At what age do German Shepherd ears stand up? How to put the ears on a German Shepherd if they do not stand up correctly at the right age When German puppies get their ears up

Sensitive ears allow not only to rely on a shepherd dog as an excellent watchman, but also to lead it at a great distance.

A thick-bellied and thick-legged kitten of a shepherd color with a long tail and thick fur can only be finally classified as thoroughbred when the ears of a German shepherd puppy stand up.

The ears of a real German Shepherd, according to , are erect, of medium size, set high, with their ends directed forward and upward, not adjacent to the skull on both sides, even when the shepherd dog is in motion, presses his ears or lowers them in a calm state. This “opening” of the ears is not a fault.

When a German Shepherd's ears stand up when excited, the distance between their highest points (the tips of the ears) should visually equal the width of the auricle.

Why do sheepdogs have such ears?

The deep and voluminous auricle of the German Shepherd is a mobile locator that sensitively picks up sound at a frequency of more than 30,000 Hz and at a distance much greater than a person can hear.

Since the range of frequencies heard by a dog is much higher than that of a person, the German Shepherd determines the source of the sound and its direction and distance instantly and accurately thanks to such an auricle at a distance of 25-50 m (depending on the pitch of the sound). And the shepherd can catch the peals of thunder or the sound of a working chainsaw at a distance of 9-12 km!

For comparison. The lowest sound for a person is 16 Hz, the highest is 20 thousand Hz. The upper limit of frequency fluctuations, perceived by a shepherd dog as a sound, will be 80-100 thousand Hz.

Delicate hearing is especially important for the German Shepherd, as for a dog with high service qualities and no less high requirements for its work.

Sensitive ears allow not only to rely on a shepherd dog as an excellent watchman, but also to guide it at a great distance, giving commands at frequencies that are not perceived by the human ear or in an undertone.

"Anatomy" of the ear

Teeth and ears

It often happens that at 2-3 months the ears of the shepherd stood up, and at 4 they fell (one or two at once). This is a normal process associated with the change of teeth, when the body mobilizes all the trace elements to build a strong dental system, pulling phosphorus and calcium from the cartilage in this direction.

In a German shepherd, it is considered complete when real fangs with a wide base appear in the mouth and all molars (molars) erupt - by about 7 months. At the same time, the drooping ears should stand up.

Due to the growth of teeth, the ears of a German Shepherd puppy can fall and rise again

Molar growth continues up to 8, maximum 9 months, still pulling calcium and phosphorus for its construction (tooth enamel consists of more than 90% of these inorganic elements), but if, with the appearance of all the prescribed 42 constants teeth, ear cartilage is still not able to lift the ear, it is worth contacting a veterinarian.

Hurry up! After a year, hopes to put ears on a German Shepherd are melting exponentially.

Reception at the doctor

If you came to the doctor’s appointment with the question: “The ears of the shepherd dog don’t stand up - what should I do ?!”, then the doctor, upon examination, will ask you a number of questions:

Did the puppy have acquired or birth injuries of the ears?
For example, a birthing room, subluxation or hematoma, as a result of injury to the ear canal.

Have you ever had ear infections or other ear problems?
For example, inflammation of the middle ear, otodectosis, or a forest tick attack.

Have you noticed any allergic reactions in your pet?
For example, dairy products or antibiotics.

If antibiotics or immunomodulators were used, what did you get sick with, and how often?
Infectious ones significantly slow down, slow down growth and physiological formation, including cartilage tissue, on which it depends whether the ears of a shepherd puppy will stand up or it will remain lop-eared.

In what conditions is the young "German" kept?
When living in an aviary, it is necessary to have a warmed booth in winter (to avoid hypothermia of the ears, leading to spasms of small vessels of the perichondrium) and a dense canopy from the sun in summer - overheating also leads to spasms.

Do they walk and talk enough with him?
A sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical and emotional activity can be a good reason why your dog's ears are not standing.

What bio-feeds did you use during the puppy's growth period?
For each age for puppies, their own supplements have been developed, they are also broken down by the size of the dogs: for small, medium and large dogs.

The German Shepherd is a large breed!

Do any of the puppy's parents have hormonal imbalances?
This is one of the most common problems in pedigreed dogs, including German Shepherds. Diseases associated with the imbalance of hormones lead to problems of the immune system, preventing the body from properly forming all organs and their functions. Hence, difficulties arise when a German Shepherd puppy's ears stand up.

Are you following?
Overfeeding a German Shepherd (as well as underfeeding) leads to a deficiency of micro- and macronutrients, which in no way contributes to the timely formation of cartilage tissue by the age when the shepherd should raise its ears.

Have there been stressful situations?
Cortisol, a stress hormone, activates a “protection mechanism” that blocks the production of new cells (including semi-stem cells in cartilage tissues), reduces blood flow, and forms a negative calcium balance in the body of a shepherd dog.

Did the puppy's parents have problems with ear placement?
Often this problem is transmitted at the genetic level.

When was the last vaccination done?
After the body of the shepherd begins the active formation of immunity. The process requires the consumption of trace elements and vitamins for biochemical reactions - their deficiency is formed, as after an illness.

How often do you pet your puppy HO on the head?
At your touch, the Shepherd Dog instinctively lays its ears back, getting used to keeping them folded lengthwise from the base to the top. The result will be an acquired fold or scar along the entire ear, which will require cartilage adjustment.

Don't pet your sheepdog's ears!

If the doctor sees fit, then your pet will have to take a blood test, undergo an ultrasound, and possibly take some x-rays.


Based on the results of the examination, the doctor will prescribe drugs (most often - flavonoid vitamins, glucosamine, calcitonin, thyroxine, iodine, zinc, iron, manganese, copper and magnesium), which normalize the composition of the blood and add the necessary building material to the body.

It is important to carry out drug therapy under the supervision of a veterinarian! An overabundance of any elements can lead to a deterioration in the general condition of the pet and his ears in particular.

In addition to medication, the doctor will most likely prescribe an ear massage at home.
The massage procedure is not complicated - knead the ear from the base to the very tip between the thumb and forefinger, helping to improve blood supply, for about 5 minutes. 3-4 times a day.

Be careful with the place where the ear is attached to the head! This place does not need to be kneaded, only the auricle itself!

The fingers will get tired - a fact, but a favorable result will not be long in coming - the ears of shepherd dogs stand up in just a week or two.

Worse, if the doctor makes a diagnosis: "Atypical defect of the ear cartilage." What does it mean? Is it safe for the health of the shepherd? And is it possible to put ears on a puppy with such a diagnosis?

Atypical cartilage and ways to eliminate the consequences

Atypical cartilage is a defect in the development of the ear cartilage, resulting from a violation of the structure of ear tissues and its inability to support the ear in an upright position.
Insufficiently strong, loose and heavy cartilage fibers break due to tissue heterogeneity (somewhere dense and flexible tissue, and somewhere soft and “liquid”), and a hall or scar is formed on the ear, at the transition point.

Often this occurs in young dogs after the ears have stood up, and then an ear or even two has fallen off in a German Shepherd puppy.

Puppies' ears stand up at 5 to 8 months of age.

The same picture can be observed in old shepherd dogs - the ear or both fall off, then rise again. The reason is the same: deformation of the ear cartilage due to long years of life - old age.

But the old BUT will not be able to return the ears to a stable standing position. But it is quite possible to correct the position of the ears of a young German shepherd - they need to be glued, allowing the cartilage to recover.

Gluing is nothing more than the necessary support for the intensive synthesis of elastin (a connective protein in tissues) and its uniform growth over the entire area of ​​the ear cartilage.

Properly glued ears do not allow creases, stretch the scar and make it possible to fill it with full-fledged elastin within 1.5-2 months.

In this case, the puppy or young OI should be given maintenance vitamin supplements containing gelatin. Good results will give cool bone jelly or soaked edible gelatin, 1 tbsp. l. before every feeding.

Adding bone meal to the diet and - a good solution!

We glue ears correctly!

How long does it take to start the gluing process? Before 8-10 months, cartilage correction is unlikely to be needed, most likely - support in the form of massage and, possibly, a garter of two ears together from 3-4 months of age so that they take the correct position on the head.

Details in the video: "How to put the ears on a German Shepherd puppy."

How to determine if a correction is needed?

Feel the ear from base to tip. If you find a thinned place or “liquid” tissue, then look for a convex scar in this place, along the length of which the ear is folded. If a crease or scar is found, you need to glue it urgently!

How to do this correctly is well shown in the video “We put the ears of a shepherd dog. 2 ways. In addition to 2 ways of gluing broken ears, the video gives a lot of valuable advice to a novice shepherd.

What should I do if, after gluing or adjusting, one ear does not stand or falls again?

To correct one non-standing ear, if the cartilage is even and of good density, without creases and scars, you can resort to a cardboard or plastic insert that maintains the ear in the desired condition. This will teach the video "Repair of the dog."

In any case, do not despair!

They have an unusual appearance and extraordinary mind, so their popularity is growing more and more. These kids are cute, funny and unpretentious. Due to their small size, they do not require much space. They need a small enclosure with the necessary items for their life.

But, in order for the pet to comply with the accepted ones, it is necessary to follow the appropriate and timely conduct of the required procedures for the correct formation of the pet's body.

When they get up, how to put it if they don't stand?

auricles toy terrier, unlike many breeds, forbidden. In a well developed dog they must be big, erect and set high. This is one of the most important indicators of a purebred breed.

It is believed that with the help of large, high ears equilibrium is reached with long dog legs. This creates a visual harmony of the physique of that terrier. A slight droop is permissible only for the long-haired variety of the breed.

What time do the ears get up? Puppies are born with hanging ears. With the right one, they rise in two months, and by the six-month-old they gradually strengthen and acquire the desired shape.

If a in a one year old dog stay hanging, she is can not participate in exhibitions. Therefore, if a problem occurs, need to be carried out puppy timely correction, which is not particularly difficult.

Important! Correction can be started as early as two months of age to be sure of the result. In addition, the younger the puppy, the easier it is to tolerate the procedure.

Cause why the puppy's ears do not stand, is excessive softness of their cartilage. This may be due to the following factors:

  • Inadequate diet of puppies or their mother during;
  • Wrong, during which terriers of different breeds are crossed;
  • Untimely correction or its absence.

In order to put the puppy's ears, should glue them according to the following method:

  • From the patch, make two blanks, similar in shape to the inner surface of the dog's ears;
  • Glue pieces of plaster to the puppy's ears from the inside;
  • Cut two rectangular patch pieces slightly shorter and narrower than the previous ones. With their help, glue one cotton swab vertically on each ear on the first patch;
  • For greater reliability of the design, you can install an additional tire between the ears. It can be cut, for example, from a plastic bottle and fixed between cotton swabs.
  • The sticker should be kept on the puppy's ears for at least two months. You can shoot it once a week for a few hours.

For to get the puppy's ears in the right position, and the cartilage is sufficiently strengthened, in addition to gluing, you need to carefully review the pet. It should include foods rich in calcium. It can be sea fish (without bones), sour cream, cottage cheese, kefir, oatmeal, seaweed.

If the dog eats ready-made, then you need to make sure that they include this trace element.

What to do if the toy terrier began to scratch his ears?

If the toy terrier scratches his ears after applying a corrective structure, then perhaps he just wants to get rid of an unusual object on his head.

If at the same time the puppy is cheerful and active, then it is enough not to leave the puppy alone in the first days after the procedure. He needs to be constantly distracted by something from his ears, for example, to play.

Important! Also, a dog may scratch its ears for other, more serious reasons. It can be infection with an ear mite, accumulation of sulfur, otitis media.

Only a specialist can determine the problem and the method of its treatment. Therefore, if the pet behaves painfully, you should visit a veterinarian.

How to clean?

clean ears toy terrier every day is not worth it because it will increase the amount of natural discharge from the ears. The best thing clean when dirty or as directed by your veterinarian.

Here's what you'll need:

  • Cotton pads;
  • Boiled vegetable oil, preferably olive oil, or a special tool for hygiene of the ears of dogs;
  • Soft clean cloth.

Important! Using cotton swabs, you can easily damage the auricle with any careless movement.

How to clean your ears to that terrier:

  1. Take the terrier in your arms or put it on a comfortable surface, fix the head with your hand;
  2. You need to clean the inside of your ear. It is better to do this with a cotton pad moistened with boiled water. Do not rub too much, as the skin in this area is very delicate, it is easy to damage;
  3. Now you need to drip a few drops of oil or a special agent into your ear, it will soften the dirt, earwax, and wait a few seconds;
  4. Now the swab needs to be inserted into the ear canal to absorb the oil. Thus, the dirt will be removed. It is worth noting that after the procedure, the pet will get rid of the remaining oil in the ear on its own.
  5. The last step is to wipe the ears with a soft cloth.

The ears of the toy terrier are not only a physiological organ that performs certain functions, but also belong to the important elements that form its distinctive exterior. Do not despair if at a certain time the auricles have not acquired the proper shape. This is easily corrected by correction and a balanced diet.

The ears of German Shepherd puppies begin to rise at the age of 2 months, and this process can take up to 5 months. If at 4 months the German Shepherd's ears are no longer standing, this is a cause for concern.

For small breed dogs, this period comes even earlier. If the puppy's ears are too soft and just hang with rags, then as early as 3 months it is necessary to take urgent measures. The fact is that during this period of a dog’s life, an active growth of all body tissues occurs and it lacks biologically active substances that are responsible for the formation of cartilage tissue.

Therefore, first of all, the puppy must be supported with appropriate drugs that will strengthen the ear cartilage. These are top dressings:

  • Senior,
  • pax + forte,
  • Antiox+,
  • Mega,
  • complexes of Vision products.

How to put ears on a German Shepherd puppy?

As soon as the ear gets stronger, you should immediately proceed to the next step. To do this, it is necessary to determine whether ear gluing is needed. With the tips of the thumb and forefinger, the auricle is clamped from the outside and inside and probed. You need to find a "weak spot".

This is either a stripe or a small "spot". If this place is pressed between two fingers, the ear should immediately stand up. If such a spot is located in the upper third of the ear, then the ear will rise by itself and it does not need gluing. The main thing is to continue feeding the puppy with biologically active substances. If a strip is felt across the entire ear, it means that an ear hall has formed and gluing is required.

Otherwise, the ear will forever remain hanging. First, the ears need to be trimmed to remove excess weight from them. This can be done with a toy car or you can take your puppy to a grooming salon. The ear is trimmed on both sides. Now you need to take the patch. You can choose a hypoallergenic type of plaster from Hartmann.

It lets air through, and the ears do not stop. Two strips are cut from the patch along the length and width, approximately like an ear. One strip is glued to the other, non-adhesive side to the adhesive. All this is glued from the inside to the ear, starting from the tip of the ear to the first convolutions of the auricle. The same operation is done with the second ear.

After that, you need to cut off a small strip, a little longer than the circumference of the ear. The ear is twisted into a tube so that there is a void inside the tube. A plaster is glued at the base of the ear.

If a German Shepherd puppy does not have both ears, then the same procedure is done with the second and two horns are obtained. They need to be fixed with a plaster, fastened together with a plaster. With such horns, the puppy should pass for about 5 days, then the patch is removed. It is simply carefully cut and removed in several stages.

In our time, this is a breed that can always protect and save from danger.

These are loyal and devoted dogs.

They are also good with children.

They are excellent with other pets.

To have such a dog means to find a good friend and companion who will not leave you in difficult times.

The breed is suitable not only for protection and protection, but also for the family.

Let's learn about everything in detail.

At birth, the ears are not yet formed.

They are soft cartilage adjacent to the head. This cartilage is the dog's ear.

Over time, when the puppy begins to grow, the ear gets stronger and increases in volume.. When the dog grows up, the cartilage will turn into an elastic plate in which there are no blood vessels.

The cartilaginous plate is covered on both sides with a layer of connective tissue - this is the perichondrium. It provides the development of the main cartilage.

The perichondrium contains many small vessels and capillaries.

They help the necessary substances needed for growth and strengthening to get into the cartilage. Thus, the ear becomes: stem cells, like bricks, build the stem part of the cartilage.

Cartilage cells produce collagen and elastin. The strength of the ear depends on these substances.

When are the ears up?

Many people notice that small German Shepherd puppies often have much larger ears than their heads. This is due to the active work of all parts of the auricle.

FROM before cartilage cells actively produce collagen and elastin, so the ear grows rapidly, ahead of the general development of the dog. The ear grows and builds up throughout the first period of the puppy's growth, when it becomes larger in size, and the ears are still hanging.

The formation of the ears is directly related to the change in the shepherd's teeth. Because of this, the ears can stand up at 2 months, and then suddenly fall into. Nothing can be done about this, these are the features of the body of a German shepherd.

After 4 months, the production of cartilage substances decreases. By the superstructure of stem cells almost disappears - the structure of the auricle reaches a certain density. The ear of the dog, as it seems, stops growing, takes shape and is already “standing”.


Do not be afraid, because it happens that the ears stand up 1-1.5 months later.

A cause for alarm is if the dog is already 8-10 months old, and the ears are still “hanging”.

Many people follow the puppy's ears almost from birth, but this is still a short time for their setting..

It must be remembered that each dog develops individually, so do not terrorize the baby with endless examinations. It's better to just enjoy his growing up and ensure his healthy state.

Prevention of becoming

In order for the puppy's ears to stand up on time, it is necessary that the body receives all the necessary vitamins and minerals.:

  • Add to bone meal, fish and kefir;
  • Massage the auricle - this will ensure proper blood circulation and strengthen the cartilage;
  • Sudden sounds that need to be made will help. The ear will tense up and stand up.
  • Keep an eye on the health of the ear and in case of deviations (irritation, redness), go with the dog to the veterinarian.

Why don't they get up?

A puppy's ears may not stand up for various reasons.

The most important thing is to contact the veterinary clinic in time. There, the doctor, after asking you a few questions, will find out the reason for this phenomenon.

The most common reasons why the ears "do not stand up":

  • Birth injuries of the auricles in a puppy;
  • Ear diseases;
  • allergic reactions;
  • that the dog has suffered;
  • Does he get enough attention and walks;
  • Do you use bio-feeds and which ones;
  • Hormonal disorders in the pet's parents;
  • Do you follow the growth and the puppy and their relationship with respect to age;
  • The dog has suffered a serious stressful situation, which is why it cannot bounce back;
  • The puppy's parents also had problems with the setting of the ears;
  • Perhaps this is a reaction to a recent vaccination, or, conversely, you missed the vaccination and the puppy's immunity is fighting some kind of disease.

What to do with it?

The very first and most important thing is to contact the veterinarian. Only he will be able to understand this situation, finding out the source of the problem. But there are a large number of ways that will help the dog's auricles get stronger and stand up. They also need to be agreed with the doctor.

Most experts are inclined to believe that if the dog's ears have not risen by 8 months, then this will not happen. In this case, an operation is performed to implant the implants.

The problem will not be fixed, but the dog will meet the standard. This will allow him to participate in exhibitions.

Remember that there is no 100% guarantee that the puppy's ears will stand up naturally.

“We rarely visit clinics with this - they won’t say anything there that we wouldn’t already know. Basically, if after 4 months there is no progress, then everyone immediately takes up radical methods. This is not always correct, first you need to try sparing ones. Most of the time they help. And immediately grasping the most frankly inhumane ways is to harm the dog in the first place.

Staging methods

There is a method that breeders and experts call "reeling".

You will need large foam rollers or alternatively a small insulating tube, white surgical tape, medical glue, unsharpened pencils an ice cream stick (or any other):

  • Remove the central axis from the curlers and insert a pencil 2 cm deep into the hole. Treat the surfaces of the curlers with medical glue.
  • Insert the curlers into the puppy's ear so as not to damage or block the auditory canal. They can be pressed lightly so that the surface of the ear sticks to the glue.
  • Cover the ear with curlers with a band-aid. Do this while holding the pencil. Wrap in a circle, starting from the bottom. It is important not to make it too tight, so as not to harm the puppy and not cut off blood circulation in the ear. Before the very end of the process, remove the pencil from the curler.
  • Stabilize the tapered ears. To do this, you need to attach an ice cream stick to the back of your ears and secure it. The wand will keep the ears upright.
  • Distract the puppy so that he does not remove the tape.
  • Keep the wrap on your ears for 10-14 days.

Even if the puppy does not have only one ear, you need to wind both.

Another way is to make sure your puppy gets enough calcium. To do this, give him one tablespoon of cottage cheese or yogurt for each feeding.

But you should not buy and give your puppy calcium in the form of nutritional supplements. The excess will be deposited in the bones, which can lead to problems in the future.

The most gentle way

One of the methods of setting the ears is gluing. To do this, you must first determine the weak points in the auricle.

If they are located in the lower or upper part of the ear, then you can not do without it:

  • Prepare two pieces of cardboard that will be slightly larger than the weak point, cut off a piece of adhesive tape.
  • Plug the dog's ear canal with cotton wool, then choose a place where you will stick the cardboard. Treat the area that had to be cut. Treat the sticky side of the patch as well - this is necessary so that when peeling off, the sink is not damaged. Wait for it to dry and apply the patch. Press it to your ear and smooth it out.
  • Next, take a piece of cardboard, grease it and the patch in your ear with Moment glue or another quick-drying one. While holding your ear, glue the cardboard. Then fix it with a second piece of plaster.
  • If this procedure is required on the second ear, then repeat it in the same way.
  • Keep the patch on your ears for 1-2 weeks.

What to do after?

Once the dog's ears are up, don't let them fall again. And this may well happen if you, rejoicing, stop paying attention to this problem.

Keep your ears upright.

To do this, bring the dog's ears into tension with loud sounds as often as possible, while not trying to scare. Call her, call her by name, give commands. Do your best to keep the auricle tense most of the time.


Also examine the ears for weak spots so as not to miss the moment and make the gluing in time.

Massage of the auricles will not interfere, which will disperse the blood over the entire surface of the ear.

Conclusion and Conclusions

Ear setting in a German Shepherd is a process that requires close attention from the dog.

Of course, not everyone needs the dog's ears to be in a standing position, because not everyone gets it for exhibitions and competitions.

But correctly placed ears are aesthetically and physiologically correct.

Useful video

From the video you will learn how to properly put the ears of a shepherd dog:

In contact with

Raising pets takes a lot of time and effort, but brings a lot of pleasant emotions. Caring dog owners work hard to keep their pets healthy and looking good. The beautiful exterior of a dog depends to a large extent on compliance with the standards of a particular breed. For the German Shepherd, one of these breed attributes is the classic setting of the ears, which makes the representatives of this breed recognizable and speaks of the successful development of the puppy. Not always the landing of the ears occurs in the right way without human intervention. That is why puppy owners are eager to find out when the ears of German Shepherds get up, what difficulties may arise, and how to overcome them.

Correct positioning of the puppy's ears

When the ears stand up, it is important to pay attention to how their fit corresponds to the current breed standards. The German Shepherd's ears should be of medium size and pointed, set on a wide base. The direction of the ears is strictly forward and up. Any deviation from the described standards is classified as a defect, including crooked or dangling ears, as well as distortion of direction. That is why considerable attention should be paid to the puppy during that period. Photos of the correct fit of the ears will help to notice the deviations that arise. It is imperative that this be done on time.

This question is raised so often that it seemed that experts should have come to a common point of view long ago. However, when it comes to when the ears of a German Shepherd should stand up, opinions differ somewhat. Some experts say that the puppy's ears begin to rise from two months, and this process continues until the age of five months. While others consider the setting of the ears to be normal at the age of six months. In exceptional cases, the ears can finally stand up at the age of eight months. However, it is worth worrying even if at four months the puppy's ears have not begun to rise at least a little.

Causes of deviations in the fit of the ears

Why does the German Shepherd's ear stand up the wrong way? As with any other health problems, the causes of disorders are divided into congenital and acquired during life. So, for example, if a puppy's parents suffered from a similar problem, it is highly likely that their offspring will also have it. Sometimes the cause is the structure of the dog's musculoskeletal system. Also, improper development of the ears can provoke both mechanical injuries and infectious diseases, hypothermia of the dog, lack of vitamins necessary for the successful development, as well as a number of diseases that slow down the development of the body, excess weight or extremely low activity of the puppy.

How to prevent wrong development

As practice shows, the harmonious development of a dog fully depends on its owner. The first thing you should pay attention to is the food of the dog. It should be balanced, rich in essential minerals and vitamins. The amount of food should be appropriate for the weight and age of the puppy. A dog that is regularly overfed is much more likely to get into trouble developing ear cartilage. In the same connection, it is necessary to walk enough with the puppy. Physical activity can prevent a large number of health problems. It is important to monitor the health of the ears, especially during the period when the ears of German Shepherds stand up, and clean them regularly, carefully avoiding any mechanical damage.

The danger is also represented by all kinds of infectious diseases that affect the musculoskeletal system. Caring for the health of the puppy during its active development should be the primary task of the owner. Daily physical activity, massage of the dog's auricle and a constant comfortable temperature in the room where the puppy is kept will also benefit.

Puppy ear lift

In case the puppy's ears have not yet begun to rise by four months, when the ears of German Shepherds rise, it would be wise to resort to some more effective measures. In fact, the owner of the dog is able to correct the situation and help the ears rise in the right way. It is important to pay attention to the fact that before such procedures it is necessary to make sure that they are absolutely healthy and not mechanically damaged.

Ear lift with patching

First, it is important to make sure that this method is necessary. To do this, you should carefully feel the dog's ear for the so-called weak spots, when pressed, the ear rises on its own. If such a site is located in the upper part of the auricle, then the problem will be solved by itself and no additional intervention is required. If the weak point is located in the lower part of the ear, then the hall exists and it is necessary to resort to gluing. It is important to use a quality patch that does not irritate the dog's skin.

First of all, you should carefully cut the hair from the auricle, and also clean it of any contaminants, be it sulfur or dirt. Next, cut off two strips of patch, which would be about the same size as the area of ​​​​the inner surface of the ear. They need to be glued together: the non-adhesive side is glued to the adhesive side. This double strip is glued to the inside of the ear. The ear must be carefully twisted into a tube and fixed vertically with a patch. You can wear it for ten to twelve days.

Ear lift with foam

This method is quite simple to perform. It is necessary to cut foam rubber tabs with a diameter half less than the width of the auricle and a little less than its length. Foam inserts are inserted into the trimmed and clean auricle, the ears are fixed in several layers at the base in a vertical position using a hypoallergenic patch.

Often, it will take two to three weeks to lift the ears in this way, in some cases - about a month. After removing the structure, the ears will be properly planted in an upright position.

These and other issues of dog care should be explored by anyone who plans to get a German Shepherd puppy: how many months does the dog's ears stand up, what are the ways to raise the ears, how to protect the dog from developmental abnormalities. After all, the health and happy life of a dog in the family fully depend on its owner and the responsibility that he bears for the life of his pet.

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