Academic degree is the rank of the student. Academic titles and degrees. What is not an advanced degree?

The terms “academic degree” and “academic title” are associated with people who are engaged in scientific professional activities. Most often these are teachers at universities, institutes, and technical schools.

Types of academic degrees

An academic degree reflects a scientist's qualifications in the scientific field. There are two types of academic degrees:

  1. PhD.
  2. Ph.D.

An academic degree can be awarded only if there is a dissertation work (candidate's and doctoral thesis, respectively), which must be written during postgraduate or doctoral studies. In this case, conditions must be met that confirm the active scientific activity of the dissertation candidate and the testing of his work. These include the publication of scientific articles in specialized journals and participation in scientific conferences, including foreign ones.

In addition, the conferment of an academic degree is preceded by the process of public defense of the written scientific work at a meeting of a specialized academic council, which is created at a higher educational institution. In the process of transition of education to the European level, the degree “Doctor of Philosophy” (Ph.D) is being introduced, which is equivalent to the traditional “Candidate of Sciences”.

Anyone with a higher education can enroll in graduate school and defend a PhD thesis. But only an already accomplished candidate of science can enter doctoral studies. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that the specialization of the candidate and doctoral dissertations coincide. So, the first can be written on technical sciences, and the second on philosophical ones, or vice versa. Confirmation of the completion of enormous and painstaking work, its recognition is carried out by receiving the appropriate diploma.

The highest degree of professionalism and competence is considered to be a Doctor of Science degree, but it is less common than a Candidate of Science degree. This is explained by the increased requirements for the preparation and defense of doctoral dissertation work. In other words, writing and defending a candidate’s thesis is much easier than a doctor’s thesis. Therefore, not all scientists, having received the opportunity to work at a university, decide to write a doctorate. But those who decided and successfully completed this task receive many privileges. These include obtaining a top position in an educational institution, securing a place of work, receiving a salary increase, the opportunity to lead leadership positions and participate in meetings of specialized candidate or doctoral dissertation councils, not to mention the status and respect that surrounds doctors of science.

Types of academic titles

After fulfilling certain conditions related to scientific activity, and having a certain length of experience, the teacher is awarded one of the titles:

  1. Assistant professor.
  2. Professor.

The title of associate professor can be obtained by an accomplished candidate of sciences who is actively engaged in scientific activities after defending a dissertation, publishes his scientific articles in specialized journals, methodological literature, takes part in scientific conferences, and also has a certain teaching experience, of which one is an assistant professor. From this it is clear that there is some confusion, since academic titles are consonant with some positions of research assistants, so they will be discussed below.

The title of professor can be obtained by a doctor of sciences who, like a candidate, is engaged in improving his qualifications, scientific works, their testing, printing his textbooks and has deep knowledge in a certain field of science. It is desirable that the scientific work of a doctor of sciences is also manifested in the supervision of graduate students. A prerequisite is also the presence of experience, including as a professor. The supporting document is a certificate of conferment of the relevant academic titles.

The benefits of becoming a professor closely parallel the benefits of earning a doctorate.

Types of positions

Teachers in higher educational institutions can work in the following positions:

  • Assistant.
  • Senior Lecturer.
  • Assistant professor.
  • Professor.

Young scientists who do not have an academic degree, graduate students who are writing their dissertation, or applicants after defending it work as assistants.

The position of senior lecturer can be held by a candidate of sciences without work experience and scientific achievements. After fulfilling these conditions, the candidate of science has the right to occupy the position of associate professor without already having this title! And only after working as an associate professor for a certain period of time, having written the required number of scientific papers during this time, a candidate of sciences receives the title of associate professor.

In this case, the associate professor works in the same position. At the same time, he has the right to hold the position of professor, has a certain scientific experience and merits in scientific developments. A Doctor of Science always holds the position of professor, even if he has not yet received such a title.

From the information provided it follows that the concepts under consideration are closely related to each other and obtaining the latter directly depends on the diploma certifying an academic degree. But there are still differences between them: a necessary circumstance for conferring an academic degree is a dissertation, and a title is the conferment of an academic degree. That is, in order to receive an academic title, you also need to write and defend a dissertation.

Ukraine has a fairly significant scientific and technical human resources potential, which significantly influences its socio-economic development. In terms of the level of such influence - 4.6 researchers per 1000 people of the economically active population - Ukraine is somewhat inferior to the EU countries (5.7 for the first 15 EU countries), but is ahead of the new members of this Union, in particular Slovenia (4.5), Slovakia and Hungary (3.7), as well as Poland (3.3).

According to the current legislation of Ukraine, in the system of higher education and science, scientific degrees and academic titles are used to characterize human resources potential.

Art. 32 of the Law of Ukraine “On Education” determines that the academic titles are senior researcher, associate professor and professor. Academic titles are awarded on the basis of decisions of academic councils of higher educational institutions, scientific institutions and organizations in the manner established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

In Art. 20 of the Law of Ukraine “On Scientific and Scientific-Technical Activities” determines that scientists have the right to seek the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences and Doctor of Sciences.

The awarding of scientific degrees and academic titles is state recognition of the level of qualifications of a scientist. The presence of an appropriate academic degree or academic title is a qualification requirement for a researcher to occupy the corresponding position. The procedure for awarding scientific degrees and conferring academic titles is established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Academic titles should not be confused with positions of scientific and pedagogical workers; in some cases they coincide. So, in Art. 48 of the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education” states that the main positions of teaching staff of higher educational institutions of I and II levels of accreditation are:


Senior Lecturer

Chairman of the subject (cycle) commission;

Head of department;

Deputy Director;


The main positions of scientific and pedagogical workers of higher educational institutions of the third and fourth levels of accreditation are:



Senior Lecturer

Library Director;

Library Researcher;


Head of the department;


Let us consider in more detail the current procedure for awarding scientific degrees and conferring academic titles in Ukraine

Scientific degrees

Scientific degrees in Ukraine are:



Scientific degrees are awarded by specialized Academic Councils based on public defense of dissertations. The decisions of specialized Academic Councils on awarding scientific degrees are approved by the Ministry of Education and Science.

The main form of preparation of scientific studies for the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations is graduate school or doctoral studies, which operate at academic and research institutes.

Another form of scientific training is joke-making. Spivposhukuvachi are persons with higher education and significant experience in their specialty and can independently work on a dissertation.

According to NASU, in Ukraine, as of December 2010, there were more than 110,000 candidates and doctors of science, of which only a little more than 20,000 worked in research institutions and higher schools.


Candidate of Sciences is a scientific degree awarded on the basis of the defense of a candidate's dissertation and is used in Ukraine and other countries of the former USSR. First introduced after the October Revolution by a resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of January 13, 1934. This degree was inherited by Ukraine after the collapse of the USSR, discussed in more detail in the previous topic.

The procedure for awarding the scientific degree "candidate of sciences" is determined by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On approval of the Procedure for awarding scientific degrees and assigning the academic title of senior researcher" dated 03/07/2007 No. 423 and the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine "On the publication of results dissertations for the academic degrees of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences and on their approbation "dated October 17, 2012, No. 1112 (Table 6.2).

Table 6.2

Requirements for awarding the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences

The issue of awarding a scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences concerns the Ministry of Education

Persons with complete higher education, deep professional knowledge and significant achievements in a certain field of science

The document certifying the award of the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences is the diploma of Candidate of Sciences, which is issued by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

A Candidate of Sciences diploma issued by certification bodies of the USSR and the Russian Federation based on the results of the defense of dissertations or decisions of academic councils by September 1, 1992 is recognized as valid in Ukraine

Reimbursement of expenses for the production of candidate diploma forms is carried out at the expense of the persons who receive them

The scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences is awarded based on the results of public defense of dissertations by specialized academic councils

The Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine conducts examination of dissertation works, consideration of certification files of applicants and issuance of a candidate of science diploma based on decisions of specialized academic councils and the certification report of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

A dissertation for the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences is a qualifying scientific work, the volume of the main text of which is 4.5-7, and for social sciences and humanities - 6.5-9 author's sheets, designed in accordance with the state standard

The candidate's dissertation must contain new scientifically substantiated results of the research conducted by the applicant, which solve a specific scientific problem, which is of significant importance for a certain field of science; apply for defense in only one specialty

The main scientific results of the dissertation must reflect the applicant’s personal contribution to their achievements and must be published by him in the form of articles (at least 5 publications) in scientific (including electronic) professional publications of Ukraine or other countries, of which: at least 1 article in publications foreign states or in Ukrainian publications included in international scientometric databases; 1 of the articles can be published in an electronic scientific professional publication; in the field of natural and technical sciences, instead of 1 article, 1 patent for an invention (copyright's certificate of invention) can be attached, which has passed a qualifying examination and directly relates to the scientific results of the dissertation (if any)

Approbation of dissertation materials at scientific conferences, congresses, symposiums, seminars, schools, etc. required

The candidate's dissertation is accompanied by a separate abstract of 0.7-0.9 author's pages, which is submitted in the state language

An applicant for the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences is allowed to defend a dissertation after passing the candidate exams

An applicant for the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences, who does not have a full higher education in the field of science from which the dissertation was prepared, takes additional candidate exams, the list of which is determined by the specialized academic council for programs approved by the Ministry of Education

The organization where the dissertation was carried out or to which the applicant was attached conducts a preliminary examination of the dissertation and makes a conclusion about its scientific and practical value. The conclusion is issued to the applicant no later than two months after admission for preliminary examination of the candidate's dissertation

The specialized academic council has the right to accept a candidate's dissertation for consideration no earlier than one month from the date the manufacturer sends legal copies of publications in which the applicant's works are published, reflecting the main results of the dissertation

To review a candidate's dissertation, two official opponents are appointed, one of whom is a doctor of science, and the second is a doctor or candidate of science, and only one of them can be a member of the dissertation council where the defense will be held, or an employee of the university or scientific institution in which the specialized academic council

Academic degrees

Academic degrees awarded in different countries vary significantly in titles, qualification requirements, award and/or approval procedures.

To obtain a candidate or doctorate degree, it is necessary to prepare a dissertation and defend it at a meeting of the dissertation council created at a university, research institute or other scientific institution. To defend a dissertation for a doctorate degree, it is currently necessary to have a candidate of science degree; defense of a dissertation for a doctorate degree is not provided for by persons who do not have a candidate degree, in accordance with the current “Regulations on the procedure for awarding academic degrees”. It should be noted that the correspondence or relatedness of branches of science and specialties previously received (sequentially) of higher education, the degree of Candidate of Sciences and the degree of Doctor of Sciences is in fact not regulated in any way, except in cases of seeking academic degrees in medical and veterinary sciences, which are possible only if you have applicant for higher medical (veterinary) education. In fact, in practice, cases of obtaining a higher degree in a branch of science and a specialty unrelated to the existing one are recognized as quite acceptable and are not in any way limited by the Higher Attestation Commission: for example, a candidate of economic sciences by engineers (mathematicians, chemists), a doctorate of economic sciences by candidates, for example, of technical and physical sciences. mathematical sciences, etc.

In parallel, there are similar degrees of Doctor of Law, Theology, etc., awarded by an accredited institution of higher education. Doctor of Laws (DL), Doctor of Medicine (DM), Business Administration (DBA), etc. degrees are in many countries considered to constitute a professional rather than an academic/research doctorate, i.e. the degree holder is expected to be engaged in a general occupation , practical activity, not science. Obtaining such degrees also does not require independent scientific research, so a professional doctorate is not usually considered an advanced degree. Whether a degree is classified as a professional or research doctorate varies by country and even by university; Thus, in the USA and Canada the degree of Doctor of Medicine is professional, and in Great Britain, Ireland and many countries of the British Commonwealth it is research. A number of UK universities (including Oxford and Cambridge) even include the Doctor of Medicine degree as a higher doctorate (roughly equivalent to the Doctor of Science in Russia), which requires a significant contribution to medical science.

Academic titles

In Russia, academic titles are currently divided into the titles of associate professor (or professor) by specialty And by department. Since 2011, academic titles both in the department and in the specialty are awarded by orders of the Minister of Education and Science on the recommendation of the Higher Attestation Commission. The qualification requirements for applicants for academic titles in the department and in the specialty are somewhat different, for example, to apply for the academic title of professor in the department, you must be the author (co-author) of textbooks or teaching aids, which is not required for the title of professor in the specialty. But a professor in a specialty needs a larger number of people who have defended candidate dissertations under his supervision: for a professor in a department - as a rule, at least two, for a professor in a specialty - as a rule, at least five.

In addition, the requirements differ within each category (professor in the department, associate professor in the department, professor in the specialty, associate professor in the specialty). Thus, it is allowed to assign the academic title of professor in the department to persons who have an academic degree of Candidate of Sciences, and associate professor to persons who do not have an academic degree, but the requirements for them are much stricter than for applicants who have the academic degree of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences, respectively. Special requirements are imposed on applicants for the academic title who are workers in culture and art and have the corresponding honorary titles (People's Artist, Honored Artist, etc.), as well as workers in physical culture and sports who have the title of Honored Trainer. In addition, it is allowed to assign the academic title of professor in the department to major specialists who have received international or Russian recognition in the relevant field of knowledge.

According to the current system in Russia and Belarus, to obtain the academic title of professor it is not necessary to have the academic title of associate professor.

Previous academic degrees and titles

The academic title of senior researcher is currently not awarded in the Russian Federation; it is equivalent to the title of associate professor in the specialty. Previously (and also currently in Ukraine and some other post-Soviet states), the title of senior researcher was awarded to employees of research institutes, and the qualification requirements for applicants for this title did not include teaching work in universities, unlike the title of associate professor.

Until the 1950s in the USSR there was the academic title of “senior laboratory assistant”.

Before the revolution, in the scientific and educational system of Russia there were academic degrees of full student, candidate (more precisely, candidate of the university), master's and doctor, academic titles of adjunct, privat-docent, associate professor, associate professor, extraordinary professor, ordinary professor, emeritus professor. This entire hierarchy was abolished in its entirety in 1918 (although some of the listed degrees and titles were abolished back in the 19th century). Academic degrees in the Russian Empire gave the right to receive ranks of a certain class (see Table of Ranks).

Status of bachelor's and master's degrees in Russia

Before the implementation of the Bologna recommendations, bachelor's and master's degrees in Russia are not considered academic degrees, but qualifications (degrees) of graduates of educational institutions of higher professional education.

Nomenclature of academic degrees

Depending on the specialty in which the dissertation is defended, the applicant is awarded one of the academic degrees.

Honorary degree

An honorary degree of Doctor of Science (Honor Doctor or Honor degree or Doctor honoris causa) is issued by universities, academies or the Ministry of Education without completing a course of study and without taking into account mandatory requirements (for publications, defense, etc.), but who have achieved great success in business and who have gained fame in any field of knowledge (artists, jurisprudence, religious figures, businessmen, writers and poets, artists, etc.). Such people are attracted to teaching and give lectures at the best universities in many countries around the world. An honorary Doctor of Science degree is not awarded in medicine.

An honorary degree may be awarded or withdrawn.

Non-governmental organizations

Religious organizations can award candidate (doctor) degrees in theological sciences (or theology), award the titles of professor and associate professor, etc. Other non-governmental organizations can also award various academic degrees and titles, up to academician (see Non-state academies). However, all these degrees and titles are not legally recognized as such in Russia and do not give their holders the rights provided for by the laws of the Russian Federation.

Contemporary discussions

Currently, there is a discussion regarding the possibility of transferring the scientific and qualification powers of the Higher Attestation Commission to the scientific councils of universities and research institutes (including non-state ones), as has been done in many Western countries. Opponents of such a transfer express the opinion of the inevitable devaluation of the system of academic degrees and titles as a result of the loss of state control over the certification of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel.


Related links

  • Website of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation
  • Baleevskikh L.S., Muranov A.I. Domestic history of normative regulation of nomenclatures of specialties of scientific workers in relation to jurisprudence // Jurisprudence. - 2008. - No. 5. - P. 243-259.

Academic degrees awarded in different countries vary significantly in titles, qualification requirements, award and/or approval procedures.

Academic titles

Academic titles are currently divided into the titles of associate professor or professor by specialty and associate professor or professor by department. The first are assigned by the Higher Attestation Commission, the second - by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia (for more details, see “Regulations on the procedure for assigning academic titles”). The academic title of senior researcher is currently not awarded in the Russian Federation; it is equivalent to the title of associate professor in the specialty. Previously (and also currently in Ukraine and some other post-Soviet states), the title of senior researcher was awarded to employees of research institutes, and the qualification requirements for applicants for this title did not include teaching work in universities, unlike the title of associate professor.

The academic titles of corresponding member and academician are officially recognized only if their holders are members of one of 6 state academies:

  • Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (RAMS),
  • Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences (RAASHN),
  • Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences (RAASN),

Previous academic degrees and titles

Status of bachelor's and master's degrees in Russia

Before the implementation of the Bologna recommendations, bachelor's and master's degrees in Russia do not refer to academic degrees, but to the qualifications of graduates of educational institutions of higher professional education. According to their status, holders of bachelor's degrees are classified as persons with higher professional education of the second level, which, in turn, is considered lower than higher education of the third level, which includes a master's degree and the qualification of a certified specialist.

Thus, from both legal and practical points of view, the status and position of holders of the qualifications of a certified specialist and an academic master's degree in modern Russia are completely similar and equivalent, that is, they give the same rights to their holders to carry out professional (including scientific and teaching (including in higher educational institutions)) activities in accordance with education and qualifications, as well as equal rights to admission to postgraduate education (postgraduate studies).

However, despite the above, there are still frequent cases of graduates enrolling in master's programs (usually on a paid basis, since obtaining a higher education of a certain level on a free basis is possible only once), which, however, should not be considered as a continuation education at a higher level, but rather as a hidden form of obtaining a second higher education (obtaining a master's degree in a specialty/direction somewhat different from a specialist diploma), professional retraining or advanced training (similarly), as well as improving the status of education (for example, in in the case of admission to the master's program of a leading university by a certified specialist - a graduate of a lesser-known university).

Nomenclature of academic degrees

Depending on the specialty in which the dissertation is defended, the applicant is awarded one of the following academic degrees. Below is the nomenclature for Doctors of Science; the nomenclature of candidates of science completely repeats it.

  • Doctor of Architecture
  • Doctor of Biological Sciences
  • Doctor of Veterinary Sciences
  • Doctor of Military Sciences
  • Doctor of Geographical Sciences
  • Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences
  • Doctor of Art History
  • Doctor of Historical Sciences
  • Doctor of Cultural Studies
  • Doctor of Medical Sciences
  • Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences
  • Doctor of Political Science
  • Doctor of Psychology
  • Doctor of Agricultural Sciences
  • Doctor of Sociological Sciences
  • Doctor of Technical Sciences
  • Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
  • Doctor of Philology
  • Doctor of philosophical science
  • Doctor of Chemical Sciences
  • Doctor of Economic Sciences
  • Doctor of Law

Honorary degree

An honorary degree of Doctor of Science (Honor Doctor or Honor degree or Doctor honoris causa) is issued by universities, academies or the Ministry of Education without completing a course of study and without taking into account mandatory requirements (for publications, defense, etc.), but who have achieved great success in business and who have gained fame in any field of knowledge (artists, jurisprudence, religious figures, businessmen, writers and poets, artists, etc.). Such people are attracted to teaching and give lectures at the best universities in many countries around the world. An honorary Doctor of Science degree is not awarded in medicine.

An honorary degree may be awarded or withdrawn.

Non-governmental organizations

Religious organizations can award candidate (doctor) degrees in theological sciences (or theology), award the titles of professor and associate professor, etc. Other non-governmental organizations can also award various academic degrees and titles, up to academician (see Non-state academies). However, all these degrees and titles are not legally recognized as such in Russia and do not give their holders the rights provided for by the laws of the Russian Federation. Currently, there is a discussion regarding the possibility of transferring the scientific and qualification powers of the Higher Attestation Commission to the scientific councils of universities and research institutes (including non-state ones), as has been done in many Western countries. Opponents of such a transfer express the opinion of the inevitable devaluation of the system of academic degrees and titles as a result of the loss of state control over the certification of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel.


Related links

  • Website of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

Education has always been valued in society. The history of states leaves its mark on the work of educational institutions and the organization of the educational process. In some, the master's level was established as preceding the doctoral level, in others it was believed that the master's status is not an academic, but an academic degree, which is advisable to obtain before the first.

In the last century, it was common to receive a higher education, then study in graduate school and defend a Ph.D. If you still have the strength, the desire, and relevant and socially significant ideas appear, go for a doctorate. In this century, the situation has improved, education has become more attractive: specialists remain, but bachelors and masters have appeared.

Academic degrees

A doctor is usually associated with science, extensive knowledge and skills, recognized fundamental achievements, many publications and students. To obtain a Doctor of Science degree, you need not only to work hard, but also to already be a recognized author, have real achievements and be famous in the scientific world.

The classic path to a doctorate used to begin with a diploma, through a candidate's thesis to a doctorate. He has currently completed his master's thesis before writing and defending his master's thesis.

The candidate's academic degree is granted under similar conditions, but the path is much shorter. It is believed that the level of a candidate's dissertation is the first attempt to gain recognition of the first scientific achievement in practice and in the public consciousness.

The emergence of a master's degree has become a serious help for future candidates. A master's thesis is no longer a diploma; it provides qualifications of a completely different level. A diploma is a mandatory element to confirm higher education, and a master's level is your own decision to move on.

The concept of "candidate" is an established relic of Soviet times. The mentality of Russian public consciousness will not allow a candidate’s academic degree to disappear, since he is already a scientist. Everything that goes up to the candidate is a specialist, teacher or master. There is no academic degree here, but academic status is clearly recognized.

The logic of academic degrees

If you remove the candidates, there will be very few “legitimate” scientists left. It is very difficult to comply with everything: real implementations, scientific recognition of the author, relevance, novelty and significant social significance are needed, and these require years of life and painstaking work.

There are three main options for the path after higher education:

  • specialist (engineer, manager, economist);
  • teacher (alma mater, master's degree, candidate);
  • scientist (candidate, doctor, academician).

It’s interesting, but just like in the last century, the classic Soviet custom (rule) works: “Whoever knows how, does it himself; whoever doesn’t know how, teaches others; whoever knows how to neither, teaches how to teach.”

Perhaps the mentality outside the Russian public consciousness differs from this rule. But our master's degree is training that combines scientific and teaching activities.

Higher education

People tend to flaunt their achievements, knowledge and skills, but life always sorts everything out. It is impossible to change the traditional education scheme:

  • kindergarten;
  • school;
  • postgraduate studies (first stage);
  • doctoral studies (second stage);
  • academy (for selected people)

But you can always make changes. After graduating from a university, there used to be only two options: stay at your alma mater or get assigned. In both cases, graduate school is open and obtaining an academic degree is available.

To successfully defend and obtain an academic degree, it is not important to enroll and study in graduate school, but science accepts a strict sequence of actions to obtain academic regalia. Perhaps this is how the master appeared. Academic degree is not mentioned here. It simply offers additional education in a specific scientific field, combined with teaching. Scientific or scientific-production activities are carried out in parallel and can represent the basis for the educational process.

The usual sequence (university and graduate school) is diluted with an intermediate stage. A university graduate, bachelor, master or specialist is knowledge and skills of different levels, but not the fact of conferring an academic degree.

Bachelor's and Master's degrees

Fashionable words and formal signs of higher education were a tribute to fashion and remain so. Science, production and social consciousness are of interest to specialists and scientists, and moral education is also important.

Real knowledge and skills are of interest. If you look at the existing offers from educational institutions, not everyone calls the first stage a bachelor’s degree.

The accession of Russia to the Russian Federation in 2003 influenced the national education system, but the word “specialist” will not disappear from socio-economic circulation, and it will not be possible to impose a bachelor’s and master’s, and then a candidate’s and a doctor’s, instead of a specialist.

The formula “a master’s degree is an intensified movement into science, combined with teaching” did not change anything particularly. An opportunity has emerged for those who want to start working faster, and for those who want to engage in scientific activities - to continue their studies.

The newly minted bachelors and masters, especially in the field of economics and management, immediately showed what they want and how they are going to achieve it. Life has shown that in everyday consciousness a beautiful word has acquired its own status.

Many masters consider themselves scientists, but do not intend to go into science. Using an image for a career is a good reason to increase your level of knowledge. Personal opinion is important, but there is a definite answer to the question: is a master's degree an academic degree? This is a qualification. Although some educational institutions assign "degree" in parentheses.

For example: a candidate and a doctor receive an “academic degree” without brackets.

Logic of the educational institution

It is difficult to force one to do science and teach. Force cannot achieve creative results, and teaching without desire and skill will not work. It's like pouring liquid through a hollow pipe: the output will be the same as the inlet.

A master's degree and an academic degree are two different things. One works, the other creates and teaches. The first is manageable, the second is rich in unexpected and interesting solutions. The duration of training matters, and the emergence of a two-stage educational process makes it possible to weed out the less persistent from the stubborn and practical.

Let a bachelor strive to become a master, and an academic degree will be of interest to him. An educational institution with a master's degree has a much better chance of getting new teachers and scientists than one that remained captive to the past era, limited itself to changing the “diploma” to a “bachelor’s degree,” or left everything as it was.

People are driven by the desire to show their importance. It doesn’t matter what a master’s degree looks like, the important thing is that the word “master” has become stronger in the public consciousness and has a positive rating.

Student logic

Modern youth do not strive for science. Everyone strives to quickly gain knowledge sufficient to work in construction, trade or a financial company (the motive is that you want to do nothing, but live well). Not everyone is lucky; they have to reconsider their position in life and hope that higher education will save the situation.

Having received his first higher education, if the diploma contains the word “bachelor,” a young specialist often thinks about a future job, especially in management or economics. Employers generally consider a master's degree to be a more promising higher education degree. In fact, it's all about knowledge and skills, but extra years of training never hurt.

Employer position

“Hunting” people for the best enterprises in any industry has long become an unshakable rule. The most important resource in business is intelligence. What you call a specialist, bachelor or master, is not important. High-quality knowledge and skills are important.

Working with educational institutions has become the norm not only for professional headhunters - recruitment agencies, but also for HR departments of even small and medium-sized businesses. Without a specialist, any business does not move forward, but the work stands still.

It is difficult to say which doctrine of behavior a particular employer will choose, but many people follow the educational process. Tracking:

  • quality of coursework;
  • content of the diploma;
  • desire to study further.

It is not so important what a master is: an academic degree or qualification. It matters that this term refers to a specialist who has strong and confident knowledge in his specialty. Completing a master's degree is prestigious, teaching while learning is practical and useful, and it is never too late to return to the mainstream of scientific creativity and teaching.

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