Pregnancy at 2 months. Second month of pregnancy: signs, symptoms and sensations. What happens to the development of the fetus during this period

The second month of pregnancy is very important for the development of the fetus. Now he is going through a number of important stages of growth, the basic systems of his body are being laid. Future parents most often learn about their new status at this time.

The beginning of the second month of intrauterine development coincides with the delay in menstruation. Women most often do pregnancy tests during this period. There are several signs of successful fertilization at this time. Future parents will be interested to learn about them. They should also know what is happening in the mother's body, how the baby grows. This will help to behave correctly in this unusual position so far.

Manifestations of pregnancy

A period of 5 obstetric weeks begins the second month of baby development. This is a hidden process. He is now barely noticeable to mommy. But the emerging signs betray the presence of new life.

The abdomen at 2 months of pregnancy is not yet enlarged. Only a slight swelling due to a slowdown in metabolic processes can slightly increase the waist in volume. Knowing the main signs of early fetal development, one can rather suspect that the woman is in position. The main manifestations include the following:

  1. Delayed menses.
  2. Nausea, vomiting for no apparent reason.
  3. Frequent urination.
  4. Constipation, bloating, heartburn.
  5. Pickiness in food, the appearance of unusual taste preferences.
  6. Swelling, soreness of the mammary glands.
  7. Headaches, dizziness, rarely even fainting.
  8. Mood swings, tearfulness.
  9. Edema, varicose veins.
  10. Heaviness in the lower abdomen.
  11. Drowsiness, fatigue.
  12. The increase in basal temperature is more than 37 degrees.

If there is a delay in menstruation, heaviness in the lower abdomen, it is necessary to do a pregnancy test. When there is a restructuring of the body systems, the listed manifestations can be observed. How long to wait for the first signs is difficult to say.

Some women do not have such sensations at all - this is also normal, because everything is purely individual.

Mom's condition

Two months after the first day of the last menstruation, when pregnancy occurs, the characteristic signs of this process appear. A woman's body undergoes complex changes. This is controlled by hormones, their levels increase significantly. That is why the 2nd month of pregnancy is characterized by changes in well-being. What causes the first signs of intrauterine development should be considered in more detail.


There are a number of hormones, thanks to which there is a full-fledged pregnancy for a period of 5-8 weeks. They should be considered in order to understand why unpleasant sensations appear. These include the following hormones:

  1. Progesterone supports the normal process of pregnancy. It sets the body to provide all the conditions for a new life. The uterus grows and by 6 weeks is comparable in size to an orange. At week 8, it is already equal in volume to a grapefruit.
  2. Placental lactogen. It helps to slow down the metabolism, the accumulation of elements necessary for the baby. These two hormones are mainly responsible for the poor health of a woman during this period.
  3. Androgens. These are male hormones produced by the adrenal glands. Women with a male physique, increased hair growth above the upper lip, on the chest should see a gynecologist as soon as possible. An excess of androgens can cause miscarriage.
  4. HCG. It is determined in the urine by pregnancy tests. The hormone is produced immediately after the implantation of the egg. It stops the production of female germ cells by the ovaries - this guarantees the impossibility of becoming pregnant again during the intrauterine development of the fetus.

These are the most important hormones during pregnancy. Control is also required in this period by the thyroid and pancreas. Deviations in their work affect the embryo. Therefore, tests and examinations should be carried out as soon as possible.


Hormonal restructuring changes the nature of the discharge from the female genital tract. Normally, they should be of a uniform consistency of white, light color. In this case, the stomach at 2 months of pregnancy may slightly pull. Progesterone changes the functioning of the glands - the cervical canal is filled with white, thick mucus. It isolates the uterine cavity, protecting its inhabitant from infections. Such secretions are odorless and do not cause discomfort.

If there are unpleasant sensations of itching, burning in the vagina, this is a sign of infection.

When greenish, yellowish, frothy discharge with an unpleasant odor is noted, you should immediately contact a gynecologist. Infection hinders the development of the embryo, leading to serious negative consequences.

Cheesy white discharge gives thrush. During pregnancy, it often appears even in those who have not had it before. Reduced immunity, changes in the microflora of the vagina contribute to the reproduction of the Candida fungus. The supervising doctor will tell you how to behave in this situation.

The appearance of pinkish, spotting is considered a very alarming sign. Sometimes this speaks of an incipient miscarriage. In this case, you need to call an ambulance.

Fetal development by week

The baby is growing in mom's tummy, getting stronger. This process is usually considered on a weekly basis. During this time, the fetus makes the strongest breakthrough in its development. Each week, the embryo undergoes a number of significant changes:

  1. The second month of pregnancy begins with the 5th obstetric week. During this period, the first facial features of the baby (nose, upper lip) are formed. Now he is very susceptible to adverse influences.
  2. For a period of 6 weeks, the placenta is practically formed, communication with the mother's body is established. More and more facial features emerge. Arms begin to grow, and then legs. The most important component of the immune system is formed - the thymus. A pulse appears.
  3. Week 7 is characterized by the development of a tiny heart. Internal organs are developing more and more. Bile ducts appear in the liver, which is now being formed. Endocrine glands develop. The brain is being formed. Fingers appear on the limbs. The baby is already moving, but the mother does not feel it yet.
  4. At week 8, external and internal organs are actively developing. You can already recognize the sex of the child. Boys are now developing gonads. In girls, the genitals have not yet been changed.

By the end of this month, the size of the embryo is already 3 cm. For a baby, this is a period full of dangers. Therefore, the mother must behave correctly in order to create the most favorable conditions for her child.

How to behave?

Feeling the first signs of pregnancy after a missed period, a woman takes a test. If it is positive, you should reconsider many organizational issues of your life. The health of the baby depends on this.

Ideally, if the second month fell on vacation. You just need to spend it calmly, without leaving your climate zone. Need more rest. Daily sleep should be at least 9-10 hours.

It is very important to pay attention to nutrition. Portions should be small, but meals are frequent. The vitamin complex will not replace the diversity of the diet. Therefore, you should follow these rules:

  1. Pure water should be drunk 2-2.5 liters per day. For the fetus, this is extremely important.
  2. The main part of the food should consist of vegetables and herbs.
  3. Freshly squeezed juices, fruits, nuts should be consumed.
  4. Carbohydrates are also needed by the body. They need to be replenished from cereals, cereal bread.
  5. The source of the protein necessary for the healthy growth of the baby should be well-thermally processed fish, meat, milk, eggs.

It is natural food that is rich in vitamins and microelements necessary during pregnancy. This is the building material for a tiny man, growing every day in his mother's tummy.

Physical, emotional stress should be reduced. Sex is acceptable, but only if there are no threats to pregnancy. Now a woman should think about what she can give her child, how to help the baby grow correctly and quickly.

It is characterized by the fact that a woman begins to have new sensations, the so-called subjective manifestations of pregnancy. For example, a selective attitude towards certain foodstuffs is formed. A woman may crave salty or sour foods or foods she has never liked.

A pregnant woman may be disturbed by recurrent headaches, nausea, which is caused by certain odors (for example, fish), vomiting, and sometimes dizziness. There may be problems with the stool,. Nausea is a natural sign of pregnancy. After a while, this symptom goes away.

A woman in the second month of pregnancy feels very tired, even with minor physical exercises or stress. In addition, there are also emotional changes- the appearance of excessive irritability, resentment, tearfulness, a sharp change in mood, feelings of anxiety. However, it is at this time that a woman may experience a feeling of boundless happiness that pregnancy brings. These changes are natural, they are caused by an increase in the amount hormones in blood.

The face and body of a pregnant woman also changes. During this period, a woman literally blossoms, the quality of skin, hair, and nails improves. Sometimes there is an increase in oily skin, the formation of acne and provoked by sunlight. In this case, they try to apply as little makeup as possible, wipe their face with a cleansing lotion and spend less time in the sun. In a pregnant woman, veins appear on the abdomen and on the chest, because. for the needs of the growing fetus, the vessels expand. On the hips become noticeable " spider veins ”, which will disappear after pregnancy.

Complications of the second month of pregnancy

In the second month of pregnancy, the veins in the legs are affected, sometimes also in the genital area. This is caused by the relaxation of the muscle layer in the veins, due to an increase in the volume of circulating blood in the body. Symptoms of this are a feeling of heaviness in the legs, the manifestation of veins, their soreness.

It is possible to prevent such varicose veins of the legs if certain rules are observed. First, you need to try to prevent excessive weight gain, exercise regularly or walk. Secondly, it is not recommended to stand or sit for a long time, especially with crossed legs, and try to raise your legs above the hips while sitting.

Should be worn special tights to support the muscles of the legs, comfortable clothes and shoes. Doctors recommend taking enough ascorbic acid , which helps to maintain the elasticity of the veins. Surgery to treat varicose veins is not recommended. The fact is that most often in the postpartum period, when a woman returns to her previous weight, the symptoms of varicose veins disappear.

In the second month of pregnancy increase and become more severe chest, nodules (sweat glands) appear around the nipples, the breasts become more sensitive, and may even hurt while walking. The abdomen may enlarge due to the expansion of the pelvic bones.

An unpleasant symptom that appears in the second month of pregnancy is increased salivation. In addition, it can constantly torment, because. It is during this period that the body accumulates water for the fetus.

In the second month of pregnancy, abundant, usually white, may appear. However, if these discharges have an unpleasant odor, and itching appears, then you should consult a doctor. They can also appear, especially in women who have previously experienced painful menstruation. However, if bloody discharge appears against the background of severe pulling pains in the lower abdomen, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Development of the fetus in the second month of pregnancy

The second month of pregnancy is a period of further development embryo. During this time, it reaches 3 cm in length, and 1.5 g of weight. During this period, thickening placenta , a umbilical cord attached to the wall of the uterus. The formation of the face, nose, eyes, mouth, jaws continues. Its internal organs are being formed, especially the liver, the small brain of the embryo is already starting to work, the heart, in which partitions and chambers have already been formed, beats at a frequency of 150-180 beats per minute.

Ultrasound images show tiny arms and legs, on which fingers begin to grow, still tight with membranes. During this period, the head of the embryo is larger than the body, the auricles are formed, the skin is almost transparent, the veins through which blood circulates are visible. During this period, the testicles are formed in boys, which begin to produce the male sex hormone, in girls, the genitals are not changed. At the end of this period, the embryo turns into a fetus, and it begins to move.

In the second month, the embryo is very sensitive to various damaging factors. Therefore, you should be attentive to your body, do not overstrain and do not lift weights. During this period, it is necessary to minimize the unpleasant manifestations of pregnancy.

Rules of conduct in the second month of pregnancy

Very important eat properly in this period. Drink as much liquid as possible, juices, fruit drinks, mint tea, tea from hops and lavender flowers, eat fresh fruits, vegetables, dried fruits, nuts. Sources of protein will be cereals, cereals, meat, eggs, dairy products. Compulsory rejection of coffee, sugary carbonated drinks, alcohol, as well as fatty and heavy foods. You need to eat small meals and often. Do not smoke, and do not go to places where people smoke.

Take good care of your wardrobe. Choose comfortable underwear and clothes made from natural fabrics. If pungent odors cause inconvenience, travel by public transport is limited, it is better to walk. With a craving for ash, starch or clay, it means that the body lacks minerals , gland , calcium . The doctor will prescribe drugs in order to make up for their deficiency in the body. If you are worried about severe headaches, then consult your doctor about which drugs can be used.

When the pregnancy is normal, there is no reason to abstain from sexual activity. In case of severe pregnancy, it is better to consult a doctor.

Unfortunately, now almost every pregnancy is accompanied by complications, the risk is high. Symptoms of a threatened abortion are complications of the second month of pregnancy and their signs: prolonged spotting , sharp pain , bloody issues . If these symptoms bother you, you should immediately consult a doctor.

In the second month, the doctor can already accurately determine the duration of pregnancy, and the woman should go to the antenatal clinic, where she will have to pass a series of tests: ultrasound, general analysis of feces and urine, vaginal smear, hemostasiogram, weight measurement, and also be examined by a therapist, an otolaryngologist , dentist, ophthalmologist, endocrinologist.

What happens to a woman in the second month of pregnancy

The second month of pregnancy is a very important period, since all internal organs begin to form in the fetus.

The woman already feels the first symptoms. For example, the smell of food can cause nausea and vomiting.

In addition, the psycho-emotional state of the woman is changing. There is a feeling of fatigue and weakness.

The first external signs of pregnancy appear, the breasts become more voluminous, and the nipples darken and become sensitive.

But on the body, these changes are still invisible, the figure does not grow fat in the second month.

5 weeks pregnant


If you feel nausea in the morning, which often leads to vomiting, as well as constant fatigue and mood swings, this is already a reason to buy a pregnancy test.

If the result is positive, the woman must be registered in the antenatal clinic.

The doctor will ask you to do the first tests: blood, urine, and also a smear from the vagina. Blood is checked for group and Rh factor, as well as immunobodies.


By the end of the first week of the second month, the baby's facial features, nose and upper lip begin to form. This is a very important time, because if something goes wrong, then the child may be born with a cleft lip.

6 weeks pregnant


During this period, it is necessary to find out if the woman has hormonal disorders.

For example, this is possible if there is too much hair on the body. The key points are the white line of the abdomen, the area around the nipples and on the upper lip. Also, wide shoulders and narrow hips, or obesity can give it away.

If there are any hormonal disorders, then there is a risk of malfunctioning of the adrenal cortex.

With all these signs, you will have to adjust the hormonal ratio.


The placenta is formed in the child, which is responsible for communication with the mother's body.

The face continues to take shape.

Also, small arms and legs grow, only there are no fingers on them yet.

An important event of the second week of the second month is the appearance of the thymus, or thymus gland. The thymus gland has not been fully studied by doctors, it is only known that it is responsible for the development of the child's cells.

7 week


A very difficult week for a woman, as it is considered the critical point of this period.

Depending on how the placenta and hormonal production work together, the further fate of the fetus will be known.

It is also known that most miscarriages that occur in the first trimester occur during this week.

Therefore, it is very important to take care of yourself at week 7 and try not to get sick even with a cold.


A heart begins to form in the fetus: partitions, vessels appear. In addition, it becomes a four-chamber.

Also, other internal organs develop.

For example, the liver develops, bile prophets appear in it.

In addition, endocrine glands develop.

The brain is gradually becoming more perfect. Ears appeared on the head. Fingers appeared on the legs and arms.

The child even begins to move a little, but since he is too small, the mother cannot feel his movements.

8 week


By the end of the second month, many unpleasant symptoms begin to torment women.

Many suffer from constipation or, on the contrary, often run to the toilet "in a small way." In addition, heartburn, vomiting, and bloating begin.

The woman also changed outwardly. For example, the chest became heavier and, as it were, “filled up” so that blue lines became visible.

In terms of emotions, there were also obvious changes, the woman is now cheerful, now depressed, or even crying.

All this is due to hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman.

Most likely, you already know about your situation and are very happy about it. However, there is a long and difficult path ahead, you need to tune in a positive way and create favorable living conditions for yourself and your baby. When the pregnancy calendar points to the second month - there comes a moment when you need to take a critical look at your lifestyle, nutrition and even wardrobe, now the main thing in your life is a tiny miracle inside your uterus, which you don’t even feel yet, but the thought of which is already completely captured your brain, and love for him completely occupied your whole heart!

You will soon get used to your new state, you will enjoy the process of carrying a pregnancy. This month is very important for you and your baby, the health of the baby in the future largely depends on how this time passes.

Changes in the mother's body in the second month of pregnancy

The beginning of the month will be marked by the absence of menstruation and the confirmation of your pregnancy. Therefore, there should not be any discharge, if spotting or bloody discharges appear - consult a doctor. This month, the corpus luteum of pregnancy reaches its maximum development, in place of the egg released from the ovary, it produces progesterone, the hormone that maintains your pregnancy. Under its influence, the cervix thickens, becomes like a cylinder, and its lumen is closed with thick mucus.

The uterus begins to grow, and by its size, the doctor, when examined on a chair and probing it, can accurately determine the duration of pregnancy. If before pregnancy the uterus was the size of a pear, at 6 weeks it becomes the size of an orange, by eight it is the size of a grapefruit. The uterus is growing, and the ligaments are stretching, there may be slight uncomfortable sensations in the sides, due to the tension of the ligaments. But they are unobtrusive and not painful.

Progesterone also affects the entire body - many manifestations in the body of pregnant women are due to its action. Together with it, a special hormone of the developing placenta, lactogen, also acts. Together they increase metabolism, forcing the body to reduce protein synthesis. Switching to glucose and fatty acids. This increases the supply of nutrients for the fetus and its costs for growth and development.

Gradually, the load on your organs and systems increases - the kidneys and the cardiovascular system work especially hard. The endocrine system is undergoing a difficult test - it needs to balance the increased production of androgens in the adrenal glands so as not to provoke a miscarriage, and the thyroid gland must accurately release the amount of hormones. if there are few of them, the baby will lag behind in development, if there are many, the pregnancy may be terminated. The production of hCG is increasing, according to which the doctor determines the exact period and state of pregnancy.

Feelings of the expectant mother in the second month of pregnancy

You already know about your situation, and if in doubt - thanks to the action of hormones, toxicosis will tell you. Toxicosis is manifested by morning sickness, vomiting, severe salivation. Progesterone acts on smooth muscles in a relaxing way, so the muscles of the esophagus are not in good shape, and the stomach works more slowly - heartburn, belching and discomfort may occur. These are temporary phenomena, they usually disappear by the end of the first trimester. In the meantime, you need to help yourself to more easily survive the unpleasant moments of pregnancy.

To relieve the condition, do not overeat. Eat small meals, but often. Eat breakfast without getting out of bed, and have dinner right before bedtime. It is necessary to drink enough and eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, they reduce the manifestations of toxicosis.

Do not bend over sharply, lift weights, sleep with your head held high, do not wear tight things. Nausea is caused by strong odors - protect yourself from them, and try to avoid smoky rooms and do not smoke yourself. Helps with nausea by brushing your teeth with mint paste, citrus fruits and sour juices.

If travel is necessary - avoid rush hour in transport, this is stuffy and crowded - they are dangerous for you. If toxicosis is mild. You may develop very strange eating habits - you may crave foods that you previously did not like, or you may only want to eat certain types of food - sweet, salty, sour.

If these are not harmful foods, eat them calmly, but know the measure, but chocolates, chips, crackers should be replaced with more healthy foods. If you are drawn to "special delicacies" - chalk, earth, whitewash - check with your doctor, this usually indicates a deficiency of iron and calcium.

You may experience headaches, dizziness, lethargy and drowsiness, and low blood pressure. Talk to your doctor about how to alleviate your condition - ordinary pills "from the head" can now hurt you. Weight this month can either increase by 0.5-1.5 kg, or decrease due to toxicosis. In addition, due to hormones, you flourish, your breasts become more appetizing, your hair and nails are stronger and more beautiful. The skin becomes more oily.

Changes are also taking place in the mental sphere - especially if the baby has come as a surprise to the parents. There are doubts and fears “can I manage”, “what should I do?”. You begin to scroll through all the options in your head, you are afraid of the reaction of relatives and friends not the way you would like, you doubt. This is normal - all women go through this period and there is no need to be afraid of it. dream of joyful moments. Imagine the face of your crumbs and all doubts will disappear by themselves.

If you are worried, talk to your husband or a psychologist, a pregnant woman of your term is characterized by mood changes - tearfulness, sensitivity, and this is also the action of hormones. Everyone will enter into your position and treat you with understanding. But, do not give vent to whims and emotions - loved ones also experience tr

Feelings of the expectant mother in the second month of pregnancy

everything is just like you! take care of your nerves - you still need them! If the anxiety does not go away, the doctor will prescribe you a mild sedative.

Your baby (fetal development in the second month of pregnancy)

This month, the most important changes take place in the child's body. It is from 5 to 8 weeks that the laying of all organs and systems takes place. If something goes wrong, severe malformations will form.

In the fifth week, the baby's heart begins to beat, blood vessels appear, the liver, larynx, trachea, pancreas form, the rudiments of fingers appear on the arms and legs.

From 6-7 weeks, the main immune organ appears - the thymus, and at six weeks the liver begins to produce the first blood cells. A baby with 5 mm will grow up to 2.5 cm by the end of the month.

By the beginning of the seventh week, the head and brain of the child are formed, eyes, nose, ears, lower and upper jaws appear, the first bones appear.

From the seventh week, the baby begins to move, but he is still small and you do not feel it. His brain and primitive reflexes are already working, the adrenal glands and heart chambers are being formed, the kidneys are starting to work, the hepatic streams are being formed, the neck, joints are appearing, and in boys the testicles and penis are being formed. It has a very large head and a small body. He looks like a tadpole, but very soon he will grow into a rosy-cheeked toddler.

By the end of the second month, it is already a fetus, not an embryo.

Dangers of the second month of pregnancy

This is a very important time - the critical period of pregnancy, and it is better to take a vacation and devote time to yourself. If this month you will be affected by harmful factors - viruses, microbes, toxins or drugs, the baby may develop malformations. Therefore, protect yourself as much as possible from diseases, contact with chemicals and harmful substances.

The second problem may be the threat of termination of pregnancy due to hormonal disorders and diseases of the mother - therefore, visit the doctor regularly, monitor your well-being. If there are pulling pains in the lower abdomen or in the lower back, pressure on the rectal area.

Pain in the abdomen, the appearance of unusual or bloody discharge from the genital tract - urgently see a doctor, this may be a threat of interruption. If you start therapy on time or lie down for preservation, the baby can be saved.

Medical supervision of the second month of pregnancy

In the second calendar month of pregnancy, women usually register for pregnancy - if you feel well - this will be around 7-8 weeks. The doctor will prescribe blood and urine tests for you, examine you on a chair to determine the duration of pregnancy and send you for an ultrasound. In addition, you will be given a list of doctors. to which you should appear in the first trimester. Especially if there are health problems, this will allow you to fully compose a picture of your condition and plan the management of your pregnancy.

The doctor will advise you to rest more, be in the air and eat right, give up fast food in favor of natural products. Eat more meat and fish, dairy products and fresh vegetables and fruits. In addition, you will be prescribed special vitamins for pregnant women, iodine and iron preparations, and calcium. They are assigned to you according to the birth certificate and will be issued at the pharmacy with a prescription. If it is a cold season and the risk of colds is high - try to avoid crowded places - colds are extremely dangerous for you now.

But you don’t need to give up intimate life, if you feel good, you can leave everything as usual - pregnancy reveals a woman in a different way. And caress is very important to her now. But do household chores in moderation - you don’t need to make repairs, tear out the apartment and wash all the laundry at once - this can tire you and cause a threat to the baby. You can not lift bags weighing more than 2-3 kg, move furniture and engage in sports related to vibration, jumping and running.

fetus in the eighth week of pregnancy photo:

The first trimester is a real revolution in the body. Now, more than ever, a woman feels significant changes taking place in her. And it is by this time that, as a rule, he comprehends the future of motherhood. So the test came back positive. It is both scary and joyful at the same time to realize a new life in oneself! During this difficult period, many discoveries, emotions and warnings await you.

Signs 2 months pregnant

Is it possible not to notice an interesting situation without passing the test, because the period is rather short, and there are no external manifestations?

If you're careful, you can't miss them. The emergence and course of various physiological processes associated with pregnancy are regulated by the nervous and endocrine systems.

There are a number signs, which will help to understand the new state.

  • The cessation of menstruation, if they were of a regular nature, is rightly one of the very first, main and probable indicators of the situation that has come. Due to the fact that progesterone, a hormone produced especially intensively during pregnancy, prevents the maturation of follicles in the ovary, they stop. The body is mobilized to carry and feed the baby;
  • Nausea in the morning is a natural manifestation of pregnancy. Immediately after waking up, it often has a causeless basis, that is, you can be “turned inside out” without any visual and olfactory stimulants. But it happens that a bad state occurs throughout the day, and vomiting becomes a reaction to any, not even the most pungent smell;
  • Heartburn goes along with toxicosis. Usually its cause is the reverse process of the contents of the stomach into the esophagus. To make yourself feel better, eat often and in small portions, and after eating, be sure to walk around;
  • Change in taste preferences. Suddenly pull on salty. Or the meat you haven't eaten in 5 years. And your favorite scrambled eggs will suddenly cause disgust;
  • The mammary glands increase and become sensitive, the nipples become more convex, pigmented. These processes are associated with blood supply, which is enhanced in the chest;
  • Frequent urination is also due to intense blood circulation, only in the pelvic area, and will accompany you until the end of pregnancy. The uterus will grow - the urge to go to the toilet will become more frequent;
  • Skin changes caused by hormonal changes can please. In some women, it becomes elastic and healthy. But opposite transformations are also possible, which will return to the youthful period: acne, dry or oily skin. To minimize troubles, it is necessary to take vitamins and temporarily limit the use of decorative cosmetics.


This stage cannot be called favorable for a woman.

Mental ailments are added to physical ailments, which are the cause of hormonal changes.

How does the expectant mother feel? at 2 months:

  • drowsiness;
  • irritability;
  • changes in appetite, taste, smell;
  • increased secretion of saliva;
  • migraine;
  • dizziness;
  • sleep disturbance, insomnia;
  • sometimes in the buttocks, lower back or hips, many girls experience severe pain. This is an irritation of the sciatic nerve, which is caused by an enlarged uterus.

To alleviate these symptoms, rest more, do special yoga, go for a massage or go to the pool, and aromatherapy will also help.

Period at 2 months pregnant

The occurrence of menstruation at 2 months may be due to the following factors:

  • Treatment with hormonal drugs immediately before the onset of the situation. The body at this moment independently produces a huge amount of hormones, and the natural background has not yet had time to “clear itself” from this kind of therapy. Therefore, there is an imbalance and a violation in the form of the onset of menstruation;
  • The hormonal background of a woman was initially not the healthiest. For example, estrogen was poorly formed, which "missed" the presence of an already fertilized cell in the body;
  • Suspicion of a possible miscarriage. In medicine, there are critical intervals that threaten the loss of a child. These are 4-5, 8-9 and 12-13 weeks of pregnancy.

It is important to know that any of the above grounds is a reason for immediately contacting a doctor. Only he will be able to make the correct diagnosis and protect the health of the expectant mother and baby.

Most pregnant women who have experienced this symptom for 2 months are worried about the future health of the baby: will it be reflected? Doctors give a positive assessment: in no way will the mother's hormonal changes affect the development and strength of the child, unlike stress. So less worries! Discuss all ailments at the appointment with the doctor, who will definitely help. Be calm, positive and tune in to a favorable pregnancy.

What's happening

Nerve cells in the brain begin to interact with each other photo:

Your baby is very tiny while it is an embryo. It is covered with a thin layer of skin and floats in a fluid-filled bladder. But changes in the embryo occur incredibly quickly. This stage of development is the most important in the formation of the future strong man.

  • The heart begins to work;
  • the central nervous system develops;
  • the brain, spine are laid;
  • the bone-articular system and muscle tissue are actively developing;
  • eyes, mouth, nose were designated;
  • the rudiments of the genital organs are formed;
  • arms and legs appeared.

In such a short period, the embryo gains weight up to 3-5 grams, it is fully formed. And in the future, the little man will spend energy exclusively on their development and growth.


The uterus is increasing in size, and enough time has passed to not only feel, but also see changes in the body. From the outside, this is imperceptible, especially if the pregnancy is the first. Only the expectant mother, by the smoother forms in the waist area, will understand that she has changed somewhat. The stomach is quite a bit rounded, as if you have recovered. But the period is short, and toxicosis, perhaps, influenced not only the increase, but the loss of kilograms.

As the uterus grows, a woman may feel cramps in the lower abdomen, which are perceived as heaviness. This kind of pain is accompanied by clear discharge. But if against the background of contractions bleeding began to appear, urgently and immediately consult a doctor. At such a short time, this symptom may indicate a threat of miscarriage.


At this stage, an ultrasound examination is usually done on the recommendation of a doctor, along with general tests when registering in a antenatal clinic. They undergo an ultrasound to confirm the normal course of pregnancy. That is, exclude ectopic and frozen.

Photo of the fetus

  1. Baby already has eyelids. They are translucent and almost cover the eyes, which are beginning to take on their color.
  2. hands over heart. The child's hands are bent at the wrist and positioned over the heart.
  3. Knee-joint. The baby now has knees and his legs may already be long enough to form a curve along his tiny body.
  4. The respiratory system is being formed. The trachea runs from his throat to his lungs, which are beginning to develop.

You can hardly see anything on the monitor in the ultrasound room. But this tiny embryo, more like a fish from afar, has arms and legs. He actively begins to move them by the end of the month. The head is larger than the body, transparent skin. Eyes, mouth, nose, ears are already not easy outlines. And the baby's heart is beating at a frantic pace.

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