Oatmeal diet for weight loss 10 efficiency. What kind of oatmeal is better to buy. Oatmeal with milk or water

Oatmeal is considered an easy and healthy breakfast dish. Oatmeal is affordable, easy to prepare, and provides a feeling of satiety for a long time. Thanks to this, Hercules has become one of the most popular products used in the fight against extra pounds. An oatmeal diet, subject to all the rules, can give excellent results. It is important to learn how to cook and eat the dish correctly.

A lean, diet menu with oatmeal is one of the most budgetary ways to try on the role of the English aristocracy. You can become a real beauty queen by taking care of your health and weight. Restore strength, improve appearance, cope with obesity.

Useful properties of cereal

Oatmeal has a low glycemic index. What does it mean? Our body receives a boost of energy due to the "slow" carbohydrates that are in the product. They are absorbed gradually, in contrast to the "fast", which does not allow the blood sugar level to rise in sharp jumps. The use of oats, the addition of bran from this cereal to dishes, due to its beneficial composition, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of many body systems.

  • Cellulose . The product performs the function of a "brush". The intestines are cleansed of toxins that prevent the absorption of vitamins and minerals.
  • polymeric carbohydrate. It is formed in the process of cooking porridge. When it enters the stomach, it envelops its walls. Thanks to this, beneficial bifidobacteria actively multiply, which inhibit the development of harmful microorganisms. Also, the presence of mucus (polymeric carbohydrate) leads to an active contraction of the smooth muscles of the stomach and intestines. This allows undigested food particles to be evacuated from the body faster, which reduces constipation.
  • Vitamins. - to increase immunity, reduce stress, the proper functioning of the nervous system. A, E - for healthy and radiant skin.
  • Phosphorus and calcium. Strengthen teeth, skeletal system, make hair thick.
  • Iron . Effective in the fight against anemia, vegetovascular dystonia, heart and vascular diseases.
  • Iodine . Good for thyroid. Helps increase mental activity.
  • Potassium and magnesium. They have a strengthening effect on the heart muscle.

Substances such as linoleic acid, choline, lecithin accelerate the processing of cholesterol.

Oatmeal Diet: Preparation

The oatmeal diet should be followed no more than once every six months. When developing a detailed menu, we do not forget that it is better to eat in small portions, but often. Between receptions we try to maintain the same intervals. The following six rules will help increase the effectiveness of the diet.

  1. Smooth entry. We begin to limit ourselves gradually, reducing portions of the usual food.
  2. Prohibited Products. We remove fried, salty dishes, sweets, flour products from the menu. We do not eat bananas, potatoes, grapes, corn. The diet should not contain vegetables, which contain a large amount of starch and calories.
  3. Diet . The last meal should be no later than three to four hours before bedtime. We make portions small. Food is fractional. The number of meals depends on personal preference. It is better if it is six or seven times a day.
  4. Water balance. We drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day, separately from food. This is not only water, but also low-fat kefir, yogurt, green tea.
  5. Additional Products. Before lunch, we eat porridge with milk or water, seasoned with dried plums or apricots, nuts. After it, we make snacks with fruits, preferably sour ones. Fresh or boiled, steamed vegetables are also suitable.
  6. Exit from the mode. The menu of the oatmeal diet is gradually expanding by adding meat and fish to it. Then we replace the cereal itself.

We cleanse the body

The process of losing weight consists of two main stages: preparatory and the diet itself. The first one lasts one day and includes cleansing the body. The results of the oatmeal diet depend on how well the cleansing was carried out. The procedure is carried out in two stages, then you can proceed to the diet.

  1. Cooking rice water. Four tablespoons of cereals pour 1 liter of cold water. We leave it to infuse all night. In the morning, cook over low heat for an hour. The mixture should be the same consistency as jelly.
  2. Refrigerate and take on an empty stomach. After that, we do not eat food, liquid for four hours.

How to cook

First of all, for porridge it is better to take cereals, not cereals. Whole grains are less processed, so they retain all the beneficial properties. The feeling of fullness after such a dish lasts longer. The manufacture of flakes involves steaming, flattening and rolling the grains into “petals”. The only advantage of cereal is the speed of preparation. It is enough to fill them with boiled or cold water.

Cook oatmeal in water for a diet, following a five-step recipe.

  1. We wash the oatmeal first, fill it with water and leave it overnight.
  2. We wash again. Fill with water, adhering to the ratio of cereals and liquid 1: 2. We put on a slow fire.
  3. After boiling, remove the foam.
  4. Cook for 10-15 minutes, stirring regularly so that the porridge does not stick to the walls of the dishes.
  5. Remove from heat and keep covered for about ten minutes.

You can cook a more satisfying porridge with milk. The algorithm of actions is similar to the option with water. The only difference between the methods is that we pour the cereal into boiling milk.

Menu for 3 days

This option can be used as fasting days. The menu for 3 days is porridge, cereal, oatmeal cookies. There are no snacks here, so we do not use additional products. From drinks - only water and green tea without sugar, honey.

We can spend such unloading days every month. Result: weight loss of 2-3 kg maximum.

For 5 days

The diet contains only oatmeal and drinks: water, herbal teas. A rather rigid option, so it is recommended to use it only in emergency cases. This may be the eve of an important event, such as a wedding.

You can lose up to 5 kg. The daily diet is 1 kg 250 g of ready-made porridge, which is divided into five servings. It is not recommended to eat bread, cookies and even cereal.

We can replace the extreme option with a more gentle one. A diet of three products: oatmeal, cottage cheese, an apple of sour varieties for those who are not ready to limit themselves greatly.

For a week

A sparing oatmeal diet for losing 10 kg per week has a more varied diet. Fruits, vegetables and dairy products are added to cereals. Liquid in unlimited quantities, but not earlier than 30 minutes after eating. The following table will help you create a menu for the week from the right products.

Table - Approximate "oatmeal" menu for seven days

Day of the weekBreakfastDinnerafternoon teaDinner
Monday- Portion of oatmeal;
- a tablespoon of nuts
- Zucchini soup or main course with yogurt- Vegetable salad dressed with vegetable oil- Porridge with sour berries;
- a glass of low-fat kefir
Tuesday- Oatmeal;
- a glass of kefir or an apple;
- a handful of dried fruits
- Vegetable soup;
- porridge
- Grapefruit- Porridge with sour berries
Wednesday- Porridge with milk or water;
- 250 ml of kefir
- Vegetable soup or porridge
with dried fruits
- Green apple or grapefruit- Porridge with dried grapes;
- a cup of yogurt
Thursday- Porridge;
- a glass of kefir or prunes
- Vegetable soup;
- or salad and porridge
- Fruit salad with low fat yogurt- Porridge;
- a glass of kefir or yogurt
Friday- Porridge with walnuts- Salad with carrots and cabbage;
- Broccoli soup
- porridge
- Orange or grapefruit- Oatmeal;
- green apple or kiwi
Saturday- Porridge;
- a glass of kefir;
- dried fruits
- Vegetable soup;
- porridge
- Vegetable salad- Porridge;
- herbal tea or kefir
Sunday- Porridge with yogurt or prunes- Vegetable soup;
- milk porridge
- Kefir;
- Apple
- Porridge on the water

We prepare soups, salads without spices and other additives. First courses are recommended from celery, cauliflower, beans and asparagus. Add beets, carrots, white cabbage or Chinese cabbage to snacks. Don't forget the liquid. We drink water and herbal teas as much as we want.


The technique allows you to get rid of 10 kg of excess weight. The list of allowed products includes:

  • fruits (citrus and others);
  • berries (cherries, red and black currants, raspberries);
  • vegetables other than those containing starch;
  • dried fruits;
  • greens;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • nuts, but not peanuts.

The main meals necessarily include a serving of oatmeal (200 g) and the above products. We make purchases 10 days in advance so that later we do not use prohibited products. Snacks - tea, sour-milk drinks with nuts or dried fruits. We can also prepare small portions of vegetable and fruit salads.

For two weeks

In this version, the diet is porridge and vegetable soups or broths. First courses are prepared for lunch. We eat oatmeal in the morning and evening. Snacks from permitted fruits and dairy products. A diet for 14 days is quite complicated, therefore it is used only by healthy people. We repeat it not earlier than in six months. You can lose 10 kg or more.

Soups can be replaced with whey-based okroshka. It is recommended to drink one teaspoon of linseed oil before breakfast for general strengthening of the body. It is advisable to take additional vitamins during the diet.

Anna's oatmeal diet

Oat diet rating



Variety of products

Total: The oatmeal diet is very popular. For 7 days you can get rid of 5-10 kg. Pros: Fast results, easy diet plan. Cons: the monotony of products, although there are more diverse options; There are also contraindications to the diet.

3.3 popular diet

The oatmeal diet is rightfully considered the simplest and most beloved. It promotes weight loss in a short time without harm to the body, and with the right output, weight is retained for a long time. This is one of the few diets that promotes both treatment and weight loss. After a 7-day course, you can lose weight from 5 to 10 kilograms.

The oatmeal diet is universal, has no age restrictions. A seven-day course helps to completely cleanse the body of old toxins and toxic substances. In this case, weight loss occurs gradually, without discomfort, without harm to the body.

Benefits of oatmeal

Oats are a very useful grain product, which has collected a huge supply of useful trace elements. Oatmeal is rich in magnesium, iron, chromium, and other vitamins: zinc, nickel, fluorine, iodine, sulfur, silicon, potassium. It also contains vitamins of groups B, PP, K, E, C, even a rare vitamin H containing nicotinic and pantothenic acids. Oatmeal is rich in amino acids, fiber, which contributes to the proper functioning of the stomach.

When following a diet, the body is cleansed of toxins, toxins, the complexion becomes fresh, the general condition of hair, nails, skin becomes better. Using oatmeal for weight loss will help to reduce excess weight without risk to health.

The diet is contraindicated in people who suffer from intolerance to cereals, people suffering from gastritis, stomach ulcers, colitis, as well as pregnant / lactating women. Not recommended for sports.

Before you go on an oatmeal diet, you should consult an endocrinologist and a gastroenterologist!

Doctors recommend it to people with high cholesterol, high blood sugar, heart disease, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract), and profuse acne. You can practice it for no more than 7 days, as this can greatly harm your body. Recurrence is possible only after 6 months.

Approved Products: all kinds of berries, apricots, pears, apples, oranges, grapefruit. Allowed all kinds of vegetables, except potatoes, beets, carrots. Forbidden eat bananas, melon, grapes, mangoes, meat and all protein foods.

Oatmeal for weight loss won't fit cereals, instant cereals, muesli or oatmeal bread.

Pros and cons

This is a mono-diet, since it uses one product, so you should not get carried away with it for more than a week. Despite the fact that oatmeal is rich in vitamins, the phytic acid contained in it, accumulated in the body in large quantities, is able to flush out calcium from the body. Therefore, an additional vitamin complex is used together.

Efficiency is greater if the porridge is boiled in water and consumed without salt. But it is allowed in the mornings and evenings to dilute the diet with buttermilk or low-fat kefir.


  • Possible weakness.
  • Using only one product, which quickly gets boring.
  • Limited use: the course lasts 7 days, after which the use of a strict oatmeal diet can lead to serious disorders in the body. Reuse is possible only after six months.
  • Prolonged adherence to the above diet can lead to constipation, so oatmeal diet can be followed for no more than 10 days!


  • Gradual, uniform weight loss.
  • The skin during weight loss remains elastic, does not sag.
  • Oatmeal helps to improve immunity, cleanses the body of slagging and helps to improve the functioning of the digestive system.
  • Works well with hunger.
  • Availability is a cheap product that is sold in every store.

Oat diet rules

If all the cons did not scare you, then before you start you need to learn the basic rules:

  • Do not eat 4 hours before bed.
  • Drink up to 2 liters of water per day (avoid carbonated water).
  • Porridge is not washed down with water.
  • Dry breakfasts, muesli and flakes are contraindicated.
  • When eating oatmeal, it is forbidden to use: salt, sugar, honey, butter, jam, any fatty foods.


Everything happens in two stages: the first is the cleansing of the body, and the second is weight loss.

The first stage is purification. Purification occurs with the help of rice. To do this, 4 tablespoons of rice should be poured with 1 liter of water, left overnight, and in the morning, cook rice over low heat until it turns into jelly, cool a little and drink on an empty stomach. After that, it is not recommended to drink and eat for five hours, then you can eat, but no later than 4 hours before going to bed.

Second stage - oatmeal. The diet is pretty easy to follow. After the cleansing with rice, the stage of oatmeal comes. You can eat oatmeal in small portions throughout the day. Best of all in five doses of 200 grams. Drink at least 2 liters of water, exclude coffee, carbonated drinks, let's say green tea. It will be more effective if you start the morning with a glass of water half an hour before meals.

If there is a feeling of hunger, you can eat porridge as much as you want, but overeating is not recommended. The cooking recipes are quite simple: the first is to soak the oatmeal in boiled water overnight, the second is to cook for 5 minutes until the water boils and the porridge thickens. When taking oatmeal, in no case should they be washed down with water, water should be taken half an hour after eating.

If a strict diet seems difficult enough, you can try combining porridge with vegetables or fruits. Consider the detailed menu of each of them.

With fruits

Unlike the strict oatmeal mono-diet, fruit is allowed in this variation. The menu can include any fruit (except bananas, persimmons, grapes) and dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, prunes, dried apples).

A fruit-based diet can be followed for 2 weeks. Weight loss, subject to all the rules, will be from 5 to 10 kilograms. A serving should contain 200 g of oatmeal and 100 g of fruit. Salt and sugar are not allowed.


The diet is divided into five meals throughout the day.

With vegetables

Considered the easiest way to lose weight. It is acceptable to eat vegetables such as cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, cabbage, peppers, herbs, eggplants. Vegetables are consumed both raw and stewed, boiled. Exclude potatoes, carrots, beets from the diet.


Getting out of the diet

After completing the oatmeal diet, in order to consolidate the results of losing weight, it is recommended to limit yourself to flour, fatty foods, and eat only wholesome, healthy foods. It is better to go out gradually, adding more vegetables and fruits to the diet, as well as meat, eggs. Such a step-by-step exit will help to consolidate the result and part with the hated excess weight forever.

Results and reviews of losing weight

The results of losing weight on oatmeal show that in a week you can lose from 5 to 7 kilograms and more without harm to the body. After completion, with proper nutrition, extra pounds continue to go away, since the work of the intestines is fully adjusted, the skin is cleansed, heartburn disappears, toxins are removed.

All nutritionists unanimously note the benefits of a week on oatmeal: the tone and elasticity of the skin increase, freshness and energy appear.

A nutritionist Elena Vladimirovna Sh. left her comment:

« With prolonged use, there is a deficiency of trace elements, so the use of vitamins is necessary. It is great to use it for fasting days and keep it for no more than a week.».

Oatmeal, oatmeal is prepared, as a rule, from crushed cereals or flakes, which are obtained by flattening polished and steamed grains to various thicknesses.

There are many varieties of oatmeal (hercules), differing in thickness and cooking time. Oatmeal is a valuable dietary product that allows you to lose weight without experiencing severe hunger and without depriving the body of a number of useful substances.

Oatmeal diet menu and recipes

On the basis of oatmeal, sparing and strict diets have been developed, it can be eaten during fasting days or eat exclusively oatmeal for a whole week. When following an oatmeal diet, it is important to cook it correctly by choosing the right recipes from a variety of recipes. Much depends on how to cook oatmeal porridge.

Oatmeal Recipes

The recipe for oatmeal porridge can vary as you like. There are dozens of recipes for oatmeal, on water, milk, broth, sour cream, condensed milk, a mixture of water and juice, water and milk, in pure form and with a variety of additives:

    • salt and spices, soy sauce;
    • sugar, caramel, maple syrup or honey;

  • fresh fruits, berries, vegetables;
  • dried fruits;
  • nuts;
  • cheese, cheese, cottage cheese;
  • meat, offal, chicken, fish.

Porridge can also be prepared from a mixture of oatmeal with others. Cereal porridge is cooked for 10-15 minutes, from crushed cereals - up to half an hour, liquid is usually taken more than oats, 2-2.5 times.

Oatmeal diet for 7 days

Among the various mono-diets, the seven-day oatmeal diet is popular, for which they use porridge boiled in water, without any additives - sugar, butter and even salt. Such a diet is considered rigid and does not provide for any other products other than oatmeal.

As with any diet, during the weekly oatmeal diet, you must drink plenty of water without gas and sugar - water, unsweetened tea, herbal decoctions. With a rigid oatmeal diet, only the use of other foods is limited, but not the amount of porridge eaten, you can eat it as much as you like.

For a week on such a diet, it’s really possible to lose 3, 5, even 7 kg. Its maximum duration is 10 days, the frequency of application is once every six months.

Oatmeal diet menu for weight loss

The strict diet menu is extremely simple - oatmeal 5-6 times a day, unsweetened drinks in between. The recommended portion of porridge is 250 g. The last meal should be at least 3 hours before bedtime.

Even with a strict diet for breakfast, it is allowed to add a little chopped prunes and other dried fruits to the porridge so that the intestines work better, and from the fourth day of the diet, eat an additional 1 green apple per day.

There are also less strict, sparing diet options with oatmeal - oat-fruit, oat-vegetable. With a fruit and oat diet, porridge is consumed 4 times a day, and in between - a little (up to 300 g) fresh fruits, which should have a low glycemic index, dried fruits - up to 100 g.

With this diet, it is permissible to add nuts to the porridge, sweeten it with honey. You can sit on it for up to 2 weeks.
With an oatmeal-vegetable diet, oatmeal with steamed or baked vegetables (zucchini, eggplant, asparagus) is eaten three times a day.

Oatmeal can be alternated with porridge made from a mixture of whole oats, rice and buckwheat. In breaks - salads of fresh vegetables and herbs (cucumbers, tomatoes, sweet peppers, lettuce), seasoned with olive oil. You can also eat fresh and dry fruits and berries during this diet. It is better to have breakfast with porridge from uncrushed cereals.

How to eat and cook oatmeal

There is oatmeal, depending on the diet, you need 3-6 times a day, you can’t drink during and immediately after meals, it is recommended to drink half an hour before meals and 2-2.5 hours later. The portion size should be selected so that after eating there is a feeling of fullness.

How to cook oatmeal for weight loss

The basic principle of making oatmeal for weight loss is on water, without fat, sugar and salt. There are two main cooking methods - hot and cold. Hot - oatmeal is cooked with stirring until tender, cooking time depends on the size of the cereal or the thickness of the flakes.

In cold-cooked oatmeal, a maximum of useful substances is preserved, but it must be prepared in advance, the flakes are poured with cold boiled water and swell for about 12 hours. This mass can be warmed up a little before eating, but not boiled.

An intermediate cooking option is to pour a glass of cereal with cold water (3 cups), stand for half an hour and boil. Another option is to steam thin instant flakes with boiling water directly in a plate so that the water covers them by 1-1.5 cm, and stand for 10-15 minutes, covered with a lid, but this is the least healthy food among all oatmeal and cereals.

Oatmeal with milk or water

For a rigid mono-diet, oatmeal is prepared exclusively on water. Almost everyone knows how to boil oatmeal in water. The classic recipe for English oatmeal involves cooking it with water and adding milk before serving.

With long-term diets, porridge on water, so that it does not become boring, can be alternated with cooked milk, or better - on its mixture with water, usually taken in a glass of cereal, water and milk. In such cereals, you can add grated apples, honey.

How to get rid of heartburn from oatmeal

Many people complain about heartburn from oatmeal, at the same time, it is called among the products that help fight heartburn by neutralizing the acidity of other products. Heartburn is often not from the oatmeal itself, but from additives - sugar, oil.

But there are people with high acidity, for whom even dietary oatmeal on the water causes severe heartburn, and the oatmeal diet will not work for them. It is wiser to listen to your body and avoid foods that cause heartburn.

And everyone has their own ways of neutralizing it - alkaline mineral water, fresh potato juice, pharmaceutical antacids.

How to get rid of the bitterness of oatmeal?

If oatmeal is bitter, this is a consequence of improper storage; over time, the fats included in it can go rancid. You can partially eliminate the problem by washing the cereal with salted water, but it is best to throw it away and buy a quality one.

The benefits of oatmeal and its properties

The beneficial properties of oatmeal are that oatmeal is a nutritious low-calorie product high in fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals, including rare ones.

The benefits of oatmeal for weight loss

100 g of oatmeal on water contains an average of 88 kcal, oats contain complex carbohydrates that provide long-term saturation, about 17% protein, which is a very good indicator for plant foods.

Such porridge provides a boost of energy, normalizes the functioning of the intestines and thereby counteracts the formation of fatty deposits. It should be borne in mind that the smaller the flakes, the higher the glycemic index, so the best raw material for diet cereals is crushed cereals with a glycemic index of 50.

Cleansing the body with oatmeal

In addition to losing weight, oatmeal helps cleanse the body by stimulating metabolism and digestion. The abundance of fiber makes oatmeal a wonderful remedy for removing toxins and toxins, excess water, it also contains antioxidants.

Complex carbohydrates normalize sugar levels, and vitamin inositol normalizes cholesterol levels. With an oatmeal diet, the effect on the intestines is usually noted by the end of the second day. To cleanse the body, it is recommended to prepare for a diet, within a week on the eve of drinking rice water on an empty stomach in the morning.

Nutritionists rightly consider oatmeal to be an ideal mono-diet product for weight loss and cleansing. With a low calorie content, it contains substances that help saturate the body, reduce its slagging, and reduce body fat.

The highest nutritional value in combination with a low glycemic index is oatmeal, thin flakes are not so useful. Best of all, nutrients are preserved when cooking oatmeal in a cold way. Dietary oatmeal for weight loss and cleansing is prepared on water without salt, fat and sweeteners.

An oatmeal diet for a week will allow you to lose 10 kg. And as evidenced by numerous reviews, this is a proven fact. It is well known that oatmeal is an ideal dish for the breakfast menu, as it can bring maximum benefits to the human body. This cereal is like a magic box, which contains a great variety of useful trace elements - magnesium and fluorine, phosphorus and calcium, a complex of vitamins B and A, C, E, PP. And besides, this is a long-acting carbohydrate, after which you do not want to eat for a long time.

Eating porridge regularly, a person not only saturates his body, but also perfectly cleanses the intestines from toxins accumulated there. It is on this property that a very effective nutrition system for weight loss based on oatmeal is based.

Benefit for health

Is it possible to lose weight on this cereal and is it not harmful to health? There is no doubt that oatmeal is useful. The high fiber content in oat seeds helps to activate metabolic processes in the human body, and also reduces cholesterol in the bloodstream. It is thanks to the ability of this cereal to cleanse the intestines of toxins and their decay products ─ toxins, that this traditional product of true Englishmen has become an effective method for quickly getting rid of deposits that have settled on the waist and in the abdomen.

Diet Rules

You can lose weight on an oatmeal diet in a very short time. But since this is a carbohydrate mono-diet, its effectiveness is high only if a number of rules are observed:

  1. It is absolutely forbidden to sit down at the table 4 hours before a night's sleep.
  2. Throughout the day, you must drink at least 2 liters of liquid (green tea or mineral water without the presence of gas in it).
  3. Oatmeal itself is not washed down with liquid. We don't drink anything after eating.
  4. During the diet period, breakfast cereals based on hercules are completely excluded: muesli or cereal. We cook porridge only from whole grains.
  5. As additives to porridge, it is not recommended to introduce seasonings, spices, or jam.

With the help of such nutrition, kilograms will steadily “run away”, and health will steadily improve. The diet itself is universal and has no age restrictions. A seven-day course optimally cleanses the body of everything superfluous in it, but it is still worth consulting with your doctor.

How to cook cereal

For the most effective cleansing of the body, it is better to cook oatmeal in distilled or filtered water, without all kinds of additives.

You can cook the dish just before the moment of consumption - it is somewhat tastier, or you can pour the grains with distilled water for 10 hours and only then boil the resulting slurry.

Another cooking method is boiling in cow's milk - prepare a mixture of fresh milk and water: in equal volumes, in which oatmeal is cooked. For 2 cups liquid 3/4 cup cereal. Boil for 10 minutes, turn off, sweat under the lid for 30 minutes. Boil again, let boil for 5 minutes, turn off, hold under the lid for 30 minutes. The porridge is ready.

Oatmeal can be prepared both from whole grains and with the help of crushed flakes - they are widely distributed in all kinds of stores and shopping centers. But flakes are less effective, although they are prepared by simply steaming with boiling water.

Another way to prepare oatmeal for weight loss is to fill a cup of oatmeal overnight with a cup of fat-free kefir, mix and leave until morning. We eat in the morning.

Menu for the week

To fully get rid of annoying kilograms, during the week you will need to eat only dishes based on oatmeal.

The menu does not please with variety: oatmeal or oat bran, as well as oatmeal jelly. It should be noted that the cereal itself is very satisfying, so saturation occurs quickly. And you don’t want to linger at the table in front of a plate of porridge too much - a dish without salt, sugar or other seasonings is not very pleasing to the eye and taste buds.

The nutrition scheme itself is built in two stages - first cleansing, and only then losing weight.

  1. The purification stage is short - three days it is necessary to prepare oatmeal broth: pour 80 g of oats with a liter of distilled or filtered water, mix, leave for 12 hours (preferably overnight) in a closed container. And in the morning, cook it over moderate heat until it boils down to the consistency of jelly. Drink the resulting liquid on an empty stomach. Then fast for five hours. A light afternoon snack in the form of a green apple completes the fasting day. If you suffer from bouts of hunger, we drink water, green tea without sugar and think about something pleasant. A walk, a favorite pastime, an interesting movie will help to distract from food.
  2. The weight loss stage is 4 days. Compliance with the diet at the second stage is not burdensome in terms of costs. It is recommended to eat porridge in portions of 200 g throughout the day - about five times. Portions are conveniently measured with a glass or cup. There is nothing more.

Drink more liquid between meals of oatmeal - the volume per day should be about two liters. The diet will be more effective if you start the morning ritual of preparing for the upcoming day by drinking 200 ml of purified warm water, and having breakfast half an hour later.

If a strict diet seems difficult, you can sometimes add a little dried fruit to the porridge itself - dried apricots, or better - prunes, dried apples or raisins. Dried fruits are saturated with useful trace elements, and their use solves the problem of constipation.

In 7 days you will rid your body of 10 kg of excess weight, cleanse your body and give a good start to the rejuvenation of every cell. But even after reaching the desired weight, you should not rush "in all gastronomic serious" and eat up half-eaten. An oatmeal breakfast should become your habit, as should regular small meals and 2 liters of clean water a day.

Exercising will help tighten your muscles and improve your posture. Every extra calorie has to be burned, whether it's running, exercising, dancing, swimming or cycling. And remember: what you eat before going to bed will not work! When the body sleeps, digestion rests, gastric juice is not produced, and all food stagnates, deteriorates and turns into slag.

Fasting day

For those who are not faced with the issue of getting rid of ten kilograms accumulated over time, who do not need a sharp start, fasting days 1-2 times a week with the use of oatmeal-based dishes are quite suitable.

  • For the first breakfast, freshly prepared oatmeal without unnecessary additives will go. You can drink it with green tea without additives.
  • For a second breakfast, oatmeal 200 g, or 200 ml of oatmeal jelly is prepared.
  • For lunch: a bowl of oatmeal, boiled egg, fresh herbs, one green apple or 200 ml of prunes infusion.
  • The afternoon snack menu is left: 200 g of oatmeal, one orange and 200 ml of tomato juice.
  • For dinner, oatmeal with dried fruits and a glass of freshly made fruit or vegetable juice are recommended.
  • 4 hours before a night's rest, if there is a noticeable feeling of hunger, then you can eat another bowl of porridge.

Throughout the fasting day, it is necessary to consume at least two liters of purified water - this is a lifelong rule. After all, water is a solvent, it removes toxic substances and decay products.

The use of an oatmeal diet has its positive aspects: uniform weight loss; the skin does not sag and is cleansed; immunity increases; the intestines work regularly; hair and nails grow better. But there are also negative aspects: such mono-nutrition is absolutely forbidden for people with congenital intolerance to all cereal crops, in the presence of severe pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, for women during the period of bearing a baby or lactation.

Consultation with a specialist before starting a diet will help to avoid serious complications in the future.

The oatmeal diet rightfully occupies a top place among the most popular weight loss diets. Oatmeal is good for the body, affordable and very easy to prepare, which is why a diet based on it is so popular with those who want to lose weight. The only reason why a diet can be absolutely contraindicated is an individual intolerance to gluten, which is found in cereals and cereals.

IMPORTANT: Despite the fact that oatmeal is a very high-calorie product (300 kcal per 100 grams), a diet based on it is an effective tool for weight loss and makes it possible to achieve good results: in 7-10 days of the diet, an average of 3-6 kg of weight is lost . In addition to losing weight, oatmeal will give you pleasant bonuses - the normalization of digestion and the improvement of the skin.

Oatmeal diet: menu for the week

Nutritionists recommend sticking to an oatmeal diet for no longer than 7 days, a maximum of 10, since the body may lack vitamins and nutrients with such a diet. Repeat the diet is not more than 1 time in 6 months.

The essence of the diet is three doses of oatmeal per day, 300-350 grams each, cooked in water, without the addition of oil, salt and sugar.
You can use smaller portions (200 grams), but 5 or 6 times a day.

IMPORTANT: The main rule: meals should be at regular intervals, this rule is observed with any diet.

Muesli, oatmeal bread and instant oatmeal are not suitable for an oatmeal diet.

How to cook oatmeal for oatmeal diet?

RECIPE: The first option is to soak oatmeal in boiled water overnight (flakes). The second is to cook porridge (cereals) for about 5-8 minutes until thickened. Oatmeal can simply be steamed with boiling water and infused under the lid for 10-15 minutes.

Do not drink oatmeal with water, you can drink only half an hour after eating.

It is quite difficult to maintain an oatmeal mono-diet, therefore it is recommended to add fresh fruits to the diet, whether raw or baked, stewed vegetables, low-fat kefir. Drinking in addition to pure water (1.5-2 liters per day) is recommended green unsweetened tea (only 4 cups per day). If the diet is extended for a period longer than 5 days, then a fat component should be added: mix 1 tsp into oatmeal twice in the daily diet. vegetable oil (preferably olive or linseed).

What foods are allowed on the oatmeal diet?

Allowed use with oatmeal: any berries, citrus fruits, apples, pears, apricots, fresh vegetables (except potatoes, carrots, beets), dried fruits, green tea, low-fat sour-milk drinks.

What foods are prohibited in the oatmeal diet?

Forbidden eat: bananas, persimmon, melon, watermelon, mango, grapes, meat, protein products, sugar, tea, coffee.

A sample menu of an oatmeal diet with fruits and vegetables for a week

1 day:

breakfast(1 meal) - brew half a glass of cereal with boiling water,
lunch(2 reception) - 200 ml of low-fat kefir or buttermilk,
dinner(3 reception) - 200 g of boiled oatmeal without additives,
afternoon tea(4 meals) - 1 cup of green tea,
dinner(5 reception) - 1 grapefruit or orange.

2 day:

1/2 cup boiled oatmeal with raisins
- vegetable salad (radish with cucumber or tomato with cucumber),
- a serving of oatmeal (200 grams),
- fat-free kefir (250 ml),
- half a glass of cereal, brewed with boiling water.

3 day:

1/2 st. flakes steamed with boiling water with 1 tsp. honey,
- a cup of unsweetened green tea, 4-6 pcs. walnuts,
- a portion of oatmeal,
- stewed vegetables without oil (cabbage, pepper, zucchini) - 200 g
- 1/2 cup boiled flakes with a handful of berries.

Day 4:

A portion of oatmeal, cooked in the evening,
- 250 ml low-fat kefir,
- 200 g steamed flakes, 1 grated green apple,
- unsweetened green tea, a mixture of dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes, raisins, figs)
- 200 g serving of oatmeal.

Day 5:

Oatmeal, steamed with boiling water, a handful of raisins,
- low-fat yogurt, no additives,
- 200 g of oatmeal with 1 tsp. olive oil,
- green tea, orange,
- 1/2 cup steamed cereal.

Day 6:

Portion of oatmeal, dried fruits,
- fat-free kefir 250 ml,
- boiled oatmeal seasoned with a teaspoon of natural honey,
- salad of grapefruit, green apple and lettuce, seasoned with 1 teaspoon of olive oil,
- 1/2 cup flakes steamed with boiling water.

Day 7:

Portion of steamed oatmeal, 1 pear,
- a cup of unsweetened green tea
- a serving of oatmeal with the addition of 1 tsp. linseed oil,
- 250 ml of buttermilk,
-portion of flakes, steamed with boiling water.

Oatmeal diet: a complex of vitamins

Oats are a very useful cereal product rich in vitamins and microelements. Oatmeal contains vitamins groups AT, E, FROM, To, RR, H, magnesium, chromium, iron, zinc, fluorine, nickel, potassium, sulfur and silicon. In addition to this richest set of trace elements, oatmeal is rich in amino acids, including indispensable (lysine and tryptophan), as well as fiber, essential oils, gum, organic acids, polyphenols, which are extremely important for maintaining human health.

Oat grains contain about 60% carbohydrates, 5-8% fat, 11-18% protein.

IMPORTANT: Oatmeal diet helps cleanse the intestines and blood from toxins, harmful toxins, heals the skin, hair and nails. Oatmeal has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, protects against excess cholesterol, reducing its level in the blood, and also benefits the nervous system.

Doctors recommend oatmeal in the form of cereals and flakes as a remedy for all kinds of chronic pathologies, and for convalescents - as a general tonic. Oatmeal has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). Mucous oatmeal decoctions are widely used as an enveloping agent and for anemia that has developed due to poor absorption of iron.

Oatmeal Diet: Exercise

To maximize the benefits of the diet and the effect, it is recommended to do simple exercises daily. It will take only 2 approaches a day for 15 minutes to complete the entire complex.

"Reach for the sun"

Feet are shoulder-width apart, raise your hands to your shoulders. Raise your hands, stretch up strongly, inhale deeply, slowly lower your hands, exhale.

"Wing Training"

  • Stand with your feet together, fold your hands in front of your chest, fasten your fingers into a “lock”. Throw straight arms to the left side without opening the "lock", then the same to the right. Breathing is calm.
  • Legs are shoulder-width apart, straight arms spread out to the sides. Actively make wide movements with straight arms in a circle. Breathe evenly.

"Reach for the heel"

Position - feet together, arms calmly lowered along the body. Lean to the right, slide your right hand along your leg, put your left hand behind your head at the same time, exhale. Returning to the original position, inhale deeply. Repeat the exercise on the opposite side.


Spread your legs shoulder-width apart, hold your hands on the back of a chair or armchair. Actively rotate the pelvis and the whole body, as if twisting a hoop, repeat alternately in all directions.

You can finish the complex "bicycle" and "scissors", these exercises well tone the inner and back of the thighs.

IMPORTANT: Repeat each element of the complex at least 10 times.

Oat diet: reviews

Inna, 28 years old:
I have been on all kinds of diets for about 4 months now. Lost a total of 14 kg. Now the fifth day on the oatmeal diet, every day I lose 400-500 g.

For a month on oatmeal, I lost 13 kg, but now I turn back on oatmeal, and my stomach is planted. So it is better to observe the terms of diets, as recommended, to overdo it - it is more expensive for yourself. And so the diet is effective - on the top five!

Maya, 32:
I expected the worst. But the oatmeal turned out to be not so terrible, and there was no particular feeling of hunger. I also made salads and drank kefir. I sat on a diet for 10 days, lost 6.5 kg. Satisfied with the result! I will repeat again. I'll try to toughen it up - I'll sit on a mono-diet for a week.

Irina, 24 years old:
Went on the 8th day of the oatmeal diet. Lost 3.5 kg in 7 days. In the first days, she lost weight well, 800 grams each, and then the process slowed down. In the early days, a lot of water came out, more than a drink. I hope now the fat will start to go away, and not the water. In addition to oatmeal, I also eat vegetables and fruits in between. I don't feel hungry, but there is weakness. You should probably take an extra multivitamin.

Despite all the advantages of the oatmeal-based diet, it also has some disadvantages:

  • not suitable for people with gluten intolerance,
  • contraindicated in heart and kidney failure, a tendency to constipation,
  • contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women,
  • not recommended for people who are actively involved in sports.

If you decide on an oatmeal mono-diet, you should not follow it anymore. 5 days, Ideally 3 days.

Before you start a diet, you need to prepare the body.

This stage lasts approximately 3-7 days. It is best to cleanse the body and prepare for a further transition to an oatmeal diet with a decoction of rice cereal.

RECIPE: In the evening, pour 100 grams of rice groats with 1 liter of cold water, leave overnight, boil in the morning until the jelly is thick (about an hour).

  • Drink a decoction, after that you can’t eat anything for 5 hours, you can only drink clean water.
  • After 5 hours, return to your normal diet, it is advisable to have dinner no later than 4 hours before bedtime.
  • Limit sweet, fatty, starchy foods, try not to overeat.
  • After that, move on to the diet itself.

IMPORTANT: You need to leave the oatmeal diet, like any other, carefully and smoothly - gradually introduce more vegetables, fruits, then lean fish, chicken meat, sour-milk products, lean meat into the diet.

The diet will be more effective if you drink a glass of clean water on an empty stomach in the morning 30 minutes before breakfast.

If dried fruits and nuts are included in the diet, then it is better to add them to oatmeal in the first two meals.

Video: What do doctors say about the oatmeal diet?

Video: Oatmeal diet for weight loss for 7 days

Video: Oatmeal for weight loss

Video: Oatmeal Diet Menu

Video: All about oatmeal and oatmeal diet

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