Interesting objects of the constellation Gemini. The stars Pollux and Castor. Constellation Gemini Other objects in the constellation

In which constellation do the stars Castor and Pollux shine? and got the best answer

Answer from Yergey Kuznetsov[guru]
in Gemini

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: In which constellation do the stars Castor and Pollux shine?

Answer from Alexander[guru]
Castor is the second brightest star in the constellation Gemini. And one of the brightest stars in the night sky. Although it is considered the alpha of Gemini, it is actually less bright than the beta Gemini - Pollux.

Answer from [guru]
The stars Castor (α Gemini) and Pollux (β Gemini), located at a distance of 4.5 °, represent the heads of the Dioscuri twins, whose feet, facing southwest, stand in the Milky Way, adjacent to Orion.
Castor is a visual triple system, with both of its bright components being spectroscopic binaries, and the faint one being an eclipsing binary. Thus, Castor is a cluster of six stars. Their total apparent stellar magnitude is 1.59m and the distance from the Sun is 45 sv. years. Two bright white-blue components with apparent magnitudes of 2 and 2.7 make up a visual binary with an angular distance of 6″, revolving around a common center of mass with a period of about 400 years. Each of the components is a binary system with orbital periods of 9.2 and 2.9 days. The third component is 73″ distant from them, consists of two red dwarfs and is an eclipsing binary that changes its brightness from 8.6 to 9.1 magnitude with a period of 0.8 days.
The magnitude of the orange Pollux is 1.16m, the distance is 35 light years; its luminosity is 35 times higher than the sun.
Although Castor shines weaker than Pollux, Bayer designated it as α Gemini. This is explained by the fact that when numbering stars of the same constellation close in brightness, Bayer left priority for the more northern one.

Fixed star Castor

Castor (Greek Castor)- star, alpha Gemini, position 20 ° 03 ′ Cancer.

2nd magnitude.

Character type Mercury (according to Ptolemy, according to other sources - Jupiter-Mercury); indicates cunning and duplicity of character, humiliation, followed by glory and honors, and rising at the moment of birth - weakness, blindness, sometimes wounds of the face. The star is named after the hero of Greek mythology - one of the Dioscuri brothers. . Ptolemy calls this star Apollo. (Apollo).(A.Yu.Saplin)

Reference: A double, bright and pale white star on the head of the Northern Gemini. Represents Castor, a mortal (one of the twin Gemini) famous for his skill in taming horses. Sometimes he is also called Apollo, but symbolically he is called the “Coming Master”.

Influence: According to Ptolemy, has the nature of Mercury; according to Wilson, Simonite and Pierce, similar to Mars, Venus and Saturn; Al-Vidas compares this star with the Moon, Mars and Uranus. It is believed that this star gives a person refined manners, or vice versa, rudeness and lack of subtlety, depending on the nature of the aspected planet. It gives a refined nature, a sharp mind, success in law and publishing, much travel, love of horses, sudden honors and fame, often followed by loss of happiness and honor, illness, trouble and deep depression. The negative impact on health can be expressed in non-healing wounds, damage to the limbs and skeleton. Those born under this influence are said to be evil and prone to violence.

Ascending: Brings blindness or poor vision, trauma to the face, disfavor, stabbing and cutting wounds, arrest.

In connection:

With Sun: Favors advancement in business, literature, government and public affairs of any kind due to energy. Good or bad fame is possible. Sometimes, to achieve fame, you have to pay too high a price. Rare occult talents, a government position connected with foreign affairs, severe adversity, blows, wounds with knives and firearms, shipwrecks, facial injuries, blindness, infections, severe fevers, evil temper, rape and murder - the native either commits them himself or his raped or killed; arrest, exile, beheading. Possible loss in the family or other losses. A tendency to irony and even cynicism is possible.

With Moon: gives good nature and high moral character. You are susceptible and easily hurt. Certain parapsychological abilities are possible. Possible advancement in astrology, in public affairs. Family ties seem strong, but will be subject to destructive influences. Shyness, sensitivity, incredulity, occult interests and psychic powers, blindness, injury to the face, falling out of favor, injury, arrest.

With Mercury: gives good nature and high moral character. You may have certain obvious psychic abilities, but they do not protect you from internal discord, and can even cause confusing situations, make you the object of criticism and ridicule, but in the end they command respect; bad for profit.

With Venus: allows you to overcome adversity, most likely your life will be outstanding. This connection is not very conducive to marriage, unless the marriage partner is a congenial person. Numerous difficulties, an unusual way of life, many bright events are very likely: both falls and ups; You can suffer due to hostilities, violence, hidden diseases are possible.

With Mars: allows you to always achieve your own, gives a tendency to irony and even cynicism. Probably, success will come to you, but then circumstances will change. It can be an illness, family troubles, even complications with the law. Regardless of the reason, your life will change, you can "stay overboard" or your lifestyle will become completely different. Evil disposition, many travels, aimless life, many ups and downs. If you have a strong will, then over time you will be able to restore your position.

With Jupiter: favors the achievement of a high position in the field of activity related to communication with people. Unexpected glory, good or bad, is possible. Interest in the occult and philosophy, legal loss, business or travel; threatened with a judgment.

With Saturn: shyness, distrust, eccentricity, originality, rarely noticeable; a person writes better than he speaks, considerable intellectual ability, fond of details, prejudiced against conventional wisdom, unfavorable for marriage, some strange family circumstances, illness of children at an early age, throughout life - earning hard work.

With Uranus: a conscientious, sensitive person, an outstanding mental strength that makes a person an object of criticism; desire to please everyone; a favorable indicator for marriage and profit, if children are born, then there are few of them, but good relations are established with them, the loss of one of the parents (of the opposite sex) in early childhood.

With Neptune: sensitivity, romanticism, craving for acute experiences and entertainment; excels in matters related to water, interest in the occult, work in the theater, acting gift - especially in genres that do not require speaking; a lot of travel and changes of residence; some disagreement at home; separation from loved ones, early marriage - especially if the horoscope is female; good earnings, which, however, disappear like sand through your fingers because of friends or commercial transactions; trouble because of one or more children; death from one of the diseases subordinate to Cancer.


Rise or set with Sun, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter or Saturn: winds. (A.Aich)

Mortal Twin. Gives a person rudeness, lack of subtlety. Danger of bodily injury wounds, both gunshot and cold steel, fractures, cracks.

Influence: Mars, Jupiter, Moon; Venus, Jupiter, Moon. (P.P.Globa)

Opinions of predecessors

Ptolemy claims that the star named Apollo (Castor) is similar to Mercury, and the star named Hercules () has a nature similar to Mars. Robson says that the Castor star is associated with good intelligence and success in law and publishing, but warns that it inclines towards violence, while the Pollux star speaks of cunning, recklessness and is associated with poisons. Ebertin says that the Castor star is associated with refinement, good manners, and excellent moral character, while the star Pollux, the "spoiled brother," is rude and cruel. Rigor claims that the star Castor is associated with violence and troubles, and the star Pollux gives courage, a love of sports, but perhaps speaks of recklessness and cruelty.

Castor and Pollux: concept

These stars are twins, and while it may be nice to divide them into a "good guy" (Castor) and a "bad guy" (Pollux), a more useful view is that their influence includes working with polarities. William Blake's Saturn was rising when the star Castor was setting, and he spoke of the reconciliation of the two sides of his nature, expressing this in his works. Robert Johnson is quoted as saying that "we must go to heaven for form and hell for energy and put them together."

Also, by struggling with their polarities, Castor and Pollux seem to be producing writers. In addition to the poet and artist William Blake, many writers have one of these stars active in the chart. These include novelists James Joyce, George Eliot, Charles Dickens, Lewis Carroll, poets William Wordsworth and Alfred Tennyson, songwriter John Lennon, and many others.

Castor and Pollux are probably not associated with the writing activity itself or the urge to write, but rather with the successful writing of one who understands the mixing of good and evil, superimposing them on top of each other until both change and become whole. Writers who can do this succeed. Here again Castor and Pollux are talking about mixing polarities, recognizing polarities and building bridges between them.

Castor and Pollux, in the true tradition of Gemini, also provide us with a convenient "celestial ruler." Because these two stars are exactly 4.5 degrees apart, they are used by navigators as a reference for measuring angles and can be used by astrologers to gauge finger and hand width.

Castor or Pollux in the natal chart

If one of these stars is present in your chart, it means that all the concepts discussed above are in operation, but with a tendency towards a particular polarity. If it is Castor, you will be looking for the bright side of the situation. You are aware of the polarity, but from the bright side of the issue. If it is Pollux, then there will be the same awareness of opposites or polarity, but now you will find yourself involved in the darker side of the issue, where there always seems to be pain or concern about the situation. You are probably approaching the question from its problematic side.

Castor or Pollux as heliacal rising star at birth

Both stars can be used as visible and as cosmic rising stars and in this connection with the Sun will shape your personality so that your life style will be a journey through the valley of polarities. You will have a strong need to seek out information, mix it up, and add to the pattern of your beliefs. You will be drawn to the exploration of polarities. (Brady B.)

> > Castor

Castor- the second brightest star in the constellation Gemini: a description of the binary system, a characteristic with a photo, facts, coordinates, distance, color, how to find it in the sky.

Castor(Alpha Gemini) is a blue main sequence star residing in Gemini territory. One of the brightest stars in the sky, which can be observed without the use of instruments.

Cataloged as HR2891, HIP36850, HD60179, Gliese GL278A, Castor A, 66 Gemini, 66 Gem. This is a multi-star system with 3 components. It bears the designation "alpha", but is inferior to Pollux (yellow supergiant). Next, you can find out the coordinates, declination, color and distance of the star Castor. We mentioned that it is in the constellation of Gemini, but to make it easier to find through a telescope, use our star map or 3D model online.

Fast Facts About Star Castor

  • Names: HR2891, HIP36850, HD60179, Gliese GL278A, Castor A, 66 Gemini, 66 Gem.
  • Absolute value: 0.59/0.61.
  • Apparent magnitude: 1.58.
  • Coordinates: 07h 34m 36.00s (direct entry) and +31 o 53` 19.1 (declination).
  • Galactic latitude: 22.48 degrees.
  • Galactic longitude: 187.44 degrees.
  • Distance from Earth: 51.55 light years.
  • Distance from the galactic center: 24181.75 light years.
  • Index: B-V 0.03.
  • Radial speed: 5.40 ± 0.50 km/s.
  • Spectral type: A2Vm.
  • Color: (A) blue.
  • Satellites: A and B.
  • Temperature heating: 9140 K.

Castor multistellar system

The star Castor in the constellation Gemini has been identified as a multi-star system with components along its orbital path. They can converge in mass or one is larger than the other.

Location of the star Castor

Defined by two categories. Direct entry - how far apart in time along the celestial equator. If it is positive, then move east. Declination is how far north or south the equator is. Coordinates: 07h 34m 36.00s and +31o 53` 19.1.

The correct movement of the star Castor

The stars revolve around the galactic center, so the constellations observed today will be different in 50,000 years. Castor is shifting by -145.19 arc milliseconds per year to the north and by -191.45 arc milliseconds to the east.

Luminosity level of the star Castor

The luminosity of the star Castor is the amount of energy emitted. Castor has a score of 17.0000000 based on the spectral type and solar comparison. It can change if we encounter remoteness and a variable type.

Physical characteristics of the star Castor

The spectral type is A2Vm (blue main sequence star). Distant at 7414 parsecs from the galactic center. The color index is B-V 0.03, which means that the temperature heating is 9140 K.

The radius is 2.84 times greater than the sun. Satellites B and C are orbiting closely.

Explicit and absolute magnitudes of the star Castor

The apparent magnitude reaches 1.58. The parallax index in 1998 brought an absolute value of 0.59, and in 2007 - 0.61. It is important to note that the lower the number, the brighter the luminosity (the Sun reaches -26.74).

Remoteness of the star Castor

Castor is 55.55 light years away from Earth. In 2007 they used parallax to revise the data and gave a result of 50.87 light years. Do not think that the star is moving away or approaching. This is just a recalculation using new technologies. The star is 24181.75 light years away from the galactic center.

Meteor Rain

Near the star Castor in the constellation Gemini passes the Geminid meteor shower. Falls on December 6-19 with a peak on December 13-14. Speed ​​- 34 km / s. Approximately 34 stones fly by per hour.

The constellation Gemini refers to the oldest constellations that were included in the monograph of Claudius Ptolemy "Almagest" in the II century AD. In total, there were 48 of them, and 12 of them were considered zodiacal. They were located on the ecliptic. It is for her Sun made its annual circumambulation of the celestial sphere. This is what the ancient Greeks thought. In our time, little has changed: astronomers are very conservative and have great respect for ancient traditions. Only the constellations became 88 instead of 48.

The constellation under consideration is the zodiac. The sun "passes through" from June 20 to July 20. This cluster of stars is located in the Northern Hemisphere of the celestial sphere between Cancer in the east and Taurus in the west. In the north are the Charioteer with the Lynx, and in the south are the Unicorn and the Small Dog. The company is quite decent and intelligent. So don't worry about twins.

The constellation Gemini surrounded by other constellations

The brightest stars in this constellation are Castor and Pollux. These are the so-called heads of twins, turned to the northeast. And their feet are straight on milky way. It seems that the brothers, holding hands tightly, are walking through a pale heavenly haze.

Star Pollux brighter than Castor, although it has the designation beta. This is an orange giant that has already left the Main Sequence. It remains to exist no more than 100 million years. After that, it should turn into a white dwarf.

The mass of the orange giant is 2 times greater than the sun, and the radius is 9 times greater. The distance to Earth is 33.78 light years. The magnetic activity is low. The most interesting thing is that an exoplanet has been discovered near Pollux.

Star Castor is the "head of the second twin". In terms of brightness, it takes 2nd place in the constellation. It is located at a distance of 49.8 light years from Earth. Castor is a multiple star with 6 components. These are Castor A, Castor B and Castor C. Castor A and Castor B are spectroscopic binary stars. They mean 2 stars connected by gravity and revolving around the same center of mass.

Castor C is the code name for the variable star YY Gemini. It is also a spectroscopic binary and is in gravitational dependence on the first 2 components. It makes a complete revolution around them in several tens of thousands of years. But Castor A and Castor B revolve around each other in 350 years. Thus, the system is complex, but quite typical for space.

Other stars in the constellation Gemini are also of interest. The third brightest is the Gemini gamma.. It's called Alhena and is located at a distance of 109 light years from Earth. This is a subgiant. Its mass is 2.8 times that of the Sun. And the radius is 3.3 times greater than that of the Sun. This is a spectroscopic binary system with a luminosity 123 times that of the sun.

Delta Gemini located almost on the ecliptic. bears the name Vasat, which means "medium" in Arabic. Visible to the naked eye from Earth, but often obscured moon and rarely other planets solar system. It is a subgiant located at a distance of 60.5 light years from Earth. The star is 1.6 billion years old. The star is triple, where 2 components form a spectral binary system, and the third component is their satellite.

Of interest is the binary system U Geminimoon. It is notable for the fact that it consists of 2 stars: red and white dwarfs. They are located very close to each other. A red dwarf has a circumstellar disk. Its diffusion material flows onto the white dwarf. As a result of this, once every 100 days an explosion occurs, which is a flash that lasts about 2 days. The distance to U Gemini from Earth is 270 light years.

The constellation Gemini has nebulae and open star clusters.. From the nebulae can be called Eskimo and medusa. Medusa is located on the border with the Small Dog. And the Eskimo (NGC 2392) resembles a human head with a hood over it. It is separated from the Earth by a distance of 2870 light years.

open cluster M35 separated from Earth at a distance of 2800 light years. It is located in the western part of Gemini. In binoculars, it is a dark spot with a few faint stars. And through a telescope, dozens of white stars scattered across the cosmic abyss are visible. Of the open clusters, one can also name NGC 2129, NGC 2158, NGC 2355, but this is not the whole list.

Concerning ancient Greek mythology, then Leda, the wife of the Spartan king Tyndareus, once met Zeus on the river Eurotas. He was struck by her beauty, but in order to seduce a married woman, he appeared before her in the form of a swan. The Thunderer took possession of Leda, and she laid 2 eggs, from which the twins Castor and Polydeuces appeared. When they grew up, they became courageous warriors.

They participated in the campaign of the Argonauts, successfully performed at the Olympic Games, and accomplished many other glorious deeds. They were regarded as the gods of dawn and evening twilight, and the military prowess of the twins was an example to follow. They entered mythology as the Dioscuri. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that the impressionable Greeks placed the constellation Gemini in the sky. Thus, they once again paid tribute to courage and valor.

As for the stars Castor and Pollux, everything is clear from the first. But Pollux is the Latin form of the name Pollux. Since ancient times, these two luminaries have reminded people of the good deeds of mythological heroes and their loyalty to their duty.

The article was written by Maxim Shipunov

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