How to fertilize flowers. Secrets of watering vegetables and how to water flowers so that they grow better. How to serve ice cream tasty and beautiful

Irrigation is an important part of agricultural work. Without attaching importance to the rules of watering, thinking that the main thing is to water, you may have a situation similar to this: “I don’t understand anything, I water, I water, but there’s no point! Nothing grows in the garden." Through trial and error, you can come to an understanding of what needs to be done and how. We want to make this path easier for you, and we present the rules for watering plants.

Better less, but more water the plants!

Plants, like us, must “drink only the right and good water”, otherwise they will develop much worse than we would like.

The consequences of moisture deficiency sometimes do not affect immediately: in fruit trees, especially abundantly fruiting in a dry year, peripheral roots die off, after a year or two the bark exfoliates, and the tree may die unexpectedly for the gardener. Therefore, we are convinced that watering "just in case" is always better than not watering.

And therefore, based on the bitter experience of many gardeners, we want to give some advice on when and how to properly water the plants in the garden. So here are some very simple rules.

What do we water?

Ideal for irrigation, of course, is rainwater (provided that the rains in your area are clean and do not take waste from a nearby production plant with them). It is useful to collect rainwater for future use; warm, it is even more useful. In addition to rain, there are usually two options: water supply and a well. Water from the tap, as a rule, contains a lot of iron salts, but the statement about its hardness is not always true; it depends on where your water supply comes from. If in a month a noticeable scale does not form on the kettle, you can safely water rhododendrons and hydrangeas with this water.

Water temperature for irrigation should be about 20 °. To do this, you can simply soak the water in a barrel, bath.

Well water is usually hard. You can make it softer with baking soda (2-3 tablespoons per 10 liters of water), and only then apply for irrigation.

Plants should be watered only in the morning or in the evening, in no case in the heat, not in the sun!


Who ran around the site with a watering can, this question will not seem idle. A 10-liter watering can per square meter is usually recommended, but this is only sufficient if watered daily. Even a little rain, dropping just a few drops, will moisten the soil more, because it will happen immediately over a large area, and neighboring dry areas will not dry out the watered area. After high-quality watering, no dry layer should remain in the soil; this is easy to check with a scoop.

Vegetable crops should be watered less often, but plentifully, since with daily, but more meager watering, moisture will not reach the roots and there will be little sense from such watering.

What and how?

Trees and large shrubs on loose, permeable soil can be watered by simply placing a hose under the roots for 40 minutes. This will not work on heavy clay soils: if the earth is dry, the water will simply drain over the surface. You will have to dig an annular groove, or at least a few holes in the near-stem circle, into which water is already poured. But it is best, of course, to dig porous tubes 30-70 cm into the ground (the depth depends on the structure of the plant's root system; you can dig several tubes to different depths).

The lawn is watered with a sprinkler - the more evenly the water is distributed, the smoother the greens will be. A sprinkler can also be used to water flower beds if there are no plants whose delicate petals suffer from water drops (petunias, morning glory, rudbeckia, lilies and roses of light colors, bearded irises, terry peonies). These plants are watered under the root. It is better to water the garden with warm water, so a watering can is usually needed here.

But the most convenient (and economical) way is drip irrigation, when an individual hose is connected under each plant. Special porous hoses are sold, but you can also dilute just thin tubes, like those through which an aquarium compressor supplies air. Water can be forced into the system by a pump or flow by gravity, for example, from a barrel located above the irrigation point. It is important to ensure that all watering points, if there are several, are at the same level, otherwise some plants will be watered better, others worse, and the water may not reach the top ones at all. You can adjust the intensity of watering by changing the lumen of the tubes using clamps or a multiplier-distributor with faucets (all this is sold in the same place as the rest of the irrigation equipment).

A drip irrigation option is inverted water bottles (usually placed under newly transplanted plants). Important - there should be no other holes in the bottle, except for the neck stuck into the ground, otherwise the water will pour out too quickly.

When? Classic - watering in the morning and evening hours; it is believed that in this case all the moisture goes to the plants without evaporating in the hot midday sun. An alternative point of view is to water when moisture is especially needed, that is, in the very heat. In fact, most often it turns out that we water when there is an opportunity. Who comes to the garden only for the weekend, in the heat spends them with a hose in hand. And, surprisingly, contrary to the gloomy forecasts of the neighbors, they do not get stains on cucumbers and holes on the hosts from water drops, the plants simply rejoice at the long-awaited watering.

Of course, not all plants need to be watered all the time. The very first watering, with warm, almost hot water, after the snow has melted, if the earth is still frozen, and the sun is already hot. So we water in early spring evergreen rhododendrons, coniferous, emerging from wintering, to enable the roots to take moisture from the soil and thus avoid burning in the spring sun. If there is no rain in May, regular and plentiful, until the soil is completely saturated with water, watering of all plants during the active growing season is required.

In June, we stop watering spring-flowering bulbs that are retiring, excess moisture is now harmful to them. Flowers require good watering in the period from budding to flowering - the flowers will be larger. After flowering, most plants need a little rest from watering, normal rains are enough. Fruit trees are watered during the period of active growth of the ovaries, otherwise most of them will be dropped; the exception is, which pours better and does not rot if the topsoil dries out periodically.

Dried flowers and plants from which you plan to collect seeds are not watered from the moment when the fruits have reached a mature size.

Shrubs, especially those that cannot stop in any way and start preparing for winter, are watered from mid-July only if it is completely dry.

In August, if it rains from time to time, we water only annuals that continue to bloom, and moisture-loving perennials, Siberian irises, and plants that have recently been transplanted (conifers and most perennials can be transplanted in the second half of August).

In September, evaporation is already so low that watering is not needed at all. But in early October, when the wintering buds have already formed and the shoots have stopped growing, the garden needs the last of the season, the so-called moisture-charging watering. Of course, if it rains at this time, and the soil is wet throughout the depth (it is advisable to check this, especially after a dry summer), it is not necessary to water.

And finally: if you need to feed the plants, then this must be done along with watering, otherwise they will not receive the right amount of nutrients.

To be both tasty and beautiful

  • Raspberries, strawberries, and other berries are best picked in sunny weather, since most berries have the ability to absorb excess moisture. And having absorbed rain moisture, they will boil very quickly.
  • If your plums, pears, apples are not very juicy, then it is good to use currant and raspberry juice as fillings when harvesting them.
  • In order for fruits in jam, compote to cook evenly, cut them into strictly identical slices. Then they will not only be tasty, but also remain beautiful.

There is probably no such person on the planet who would not like ice cream. This is the most popular dessert in the world. In the heat, it cools, and in the cold, it gives memories of summer. Ice cream is tasty on its own, but it is also used as a basis for creating more complex desserts. This is true when it comes to a special occasion, whether it is a solemn feast, a friendly party or a romantic meeting. In such a situation, you want to serve ice cream in a special way - beautiful and unusually tasty.

How to serve ice cream if you want to add variety or impress? We bring to your attention a few ideas.

How is ice cream served to children and adults?

Ice cream is most often served in the form of balls. Use a special ice cream scoop with a pusher for this. It looks something like this:

Before preparing a dessert for guests, it is worth practicing. Place a bowl of clean water nearby and dip your spoon into it before scooping up the ice cream.

If there is no special spoon for ice cream, it can be put into bowls in the usual way or squeezed out of the bag with a pyramid. Slightly softened ice cream should be put in a tight plastic bag, cutting off one corner of it.

If you want to serve ice cream less casually, put it not in bowls, but, for example, in martini or cocktail glasses.

You can serve ice cream in plates, but always with a side.

Ice cream in bowls, glasses and plates is supplemented with fruits, berries, syrups, chocolate icing, chocolate chips, multi-colored dragees, nuts, biscuit slices, etc.

How to serve ice cream in an original way?

1. Ice cream in "cups" of fruit

This way of serving ice cream is very popular in the West. This is how children and adults are treated at home holidays.

The most commonly used are oranges. You need to cut off the top and discard it, then gently scoop out some of the pulp of the orange with a spoon to form a cavity. Prepare the required number of orange "cups", then put a scoop of ice cream into each of them or fill the "cups" with ice cream using a spoon. On top, you can pour an orange with ice cream syrup, chocolate icing or caramel.

Fill apples, lemons, peaches and small melons in the same way. Apples can be either fresh or lightly baked. It is better, of course, to bake them a little so that they become softer. This will make it easier to remove the core, making room for ice cream. And the apple itself will become sweeter. Apple ice cream is usually topped with caramel and sprinkled with nuts.

Dessert with ice cream and melon (cantaloupe)

Tropical style ice cream dessert

How to make caramel for ice cream? Take one glass of sugar, a tablespoon of water and a glass of heavy cream. Pour sugar into a saucepan, add a spoonful of water, put on fire. Stir until the mass becomes brown and the consistency of thick caramel. After that, you need to remove the pan from the heat and immediately pour in a glass of cream very carefully. Mix well until you get a smooth caramel. You can add a little vanilla if you like. Drizzle ice cream with cooled caramel.

2. Funny balls: serving ice cream to children

Ice cream balls can be originally decorated with fruits and berries. For example, depict a funny muzzle of an animal or an unknown creature using berries, dragees, fruit slices.

Desserts with ice cream for children

Using apple tails or sprigs of mint, as well as syrup or icing, you can give the ice cream balls a fruity look. For example, make balls of red and yellow ice cream, lightly pour yellow syrup over yellow, then stick ponytails or twigs on top. Ice cream apples are ready! Children love such miracles with products.

3. Ice Cream Shake: serving ice cream to kids and adults

Ice cream can be served in the form of a cocktail, decorating it accordingly. For example, to make ice cream, you need to take white or green green ice cream and arrange it in glasses, on the bottom of which lime or lemon slices and mint leaves are laid. Pour in some mint or lemon syrup. Top the ice cream with lime and mint. For greater similarity, you can insert a cocktail umbrella into the glass. Serve such a "cocktail" with a high spoon.

Similarly, you can prepare other "cocktails" with fruits, berries, cookies.

Like any hostess who loves culinary arts, I cannot afford to simply bake a cake, even if it is tasty and fragrant, and serve it on the table in the form of a dry piece of dough. Decorating flour masterpieces plays a special role in my life. The beauty of serving for me is almost half of the entire cooking process. And today, I will tell you a few recipes on how to quickly, simply and correctly make chocolate smudges on cakes, and I will attach a few photos of the results.

The process of creating glaze is not so simple. Smudges should not puddle onto the substrate or lie in thick waves on the surface. The ideal consistency is considered when the trickle reaches the middle of the height of the dessert and freezes. Therefore, despite the given proportions, the components will need to be adjusted: to make the chocolate liquid thinner or harder. So, let's figure out what are the recipes for preparing the perfect mixture to get beautiful smudges.

Chocolate and sour cream frosting

The main and main component in this recipe is chocolate, and the taste of the prepared gravy will depend on the quality of the product that you purchase. I usually buy a bar that contains at least 70 percent cocoa.

So, for cooking you need to take:

  • 150 gr. Sahara;
  • 250 gr. sour cream (if possible low-fat);
  • dark chocolate - 170 grams.

The cooking process requires mandatory compliance with the technique and rules:

  • First, granulated sugar is mixed with sour cream until the sweet crystals are completely dissolved. It is better to do this immediately in a bowl that is designed for cooking at high temperatures.
  • The container must be rearranged on the fire and cook, stirring vigorously until the last sugar disappears. Sour cream can become very liquid, which means that it must be stirred until thickened, even after removing from heat.
  • Next, grind the chocolate bar - it can be broken, crumbled, and it is better to grate it on a fine grater. There is no need to delay with this process; it is necessary to add chocolate chips to the still warm prepared mass.
  • Everything is mixed and the glaze is ready.

Chocolate and milk glaze

Such a liquid for decorating the surface of the cake is tender and fragrant. By adjusting the amount of chocolate in the composition, you can achieve a shade from dark brown, almost black, to milk chocolate.


  • chocolate - 110 grams;
  • sugar - 70 gr;
  • milk - 60 ml. It is better to choose a dairy product with a fat content of 3.2 percent.

This method involves the use of a small amount of sugar in comparison with similar proposals. And all because the sugary chocolate bar almost completely takes on the role of the sweetener in this case.

Recipe step by step on how to make smudges on a chocolate cake:

  • prepare dishes intended for cooking in a water bath;
  • Melt the chocolate completely. To speed up the process several times, it is better to first break the cocoa treat or chop it;
  • when all the chocolate fractions are melted, mix them with milk and place to cook on the stove;
  • Stir vigorously until the mixture comes to a boil and then thickens. During this, little by little, add sugar here;
  • leave the prepared mixture to cool. Enjoy your meal.

White chocolate icing

White icing looks effective and very festive on any kind of cake or pie, whether it is light or, conversely, dark with excess cocoa powder. When buying white chocolate, be very careful, read the composition and choose the one with the least unfamiliar components and unnecessary harmful additives that can spoil the taste of beautiful smudges. Better avoid porous options.

We will need:

  • 175 gr. sugar powder;
  • 50 ml cow's milk;
  • 210 gr. white chocolate.

Cooking steps:

  • Chocolate must be broken and melted in a convenient way: in a water bath or by means of a microwave;
  • While it is hot, powdered sugar and milk are quickly driven in there, everything is mixed. Glaze is ready!

Make sure the mass is thick. Take an inverted cup and practice on it first. If the streams flow down strongly, add more chocolate to the container. If one or two smudges from the whole composition still flow onto the substrate, this may well be considered a creative mess, but if more, it will simply ruin the cake, so it’s better to check the quality of the icing several times before you start pouring.

Cream and chocolate frosting

The fat content of the dairy product used must be at least 33 percent. It just has to be fresh and smell good.

We take:

  • 50 gr. butter;
  • 3 art. l. cream;
  • 110 grams of white chocolate.

Cooking method:

  • put the broken pieces of chocolate into a small saucepan and put on a small fire;
  • when all the elements are dissolved and the mass becomes homogeneous, turn off the burner and add cream and butter to the container;
  • mix everything thoroughly until a thick mass of the desired consistency appears.

Chocolate icing from cocoa (recipe with photo)

If you don’t have delicious and sweet chocolate at home, it doesn’t matter, I will tell you how to replace it with cocoa powder and at the same time not lose its properties and consistency.


  • 50 grams of butter;
  • 45 ml. milk;
  • 60 gr sugar;
  • 10 gr cocoa powder;

To prepare hanging streams, you must:

  • clearly measure the amount of ingredients. A teaspoon contains a different amount of sugar or cocoa, so you need to carefully weigh everything, observing the proportions;
  • further, we select a saucepan of the optimal size, put all the components of the recipe into it at once and put it on a small fire. If you have chosen just such a method of bringing the mass to the desired density, remember that the mixture can burn on an open fire, so it is undesirable to be distracted, you need to constantly be nearby, stir and monitor the condition. If you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to use the "water bath" method. This is the best way to make chocolate smudges on a cake for a beginner - nothing is guaranteed to stick to the bottom, even if you cannot mix the ingredients with a spatula in time;
  • after all the ingredients have dispersed and turned into a homogeneous mass that boils, continue to boil it for another 2-3 minutes and your icing without the use of chocolate is ready!

This method is much easier, because we are not always sure about the quality of the purchased tiles. Often, chocolate quickly and thoroughly does not hide or there is an unpleasant smell of burning in the room. This is not the case with cocoa powder. In addition, it is much more profitable financially, and the taste is indistinguishable from an expensive analogue.

colored glaze

If you are preparing for the holiday, and especially if it is a children's birthday, be sure to learn how to pour chocolate on the cake and make colored smudges. They will turn the surface into a real positive and delicious masterpiece, make you believe in a fairy tale. Additionally, you can decorate the cake with waves of delicate cream using a pastry syringe, stick various colored accessories or candles into it, sprinkle with sugar candies. My child is always delighted with this culinary dish.

We will need:

  • 65 gr white chocolate;
  • 20 g of vegetable oil;
  • food coloring of the desired color (there may be several).

To prepare a multi-colored glaze, only white chocolate is suitable, nothing will come of any other. So:

  • melt a piece of tile in any way convenient for you, stirring every 15 minutes;
  • add butter to a completely monotonous hot chocolate mass;
  • add all the coloring matter, mix;
  • pour over the cake, start from the edges, and then gradually move to the center, not forgetting to level the poured mass with a spatula.

How to make chocolate smudges on a cake decorated with berries

A contrasting, sweet combination of dark or, conversely, delicate, snow-white, shiny glaze and juicy, bright berries will become a worthy decoration for a cake for the holiday. The best basis - for many years, has been considered a tall, even, cooked according to all the rules biscuit.

To reproduce such a pie, we take:

  • 1 st. flour;
  • 1 st. Sahara;
  • salt on the tip of a knife;
  • vanilla extract;
  • 5 eggs;
  • a pack of baking powder;
  • a few tablespoons of butter.

Even a culinary specialist with little experience can prepare a tender and soft biscuit. I got it right the first time:

  • separate the whites and yolks into separate containers;
  • the first - beat with salt until a thick white foam forms, the second, with the help of a whisk - with sugar, until a homogeneous mass is obtained, slightly raised in volume, of a yellowish tint;
  • in the "yolk" vessel add the sifted flour, baking powder, vanilla extract, butter;
  • at the next stage, carefully, with a spatula, introduce the protein mixture, stir lightly until smooth;
  • pour into a mold and bake our future cake at 180 ° C for half an hour.
  • when the cake is ready, wait for cooling and cut into 3-4 parts. If desired - you can soak it - then it will be more juicy. To do this, we take any additives from alcoholic rum to sweetened water. I preferred to mix the apple jam with water in equal proportions and generously pour over the parts of the biscuit.

Whip 250 grams of mascarpone in a blender with 100 grams of butter and the same amount of powdered sugar. The cream turns out to be thick, you need to apply and level it with a spatula. Pay special attention to surfaces and walls. The more evenly you apply the cream, the easier it will be to create smudges.

Now it remains to learn how to pour chocolate over the cake so that it drains:

We take a bar of dark chocolate and 30 grams of butter, put the ingredients in a small saucepan and melt in a water bath. Without sparing, pour glaze of a thick consistency on top and until it has frozen, spread berries and slices of chopped fruit on top. Combine apricot and strawberries, currants and blueberries, raspberries and kiwi, and next to it put a few oblong leaves of mint or rosemary. Juicy and ripe gifts of nature will add sourness and freshness and will look incredibly appetizing.

Cake "Lady's whim" - cooking secrets

Favorite by many, hearty, but easily digestible and tasty dessert with a taste of butter cream and custards. It is impossible to break away from such pleasure.

To prepare it, take:

  • 2 cups sugar:
  • 3 cups flour;
  • 3 tablespoons of honey;
  • 200 grams of butter;
  • soda;
  • vanilla extract;

Cooking method:

In a container, mix eggs with sugar manually or with a mixer, pour in honey, pour in vanilla, soda and put butter. Mix well until the lumps completely disappear. We put the saucepan with the ingredients on the fire and cook for no more than 15 minutes, stirring constantly. Pour the flour, remove from the stove and knead the dough.

We form small circles, roll out the cakes and bake in the oven at 180 degrees until a golden crust appears. While your blanks are baking, there is enough time to prepare the cream. To do this, take:

  • 1 st. Sahara;
  • Art. l. flour;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 200 gr. butter;
  • 0.5 st. milk.

Preparing the cream:

  • put the milk on the stove, heat to a boil and turn off the fire;
  • grind eggs with sugar and put flour, mix everything, add hot milk here;
  • again put the mass on the oven and turn on the gas;
  • cook everything until a thick homogeneous mass is formed, remove from the burner and add butter;
  • the cream is ready, carefully wrap them around the cakes.

The best way to make such a cake beautiful is to decorate with chocolate smudges made according to any of the recipes described above.

How to fill the cake "Zuccotto" chocolate with smudges

Chocolate cakes of this sweet Florentine delicacy won the hearts of more than one gourmet. It is very easy to prepare it. There is not a single confectioner who would not make such a cake the first time.

To prepare the test, you need to take:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 100 gr. Sahara;
  • 100 gr. butter;
  • 100 gr. sifted flour;
  • 3 art. l. cocoa;
  • baking soda or baking powder.

Cooking method:

  • in a saucepan / bowl or other container convenient for kneading the dough, pour all the dry ingredients, except granulated sugar, stir with a spoon and put soft butter heated at room temperature;
  • beat the eggs with sugar until a yellowish thick mass, and add to the dough;
  • as a result, in terms of density, it should come out like thick fat sour cream;
  • grease the baking sheet well with butter so that when baking, the mass does not stick and pour the flour composition. We bake at a temperature of 180 degrees for about 20 minutes;
  • after the end of preparations, the cake should cool thoroughly. Like a biscuit, cut it into several circles, which we smear with cream.

To prepare a fatty and satisfying and at the same time incredibly tender and soft cream, you need to mix chopped nuts and chocolate in a separate plate. In another bowl, beat heavy cream (at least 33 percent) with powdered sugar and pour fine, prepared additions here. At the end, add 200 grams of pitted cherries and the cream is ready. Lubricate them with cakes and send them to the refrigerator for impregnation.

Since the cake is chocolate with cherry cream, creating a combination of fresh cherries and chocolate smudges on the surface will be the best design option. A chic black-red or airy white-cherry combination will impress more than one taster. Enjoy your meal!


There are several ways to prepare the glaze of the desired consistency. By combining different ingredients, you can get not only beautiful, but also delicious streams that flow smoothly to the middle of the dessert and make it original and festive. If for some reason the smudges are not successful, watch the video on how to make beautiful smudges of chocolate on the cake and you will succeed.

The history of the creation of an original and exquisite dish - pasta with shrimp in a creamy sauce - is surrounded by interesting legends, one of which is remembered especially vividly. The Italian, the owner of a small restaurant, did not know how to help his girlfriend, the light of life in which was dying out right before his eyes.

Seeing the forces leaving his beloved, the man decided to prepare a surprise for her: he cooked pasta and poured sauce over it, in which he put a reverent attitude and sincere love for this woman. The sauce contained cream, butter and cheese. And a miracle happened - the girl began to recover.

A bit of history

In Italy, beautiful curly pasta is called pasta: fanfalle, spaghetti, fettuccine, etc.. Translated from Italian, "pasta" means "dough". And from the dough you can cook fragrant rich products, and bread, and a large number of pasta of different shapes and sizes.

The Chinese were the first to invent pasta.. Marco Polo, a famous traveler, was delighted with dishes using this product, and he brought it to Italy.

Italians serve pasta as a first course., followed by hot, and use different variations of its preparation. Lasagna, ravioli, salads - all dishes and not to count. But especially fragrant, delicate and amazingly tasty is the pasta, which is given a special taste by shrimp in a creamy filling.

A set of products and tools for cooking

Shrimps are the most expensive component, so they must be chosen with great care. It is better to overpay 40-50 rubles and buy peeled seafood than to spend time cleaning shrimp from shells. But in the absence of such, you can buy unpeeled frozen shrimp, the hard shell of which is easily removed after a short heat treatment.

The classic version uses olive oil, but it is not always possible to purchase an expensive product. An analogue can be any purified vegetable oil. Garlic cloves are better to choose larger They are easier to clean and cut.

Pasta can be chosen at your discretion- a variety of types of pasta greatly facilitate the choice. On the packaging with cream, you must definitely look at the time of manufacture - the product must be fresh.

There are many variations of this dish. To give special taste qualities, additional ingredients are used, such as cheese, milk, chicken eggs, etc.

Running headlong through the kitchen in search of the right dishes, the hostess is distracted from the cooking process, and as a result, the contents of the pots “run out”, burn or turn out to be undercooked. That's why need to prepare in advance:

  • 2 pans with a thick bottom (one of them is roomy, with high sides, the second is smaller) or a pan is used instead of the 1st pan;
  • wooden spatula for stirring;
  • well-sharpened knife;
  • garlic crusher;
  • colander;
  • cup;
  • tablespoon and teaspoon;
  • kitchen scales.


Classic variant

You will need the following set of products:

  • fat cream in the amount of 300 g;
  • frozen shrimp - 600 g;
  • a head of garlic, from which you need to take 3-4 cloves;
  • a little olive oil (if not available, refined vegetable oil will do);
  • basil (fresh or dried);
  • some salt;
  • pasta - 450 g.

Cooking order:

  • Pasta can be chosen according to your preference. Long fibrous or curly small ones are equally tasty and pleasant to look at. Pour pasta into boiling water cook for about 8 minutes until "aldente"(slightly undercooked, whole, firm) and drain in a colander.
  • Chop the garlic with a knife (the size of the pieces is arbitrary), lightly simmer in hot vegetable oil in a frying pan so that the garlic releases juice and gives off flavor. Remove garlic from oil and set the pan aside.
  • Peel the defrosted shrimp and fry them in another container with a thick bottom - until a pleasant golden color, then leave to cool.
  • Cream carefully pour into the pan with garlic oil, salt in moderation, pour a pinch of basil into the liquid and keep on low heat until the mixture thickens slightly.
  • The most crucial moment has come: the shrimp poached in oil must be poured into the creamy contents and simmer over low heat for a few more minutes.
  • Shrimps in creamy sauce you can immediately mix with pasta or beautifully pour portions with it with pasta. Both options will look amazing.

Although this option uses a limited set of products, the dish is very tasty.

How to cook pasta bolognese at home and what you need for this? and surprise your family.

In sauce with cream and cheese

For cooking pasta with shrimp in a creamy cheese sauce should take:

  • 12-15 peeled and thawed shrimp;
  • grate a low-fat cheese like parmesan and reserve 2 tablespoons for the dish;
  • sour cream or high-fat cream - 1 tablespoon;
  • butter and vegetable (preferably olive) oil in equal amounts - 1 tablespoon each;
  • 1 garlic clove (if the garlic is small, you can take 3-4 cloves);
  • 1 pinch of dry mixture of peppers and ground black pepper;
  • some salt;
  • fresh dill in any quantity (depending on taste preferences);
  • pasta packaging (fibrous, long pasta should be preferred)

The cooking process consists of the following steps:

  • Boil the pasta for 7-8 minutes in salted water, throw in a colander, and when the water drains, leave it in a saucepan under the lid.
  • Melt a stick of butter in a hot frying pan and add vegetable oil.
  • Divide the garlic cloves into 2-3 parts each and dip into the heated oil.
  • As soon as the garlic gives aroma, add the shrimp to the contents of the pan and fry them together with garlic for 3-4 minutes. Then remove the garlic.
  • Pour sour cream or cream into the pan, add finely chopped dill, a mixture of peppers.
  • Cover with a lid and leave on medium heat for 2-3 minutes.
  • Pour the finished pasta into the shrimp, mix the ingredients thoroughly, add the right amount of salt, hold on fire for another 2 minutes.
  • Divide the resulting mixture into portions and sprinkle them with cheese chips.

Households and guests will be delighted with a beautiful and easy-to-prepare dish.

In a creamy garlic sauce with milk

Product set includes:

  • farfalle pasta (small pasta, similar to butterflies) - about 250 g;
  • cream - 2/3 cup (fat content - the more the better);
  • fresh milk - 1 glass;
  • ½ head of onion;
  • king prawns (you will need 1 kg.);
  • 3-4 garlic cloves;
  • a pinch of salt to taste;
  • purified vegetable oil (preferably olive) in the amount of 2 tablespoons;
  • wheat flour of the highest grade - 2 tablespoons;
  • yolk of 1 chicken egg.

It remains only to connect the components:

  • Boil shrimp in salted water for 20-25 minutes, then drain the water and leave the seafood in the pan under the lid.
  • Fry finely chopped onion in hot vegetable oil until golden brown, add chopped garlic. Add shrimp and fry for 3-4 minutes without leaving the stove and stirring the contents of the pan. Remove container to the side.
  • Boil the pasta in salted water until “aldente”, after adding 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil to the water. Drain the water.
  • Beat the yolk, pour milk into it. Add a little milk to the flour, stir until the lumps disappear. Pour the milk-flour mixture into the remaining milk and beat again.
  • Pour the mixture over the shrimp and simmer for 1-2 minutes.
  • Add cream to the contents of the pan, salt to taste and leave on low heat for another 5 minutes.
  • Pour over pasta with shrimp cream sauce and stir.

Farfalle are good because they are painted in different colors: orange, green, red. By combining them, you can get a multi-colored, beautiful paste.

Video recipes

With shrimp and mushrooms

How to cook pasta with shrimp and mushrooms in a creamy sauce:

With salmon, shrimps and zucchini

Delicious pasta with shrimp and additional ingredients with creamy sauce:

In tomato cream sauce

Delicate but spicy pasta with shrimps in tomato-cream sauce

A beautifully decorated dish stimulates a healthy appetite

For some time, you don’t want to touch the dishes that are served in restaurants, what they are look amazing! The natural reaction of the body is the abundant secretion of gastric juice. Everything that is served at the table is devoured with great appetite.

With a minimum of effort, applying imagination to the design of the dish, you can achieve the same effect at home. Pasta with shrimp in a creamy sauce, arranged in portions, can be garnished with dill or parsley sprigs, spreading miniature cherry tomatoes around the edges of the dishes. They can be cut in half or whole tomatoes can be used.

As a tasty and fragrant addition to the main course are served stewed broccoli or mushrooms. It is not necessary to mix the pasta with them, you can beautifully lay them on the side of the slide of pasta with shrimp.

Wanna know how

  • The container in which the main dish is cooked, must be roomy, since at the end of cooking the ingredients are mixed into one composition.
  • In boiling salted water, before boiling the pasta, you need to pour 1 tablespoon oil, then the pasta is whole and crumbly, because it does not stick to each other and to the bottom of the dishes during the cooking process.
  • In order to quickly defrost shrimp, you should soak them in cold water for a while.
  • For frying products, use special dishes with a thick bottom. Cast iron skillet is perfect. In this dish, the products are evenly fried and do not lose their taste.
  • Before choosing the right paste, you should pay attention to packaging. By the end of the name, you can determine what size pasta is in the package: -oni (large pasta), -etti (small), -ini (very small mints).

A good hostess does not lose anything, everything goes into action! Therefore, indoor plants grow by leaps and bounds. And indoor flowers bloom - nowhere more beautiful! And the feeding of home flowers with folk remedies helps in this - infusion from the shell and drainage from the husk.

Houseplants are especially in dire need of fertilizers in spring and summer. With the help of improvised means, you can easily and quickly create excellent organic fertilizers for your green pets.

In order to prepare fertilizer for indoor flowers at home easily and quickly, you will need:

  • Spray
  • Bottle of mineral water
  • Jug of water
  • bowl
  • onion peel
  • orange peels
  • Eggshell
  • Husks from sunflower and pumpkin seeds
  • Banana peel.

Preparing fertilizer for flowers

1. Pour onion peel with water. We insist for days. Then we throw away the husk, and water the plants with water for their growth and disinfection of the soil.

2. Orange peels fill with water and insist for three days. We filter, pour the infusion into a spray bottle and process the leaves of plants with it from above and below. The smell of oranges is not tolerated by many insects - pests - scale insects, spider mites, thrips.

3. Good fertilizer for flowers at home - water in which we wash or cook various cereals. Of course, water for irrigation should be at room temperature.

4. Excellent fertilizer for flowers from eggshells. The shell is soaked for several days, then thrown away, and the plants are watered with the resulting infusion.

5. As a top dressing, you can use , diluted in water, - at the rate of a half-liter jar of ash per 10 liters of water.

6. Water in which you wash fish or meat, is an excellent organic liquid fertilizer for flowers. It is also good to water the plants with "old" water from the aquarium when you change the water in it.

7. Husk from seeds- excellent drainage and baking powder! And it is suitable not only for indoor plants, but also for growing seedlings. For small plants, it is better to use small sunflower husks, for large ones in tubs - palm trees, ficus, araucaria - pumpkin seed husks.

8. Occasionally you can water the plants carbonated mineral water. Carbonic acid removes calcium - this is the same white limescale that forms on flower pots due to hard water.

Growing indoor plants, you want them to bloom luxuriantly on an ongoing basis. This needs to be used proven life hacks- water the plants with special solutions. How and how to water indoor flowers so that they bloom, you will learn from today's article.

How to water indoor flowers so that they bloom?

Competent care of indoor plants involves the introduction of several procedures, such as watering, fertilizing, loosening the soil, in rare cases, transplanting, spraying, pinching, etc. The florist needs to focus in more detail on how to water indoor flowers so that they bloom. This heading includes both regular watering and with the addition of special ingredients, as well as top dressing in liquid form.

Watering and feeding indoor plants

In order for indoor flowers to bloom, they need to be watered and fed constantly. Houseplant nutrition is based on mineral and organic fertilizers. If indoor flowers have not been fed for several years, their flowering is noticeably smaller. The general condition of the plants gives out the lack of top dressing.

Oversaturation with fertilizers also detrimental to plant health. An overabundance of any components can lead to a violation in development. For example, if you feed with nitrogen fertilizers during the flowering period, you can cause a suspension of blooming flowers.

The choice of water for irrigation affects the condition of the soil mixture of indoor plants no less than the applied fertilizers. For example, soil alkalization may cause the houseplant not to bloom. Increased pH(acidification) of the earth will also entail negative consequences for indoor flowers.

The rule of feeding and watering the soil mixture: maintain the necessary acidic, alkaline or neutral reaction of the soil mixture.

How to water flowers so that they bloom at home?

Normally, it is necessary to water and feed indoor flowers with fertilizers suitable for the variety. If indoor flowers do not bloom, you need to choose the right care for recovery.

How to water the flowers so that they bloom:

  1. The first recipe is easy to make on your own at home: 1 tsp is poured into a 1 liter bottle. castor oil and fill the container with settled water, close the lid and shake the contents. Watered immediately.
  2. Liquid mineral fertilizers based on potassium and phosphorus with the addition of trace elements (boron, zinc, molybdate, etc.) stimulate the flowering of indoor plants.
  3. Over-rotted organics in small amounts are good for long-lasting, weather-resistant blooms.

In addition to direct watering and fertilizing with liquid nutrients, foliar sprays can be carried out based on minerals with trace elements, which also improve the flowering of indoor plants.

Note to the florist: Pure castor oil can burn the roots of houseplants. Castor oil is perfectly shaken together with water, dividing into small particles, so this type of fertilizer, which can be watered with indoor flowers, is safe for green pets.

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The secret of a luxurious indoor flower garden is simple: the plants need to be well fed, otherwise you will not have to wait for either lush foliage or good flowering. A rigid "diet", when a plant experiences a lack of nutrients for a long time, usually leads to a disease - after all, the plant does not have the strength to resist. But how to make a menu for green pets, taking into account their different tastes?

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How and when to "feed"?

Plants get their nutrition mainly from the soil - with the help of roots.

Of course, liquid "food" is absorbed better by plants. Granular or powdered fertilizer is applied to the soil just before planting (it will dissolve after watering). For top dressing, an aqueous solution is made from such fertilizers (according to the instructions). In addition, today there are many liquid top dressings on sale, which are very convenient to use. Ready-made fertilizers are, of course, more expensive, but many of them are balanced complexes for certain types of plants (you must agree that the needs of cacti are different from those of indoor vines, and violets need to be fed differently than palm trees). There are also universal top dressings containing a complete set of minerals and suitable for almost all plants.

Plants can also be fed through the leaves and stem. Foliar top dressing (by leaf) is good because it affects parts of the plant locally. For example, if you want the foliage to be thicker and brighter, but the plant has already received the main portion of nutrients, you should resort to spraying. The foliage will take as much as it needs only, and the whole plant will not suffer from an overabundance of minerals.

True, foliar dressings have their own characteristics. For example, their effectiveness is high if the plant is young (the first year of life), the green mass of adult green pets absorbs such feeding worse. In addition, the leaves and stems of many plants are initially protected from the absorption of any substances. In principle, it is easy to decide: if the leaves of the plant are pubescent or have a glossy sheen, it is in vain to hope to feed them in a foliar way. Alas, this group includes almost all succulents (Crassula, Aloe, Kalanchoe, Zygocactus, etc.), Gesneriaceae (Saintpaulia, Gloxinia, Coleria, Columnea, etc.) and many other common house plants.

But even if there are plants in your flower collection that absorb foliar feeding well, you need to remember that such feeding will still not be complete. The green mass does not absorb phosphorus, which means that leaf feeding can only be considered as an additional procedure.

Plants are fed only when they are active (grow and bloom). For most, the dormant period begins in early autumn, so until spring, the container with top dressing can be hidden away.

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Minerals or organics?

If the plant lacks any elements, this is immediately reflected in its condition. For example, a lack of nitrogen is manifested by stunted growth and pale leaf color. The lack of phosphorus will lead to the fact that the foliage, on the contrary, will become darker than usual, and flowering will have to wait a very long time, and it will not be so plentiful. If the plant "malnourishes" potassium, the flowers may not wait at all, or they will be very small.

- a delicacy for most indoor plants. In principle, for plants this is not only "food": the periodic introduction of organic matter into the soil improves the properties of the soil, makes it lighter, looser, moisture and breathable. Humus is very valuable in this regard. You can use the infusion of mullein (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water) or bird droppings (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water). Indoor roses, pelargonium, asparagus, primroses, creepers, palm and many, many others become simply luxurious from such top dressing. But you need to keep in mind that some plants do not accept organic matter (in particular, corms, gerberas). Variegated decorative deciduous (with variegated leaves) must be fed with organic matter very carefully, otherwise they will turn into ordinary green ones.

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"Home cooking" for plants

Many experienced flower growers feed their pets with home remedies. For example, almost all plants love sugar (and cacti generally have a great sweet tooth). Before watering, you can sprinkle 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar (with a pot diameter of about 10 cm) over the surface of the soil or drink the plant with sweet water (0.5 teaspoon of sugar per 0.5 cup of water).

A good effect is the feeding of flowering castor oil (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water) during the setting of buds.

Wood ash is very useful for plants (both as food and for disease prevention). To prepare the ash solution 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ash should be poured into 1 liter of hot water and insisted for 1 week, sometimes stirring. Watering with such a solution - 1 time in 10 days.

But "improvised means" for feeding plants should be used very carefully. For example, eggshell infusions do contain a lot of calcium and magnesium salts, but they can cause chlorosis in some common houseplants (azaleas, hydrangeas - indoor hydrangeas). More harm than good from the water in which the meat was washed, or from diluted milk: such "top dressing" can provoke a disease, and, in addition, attract pests. Hoping that the plants will feed the sleeping tea or coffee is at least naive (tea or coffee "grounds" are good only as drainage).

By the way, indoor flowers need to be replanted annually, even if the pot still fits them: in the "old" land, all the nutrients have already been "eaten", and in fresh food (at least minimal) there is always. True, it will be enough again for a short time, if additional feeding is not made mandatory.

The secret of a luxurious indoor flower garden is simple: the plants need to be well fed, otherwise you will not have to wait for either lush foliage or good flowering. A rigid "diet", when a plant experiences a lack of nutrients for a long time, usually leads to a disease - after all, the plant has no strength to resist. But how to make a menu for green pets, taking into account their different tastes?

1. Almost all plants love sugar (and cacti generally have a great sweet tooth). Before watering, you can sprinkle 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar (with a pot diameter of about 10 cm) over the surface of the soil or drink the plant with sweet water (0.5 teaspoon of sugar per 0.5 cup of water).

2. A good effect is the feeding of flowering castor oil (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water) during the setting of buds.

3. Wood ash is very useful for plants (both as food and for disease prevention). To prepare the ash solution 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ash should be poured into 1 liter of hot water and insisted for 1 week, sometimes stirring. Watering with such a solution - 1 time in 10 days.

4. You can water the plants with this infusion: take pomegranate peels or any citrus fruits. We fill them with water and stand for a day. All! Nutritious infusion for watering is ready!

5. The immunity of indoor plants is excellently enhanced by spraying with aspirin solution. One tablet dissolves in a liter of water.

6. Diluted aloe juice is also suitable for all common houseplants. It is necessary to dilute one teaspoon of juice in one and a half liters of water.

7. Ficuses can be watered once a month with sweetened water. Take one teaspoon of sugar per liter of water. The leaves of these plants can be rubbed with milk. This will give the plants shine and beauty.

8. Mushroom infusion will help your plants look healthy and beautiful. Soak the chopped edible mushrooms in a ratio of 1 to 1. After a day, drain the infusion, and pour the mushrooms again with water. In a day, mushroom water for irrigation will be ready.

9. Violets will like this top dressing: take an ampoule of vitamin B12 and dilute it in a liter of water (of course, settled). You can feed violets with such a vitamin twice a month.

10. Banana peel, which is rich in potassium, magnesium and phosphorus, can be used in plant transplantation. Lay a layer of finely chopped or minced banana peel on top of the drainage layer, cover it with soil and plant the plant.

11. There is no need to brew a separate cup for flowers. Just enough sleepy coffee from your cup to mix with the ground in a pot. The acidity increases, the saturation of the soil with oxygen increases. But this is not useful for all colors!
List of coffee lovers among flowers (both indoor and outdoor): lilies, gladiolus, azaleas, roses, rhododendrons and most evergreens.
Tea brewing may also be beneficial. BUT she is simply adored by sciarids - black small flies, so it is better to refrain.

12. Onion peel includes a complete set of trace elements. A cocktail is useful for absolutely all plants.
Feature: not stored for a long time, the solution is prepared at a time.
For 50 g of husk, 2 liters of water are taken. Boil for 10 minutes, leave for 3 hours. Strain and spray flowers.

13. Vitamins of group B, auxins, cytokinins, phytohormones - excretion products of the vital activity of yeast. They provide growth stimulation. The activity of microorganisms in the substrate increases, carbon dioxide is released more strongly. By properties, such top dressing is akin to mineral.
Ingredients: 10 g of ordinary yeast, 1 tbsp. l. sugar, 1 liter of warm water. For dry - in 10 g add 3 tbsp. sugar, 10 liters of water. Insist 2 hours. Dilute with water (1:5) and water the plants.

14. Aquarium water. Pretty good effect. But not in summer. It is possible to multiply algae in large quantities and make the soil acidic. With a frequency of 1 time per month (in spring - summer), when there is an active growth of shoots on flowers.


  • after transplanting into a new soil, resort to top dressing only after a couple of months,
  • feed flowers mainly in the spring-summer period,
  • for weak / diseased plants, reduce the concentration,
  • before feeding, it is required to pour with plain water.

Article content

Sugar for flowers as a fertilizer

The simplest thing we can do in a deplorable state of the plant is to feed it with sugar. In every home there is this miraculous product for urgent resuscitation of the silent inhabitant of window sills.

We will figure out when to take measures to save a green resident immediately or help develop.

  • Has stopped growing
  • The stems have become thin
  • The leaves turned into a different color: turned pale or blackened
  • Stopped flowering for a long time
  • Spots and stains on leaves and stems
  • The leaves actively dry, turn yellow, turn brown and fall off.
  • Significant fungal infections
  • Manifestations of viral diseases
  • Appeared buds do not develop and fall off
  • The stem dries

Fertilizer in the form of sugar will help if the root system is still alive or shows barely noticeable signs of life. With dried or rotten roots and a completely killed state, it will no longer be possible to save it.

In order for the plant to come to life, it is not necessary to pour fertilizer into it at an increased concentration. Enough and the standard portion. Often watering the ground in this way is also impossible, as the roots will begin to rot and mold will develop.

The breakdown into fructose and glucose is a common action. Fructose is useless for indoor dwellers, but glucose fulfills its role perfectly: cells begin to revive and divide, the flower resurrects, the white crystalline powder gives out a supply of energy for air exchange and growth. Those plants that should bloom, but have not been pleasing to the eye for a long time, will soon give a violent color.

Top dressing is easy to prepare: take a tablespoon of sugar and dilute it with a liter of water, stir well until the crystals are completely dissolved and you can use it. You can even further simplify this simple task. Take a teaspoon of sugar and sprinkle the soil with it, and then water it.

You can enter a weak solution into the trunk by injection. And also a weak solution can be used when spraying, those inhabitants of pots who love it.

According to observations made by scientists and amateur gardeners, indoor flowers and garden plants begin to grow extremely actively, become juicy and start flowering. For example, cacti that have been replaced with fertilized moss no longer need additional care, the trunk has become fleshy and healthy, and the moss substrate develops and nourishes the main plant. Seedlings after planting in the ground in a greenhouse or in the open air significantly outperformed seedlings that were not subjected to sugar treatment. The fruits were juicier and had excellent taste, as well as there were more of them, and they bore fruit for a long time. Observations show that weaving old roses do not go into wild roses, but bloom profusely and beautifully.

Speaking of, sweet top dressing with cacti, ficuses and indoor roses is especially well received. Dracaena and other indoor palms, ficuses, arrowroots, crassula, and other plants are also willing to grow, develop and get out of a deplorable state.

You can not use ordinary refined sugar, but use glucose, which can be bought at a pharmacy. You need to dilute it with a teaspoon per liter of clean water and then water it all the same once a month.

Injections with pure glucose should be done in an extremely low concentration and in very advanced cases - this is a very first aid for a flower. For spraying top dressing is also needed very weak.

Do not forget that refined dressing can have the other side of the coin. With abundant and frequent untimely watering, the roots will begin to rot, mold will appear and the plant will begin to fade. To avoid this, ensure the normal circulation of carbon dioxide looseness and splendor of the soil. This does not mean that the soil should be too dry, no, it should be moderately moist and loosened. Then the plant will normally absorb glucose and grow.

As you water, remember the concentration or glucose in the water, the "syrup" is definitely detrimental to anyone, even to a plant. And watering, spraying and injections can not be done more than once a month!

The life-giving effect is not only a sweet solution, but also a combination of several components. For example, dormant sweet coffee can be an excellent bait. Remove the top soil and pour coffee grounds into it, then return the soil back. However, lovers of acidic soils will not like this dressing: hydrangea, fuchsia, ferns, azaleas, lilies, roses and tomato seedlings.

The remains of drunk sweet tea also do not need to be thrown away, whether it be tea leaves or tea bags. But here you need to do the opposite than with coffee grounds. When transplanting a plant, tea bags or tea leaves should be placed on the bottom of the pot or drainage, then lovers of expired products, in the form of flies or other insects, will not start in your apartment.

Crushed dried banana skins, along with a weak solution of glucose, will make your withered flower in the least amount of time a healthy plant.

Prepare a solution, the components of which are crushed citrus peels, which are poured with boiling water and added half a teaspoon of sugar. After insisting for about a day, the solution is filtered and gets rid of the excess, after which you can water it. Such top dressing will give vital energy and the necessary microelements.

The yeast, along with the sugar, will help sprouts take root, such as roses, pineapple, and others that are propagated by cuttings or sprouts. To do this, dilute 10 grams of live yeast and a tablespoon of sugar in 1-2 liters of water at a concentration, dip those processes that are required in such a solution for a day. Before dropping the sprout, let the yeast stand and begin its activity. When the day has passed, the water needs to be changed, and the plant should be washed a little under water. After putting it in ordinary and clean water.

At Easter, when most people paint eggs with onion peel, you can prepare another miraculous “drink” for flowers. After the eggs are removed from the saucepan or kettle, you do not need to pour or remove the husk. Add as much sugar there as liters are occupied in the container in the ratio of 1 tablespoon of sugar and 1 liter of infusion with onions. Stir thoroughly and, after complete cooling, water the flowers. And the remaining onion peel can be dried, chopped and poured into pots. This infusion contains almost all the necessary trace elements for life: from calcium to glucose. But remember, this infusion is not stored for a long time! True, you can not wait for Easter, but cook it in smaller volumes as necessary.

Ash is not used, probably, only by those who do not know anything about its magical properties. Wood ash is useful in its usual form, but in a solution with sugar, a healing miraculous drink is obtained for your flowers. Mix a tablespoon of ash with a teaspoon of sugar and you can water once a month. Top dressing with an extremely low concentration of sugar in such a solution can be done every two to three weeks. Flowers will be grateful to you for miraculous healing.

If you have an aquarium, then you should not pour it out when changing the water. It is better to water your flowers with some water, after adding 2-3 small pinches of sugar to each desired pot. By the way, you can do this with decoctions from vegetables and eggs. It will not be superfluous to pour them with a mixture of sugar, fish and meat water. But you do not need to pour concentrated meat or fish water directly into the pot, dilute it by about 3-5 times.

Nobody canceled natural organic fertilizers either. Cow grass is not suitable for indoor flowers and trees, but bird droppings in low concentration, along with alternating sweet fertilizer, will help the plant come to life again. Take a tablespoon of chicken manure, two liters of water and mix these ingredients. Let it brew for about two to three days, stir again, strain if there are feathers, sticks, blades of grass or other impurities. After you can water. You can also make green fertilizer for indoor flowers from grass. However, this is a summer version and, as usual, it is prepared from a week and in fairly large volumes. Collect all the weeds and place them in a plastic container. The grass needs to be finely chopped. Sprinkle with earth and fill with water. You can add a little refined sugar. During the week, the mixture should be in the fermentation stage in a warm place, preferably three times a day to mix it. After preparation, the concentrate for indoor flowers must be strongly diluted, about 1 to 10 parts of water. The concentrate, unfortunately, is not stored for a long time, so the leftovers can be used in the garden.

There is an easy-to-remember fertilizer and top dressing calendar to follow for normally growing plants. Top dressing begins in the spring, when the sun begins to shine longer, and the buds on the trees and shrubs are already swelling. You can feed the whole summer without worrying about their condition. By autumn, the concentration of any fertilizer should gradually decline, and in winter, top dressing stops. This does not apply to indoor flowers, which need an ambulance and most likely will not live to see the first rays of the sun.

You have already understood how to feed flowers with sugar, the main thing is to follow the recommendations and they will be extremely grateful to you for such a “sweet” care. They will say, of course, in silence, and only a healthy, flowering appearance will indicate to you that they feel cared for.

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