Yellow foamy stool in the baby Komarovsky. Baby has foam stool

Every adult faces digestive problems. Diarrhea can be temporary and quickly pass from the taken therapeutic measures, or, conversely, threaten life. Medical diagnostics will help to identify the causes of the onset of disorders.

Especially dangerous is diarrhea with foam in an adult or child. The symptom indicates a serious malfunction in the body.

The occurrence of foamy diarrhea in an adult is often associated with an infection that has entered the body, or with dysbacteriosis. Often liquid foamy feces are accompanied by fever, general malaise, weakness and soreness of the abdomen. With such manifestations, you should immediately seek medical help and call an ambulance. Foamy stools in an adult can cause rapid dehydration, which is dangerous to health. The body loses a large amount of fluid, the water-salt balance is disturbed. Diarrhea requires immediate treatment to prevent the development of serious complications.

The main causes of diarrhea:

  • Impact of infection;
  • disturbed intestinal microflora;
  • helminthic invasion (helminthiasis);
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • enterocolitis;
  • ulcer;
  • lactase deficiency;
  • gluten intolerance;
  • allergy;
  • stressful state.

Infections are the main factor in the development of diarrhea. An inflammatory process in the intestines or stomach is indicated by high fever and poor health. Appropriate tests and diagnostic studies will help identify the causative agent of the disease. The infection is usually accompanied by pain near the navel, nausea, and vomiting. To eliminate it, you need to see a doctor.

Celiac disease is a disease that can cause foam in the stool. You can get rid of the disease with the help of a special diet that excludes the ingestion of gluten into the body. In order to improve the functioning of the digestive tract and in order for foamy diarrhea to pass, it is necessary to completely exclude cereal products from the diet.

Loose stools in an adult or child may occur due to milk intolerance. Often this pathology develops against the background of other disorders present in the digestive system. Lactase deficiency also affects the formation of foam in the feces. A foamy stool can occur in a newborn due to poor absorption of sugar in milk. Lactose intolerance often occurs with ailments of the pancreas.

Another cause of foamy diarrhea is dysbacteriosis. When the balance of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract is disturbed, digestive disorders occur. The stools become liquid, frequent. It is quite difficult to establish a bowel movement with solid feces. Treatment of dysbacteriosis requires long-term use of probiotics and strict adherence to the diet.


It is necessary to start the fight against diarrhea immediately.

It's important to know! With diarrhea with foam, dangerous complications can develop. Digestive disorders are especially dangerous in children.

The main therapeutic measure for diarrhea is fluid replacement in the human body. Drinking plenty of water will prevent dehydration and intoxication. You can use clean drinking water, dried fruit compote, rosehip broth, Regidron solution. It is necessary to drink liquid in small portions several times a day.

Proper treatment includes the use of activated charcoal. The absorbent will eliminate harmful toxins and substances from the body that have a negative effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. To prevent an allergic reaction, it is also necessary to use antihistamines. The drugs of this group also have an anti-inflammatory effect in case of illness.

If a child poops with foam, then doctors prescribe the use of Bifidumbacterin, Bifiform, drugs containing lactose. Medicines of the probiotic group are prescribed together with vitamin complexes. Your doctor may prescribe a powerful antibiotic if needed.

Remember! Therapy should be aimed at eliminating not only the diarrhea itself, but also the causes of its occurrence.

Alternative treatment

  1. Good decoctions of bird cherry help to cope with the disease. It is necessary to brew the inflorescences in a teapot or thermos and consume a drink in small portions during the day.
  2. Another sure way to relieve inflammation is to drink chamomile infusion. Chamomile is a natural and harmless antiseptic that actively fights pathogenic microorganisms.
  3. You can get rid of the disease with the help of a plant such as linden. A decoction of linden inflorescences is prepared for 10 minutes, then insisted and filtered. It is necessary to use the remedy several times a day.
  4. If there is a stench from the priests with diarrhea, it is necessary to take an astringent and anti-inflammatory agent such as oak bark. A decoction of it is prepared in a water bath for about 10-15 minutes. Then the drink is infused and filtered. Take ¼ cup 3 times a day. A decoction of oak bark and other medicinal plants can be drunk for about a week.


An important therapeutic and preventive measure for stool disorders is proper nutrition. When various deviations are observed in the stool, it is necessary to exclude fried and spicy dishes, smoked meats, sausages and marinades from the menu. Dairy products, heavy food for the stomach, spices, exotic fruits, fatty meat are excluded from the menu.

The diet should not contain foods that irritate the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. It is forbidden to use baking - fresh white buns, a loaf. You can not eat cakes, cakes, cookies, gingerbread. All kinds of sweets, sweets and chocolate are excluded.

In no case should you drink milk and sweet lemonades. Do not eat pasta and various types of broths.

With diarrhea, you can eat bananas, which have a beneficial effect on bowel function. The diet should include well-boiled rice porridge, crackers, rye bread. The diet should restore the digestive system. For diarrhea, the menu mainly includes various types of semi-liquid cereals, boiled vegetable purees, lean fish and meat, steamed meatballs and cutlets. Soups can be eaten mashed, non-spicy and low-fat.

Of the liquids, it is best to drink berry fruit drinks, decoctions of wild rose, linden, chamomile. Can not in large numbers drink fruit teas. Mineral water can be drunk if it is not carbonated.

Know! The use of lean food contributes to the rapid elimination of foamy stools.

After the feces become the required consistency, you need to follow a dietary diet for another couple of weeks. Proper nutrition promotes rapid recovery and prevents the development of complications.

Normally, the baby of the first month of life defecates 4-6 times a day (small deviations are allowed). Then the chair becomes less frequent, and by the year it is considered normal if he goes to the toilet 1-2 times a day. The stool of a newborn has a mushy consistency, yellow color. In the process of growth, with the addition of new products to the diet, its color changes to light brown and brown.

The infant's digestive system adjusts to the new environment and can sometimes react with watery, foamy stools. It is considered normal if this does not happen often and is not accompanied by a deterioration in the general condition of the child. However, there are situations when parents need to immediately consult a doctor.

When do you need a doctor's help?

Urgent consultation with a pediatrician and medical assistance is needed in the following cases:

  1. If the baby has loose stools with foam more often than prescribed by the norm.
  2. If the baby is pale, lethargic, refuses to eat, cries.
  3. If stools with foam are accompanied by fever and deterioration of the general condition.
  4. When the discharge has a green tint or contains an admixture of mucus and blood.
  5. If indigestion is accompanied by vomiting.
  6. When there are signs of dehydration: dry mucous membranes of the mouth and nose, a long absence of urination.

All these cases require special attention of parents and physicians. In some of them, timely assistance can save a child's life and health.

Causes of foamy stools in babies

If your baby is suffering from diarrhea, in which watery stools with foam are observed, then you should carefully analyze all areas of his life: diet, medication, the presence of diseases. Factors that caused indigestion in a baby can be:

  1. Reaction to food. The digestive system of a small person is still weak and not perfect. In the stomach of the baby, many of the enzymes that help digest food are missing. Diarrhea occurs as a reaction of a small body to a new food. It happens when a mother eats foods that she did not eat before pregnancy, with the wrong choice of complementary foods and milk formulas, and the transition to a mixed diet. Watery, frothy stools may be a reaction to eating foods that are too fatty, coarse, or sugary.
  2. Reaction to medications. If the mother takes medication, then their components can pass into breast milk and cause a negative reaction in the baby in the form of indigestion and foamy bowel movements.
  3. Imbalance in mother's milk. The imbalance of breast milk is that the baby consumes only the so-called "top milk", which is less rich in nutrients. While the last or "hind milk" of the mother is considered the most useful and valuable. An imbalance in breastfeeding may also be due to a lack of lactase. The lactase enzyme is directly involved in the process of digestion. If it is not enough, the baby may have a liquid discharge with an unpleasant odor.
  4. Intestinal infection. The most dangerous disease for a newborn. With the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the body of an infant, an acute reaction develops in the form of high fever and persistent diarrhea. The feces at the same time has a greenish color and may contain impurities of mucus and blood.

This condition is very dangerous for the child and requires an immediate call for an ambulance. Rapidly developing dehydration can cause a sharp deterioration in the child's condition and cause his death.

  1. Dysbacteriosis. With a decrease in beneficial bacteria that contribute to the digestion of food, a persistent indigestion develops in infants. The following symptoms are noted: bloating, frequent bowel movements with foam.
  2. Other factors. Hot stuffy weather, teething, nervousness due to the long absence of parents, untimely feeding and care can provoke indigestion in the baby.

What to pay attention to

It is necessary to pay attention not only to the consistency of the baby's secretions, but also to the color and presence of impurities:

  • Liquid, light-colored stools may be a sign of putrefactive processes in the intestines or the presence of an infection. Consult a doctor to determine the cause in time and start treatment;
  • Allocations of a green marsh hue with an unpleasant odor indicate malnutrition and milk imbalance. If at the same time the temperature rises, then this indicates the presence of an intestinal infection. In this case, go to the hospital immediately;
  • Foamy yellow feces can be a sign of dysbacteriosis and eating disorders. It is necessary to pass tests for dysbacteriosis.
  • Kal white color with the presence of white undigested lumps indicates incomplete digestion of milk. This can happen due to overeating or the introduction of complementary foods. Medical help should be sought if such a phenomenon is observed too often and is accompanied by anxiety and crying of the baby.
  • Liquid and watery feces occur with lactase deficiency and incomplete absorption of carbohydrates. In this case, fermentation and frequent release of gases are observed. Nutrition needs to be balanced. For information on how to do this correctly, consult a pediatrician.

What to do if the baby has indigestion?

If there are problems with digestion in infants, first of all, it is necessary to assess the severity of his condition and, if necessary, immediately call an ambulance. Before the arrival of doctors, he must be given enough drinking water in order to avoid dehydration.

Often, foam in the stool in a child is nothing more than increased gas formation. Most often, this symptom appears in infants, since their digestive system is not yet completely perfect.

In older children, foaming, which began suddenly, indicates a malfunction in the digestive tract. Parents should observe the color of the discharge, its frequency, impurities in the stool and the presence of additional symptoms in the baby.

If the foam in the stool is accompanied by a high temperature, and the child looks sick, you should show it to the local pediatrician or call an ambulance.

Main reasons

Gas formation can disturb children of any age. Sometimes it is caused by the lack of a balanced diet. In some cases, this condition is caused by microorganisms or allergens.

Oddly enough, such a symptom is most dangerous in a child whose digestive system has long been debugged. In infants, diarrhea with foam is a more frequent and natural phenomenon. But this does not mean at all that the child does not need to be shown to a specialist.

There are many reasons why gas bubbles can be observed in the stool.

In infants

The cause of diarrhea in a newborn baby depends on the type of feeding. If he feeds on mother's milk, foam can be observed at first, without being a pathology. This is the result of adaptation to certain substances of products that enter the child's stomach with milk. This is especially common if the mother ate stale or junk food.

What foods can cause foam in a baby's stool:

  • various multi-component salads (for example, olivier or vinaigrette) - all ingredients are gas-forming;
  • fast food;
  • allergens (chocolate, citrus fruits, red vegetables and fruits, cow's milk protein, gluten);
  • the use of yeast (baking, pastries, kvass or beer).

To prevent stomach problems in a baby, a nursing mother must adhere to a certain diet that excludes all forbidden foods. As a rule, after a few feedings, the baby's stool gradually improves.

Other causes of foamy diarrhea in a child:

lactase deficiency

It is a congenital anomaly of the child's body, which is expressed in the absence of an enzyme called lactase. Due to this, the baby's digestive system cannot absorb milk sugar.

If only the stool is disturbed, nutritional correction becomes sufficient for a full-fledged treatment. Rarely, foamy diarrhea is accompanied by frequent regurgitation, abdominal pain, and weight loss. Such symptoms require the use of drugs.


In the first minutes after birth, the body of a newborn child is completely sterile. Every minute, the baby begins to meet with new microbes that settle on his skin and get inside the body. The problem is solved by early attachment to the breast, due to which, along with colostrum, the necessary bacteria enter the digestive tract.

Very often, children who are bottle-fed from birth suffer from dysbacteriosis. In this case, the intestines are forced to colonize with beneficial microorganisms with the help of medicines.

food allergy

It can occur in infants on any type of feeding. Those babies who eat mother's milk receive allergens from her diet along with it. Formula-fed babies sometimes react with foamy stools to new formula.

This can manifest itself as an allergy to any medicines that were treated by a child or a nursing mother. Foaming is also very common during early feeding, especially with unsuitable foods.

Intestinal infection

The presence in the gastrointestinal tract of any pathogenic microorganisms necessarily affects the nature of the stool. Infectious diseases can be distinguished by a number of signs that are not manifested in other cases. The baby has a fever, he cries a lot, there is frequent vomiting.

If the stool appears more than 10 times a day and is accompanied by clots of mucus or blood, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Even if such a symptom is not accompanied by any additional manifestations, it is recommended to tell your doctor about it. Lack of treatment can lead to chronic disorders of the digestive system, which will not be easy to get rid of in the future.

In adult babies

Loose stools with foam in a child who is over 2-3 years old often indicates infectious diseases. As a rule, in older children, foam in the feces is not the only symptom in the presence of any pathologies.

Main reasons:

  1. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the child when he begins to go to kindergarten. Sometimes there is a risk of infection with salmonella or staphylococcus aureus. Poisoning is manifested by diarrhea, vomiting, symptoms of general intoxication. With such signs, the baby is hospitalized in a hospital for examination and treatment.
  2. Fermentative dyspepsia. This violation in the digestive tract develops due to excessive consumption of gas-producing foods (cabbage, soda, apples and pears, grapes, legumes). If foaming appeared precisely for this reason, the child's diet should be balanced, so that the problem will recede.

Adults should be attentive to the health of their child and not miss signs that may signal serious illnesses. Regardless of the root cause of the origin of gases in the intestines, experts recommend reconsidering the diet of the child and the nursing mother.

When to See a Doctor

Parents are required to consult a doctor about all the changes that occur in the child's body. If the baby does not show signs of anxiety, and the symptoms are limited to gases in the stool, you can postpone the question until the next visit to the pediatrician. However, in some cases, it is still not worth delaying contacting a specialist.

What symptoms pose a danger to the health of the crumbs:

  • rise in temperature to high levels;
  • the presence of mucus or blood in the feces;
  • the stool is accompanied by a pungent odor;
  • lethargy, weakness and excessive drowsiness in infants;
  • refusal to eat;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • the child bends its legs to the stomach, screams;
  • numerous regurgitations of more than a tablespoon at a time (these can be considered vomiting).

If one or more symptoms are observed, it is better not to take risks and show the child to a competent specialist. The quality and duration of further treatment depends on the timely appeal for help.

What to do for parents

In order for parents to provide first aid, it is necessary to establish the cause of this condition of the child. A nursing mother should establish a diet that should exclude all foods that provoke gas formation. If the child is transferred to artificial feeding, it is worth delaying this, and also not introducing a sharply new mixture to replace the usual one.

What parents should remember:

  • It is forbidden to self-medicate, especially in cases where the baby is not 1 year old. The methods offered by traditional medicine can do even more harm. Also, you can not prescribe medications on your own.
  • Consult a pediatrician. This should be done in any case, even if the child's condition is satisfactory during the foamy stool.
  • Pass tests. The doctor will advise you to undergo an examination to exclude dysbacteriosis, intestinal infections and enzyme deficiency.
  • The importance of prevention. If a similar condition has already been observed before, parents should pay attention to the regular prevention of diarrhea in their child. A set of measures will prevent the development of many diseases, avoid complications.

As a rule, if there are no serious pathological changes in the child's digestive tract, frothy stools pass on their own, without any serious medical measures, 6 months after birth.


Prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract includes the correction of the nutrition of a nursing mother and baby. You should contact a gastroenterologist to help you choose the most appropriate menu in a particular case.

It is recommended to permanently process all objects with which the baby comes into contact. Teats, pacifiers and toys should be washed in hot water and unscented soap. A nursing mother should regularly carry out breast hygiene, but you should not overdo it with processing either, as constant washing of the mammary glands will provoke dry skin and the appearance of cracks in the nipples.

Published: January 19, 2016 at 04:36 pm

One of the most important indicators of health, both for an adult and a child, is a normal stool. Unfortunately, if it very often began to become liquid, this means that the body is not functioning properly. In this case, attention should be paid to the color of diarrhea and its consistency. In most cases, the stool is broken after eating the missing product. In the event that diarrhea with foam appears, you need to seek help from a doctor. Most often, this change is caused by serious diseases.

Foamy diarrhea can be caused by an infection, but then the patient feels the following symptoms:

  • Body temperature becomes high;
  • The person experiences general malaise;
  • There is pain in the abdomen;
  • Weakness appears;
  • In small children, the color of bowel movements changes.

In childhood, liquid foamy stools can be caused by the fact that an infection or poisoning has entered the body with mother's milk. In this case, the mother may not feel the signs of the disease, as her body copes with the disease. The frequency of stool increases up to 10 times a day.

Causes of foamy diarrhea

In both adults and young children, changes in digestion can cause the same reasons:

To prevent the development of dysbacteriosis, infants are recommended to be fed with fermented milk mixture. If such nutrition also caused diarrhea with foam in the baby, you should seek help from a pediatrician.

Loose stool treatment with foam

Regardless of what a bowel movement looks like, before starting treatment, you need to undergo an examination to identify the cause of diarrhea with foam. Especially if such loose stools appeared in the baby. Self-medication can further harm the young patient.

In the event that a child or an adult had a one-time bowel movement and was caused by malnutrition, absorbents can be used. The simplest remedy is activated charcoal, although in our time there are more productive medicines. If foamy diarrhea in an adult or child continues for a long time, treatment should begin with plenty of water to restore the water-salt balance.

In case of allergic reactions, diarrhea with foam in an adult can be cured by excluding the irritant from the diet, as well as using antihistamines that help normalize digestion.

It should be feared if green diarrhea with foam appears. The reason for the appearance of a green tint can be an intestinal infection or an inflammatory process. In most cases, the patient has to be hospitalized, since treatment at home is not possible.

To treat dysbacteriosis, doctors prescribe vitamins and probiotics. Thanks to an effective therapeutic complex, the yellow liquid foamy stool passes quickly, and the patient's general condition returns to normal. In most cases, the doctor prescribes:

  • Bifidumbacterin;
  • Bifiform;
  • Substances containing lactose.

In addition to the treatment prescribed by the doctor, it is better to adhere to proper nutrition, for this you should review your diet in order to exclude foods that cause irritation and diarrhea with blisters from the menu.

Without fail, it is best to refuse the following products:

  • Dairy;
  • Exotic fruits;
  • Fatty meats;
  • Fresh white bread;
  • Heavy and spicy food.

If only bananas are used from fruits, then yellow foamy diarrhea with blisters will not appear. You can also include rye bread or white bread croutons in your diet. It is very important not to forget about the water-salt balance so that dehydration does not appear, which can cause complications. As a drink you can use:

  • Fruit tea;
  • Decoctions of chamomile, linden and raspberry;
  • Mineral water, but not carbonated.

When loose stools both foam and smell bad, you need to reconsider your diet again. Perhaps one of the products is an irritant. Proper nutrition can only be compiled by the attending physician, who, on the basis of tests, will determine products that are harmful to the body.

The diet should be aimed at restoring the digestive process, only then the yellow diarrhea with foam will disappear in a few days. To avoid a re-reaction, after treatment, it is better to avoid acute and heavy writing for several days.

Some parents believe that loose foamy stools in a child are not a serious enough disease and there is no reason to once again seek help from specialists. This is wrong, in addition to the fact that yellow diarrhea not only causes discomfort, but can also provoke a serious illness. When diarrhea foams in a child, you need to be extremely careful, since such a symptom can serve as the presence of a serious illness.

If diarrhea with foam appears, the causes of which could not be immediately identified, it is recommended to go to the hospital, where a full examination will be carried out. Only then will recovery therapy be effective.

Normal stool does not cause complications if a person eats properly, does not suffer from chronic diseases. Violations can occur after a recent operation, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding. If all of the above factors are absent, then the issue of violation of the chair should be considered more carefully.

Everyone knows that each organism is individual, so the color and consistency of feces depends not only on food, but also on metabolic processes. It is optimal that a person empties daily, but once every two days is also considered the norm. Feces normally have a thick consistency, there are no foreign impurities (blood, mucus, foam).

Even in the case when emptying occurs every 2-3 days, do not worry. There is a high probability that the problem lies in malnutrition.

Diarrhea with foam

Frequent stool causes panic in almost every person. If the stool is hard
and emptying is not accompanied by any discomfort, then it is highly likely that the reason was the use of an unusual product that accelerated digestion.

You need to worry only when the consistency of the feces becomes liquid, blood impurities, mucus, foam are visible in it, the stomach starts to hurt, the temperature rises. In this situation, self-treatment cannot be limited, it is necessary to call an ambulance.

loose stool

Not always a similar consistency of feces indicates the presence of problems with digestion. If loose stools are not plentiful, not accompanied by unpleasant sensations, then we can talk about its natural nature.

This happens if the day before were consumed products that contribute to its dilution, for example, fruits, vegetables, sour-milk, as well as alcohol, especially beer and wine. In the latter case, the natural release of the body from alcohol intoxication occurs.

Foam instead of regular feces in an adult

In the vast majority of cases, this indicates the development of fermentation processes, which are caused by excessive consumption of carbohydrates.

In this case, as a rule, there is a strong bloating and flatulence. AT this case it is necessary to temporarily exclude sweet fruits and some vegetables, drinks containing yeast (beer, kvass, wine) from the menu.

The diet should be enriched with cereals to consolidate the contents of the stomach and improve peristalsis.

Mucus and foam appeared in the feces of an adult

This phenomenon can occur for a rather banal reason: eating mucus-forming foods. Mucous cereals, sour-milk, berries, fruits can provoke this. Along with a change in the consistency of feces, flatulence, bloating and pain in the abdomen, and diarrhea can be observed.

If the discomfort is not associated with eating, the following pathologies can be suspected:

  • Crohn's disease;
  • Dysbacteriosis;
  • Ulcerative colitis;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • Bacterial, viral or intestinal infections;
  • Fissures in the intestines.

A similar phenomenon can also occur after prolonged use of antibacterial drugs.

Stool with blood and foam

The appearance of impurities in the stool is a reason to consult a doctor, especially when blood appears. If the latter is on top of the stool, has a bright color, the cause may be hiding in the anal fissure.

The stool may be black. This means that the blood has already clotted. Accordingly, we can say that bleeding occurs in the upper sections of the intestinal tract, since the blood has changed its color in the process of passing through all sections.

If the stool is small, but there are many bloody impurities, an ulcer is suspected.

Why foam appeared in the feces of an adult

The reasons can be very diverse, ranging from the body's reaction to food and ending with serious pathologies:

  • Taking medications;
  • Eating stale or contaminated food;
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug or food product;
  • the aforementioned intestinal infections;
  • Enterocolitis, inflammation of the small / large intestine;
  • Feces with foam present in it is also a symptom of pathologies such as colitis, pancreatitis, gastritis and hepatitis;
  • Nervous / emotional overstrain, stress;
  • Overeating, poor nutrition, eating a lot of fat, drinking alcohol or coffee.

Symptoms of diarrhea include the following conditions: a sharp rise in temperature; there is pain and discomfort in the abdomen; skin rashes appear; in the feces there are impurities (blood, mucus, foam), it has a strong unpleasant odor.

Chair color

In addition to the consistency, the color of the stool also plays an important role. For example, light from gray to whitish can indicate many disorders.

Very often, this is observed in Crohn's disease, rotavirus infection, kidney stones and a violation of the intestinal microflora (dysbacteriosis), in the presence of malignant and benign tumors.

Black color occurs both due to the use of appropriate foods, and due to internal bleeding that occurs in the upper intestinal tract.

The green color of the foam indicates the fermentation processes taking place in the body. They can be caused by excessive consumption of foods rich in carbohydrates, the development of a bacterial infection. When green stools appear, mucus is often present in varying amounts.

Saturated yellow color indicates problems with the biliary tract. As a rule, pathologies of this kind are accompanied by the appearance of a bitter taste in the mouth.

The color and consistency of the stool may change depending on changes in gastronomic preferences and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

  • Green cal. Often, feces change their color to greenish with dysentery, oncological pathologies, and bleeding in the upper intestinal tract. Less commonly, the cause is dietary errors (excessive amounts of carbohydrates). As a result, fermentation processes are intensified, flatulence, abdominal pain, bloating occur;
  • Yellow cal. The main reason is the pathology of the organs of the digestive system or biliary tract. Often the yellow color of feces is observed in people suffering from violations of the outflow of bile. Also, a similar symptom occurs in the presence of kidney stones. Dysfunction of the pancreas also leads to yellow stools, when many enzymes cannot be broken down;
  • Light cal. A grayish tint, a sharp and rather unpleasant odor indicate malabsorption. Excessive consumption of fatty foods leads to the fact that the pancreas cannot digest it, as a result, the feces become discolored. Light stools are also observed in such serious pathologies as pancreatitis and hepatitis;
  • Black cal. It has already been mentioned above that this happens with bleeding in the upper intestines, when blood is present in the feces and coagulates during its passage through the intestinal tract. However, black color can also occur after taking certain medications, for example, activated charcoal, anemia remedies;
  • White cal. In the vast majority, this phenomenon indicates pathologies of the biliary tract, when the outflow of bile is difficult or completely. The problem may be hidden in the presence of a tumor or stones. White color can also indicate dysbacteriosis.

The color and consistency of bowel movements can change significantly over a person's life. What was the norm in adolescence, in an adult may indicate the presence of pathology. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor this indicator and, if alarming signs appear, consult a doctor.

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