast research;
  • modern equipment;
  • accurate results;
  • no queues.


  • uncomfortable mode of operation.

The average cost of biochemical analysis is 1050 rubles.

Medical Genetic Center "Genomed"

The Genomed laboratory has long been praised by patients on various thematic forums. In the clinic, you can donate biomaterial for any analysis. In this case, a person can get the finished result in the very near future. It is also possible to pass an express analysis. The medical center uses the most modern equipment. Therefore, it is possible to conduct very complex studies.

If patients do not have the opportunity to come for the results of the study in person, the company's courier will deliver the results to the right address free of charge. At the same time, you need to be prepared for the fact that some complex studies in the laboratory will take several days longer than usual.


  • a wide range of ongoing research;
  • popular with patients
  • modern equipment;
  • the ability to take tests in express mode;
  • there is a free delivery of results to the right address;
  • moderate prices.


  • some tests take a very long time.

The cost of a biochemical blood test is 1720 rubles.

Medical Center "Private Practice"

The specialization of this medical center, located on Bolotnikovskaya Street, 5/2, is venereology. But despite this, there is an excellent laboratory here. In it, you can undergo all the necessary examinations, as well as do an ultrasound. The main advantage of the laboratory is the daily mode of operation. In the clinic, you can take all the tests not only on weekdays, but also on weekends and holidays. In addition, the prices here are very affordable. It is also possible to make express analyzes. All this makes the laboratory very popular among patients.

According to customer reviews, very friendly and professional nurses work here. The result of the surveys can be received in person or by e-mail. If the patient wishes, the examination will be conducted anonymously.


  • working hours without holidays;
  • low cost of analysis;
  • professional work of nurses;
  • quality equipment;
  • a wide range of analyzes and examinations;
  • It is possible to make analyzes in a short time.


  • not found.

The cost of a clinical blood test is from 300 rubles.

DNACOM laboratory

The DNACOM laboratory, located at Tverskaya, 6/6, starts its work at 7.30 am. At the same time, visitors are accepted here both on weekdays and on weekends. Visitors really like this work schedule, because all the necessary examinations can be completed, even if you are very busy with work. If it is not possible to come to the laboratory to donate the biomaterial, you can order a visit to the health worker's home. You don't have to go to the lab to get the results. Employees can send a conclusion by mail. In this laboratory, a complete list of all possible analyzes is carried out.

The DNACOM laboratory has its own website. There is a complete list of services provided, which is easy to navigate if you use a convenient filter. Prices for research here are quite moderate. You do not have to worry about the accuracy of the result, since all analyzes are done on the most modern equipment by highly qualified specialists.


  • convenient work schedule;
  • moderate prices;
  • accurate results;
  • you can get the results by mail;
  • It is possible to take biomaterial at home.


  • not found.

The cost of a general blood test is 395 rubles.

Network of laboratories Citylab

The association has several laboratories in different districts of the capital. At the same time, the main office is located at Khoroshevskoe shosse, 43g building 1. The laboratory has been operating for 15 years. At the same time, most of the customer reviews during this time are positive. All departments of the clinic are conveniently located in different parts of the city. Here, prices are always affordable for most patients, and promotions and discounts for regular customers are also regularly held. If it is not possible to come to donate the biomaterial on your own, you can call a nurse at home.

To clarify some questions in the laboratory, a multi-channel telephone is available, which you can call free of charge. Research results can be received in person at the laboratory, by e-mail or by courier.


  • moderate prices;
  • convenient location;
  • several branches;
  • it is possible to call an employee at home;
  • multiple ways to get results.


  • not found.

The cost of clinical analysis is 730 rubles.

The laboratories on our list are far from the only ones. There are a huge number of institutions in Moscow where you can pass all the necessary tests without haste at a convenient time.

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